You've Got Me Going In Circles! - Pastor Tolan Morgan

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the Lord had you going in circles because while you was going in circles he was working on your enemy he held you back long enough so that the people who used to block you will start to see you differently they wasn't afraid of you the first time but this time they don't be afraid of you because I was holding you back just to change them [Applause] [Music] [Applause] while you're standing I want to summon your senses and invite you intellects of the book of Deuteronomy [Music] it is the fifth book in the biblical canon the book of Deuteronomy chapter number two Deuteronomy chapter number two and I want to begin reading at verse number one the barber said read then we turned and took our journey into the wilderness by the way of the Red Sea as the Lord spoke unto me and we compost Mount Seir many days and the Lord spoke unto me saying you have compass this mountain long enough you turn northward who command you the people saying we are to pass through the coasts of your brother and the children of Esau which dwell in sere and they shall be afraid of you you take good heed unto yourselves therefore do not meddle with them for I will give you of their land for I will not give you of their land no not so much as a foot breath because I have given Mount Seir unto Esau for possession you shall buy meat of them for money that you may eat and you should also buy water of them for money that you may drink for the Lord your God has blessed you in all your works of your hand he knows you walking through this great wilderness these forty years the Lord has been with you you have lacked nothing I want to tag this text you got me going in circles they'd be seated in the Lord's Church unfortunately ladies and gentlemen there has been an inconsistency between the time that the people experienced the exodus out of Egypt and the time that they entered the promised land of Canaan forty years later and the Penna - which is the first five books of the Bible documents with great detail the time that these people traversed from Exodus into Canaan land it was important and imperative to God that in the midst of their commute that they would have some sense of identity with him and some sense of belonging amongst themselves being in slavery for 400 years and then having no home no law and no land no leadership would render them to be unidentifiable uncivilized uncultivated and unofficial people so the journey between the exodus out of Egypt and entrance into the Promised Land was about defining them as a people but it was also about helping them to identify with their God so throughout this 40-year journey three specific things resulted one that they would have land God took them out of Egypt designated for them the land of Canaan two that they would have a law it gave them the Decalogue or the Ten Commandments and all of these subsidiary laws that went with that but three that they would have a history and a heritage that would define them as a people they were linked to Abraham Isaac and Jacob and therefore they were linked to Yahweh God the Creator the only true wise and living God's sovereign in his own authority and power whom they discovered in the book of Genesis was the real source of their origin linking them all the way back to Adam and now these forty years are about to expire Moses is giving one of his final speeches but this time this speech is not to the people who came out of Egypt this speech is to the children who were born in the wilderness who were preparing to enter the promised land for which their forefathers did not attain for the Bible recourse that only two people out of all of those people who came out of Egypt actually got into the Promised Land that being Joshua and Caleb everybody else who went in were born in the wilderness forty years is enough time for two generations and so Moses who is this elder statesman this general is led of God to rehearse to recite to recall God's law and covenant with this new generation as they were entering into the land of Canaan and he discloses something at the end of his ministry that summed up this obstacle course of their journey and he discloses it here in Deuteronomy chapter number 2 he says we've been out here 40 years because we've been going in circles I didn't make that up it's in verse 3 the Lord spoke unto him and said to Moses you've been compass in this mountain long enough the word compass there means to go round and round that really in this 40 years most of their geographical obstacle course has been centered around one mountainous region called Mount Seir as he recapitulated on their 40 years entering into Canaan he discloses something that was interesting they had been going in circles and God finally spoke to of God and said tell them they have circled this mountain long enough hold on God first of all we don't know where we're at anyway which is why it required for us to follow that pillar by day and fire by night wherever we are and whatever route we have taken it's cause we've been following you so that that suggests two implications implication number one is it is possible and probable that we've always been closer to Canaan than what we thought and number two if we've been going in circles it's your fault we didn't do this on our own cuz we don't know where we're going in the first place we didn't know where we were going when we came out of Egypt cuz we've been in Egyptian slavery for 400 years we don't know how to even get to Cana you decided sir