Join The Party! - Pastor Tolan Morgan

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there there is no way that we can say that somebody was sick and got healed and don't celebrate there is no way that we can say that somebody was dead and rose again and don't celebrate there is no way that we can say that somebody was broke despondent and despair and God gave them a breakthrough and now they're back on top we cannot celebrate any comeback without some form of celebration [Music] [Applause] Luke chapter 15 I want to begin reading at verse number 25 [Music] your Bible should read now his elder son was in the field and as he came and drew near to the house he heard music and dancing and he called one of the servants and acts what do these things mean he said unto Him your brother has come and your father has killed the fatted calf because he had received him safe and sound and he was angry and would not go in therefore came his father out and entreated him and he answering said to his father lo these many years do I serve you neither transgressed I at any time your commandment and yet you never gave me a kid that I may make merry with my friends but as soon as this your son was come which has devoured your living with harlots you have killed for him the fatted calf he said unto Him son you are ever with me and all that I have is yours it was suitable that we should make merry and be glad for this your brother was dead and is alive again and was lost and is found two weeks ago we were able to look at the front part of this parable in verses 11 through 24 and I wanted to finish this back part of the parable today in verses 25 through 32 let me take this text joined the party join the party and the onset of this story you are aware by now that this story is about a father and two sons we have traditionally recognized this parable as the parable of the prodigal son it is the parable of the prodigal son it is the parable of a loving father these two sons that younger boy in verse 11 axed his father for the goods that would fall to him so that he could go and live life the way he wanted to live it and you remember it was his choice to forfeit the perfect environment for the freedom of the flesh he goes and engages in riotous living he goes through debt he goes through droughts he goes through degradation to find himself in a Pigpen and verse 17 says when he spent time in that pen verse 17 says he finally came to himself and realized that his father's servants are living better than him and he's a son so he decides to go back to his father's house where there was no famine there was no debt there was no degradation and from the time of him getting out of that pinpin to the time of him arriving back home he was rehearsing his confession speech of what he would say to his father he gets home says his speech and his father actually doesn't even acknowledge the speech he immediately calls for a robe or ring some shoes and the killing of the fatted calf and he says my son was dead he is alive he was lost and he is now found let's have a party for his return but the story wasn't just about one son verse 11 says a father had two sons the focus of this story wasn't just about one son he had two sons and the tail-end of this parable focuses on the other brother or the elder brother the older brother who as it appears was not at home when his little brother came back he was not there when his father received his younger brother back into the house the text says in verse 25 he was in the field translated he was working in some kind of agricultural focus and while he's out in the field his younger brother had come home and there's a party going on so as he returns from the field he asked one of the servants he hears music and dancing he hears Symphony and choreography and he asks his servants one of the servants what is the purpose for this music and dancing the servant tells the older brother your younger brother has returned home and your father has received him safe and sound apparently he stays outside mad and pouting the servant goes into the house and informs his father your older son is outside mad and patan pouting he doesn't want to come in so the father goes out and talks to his older son to see what the problem is and his answer to his father is quite unique in verse 29 he says all these years I've served you and you've never thrown me a party you've never killed a calf or kid for me so that my friends and I can make merry as soon as this notice what he says your son he doesn't call him my brother he says this your son comes home after disrespecting you misusing your resources engaging with harlots and he comes back and you throw him a party I've never transgressed you at any time when you throw him a party that father looks back at his older son and says son first of all you're a son everything I have is yours because you're the older brother and secondly your brother was dead and he is now alive he was lost and he's now found you would notice that verse 24 is echoed again in verse 32 the exact same response that the father had when the younger brother came home is the exact response that the father gave the older brother at verse 32 now ladies and gentlemen if we exegete this text properly we're left with an uncertainty because we have no record if the older brother ever came back in the house their whole discourse with his father happened outside the house the only thing we're left with is that that father tells his older brother man your brother was dead he's alive and you and I already know that we do not have a sad or solemn response to resurrection whenever somebody is dead and they've come back to life in any kind of form it reverses