Dyed vs. Undyed Food Taste Test

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(cock crowing) (lion roaring) (wheel clacking) - Welcome to "Good Mythical More". I can see colors, but can I see food dye? Let's find out. - Can you see a new selfie face? - Can I taste food dye? I mean, I'm going to say taste colors, but I'm bad at bragging I guess. - Just accept it, - I can see color. - you have discovered a superpower. - I said I can see colors. - Okay, the new selfie face today is called the letter Q. So we gotta do this together. I'll be the little part of the Q, if you'll be the other part of the Q. (camera shutters) (laughs) - That works, right? - Yeah, that was nice! - I can taste colors, but can I taste food dye? - Right so-- - And let's not look at these. Let's push these out. We're not gonna-- - This is a different test. I mean, I will say that it like, obviously we know that color influences the way you perceive things. But now we're just seeing if we can detect the presence of dye, which they say you can't. But if you put it enough dye in something, like when you... You remember when your mama used to make a cake and she would like put too much food coloring in the icing? - And your teeth would be blue for like a week and a half? - And you'd be like, Hmm, it tastes like you put a lot of food coloring in it. - Yeah, a little off. - Tastes like a magic marker. You know what I mean? - But given everything we've learned, we have to be blindfolded in order to really, to remove color from the test, to see which ones, really we're seeing which one's better, and then deciding. I think, my theory is the ones that taste better, are the ones that don't have dye, because-- - The dye is not good. Do you relate to this Stevie? - Dye is either tasteless or it hurts? - Did your mama ever make a big cake that was too dyed? - [Stevie] No, but she did put protein powder and things and then lie about it. - No. Like what? - [Stevie] Like, I think I told, she went through a phase where she just would put protein powder in everything, because she thought we needed it. And then you'd like have a little funky, like aftertaste. And then she also tried to lie to us about what was real meat and what was fake meat at a time where that was nearly impossible. Oh, wait, hold on. Can we put the, on the, - What's happening? - [Stevie] Yap. And the, Chase knows what I'm saying, one moment. So, you each have your own bowls, but like, the one kind, (Stevie laughs) - Is that your face? - What is happening? - [Stevie] Okay. So basically like, the dyed ice cream is on one side and the not dyed ice cream is on the other side, but there's two bowls. This is very confusing. Do you understand what I'm saying? - Like my side is all one thing-- - No, no, no. - [Stevie] Correct, yeah. - No, that's not-- - And you just do, can you just put the two things on each side and just right and left? - Let's do this. - [Stevie] Sure. No, that's all right. - I also have a spoonful of something already, so you need to match my spoonful. - Are you already eating something? - [Stevie] Yeah. It's okay. You have this spoonful of the right. Everything's fine. - Are they matched? - [Stevie] Everything's fine. You each have something on your right and something on your left. - So like, these two should be the same-- - [Stevie] You don't have to go on right side. - I know, I'm making a point. - We were trying not to do what Link is doing right now. - These are the same? - [Stevie] Yap. - So now we're... - [Stevie] Now we're good. Anyway, what was I talking about? Oh, here's the thing though. These aren't the same brands. So, you really should like, yes, you should think which one tastes better, but more which one tastes like it has dye in it. - This is the ice cream? - [Stevie] This is ice cream, yes. - I'm tasting the right ice cream. - I've tasted both of them already. - Now. Okay so-- - I'm a big fan of mint chocolate chip ice cream. - And we discovered that in the ice cream tournament, that the one that, well, we have some information based on our tournament that should help us. - I know which one's better. What y'all laughing at? - My spoon was upside down. - [Stevie] Link spooned it upside down and then dropped in. (Stevie laughs) - I don't know how that happened. It felt right, but it didn't feel right when I put it my mouth. - Huh. - Oh, that's some good. The one on the left is some good. - They're both good. All right, I think I know which one's got dye in it. - [Stevie] Okay. - Link, do you know? - [Stevie] Put your hand over the one that has dye in it, three, two, one. - The left one? - The one on the right's got the green dye. - Oh, really? - [Stevie] You can remove your blindfold. - Yep, you can taste it from a mile away. - [Stevie] Which