Will It Cheesecake? Taste Test

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๐Ÿ‘๏ธŽ︎ 5 ๐Ÿ‘ค๏ธŽ︎ u/Covane ๐Ÿ“…๏ธŽ︎ Sep 25 2018 ๐Ÿ—ซ︎ replies

This is episode #1385. By the way, can you check the message from me on the moderators' inbox please /u/Sirus_Griffing

Thank you!

๐Ÿ‘๏ธŽ︎ 3 ๐Ÿ‘ค๏ธŽ︎ u/Novocaine96 ๐Ÿ“…๏ธŽ︎ Sep 24 2018 ๐Ÿ—ซ︎ replies

Perfect thing to see after a rough day. Will It is definitely one of their best recurring series.

๐Ÿ‘๏ธŽ︎ 3 ๐Ÿ‘ค๏ธŽ︎ u/sleepytimeredditor ๐Ÿ“…๏ธŽ︎ Sep 24 2018 ๐Ÿ—ซ︎ replies
- Today we ask the age-old question-- - Will it cheesecake? - Let's talk about that. (alarm rings) (playful theme music) (fire blasts) - Good Mythical Morning! - Yes, the rumors are true. Small towns across the entire United States have been dotted with billboards featuring Good Mythical Morning. And yes, our nipples are visible. But they're only gonna be up for one more week. Not our nipples, well yes our nipples, but the billboards. (Link chuckles) We're gonna continue to put clues to the locations on our social media where we encourage you to share your findings with #MythicalUSA. - #MythicalUSA. But now cheesecake. Cheesecake is one of the most popular desserts in the world, in fact, it's so popular they have dedicated an entire factory to making it. But the cheesecake that we're gonna be eating today didn't come from a factory. It's home-made and if past Will Its are any indicator, we may be making a trip home after eating it. It's time for-- - [Rhett And Link] Will It Cheesecake? - Now your typical cheesecake consists of a mixture of soft fresh cheese, typically cream cheese or ricotta, eggs, vanilla and sugar, all on top of a cookie or graham cracker crust. - Mhm and for all of these we have maintained the cheesecake recipe by using eggs, cheese, sugar and crumb crust but everything else is gonna be pure experimentation! And for this first one, we have decided to go savory instead of sweet and what's more savory than a Philly cheese steak? Plus it rhymes. Presenting the cheese steak cheesecake. - Mm! - Looking good, right? Okay, this has got rib-eye steak, onion, mushroom, and provolone filling. It is topped with Cheez Whiz, whipped cream, and pickled cherry tomatoes. I said tomatoes but I meant to say peppers-- - [Rhett] Have a slice, Link! - It's still cold because that's how cheesecake happens. We may wish that it was warm. It kinda looks like, I want it to be a quiche. - It has a quiche-like quality. If you were to give me this on a brunchy morning, I would think that I was being given a quiche. - Maybe the coldness will work its savory advantage. Probably not, but let's try it. We dunk it, now we sunk it. Very cheesy. Perhaps the cheesiest cheesecake I've ever eaten, just by virtue of-- - Well the Cheez Whiz. The Cheez Whiz on top, I feel like I might need, just to get a pure experience, I'm gonna take a little bit of that cheese off and just get the cheesecake. - And once you get past that, I didn't know cheese was such a strong taste. You'll eventually get to the steak and you'll eventually really start liking it. - I know, I like it. I liked it before. - Mhm. - My mama used to make-- - Great woman. - You remember, in the 80s they made cold savory things and you thought that maybe somebody should put it in the oven, but-- - Yeah I'm not bothering the coldness at all. I'm not bothered by it and I'm not bothering it. - Well don't bother the coldness. - I don't mean to annoy you. - I do wonder what it would be like if it were to be put into an oven. It would probably just become a gelatinous mess. - It would no longer be cheesecake. - But if the coldness is a little off-putting, but, I've got this cheese stringing off my face. Can you help me with that? - I don't see anything. - Maybe it's just happening in my mind. - You're going a little cray cray. - It's so cheesy that I'm beginning to have cheese hallucinations. - But ultimately, Philly cheese steak. Will it cheese cake? - [Rhett And Link] Yes! - We're gonna ride the savory train one more time because once you put steak in a cheesecake, the next obvious move is to put chicken in it. But not just any chicken, we're talking about Kentucky Fried Chicken. And that's not the only thing we've done here. Get a load of the KFC's cake. - Look at this. Now, this is amazing. Break it down for us. - We've got popcorn chicken, mashed potatoes, corn filling. That's all in the middle, then we've got whipped potatoes and gravy cream topping with cheese and coleslaw all in a biscuit crumb crust. - [Link] Oh gosh, look at this. - I've always wanted coleslaw on top of my cheesecake. That's the one thing I've always thought was missing. - This is something that KFC would break out, man. 