sadness and turns it into joy there-there is no way that we can say that somebody was sick and got healed and don't celebrate there is no way that we can say that somebody was dead and rose again and don't celebrate there is no way that we can say that somebody was broke despondent and despair and God gave them a breakthrough and now they're back on top we cannot celebrate any comeback without some form of celebration but we don't know if this boy ever came back in the house the story is left with an open door the story is left with the father leaving the door open to simply say if you want to come in here you're welcome however the party will not stop just because you're outside pouting we're still going to celebrate whether you want to join the party or not and that's the good news for you and I today that God leaves an open door as a matter of fact John 10 and 9 says that he is the door and he leaves himself open to receive us despite our ill moved let me say to you ladies and gentlemen that you may as well join the party because you cain't stop it preach Tolan Morgan you may as well come on and be a part of what God is doing in the house because you definitely cannot stop the party that's the story ladies and gentlemen let me let me back up and share some things out of this passage that will help us in our personal walk with God and we'll let you go for today this this story ladies and gentlemen presents to us the whole Council of what it means to be a recipient of grace I have to appreciate the genius of Jesus in crafting this parable to present to us the whole story the whole event of what it means to be a recipient of grace grace ladies and gentleman is not just affirmed in how God receives you but it is also confirmed in how people reject you if you are a recipient of grace this parable teaches us that people who are a recipient of grace have to learn how to live life between the love of the Father and the hate of the brothers if grace has really been bestowed on your life you've got to learn how to live with jealous friends and envious family members and grace is really been on your life it is often confirmed in how you are rejected and not received that's really the whole story the whole narrative the whole thesis of this but the truth be told ladies and gentlemen if this older boys reaction was not a part of the parable then it may not have had a confirmed confirmation that it was really grace because if grace is unmerited favor then it means that you have done nothing to receive it and you've done something to not receive it and people made no reasons why you may not receive the grace of God and God's grace is given to you any way come here let me pick your face in the in the in the in the onset of this story and you'll discover that the father's affection is consistent in how the older brother responded look at the story in the story ladies and gentlemen he's out in the field he's not at the house when his brother gets home and he hears music and dancing he hears Symphony and choreography and those sounds in particular ladies and gentlemen are occasions specific there's there's always a reason for singing and dancing they're not just random sounds there's always some Kaizen attached to singing and dancing music and dancing these sounds are occasion specific which is why the older brother acts the servant what's going on here what is what what does these sounds mean what is the purpose and point of the occasion cuz when I left the house these sounds were not going on but now that I've come back to the house there is music and dancing what's the purpose of these sounds the servant says your brother's back not spin applause ladies and gentlemen we have the first indication that something is not right with this brother and his father pick your face again in the text you are the older son and therefore since you are the older son you had full access to your father to ask your father what is the point of this party so the first indication that something is not right is that he axed a servant and then acts his father it could have very well just gone in the house and acts dad what's going on but he was outside the house called a servant from inside the house outside the house to ask a servant why is his daddy doing this party when he could have very well gone in there and asked his father himself that's the first indication that something may not be altogether right between the older boy and his father there is another red flag here ladies and gentlemen you didn't ask your father you asked to serve and the fact that you asked says that you don't know why this party is going on and you did not anticipate that the reason why the party is going on would ever happen it never dawned on you in one second that your brother would actually come back that your father would throw a party because if you anticipated that that might have been the case you would not have had to ask what is this party for so the first problem is who you ask and the second problem is why you ask you never anticipated the possibility that this party may be because your brother is back all right I'm glad you listening because apparently you don't know when the shout so I'll give you the indication of when the shout here it is ladies and gentlemen this brother is mad he is upset because he doesn't anticipate his brother's return neither does he anticipate a party for his return so when the servant tells him what's going on he is surprised because there are certain people ladies and gentlemen who are going to be surprised by your comeback there are certain people who anticipate that basically when something happens to you they don't believe that you're ever going to make