Why Did You Pick A Devil? - Pastor Tolan Morgan

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I want to summon your senses and invite your intellect to the gospel that has been recorded by John chapter number six John chapter number six and if you don't have a Bible the scriptures will be seen on the screen for your viewing we want to begin reading at verse number 66 John chapter 6 verse 66 your bimah should read from that time many of his disciples went back and walked no more with him then said Jesus unto the twelve will you also go away then Simon Peter answered him Lord to whom shall we go you have the words of eternal life and we believe and are sure that you are that Christ the Son of the Living God jesus answered them have not I chosen you twelve and one of you is a devil he spoke of Judas Iscariot the son of Simon for he it was that should betray him being one of the twelve I won't attack this six why did you pick a devil and maybe seated in the Lord's Church most scholars agree that the Gospel of John though it is classified as a member of the gospel quartet is not a synoptic gospel because when we read the Gospel of John it has accounts moments stories events miracles recorded in it that are not recorded in Matthew Mark and Luke Matthew Mark and Luke are synoptic in that they cover the same stories from a different angle these Gospel writers from one aspect can be identified as biographers writing about the life of Jesus Christ from another aspect they can be identified as news reporters who are covering the same story from a different angle John is different and John is different because his theological thesis for his book is different he pushes the envelope that Jesus Christ was not just the son of God not just the Messiah but that he was God and to approach Christ from that perspective does not permit for you to cover him like everybody else and thus John has his own unique set of events and moments in the life of Christ that are specifically designed to purport and support his thesis that Jesus was God John 1 and 1 in the beginning was the word the Word was with God and the Word was God the rest of the book is about that one verse and thus he uses events the Greek text specifically calls them signs that point to the deity of Jesus Christ signs ladies and gentlemen aren't actually where we need to go they point us to where we need to go they shift us then shift our focus in a certain direction as a matter of fact the only miracle that is recorded in all four Gospels is recorded here in John chapter 6 the feeding of the 5,000 that's the only miracle that all four writers cover together and in John chapter 6 it's John's version of that event which for the most part may be the most detailed and most insightful account of that moment where Jesus took two fish and five loaves of bread and fed 5,000 men not counting the women and children historians would tell us that it may have been possibly about 20,000 people out there if you were just counting the men without the women and children and John records this account but John pushes the envelope passed the other three writers because John says that the miracle itself was not Jesus point the miracle was a sign pointing to a larger truth that not only could Jesus turn a desert into a delicatessen but he could also showcase a miracle that pointed to a larger message that he himself was the bread of life so John records a series of miracles that precede a discourse or a sermon or an exegesis on the being of Christ that I am feeding the masses because I am the bread of life and thus he begins this discourse about his own being that the miracle was only an illustration for a larger sermon and the larger sermon was I am the bread of life I just can't tell you that because you walk by sight and not by faith so I have to show you that I'm the bread of life and then point and show you that what I was showing you I was always giving you an illustration of myself I was that manner that fell from heaven that fed the children of Israel in the wilderness I and this bread in the midst of this New Testament version of this wilderness event that's feeding twenty thousand people I am who God sent down to give nourishment and strength and life to the people of God and he begins to give further exposition on his illustration in verses 63 and 64 where he tells the people that if you eat my flesh and drink my blood I will be in you and you will be in me unfortunately ladies and gentlemen the people interpreted his claim as cannibalism and they were troubled and the Bible says that they were even offended by such a troubling statement Jesus responds in verse 65 and 66 and tells them if you're offended you're offended because you interpret my statement literally and not spiritually for the words that I speak they are spirit and they are life I am talking spiritually and you only saw it literally and they still didn't get it so they were offended because they did not want to participate in what they perceived to be cannibalism and verse 66 where you and I picked it up says from that time forward many of his disciples defected from the faith catch that church thousands of people whom had just been fed and benefited by a miracle left Jesus catch it y'all they were there for the miracle but didn't want the message you see ladies and gentlemen a show will always attract a crowd but when we get down to the meat of the matter and to the message most people don't want the meat they just want the show and there there is a that that's where the rubber meets the road y'all because when the message now becomes the forefront and it requires some and some interpretation by the spirit and some calls of mental activity now people are repelled then you you and I ladies and gentlemen see it all day long even now we've got to be careful that we don't continue to entertain just to bring a crowd because at the end of the day it is not the entertainment that is going to sustain you in the middle of the night it is not the show that is going to keep you when you're in the hospital and when you're facing challenges in your life it has got to be the word of the Lord the grass withers and the flowers fade but the word of the Lord shall stand forever when you get