Will It Sandwich? Taste Test

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I think their enthusiasm about being back in the studio rubbed off on me. I felt really happy watching this episode.

👍︎︎ 52 👤︎︎ u/lady_laughs_too_much 📅︎︎ Jun 01 2020 🗫︎ replies

A good old-fashioned, Boiled For Safety-style Will It! What a treat! I couldn't stop smiling and giggling; they're clearly so happy to be back at the desk. Between all of the silly running jokes, and the particularly ridiculous sandwich concoctions, this episode made me SO happy.

👍︎︎ 26 👤︎︎ u/FloridaFlamingoGirl 📅︎︎ Jun 01 2020 🗫︎ replies

I really loved the energy in this one! They're clearly happy to be back together, and back in the studio. I loved the silly humor and jokes, and Rhett's hair is glorious!

And GMMore was awesome too, I mean, it was 16 minutes of two men grilling a cookie dough sandwich, and I was totally here for it.

👍︎︎ 20 👤︎︎ u/BeansOnToast101 📅︎︎ Jun 01 2020 🗫︎ replies

May be an unpopular opinion, but I love when the food they eat is simple and just thrown together more than the fancy intricate stuff Josh always makes.

👍︎︎ 18 👤︎︎ u/iLucky12 📅︎︎ Jun 01 2020 🗫︎ replies

Oooo. New studio episode!

I was honestly wondering why they didn't just have a skeleton crew. Glad they did it.

👍︎︎ 16 👤︎︎ u/BurnZ_AU 📅︎︎ Jun 01 2020 🗫︎ replies

I'm so happy about this episode. Josh and nicole are greats chefs, hell josh has an entire show dedicated to making gross food taste good. But the charm of the "Will-its" to me was always they were slightly poorly done. So like this, it's a sandwich, throw some shit between bread. Not do 82 steps with sauces to make it "will".

Love it

👍︎︎ 16 👤︎︎ u/sitefinitysteve 📅︎︎ Jun 01 2020 🗫︎ replies

Happy birthday Link!!!

👍︎︎ 12 👤︎︎ u/8lank-8lank 📅︎︎ Jun 01 2020 🗫︎ replies

they’re back together!!!! they’re back together!!!! i thought it was another pre-recorded episode and was so shocked when they said it’s recent!! ahhh i’m so happy :)

👍︎︎ 9 👤︎︎ u/gcahoon 📅︎︎ Jun 01 2020 🗫︎ replies

At one point in this episode, I wondered if the editor accidentally posted this at 1.5x speed. They were WIRED. That delay due to video calls that Link complained about was definitely gone.