through these two theophanies of divine manifestation to be our God and escort through a terrain that has no street signs no roads no pathways so whatever Trek we have taken it's cause we've been following you and that's automatically aggravating for some of the Saints here today because that says that it has not been the devil that has had you going in circles it's highly probable that God is the reason why you have been moving but haven't been making progress just because you've been moving then means you're progressing it is the picture of a merry-go-round a roller coaster it moves but never goes anywhere it's got motion and lights and sound but it's never making progress because it keeps going round and round and round and it's God that is the reason why they've been going in circles so our job today this little Easter speech is to try to probe God why would you have your own chosen people to keep going in circles this is a frustrating reality but we but we have to look at what happened during that 40 year period to be able to answer that question first thing that happened during that 40 year period ladies and gentlemen is that Israel had a chance to be purged of their Egyptian ways these people of God were chronic complainers and every time they complained Egypt was their point of reference exodus chapter 14 verse 12 they are caught in that geographical cul-de-sac as they face the Red Sea with Pharaoh's army behind them and they say to pastor Moses you should have left us in Egypt at least we would have had somewhere to die instead of dying out here in this wilderness Exodus chapter 16 when they got home were there no restaurants or grocery stores out in the wilderness they complain to Moses again that when we was in Egypt we had food to eat and so when things wasn't going right they appealed to their Egyptian appetites Exodus chapter 17 again ready to go out there to fight and they appealed once again that when we was in Egypt we would have done better serving our masters than to be out here fighting against people we don't know Exodus chapter 32 when Moses was taking too long coming off of his mountainous meeting with the master they decide to call the assistant pastor by the name of Aaron and asks him to melt down their earrings that they may craft a golden calf they didn't do that by random thought they did that because the practice of cash was an Egyptian practice the Egyptians mana lies the Sun God in the form of a bull so they got the whole idea of a golden calf from the Egyptians numbers chapter 11 when they got hungry and they were dissatisfied with Moses the Bible says in numbers chapter 11 when we was in Egypt we had a buffet we had cucumbers and melons and leeks but now you got us out here on this manner so God had them going in circles because he had to give them time to exterminate their Egyptian wings and I'm preaching to somebody to hear don't though you ain't acting like I'm preaching to you I'm talking to you because now you have finally figured out you're moving but you're not making progress because God is giving you time to filter your formal carnality because where he is taking you he can't take you as long as you're married to your past that he's brought you out of I want to take you forward but I can't take you forward because you can't go forward and walk backwards at the same time my chosen people but even my chosen people wrestle with carnal appetites I can't get no help in here my chosen people wrestle with historical appetites that I have to get them delivered from before I push them forward it's not just purifying them from their Egyptian appetites but he had them going in circles to increase their present awareness of the Almighty ladies and gentlemen when God got the children of Israel out of Egyptian slavery he didn't get them out on their own accord he got them out because of a deal he struck with their daddy pastor asked God who should I tell him sent me tell them the God of Abraham Isaac and Jacob sent you in other words I'm delivering a people who don't even know me but because I'm cool with their father I don't bless the children cuz I got an agreement with their daddy now for all you booze your children might I suggest to you I want to give you a little revelation God has been good to some of y'all cuz the old daddy was on his knees God has blessed some of you because your mother prayed for you and got you too sometimes and Congress in an agreement with them to take care of you and how dare you neglect the God who capped you on account of your parents somebody prayed for me somebody else's prayers I know you thank you all that but I might want to inform you that what you got right now is the result of somebody else's somebody else pay for your education somebody else made sure that you got a job somebody else made sure that when your credit was bad God dropped favor and somebody who didn't even know you and you got a fake God for the people God has put in your life that are the result of somebody else's intercession so imma keep you in this wilderness cuz I never wanted you to be blessed of me and not know me so you need 40 years to get to know me and let me show up in your life and what better way to get to know God then when you got that you got you hungry but there's no grocery store what better way to know God when you're thirsty but there's no water and he's gotta put a fountain in a rock he's gotta put manna out of the sky what better way to get to know God but when he met your needs and not your parents needs you see when you learn how to walk with God after a while you