WIN IN 7 MOVES | Traxler Counter-Attack

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in this video i'm excited to share with you one  of the most dangerous weapons in all of chess   one where you can have a completely winning  position in seven moves and checkmating within   the first 10 to 12. i've split the video as always  into multiple parts and at the end i've included   a bonus lesson to give you other options in  case the position doesn't land on the board   as you would like it so we are jumping into  this with the black pieces white has to play e4   we gotta go e5 very standard knight f3 knight  c6 and the bishop comes out to c4 everything   else will be covered at the end knight f6 and now  knight to g5 this is called the fried liver attack   and many people will think that they've already  succeeded in getting a winning position because   the knight is threatening to take on f7 we cannot  take back and then they are going to win material   but here you will uncork something so vicious  you're going to play the move bishop c5   making it seem like you've blundered material  you've gotta move your queen and lose your rook   but after knight takes f7 you are going to throw  a haymaker bishop takes f2 check and now is where   the fun begins white can take back that bishop  and then afterward we will look at what happens   if they play king to f1 there's a lot of branches  here and all the moves have been included in   the description king takes on f2 uh and now we  delay again with knight takes central pawn check   white king can go to one two three four five six  squares here two of them survive four of them lose   immediately the two that survive are hiding on g1  and going diagonally to e3 although i can almost   guarantee you'll win 90 of the time if it goes to  e3 another move for example if they go to f3 will   result in an absolute demise with something like  queen to f6 check and the king will get hunted   down in the center of the board oftentimes  the move pawn to d5 will be very useful here   and it's already basically a checkmate  there is nothing here that can be done   if the king goes to f1 then the other queen move  is not to f6 before that was a direct check on   the king on f3 but because the king has gone  to f1 and the queen can get in the way in these   positions we have queen h4 keep the move queen h4  in mind because it's going to happen in a lot of   these positions now if something like queen to f3  attacking our knight we have knight d4 and we see   a serious issue here the queen is hit we are  threatening a mate it's almost impossible to stop   we're also threatening to take here and  win the rook we're also threatening to just   bring our rook ultimately the move rook to  f8 is going to happen at some point as well   the two best moves that our opponents can play  are hiding the king i'll start with this one   so we play queen to h4 and now the best  move for the opponent is to play the move g3   this is the only move after knight takes g3 if  something like h takes g3 we take with check king   moves to f1 and now we have to get our rook out of  danger with something like rook to f8 the current   count of material here is that we are down three  points but in a moment we're going to play d5   sacrificing our central pawn bringing out this  bishop to attack the queen and also this knight   is in serious trouble as long as we can disconnect  here so d5 the bishop pops out the knight jumps in   and we are hunting down this poor king with  no cover if if king comes out to e3 which very   very well might happen we do not have queen to g5  check because the knight takes but again this move   queen h4 and you'll oftentimes see the move g3  here you have to take and you have to give a check   and you have to give this check because the king  doesn't have a very convenient square to go to   if it goes to e2 you take on c4 and it's  a fork you've officially won back both   of the pieces that you've sacrificed  and this king is absolutely terrible   obviously there are other things  like for example if pawn comes up   my favorite and uh one that might happen to  you you uh have a mate in two queen f4 check   king to e2 and queen f2 is made you've checkmated  your opponent with the black pieces and nine moves   i can't do much better with an openings video okay  i'm doing the best i can i have won games like uh   like this uh it totally does happen uh and it's  it's it's it's actually not the rarest thing ever   now i'm going to show you my most favorite line  one that is absolutely beautiful and hopefully   convinces you to play the traxler so queen h4 and  what happens if they bring their queen out i have   seen this happen they bring their queen out we  actually come back with the knight what does   that do it prepares this move and we have knight  d4 and queen d4 and this bishop is under attack   and i've had games go like this knight takes rook  now we jump in with the knight attacking the queen   the queen's got to be very careful for example  if the queen goes to g3 offering a trade we have   knight to f5 which is just a fork and we win the  queen so i've had people play queen back to f1   and now absolute beauty so d5 attacking the  bishop and here watch this knight g4 check   king slides over knight jumps into f2 king  slides over and the beautiful clearance sacrifice   knight to e2 check queen has to take and the queen  slides over to the center and it's queen d4 mate   beautifully done in the center of the board like  this and the king is blocked in by its own pieces   so there is so much poison in this right but white  doesn't always have to fall for all of our traps   this all begins all these problems begin right  here okay and then we will even back up and i will   show you bishop takes f7 as well so good thing  you didn't click out of the video king 2f1 is   considered the critical move because our queen  remains under attack we cannot check the king   so the best move has to be to get the queen out of  danger now white should of course continue to go   and take our rook and now we do not slow down pawn  to d5 why because if bishop takes the bishop goes   to g4 and the queen is literally trapped the queen  is completely boxed in the bishop is protected by   the knight and congratulations you win on move 8.  