'Cause they will do stuff. They'll do some weird stuff. - KFC just exhibits-- - I wasn't gonna say desperate, but-- - Signs of desperation too often. Listen, you've got incredible chicken with 11 herbs and spices; it doesn't need to be bolstered by bowls where you just mix everything else on the menu together. - Or sandwiches where the meat becomes the buns. - Is the bun! You don't have to do that. - That's odd! - Now I enjoy all of it, personally. But normal people probably don't. - Now I like to mix everything that KFC offers together beside the chicken, so I'll eat the chicken and then I'll mix the coleslaw with the gravy with the potatoes. - So you're the reason that they have those bowls. - Yeah. - Okay we talked our way all around, right back to it. - I mean, I hope you're watching, Colonel. - You know what happens when corn goes in? - Corn come out. - That's right. - Uh. (crew laughing) - Give it a chance, man. - I didn't get any chicken. Is that a chicken chunk? - You're the bowl man. Give it a chance. - Okay, now that I got some chicken in there, I love it. - Oh, hold on! That was all it took? - Yes. - So next time I'm having an issue with you and I need to persuade you, just pop-- - Just pop a little chicken popper in my mouth. - Y'all, get some popcorn chicken, I want it on-hand at all times. - I'll be making a face like, I don't know about this. And I'll be very critical and then-- - Pop it in. - Oh, I love it! - I don't love it, to me it's not-- - This is how I eat KFC, all mixed together. - It's not as good as the cheese steak cheesecake. But it's not bad, again, the coldness throws me off a little bit-- - There's a sweetness in the coleslaw itself. - The corn, it's the corn. - The corn. - Did you chew the corn? - No need. - No, you gotta chew the corn. 'Cause you don't chew the corn now (clicks tongue). - You like to talk about the corn coming out the tuchus. - Yeah. - There's a piece. - [Rhett] So, KFC's cake, will it cheesecake? - [Rhett And Link] Yes. - Okay all that fat and sugar in cheesecake can make you feel like you need to take a nap so we decided to counteract that sedative effect with something stimulating. Namely, energy drinks. It's the five hour energheese cake. This thing is jam-packed full of all the energy drinks we could get our hands out. We reduced Rockstar, Red Bull and Monster drinks to just their essence through a process called reducing. (Rhett and crew laugh) That's a cooking thing. - Yeah, it's a new thing. - The whipped cream is 5-hour Energy whipped cream and there's Hypershock Rage crust. - The Hypershock Rage crust requires rage to get it-- - Use some rage! Hypershock Rage-- - Dilly dally under there. - If you don't know, it's a pre-workout that promises vein swelling pumps. - Oh, I know. (chuckles) - And there's a little bit extra of the Rage sprinkled on top there. - They made a lightning bolt. Josh made a lightning bold out of Rage! - Rage! - Hypershock Rage. - Now this is, I don't know if I could have guessed that it would turned out like a minty pink color. Who would have known? - It smells like cheesecake. - It smells like-- - It smells like cheesecake for once! - But it looks like-- - Dink it. - A problem. Woo! Woo! (Rhett chuckles) (Rhett laughs heartily) Making my jaws clench. (Rhett grunts) You raging? - The only way to get through this tartness is with rage! Oh gosh. - Now I just wanna point out that it's not packed full of steroids, it's packed full of caffeinated drinks, so it's not necessarily gonna make your balls small and you angry, but-- - That's already happened. (both chuckling) I kinda like it! - I really like it! - I'm just saying that-- - I really like it! - I don't know if it's the effect of the Hypershock Rage, I'm just saying that it's so tart, in order to make it through the tartness, you gotta rage. - It's the tartiest cheesecake I ever tasted. - We could sell this at the gyms. - We could go door-to-door to gyms? - We go in there like the Bushwhackers. - Hey! - Hypershock! Hypershock Rage cheesecake! - Get it while the getting's good. - We get sponsors. You know what, we get sponsor, first of all-- - Make you pucker. - Energy drinks will sponsor anything. They will sponsor anything-- - They're shameless. - And they'll both sponsor the same thing. We want all of them to sponsor one cake. Sponsored by all the energy! - And if you don't, we're gonna rage! - You know, I think, let's just bring the Bushwhackers back and get them to do it. Are they still alive? - They'll be easy to track down. Energy drink, will it cheesecake? - [Rhett And Link] Yes! - People eat cheesecake when they feel bad. People take pain relievers when they feel bad. Say no more, break out the analgheese cake. - (chuckles) You're gonna have to explain why anal, it's got the word anal in it, so you gotta explain why analgheese cake. - You shouldn't say anal. Say annal. Analgesics are pain relievers. Now, we don't have any actual drugs here. This is all-natural. We got devil's claw, Boswellia serrata, and kava kava filling. I'm sure I butchered that. We also have feverfew whipped cream and willow bark cracker crust. First of all, we'll say, even though this is all-natural, I do not recommend that you do this and make this. We don't know exactly how much you could eat of this before you have maximum pain relief. I think we're just gonna have a bite of it. - Not only is there a pill here, but I see cross-sections of pills throughout this thing. - Now this is when we rage too hard. When we bushwhack just like a couple of maniacs and then we get-- (chuckles) - If you bushwhack too much, your bush whacks back. - That's right, and then we come back home and we're like, aw