one did you say you liked better? - I-- - This one's milder. - I think I liked the one on the left better, but they were both good. What brand are we doing? - Which I think we determined that. - [Stevie] So that's surprising, 'cause the dyed one is your favorite Blue Bunny. I mean, ranked up there. - Oh, really? - [Stevie] And then the undyed one is 365. - I gotta say, they're both good, but we didn't have 365 when we did it before. It's a tough call about which one's better. - Yeah. And one would think it wouldn't, Blue Bunny is not a brand that we were going head over heels for though. - [Stevie] Was it? - It was Blue Bell. - [Stevie] Blue Bell, okay. If you had both of these side by side, in like an ice cream shop and you knew they were both mint chocolate chip. - I would pick the green one. - [Stevie] You would? - It seems more fun. - You wanna pick the green one but-- - [Stevie] Really? I would pick the not green one, because-- - You're afraid of like, a chemicals. - Yellow number five. - [Stevie] Yeah. - Green number two. - [Stevie] I would think that it was like better for you. - I tend to gravitate towards chemicals. - All right, blindfolds down. Let's see another one with our buds. - I think a lot of chemicals make you stronger over time. It's like a superhero. Think of every superhero that turned into something that they fell into a vat of chemicals. You need to expose yourself to chemicals throughout your life. - [Stevie] Okay. You have two plates of pickles in front of you. - Oh, pickles. - Are these hand pickles? - [Stevie] What? - Oh, it's a long pickle. That's a long slice. What do you call that, Josh? That is long slice, longeys? - [Josh] Yeah. They're all long pickles. - Okay, these are definitely cut different. - The one on the right's kind of mild. The one on the left... Oh, it's got a crinkle cut. - It's a crinkle cut. And it's a different flavor profile for sure. But where's the dye? - Whoa, Whoa. That one's a lot more pungent. The one on the left. - All right. I think I know which one's got dye. - [Stevie] Okay. Three, two, one. - This one's got dye. - I'm guessing the crinkle cut. - Yeah. Look at the dye on this thing. Look at that, bro. You can taste it. - Oh gosh. So I was wrong. I correlated crinkle cutting with dyeing, because I thought that when you're trying that much harder, to like cut it fancy, you're also trying hard with the dye. - No, it has like a natural... This is like a supernatural, supernatural. This is a supernatural pickle. - [Stevie] What's the point-- - It's an angel pickle - [Stevie] of dying a pickle? - 'Cause you're like, "Green". - [Stevie] Well, it's dyed with yellow, but I don't understand. Do people naturally gravitate towards yellow dyed pickles? - I think it's just something they did, they started and they just kept doing. - Yeah, I think so. I guess, but, so which one did you think tasted better? So I actually thought this one tasted better too. - It's got a lot more flavor. - More flavor. - Fresher. So, what is the one on the right? - [Stevie] Vlasic. - Really? And what is this special one? - [Stevie] Grillo's - Supernatural. - That's some special stuff. - Grillo's. - Yeah. Pickles and ice cream, I'm not pregnant. - All right. - What else we got? - [Stevie] If you were, we'd get a lot more clicks on this video. - If this was the me announcing I'm pregnant video. - [Stevie] Yeah. - Okay, I'm pregnant. I'll get pregnant for views. You know that a lot of YouTubers have, those families, those family vloggers, they get pregnant for views. - [Stevie] Stop. (background group laughing) - I mean you telling me they're like, "Listen, if we have one more kid, "it'd be really difficult. "But think about how many views "we get during the pregnancy video, "and then during the birth video". Undoubtedly, people have had kids for views. - Let me, - Undoubtedly. - Well, let's back up one. - Okay. - I don't watch these family vloggers, but-- - Neither do I, I don't support having kids for views. - You know how, from what you've told me about "The Bachelor", there's places that like, there's cameras that insinuate that people go into certain spaces and you know, hook up all the way. (background group laughing) On "The Bachelor", don't they have sex? - Yeah, in the fantasy suite. - Yeah, okay. - That's not a little, you've made it sound like a dirty corner of the street. Like, go into the sex alley now. - What did they show in the fantasy suite? - Oh, it's full porn. When they go into the fantasy suite, you have to switch over-- - Seriously. - A different channel and it's just triple X. - Just tell me. But they imply-- - They show them getting ready to do things and the cameraman like, backing out slowly. - The camera man backs away? - Yeah. - Oh gosh. Do family vloggers