start telling your parents about God have I got any help in here because he's put you in some situations where only you will know him yourself I'm guy got you going in circles cuz that's how much time you need to get to know me this is not punishment this is preparation I got you going in circles cuz I need you to get to know me and nobody gonna say a man on this third one but I got you going in circles cuz I need time to produce other people from you who you have been assigned to make sure they get in and the only reason why I brought you out is to get them in still actin slow I told y'all that when they came out of Egypt the people who went in the Canaan were not the people who came out of Egypt these were the people who were born in the wilderness which means they only got in cuz I brought you out I don't know who I'm talking to so imma gonna shot myself ladies and gentlemen your breakthrough is bigger than you God only brought you out cuz it's somebody else God has assigned you to to make sure that they get in every blessing is not just about you every open door is not just about you every miracle is not just about you there's somebody else's life and future that's attached to how God will bring you out because you are brought out to get somebody else in if you are a real good parent you're working to make sure life is a little better for your child have I got any help in here life is not sitting about you but when you get done shaping and moaning them every generation ought to be better than the last generation [Music] [Applause] God deliver us from well-fed parents and starving children God deliver us from people who don't know how to make a legacy because you selfish in your own generation God deliver us from a generation who tries to block other people from moving forward because you so insecure that you want to lock your own little position because you're nothing outside of your position and block the next generation because you intimidated by your own insecurities god help us help us from dog in a generation we won't help [Applause] you're dogging but you won't give them an opportunity you're dogging but you won't help them cuz you're scared they gonna take your spot I can't get no help in here God deliver us from envious jealous parents who I even jealous of your own children in case you don't know God keep a bullet pin he's got a replacement for everybody and God brought you out cuz somebody else got to get in which means he brought you out y'all he had to take you in circles cuz we'll it rains he needed time to develop your future I got you going in circles cuz I'm working on your child I got you going in circles so that your legacy will outlive your life and I'll be working on your future your futures don't be in Canaan land here's the point y'all I must say this if you miss it you will catch it by next Sunday why did you have me going in circles God has you going in circles because sometimes you have to be delayed in order to be developed development is never immediate it takes time okay all y'all sitting up in here with your collars your ties your white dresses your church town you ain't always dressed like that y'all cannot fake all y'all want to the old sales had to work on you just like we have to work on the next generation cuz development and discipleship takes time and often time God has to delay you in order to develop you cuz I can't give you Canaan with Egypt still in you I'm preaching good I know I am cuz you ain't saying nothin so I know I'm preaching there I'm not talking I'm only talking to a few of y'all who would thank God he didn't give you what you got now 15 20 years ago cuz you be more broke than you might have been had he given it to you in your immaturity in your irresponsibility cuz you couldn't handle the little you got and God had to work on you cuz he already had something for you but he couldn't give it to you when you wanted it he had to delay you long enough to develop you I knew you were gonna say nothing I know I said he has to delay you long enough to develop you that's God's word for somebody because the enemy wants you to think that you going in circles in punishment you ain't in punishment but y'all don't know win the shout you are not the devil is alive you are not under punishment you are under development and as long as you submit to the process when you come out kata is waiting on you tap three people along here tap three people tell them neighbor God's word for you is you are not under punishment you are under development don't let the enemy make you think that just cuz you going in circles that God is somehow against you know God is developing you because he's delaying you long enough to develop you and where you come out we shall be looking like gold track somebody tell them I'm a hanging when I come out of this if you had gone for a season dear make you look like I'm not getting through to some light tap today but tell the neighbor hey wait [Applause] sorry no that strength wait I gotta go straighten it out just about I'm under development I'm gonna stop acting like I'm in punished when I'm under development I'm gonna smile like I'm getting better every day cuz I'm underdeveloped [Applause] see see the people around you want you to think that you're in punishment because they really are and all they're doing is trying to pour you down to their level but when you're God's child he can't kill you cuz he already got Cana waiting on you I'm under development I know why God delayed me cuz he needed time to develop me and Chapman what better place of development then