I Saw You Dancing! - Pastor Tolan Morgan

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dynamic passionate an inspiring message from pastor Tolan Morgan now let's go into the sanctuary where today's message is already in progress most of us have lived long enough to find out that is not how you start it's how you finish despite that reality that ought not to give us a license to be irresponsible with our start we ought to make it our responsibility no matter how it ends to consciously and intentionally start any project any purpose the right way it ought not to just be left up to God how he finishes it ought to be left up to us how we start we ought to show some sense of accountability and responsibility that when we endeavour on any matter of importance and significance that we started the right way that's David's whole purpose here in 2nd Samuel chapter 6 he has just started his administration in 2nd Samuel chapter 5 he has just had his ordination process he has just been crowned king of Israel their second king but God's first king and upon him securing Jerusalem and upon him making it the City of David the site in place where it would not only be his authority but the authority of God his first matter of business this was to secure the Ark of the Covenant he understood historically and spiritually that if he secured this art and placed it and position it in the city of Jerusalem that the city of Jerusalem would become the primary point of reference between Earth and heaven he understood that if the Ark of the Covenant was in Jerusalem that people would have to come to Jerusalem in order to experience their unique oneness with God it would be the seat and center of God's throne in the earth that that box that contained the Ten Commandments a piece of manna and Aaron's rod represented God's presence in the earth wherever that box was God's presence was it was David's goal to transport that box to Jerusalem it has been under the authority of the Philistines for about 50 years he goes and retrieves it from the Philistines and brings it to Jerusalem he doesn't want to start his administration without God's presence he doesn't want to establish his authority without the sanctioning and the confirmation of God's presence on his administration and you and I have just read how he was on his journey from this place in Gath where it resided in Philistia to transport it from there to Jerusalem in route an ox is carrying the Box on a stationary cart and historians the text says that ox shook either the Ox had some kind of nerve moment at that particular moment or literally the passes can translate historically that the Ox defecated and has the Ox defecated it shook the box and the box was getting ready to fall as that box was getting ready to fall this noble individual by the name of other and a noble impulse reaches out to grab the box so it wouldn't fall on the ground and break and as a result of him reaching to grab that box to prevent it from falling and breaking God strikes him dead david is upset because david feels that this is an unjust unexplainable an unmerited act by God to strike a man dead who was only making a noble move try to prevent and preserve and protect the box of God he dies and david says we're not gonna go any further because i don't know what's going to happen we're gonna leave this box at obed-edom 's house obed-edom ladies and gentlemen though he is a get tight he is also one who has been assigned as in in Levitical order to be responsible steward over the box the box has left at obed-edom house for three months and word gets back to david that god is blessing obed-edom 'he's house apparently god is back to being himself and david wants to go now and retrieve the box of god and continue the journey to jerusalem he wasn't sure so they strapped the box on some poles and the right people carried it and they walked six paces if they were not dead after six paces they gave God and all friend they walked another six paces if nobody fell dead after six paces they gave God another offering after they realized that God wasn't in the killing business they listened anymore this time they got it back to Jerusalem and positioned it in place and David decides to do something that we have not seen him do before they get that box back in position in Jerusalem and the Bible says and David danced before the Lord with all of his might his old lady by the name of Macao saw him out there dancing and she felt like that this was undignified of a king to be out there dancing like common people and David in his wise sarcasm goes off on his old lady and says I'm out here dancing cause God picked me over your daddy [Applause] [Music] I'm in the Bible I didn't make that up I'm out here dancing because God picked me over your daddy he fired your dad and left him in office and picked me as Israel's new king and he didn't have to pick me but I'm out here dancing anyway and I'm thankful by the way since you can't handle my dance and you can't handle my future the Bible says that Mykel who was his wife went childless that David no longer engaged in marital sexual activity with his wife because I'm not gonna give my future to a woman who is actually my enemy that's the story let me turn around and share some things out this texts that are pertinent to our walk with God and we'll go get some fish together what