👍︎︎ 10 👤︎︎ u/sneakynin 📅︎︎ Jun 01 2020 🗫︎ replies
- Today we ask the age old question. - Will it sandwich? - Let's talk about that. (techno music) - Good mythical morning! - And Happy Birthday, Link! - Yeah! I could think of no better birthday gift than to be reunited back behind the desk split-screenless, baby! - Look at this. - Look at this! - I can into your screen. - Look at that. And this is not recorded before the whole world changed. - No. - It's recorded now as it continues to change. - Yes, we're back in the studio and by we, just us and Stevie. - [Stevie] Hello, guys! - We got a big empty chasm of a studio over there! Hello, Stevie, you're over here. - [Stevie] I know. It's so good to be back. - I usually can't see you. - [Stevie] Oh, sorry. Am I ruining things? - No, and we do have crew kind of joining us remotely, but there's only three of us in the studio. The three of us have been quarantining. And so, for the time being, it's gonna just be the three of us. - Just kind of podding it up. - Making the show. - Still being very safe, and still being very isolated, but in our little pod here. - Yes. - Of course that also means that the mythical kitcheneers are not around in order to fancify any food for us, but we're gonna press on! We're still gonna will some stuff the old fashioned way. - And the thing that we're gonna will today is a sandwich. It's time for - [Both] Will it sandwich? - We're starting off with dessert because we deserve it! - That's right, I mean, I've worked desserts into everything since I've been at home so much. - Well have you made a sandwich out of Snickers? Because that's what we're doing. This is a Snickers sandwich. We're calling it a Snickwich. - Snickwich! - So, there's big chunks of Snicker in here, and then, in place of mayo, we put some marshmallow fluff. Of course, it's nestled between two slices of Wonder Bread. - [Rhett] Wow. - [Link] Look at that wonderfulness. - Take your slice there, Link. - Now, oh, what happened here? Mine's starting to come apart a little bit. - Just put it together like a building. - That's okay, look at that. Are we doing air dink? We're still doing an air dink. - I just cut your sandwich with my hands. - You know, it's such a strange world and we don't, I don't know-- - Now listen, the way we're operating from here on out is as if me and you are one person. So you can kiss me if you want. - Dink it, and sink it. - [Rhett] All right, sink it. - Ooh, the marshmallow fluff! - Ooh! - It adds a dimension. - [Rhett] Wow, that's chewy. Pieces keep falling out of the bottom into my hand, and I keep picking them up and putting them on top. It's a very dynamic process. - My mama didn't let us get Wonder Bread. We got all kinds of stuff that was bad for us, but she drew the line at Wonder Bread. It was too magical. But, now I hate her, in this moment. (laughing) - Don't hate your mom on my birthday. - Mom, I hate you! - Don't do (laughs) - Because you didn't let me have this. - I hate you mom! You never made me a candy bar sandwich! Is it better than just eating a Snickers? - Yeah. - Yes, it is. - Because the marshmallow, sometimes I bite into a Snickers, and I'm like, man, this really satisfies, but it's a little dry. You know? And so, this is like, oh! But you get a little bread, and you get that marshmallow fluff action. Missing out on that. So, Snickers! Will it sandwich? - [Both] Yes! - I've said it before, and I'll say it again, Taco Bell's menu is just a recombination of all of the same six things in different formations. So we're taking a formation from their own playbook and sandwichafying it because I know they've thought about it, but they ain't done it. Ladies and gentlemen, the Taco Dell-i. - Okay, so as I cut this-- - It's a sandwich. Like a deli. Del rhymes with bell. - I'm gonna try to cut this, you just explain what's inside of it. - All right, so we've got three items stacked here. We've got a Chicken Crunchwrap Supreme, two Nacho Cheese Doritos Loco Tacos with beef, and a Mexican Pizza right there in the middle. And, you know what? We wanna keep this thing healthy, just like your mama, who I love. You know, can I just say, Diane, I love you, girl. - I love you, too. - It's my birthday, but I wanna celebrate you. - [Rhett] I had a moment of weakness. A moment of hate. - [Link] Wheat bread makes it healthy. - You put Wonder Bread in a boy's mouth and he's never had it before, you know, and you realize that the mama's the one that kept it from you, you gonna hate her for a second. It's healthy. - Rhett, explaining why you said something is not an apology. I don't know how many times I need to tell you that. - No, the best apologies are not apologizing, but just justifying yourself. (laughs) I learned that in PR class. - You want some Diablo? This one says, "bad influence" on it. - Oh yeah, that's what I want. I want the hot one. It kinda looks almost like a face. - [Stevie] I think it's beautiful! - That's nice. I'm just gonna go with a regular hot. - [Rhett] I don't even know how you sauce something like this. - Just right here on the