a wilderness see somebody in here dressed up right now but you in that wilderness 2017 2018 [Music] 2019 ain't none change as a matter of fact it got worse and after 40 years the Lord spoke to the pastor said tell the people you've been going in circles long enough [Applause] man we gonna have to get a shout button in here y'all don't know y'all don't know win this shout I don't figure that out you have been going in circles long enough I need I need I need my geometry people to step into this text Lundeen dis a crazy point the Lord told Moses to tell the people stop going in circles you've been here long enough and go northward I need to talk to my geometry people if we've been going in circles haven't we already passed the north point [Applause] [Music] Matt Hudson if I turn around two more times I have covered the west wing the east wing the north and the south so you telling me to go to the north is a direction I've already passed because a circle in its geometric configuration covers all directions at any given time so if you telling me to go north hey sir I don't already been that way so you telling me to go back to something that didn't work the first time because the first time we passed that exit I wasn't mature enough to get off but it's time when I pass this section the log want me to get off because he's changed me going inside rains what you don't know is he told him to get off on this North exit by the way of the children of Esau and the children of Esau are the occupants of Mount Seir numbers chapter 20 verse 21 says that the first time they went to this exit the children of Esau blocked them and wouldn't let them through I want to argue that it wasn't sure them Esau that blocked them because if the children Esau really blocked them then the children of Esau would have had to stop the pillar and they would have had to stop the fire by night so if wasn't them that blocked them it was God they said you can't go through cuz you're not ready yet but this time I want you to go back to that spot and go through what they said you couldn't get through well y'all don't know when to get happy alright so here it is hey God why are you taking me back to something you blocked me from the first time he said this time go along their border and do not meddle with them in other words they blocked you the first time Laverne Buckner and this time when you go back around them don't pick a fight with him because of how they blocked you the last time cuz I need to teach you that every confrontation doesn't constitute a fight [Applause] long hold your part right here cuz this time when you go through they blocked you the first time but this time they are afraid of you y'all missed it so I'll shout myself the Lord had you going in circles cuz while you was goin in circles he was workin on your enemy he held you back long enough so that the people who used to block you will start to see you differently they wasn't afraid of you the first time but this time they gonna be afraid of you because I was holding you back just to change them God's word for somebody in here is that I'm getting ready to change the heart of people who once was cold towards you I'm getting ready to change the heart of people who once stood in your way and what was once yours blocking is now gonna be your stepping stool y'all missed it so I'm gonna try it again they blocked you from going to this area the first time but this time they gonna let you through but God says something interesting look at the text he said you gonna go through but don't expect to possess the land I'm not giving you the land I'm giving it to the children of Esau number one I need for you to understand that just because it looks good don't mean it's for you because you ain't got to take what I gave to somebody else preach stolen Morgan you ain't got to covet what I gave somebody else cuz I got a land for you that's beyond what I gave them alright so if you blocked me from a land that ain't mine then I needed to teach you that what happens is they end up blocking you from something that was never yours anyway see ladies and gentlemen what people don't want you to have they think they stopping you from getting what God wants you to have but the truth of the matter is if you can successfully block me from it it would never meant for me in the first place if you can successfully stop me from getting what God wants me to have did it was never mind in the first place but you can't block what God wants me to have because that's on the other side of authority that you don't have jurisdiction over would you grab your neighbor and tell your neighbor what God has for me it is for me I ain't got to steal from you covered from you I don't have to sabotage your name I don't have to ruin your reputation because whatever you can keep from me it apparently wasn't meant for God through God for me to have but what he got for me you can't keep it from in no way [Applause] I'm done you've been in here forty years now it's time to move forward it's time to stop going in circles and it's time to move into the next generation so that the next generation can move God's agenda forward I knew you wasn't gonna say nothing he said but let me remind you the reason why you can trust God to take you forward is cuz he kept you in the wilderness all these 40 years you were in a place that had nothing but you lacked nothing [Applause] I will shout myself in here you in a wilderness where nothing is but in the place that has nothing I made sure you lacked nothing you all know why because the Lord is my shepherd I shall