Do It! - Bishop William Murphy

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oh my god is so good to be in the presence of the Lord tonight are you excited to be in the presence of God tonight can y'all hear me can y'all hear me amen are you excited to be in the presence of God tonight come on if if you're glad to be in the presence of God tonight let me hear you make some noise for Jesus come on give me just a little more monitor Brown if you can give me just a little more monitor here I'm so excited to be here tonight I can't believe it took me five years to get here amen but five is the number of grace a man so Amen I will give you some grace tonight amen and we are just so godly proud and just a blessed by the Ministry of Pastor Tom and Morgan when you help me to celebrate your man of God tonight anybody that's not clapping and not saying nothing there's a hater come on look down your rows say no haters allowed on this road no haters allowed we thank God for pastor Toland Morgan and we thank God for the fellowship church we're just so godly proud of what God is doing with this body of believers and I'm not certainly pastor told you but we grew up in Detroit together and he was saved and I was trying to get save and I finally got saved that's why I took her in five years to get me here but and we just appreciate so much fellowship how you have taken care of our friend and his family and we just honor you and salute you on tonight I'm so glad to be here come on that's a good that's a good place to give God praise now listen let's set some rules since this is my first time here y'all can't be mean-mugging me all right you know I know y'all in the spirit and you know sometimes when you get in the spirit you get that ugly face but we just met so you got a smile first all right I'm just again so glad to be here some of my executive team is with me we all that awesome they standing right there wave house hands I brought some of my executive team with me to just kind of behold the glory of fellowship Amen that's doing something in Decatur Georgia and so I brought my team so they could see how we should be doing it in Decatur amen and we just state golf for fellowship I don't get to do this often but my girl is with me tonight pastor Danielle is with me rave your hands so that people can see you amen love you too baby thank you yo that's my girl y'all come on now y'all got to do better than that [Music] it took us almost three hours to get up here so a man she doesn't do that often but I'm glad to have her with me tonight and amen if you pray for me tonight I'll be quick and powerful if not I'll just be quick all right amen we're not gonna keep you long though y'all pray for me tonight all right as a matter of fact grab your neighbors saying we salute and honor your first lady lady Lenina and he's so thank God for her and she not gonna tell y'all this but when I was a youngster she let me sing with her amen and I used to I used to singing the same choir with the mean and Amen your pastor would be on the organ making us run around the church and do cartwheels and stuff and I'm just so godly proud of what God has done so there was a word from the Lord tonight are you ready let's let's touch and agree tonight everybody touching somebody your neighbor may not have shared this with you but they really need God to do something for them tonight they may it may have gone unspoken but they came tonight not just because it's anniversary not just because there was a guest preacher here but they came tonight really because they need something from God I want you to take the next 30 seconds I want you to pray just as fervently as you would pray for yourself I want you to pray that God would meet every one of their needs tonight come on do it do it I want you to pray that God would meet every one of their needs do it tonight come on pray that it's simple it's simple god I pray that you would meet every one of my neighbors needs tonight just come on you have authority now you there's power in your prayer you say it God I want you to meet every one of my neighbors knees tonight I want I want you to touch their body I want I want you to heal their body get in their blood tonight glory to God regulate their blood pressure regulate their blood sugar get in their mind tonight break that break that weary spirit break break the spirit of exhaustion tonight come on come on your mouth you have power with God and if you say it not will do it come on open your mouth God touch my neighbor tonight touch their children and glory to God break that spirit of exhaustion brick break the spirit of the quitter tonight just God give him a fresh win tonight come on if you say it God will do it don't just listen to me and let me say stuff over you you gotta say it you have whatever you say come on God I need you to do it tonight I need you to break that weary spirit break the spirit of the quitter take me somewhere a shine break the spirit of the quitter cut off do it open your mouth and pray like you have power with God pray pray like you have authority than my god I want you to meet every one of my neighbors needs tonight glory to God I want you to meet every one of my neighbors needs tonight God do it tonight come on children I need your praying God I want you to meet every one of my neighbors needs tonight whether it be emotional whether it be physical whether it be financial God I'm asking that you would turn it around tonight I pray that you would step in the middle of this situation and to show yourself strong come on I need somebody who believes God will answer your friend open your mouth and asking God I need you to show yourself strong on behalf of my neighbor's family step in the middle of their