Almost Had A Heart Attack...

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ladies and gentlemen welcome welcome to round four uh recap here from my grand master round robin campaign uh i've got three draws thus far and my opponent uh is casa corley uh an international master who is who's got the danish federation uh as a flag but actually also is from brooklyn new york now um my score against him is like oh four over the course of my life i have played him four different times every single time i've had black he always plays the queen's pawn and then he kind of plays whatever and so before this game i'm like all right i gotta break the streak uh and i the way i'm gonna do it is i'm gonna play g6 and i'm gonna play g6 because i think for a fact he is going to go back to the king's pawn and he's not a very he's a very strong player but he doesn't go for like the ultra critical cutting edge like tactical shootout in the modern which is you know knight c3 bishop e3 or f4 and so i did that and that actually completely did happen he plays bishop c4 and the idea of this move is to play queen to e2 and castle and play e5 i kind of expected this and i played the g6 course by the way uh and you should know that all my courses are 25 off until i'm back from my tournament uh and that's celebrating the launch of the intermediate boot camp this is in my g6 repertoire and the idea is i want to very quickly push e5 if he plays d5 which is exactly what he does in the game i'm actually just gonna go back and the ensuing position which looks like this is completely fine for black okay white has more space computer always gives some advantage but it's we're going for a king's indian and he actually plays this to support the center and then brings the bishop back to f1 which is sort of funny um the idea of this is he wants to play c4 and and put a pawn there instead of a bishop and this would be just a very typical king's indian type of structure so here i played e5 to make the position of king's indian i don't have to do that i can play e6 and then maybe take and we don't have a close center but i was like you know what no let's try to play this in the style of kings indian and here to win space on the dark squares on the queen side i play the move a5 a very common idea knight a6 knight c5 and my logic was you know i looked at his repertoire beforehand he he he likes to put his bishop on e2 he has some experience playing king's indians but they're definitely not his favorite choice um and i was like you know what this would be a perfect way to uh to have a complex game and actually try to win or you know not draw which i've been doing he played bishop g5 and this move really really confused me because it's not really clear to me what the idea is if he takes then his position doesn't make any sense at all because he put all his pawns on light squares and then traded off his dark square bishop and if he plays bishop to h4 well the idea in the king's indian is to pawn storm so this just sort of plays into my hands and now this bishop is just a complete so i was like okay so then he went back i was like i don't get it i don't i don't get it but i think the idea is that um this is a little soft in some positions and my whole point is i want to move my knight somewhere like i want to move the knight like anywhere to any of those squares and then play f5 g5 blah blah blah blah blah and this kind of baits me to go after his bishop and then now i have a tough decision i mean do i play f5 h3 is coming so i'm gonna get four's back so i play f5 he takes and i'm thinking i'm like man do i take with the bishop or do i take with a pawn my instinct is telling me pawn i know that these two pawns together are like best friends in this position if i take with the bishop i still keep the f-file open but i don't understand what i'm doing if he just kicks me out so i have a pawn in the center and my bishop is active but i think structurally white is still better so i said all right you know what i'm going to take with the pawn he forces me back and here he played a very strange move a move that i did not expect at all he played g3 and the idea i thought was that you know if he just goes ahead and plays this move this knight is loose so maybe he didn't like that maybe he didn't want to commit maybe he was like i'm gonna play g3 uh and then you know and then i'll i'll keep my knight flexible oh jesus that that's not what he plays he put you through very surprising move that move really caught me off guard so at this point um i started thinking now casa's playing style in my experience is if he gets a simple enough position he's gonna make slow and like steady improving moves and he's gonna let me think on my own time um and get me into a time trouble and then basically just complicate matters a little bit and i will just self-destruct that is how he has beaten me the past few times we've played so i tried to do a very conscious thing during this game this is like all going through my mind like okay i need to play a little bit faster even if i'm not 100 certain of what the best plan is um i need to play fast and i need to trust myself so i played a very simple move just knight to c5 i knew this was coming and then here i thought i was coming up with an absolutely genius idea i was like i'm gonna put this knight here and play a backwards undeveloping move to support my