a comeback so when the comeback happens they are surprised they are that their expectation has been surpassed because God is somehow going to make your come unanticipated lord have mercy today I want to say to somebody who's seeing and listening to me that the comeback you gonna have after this pandemic is over is going to surprise some people because there are certain people who are under the notion that you are not going to come back you are not going to survive your business is going to go under your life is not gonna make it but God has a way of doing exceeding abundantly above all you can ask a fake and the way he's going to bring you back is gonna shock some people because they don't anticipate that you're ever going to come back and get you're gonna come back strong might I tell you ladies and gentlemen that God's word to some of you it's get ready for some people to be surprised how God brings you back this is imperative ladies and gentlemen because there was never any kind of anticipation on this older brothers behalf that his younger brother would ever come back he thought that was it he thought that we would never see him again oh by the way and if we don't see him again I don't have to share Daddy's inheritance if we don't see him again I get to have it all to myself if he doesn't come back everything that could have been here is mine by default thanks be to God that people believe that just because you're out of the picture you're out of a future preach Tolan Morgan but might I suggest to you that just because you're out of the picture does not mean you're out of the future God knows how to raise it back up and your comeback is gonna surprise people Oh dead man kiss that you'd ever make it back might I tell you ladies and gentlemen that this is an interesting context and it actually gets worse you're surprised by the party you're surprised by the person and then his response is even worse the text says when the servant informed him of what was going on the Bible literally says this boy got angry oh man wait a minute wait a minute your brother your baby brother has come back from a dire situation and instead of you running in the house being happy and celebratory about his return you are mad you are angry okay what y'all indulge my ignorance for a second because I'm not really sure why you're angry it's already a problem that's you're angry cuz I thought we were flesh and blood I thought you would be happy for me the fact that I've made it back to the house alive and we share the same blood we got the same father I thought you'd be happy for you but you're mad about my comeback why are you mad y'all please indoors my evenings cuz I've got a question are you mad about the return of your brother or are you mad about the rejoicing of your father I'm confused are you mad that he's back are you mad that your daddy is happy that he's back I'm really not I'm not sure are you mad about his return are you mad about your daddy's response to his return here's what we discovered between verses 25 through 27 this boy is mad his daddy's response to his brothers return oh my lord today so your real problem ain't with me your real problem is with the father but you can't take it out on him you take it out on me because you are upset at the fact that the father is happy that I'm back I got something to tell y'all this is this is this is free don't tell nobody but if you won't tell somebody help yourself you listen to me ladies and gentlemen it's not the case there are some people who don't like you but there's some people who don't like the fact that people like you when they don't like you let me try one play that ladies and gentlemen some people don't like you but what really makes them mad is that other people like you when they don't like you and they're a graffitied by how other people like you when they don't like you ladies and gentlemen the real issue here is that this older boy got exposed based upon how God's favor was on his brother I don't know who I'm preaching to but this is a terrible time for you to be stressed out about who likes you this is not the time to be worried about who likes you because here's the reality God's favor on your life is going to reveal the truth about how folks feel about you preach tolet Morgan I got rewind in my mind God's favor on your life is getting ready to expose the people who are closest to you and here's the burning question for you can you stand to be blessed if you can't stand to be blessed there don't ask God to bless you but when you get bless the people right around you are going to get exposed the truth about how they really feel about you it's not gonna come out when you doubt don't come out when you're up when you come back and when you've been blessed and now you're gonna feel the truth because of how God blesses your life can I tell you ladies and gentlemen can't tell you ladies and gentlemen that the truth about how people feel about you is gonna come in a season where God's favor cannot be denied lord have mercy they're not really struggling with you they're struggling with how God has his hand on you they're struggling with the fact that God is happy with you when they are not happy with you and their real problem is with God and not the fact can I tell you can't say ladies and gentlemen this hold the boy his brother is a means to an end because his brother is being blessed by the father to tell the truth on his brother okay let me give it to you another way come in come in come in uh I got three reasons that that confirmed my point you see one of the things and I think it's integral about preaching is that you got to use the Bible to confirm the Bible the books just use the scripture