What Do I Do Next? - Dr. Frank E. Ray

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you may be seated so that's the Morgan sister Morgan it's just to read which all of these pastor preaches to all of you our brothers and sisters it's good to be here in the land of the dying on our way to the land of the living I'm certain that you're stopped already to say to the Lord thank you for him bringing us safe this fall he didn't have to wake us this morning but he did that alone is enough to be thankful for and then they have another chance to come and to worship the Lord we worship Him because of who years we praise Him because of what he has done and God is so awesome - there are some things about God and God himself has never seen God has never seen a situation that he could not sign God has never seen a sinner that he could not save God has never seen a substitute for his son God has never seen a sinner that could save himself David sir can I say something I said what do you want to say David he said well I have been young and now whole but I have never seen the righteous forsaken [Music] [Applause] that seed beggin for Brea he is an awesome God I am certainly humbled by the invitation to come and to share with you on this wonderful occasion today and to be with my son pastor Morgan is without a doubt the cream of the crop of preachers [Applause] [Music] you I know you know by now that you don't find preachers like Tolan Morgan every day and I think I know what happened apparently you treated the former pastor right until God says since you tree that the former pastor right we don't give you another one [Applause] then have a beautiful wife that worked with him [Applause] and then they cease us to read in this house and she's faithful [Applause] come on less blessed God system [Applause] [Music] I need to tell you all before your pastor came here I had never heard of one of Roberts [Music] and I preached all around the area but never here but this is perhaps one of the best-kept secrets [Applause] enjoy it on me and come on let's bless God for me me and need the health of women we don't like to let you know it but we we need your counsel you man man went to the doctor and said to the doctor said doc is something wrong with my wife [Music] the doctor said what do you mean said well she won't talk she won't cook she won't clean the house she won't make up to bed she won't do nothing doctor said to her well bring her here and let me examine her and see if I can find out what's going on with your wife he brought it in and doctor took him to the other room stayed about thirty minutes came back he said to the man I found out what's wrong with your wife the man's okay doctor show me what's wrong with my wife he said not rather tell he said now doc show me what's wrong with my wife's I don't think I need to show you let me tell you so you my doctor showed me what's wrong with my wife he saw you sure he did show me so doctor grabbed her start kissing start hugging on rubbing his hand through a hand she got so excited solji : and just laughing going on dr. Surnow sir she gonna need this three times a week [Applause] [Music] home on Monday or Wednesday and on Friday the man's okay doctor I can get her here on Monday energy [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] second second chronicles chapter 7 and verse 14 second Corinthians chapter 7 verse 14 if my people which are called by my name shall humble themselves and pray and seek my face turn from their wicked ways then will I hear from heaven forgive them of their sins and heal that land thank you so much what what do I do next yet myself what do I do next thank you so much this passage contained 40 words 40 is a fixed number in Scripture Moses spent 40 years at the home of Pharaoh he spent 40 years on the backside of the desert with Jethro he spent 40 years leading Israel out of Egypt into the Promised Land which meant he spent 40 years thinking he was somebody 40 years discovering he was nobody forty years learning how God could take a nobody and because somebody he spent 40 days on Mount Sinai I'll receive in the written law left the church in the hands of his assistant pastor came back and they had started making another God he had to go back and spend another forty days to straighten up what they messed up Ezekiel laid on his right side forty days as a protest against Judah Jonah went to minify conducted a 40 day crusade and turned the whole city around Jesus spent 40 days in the wilderness and was afterward tempted of the devil after Jesus rose from the dead he spent 40 days hanging around before we caught the Mount Olive cloud to go back forests and for trials and probation any time you see the number 40 that's what it stands for this one scripture contained 40 words and for you to be able to digest it and need to cut it up so you can swallow it [Applause] hee-hoo start by saying if that's possibility my people that's personal which are called by my name that's paternal shall humble themselves that's preparation and pray that's power and seek my face that's a privilege turn from their wicked ways that's procedure then will I hear from heaven that's progress and will forgive them of their sins that's pardon me and heal their land that's prosperity let's walk through it again [Applause] you start off by saying if if is that conjunction but it is a condition in conjunction conjunction does different things there's several conjunctions that we like but is a contrast conjunction that mean the Sinistar flowing in one way but when you get to button it go another way Romans 6:23 says for the wages of sin is death but the gift of God