is God's issue here the elephant in the room is why would God kill a man over doing the right thing why would God kill a man when he's trying to preserve something of God you read the first five verses of this story and we've just about read the chapter in its entirety actually the problem was not as action as much as it was the process by which they started the journey because when you read this story you'll discover that they put that box on what the text calls our new cart a new carpet they picked it up from somewhere in the Philistine territory and going to transport it to Jerusalem the issue is they put it on a new cart that's the first problem Church because history and law in Exodus has already prescribed how the Ark of God ought to be handled and the law said number one that only Levites and priests could carry the ark and number two that their mode of carrying the ark could only be by poles their poles were in between rings as the ark was on either side of the poles so that four men would pick up the poles on both sides and pick it up so that they never had to touch the ark they only had to touch the poles and the poles were strong enough to pick it up by four men and take it wherever it needed to go in an attempt to preserve and protect and respect the holiness that is associated with the ark it's a holy art that cannot be touched by unholy hands and the problem is you carried it on a new cart and you didn't preserve how I already intended for you to carry the thing that I meant for you to carry the problem God is having here is that unholy people I miss handling holy property that's that's God's issue here God's issue here is that I got a problem with how you're handling things that I've already prescribed oh how you ought to handle it but you come with some new technology you come with some new process some new cart and thinking just because it's most convenient for you to handle that I accept how you handling me ladies and gentlemen God has an issue with this because they're mold of how they handled holy things was not agreeable with God's prescribed method and therefore watch this the potential of the box dropping would not have ever happened had you handled me correctly so you trying to catch a box that is going to fall is actually you trying to correct your own miss handling cuz it never would have fallen had you carried it the way I said to carry I don't mean to be nosy but who is miss handling you why you keep falling who got their hands on you the wrong way you too precious to be mishandled you contain holy things too much to put your hands and allow yourself to be in the care of people who want to handle you their way and not God's way God has entrusted you with his word with manner and wit is wrong and you let people who trying to fix their old way of handling you handle you and wonder why you're falling who is who is mishandling you went for a while and that ox shook what ever reason that our cook is left in biblical anonymity but he shook strong enough to shake the box and the box is now about to fall on the ground apparently if the box is damaged or broken it is a breach against the very presence and character of God other understands that this is a divine box this is the box of God and we've got to preserve it and protect it so aza reaches out to try to catch the box from either breaking or being damaged and in the process God reached out and touched him and killed him for putting his hands on the box of God can't take what problem is the problem ladies and gentlemen is that other saw this as the box of God and therefore put God in a box because other believes that because this is the box of God that it needs help it's not making sense to you so lenient for a second the Hebrew etymology of the word other his name means strength oh lord have mercy other believes that because he's strong his strength is sufficient to support God and God had to break him to tell him first of all you got your strength from me but I didn't give you strength to support me cuz you ain't got enough strength to support me and how arrogant of you to believe that if you did you got enough strength oftentimes ladies and gentlemen God has to strike you when you think that what He has given you is what he need from you no no no I am NOT of the case that that that you need my help God don't need my help I need God's help and apparently you wasn't strong enough to withstand my striking his name means strength and he presumes that if God needed some help he the one that could help he presumes that if God was fallen that he's strong enough to hold up God what might I submit to you that if God fell he'd only catch yourself cuz wherever he's falling to he's there and whatever he fell from he still is and it's not possible for somebody who's everywhere at the same time to fall from anything preach Master Morgan whenever you happy we're at the same time you can't follow from anything he presumes that if God needed to be held up that if God needed some help he's strong enough to help God and he strikes us catch that y'all God killed a man for doing a noble thing can I've set you and tell you just cause it's right in your eyes doesn't mean that God agrees with it come in let me put some Bible on and since you acting like you don't hear me in here proverbs 14 and 12 you might want to write it down it says there's a