to confirm the scriptures your neighbors have read the Bible if you can read the Bible the Bible will confirm the Bible can I tell you can I prove it to you this boy is mad from three different perspectives and they all linked not to his brother but to the father look at verse 29 and 30 and 30 and verse 30 there are three reasons the first reason is he's mad with his father from a historical perspective I didn't make that up it's in verse 29 guess what he said he said what you mad about what's wrong with you that's what he said I have served you for years stop y'all read the text too fast y'all read the Bible too fast slow down that's his first problem his first problem is you are not mad at your brother your brothers favor is revealing you've been mad at your daddy for years you was mad at him before his brother ever left but the brother coming back reveals that you had a historical hostility with your daddy cuz your daddy never gave you no kid your daddy ain't never killed no fatted calf for you and you've been struggling with him long before your brother left so the truth be told your problem is not with your brother your problem is with your father from years ago God deliver us from people God deliver us from people who try to create new problems of a historical anger your anger is not with the current problem you got some old baggage you haven't worked out you've got some old mess you haven't worked out and you need to go back and deal with some bad history so you can have a good productive future he said your problem is historical I've been working for you for years and you ain't never did nothing for me no okay that reveals that your problem has nothing to do with your brother your problem is historical and you trying to take it out on your brother but your real problem is what your daddy he's got a historical problem with his father but he doesn't just have a historical problem with his father I'm in verse 30 he has a moral problem with his father he's mad with his father from a moral perspective and not just a historical perspective pastor where's that it's in verse 30 it's what he said he said pops he said all these years I've been serving you I have never not one time transgressed your wheel and where listen that this boy line he said I have never not one time transgress you're willing way did y'all hear that boy line he line I have never not one time transgressed you're willing way hey that's how you can identify a jealous person cuz jealous people exaggerate their goodness in order to highlight somebody else's badness I got rerun in my mind they jealous people blow themselves up in an attempt to make somebody else look bad even if they got the lie to do do you know people like that they will laugh on themselves to make somebody else look bad tryna act like you ain't never did nothin boy you a lie you lying right now okay let me prove to you did something wrong can I prove you this I'm wrong y'all ready I'm a pootie right now you did something wrong listen what he said he said hey daddy that boy took your money and when spent it on harlots wait a minute hold on bro timeout time I hold on hold on time that boy took your money and went and spent it on some prostitutes some loose women that boy went took your money and spent it on prostitutes first of all if you in the field and that boy in the far country how do you know who he's with secondly verse 24 says that verse 13 says that boy spent his money on riotous living it didn't say he spent it on harlots it says he spent it on riotous living didn't say he spent it on harmless verse 13 says he spent it on riotous living it didn't say he spent it on harlots ladies and gentlemen this point is free and tell everybody you can you better watch who you talking about because sometimes talking about other people will expose you come here that older boy is saying I know he spent that money on harlots cuz if that was me that you gave that money to with some sisters myself and spit to the harlots try no that's what he didn't know you are trying to impose on me what you would have done if you would have been in the situation and you got to watch who you talking about because you may very well be telling on yourself you are trying to say that this boy spitted on harlots because that's what you would have done if that was you out there you don't know what that boy was doing you don't know who he was with he was in the far country and you were in the field by the daddy's house so you don't know what he was doing or who he was with or did you spy on him were you around in the background did you follow him where he went to see what he was doing and who he was with either case you still telling on yourself because if you followed him you're still lying and not telling the truth cuz if you followed him you would have known he was in a pig pen he had hooked up with citizens from a far country that ran him down and spent all his money so either way you are still telling on yourself post this and tell everybody watch your mouth because the minute you start talking about other people you could very well be telling on yourself you got some moral issues here you trying to paint this picture like you mr. goody two-shoes like like you've never done anything wrong he represents the Pharisees y'all who had this self-righteousness about themselves that they have never done anything wrong and therefore they stand-in right to issue judgement on other people no no no the devil he is a liar he's mad at his father from a historical perspective and he's mad at his father from a moral perspective but he's also mad at his father from a judicial perspective I mean the Bible I'm in verse 30 he said man that boy