so the best move is to go pawn takes d5 and then   here we jump in with the knight so we are now down  six points of material this bishop can still not   be captured and here i've won a handful of games  with the move c3 trying to get this night out you   go bishop g4 attacking the queen the queen's only  way of escaping is to give you this check and you   play the silent killer backward night slide to  d7 and here the game is lost why because for   example if they take on f2 you bring in the queen  you hunt the king down if they take your knight   if they take your knight queen to f6 who  is saving this king i'll tell you who   nobody nobody can stop this angry queen coming  in if d takes e5 hitting the queen slide it on   forward if the pawn comes up yes snap it right  off the board and deliver a check made on f2   so much power here but of course of course  i have to tell you what is the best thing   to do here and the best move in this position  the most critical testing line of the traxler   is to sacrifice the pawn and attack our queen  that throws us for a little bit of a spin and here   i'm going to show you 26 moves of engine  theory where white emerges this much better   if your opponent knows this they've either watched  this video and they have the notes next to them   or they're using a computer so here we go we take  with the queen the best move for white is to play   knight f7 we bring the queen to c5 attacking the  bishop on c4 pawn to d3 we go bishop g4 attacking   the queen queen to d2 and the bishop slides out  of danger now knight c3 we go b5 and white has   to know the only move here to give any sort of  advantage b4 sacrificing the pawn to make the   queen a target we don't take the pawn we go back  bishop b3 we have to play knight d5 sacrificing   the knight two different ways so we can go queen  f6 and queen attacking the king bishop d5 queen f6   king g1 bishop e2 takes sorry bishop f3 first  takes they don't take back because after pawn   takes there is night takes and we hit the queen  then queen e3 we take the knight they take back   check here here sacrificing the knight on f3  queen h5 check king g2 queen g4 and now white   has to sacrifice the queen with queen to g3 take  take take bishop d2 and we take a breath this is   what computers want to happen here they want white  to sacrifice the queen and emerge in a position   where black has a queen and six pawns versus two  versus a rook knight in bishop and four pawns   look i had to include this otherwise someone in  the comments would have been like you never showed   this line do you think anybody's gonna ever play  this against you no have i wasted like two minutes   of your time showing this to you potentially but  i wanted to show you that this opening doesn't win   automatically now one other thing that we have  not looked at yet and we have to look at it what   happens if they don't take on f7 with the knight  the most critical move the one that i recommended   in my fried liver video what if they play bishop  takes f7 check this is considered actually to be   the best move against the traxler but i'm going to  show you that it's not so simple just because you   read some computer line before the game or you  watched one of my videos doesn't mean that it's   easy to play it's very different to watch  your video right i'm sure we all know this   it's difficult to watch a video i mean it's easy  to watch a video but it's much harder to go play   all the moves right so in this position we  play king to e7 so the bonus is we get to   play a mini bong cloud right to king e7 white  has to get out of here with the bishop now to   one of these three squares if white doesn't  if white just castles then just h6 and we win   the knight cannot guard the bishop anymore so  congrats you're gonna win a piece um so the   bishop has to get out what's considered mainline  here is bishop d5 which i never understood   but let's just say the bishop goes back to c4  just where it was or b3 which is what i recommend   in my video on the fried liver because i don't  like that d5 can attack our bishop sorry wrong   bishop this bishop i don't like that i prefer the  bishop on b3 even if the bishop goes to b3 the   next like five moves for black you can pre-move  basically first you play rook f8 because you   don't want knight f7 to be a problem anymore now  the best move for white is to castle because here   if white plays something like knight to c3 which  is also kind of possible uh you come up with the   following plan i mean knight c3 castling uh bishop  takes f2 looks good but sadly this just doesn't   quite do it with the double check uh actually  white is okay here so however white decides to   set up like let's say knight c3 you will play d6  h6 bishop g4 and bring this queen around like this   so white taking our pawn opens this diagonal  and the queen slides over in a perfect world   this looks something like this let's say castle  d6 d3 and now we can go queen g6 if the knight   drops back it's actually us who is attacking the  opponent we have knight to d4 putting pressure and   because the f7 pawn is gone in the long run what  happens is the f file is also open for the rook   and the king in many cases can just slide back to  d8 and be completely safe so this critical line   even though it's good for white objectively  speaking is a nightmare to play the best thing to   do for white is to bring the bishop out of danger  and in many cases to play c3 d4 that is what you   should do if you want to play against the traxler  bishop f7 go back and pop these pawns out to d4   even at the cost of losing a pawn because the king  is in the middle so it doesn't matter if you lose   a pawn in the center of the board if the king is  wide open on the other side right but this is what   you would do in these systems you would play rook  f8 bring the queen around like this d6 bring the   bishop and attack on this side of the board bring  all of these pieces like that it's the