is he turned life and is a conjunction but it's a connecting conjunction it connect what has just happened that what's getting ready to happen most time it connects a promise with a principle we love the promises but we ignore the principle therefore is a conjunction but to understand it you have to bake a prior to the therefore to see what that therefore is therefore but if is a condition in conjunction this little if follow you even where you go it's sandwich in the word life you spell life L IFE drop the L of the front of the read life eat off the back of the word life sandwich in the middle is an ill I guess that's why the opp you say I'll see you next Sunday if it is the Lord's wheel Matthew 16:24 Jesus said if any man will come out if any man will come after me let him first deny himself take up his cross and follow me John 12:32 and I if I be lifted from the earth I'll draw all men unto me John 15:7 if you abide in me and my words abide in you ask for what you will that it shall be given unto you Romans 10:9 that if thou shalt confess with thy mouth the Lord Jesus shall believe in that heart that God raised him from the dead thou shalt be saved 2nd Corinthians 5 and 1 and we know that if this earthly house of this Tabernacle would is all we have a building of God a house not made with hands eternal in the heaven second Corinthians 5:17 If any man be in Christ he's a new creature old things have passed away behold all things have become new Galatians 6 and one brother and if a man be overtaken in a fault ye which are spiritual restore such a one in the spirit of meekness considering thyself lest thou also be tempted Galatians 6 and 3 if a man think himself to be something when he is nothing he deceiveth himself Galatians 6 and 9 let us not be weary in well-doing for we shall reap if we faint not first john 1 and if we say we have no sin we deceive ourselves first John 1:9 if we confess our sins he is faithful and just to forgive us of our sins and cleanse us from all unrighteousness 1st John 1 in 10 if we say we have not sinned we make him alive first John 2 and 1 these things write on to you that you see in but if you see it we have an advocate with the father his name is Jesus Christ the righteous revelation 3 and 20 behold I stand at the door and not infinite may hear my voice and open the door I will come in to him and will sup with him and he with me start off by saying if then he say he makes it personal my people I'm afraid we look in for answers in all the wrong places we looking for the president to take get things in order we looking for the Congress in the house the mayor's the governor's to set things in order God did not give that to them you say God is a jealous God and we dictate a lot as to how God act if you check the scripture whenever the people of God start rebuilding against God and start doing whatever we want it to do disobeying God God would always do four things first thing I always do is put a wicked king on the throne [Applause] check out the scripture the second thing you always do is send pestilence in the lake and then he would send a prophet to time and he would send his word he's not looking for them to get it in order he said if my people because she must know God has invested so much in his people we have been redeemed God didn't save us for us to do nothing God didn't bring us some darkness to the marvelous light just to brag about how holy we are God puts something on the inside of us Matthew 28:18 Jesus came and speaks at all the power the Greek word is exile seer which means Authority acts 1:8 say ye shall receive power the Greek word is Dunamis Ephesians 6 and 10 final brother be strong in the Lord and in the power two Greek word is great to us Matthew 16:18 upon this rock I'll build my church the Greek word for churches ecclesia it means the call I want he get his occlusive which is his authority places it behind his ekklesia which is his church and then get his Dunamis and put in the church until the church deceased opportunities which are before the church what does that mean that mean the church can do two things we can direct but we can destroy you can direct divine authority but you can destroy demonic Authority am I here by myself in other words you don't have to beat the devil run it because of what you got only inside of you the devil will do the running if my people which are called my people which are identified you know we like the identification but even though we don't want to put nothing in it there's so many friends benefits come along with being a child of God y'all hear me don't you there's so many better I mean you got so many benefits that you can just you can walk up the stuff and say in the name of Jesus and members say you know Reverend I got a problem I'm not able to get medical insurance I said listen God is so awesome if you can't afford insurance God will just keep you healthy somebody ought to talk to me later caterers and Reverend say every time I turn around there's always something so I got a little money got a little check came in the mail as soon as I got to check my compress and went out on my frigerator I got to take it and spin it to get the refrigerator repaired I said baby let me tell you what happened that compressing went out six months ago but God kept it running until you check everything [Applause] if my people which are called by mention the word Church ekklesia it's a compound word it means X that means every person is a part of the body of Christ is because you exit out of something all of us in here accepted I see that pseudo halo over here but you ain't been holy all your life expects prostitute X