disrespected you he asked for your inheritance while you were alive implying that he wished that you were dead you gave it to him anyway he went and disrespected you he spoiled that money and when he comes back you throw him a party that's not right instead of throwing him the law you threw him love instead of throwing him conviction you threw him celebration you should have punished him you should have whupped him you should have chastised him you should have given him some kind of judgment of punishment but in return you didn't give him the law you gave him love what ladies and gentlemen I'm getting ready to aggravate you let me be the antithesis here I agree with the older brother mm-hmm yes I'll do I knew you weren't gonna be ready for that yeah I agree with them I understand how you think because if this boy has disrespected you live in a kind of way and you didn't punish him what's that all about what's the point of having us live right when you won't punish us when we do wrong what's the point of having there to be laws and righteousness when there is no punishment to implement them I kind of feel him personally yeah kind of feeling but I had to check myself you see sir you would ultimately feel the way you feel until you're the one that needs the grease naturally you would feel that way until you're the one that gets in trouble and you're the one that needs a break and you're the one that needs God's mercy and grace so while I agree with him I'm not gonna completely stand with him because there are times ladies and gentlemen just like everybody else I need the mercy of God I need the grace of God you need the mercy of God you need the grace of God and you best to give it out if you ever wanted to be issued back to you they said wait a minute now I was expecting you to punish him and you didn't that's what God's grace does it holds back what we don't deserve it gives us unmerited favor to give us what we don't deserve by holding back what we do deserve I wish somebody would just shout over God's grace you you always wanted to get a car and a house and a job just shout over the grace of God that God is a study giving you stuff that you don't deserve alright here's where I need to pitch my tent ladies and gentlemen here is the core crux of the story this is why the story is not about the brothers it's about the father that older brother is wrestling with the fact Lord holds your boy right here that older brother is wrestling with the fact that his father knows the truth about his son and he still loved him lord have mercy today his father didn't let the truth he knows about his son change his love for his son I wish I had a church in here that that would probably be the end of the service y'all was physically in here because you trying to sit up in that camera and act like that God doesn't know the truth about you but he still loves you he still blesses you he still feeds you he still keeps you he still held you he still raised you up he still honors you he still keep giving breakthroughs so he knows the truth about you thank God that God doesn't treat you like people treats you thank God that God knows the truth about you and still will love you there are people who will change on you when they know the truth about you there are people who don't know how to be ride-or-die they don't know how to stick with you even through your mistakes even through your failures of thank God that God can know the truth about you and still love you just the same that's really what this story is about it's about the unchanging love of the Father and even ladies and gentlemen when God's grace is on your life you got to learn learn how to live between the love of the Father and the hate of the brothers I I'm almost there cuz I know you you're getting tired I know you're watching your yo-yo your timepiece and you ready to go I don't care I'm a preach till I get happy okay can I tell you ladies and gentlemen there is something we got to learn here about about this whole envy and jealousy thing why are you not happy your brother home what we found out your brother's not the real issue you mad with your father because your father will still love your brother in spite of and he won't treat him the way you treat him hmm and you'll be a man hmm and the father stepped outside the house to come tend to you hmm here's some things we got to learn y'all did y'all notice that the brother the older brother is now in the same spot where the younger brother used to be outside the house they have now switched roles see ladies and gentlemen you got to be careful with that whole jealousy and envy thing because jealousy is actually a demotion where you used to be if you mess around and let jealousy take over your life it will demote you into a place where you trying not to be but you ended up anyway because you let in the end jealousy put you in the very place where you had a problem with somebody else being the older boy is now in the same place where that old younger boy was outside the house and now he's outside the house out there pouting out there mad now he is out of fellowship cause of his stank attitude breach toll in Morgan he can't even come into the party cause his attitude is horrible ladies and gentlemen I need to deliver somebody today we altitude will change when your attitude changes you can get into some places that the enemy will try to keep you out when your attitude changes otherwise your attitude will keep you outside it's an open door you very well could come in here nothing's blocking you from being here but your attitude is messing you up and your attitude got you in the same place where you used to talk about other people lord help us today to improve our