done with lights camera action smoke guns and all of that foolishness people will come for the show but all of those who are serious will stay for the message Jesus has just experienced his first defection because we find out that the defection was a group of disbelievers anyway let me upset you did y'all notice that Jesus didn't chase who left [Applause] as a matter of fact as a matter of fact Jesus was so disinterested in them leaving he turns to the twelve and says y'all leaving - ladies and gentlemen let me be very clear to say to you and it may make you uncomfortable I'm never worried about who leaves I'm only worried about who's left because there are some people who need to leave [Applause] because this belief is a cancer that can affect the others who are around so if you already in disbelief you need to be in a place where you are not being contagious I probably get some writing about that one there's some emails or something like that Jesus let him leave and then turns to the twelve and says are you leaving - Peter speaks up on behalf of the Apostolic band the self-appointed representative and says Jesus let me give you a corporate and conclusive no we are not going anywhere for two reasons number one you have the words of life and number two we are sure that you are the Christ the Son of the Living God y'all miss what he said he said we are not leaving number one because we believe what you say cuz we know who you are I'm not sure add one more time you missed it he said we're not going anywhere because we believe what you say cuz we know who you are you have the words of eternal life and you are the Christ the Son of the Living God and in Jesus classic unsuspecting way he does not respond to this commendation with appreciation he responds by shedding light on a secret and a strange time Peter says we're not going into where Jesus says well first of all the reason why you're not going anywhere and the reason why you choose me because I chose you first he says having I'm not chosen you twelve your ability to choose me is based on the fact I told you and one of you is a devil they're in the midst of complementing Jesus affirming his identity confirming his word and at the time when they are affirming him he is calling out a devil in a disciple seems like a weird time to bring this subject matter up we just told you we stand with you we just told you we're sure of who you are and you want to bring this up now he says heaven I chosen 12 I want to pitch my tent at verse 70 I believe the question for us shed some light on what is happening with the disciples in relationship to what may be happening in your life and mine in this season here is Reverend Hudson the problem with Jesus disclosure he says having I not chosen you twelve and one of you is a devil when you do your homework on this question both Matthew Mark and Luke record the first time Jesus called these twelve Matthew 10 Mark 6 and Luke 9 all recorded when Jesus called the twelve the first time and if you read those three chapters you will find out that the first thing Jesus did after calling these twelve men is give them power to cast out devils matthew 10 and 1 says mark six and seven says in Luke nine and one says it and when he called the twelve he gave them power to cast out devils and authority over unclean spirits and the first thing Jesus does is call out a disciple with the devil who he gave power to cast out he is trying to teach us church that defeat is going to happen in your life if you've got the power to call out of other people what you won't check in yourself I've given you power to cast out the devil and one of y'all got the very thing that I've already given you a solution for before you ever had the problem you want to lay hands on everybody else you want to cast out demons and everybody else you want to check everybody else see it but you don't want to take the medicine that you apply to everybody else I gave you the power first and the Varia power I gave you as medicine for other people you won't even take it for yourself God deliver us God deliver us from people who use their Christianity to make themselves self-appointed judges [Applause] you can always check some other sister but can't check yourself you can always check some other brother about what they've done but the only difference between them and you is that there's no [Applause] need to handle the be careful how you judge other people with the same measure you measure to other people it shall be measured to get me preaching somebody I'll be you I didn't give you the anointing so you can make yourself God although over other people you keep your own life in check first the very thing that Jesus gave them power over is the very thing one of them struggling to take another look at verse 70 listen at what Jesus said churches have not I chosen you twelve and one of you is a devil I'm gonna try one more time Cara Watson have not I chosen you twelve and one of you is a devil okay the language of verse 70 suggest the name that the chosen is in the past tense and the devil is in the present I thought y'all could read in this church heaven I'm not chosen you twelve and one of you is i'ma travel one more time for these people right along here Kevin I'm not chosen past tense and one of you is the language of the text suggests reigns that Judas may not have been satanic when God called him but somewhere between being cold and die he took on the spirit of Satan which means y'all that Judas was not an elected devil he was an eventual death he started off looking promising he started off with everything right and good and somewhere down the line Satan invaded his spirit pastor what does that have to do with it it has everything to do with it because now we have to question if that's the case when did Satan decide to deal with Judas I won't submit Church Satan never shows up until you're on the verge of advancement I'll shout myself cuz you don't get happy history proves I don't know whose point this is for but this might be the real reason why I'm preaching this sermon today all of your advancements are preceded by attacks therefore if you're under attack you might be close to your next advancement Genesis chapter 8 Noah and his family have to survive