situation and kill every demon and every time and just ask God to intervene if you ask if you ask God to intervene step up in the middle of my neighbor's financial situation and and turn things around do it tonight do it tonight do it tonight somebody ask him God do it tonight do it tonight do it tonight now I want you to loose those hands that begin to put them together and open your mouth and give God your best praise like you believe God is doing some stuff Jana somebody pull on this another thing and somebody open your mouth and shout tonight God but what God to do it tonight that waiting until barks at not waiting at 2,000 pounds God that need you to do it tonight to it tonight sewer tonight [Music] [Music] and will bless your name that will bless your name where my word should present this building I there is a sound that heaven is waiting to hear somebody just throw your hands up this ain't between the body but you and God throw your hands up and just sing unto the Lord shoot your voice like an arrow shoot your boys like an arrow until it till it pierces this the father we trust you I'm completely dependent upon you tonight think with my mind and use my voice tonight to speak to your church father will give you glory for everything in Jesus's name we pray amen amen and amen I wish I had somebody who appraising like it's turning around tonight well somebody praise him like is turning around tonight someboby praise it like it's turning around tonight I still feel like y'all can hear me somebody praising like it's like it's turning around tonight well blessed be the name of the do me a favor on your way to your seat will you just grab that person on your left and your right and just tell them you love them and you're glad they came to church tonight come on don't be stuck-up grab them and hug them and tell them you love them and you're glad they came to church tonight you can give me just a little more push on this mic in the house get a help me tonight Genesis chapter 6 Genesis chapter 6 and we're going to begin reading at verse number 13 this is what God is laid on my heart for you tonight Genesis chapter 6 verse number 13 thank you again pastor for including me you're my friend and my brother but I know that my assignment supersedes that tonight I'm on divine assignment God has given me a word for this fellowship and I want to share it tonight thank you Pastor for including me Genesis chapter 6 and verse number 13 and then God said to Noah I'm reading from the new American Standard Bible then God said to Noah the end of all flesh has come before me for the earth is filled with violence because of them and behold I am about to destroy them with the earth and make for yourself an ark of gopher wood and you shall make the ark with rooms and shall cover it inside and out with pitch and this is how you shall make it the length of the ark 300 cubits its breadth 50 cubits and its height 30 cubits and you shall make a window for the ark and and finish it to a cubit from the top set the door of the Ark in the side of it and you shall make it with lower second and third decks behold I am bringing the flood of water upon the earth to destroy all flesh in which the breath of life is the breath of life from under heaven and everything that is on the earth shall perish but I will establish my covenant with you y'all go missed us tonight he says everything on the earth shall perish but I will expand it my covenant we if you and every living thing of all flesh shall bring two of every kind into the ark to keep them alive with you and they shall be male and female of the birds after their kind and of the animals after their kind and of every creeping thing of the ground after its kind to watch this y'all - of every time we'll come to you alright to keep them alive and as for you take take yourself for yourself some some of our food which is edible and gather it to yourself and it shall be for food for you and for them thus Noah did according to all that God had commanded him so he did I want to read verse 22 one more time this is where we're gonna take a thought from for tonight thus Noah did according to all that God had commanded him so he did the word of the Lord is blessed tonight I want you to look at your neighbor and just say these two words but I want you to say it with authority I want you to look at them you still looking at me come on look at your neighbor look at your neighbor I want you to charge them tonight two words look at them and say do it that's what I won't talk about tonight do it turn around and tell somebody God said do it some of y'all feel that things stirring in your spirit I want to start tonight's prophetic message by confirming with you something that you are already aware of but I just want to put it in the atmosphere again and it is this God is talking to you God that God is he's talking to you tap your neighbor tell him God he is talking to you 'yes he is he's he's talking to you some of you might be hard-headed but you're not hard of hearing God is talking to you your your inner ear your spirits ear is working perfectly and you've come into the season of your life where you're going to have to fully trust your relationship with God and trust that God has a plan to bless you and your whole family you're going to have to commit tonight tap somebody tell them I'm in a new season now I'm I'm in a new season now you you're going to have to commit to yourself tonight that you are going to stop second-guessing everything you hear especially after you've had a time of prayer and you've had an exchange with God let me say it again God is talking to you he's talking to you and the first thing I heard this morning I was trying to figure out what I was gonna