attitudes because when your attitude changes your access will change when your attitude changes your opportunities will change when your attitude changes your blast seeds will change and it'll shift you from being outside to being inside he can't even join the party cuz his attitude he is outside of the fellowship because of his stank attitude can I tell you ladies and gentlemen attitude is everything your attitude is everything attitude sometimes is even more important than your ability because certain people don't want to be bothered with your ability because they can't stand your attitude but if you get your attitude right and put the right attitude with the right ability now you can get into places that you wouldn't otherwise get may I tell somebody that God will shift your whole life when your attitude starts to change but that's not only the good news is there's some things we got to learn about this whole jealousy thing it doesn't just shift us from inside to out but but you got to be careful but but because jealousy ladies and gentlemen is it's this mood that shifts you into mourning yeah it shifts you in the morning you see when somebody is jealous or envious it is their way of grieving the goodness of God in somebody else's life I'm gonna give you all about see see see see what you got to understand is that when you get blessed somebody goes into bereavement you see when you when you get blessed somebody goes into sadness and bereavement cuz they're grieving the goodness of God on your life cuz they know reasons why God shouldn't bless you but he blesses you anyway they know your business they know your history they know what you do they know what you don't do and because they know reasons why God ought not to bless you and see him bless you anyway they go into bereavement you got to be careful ladies and gentlemen when you talk about I'm blessed because when you say I'm blessed that means you can handle people who can't stand the fact that you're blessed would you say I'm blessed you got to recognize that as God has his hand on you somebody don't like it so you got to be able to be able to stand when God is blessing you cuz the enemy knows reasons why you ought not to be blessed do you know ladies and gentlemen according to revelations 12 and 10 that Satan spends all day and all night standing before God as the accuser of the Brethren he keeps telling God hey God you know that you know he got drunk the other night hey God you know he was in saying the other night right hey God you do understand that she ain't no good hey God you do understand that she stole something right you do understand but there are reasons to why you ought not the blessing and God said yeah I know mm-hmm I know I know I'm gonna get them on that don't worry about that they don't have some conviction but I'm gonna love them unto me I'm not going to convict them and punish them unto me I'm gonna love them unto me with loving kindness Jeremiah 33 with loving-kindness have i drawn you lady and gentlemen the love of God draws us so that the power of God can change us I just said something I said the love of God draws us so that the power of God can change us and thanks be to God if we're ever gonna get changed it is by the love of Jesus Christ God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son whoever believes in Him shall not perish but have everlasting life maybe you can have better change if you learn how to love people and stop judging people and I tell you ladies and gentlemen that this is an interesting story it carries so many nuggets of information but here's the truth this is where the story turns daddy's is in verses 29 30 through 32 is that you son you didn't got that all out you done pouting you don't Matt you man have you got it all out you even got all out any more reasons come on give it to me now Tim would tell you you got a historical anger with me you got a more anger with me you got a judicial anger with me any other reasons no dad I'm done okay son let me bring you back to yourself cuz see you are in the same place that's a younger brother was he lost yourself and came back now let me bring you back to yourself he says son first thing I need to tell you is you need to consider your relationship he says son you need to consider your relationship you angry at me cuz you have lost touch with your relationship I'm in verse 30 31 and 32 list the first thing that father told his son hey son you are my son you are not a servant you are my son why did he have to say that to his older son because the very first reason of why that older brother said he was mad at his daddy was based on service verse 29 he said the reason why I mad at you I have served you this many years and I'm waiting on a reward and in verse 32 daddy says that's your first problem you saw yourself as a servant and you never was a served you always been my son and sons don't have to work to get married sons automatically got favored and married based on relationship and not rewards you have demoted yourself coverton and being envious of what I'm doing is somebody else's life you need to revisit ladies and gentlemen your own relationship with God and when you revisit your own relationship with God remember you are a child of God you are not just a servant you are a son and daughter of the Most High God and not the power and when you revisit your relationship with God you don't have time to be envious of other people he says son you need to reconsider your relationship no no no all I want you to do I don't just want you to reconsider your relationship I don't just want you to reverse it or your relationship I want you to consider your resources I want you to consider your