the flood everything is dyed and there's only ones left Lord instructs him to build this Ark they get in the ark the lord shuts the ark up they own the ark for a hundred and ten days almost a year actually a year in 10 days when when the storm stops they land on Mount Ararat they're in the storm when the storm stops they land on Mount Ararat they've been in a storm for a year and a half when the storm stops they land on a mountain they've been in a storm for a year and a half when the storm stops they're higher than there was before the storm stopped the attack brought an advancement Genesis chapter 26 Isaac is trying to find his land to settle and every time he gets into a good place he strikes gold with some whales but there's herds meant attack him and they keep Moot having to force him to relocate until he finally relocates to a place called Rehoboth and Rehoboth mean the Lord has made room for me every time they attacked him they were actually advancing him to where God would have him to be Genesis chapter 37 through 49:41 it's the personality of Joseph who all in a matter of four chapters has been cast into a pit sold into slavery he's been he's been falsely accused of rape charges and thrown in jail but by the time he comes out of jail the Bible says because he gets into the office he's number two in charge he got it started he was in all more than what are you already because where there is an attack there is an advancement talks about eternal neighbor if you're under attack I'm trying to suggest to you that Satan only shows up when you're close to something great but here's the trick Satan is not interested in who hosts him [Applause] Satan is interested in who his hosts can get to Satan never wanted Judas Satan wanted Jesus but Judas was the close enough candidate to get to Jesus ladies and gentlemen that devil is never going to attack you from a distance he is coming to somebody who's got close proximity to you here is my question who is hosting yo hell it's not somebody you don't know if somebody you walk with it's somebody you talk to it's somebody you sleep with it's somebody you work with it's somebody in your family who's close enough to get to you there's somebody close to you that is the host of your own health and he's not gonna show up tell you on the verge of something great see y'all don't know when to get help I swear to god man we're gonna put some shout buttons off they go hang from the ceiling ass up don't flash it on the screen or something that means ladies and gentlemen you can shout when you're under attack [Applause] [Applause] he shows up because Jesus is on the verge of something that is great and irreversible take another look at verse 70 what y'all will notice that John's Gospel like the other three Gospels was written 30 to 40 years after the death burial and resurrection of Jesus Christ so in verse 71 it was the writer who discloses that he that Jesus was referring to Judas from verse 70 because when Jesus asks the question to the disciples they didn't know it was Judas the writer revealed that it was Judas years later when the book was written so the disciples really didn't know who the devil was in real time verse 7 he was real time verse 71 was the writers commentary because John was there so he could document who it really was after the fact so Jesus is raising the question to the disciples when they really don't know to teach them a lesson about the movement and the activity of Satan that one of the greatest strategies of Satan is his ability to hide in holy circles [Applause] he fed this devil he called this devil he made him the Treasury over the account under the cypress he let this devil see miracles and nobody ever knew that it was a devil because the devil masters in being a disciple decoy and he can hide in holy circles and the only way to call him out is you got to have God in you love have mercy today okay y'all still acting funny let me come and get in your business and I'll leave you alone at some of ya'll houses don't that brand new you have seen a roach no no what you look what your looks dress clothes don't get boos and now cuz some of y'all might have killed one on the way to hell to the church today don't play me like you don't know what a roach is at the crib Mike when you see one roach that's a problem but when you see more than one that's a disaster because if you see one you go get a bottle rain and just kill that one but when you see several Rae can only address what can be seen but when you see more than one it means that there is an infestation somewhere that you can't see so you got to go call somebody you got more equipment and got more power that can gain the places where you can see y'all acting funny so I shot myself ladies and gentlemen you like the roaches in your life who I eat away at your house the only way to stop them is you got to call them out and find somebody that can go into invisible places cuz his strategy is stealth sneaky and silent [Applause] [Music] one of y'all is a devil silent sneaky and stealth why did you pick them Lord you picked this guy what'd you pick him for I picked them so I can control them if Judas got a devil and I picked Judas then I can control Judas and his devil which means though he's against me he's still under me see sometimes ladies and gentlemen and ain't about getting rid of your devil is put them in the right place reach in here Tolan Morgan y'all missed it if I if I picked him I can control him and if I picked him he's in my wheel he doesn't have freedom of his own even if it is the devil God knows how to control your devil and put your devil in his wheel so that he don't have a wheel of his own I don't know whose word this is for ladies and gentlemen but might I suggest to you today God will get you to where he wants you to be even if he got to use the devil to do it I'm the one that made Pharaoh chase the children of Israel cuz I'm the one that gave Pharaoh a bad heart I'm the one that made saw called David up to play so that his spear will be here cuz I'm the one gave Saul an evil spirit I'm trying to tell y'all ladies and gentlemen I'm the one that allowed Satan to afflict Joe because Satan already knew I had a hedge over and he had to come to me for permission