Will It Oreo? Taste Test

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Be critical while being mythical. Don’t personally attack the cast or crew. That shit will get you mythically banned.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 1 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/Sirus_Griffing πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Mar 17 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies

I’m still waiting for will it penis

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 18 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/_Anonymous_Guy_ πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Mar 16 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies

Whose Oreos?

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 15 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/FergusCragson πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Mar 16 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies

I hope the guys don't use Bang Energy again on the show. Maybe I shouldn't mention it here but...Just wanted to encourage you all to look into Vital Pharmaceuticals, the maker of Bang Energy. The company paid $250,000 in March 2019 to a pro-Trump super PAC, in an effort to get him re-elected. I noticed that the guys don't include Papa John's any more and I am sure other companies fall in that category. If this isn't the appropriate place to mention this, please feel free to downvote this to shit or delete it. I just want people to be aware. I was all in for Bang Energy until I found that out and now, if I have an energy drink I choose something less bigoted and misogynistic.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 13 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/amloyd πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Mar 16 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies

Mono. Sodium. Glutamate.


Rock star pose

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 7 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/Deadpoolisms πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Mar 16 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies

They should probably give them separate foods and separate drinks to dunk in with what’s going down right now.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 5 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/Fatmike88 πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Mar 16 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies

I love that they bought thickmilk.org so it redirects to the Mythical Kitchen channel.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 4 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/o0oBubbleso0o πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Mar 16 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies

I want one of those Pizza oreos so badly!

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 3 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/NurseGrenadex πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Mar 16 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies

GMMore got me real good.

β€œThat’s Thick-Milk.”

