This Englund Gambit Queen Sacrifice is TOO STRONG

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i think what i'll do i'll play we'll start with a random viewer so anyone who's challenging me will have a chance to get a game please challenge me to non-correspondence so anything like ideally five minutes or less but 10 minutes i guess it's still okay so i'm going to decline all the challenges with no no set time okay so a random challenge hey playing xxx lucky star who subbed earlier good luck to my opponent um obviously there is a reading disparity but i'll try and be instructive maybe i'll play do i play like super aggressively let's do it england gabba time so this is a more like serious time control ten plus five so my opponent will have time to to think but a lot of time to explain things and chat with the the chat okay so i'm playing i did a video where i showed this like this early bishop c5 line but i'm playing kind of the og [Music] uh way of playing the england gambit i attack the pawn twice um basically attempting to provoke bishop f4 verbal thanks for subbing at tier one okay so we're going to get the main line so queen b4 is a basically a triple fork i'm guaranteed now to win b2 i think based on the amount of time my phone is using it's clear that this may be a new opening for them um so i'm gonna try not to say anything too revealing is this a wooden shield or it's it's a tri tr what's a word that starts with try trident or tricycle or triceratops so white can defend two out of the three things mainly the bishop and the king oh a lot of suggestions trifecta or triangle i don't think this is a shape of a triangle even though there's three lines are not like fully connected in a triangular triangular way okay so bishop d2 that was probably the best move now i'm hitting the rook um so keeping some initiative also hitting the pawn yeah not much to okay so knight c c3 is the best move uh this is also prep i was gonna say not much to um to think about because it is still prep um i'm kind of disappointed my opponent didn't play bishop c3 after which i would play bishop b4 and there's some fun traps against that but bishop before continuing to make threats actually every move this game i've been making threats starting with move one like e5 i threatened to take then i threaten the pawn and then i trifecta triangle and i take and attack the rook and then i attack the knights so i'm playing a lot of moves like developing with attack i will say uh this opening and even this position is objectively bad for black but sometimes you have to do bad things to to have fun i guess oh no my queen so this move is a amman hamilton variation i think it's like the unofficial name if you search for unbeatable opening [Music] on youtube or google you'll probably find iman's picture um and even though this position is like if you turn on the engine it'll say like plus three for white but it's interesting because black gets two minor pieces for the queen white's a bit tied down knight's pinned i think amman usually takes with a bishop on e5 but for those who don't know ahman hamilton is a grand master uh chess bra have a massive audience on twitch and youtube also kind of my roommate even though i haven't seen him in like about a year we we technically share the same apartment um and he played this this opening in a tournament game like a serious grand master it was like a grand master norm tournament and he got to a drawn position ended up losing after like over 100 moves um maybe i'll have to show that game after this game but e4 okay um makes sense i'll keep i'll keep now i'm attacking the pawn so every move this game has either been like a threat or a capture like knight takes e5 is threatening knight c4 e4 defended against that but i'd really like to make use of this pin before white castles f3 is very solid f3 could be weakening though because i'm the only player with a dark sword bishop d5 comes to mind now i should probably castle and then later look to play d5 good sir haven't seen you in a while school is taking a toll welcome back oh how do you do the i'm conflicted here i think i will playing d5 castling may have been the safer move kind of opening the center with both kings still uncastled but the threats i'm just keeping the initiative basically so i'm going to probably take twice i'm not too scared about takes takes queen e2 because the knight would still be defended i could still castle also thank you to mat rob 91 hype for for six months and remote.com213 submitting a tier one and rookie mistakes welcome back something for 16 months yeah thanks everyone appreciate the support so white's under under pressure here actually i'm just realizing i didn't realize it when i played pawn d5 but there's a positional idea just to play pawn d4 cementing my bishop which is not going to happen okay so center is open no more center pawns the main goal is to get the rooks to the center files i might be threatening knights e3 it's a cool looking move hitting the queen it's like a nice square that's not defended in white's territory and if queenie two i'm assuming i got two moves in a row but like 93 queen e2 take on c2 if king runs i keep attacking the king if king runs to d1 i could potentially play bishop f5 i'm having fun here oh but white's trying to have fun too so c6 i think is just the simplest move white's trying to skewer my knights i mean this knight's still defended by the bishop but yeah let's just play c6 i'm still keeping up my streak of attacking something or capturing something every move and thank you to two more prime subs llama attack and 13 philip 24. appreciate it okay so the rook moved back so i essentially won a tempo there because c6 was a more kind of beneficial move for me rook b3 kind of ties down my knight but yeah i think i'll leave the bishop there for the time being i'll just castle castling would be the first move that doesn't