best thing   that i can do i love how in these positions we're  so active right every piece is getting involved   for what the cost of one pawn it's amazing  positions like absolutely dynamite here but   that is what is considered the best way to play  uh against the traxler there is knight f7 uh and   uh there's bishop f7 there's one other line that  i wanted to to show you and it's actually the move   d4 so it's knight g5 bishop c5 and here there's a  kind of a funny move d4 uh and the point is that   now you've cleared out space for your pieces and  this is a new threat so the best thing to do on d4   if for some reason you face it is to just play d5  um if white takes then you take with the knight   and you're doing very well because the knight  is now not attacking since the bishop is blocked   if white were to play here something like  let's say d6 the point of which is trying   to take like this you just castle you laugh in  their face this is not something that concerns us   two pieces like this are definitely going to  be better um than the sacrifice material uh   of the rook i should say it's not even quite  sacrifice material but you get what i'm saying   so d4 d5 you might face d4 but it's so rare but  i figured that i would include it because why   not again i'm always shocked at how long some of  you watch these videos like they're kind of long   i try to keep them short but i guess the end you  know the content is engaging so i figured i would   just include that and if you made it to the 14th  minute of this video now you know about d4d5 and   that's basically it in the last part of this video  i want to show you just a few ideas and things to   think about if after e4 e5 this doesn't happen  i just figured like i would include this just   because you guys are amazing those of you that  make it this far now you're going to get more   information so knight f3 knight c6 they can play  the scotch uh against the scotch i would of course   recommend to take and if they play pawn take on  knight takes there's one really fun line in the   scotch queen to h4 uh i showed this in my how to  study chess openings video it's a very tricky line   the point is of course if g3 there is this uh  and if knight to c3 first of all if knight c6   the same thing and if knight c3 there is bishop  b4 now this line if the opponent is extremely well   prepared they will know that the best move here is  to sacrifice this pawn completely and to launch an   attack on you with knight to b5 but again i'm  just giving you ideas okay that's the point of   this some aggressive ideas if you want to really  just attack from the get-go um if bishop to b5   uh of course we cannot play any sort of fried  liver uh but against like the spanish for example   uh knight to f6 followed by bishop c5 and d6  is completely good uh as well as for example   there's other stuff like the bird variation  of the bird variation of the rue lopez um and   other things i mean in general you can always  play these positions also with g6 and bishop g7   and if the opponent just plays like for example  doesn't go for the fried liver and instead plays   like this i would recommend setting up with d6 and  h6 now you got to be a little careful you can't   just play d6 because now it's a fried  liver and your bishop doesn't get out   okay so it depends how you do it i would recommend  if you like just develop the bishop to c5 first   and then play d6 and h6 what's the point  you're waiting for your opponent to castle   and you are delaying it why so you can castle  the other way the traxler is great you can beat   somebody in seven moves but in these e4 e5  positions if things get boring i want you to   have a backup plan and the backup plan will be  h6 g5 to start some sort of big kingside attack   bring out the bishop queen and uh let's just do a  few moves here just so you see what it looks like   and in a perfect world you get something like this  you go knight d4 rooks come over and you launch   an attack just to make it aggressive exciting to  give you a few more things to think about here as   a bonus for watching this long but the traxler is  so vicious i mean did you see some of those mates   the best way to study all of this will be as usual  to take the moves that i've put in the description   and practice them out make sure you're playing the  queen to the right square in the right variations   otherwise you're not going to be playing perfect  games you might be checkmating but that's because   your opponents are blundering rather than you  playing all the correct moves there's a lot of   pgn readers out there which can read the  chess moves that i've put into the description   feel free to share some of the comments with  each other any analysis board on any website   will allow you to import those moves and play  through them happy hunting feel free to share   a link i love seeing links to games that y'all  play people tagged me on twitter uh in in games   that they played it's so much fun i retweet  you know fun games and uh yeah i really had   a lot of fun making this video and the video  yesterday on the uh fried liver if you haven't   watched the how to study chess openings video  i highly recommend it a lot of people gave me   very very positive feedback on that video all  these three together and you'll be ready to   go any suggestions are welcome in the comments  for future openings you want to see take care
Channel: GothamChess
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Keywords: Gothamchess lessons, gothamchess openings, gothamchess caro kann, gothamchess guide, gothamchess e4, gothamchess, gothamchess rating climb, chess openings for beginners, chess tier list, chess lessons for beginners, how to play chess, how to be good at chess, how to win at chess, beginner chess strategy, beginner chess, fried liver, fried liver chess, fried liver attack, fried liver attack chess, traxler chess, traxler counterattack, traxler gambit, traxler counter attack
Id: v1jkj-HPLdw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 24sec (1104 seconds)
Published: Sat Dec 19 2020
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