do that on YouTube? (background group laughing) - No, but they should. They should. - I mean-- - [Stevie] Yeah. But they're shooting themselves, so they'd have to. - Like I'm backing away, but now I'm coming back in. I don't know how I'm going to do that. - Well, you just edit that part out. - You get your kids to shoot the sex scenes. (laughs) All right, son. - [Stevie] Listen, you're probably horribly close to reality. - Is there implied sex scenes in family vlogs? - In family vlogs? - No, but there should be. - [Stevie] No. - I'm in a personal campaign. - I think we should start a petition Yeah, we should start a petition. - change.org, we want more sex in family vlogs. - No, implied sex. We want more implied sex in family vlogs. - Implied sex, right. (background group laughing) What you're saying is you might as well see the whole process. If you're gonna see the baby, you can might as well see what made the baby. - No, I don't want to see it, but I want it to be implied. Yesterday they had sex. You know, nine months from yesterday-- - Yeah, she's gonna have a baby. - You'll have a baby maybe. - Right. A baby maybe? How about just implied children? I wonder how many views you get with implied children? - What is this that I'm about to eat? - [Stevie] Mac and cheese. - Oh, Mac, that's some hard mac and cheese. - Oh! - It needs salt. (background group laughing) - I wasn't impressed with that one. I got to say. I don't even know what's happening here. - I think this one's a little better. It's harder to just get a scoop of it. - I'm not a fan of either of these. - Very bland, yeah. I think the... - I know which one's got dye though. - [Stevie] Okay. Three, two, one. - This one's got dye. - I have no clue. They taste the exact same to me. - [Stevie] Yeah, Rhett's right again. - How did you know that? - 'Cause you could tell that it was like one of those, this was like more for kids, like diet for the kids. - [Stevie] Well, let me tell you, it contains yellow five and yellow six. - Oh, I like when I get both of those. That makes yellow 11. - [Stevie] It's Kraft Easy Mac. And then the one that, you said needed more salt is Annie's so you're probably right. - Yeah. And it tastes better. - They both needed more salt. I mean, what would happen if there was implied sex scenes in family vlogs? I mean, I think people would talk about it, but again, it's on network television in reality competition shows. - I think the only reason it's not, is because of what Stevie was getting at, which is, who films it. - [Stevie] No. I mean, "The Bachelor" is nothing like a family vlogger. They don't have, they're not, it's not like we're having our fifth baby and moving into our house tour. - It's a game show. - But, let's say you're trying to have a baby. Let's say you're documenting trying to have a baby. And you haven't been able to, what's the word? - Conceive. - Conceive. So that becomes your story and people are following along. Well, a key part of that story is like-- - The sex. - Is the sex. - [Man Offscreen] Implied. - That actually-- - Implied. - I didn't watch it because, I usually just look at the thumbnail and know what's happening on the trending page of YouTube. But there was a family vlog that was a couple that had been trying to get pregnant for like 10 years. And she was finally pregnant and that was the video. And I think what you're saying is, well, what about the trying? - What about the trying? - [Stevie] There's also a video that was trending, that was like-- - Life isn't just about succession, - [Stevie] "Tell my boyfriend I might be pregnant" - It's about attemption. - [Stevie] Which I was tempted to click on, 'cause it's not definite. - Well, hold on now, we can make that video. We might be pregnant. - [Stevie] What do you mean? That's true. - I could say I might be pregnant and that would be true. That wouldn't be click bait. Rhett might be pregnant. - Is there another? - [Man Offscreen] Oh, yeah. - Okay, let's go again. I want to start producing family vlogs. - We need to get, I mean, they do a pretty good job on their own, but-- - Just watch them disintegrate inside. That's really what you're doing with family vlogging, right? You're watching them disintegrate inside. They've become so externalized. That it's tough. I mean the line gets blurred. It's a very challenging thing to do that family vlogging. - Oh, yeah. I mean, I've tried to make a couple of videos like during quarantine with my family. - [Stevie] This is gum. So the one on your, there's different forms of the gum. So just reach down a little bit when you're looking - There's just a bowl, - [Stevie] for the one on the left. - That's all I see. - [Stevie] Yeah, and then the other one is not in a bowl. - Oh, it's just that. - Why is