knight i also consider just keeping this knight here and playing b6 that also looked relatively reasonable because the thing is he's never gonna take because this center is far too good for black that is not a trade that he wants to make whatsoever um but i played this and my logic was i'm gonna kick his knight out then put the knight where that pawn is and then both knights are going to go for d3 like that position in my mind makes sense that is the that is the goal maybe i'll play b6 and then here once again he surprised me i just didn't i just didn't like even think of the move queen d2 it's not like a great move it's a very kind of got a very simple thread but i just i was like can't i like blow open the position like bam bam you know if he takes queen f6 bam bam f file oh i'm just completely winning but he doesn't have to do that he just goes here and what have i actually done so sometimes an attack looks good and you open the king but in reality you have nothing like you just have no move after bishop d4 and i was like okay well i can't go f4 what if i take and then play like queen f6 but i realized that anytime my queen ventures over here there is one problem in my position and it's the fact that the b5 square hits c7 and there's no way for me to easily defend this pawn i'm not gonna go knight a6 because that's psychologically very difficult to do um and uh also just bad this whole thing is bad so i was like okay i can go e4 what do i do and i'm like i'm gonna continue with my plan and i expected knight h4 and then he went here and i was like what am i doing with my life i'm gonna play knight e5 but first i need to of course defend my h7 pawn i was like okay i'm gonna defend my h7 pawn and then i was like wait a minute he has a very simple idea in this position like super simple idea and his idea is to just reroute the knight in over here then his knight stands super strong and then he's gonna put his bishop on e2 and what am i even doing so he played this now i'm seeing the engine is saying to go night here wait i'm sorry oh oh he blundered oh wow oh wow knight e6 there is wait what oh my god i go here and i just sack my queen i'm looking at the engine now oh that's just ridiculous oh wow yeah so he played 92 and i mean i of course i saw that this was possible but what if he just moves then i'm faster what what i'm faster oh i take on c4 that was jeez okay well i played knight e5 i did not see that he went here um and here i started thinking for a long time i just couldn't find a plan i mean i played it's it's this moment in the game where you play every move that looks like it makes sense and you're like what the hell am i doing and then again i'm i'm remembering that you know how he plays fast and he's going to put pressure on the clock and i'm thinking i'm thinking i'm like man i don't know what to do i'm just gonna play bishop here at least this controls knight b5 in the future i don't know where i want my queen like do i want it there do i want to go here so he just of course blitzes out this move in like two minutes i'm like i still don't know what to do so i'm gonna play a4 which in retrospect probably was a little too committal like i'm just trying to not have him expand on the queen side so i just pushed this pawn because i was trying to keep up with his playing style he blitzed out this move and i was like well i don't know what to do i'm going to play queen f6 just trying to play improve my position plays king h-20 blitzed out king h1 which i don't necessarily think is a bad or a good move it sort of gets the king out of the center and um yeah at this point i was like well i have officially played every improving move possible and i have gotten not i have not gotten much so i missed my one opportunity to win like a little tactical flurry so what do we do now all right well i don't want to tank so i have about 18 minutes i play this move and he's got about 40. and he plays this and i'm sitting there and i'm like all right if i if i sit here and do nothing he will just continue to improve his position get my clock like very low and then he will probably smash my face um and i was like wait a minute i have a very cool idea here i can play knight d3 like this is always my idea of course any any you know i control the square so essentially if i just go in what's gonna happen is i'm gonna lose a pawn but i'm gonna get two bishops but i need to do it the right way because if i don't do it the right way i'm just down a pawn i have two bishops and he and that's it that's the end of the calculation so when he put his rook on c3 um in this position i realized i could open the position advantageously because i can put my knight there and so i did this and he took i took he took and instead of taking his bishop i found this move and this was so important because i am fairly certain he needs to sacrifice his rook this opening of the position seems far too dangerous because when he goes king h2 i was like all right i have like four different moves i need to play a quick move and not fall behind on time one of these moves i mean i don't know what i'm so i played queen g6 which the engine here is telling me is inaccurate um but the engine doesn't know anything about chess what bishop f4 what what what does this even do okay whatever computer doesn't know chess it's completely fine so i played queen g6 my logic i hit this i want this