preach tonight I didn't just want to pull out my best message I wanted to make sure that I had a word from God for you and when I woke up this morning the Lord said tell them I said do it do me a favor push your neighbor like they owe you some money and say do it do it do it do it do it so you can give me the money you owe me do it do do it do it so you can break that poverty spirit off your family do it [Applause] hello I'm talking to people tonight you've you missed it at times and you miss God sometimes and and you mess some things up in your past but but after all that should come through all that you have endured and all that you have overcome you cannot deny the fact that God is still with you God is still with you watch this and your eyes and your ears are open and sensitive to God like they have never been before tap your neighbor on the shoulder one more time tell him God is talking he's talking to you you you got God said to remind you when I take this when I type this pastor Morgan God God told me to remind you that when I type this I tear started running down my face God said to remind you that just like he chose Noah he said tell fellowship I chose you this don't mean that the oh but it means something to me look at somebody tell them God chose you God God chose you and I'm talking to people that night who have been rejected and and but but God said tonight you cannot allow what your flesh did to stop what the Spirit is about to do you are the chosen one get out your feelings get out your feelings because you got to miss your moment you are the chosen but will you talk to yourself your neighbors sick of you already tell yourself I am the chosen one I'm your you're the chosen one this is what God told me to tell you he said and sooner than later everybody who rejected you and laughed at you and called you crazy and said you should have invested your time and your money on something that was going somewhere God said sooner or later they go wish they had followed you sooner or later they go wish they had listened to you listen you may not have many followers now but trust me after you are done obeying God people who don't even know you are gonna be knocking at your door trying to get in on what God gave you the bill y'all y'all gotta hear me tonight it may not look like it but trust me this is the time and this is the season to do it I said this is the time and this is the season to do it you gonna have to make up your mind the night that you gonna forget about what the experts think cuz then got the Holy Ghost you gonna have to make up your mind the night that I'm gonna forget about what the know-it-alls are saying because these are people who have not heard from God these are people who are who are building their lives off of information but the upper hand you have is what God has given you to build it's not being built off of information it's being built off of Revelation I want you to talk to yourself again and tell yourself God is talking to me God is talking to me this is supposed to be one of the best years of your life so far but if you don't obey God this year will be nothing more than a repeat of last year and the unproductive cycles of the years past if you don't get up right now and do it I would listen I want you to take authority over your role look your neighbor in the eye like you got power with God look at him and tell him God said get up right now and do it do it do it I don't know what your it is but this is the time to make a move because if you don't do it now you're gonna miss your window God's about to give you another new beginning he he's about to give many of us a shot at another shot at a do-over he he said but this time you can't be worried about who doesn't go with you and who doesn't believe in what you're doing he said because common people will make you miss your moment y'all Oh somebody jump up and holler this gonna be my year disco this gonna be my year disco this gonna be my you can't have it if you won't say it and if you ain't known the with you waiting to feel something you just might miss the move of God I'm talking to everybody on your feet right now this is gonna be your year and everybody who looked at you and judge you because of your past in just a few days they gonna be looking at you saying yeah I should've followed know when I had a chance do me a favor look at your neighbors say get up right now and do it do it do it do it this this this disco bo yeaa this could be I hope y'all can hear me and the Holy Ghost disco be your year watch this but but you're going to have to make some intentional mental adjustments I said you will have to make some intentional mental adjustments you you don't have to change your mind about yourself you you will have to change your mindset about your future because obeying God requires making adjustments who who am i preaching to tonight just obeying God somebody will testify the night that obeying God will stretch you who am i preaching to tonight Oh bayon God will challenge you obeying God will test you what obeying God will pull you out of your comfort zone you but you got to make up your mind that I'm gonna do it if I have to do it all by my self you look at somebody tell them I had already made up my mind but if I have to do it by myself I'm gonna get up right now I'm gonna want y'all to miss that talk to your neighbor over shoulder say right now and do it you're gonna have to listen this is the season that's gonna require you to go further than you've ever gone before you don't have to think differently you gonna have to think differently you are going to have to think differently you watch this you are going to have to sink deeper than you have ever thought in any of a season