dope addict X among the X Y X gossiper X sheet and some of you ain't too much X yet [Applause] the second part of the word for church its first part second part is Kaleo mean to be cold you were exit out but you call in and see it just so happened that this this call has to do with a private party it's a members only yo don't hit me in this house you see god call you for a special reason if my people which are called by my name he said you need to do three things in the morn humble yourself you see it's easy to get lifted in pride it's easy to think that you have already arrived but God don't like folk this guy that's lifted in pride talk to me somebody he want us to humble ourselves and when you see where you came from and what God brought you to it's not hard to learn how to humble yourself some of us came from nodos to a lot of those from some contacts to Cadillac from rubber heels to rubber wheels from Nick balls to t-bones do I have been help in this house yeah he brought us from a long ways and let me see where God brought us from every now and then we need to learn how to humble I said and have talked to ourselves if he had not been but the law that was on my side where would I be that any help in his house I'm the way brought me fall wouldn't fit in Delisle too scared to die have to learn how to humble ourself you know years ago and I'll go on years ago and we used to practice humility that when we come to church man factor me and the Deacons would come with me zone because they were gonna be on their knees pray and they would even listen when oppress and now Lord here we are one more time when I knees bed and our bodies about it came from the idea of biblical days when they wanted to carry a heavy load they needed a beast that could go a long ways without water and on animal they could come up with was a camera and no caramel because he was so tall when the master would get ready put a load on him he would get in front of the Campbell and make him bow down then the master would put a load on the camera and camera will go during the course of the day and in the heat of the day his back would perspire and the load was shift so around noon he would get in front of the camera again and make him bow down and then the master was straightening up his load and then it carried a camel the rest of the day and even when it's time to bit down the camera couldn't rest with a heavy load so the master would get in front of him at bedtime and make him bow down and the master would take the load off her well I'm master have a load foster care so in the morning before you leave home he wants you to bow down and the master put a load on ya and as you go during the course of the day folks online on are you trying to dodge the lies and folks is catalysed your name you trying to toss all that stuff your load will shift over surround noon you need to but I don't let the master straighten up your load and then then they eat and you can't sleep that night what a heavy load wondering where your children are that's a heavy load one and if your spouses don't come home that's a heavy load so before you go to bed at night bow down and let the master take the load off of you and when it take the load off anybody no you can sleep well all night long and humble themselves baby sit and pray shout praise you see prayer is always in order yeah prayer prayer prayer changes things prayer changes situation prayer changes circumstances talk to me somebody they got time to deal with it this morning but there a lot of words in the original language for the word prayer price UK is one greek word for word prayer prospero yes it's an intimate word it means face to face but when you pray you become face to face with your heavenly Father talk to me somebody you came in wish or desire that mean you come face to face with your wish or desire now we like to recite some sturdy sevenfold when said the Lord will give you the desires of your heart if said that but not all of that because the emphasis is not on desire is on delight is if you delight yourself in the Lord he'll give you the desires of your heart and you know what I discovered when you start delighted in the Lord he'll change your design the stuff you used to desire before you start the Lightning the Lord you don't desire that's stuff no more go have a witness he must let me get out of here he must humble himself and pray notice he said you came free right I'll tell you humble yourself you know that's a that's a is prayer that we gotta watch Matthew 6 and 12 and forgive us allow debts as we forgive our debtors no and that mess us up because a lot of us got some stuff we've been holding if it won't let it go yet you see forgiveness it's not for the other person forgiveness is for you see when you fail a forgive a person euro here it's like drinking your own pause and expecting it to kill the other person y'all don't like be the south but when you forgive a person you said of freeze I've had to do some people that way that only money I just had to say Lord I'm just gonna going and forgive their man today because there's one thing about one a person oh yeah it can be 40 years later and you see them so you send that Negro me [Applause] yo looking at me strange in this huh yeah you have to go on and let it go because Psalms one this is six one six six six two six verse eighteen so if you have iniquity in your heart God don't hear you so then mean I don't need to let some junk get between me and God y'all hear me don't you I want him to hear my prayer it's a humble themselves and pray then watch what he said and seek laughs face in other words seek the presence of the Lord I my