Funny bone located and shattered. The tone and timing.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 3 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/Deadpoolisms πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Mar 16 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies
- Today we ask the age-old question. - Will it Oreo? - Let's talk about that. (upbeat music) - Good mythical morning. - Happiness, as a baby it's the feeling of a clean diaper and as an adult it's some (beep) peace and quiet. But one little ray of sunshine that has never dimmed through all of the years is the happiness of cracking open a fresh package of Oreos. Not a sponsor, yet. - So we thought, let's bust through that vanilla cream ceiling and see just how far we can go on that happiness meter. But will these Oreos truly make us happier or just make us feel crappier? It's time for, - [Both] Will it Oreo? - Oreos are deceptively complex, they make look like a couple of cookies around a layer of vanilla cream, but they have an undeniable magic that you just can't put your finger on. - Ooh. - That is, until now, because mythical chef, Josh, is putting his filthy little fingers all up in some Oreos and pulling out a few little miracles. - Okay first, we're appealing to the youths, you on your skateboard with your cool whatever attitude and those Funyuns you stole from 7-Eleven. We know you depend on your Bang energy drink to help you get through your late night graffiti sessions, so we took your Bang energy drink and made this. Bang Oreos, or Bang-eos, as we're calling them. - Look at this. - Look at this packaging. So we got some blue raspberry Bang infused Oreos and whoa, hand me one of those. What, you don't want, I'll just touch them all. - You know, touch your, you know. - I touch my own. - Never know what's going around. (chuckles) - Look at that, that looks good, Josh! - Okay, so I've seen this on the shows. - [Link] You got an Oreo in. - I haven't partook in them. You enjoy this Bang stuff? - [Josh] I do, as a fellow youth, (laughter) I enjoy drinking Bang energy, it gives me the energy I need to stay off drugs. - It has four times the caffeine of a Red Bull? - [Josh] And four times the fun. - And creatine, which is just ridiculous. - Why do you do this? Why do you Bang? - [Josh] Well, my personal Bang testimonial, and again it gets me a little hyped up for my late night graffiti sessions. - Okay. - And what is this milk that we have as a dipping option here? - [Josh] It's blue. - Oh, okay. - It's just blue. - [Josh] It's just blue. - It's just blue, there's no Bang in the milk. - It smells like paint. - Oh yeah, you guys put a lot of food coloring in there. - It literally smells like-- - All right. - Latex. - So we gotta dip then we gotta dink, dip, then ding, then sync. - Okay. - This is, hoo. - Dip it, hold it, every good Oreo needs to be held for a second. Dink it, sync it. Oh man, look at, look at what happened to my, I got a little sheet of icing coming out. - It's still blue on the inside. No surprise there. - That's pretty banging. I feel like my muscles are retaining more moisture and getting larger. I feel like I'm getting a kick from the caffeine. And I like the raspberry taste. - I don't think you can actually, I mean that's psychosomatic, man. - Immediate. - You can't immediately feel it. - It's immediate. - The idea of the Bang is enough to get the Bang going. - We could call these bouncing off the wall-eos. If you eat enough of 'em. I like it. - It's not bad, it's got a little tang, there's a little tang in the Bang. - Yeah. - Little tang in the Bang. - Which is totally new to the world of Oreos, so I think this is fabulous. Do you agree? - Yes, so Bang energy drink, will it Oreo? - [Both] Yes! (tings) - Choosing the perfect nacho takes strategy. You don't wanna be the jerk who takes the chip with the most cheese, but at the same time you don't wanna pull out a weak, naked chip either. - So hopefully our next Oreo fixes that problem. Chock-full of pizzazz, and none of the stress, these are Nach-Oreos. - [Rhett] (laughs) Sometimes it works out. Sometimes it works out, sometimes there's an O. - [Link] Nacho Oreos. - And we've also got hot sauce milk for dipping. - Unless, oh, hot sauce milk? Let's reveal this thing. - [Rhett] Oh whee, we got green, we got. - [Link] Takey. - We got cheese, now how'd you get these to be green? Is that guac? - [Josh] Wait, whose Oreos are they? - Nach-Oreos. - [Josh] (laughter) Got 'em. - Moreos. - [Josh] Okay, so it's a guacamole cookie base with a pinto bean cheese and salsa cream. - Did you say pinto bean? - Oh, I said pinto bean. - Look at that, - I see a bean right there. I see a couple of beans. - Did you know that the Ancient Greeks did not eat beans because they thought they contained the souls of dead people? - Don't answer that. - I learned that from my 11 year old last night. - You can learn a lot from your 11 year old. - I said, "Son, that's not true." - All right, so let's take a bite before we dip and then a second bite, so we're dinking it, we're syncing it. - Bro, there's a lot of cheese squeeze that happens, which I'm not complaining about. - So what's in the cookie? - So it's-- - Guacamole. - Oh. - Yeah. - Oh my goodness. - And then cheese, man, like a bean and cheese dip