in your life watch this because what God has given you to do has never been done before don't miss this fellowship what God has given you to do has never been done before somebody said why because it's never been NASA very before see the problem is you looking at what everybody else doing trying to figure out what you should be doing not send you paint base your light off of information you gotta build your life off of Revelation you got a thing deeper you guess what God gave me to give you you got a sink deeper and God said tell them this tell them you gonna have to think in levels are you still here look look at somebody tell them that levels there's levels to this yes there's there's levels to this you you got to think y'all still here okay half way up you got to think in levels watch watch this this is verse number 16 says you shall make a window for the arm don't don't miss this y'all you you shall make a window for the Ark end and finish it to a cubit from the top and set the door of the Ark in the side of it and you shall make it with lower second and third debts look look at somebody tell them this level studious you you know for for 40 years y'all y'all killing it but but God said this just a lower deck I know for 40 years y'all y'all y'all y'all in the lead you're in the forefront of ministry in this area but God said you gotta think deeper in this season because there's levels to the issue you gotta thinking who am i preaching to so even though you doing good something in your spirit is saying this ain't it maybe I didn't come for everybody but who am i preaching to the night I'm doing good I don't need nothing all my needs and my family is good but something in my spirit is saying you ain't finish God God told me to tell you get up right now your neighbor not listening to me take I think they text in the Sun look at them and say right now right now get up right now and do it what whatever God is put in your spirit to do don't don't worry about what people are saying no don't worry about what what your level of expertise is or your level of experience I came to preach to people God is about to cause you to prosper in the area that you ain't even prepared for Oh Thank You Holy Ghost yeah well you still track you still trying to do something in the area of your degree but God is saying I got blessed for that degree but what I'm getting ready to do for you I'm gonna do it so good and so big that you're not gonna be able to give credit to your degree y'all better hit me in the Holy Ghost what your neighbors say get up right now and do it first it's it's gonna require a mental shift this it's going to require that you change your mindset that that you sink deeper because there's levels to this God God says make make it make it make it a qubit make a window for it I keep hearing that word window I don't know what God is saying to you Pastor but don't miss your window don't don't let nobody who's based there what they're talking about us information don't let it make you miss your window cuz you you the one with the revelation you you're the one who's hard from God you don't wanna stop the water from God God said get up where my 12 people I'm preaching to ya right now do it you got a dude you got a move right now you got you got a move right now watch this discuss God said you you cannot do it with the same mentality that you've had in the years past he says because what I plan for you and your family watch this is simple but at the same time it's complicated to carnal people let me let me back up for a moment so so you don't get the wrong impression here let me be crystal clear if you are not going to know what to do and you are not going to know how you're supposed to do it if you don't have a prayer life okay okay and some somebody didn't want to hear that because you think that the will of God is automatic you think this is magic you you think there's some abracadabra in here you think that whatever don't happen is just go happen but God said to remind your plan changes things that's a little old school but it's still true look at somebody say prayer changes things you you you gotta make prayer a part of the first fruits of your day if if you don't make prayer a priority you are going to end up living a frustrated life because you're gonna be trying to build something with information instead of revelation what's this if you somebody say there's levels to this there's levels there's levels to this let me let me let me just drop this in here only you you got it you got to hear from God yeah somebody throw your hands up say God is talking to me God say it again you ain't lying your proper sound say it God God God that God is talking to me you know you know the devil got you thinking God mad at you and God got a problem with you God say I've been talking the whole time you just been on the wrong station now said I've been talking to you the whole time you just been on the wrong frequency okay you've been on the wrong level yeah there's levels to this and God said if if you build your life of information you'll end up having something and still being frustrated why because you're gonna build off of information that I gave to another man he he said what what I'm gonna give you the bill is something that's gonna meet your need and the need of your family let me let me I threw that in for free somebody say there's levels to this this this this there's levels to this I submit to you today that what that what you've been able to build and and what you've put together thus far is just the beginning yeah will you look at somebody and tell them you are not finished I you you I know you think you own cruise control but you are not finish you as a matter of fact God told me to