my son got a son named Frank jr. Frank jr. he was sixteen seventeen years of age he would come and said dad can I use your car I said yes jr. it's all right he thought about a little bitty comebacks ever daddy got no money let me hold on a few dollars I said yes jr. I gave you some money that meant he wanted my possessions he wanted my price but then when I'm sitting here Joe I think i'ma ride with you the night [Applause] he said now dad it I don't need you to go in min other words he wanted my possessions he wanted my price but it didn't want my presence that's the way we are with God we want what God have to offer us got any hit for this out we want the money god bless us with but we don't want God hanging around because he might hinder the mess we if my people which are called by my name shall humble themselves and pray seek my face turn from their wicked ways I had to talk to the Lord about that so wait a minute God we talk much safer we tell me yo people are you trying to tell me save folk is wicked he said well I did not say they're wicked he said but they got some wicked ways y'all hear me don't ya what's the mean wicked ways say folk got some wicked ways well ask God for blessing pray that's God to give him a job and God bless them with a job give him help and strength to go to it give them transportation to get there talk to me somebody let him have a big jack in there turn around on Sunday and tip God instead of paying that time shout wicked ways talk to me somebody that you don't mistreat the person that opened the door for you because what I have God gave men when I know God taught me the reason I'm still here is because God is keeping me they'll have a witness now what's what is saying I'm out of here he said they're three of four things you got to do before I move he said number one you got a humble yourself secondly he said you got a pray that he exact seek my face and then it says turn from your wicked ways and watch what the text says Ian yeah you know you hear people saying I'm waiting on God but God says I'm waiting on you you better know that God can change this situation I know we waiting on it to change in the White House but kind of let's hear a little secret God hold the king's heart in his head God can move in whatever God get ready to move in that God said he's not my problem you're my problem that he said I'm waiting on you to set your house in order that God will yo hear me don't you get me something that God will he said then why here from heaven he said I will forgive them oh that seems that means we've been committed seeing that shout seeing one time seeing soils and spoils since jokes and provokes synchronous and punishes sin moss and balls sin itches and switches never got a witness him that I asked the Lord I said what did you do with my seeds he said Psalms 85 - he's a cover man saying that and Psalms 103 verse T in it he said God does not judge man according to his sin never warn him according to his iniquity sons 103 verse 3 ever says far as the East is from the West that's how high you can't see in there Joe 1417 say took my sins and put in a bag and sewed up the bag Michael 719 say cast my sins in the depths of the scene there as it say took my sins and cast them in the sea of forgiveness have I got a witness Kalasha 50 first win in there say softball sins and they could not be found to have a witness Colossians 2:14 there I took my sins on a hill called camera and now Marcia to cover his cross he be one in three years just so afflicted the de purse man of his seen the that it went home and sit down on the right hand side of the Father he poutine 17 so he remember my sins no first john one in seven that so he was my see mister but can let you know the secret to get us where we need to be there ever got a witness him that there were two ports that showed up at camera when jesus died they came the right of a poem but everything they got ready right what are the Rhino sir Matthew Mark Luke John already recorded it and one port said to the other let's watch the blood they saw blood coming from the Lord's food they saw blood coming out of his hands they saw blood coming out of his side there's some blood running from his feet one port said let's follow the blood see what a blood is going up at the foot of the hill was a low spotted leopard that is spotted two ports wait until them to get closer so they could devour both port sir but thank God the blood of Jesus I got that before the ports got them and started licking some of the blood just nature change in vision sir he became as humble eyes as a little lamb that one port sir I know what I can write now what can watch [Music] we must see nothing but the blood of Jesus what can make me hold of Jesus the other ports are I wonder if that's enough blood to go around the port should look around that he's all I see yeah [Music] [Music] there upon the cross I know washing abroad come on give it just tap one person tell him I've got to give Him praise just cuz he washed my sins away he put it in a bag in the sea washed it in his glove now all the blood wash seats if you've got reason to give him glory for nothing else if my people who are called by my name will humble themselves and pray and seek my face turn from their wicked ways then will I hear from heaven I'll heal their sins
Channel: SHIP TV
Views: 216,846
Rating: 4.6937456 out of 5
Keywords: frank ray, frank ray preaching, god is good, what do i do next, frank ray what do I do next
Id: cN2xHGJm0ss
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 44min 46sec (2686 seconds)
Published: Sat Feb 29 2020
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