resources I'm in the Bible he said son that younger brother yours that boy was only entitled to one-third of my possessions but you sir oh that I have is yours I wish I had some Bible foreground here I'm in verse 30 and 31 all I've got is yours so let me get this right you mad at me giving your brother a party when all of my possessions are yours let me get this right let me see if I could let me see if I can help y'all y'all not keeping track of the record Hey you mad at him when all he got right now is a robe of rain some shoes and a but you got address a he just got a robe a ring and some shoes you got the house you got the fields you got the property you got all of it and you mean to tell me that you mad at him over a party a ring some shoes and a dead cat when you got everything come in ladies and gentlemen if you would stop looking at what everybody else got and start taking inventory about what you got it will make you stop being jealous and envious of other people because ladies and gentlemen when you take a look at what you got you got enough to thank God for all by yourself you don't have to look at what other people have just take a look at what you got and by the way can I tell you why your angers unjustified cuz that boy had to go through debt famine and a pig pen to get what he got but what you got you didn't have to go through nothing oh you had to do was stay in the house you don't know what that boy went through to get to what he got he had to go through debt he had to go through famine he had to go feed pigs just to get you a rope or ringing some shoes ladies and gentlemen if you want to covet what I got didn't go through what I went through to get it I wish I had a church in here somewhere you don't understand what I've gone through to get to where I am and because I got what I got in order to get what I got you may have to go through the hell I went through to get it so you better st. cause that when you look at what you got God has blessed you and you didn't have to pay a high price for it all you had to do was stay at the house this boy I've been to hell and back just to get a ring a robe and some shoes I'm done y'all y'all don't work my nerves today I'm done I'm done it's a consider your resources and your relationship he said boy let me tell you something considered a resource they mind you some I'm in verse 30 I'm done this is member states who this is thank you all for coming [Music] he's a son let me give you a little reminder this party is not your brother's request it's my response this is not his party it's my party and I'm the father of this house and your brother coming back shouts me it brings me joy this party was my choice this party was my response this party was my choice and not his request so ain't no need of you being mad at him cuz he didn't ask for this party I chose to throw this party because when somebody who is lost comes back from being lost and gets back in the house it shouts God and God gets happy and might I remind you your inability to come into the party is not gonna stop the party just cuz you out here pardon doesn't mean we're going to stop the party can I tell somebody that today you've got to make a decision I'm gonna stay in the joy of the Lord I'm not gonna let pouting people pull me out of my place of praise my place of provision my place of joy because when I think about the goodness of Jesus and what he's done for me I can't not let anybody block my party this is the father's party this ain't even the sons party I will party when I won't - how I won't - as long as I want to now you can either join the party or stay out here and pout that's how the story ends y'all and thanks be to God it ends with an open door it is your home with an opportunity come in or stay out but I'm going in here and give God glory because my son was dead and is now alive does that sound like somebody y'all know that's always a reason to rejoice when there is death but there's also a reason to rejoice when there is resurrection this boy was dead but he is now alive and if you come into the house it's better than being outside because in the house number one is covering and number two if you come in the house there is company and number three if you come in the house there is celebration somebody don't thank God that he lets you back in the house even when you failed surely goodness and mercy shall follow you all the days of your life and you word well in the house of the Lord forever posters to somebody tell him come join the party God is throwing a party to receive you back into the fold he's throwing a party so that he can celebrate you coming back to him and he's excited to receive you into the body of Christ father we give you glory 9 we thank you for your word thank you for the joy of your word thank you God that you love us in spite of us thank you God that you keep the door open so that we who are outside can come inside and receive your love and receive your joy and your grace and your power and we thank you for it now now father as we extend your love to your people call some people who are outside to come on in the inside cause them now just come outside of there pouting and step into a place of joy in celebration and covering and carbon and do it for your glory in the name of the Lord Jesus and the people of God said a man
Channel: SHIP TV
Views: 6,861
Rating: 4.6610169 out of 5
Keywords: Tolan Morgan, Tolan Morgan Preaching, Tolan Morgan 2020, Dr. Tolan Morgan, Join The Party, Prodigal Son, Fellowship Bible Baptist Church, Warner Robins GA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 57min 18sec (3438 seconds)
Published: Fri May 22 2020
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