tell you you're just getting started there there's a whole nother level that God is trying to take you to and I heard the Holy Ghost say tell fellowship I said get up right now and do it I know you're killing it but though you've been thinking too small I said you've been thinking way too shallow and from tonight forward you gotta think bigger you got a think deeper and God said this all I got for you tonight God said tell him you got to think in levels and you got to think in legacy somebody say levels and legacy what the God God's ago said I'm killing everybody I'm killing everything except for you and the people you love I'm killing everybody I'm getting rid of everything I'm wiping everything except for the people and the stuff that's connected to you yo yo I think y'all miss what I just said God it's in verse number 15 verse number 17 he says everything on the earth shall perish but I will cut open it with you God told me to tell you tonight I mixed a blessing a new covenant with you he said to tell you that what's on your life and what's on your family it's simple but at the same time it's complicated he said because the grace of God on your life is manifested in levels and it's a multi-layered multi-generational grace I love that when I walked in here tonight there were multi generations in this building because the grace of God that's on this church is layered it's it's generational and and you have to know by now fellowship that what God is doing in you is bigger than your lifespan what what God is doing in you is bigger than this dispensation let me throw this in here right now if what you are invested in if what y'all still here make sure y'all listen God said if what you are invested in right now if it dies when you - stop he said if what you are working on right now if it dies when you die it's a distraction this up is because what I'm giving you to do is generational what what I've given you to do what God has given you to do is supposed to outlive you y'all not talking to me tonight tap tap your name and tell abyss of destruction if it dies with you I'm almost done you you you got a thing deeper you you you got a you got a think pastor you got a think in decades you you got a think generationally you you can't just be thinking about the next two years so for the next two months oh god just give me food to the summer now you got to be thinking through 2040 you you gotta be thinking through 2006 to you you gotta be thinking levels and legacy you you gotta be thinking what I'm working on right now is it gonna still be around the bless my children 30 years I'm bad if you believe God can give you something so big that it outlives you I want you to take 15 seconds and give God your best breaks I'm looking for my praises tonight oh my god when you dad you believe your family properties all over the state of Georgia with when you died you believe your family businesses all over the United States because what God is doing in you levels legacy your children are not gonna have to start from scratch your chip your children not gonna have to start a GoFundMe when you die your children that don't have to go out and look for jobs when you die your children don't be able to take off a month and move that they're gonna be able to take off a month and grease but why they grieve and they're not gonna be grieving that the house up under the covers they're gonna be grieving on the beach just thanking God that Big Daddy we're stinking in level and legacy they don't be somewhere sitting up under the Sun thanking God that Big Momma was stinking in levels and lagna see and they built something that out lid film I'm out of time there's levels to this there's levels to this and God said I want you're taking in legacy in terms of legacy I want you to think about what you gonna leave to your children when you die I want you thinking about money and property huh I want you thinking about your children's inheritance huh I want you thinking so big that when you die you can do like the white folk do and leave money to your church y'all don't like me in here yeah y'all ever wonder why you can walk in a Catholic Church should be three people in there but to build them bigger than this it's God's when people died they have built an ark so big that when they died they left some money to the church huh passive don't nobody but me and you give God praise I'm praising God that God is sending me two comma members and partners that when they die they'll leave some money to the church yeah I [Applause] think I lost some of y'all that's alright you tell your neighbor you thinking too shallow you you thinking too shallow you think you're too small yeah I don't see your mouth moving tell your neighbor you're thinking too small you you thinking too shallow God's not done with you there's levels to this I came to tell you tonight that God is releasing in this fifth year five 40 40 being the number of generations 5 being the number of grace came all the way from Atlanta Sandy Springs to be exact to tell you that God is releasing greater grace that God is releasing more grace to this church do me a favor tap your neighbor tell him God's releasing more grace more grace more grace let me let me let me through let me say this so you understand what grace means grace is not just God don't get you when you deserve it that's mercy grace is when what God is able to do overshadows what you're unable to do but the grace of God is when God gets in you and starts doing through you stuff you couldn't do I'm gonna say it again the the grace of God is when God makes you able to do stuff that you fail that in years past let me say it again more grace is being released to this church I said more grace is being released