way that seems right unto a man but the end thereof is death just because it seems right to you doesn't mean it's right in God's eyesight might I suggest to you that if God failed he got enough strength to get his self up never got any help in here but you and I fall we got to get somebody to help get us up I wish I had some help here God doesn't need your help even if he did fall and got enough strength to get itself up it kills other and David is upset can't tell you why David is upset he's got two emotional responses one he is scared and two he is mad text says he was both afraid and displeased that's what the text says he's afraid because he just has reverent fear for God that if God strikes somebody dead like this somebody ought to be scared I'd be scared like what is he bout to do next but David is also angry cuz he just got in the office and now his administration is forever going to be marred and marked by the death of other just when he got into office which all see this with me for the first time in David's walk with God David is mad with God he wasn't this mad when when when Saul had some assassination hits on them he wasn't this man when he had to hide in caves he wasn't this man when he had an opportunity to kill Saul and David and God says no don't do it touch not mine anointed do my prophet no harm he never been mr. this is the first time that David is openly and publicly mad with God man you just called me you raised me up out of mine daddy's pastor you anointed me king you you you you gave me victory over Goliath you let me play the hell out of salt with the stringed instruments you let me have victory for the armies of Israel and now when I finally get to what you called me to when I finally start walking in the very thing you called me to you gonna let this happen I'm not talking to you fake Sunday morning spiritual saints I'm talking to the real people who've ever had that testimony you've been praying to God you've been one God to do it and when God finally doing the worst thing happens when you get to where God want you to be you looking at God like what's up you took all this time to get me ready to be in office and when I get here you let tragedy happen took you 13 years now when I get here first thing that happens is you kill a man under my watch for doing something Noble y'all know what David did don't be surprised don't be looking at David with that face David did what you and I do go on strike okay I ain't got time to be fooling with y'all over there cuz y'all ain't acting right let me talk to the people over here when God didn't do what you want him to do you didn't come to church for about three Sundays as a matter of fact when you when he didn't do what you wanted to do in your church you call yourself on strike from your church and when it visits somebody else church cuz you call yourself with a look attitude that God didn't do what you wanted him to do so you ain't visit somebody else Church in a church when you know you just mad cause everything that you did at your church wasn't in the will of God now you call yourself on strike oh that's how y'all gonna play your loved one made you mad so what you gonna do or we can't talk about that in the house of law so let me go on you call yourself strike it on somebody and when God does something that you don't like you go do something that she can't talk about would you just touch your neighbor and tell your neighbor neighbor this is not the fake Church no no no you can't come in here act like that's not your point everybody at some point in their life God has done something you didn't like you didn't agree with you didn't pray about you didn't you just outright was mad about okay that's how I know y'all ain't been walking with God a long time because when you really been walking with God for a long time God will do something alone the walk to see if you really want to stay with him after he do it I asked you to hear my loved one you didn't do it I asked you to give me this job you didn't do it I asked you to move me up you move me up and I found out you only move me up to me we would another level of hell but you call yourself going on protest anybody here have been on strike with God no no don't worry about them super Saints sitting next to you don't worry about how I'm gonna talk about you I'm talking about you it is now March this the first time you've been in church all year cuz what you asked for at the beginning of the year ain't happened yet and you ain't no God to do it and now you know come in church like okay God I'm done fighting [Applause] went on strike look what he did he said man I ain't taking that out y'all go take it leave it in obed-edom house and went off on a pouting tantrum watch this y'all cuz David is not used to God doing something that he don't agree with [Applause] everything up until now has been going right along schedule everything that David is the golden boy of the Old Testament he got the Midas touch everything he's done has been right along schedule and you wait till I get walking in the fulfillment of my call and let tragedy break out okay I don't know who this is for but that's why tragedy happened because when you've been winning for so long you develop arrogance [Music] and your character never comes through in your wins it comes through in your losses bridge past the morgue I don't know