make an immediate threat but the idea would be to bring the rook in and i think knight here is too risky because i leave the bishop undefended and e-file could be a problem if i got two more moves in a row it would be checkmate the idea is to play rook e8 and knight d3 double checkmate never mind oh white just uh is just gifting me a a bishop yeah it's easy to assume the the c4 square is defended but the lights pinned and to put icing on the cake i can't even get away with this because when i take back i hit the queen so there's no time to actually win the night oh i'm going to win the night too so much icing so now i have oh now lee chess is saying i'm up material because i have a bishop another bishop a knight and a pawn for the queen but in general like three minor pieces are usually much preferable over a queen as long as they're coordinating now pieces are actually really nice here let's d2's targeted i'm about to have four minor pieces for the queen i think i'm realizing of white castles i'm gonna have i'll have this fork or that fork okay so here i'll take the queen the queen's almost trapped i guess the queen has a1 or c1 but it doesn't have the light swears so queen a1 yeah so that hits the knight i'll counter-attack the king i'm trying to calculate the best way to convert this so i have to do something about this eventually i guess white has a few choices here but okay knight e4 i'll taken [Music] when the pawn keeps tracking the king if king f1 i take the knight with check king f2 okay don't have to worry about that yeah the knight wasn't attacked f5 would be nice but okay so oh so i won the exchange when i had the three miners for a queen so now i have two miners and a rook for a queen but the position is so so nice because the king is still a target maybe i'll keep the rookie ones coming let's see where the king wants to go if it moves here then the rook stuck if it moves here then maybe there's some mating ideas and thanks for subbing cora the name sounds italian cora dopa chali i just realized my opponent might end up flagging too okay so i could play g5 here like trying to orchestrate and mating that also making some luft but now so now i'm controlling all the squares around the king and all i need to do is check it with a knight so this is an idea or check it with a pawn okay white wants to check me it's nice everything is pretty much defended except g5 but it's a hard pawn to attack yeah rook have one good move thanks for the games eric oh thank you oh it's it's gary oh yeah we played we played so much earlier we played hand and brain earlier actually shout out to gary hope you're doing well hope you have a good stream too oh danny streaming oh oh maybe i'll have to raid danny soon i haven't seen him stream in a while okay let's um let's figure out how to wrap things up here and it's an awkward setup for like i think i'll just bring the other rook in going for rook t2 and then i'll target g2 [Music] yeah even if i'm not like meeting immediately um i am a material work have two good move let me just play this we're going to trade rooks otherwise i have rook d1 so now this defends this defends this defends this defends this attacks this nice kind of chain oh now i have this move i'm guaranteeing to win something something delicious hey it's my first chess lesson today thanks for getting me into chess oh that's great to hear thanks for the five dollars more can yeah my opponents may be inspired by some of my previous stalemate achievements but uh nine months of tea and chess oh congratulations the dark lock rises now a baby well thanks for the game xx lucky star 7xx uh that was a fun one this is um i mean this is kind of the main prep in the england gambit and if you check this position okay it's pretty common in the leeches database a few thousand games but then the masters database there's one game by amman hamilton himself [Music] and this is a game it was played in st louis i think amman was just kind of trolling but it's interesting like two minor pieces are they can surprisingly put up a good fight against the queen and this is a super long game so i'm just zooming through it but yeah black just kind of held held his own light gave some material and then at some point yeah then it was queen versus rook but black had close to a fortress this is a super long game at some point it was a table-based draw maybe here yeah it's some like crazy table-based draw but uh anyway like if you play the england gambit like this is probably one of the the better practical lines to go for and then like as white usually what you should do is just castle as quickly as possible so e3 might be a better move yeah like e3 you still control the square castle and then get the knight out of the pin so anyway that might be youtube worthy and playing playing the unbeatable england um because i don't have i don't really have any videos where i go for this line so if you're watching in the future on youtube um i usually leave a link to like any game i play in a youtube video i'll leave a link in the description for people to to analyze basically this analysis board also leave links to my twitch channel and twitter and instagram and other fun things
Channel: Eric Rosen
Views: 974,534
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: chess, imrosen, Eric Rosen, Chess Openings, Chess Tactics, Blunder, Chess Strategy, Twitch Chess, Chess Stream, lichess, IM Rosen, IM Eric Rosen, Eric Rosen Chess, Best YouTube Chess Channel, Best Chess Channel, YouTube Chess, Blitz Chess, Speed Chess, Chess Commentary, International Master, Chess Tutorial, chess game,, chess explained, Checkmate, rapid chess, englund gambit, unbeatable opening, queen sacrifice, Aman Hambleton, ChessBrah, slow chess, chess 2021
Id: QcMz2wZvMi8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 10sec (1270 seconds)
Published: Fri Feb 19 2021
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