in the middle. - It's still sweet - That's already good. like a cookie, but it's very guac-y, very cheesy. This is crazy! - [Josh] Yeah. Oh yeah. - Okay. (laughter) - Let's dip, you don't like it? - After all this time, after everything that we've had, this is crazy? (laughter) - Well, because it's, it's good. - It's really good, I am enjoying it. - It's really good, and then if you make it hot with milk this is just, this is otherworldly. Nobody else on Earth is doing this. We're privileged! - Oh, it gets better with the hot sauce milk. - Ooh, it does. - It was already good, but that's-- - Who knew you could, you could dip nacho in milk and it be even better. Wow, Josh. - I can taste the beans. And me likey. - I want everyone on Earth to be able to taste this, this is now my dream for society. - Don't make promises that we cannot fulfill. I think we've only made four. - Hmm, that's true. - [Rhett] But nachos, will it Oreo? - [Both] Yes! (dings) - If you wanna see Josh make another delicious Oreo creation head on over to the Mythical Kitchen where he's cooking up Oreo biscuits and gravy. - [Link] Biscuits and gravy? - [Rhett] Yeah! - [Link] Mythical kitchen, check it out. But right now it's your favorite neighborhood-slash-worldwide pizza joint coming to desk. Will this one make us say, "Domin-oh no you didn't make a pizza into an Oreo!" Let's find out. - Domino no, no, no! - Domino no, you didn't! - Ugh, here we go. - Domino's pizza Oreos. - Whoop achoo, nyooo. - [Link] Josh, what's in these things? - [Josh] So the cookie is the signature Domino's garlic butter crust, then inside we have pepperoni, pizza sauce, and a little bit of Parmesan cheese. - And the, the detailing on the outside is, you just nailed the Oreo name. - Did you go to the Oreo place and steal the mold and do, should we not admit that on camera? - [Josh] Yeah for legal reasons, I'm not allowed to say it but I am not allowed back to the Nabisco factory. - Okay, got it. Link, we got ranch milk for dipping and that just sounds like something we should talk about. - It tastes like a freaking pizza bite, or smells like it. I've like, rubbed my face. - You got it pretty close to your nose, so like, air dink. - Yeah, you know. The world we live in now. (crunching) - Oh man, what does this taste just like? But better. - It tastes like a Totino's pizza bite, but cookie-er. - It tastes like a pizza bite, exactly. And, but crispier. - Mmhm. - But you know what they don't have? You know what Totino's has never even thought about? Ranch milk. What is that that settles at the top of ranch milk? - [Josh] That's all the fresh herbs. We did make our ranch milk from scratch. - Okay, oh. (crunching) - Oh. - Everything that I've tasted this morning, - This is crazy! - I like better than a normal Oreo. And this is the first time this has ever happened on a Will It episode. - This is my favorite one, it's getting better every time. - Now I've been honest and said that I'm not a huge fan of Oreos, I don't hate 'em, but I don't go for 'em. But these right here, these savory Oreos are my jam. - Go for 'em. - I'd go for these, man. This is fabulous. - Yeah, and every round has gotten better but something tells me that that streak is going to end at some point. - [Link] But Domino's, will it Oreo? - [Both] Yes! (dings) - All right, this one's for y'all on the college diet, which of course consists of only one thing, instant ramen. - Uh huh. - But we've greatly expanded your options to one more option! Introducing, Instant Ramen Oreos or Dorm-eos. (laughter) - [Link] All right, so if we look at these things here, whoop whoopy, take one of those. So Josh, what is this? I'm guessing the noodles have been made into a cookie? - [Josh] The noodles sure have been made into a cookie and then the cream inside is simply the seasoning packet so real minimalist. - [Rhett] Simply seasoning. - [Josh] Simply seasoning. - [Rhett] And we've got MSG milk. - [Josh] Yes. - What is MSG? - It's a seasoning. Mono sodium glutamate. - [Josh] Nailed it. - Right? - But they don't-- - Ha! Every once in a while I get something right. - Should we be dipping in it? 'Cause they brag about it not being in things. - [Josh] Yeah, no, MSGs are perfectly delicious and healthy in moderation, that milk is not in moderation. (crunching) - Look how much squeeze factor I get. - And I like that better than a normal Oreo. You squeeze a normal Oreo, not much happens. - Well when I was in college, I would eat, my diet was so bad, my decisions were bad, like the time I bought approximately a dozen Big Macs for a quarter each because it was on special, and placed them all in the freezer and slowly ate them throughout the week. Warmed up in the microwave, and enjoyed every second of it. - It made our room smell amazing. These are salty. - So I'm trying to go back, that's exactly what I'm doing, I'm trying to go back to that place where I would have appreciated this level of sodium. - Whoo! - You know what, let's just dip into some MSG milk. - That'll help. - And see if that gets any better. - [Josh] The MSG might've turned the milk to cheese. We're not quite sure. - (laughs) Is that how cheese is made? - [Josh] It's chunkier than most milks. - Chunky milk. - Well, it's warm. I like that. - At least it's warm. - I mean-- - I think I