man. - I gotta get some analgesic in me. - Yeah, and it's, you just eat cheesecake. You don't wanna stop eating cheesecake for anybody. - I like the fact that we're bringing the term analgesic out of the board rooms and into the home of all of our Mythical Beasts. - There's a syrup in the middle of it, what is that? I'm sure it's good for me. Dink it. - Smells like cheesecake and Grape Nuts. - It actually smells like pet food. Well let's just eat it. - Oh. - It tastes like it'd be a poison. - Tastes like I've been wronged in the mouth. - It's worth it! - Just bad, ooh! - You're gonna feel so good when you get that down. - Are you swallowing it? - Yeah. - Oh gosh. - I raged so hard, I'm gonna-- (chuckles) (Link gags) I'm gonna do whatever it takes, man. Do what it takes, Neal! (Link gags) It's like if you took-- - Oh! - A hamster cage that had had hamsters in it for awhile, you took the newspapers. - Yes. - You folded them up, you started cinching them and you squeeze-- - Juice in your mouth. - One drop. - Doop! - That's what just happened in my mouth. - Herbal pain relievers. Will they cheesecake? - [Rhett And Link] No! - Now in order to make cheesecake, you need milk from a cow, but what if instead of taking milk from a cow, you took the digestive fluids synthesized by the cow's liver stored in its gallbladder and secreted into its small intestine. Yes, I'm talking about everybody's favorite cow juice secretion, beef bile. We call this one bile have what cheese having. (Rhett laughs) - You know what, no matter what happens, if we don't make it through this, it's worth it because of the name of the cheesecake. - It's the color-- - It's freaking gray! - Nasty, turn around like this so they can see you take the piece out. - Now just in case you didn't understand what Link said. - It doesn't stink. It doesn't stink at all. - It is a secretion. We haven't had secretions very much on this show. - Yeah this is-- โ™ช A whole new world โ™ช Oh gosh. - Oh gosh, I can't. I can't dislodge it. - So here's what's in this thing. Bile filling, bile whipped cream, and cinnamon graham cracker crust. Yum. - Okay here we go. - There it is. So hand me a full-- - Here's a complimentary bile caramel drizzle. (crew laughing) - Yes, Josh. - Oh, beautiful. - Thanks for your table-side service, Josh. - No problem, thank you guys for dining with us. - [Link] Now, this doesn't, it doesn't stink when I smell it. - No, it's enough! That's plenty, man! - Oh sorry, I'm sorry. - But we were told that this may be the worst thing we've ever tasted on this show. Stevie said worst thing we've ever tasted, Darren said at least top 10. So boy I can't wait to get into this one. - Before we put that extra secretion on top of it, it was seeming almost doable. - No blood is going to my hands anymore, it's like I'm going into survival mode. My extremities, I can't feel them. - Typically this is like mixed into things. Not cheesecake. - Again, it doesn't stink. - It's gonna be good. Dink it. - Dink it. - And sink it. (both gagging and retching) (crew moans disgustedly) (crew laughing) (both spit) (Rhett screams) (Rhett gags) Oh gosh. It's not meant for human consumption. (Link spits) How could that have no smell? - That's in a cow? - But it helps the cow eat its own food. You know what I'm saying, it's not the kinda thing you should be putting in cheesecake. Whose idea was this? - Really, whose idea was this? 'Cause they are going down. Kevin? - Oh gosh. Well. - [Link] Beef bile. Will it cheesecake? - [Rhett And Link] No! - It's the worst pure taste we've ever tasted on this show, I think. I'm sure there's other things that it ties with. - What I will say is that it doesn't linger with the disgust in the same way that blood does. 'Cause now that it's not in my mouth anymore, I feel okay. But the moment that my mind registered what it was is one of the worst in my life. - Thank you for liking, commenting and subscribing. - You know what time it is. - I'm Bailey. - I'm Trevor. - And I'm Jacob. - [Bailey] And we're from King George, Virginia. - [Together] And it's time to spin the Wheel of Mythicality! - So you got a old timey camera. - Old film camera, looka there! Click the top link to watch us try a Wendy's Frosty and fries cheesecake in Good Mythical More. - And to find out where the Wheel of Mythicality's gonna land. - [Rhett] Let your beast flag fly with our colorful and cozy I Am A Mythical Beast tee, available at mythical.store.
Channel: Good Mythical Morning
Views: 4,803,633
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Keywords: gmm, good mythical morning, rhettandlink, rhett and link, mythical morning, mythical, rhett, link, season 14, will it, gmm will it, will it cheesecake, cheesecake, cheesecake factory, rhett and link will it, good mythical morning will it, Will It Cheesecake? Taste Test, taste test, taste, test, will it taste test, gmm will it taste test, rhett and link taste test, gmm taste test, good mythical morning taste test, cheesecake taste test, will it cheese cake, cheese, cake
Id: XleFom6OfrE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 0sec (900 seconds)
Published: Mon Sep 24 2018
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