my rook is open and the bishop pressures this and so the knight can't really move he goes rook h1 i'm like all right he's panicking when he plays rook h1 i'm like he's full panic mode he's gonna try to like bring his rooks and cocoon and i'm getting hyped i like i'm thinking for a little bit here i found bishop e5 and i was like if bishop f4 i can play rook takes f4 pawn takes f4 and look at this would have been the most savage move i've ever played in my life queen to g5 he can't take because he's pinned and if he takes the bishop i take the queen and the engine is telling me that after 92 white is better yo i i'ma slap the out of this computer right now like i was getting so hyped for all these tactics and the engine's like 92 yeah okay anyway so oh i would have maybe not played it if i saw 92 but i was getting really excited so he goes roxy one i'm like all right i see his idea he wants this this and to just run with the king and he wants to then attack me where he where i think i'm attacking him okay rook slides up i don't know if i want pressure on the f file or if i want backup on the g file he plays rook g1 i bring my rook um by the way computer now is saying to just throw in this move which is really funny that actually i was thinking about this because if he takes my rook infiltrates on the other side and i'm probably much better and if he doesn't take then this pawn is very good because this pawn on a2 becomes an endgame liability that's very that's very professional but okay i played rook f8 and here i realized that if he plays rook g2 he's gonna miss my tactic i have a tactic and the tactic is not is not queen h5 it's to flip my move order and so now he can't take because it's mate and so i was like if he plays rook g2 oh my god i'm winning oh my god and he played this and i didn't even hesitate and just snap took that pawn and somehow this is not winning and we'll get into that um apparently i need to not rush i just i just got super hyped i was like oh my god he made a blunder and i had like maybe eight minutes so i'm like i gotta boom yeah i have more savage moves like rook f3 which i only realized after like 15 20 moves i was like i could have just not taken anything he can't even take this because i mean his king's just in jail and he's gonna get mated and if he doesn't take my rook i mean this is the most miserable have you ever seen a more miserable position look at these pieces i mean this is something and i realized i could have done this but he could run and then i'd have to dig him out of there but i did this and then he went here and i was like oh oh my god am i even winning now he can win my queen here but this doesn't work because i have rook f2 and i crash through he can't actually guard everything the engines finds knight e2 okay i didn't see that and i'm assuming that if he didn't play this he also didn't see that that is ridiculous neither one of us saw that move and everything is safe wow um but he took and then it hit me that i might not be winning at all um and welcome to uh phase two of this game i was like wait i'm not winning because he's just threatening rook h6 i'm gonna have to play h5 i have no other way if i play bishop g7 his knight jumps in and then he's just playing for a win so i was like okay i gotta take he can't do rook h6 because i end up taking on f2 and i played this and i'm like how am i not winning this position and he went here and i'm not winning because i rushed i gave him counter play by taking on h3 just in case so then i'm like okay i've got about two minutes here he has about 12. he goes queen d1 and i saw this move i actually saw this i saw that my pawn was going to hang but i didn't really see a way to defend e4 so then he takes i go here he checks me and rotates around and i come back and here i set a little trap if he tries to get all hostile with me i slide out of there with the three-piece and the soda and i unpin myself and i threaten to take and believe it or not i can actually go for this position and my king is completely safe wait the engine is once again trying to argue with me what what did i do incorrectly oh i have to throw in rook f3 okay oh and then i just i just sack what oh and then i check and i double on the f file and leave the h pawn wow i hate computers that is unbelievable yeah i didn't see that i'm not even gonna pretend like i saw that uh so yeah at this point he starts just i was like what is he doing and i was like what is he doing like where is he going and when he played king d2 i played a move that really shocked him i played b5 and here he started he was just as nervous as me by the way the evil of this position is 0.00 and i was like am i winning am i losing if he takes my pawn i play queen d5 check i was very vigilant because i figured he was going to blunder like something i mean his time is so low and then he did this and i was like is this dude out of his mind then i realized that if i take on a2 he just goes like here his king is safe my rook is completely disconnected this rook's not in the game and maybe i'm the one who's in trouble so i was like okay you know what i'm just gonna give him a check and then he went king before i was like no way this dude actually just played king before so i realized that i need to attack the king and and i have to fight with my pawns i have nothing else so i played d5 which threatens in my opinion to just