not want he makes me lie down in green pastures he restores my soul just am I to tell him god has met every need every need and whatever he did me I was able to live without do i Goti anybody in here that would testify I got what I got but I also found out what I can live without [Applause] because God has been with me and he made sure that I let nothing I got sick he was Jehovah Rapha the God that heals me I needed some food and some water he was Jehovah that provides because in this wilderness he been with me and I have not liked nothing people left me I still got money in my pocket okay y'all missed it I'm done this is the last point this is the last point I'm approved to y'all that you lack nothing get your Bible cuz y'all gonna think I'm lying get the Bible I'm a Bible preacher get the Bible the Lord told the people when you come across the children Esau buy some meat so you can eat buy some water so you can drink i'ma try it one more time the Lord told the people when you come across the children Esau that's a meat so you can eat buy some food and some water so you can drink the Lord told people when you come across the children Esau Batson foods you can eat and Bassam water so you can drink the Lord told people when you get by the childrenís soul Bassam you food so you can eat and buy some water you can drink already gonna make me if you in the wilderness for 40 years where did you get married if they know break out here ain't no repository out here where you get money from can I tell you where they got money from when they came out of Egypt the Bible says in Exodus chapter 12 that only way out they had jury and clothes and shoes and money that was transferred from the enemy that they've been holding on to they had to pay for no food cuz he got manna from the sky they had to pay for no water cuz they got water coming out of a rock but when God is over your life make sure I keep something in your pocket [Applause] tell somebody neighbor I got a bold testimony to tell you I don't care how you think about it I do not lack for anything for God shall supply man I felt that see when you start thinking about every time you went without and God stepped in you weren't even in the place where you were supposed to be he was in the place just when he kept you and when he kept you ever need has been met I'm done man I feel like running in here I swear to God I feel I need about 30 people to take 30 seconds and just praise God that every need that you thought you had somehow God has met every need and it has met every need I tell you to praise Him [Applause] [Music] just about excuse me while I please [Music] every need [Music] every meal evany every me [Music] helping need not one time but every time I turn around that reply [Music] [Music] Raisa yeah yeah [Music] yeah [Music] touch everybody on each side you tell neighbor you owe God a praise right there cuz he met every need you have not lacked for nothing you owe him a praise right there [Music] [Music] even when you've been going in circles he'll meet your need even when it seems like life is not progressing he'll meet yo me even when it seems like nothing is moving forward he'll meet your need even when people walked out of you long he will meet your need [Music] even when you don't have the resources for he will meet your need even when you don't deserve it oh did will meet your need and if he met your need you oughta praise I said if he met you'll need your appraiser catamite um excuse me Wow [Music] for me and everything Wow mornin sir yeah [Music] [Music] I wish I had a back to the lair my cash register David's newsmen his brain British [Music] yeah I love this place I have not lack for anything in this place [Music] not tell somebody tell neighbor I'm not gonna wait til I come out the wilderness to blazer cuz he been keeping me while I'm in the wilderness [Music] [Applause] [Music] yeah last night yes No [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] we got the neighbor just turn around one time and just think about how you turn [Music] [Music] what does it feel not to be product what does it fail to give again what doesn't kill her to get it right [Music] [Music] to God [Music] to God [Music] me to [Music] [Music] ha ah [Music] everybody lift your hands right where you are Lord we give you glory for this outpouring and we thank you for reminding us that we're not on the path of punishment we're on the path of development thank you God for keeping us because we finally figured out it's really you that's been having us going in circles but we didn't die in the place where you had us going in circles but you kept us you preserved us and you got something else for us beyond where we are right now so we thank you for life thank you for food thank you for water thank you for money thank you for family thank you for faith thank you for right night because it is in that circular obstacle course that we have learned to appreciate the simple things not God thank you that we're preparing to move into Cana now and we give you praise for it now in Jesus name Amen somebody praise them because this is your year and stop going in circles [Music]
Channel: SHIP TV
Views: 22,196
Rating: 4.9171596 out of 5
Keywords: Tolan Morgan, Tolan Morgan Preaching, Pastor Tolan Morgan, Fellowship Bible Baptist Church, Warner Robins, Tolan Morgan 2019, Tolan Morgan 2020, tolan morgan fellowship, dr. tolan morgan
Id: GS49lqOqknY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 63min 53sec (3833 seconds)
Published: Fri Feb 14 2020
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