it shaped like rabbit food? Like cylinders? - [Stevie] Yeah, this one might be a little bit more obvious. (background group laughs) - I'm gonna chew that on the right side. Okay. (background group laughs) Now when we were on tour, they started putting gum backstage for us, because somebody put it on a list and the type of gum they would put, in every place I started to notice, this must be on the list, because it was this weird gum I've never had. That was all natural gum that came in those like, little boxes that look like, kinda like a cigarette box. You know what I'm talking about? - Well, yeah. What they did-- - I think that's what this rabbit turds-- - They took a cue from the other things. We had like a bunch of like all natural, organic, weird snacks. And they were like, "Surely these guys don't like normal gum". - Yeah. - All right. I know which one's got a dye for sure. - Yeah, this one. - [Stevie] Yes. - This one. - [Stevie] I'm not even giving you a three, two, one. - What's the name brand of this? Oh yeah. Simply Gum. - Is that it? - Made only with a few simple ingredients. This is it. This is what we would have backstage. And I'm like, "What the heck is this"? - I've never chewed it. - Is this some sort of kindling for fire? It's not nearly as fragrant as this stuff. - Yeah, so you need those chemicals, man. Chemicals already exist for a reason. Put 'em in your body. - [Stevie] Okay. There's one more, one more round. - Psychologically. I mean, there's a lot of challenges with family vlogging. Even if you're not gonna show yourself having implied sex. I mean, that's why they haven't done it, because they have enough trouble navigating their real lives and their performance lives. What did they show you? What do they share? - Listen, you do things like you buy big houses and cars, so that you can put 'em in the video. I mean, it's pretty sweet thing at the same time. - It's a "Suite Life Of Zack And Cody", but it's not... - I think if you can handle it, it's a pretty sweet ass situation. - Yeah, but you're buying into the capitalism of it all, man. The materialism of it all. - Is that, that's my mug. - What about the relationships? (background group laughing) - All right. - What about deciding to be your true self instead of being... I'm just gonna taste these. - Because if you just did a family vlog that was just somebody just being a normal family, it would be boring. - Yeah. - There they are kind of passing in the night and not talking to each other. (background group laughs) - I think it's obvious just about texture. - Yeah. This feels like some natural stuff. This is like what you get at a movie theater over here. - I cannot bite through this, but this is like, I can take it apart. - [Stevie] Yeah, you're right. - I really liked... So the dye is this. - [Stevie] I like the way that the non dyed ones, they look like chalkier. - And they're more easily consumable. - They have less of a bounce. - And they taste better. - [Stevie] Hey, do you guys like, you like shoelaces and hair ties? - What, what? - [Stevie] Do you like shoelaces and hair ties? - Yeah. - [Stevie] I love shoelaces and hair ties and I especially love the shoelaces and hair ties we designed over at mythical.com. - Yeah, they're really great. They're full of chemicals. - [Stevie] They do have some dye in order to make them neon colors. But you're putting them on your shoes, and then your hair, you know? - I mean, there's a little bit of chemicals that get through your hair into your brain, but that's what we want. - [Stevie] No. That's not what we're saying. No, they're perfectly safe shoelaces and hair ties at mythical.com. - Have ever in your history of the world seen a comic book, where there was just some person who like started like working out and eating right, and then became a superhero? That's the most boring story I've ever heard. (background group laughing) They always have an accident happen. They get into a vat. They get bit by something. You need an accident to be awesome. You can't just work hard and get fit and eat great food and become some super person. It's not how it works. It's a lie you've been sold. - Has anyone ever become a superhero through implied sex? (background laughing) - Yeah, implied sex man. - [Link] Go with the flow. Get our new neon accessories now at mythical.com.
Channel: Good Mythical MORE
Views: 2,586,304
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: gmm, good mythical morning, rhettandlink, rhett and link, mythical, rhett, mclaughlin, link, neal, season 17, s17, good mythical more, gmmore, will it, taste test
Id: JPkg6tw57WY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 49sec (1129 seconds)
Published: Wed Jul 15 2020
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