win after d4 so he plays this move which is very logical preventing this we both have about a minute on the clock here both in total panic mode and here i found a beautiful move i was really excited to play this and i thought i was just going to win uh not not that one actually um here c5 this is a crazy move if he takes on poisson rook b8 and i and i just swarmed him which was the whole idea because when my rook was here i couldn't go rook b7 so i played rookie 8 to play rook b8 so then i was like if king c5 i mean i don't know he's probably gonna get mated i have like d4 and i was like if bishop c5 my first instinct was that i was going to play rook c8 and this is a smart move because it just waits i just wait for a move um the engine still finds ways to defend this but he can't check me and if he moves over here then i take on b2 and and it's very dangerous is what i was thinking um not to mention i could threaten to take by the way and like just get to his king somehow i don't know but i had i had this idea and then i was like wait rook d3 is so smart and then i played rook d3 and i'm like okay he can't move his queen like over there because i take on b2 and it's game over so he has to go queen c2 queen e2 and then it hit me this move is very challenging because it maintains defense and threatens h5 and i'm in some trouble and then he picked up his queen and put it over here and i was like yo this dude is about to run his king to a5 and here i was like all right i think i'm just gonna lose this game there's nothing there's nothing i can do i mean if i if if i play rook a8 king b6 how do i prevent his pawns from just coming in i can't even if he goes here like king a7 king c7 white is winning white is just completely winning especially because he's over here and i'm like okay let's just trade queens let's trade the queens probably i am losing but i'm gonna try to hold this because his pawns are super strong at this point i'm like okay i'm gonna lose this game he plays b6 we both have about 40 seconds maybe like a minute minute and a half at most i'm like okay well i have a pass pawn i probably should push my pawn uh and that is a losing move apparently because of b7 but here he took on h5 and with my final breath i decided not to push one of my pawns not to give a check but i tried to set a little trap and i actually ended up trapping myself the trap here is that it's mate so rook 8 is a mate this is the stupidest ladder mate of all time but it's mate mate is mate okay mate is made and then i realized i lost the game i played the move rook b2 and i was just simply ready to resign because rook h8 always look for checks bye-bye if i take bishop d4 and i'm just losing the end game and if i don't take i move my king up he trades rooks he wins my pawn the game is over i'm sitting there waiting to resign and he he reaches for his king and he plays king a6 and i'm like let's go let's go now it's a draw again so king c7 i gotta push my pawn he pushes and i play rook c4 and the idea of this is he's totally frozen and my pawn is just in time his rook cannot stop the promotion and save the bishop so he goes here now he also probably could have played rook d5 yeah so he queens and i push and now he has to go and get my pawn i sack the rook for the bishop he can't take it and this end game is a draw if i play it accurately now yeah the engine here is telling me i saw this i couldn't just sacrifice and his rook cannot defend both pawns for example rook g5 um the only reason i didn't go for this is i was just a little hesitant to like get this end game i thought maybe he would push so i didn't sack the pawn i brought my king he went after my rook i brought my king now it's important you don't cross the middle here because f3 and there are some positions where like it's a little bit scary i decided to just keep my king on f5 and i have to cut his rook off this is ultra important if you screw around in this end game and like i i don't know why you would do this move your rook over here it's probably still a draw but gives you unnecessary headaches i keep his king cut off on the c file and i was realizing that when he offers me this trade i am just in time to trade and you have to calculate your king in pawn end games correctly um he could have tried to do this and then trade like like with rook c3 and this is losing uh for me because the king gets closer one square to the pawn but if i just don't trade if i go here it's just the draw i mean i have too much activity his pawns are just not very good so he goes here we trade and again if the king is one square closer to d4 it's a draw because this is the idea and i'm threatening this and to push and uh he goes here i trade and now you have to take the correct pawn you have to go for opposition in king and pawn end games and uh king verse king wow two points out of four completely insane draw i have 53 minutes at the time of finishing this recording before my next game thank you all for your continued support and i will see you in round number five
Channel: GothamChess
Views: 390,640
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: gothamchess, gothamchess london, gothamchess caro kann, gothamchess openings, gothamchess vienna
Id: 7Uuw_i1TTrg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 16sec (1216 seconds)
Published: Sat Sep 04 2021
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