would've loved this. - This has gotta be a week's worth of sodium. - I think I would've loved this. You need the sodium when you're in college for your brain. - Okay. - You gotta study, you gotta think. You don't want a sodium deficiency at that age. - I just don't-- - I'd say it's for me now. - This just tastes like a salt cookie. I mean, if I were a deer in the woods and I came upon this, I'd probably lick it to death, but here, in the non-deer world, I'm against this-- - I've seen deer around here. Maybe we'll set these two out and lure some deer. - Okay, we can do that. - How 'bout that? We won't shoot 'em though, we'll take pictures of 'em. - Make a venison Oreo? - 'Cause this is Los Angeles. - Yeah. - Why you on your phone? - Round two. - We're working over here! (laughs) - I have friends! - I look over there, Josh is on, are you researching something? - [Josh] Yeah, how to turn venison into an Oero. You're welcome. - [Link] Instant ramen, will it Oreo? - [Both] No. (buzz) - At this point, we've exhausted all the land, and it's time to travel to the sea, Rhett. So for this last round, please don't sue us for what you're about to shi. (chuckles) It's sushi Oreos. - Aah, sushi. Look at this. - [Link] You wanna sashimi eat this Oreo? (laughter) - Look at this. Okay, is that real? Raw fish? - Raw, raw? - Yeah, so it's-- - Raw with a L on the end? - [Josh] Raw tuna inside, but then also, a little bit of artificial crab, and then a seaweed cookie on the outside. - Oh my. This is not something that the Linkster-- - [Rhett] You're not excited about this? - [Link] Signs up for. - Hey, I'd put this on my Twitter, buddy, I know you don't pay attention to my Twitter, but I saw a woman in Los Angeles offer her child $100 to finish the sushi on his plate. And he did. - $100? - Yeah. Is that the kinda motivation that you need? - How much will you give me to eat this whole thing? - I'd give you a hundred high-fives. Which is technically 500 fingers. - The value. (laughs) Okay. - Okay, here we go. (groans) (crunches) Hold on, that cookie is good, man. That seaweed cookie? - [Josh] Yeah. - I don't-- - That's a seaweed cookie? - I've started eating sushi, but I don't, I eat it with soy paper. Maybe if we dip it in soy milk that'll help. Is that what this is? - [Josh] Yes it is, that is soy sauce milk. - A soy sauce milk, not soy milk. - [Josh] Semantics. - Why is it so dark? (laughs) Why does it look like goblin blood? It's, did you add a little-- - Artificial goblin blood, - Okay. - you can't get the real stuff anymore. - This is not horrible. - It's not bad at all, is it? I like it. - Like, I kept waiting for the shock-- - It's good. - And I'm actually cool with it. - Yeah, the seaweed flavor isn't too strong. - The sweetness of the cookie kinda helps. - [Rhett] Let's dip it in goblin blood. - So this is gonna make it really salty, am I right? I mean, you don't want. (clears throat) (crunches) - Still good. We're still good! (sizzle) - (chuckles) We're still good! (sizzle) - I really like it. - It's weird. - Usually this doesn't happen. - [Link] I know! - When we get to these funky rounds. - I keep trying to convince myself that I hate it. But why should I do that for once? - For once, you should love it, Link. - I do. - I'll give ya 100 high-fives. (chuckles) - For now, when I go to a sushi restaurant with my family, 'cause they love sushi, but I, could I have it in Oreo form? - Uh, no, Sir, please leave. - I'm willing to wait. - Okay, so, surprise, surprise. Sushi, will it Oreo? - [Both] Yes! (ding) - It will! - Man, we almost had a clean sweep, except for that ramen. - Way to go, Josh, way to go entire team. I mean the packaging has looked great on all this stuff, you've made me like sushi in cookie form. Here, I'll let you dig that out later. (laughter) - Thanks for subscribing and clicking that bell. - Oh, and remember, Mythical Kitchen's got that biscuits and gravy Oreo recipe, so go check that out. You know what time it is. - [All] We're the St. Cyr Brothers from Manchester, New Hampshire, and we just made Animal Style In-N-Out mac and cheese. And it's time to spin the Wheel of Mythicality. - That one brother's clean shaven. - Yeah, get with the program. - Click the top link to watch us try gummy Oreos on Good Mythical More. - And to find out where the Wheel of Mythicality's gonna land. - You can see this kinda coming together into a mass, but you still see a lot of the butter chunks. You gotta roll out your biscuits now, so what we're gonna do, is you're gonna shake off the biscuit dough from your hands, but pretend like it's just hand gestures.
Channel: Good Mythical Morning
Views: 4,359,442
Rating: 4.9143901 out of 5
Keywords: gmm, good mythical morning, rhettandlink, rhett and link, mythical, rhett, mclaughlin, link, neal, season 17, s17, will it, taste test, oreo, cookie, gmm oreo, good mythical morning oreo, good mythical morning will it, gmm will it, will it oreo, will it oreo taste test, oreo taste test, sushi, ramen, bang, bang energy, will it taste test, instant ramen, nacho, nacho oreo, ramen oreo, bang oreo, domino's, dominos, domino's pizza, pizza oreo
Id: a-ZGqqfGAzs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 41sec (881 seconds)
Published: Mon Mar 16 2020
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