if you got character if you always in a position where you looking down on other folks and you always got the trophy and you always got the victory and got to watch somebody else lose but your real character shows steel with the law maybe he let the tragedy happen cuz winners need to be broken [Applause] maybe he let the tragedy happen cause winners need to be humble [Applause] everything been going fine you wait till I get in my car and you let this happen David goes off powder man now he's struggling with God until he finds out that God don't care okay can't tell how God don't care God said hey you want to be on strike with me I'll go bless somebody else house oh my god today you want to act funny with me I'll go Gless somebody else's house and let you hear about it you see neighbor you better be bad careful how you call yourself have to look at Atul with God like God care that you got an attitude here just go to somebody else's house for three months that box is sitting in obed-edom house obed-edom got an overflow of money coming in obed-edom getting his house renovated obed-edom and his old lady is happy obed-edom children are getting blessed Oh bad Eden's brother and sister and causing them anybody who stops by his house is getting a piece of his blessing that's why you all not the dog blessed people you better hook up with him if you can't be the clock just be the salsa anybody here that know somebody bless bless I will stay hooked up to you I'm not hating on your blessing don't be the salsa cuz when God pours it out imma be right there to catch it tell us about I can't even afford to hate on you I need to be connected to you I need to stay close to you [Applause] you know you Hey okay since y'all acting funny hear what God said hey Dave you don't want me I'm going over somebody else house okay y'all acting real funny don't acting real funny God is not struggling with insecurity so he don't care whether you don't want him or not he'll go bless somebody else and let you hear Bobby David gets word that God is blessing obed-edom sighs look nah he won't go back [Applause] Oh y'all go ahead funny like that when I was with you you wouldn't treat me right you wouldn't do right not when I wish somebody else and it's all that poppin now you wanna text me back I tried calling you I tried texting you but you want to be wonderful but now you see me out here with somebody else and now you want to be in me for real don't play me like y'all don't know nobody like that [Applause] now David won't go back because he blessings somebody else's house let me pitch my tent here and tell you that if you are in a season where you feel like God is not doing anything in your life you better rejoice off of what he doing in somebody else's life because sometimes when he ain't moving in my house I just need to hear him moving in somebody out have a got any help in here I just need to hit he blessing somebody cuz I don't need to hear that God is going out of business as a matter of fact can we do a neighbor check real quick would you just look at your neighbor and tell them one thing God has done for you and see how they respond you got about 10 seconds if they don't give God praise for you you are clearly sitting next to a hater but if they can celebrate God for one thing that he's doing for you you sit next somebody who you need to be sitting next to I can see confirmation that God is working in somebody's life [Applause] somebody who doesn't have a job need to know that God is still opening doors for somebody that need a job somebody who is sick that meat needs to hear that God is heal somebody who's depressed God cause we overcome by the blood of the Lamb and by the word of our testimony I just need to know he blessings somebody do I got in it bless people in here anyway your house is bless your wife is bless your husband is bless your relationship is bless your children [Applause] when they heard that God was blessing and not killing they went back and got that box [Applause] this church they picked it up you ain't where you need [Applause] slap out his strap and get it [Applause] just about a doctor yet but I ain't got to wait to dictator given clothes what about my way imma stop I see you dancing anybody in here got some doughnut shop you ain't where you need to be but gotta stop [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] hey rains maybe maybe God is letting them move cuz he struck us I said maybe God is letting them move cuz he struck us still missed it they alive cuz a man died I can't get no help here so I shot myself the reason why [Applause] [Music] about a neighbor [Music] and that's what lays on the inside [Applause] [Music] okay I got quit I feel a run coming [Music] [Applause] David got the box to Jerusalem and Matt Hudson the Bible says after they got the box to Jerusalem and nobody else died the Bible says David danced before the Lord with everything that was in him and his wife was mad at him because she said this is not how a king supposed to act a king got women dancing for him he's not supposed to dance himself a king ain't supposed to act like that which can I help y'all understand what the problem was anybody interested in what the problem was I'm done y'all I'll try I can't never get past second Samuel 6 I don't know why this is my second time trying to preach this and I can never get