lord have mercy to be able to afflict Joe Satan does not operate in and of himself even he got to submit to the power of God I picked him so I can control him even though he is against me he's still under me got a next reason why I picked him I picked him because I needed to show the people that real victory is not in the absence of your enemy but it said the presence of your Hinnant see ladies and gentlemen you can't get victory if you don't want to encounter the opposition you can't have victory it from a distance you've got to have victory to be able to face the person that is giving the opposition because the victory comes in their presence not in their absence okay let me prove it to you watch this John Jackson's gonna bless your life this context began with a set of people sand men were troubled by your word we like your miracles but we're troubled by your word we're gonna leave you and Jesus turns to the disciples and says y'all leaving - none of them left isn't it interesting that the folk who should have stayed left and the one who should have left stay cuz if you got a devil and don't like meat why you still here this is your opportunity to leave he wasn't gonna leave cuz I'm using him to get me where I need to be y'all hang on kisses but I'll shot myself out of all of the twelve disciples it was Judas who got Jesus to the cross [Applause] it was his betrayal that work together to get Jesus arrested tribe and to the courts y'all don't know how to get happy so I'll shout myself what your friends won't accomplish God our usual enemy to do it and we know according to his purpose I take what's bad and still use it the top bless your life his final reason why I picked him I picked him because I needed to show you that the one who's doing the betraying is the one that's gonna lose Judas betrayed Jesus and then grow a conscience returned the 30 pieces of silver and winning hung itself Jesus that night was hung up on Calvary nails in his wrists and in his feet crown of thorns on his head technically both of them got home but only one of them came back ladies and gentlemen it does not do you any good to try to kill your brother sister cuz you're gonna kill yourself trying to kill somebody else and what you plotting they don't survive and you gonna die by your drop I can't get no help in here can I tell you ladies and gentlemen revenge is not worth it forgiveness means everything so you can live your life and not kill yourself trying to kill somebody else because the ditch that you dig in for somebody else is really the ditch that you gonna fall in yourself they both got hung but only one of them got back up from the hanging can I tell you ladies and gentlemen fret not yourself of evildoers neither be envious of workers of iniquity for every weapon formed against you shall not prosper but it shall accomplish into the thing whereto god sent it it's gonna work for your good even when is somebody who is working against you [Applause] here's the word Liz I'm done is the word man I'm done God is not going to remove every devil because some Devils are on God's payroll because some of y'all won't pray as much if you don't have some attack in your life you come to church for full Sunday straight when you got attack in your life when things are going good you know you'll go every once a month but I need God in my life cuz I'm under - yeah uh-huh I know but there are some that God will use and they gonna move you forward cuz he knows how to make your enemy your foot student everyone standing I understand now why I've been praying for some stuff that it hasn't changed there's some things in your life that prayer won't change there's some things in your life that's intended to change you and the prayer of itself is not gonna change things it's gonna change the person praying might I suggest to you that in this season of your life whatever attack you're under could be that you're in close proximity to the next advancement on your life and don't worry about your enemy because when you're in God's will they will eventually kill themselves trying to kill you [Applause] all you need to do is stay focused some of you the devil is doing overtime because you're so close you're so close and I don't know exactly what you're close to but the enemy understands that whatever that is if you ever get there you're gonna be great and it's going to be irreversible [Applause] [Music] so here's what that means it means that Satan is on a temporary assignment to try to stop a permanent position [Music] but the race is not given to the Swift nor to the strong but to him that endures until the end grabber hands with your neighbor Lord my brother's sister stands on the precipice of something great they may not even know what it is they may not even clearly understand what it is the father I pray that you allow this word now to penetrate the skin permeate the heart set up root in their soul that come what may i'ma wait this thing out these attacks have something to do with where you want to move us and we thank you God that you don't Eve you doesn't you don't just use good to move us forward you use bad you can take any element of life and use it and orchestrate it for our good and we thank you you got authority over every adversary you got authority over every enemy you got authority over every means of opposition and so god I pray that the hand we now hold will remain steadfast and unmovable always abounding in the work of the Lord thank you God for showing us that we're on the verge of something great thank you God for showing us that all things are working together for how good thank you God for giving us victory not in the absence of our enemy but in the presence and we give you glory now that you're working all things out for your good and for your glory in Jesus name Amen [Music] [Applause] [Music] you
Channel: SHIP TV
Views: 33,039
Rating: 4.7863722 out of 5
Keywords: Tolan Morgan, Tolan Morgan Preaching, Tolan Morgan 2020, Fellowship Bible Baptist Church, Warner Robins GA, pastor tolan morgan, rev. tolan morgan, dr. tolan morgan
Id: skc_SIxWe5E
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 50min 12sec (3012 seconds)
Published: Fri Feb 28 2020
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