front It's kinda like saucing... - Sauce the facade. - a burrito. Facade saucing. - You're gonna get some of my Diablo if you don't watch out. - Dink it. I don't even know if I can get my whole mouth on this. - I'm going straight for the middle. There's a tomato. - [Rhett] Well, there's more where that came from. Here we go. - I just wrapped my lips around Taco Bell and I'm taking it down. Look at that! - So they're cold. (laughing) That was something I wasn't ready for. - Stevie doing the meal prep. Did you forget the microwave step? - [Stevie] There's a lot going on. - I think you made the right call, - [Stevie] Thank you. - because the congealed nature, which makes it taste bad, actually makes it look great. - The amount of bread and flour and corn in this thing. - If you ask yourself the question, "Would I like to eat a taco and a Crunchwrap Supreme "and a Mexican Pizza all at the same time?" that's one question, but then, "Would I like to add two pieces of bread to that?" And I feel like I'd rather just have the ingredients and not the extra bread. But you know what? My hands are clean. My mouth is dirty, my hands are clean. Look at me. I'm not mean, I love my mama. - But you're still not apologizing. - I'm sorry, mama. - [Link] Taco Bell. Will it sandwich? - [Both] No. - I love a good po' boy sandwich, especially if I'm in New Orleans. - Yeah buddy. - I also love poke. So, can we combine those two things and put poke on a sandwich? Yes we can and we did. We call this one a Poke Boy. - Ooh there's lots of tuna, poke, seaweed salad, rice, edamame, avocado spread - It's basically a poke bowl on a sandwich. - A hoagie roll. - And I'm gonna try to do the fliperooni here without causing any damage. Look at that sticky rice. Oh it's sticky. - Oh isn't that smushy? - Smushy smush. - Yeah, touch every square inch of my half of my sandwich. - And then I'm gonna cutty cut. This knife has seen better days. - Can I help somehow? - Nope, you're hurting. - That hurt? - Well, it hurt the process. And then we do the old spread. - Now I gotta brag on myself. You know, now that I'm 41, how old am I? Forty-freaking-two? - 42. - Dang y'all. - Have a poke sandwich. - Now that I'm 42, I can brag on myself a little bit. - What're you about to say? - I like poke bowls. - But you don't like one of the main ingredients on this, which is seaweed salad. Which is a big part of it. - Well you don't have to get that on a poke bowl to still call it a poke bowl. - It's on this one, though. But you know what? You're 42? - [Link] That's the part I don't like. - You're a mature man. - It's like eating ocean weed. - Here's your deal. As you get older, your taste buds change. Maybe 42 is the new you, and you like seaweed. Be open to it. - Dink it. - Dink it. Sink it. - I just don't like it. - You okay? Okay, but let's just imagine for a second that it didn't have seaweed salad. And just the idea of a poke bowl on a piece of bread. I'm trying to find it, and for some reason, something about the hoagieness of this and also, my friend being next to me, and almost vomiting constantly, the combination of those two things is making me not like it. - There's something magical about the process of using those sticks that they give you. - Chopsticks, they call 'em. - That's one of my favorite parts. So, the sandwich takes that away. It's robbing me-- - I also think the double-carbness of the bread and the rice, the rice is to the bread what the bowl is to your head, and so I just don't think that it needs the hoagie roll. - Poke bowl. - [Both] Will it sandwich? No. - In honor of Link's birthday, you get a gift. - That's right. You know what? I chose my favorite things from our store and discounted 'em for ya. - Yeah, up to 30% off for 48 hours at mythical.com Thanks, Link! Thanks for doing that! - You're welcome. Okay, now. They say an apple a day keeps the doctor away, but a sandwich full of vitamins will make you live 'til 166. - That's right. - That's my firm belief. That's why we have created this vitamin sandwich, Vitaminwich. So we got a bunch of Flintstone vitamins on this side - And more Flintstone vitamins, the gummy kind, on this side. - [Link] And this gelatinous white stuff, what is that? - [Rhett] It's Pedialyte. - [Stevie] It's Pedialyte protein powder jam. I wanted to make sure you saw it. - [Link] It looks like glue! - [Rhett] So they make jam out of Pedialyte? - [Stevie] Actually, this is a Chase special. - Chase made it. - [Stevie] I just spread it onto the bread and laughed while I was doing it that's the consistency of a jam is laughter. - Always laugh while you're doing things. - Flintstone vitamins, man. They've been around a long time. Here's the thing, every time we run out of gummy vitamins, a new type shows up at my house. We can't stay consistent. There's always something that's being marketed to us as even better. That is gross looking. - Here you go. Have a sloppy, vitamin sandwich. Now, my mom, I love her so much. She let us have vitamins. Flintstones, did you have Flintstones at your house? - Nope. - Your mom didn't believe