past this sermon so I'm gonna have to preach it in another year so so just act like next day yeah you heard it you heard already Oh Dave said hey lady I'm out here dancing cuz God chose me Oh y'all missed it he chose me even after I walked away from him cuz I had the attitude with God cuz he did something I didn't like but he still chose me anyway cuz the truth of the matter is he should have killed me and that other I'm the one walked away from God but the truth of the matter is he chose me anyway might I suggest to you Church the problem is you out there dancing why ain't you out there dancing with him I'm gonna stand over here and say this y'all know I ain't watching out there dancing with him cuz when y'all read second Samuel 6 the Bible never says she's David's wife the Bible says she Saul's daughter still slow I come not to in a minute the Bible never says she's David's wife the Bible says dog which means she got the spirit of David's he was with her he was sleeping with imma prove it to you right now to break out in the praise where you are and see who watch you see down your road see how they respond if they don't give God praise it might be the spirit of song but when you got the Spirit of Christ God within that praise God you don't like me no way cuz you got my enemy spirit and praise be to God he didn't care if she saw him dancing he didn't care mark how undignified it look cuz if you too dignified to give God the glory God will find reasons to kill your dignity and sure neighbor neighbor neighbor how do you feel about me praising God right now as much as a neighbor how do you feel about God period I'm bout to get on your nerves right now [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Music] the law [Applause] if you ain't a Santa what people see appraiser [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] I don't get what you see closet chose me he chose [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] the reason why he own the cross and you're not is cuz he chose you over himself and if he never does anything else fun I got the reason the giving blow I said if he never does anything else got a reason it didn't blow anybody here thank you [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] I see you praising I hear you lift in your voice that means you ain't too dignified and to wonderful and to good little Boucher to give him the glory I'm gonna give you 24 seconds to give it whatever praise is in your belly right now if it's in your feet give it to him if it's in your hands give it to her if it's in your mouth give it to it cuz you don't care what people see you don't care what they hear if they send your planet give it to it [Music] [Applause] [Music] well let's open up the dance floor [Music] [Music] [Music] he tries [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] give it appraised everybody [Applause] let me be very clear to tell you you're still walking he kept you because somebody already died in your place there was Jesus the Christ the argument can be raised that God struck Jesus same reason why he struck aza doing something good for other people doing something good for other people that may be very clear to tell you Saints don't you ever come in God's house and be too wonderful to give it glory [Music] [Applause] if for nothing else he chose you that means God had other options but it chose you he chose you when he killed Christ he was still choosing you so he moved us off the cross and put Jesus there he's still choosing and I always got reasons to dance and give God glory because when I remember he had every reason to kill me already a couple Sundays ago we had a major major outpouring of the Holy Ghost in this church and one of my friends who saw the post on social media text me and said I saw you dancing and I had to explain to him if you only was in the sanctuary you would have understood that little clip you saw was just not enough to really this speak of how God poured out in this house if you was here two weeks ago you know exactly what I'm talking I don't care what you see when you see me praising God and Matt Fang I want my praise to be contagious [Applause] because God has done so much and he continues to do great things and deserve our praise and the greatest thing he's ever done was give his son can I tell you Church no car no house no money no job no friendships nor hookups no elevations can pop giving this he's already done the best been giving this song I'm not making light of Easter but when you preach the gospel Easter's ever son what the world does on one Sunday we do everything and we are always reminded even in our submission to the Holy Ghost even when we are influenced by the Holy Ghost it is still to preach Jesus it is still to carry the gospel of Jesus Christ to the world and always thank you for watching the encouraging word broadcast with Pastor Tolan Morgan fellowship Bible Baptist Church is located at 450 Dunbar Road in Warner Robins Georgia we invite you to join us at one about worship experiences if you would like information about our church visit our website at FB we see home data Word
Channel: SHIP TV
Views: 23,280
Rating: 4.7542663 out of 5
Id: BSsu9x1lrv8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 59min 35sec (3575 seconds)
Published: Wed Apr 24 2019
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