in vitamins. She worked in the health department. - Right, she thought we had it covered. Turns out, we did. - How many vitamins can you eat and be okay? - A sandwich full. - Cause I just had five in that bite. - It's fine. Your body just excretes the vitamins you don't use. - I'm like five times the size of a child. I'm five times the size of an average child. - I'm picturing five children stacked up, in your formation. I think that's true. I had high hopes for this 'cause I like the taste of vitamins. - It's so fruity, though. - The interesting thing, the juxtaposition of consistencies. There's the gumminess and the crunchiness - The chalky and the gummy, I kinda like it and the bread keeps my fingers clean. That's really the function of bread in a sandwich is to keep your fingers clean. I mean, look at that. - I got a little something on my finger - Well, it's a leaky sandwich, but I like the taste of it but it's overwhelming. I don't think I could continue through a whole half sandwich worth. - But you're being fortified! - No, I would be diarrhea-fied if I did that and I think that's really the downfall of this is how much diarrhea you would have. - If it were just the crunchy ones I might be excited right now, but that nasty glue and the gumminess. - Hey, I can get you a bottle of 'em. I know a guy, his name is Fred. - I don't want no gummies in my sandwich. - Okay, vitamins. Will it sandwich? - [Both] No! - Okay, for all the butter lovers out there even you might find this disgusting. (laughs) It's the Ciabutter. Get it, like ciabutter? It's like ciabatta, but it's ciabutter. - Oh okay. - It is on ciabatta. Don't you like the way I touch both halves? - So it's salted butter. - Oh, good. That'll take care of it. - And there's some margarine that's been smeared on the actual thing. Now if we want mustard or mayo or even ketchup, I don't put ketchup on sandwiches. Is there any type of sandwich that you put ketchup on? - Well maybe a butter sandwich. Look at that cross section. - Maybe this is the one sandwich that needs it. - I feel like we got to acknowledge the fact that only one sandwich so far has willed, right? The last three after the first one have not, and I think that's just a function of the fact that our culinary team is so valuable. - [Stevie] I'm trying, I tried. Did you notice the butter spread? I butter spreaded both sides. (Rhett blows raspberry) - There it is. - Thank you. - I like butter, and I do eat butter on the regular, - But... Dink it - ter. (laughing) - What was that? I didn't know if that was a set up. - I thought you weren't doing - But-ter - That was nice, that was pretty good. - Hey I'm just trying to be there, I'm not gonna leave you hanging. - I'm trying to be there for ya. - This is gonna be a big butter bite. I'm gonna have to go on a corner just to get my small mouth around it. - You gotta put it on you bottom teeth, like this, and then, it's like latch, you gotta latch it up. - I love butter, man. Especially salted butter. - Try a little bit of this. (bottle squirts) Excuse you. If a sandwich needed ketchup ever, I don't know why, that's not typically how I would apply ketchup, you latch it. - That did a little something for me. - See how, that changes it. - Makes it a little tangy. The vinegar-- - It offsets the fat. - The vinegar offsets the fat. But, butter. We can touch. - I'm so afraid! - We're breathing right on top of each other. - I'm living in a new world! - We're the same person, okay? This is a pod. - I'm telling you right now, guys. This is it. It kinda feels like I'm eating really creamy meatloaf. - I genuinely love it. Now I'm afraid of how many calories-- - I drew glasses on mine by accident. - this is gonna be. - [Stevie] I only put three sticks of butter in and spread butter on it, so. - Yeah, I know, you went easy on us. - It's really the bread I'm worried about. I'm on a low carb thing. - Hey, listen. Don't forget the ketchup, y'all. We've made a discovery, because butter will it sandwich? - [Both] Yes! - Yes! - Yeah, it's good to be back here, man! - I'm gonna save that for later. - So we willed a couple for you guys. We got some discounts on the store. I'm celebrating my birthday! In person with my buddy! Couldn't be nicer. - But! - Ter! - Hey! - You know what time it is. - I'm in Vietnam eating a bánh mì, which is a Vietnamese sandwich, and it's time to spin the Wheel of Mythicality. - Click the top link to watch me make Link a surprise birthday panini on a George Foreman grill - And to find out where the Wheel of Mythicality is gonna land. Happy Birthday to me! Save up to 30% on my favorite items for 48 hours only at mythical.com
Channel: Good Mythical Morning
Views: 3,143,106
Rating: 4.9554348 out of 5
Keywords: gmm, good mythical morning, rhettandlink, rhett and link, mythical, rhett, mclaughlin, link, neal, season 17, s17, will it, taste test, Will It Sandwich? Taste Test, taco bell
Id: JYsQIy50htU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 54sec (894 seconds)
Published: Mon Jun 01 2020
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