to this church the kind of grace that's going to take your life to a whole nother level I hear greater calling you fellowship what God has given you to build is gonna secure your future and your family name I said what God has given you the bill it's gonna secure your future and your family name do me a favor look at somebody tell them there's levels to this come to the other side and tell them best legacy in this and God told me to tell you to get up right now and do it I'm not even bout to try that I'm in totally Morgan's Church God wants to cut covenant with you tonight he's trying to reposition you and your family God said to tell you tonight what I want to give you is flood proof you better hear me tonight y'all better hear me tonight there's another flood coming I said there's another flood coming but what God is trying to give you is flood proof look at somebody tell them there's another flood coming but God is about to give you something that's gonna be able to withstand the storm come on Rochelle I'm finished the Bible says that God said to Noah you shall make it like this scholars say that the size of the ark was so big that it could house 500 train cars that's how big it was but watch this because of the way that God gave Noah to build it it wasn't like a boat it was like a barge the design that God is giving you it's a design that makes it extremely difficult for your ship to capsize I'm closing I'm closing what what God is giving you is flood proof so let the rain come let the storm come that's what God has given you you're gonna be able to weather the storm I'm closing get on your seat I'm done thank you basket God said get up right now and do it faster can I call them around the altar listen if you're in this room and what what God is put in your spirit say you dig yourself again God is talking to me what God put in your spirit what God has given you the build your anxiety is you have no experience in this area seem like God would have gave me something in the area of my passion seemed like God would have gave me something in the area that I've been trained in but what God has given me the bill I'm talking to you Noah no I wasn't a shipbuilder no it wasn't a ship maker but God said build it like this it's gonna save you and your family if as a matter of fact everything connected to you is go survive this storm everything y'all I'm finished I'm talking to you tonight I just want to pray with you tonight no funny stuff no spooky stuff I ain't gonna touch you push you down spit in your face none of that I just want you to come I just want you to come around the altar let's get an agreement if if if God is talking to you and your anxiety is God how am I gonna do this your anxiety is I've never done anything like this before watch this your anxiety is God I've never seen anybody else do this before God is saying the reason you never saw anybody else do it is because it was not necessary until right now I'm preaching to people tonight what the devil would love for you to do is wait for the weather and if you wait on the weather it's gonna be too late got struck here's the problem with the church right now pastor we're always a day late and a dollar short we're always behind the creative curve God says I'm about to put you ahead of the game oh my god people who laughed at you and called you crazy they're gonna be knocking on your door trying to get in on what God has given you the bill that's that's what God told me to save you tonight I just want to pray with you tonight I believe this 40 is the number of generations 40 is that number of new dispensation I just believe tonight that as we celebrate this 40th anniversary as we mark this fifth year that this man of God has been walking with you I believe that you have stepped into a new season of grace and favor as a matter of fact throw your hands up and just receive this I want you to say this is my season for grace and for favor say this this is my season to reap what I have so glory to God y'all play it for me please glory to God I just this is the last part of my assignment I just want to pray for you I want to just speak this over you prophetically tonight this is the last part of my assignment say it again this is my season for grace and for favor hold on one second let me say this last thing and then I'll just minister this prophetically over you tonight just hold on for one second just hold on for one second I'll minister this over you prophetically tonight this is do me a favor and lean on your neighbor real quick lean oh no lean on them till they have to support your weight [Music] all you skinny people be quiet y'all get on my nerves it's your skinny self come on come on lean on him till they have to support your weight come on do it do it do it do it do it what you're doing now is called a prophetic gesture that's where you prophesy with your body here's the word of the Lord to you tonight what you just did to your neighbor is what God is about to do to your enemy do me a favor look at your neighbor tell them God's about to make your enemies support your weight that's what he's about to do come on play it for me come on look at him again say gods about to make your enemy support your weight won't we - god I can't hear it y'all turn it up please there we go throw your hands up let me prophesy over you tonight how about you this is my season for grace for favor this series Massey to reap if you believe it say it this is my please for what for grace y'all know what say everybody this is to do what I hear somebody pulling on my spirit saying Bishop I made too many mistakes what so did I so let me testify I haven't been perfect but I sure been faithful guess what and I know he's able I've got a see here the ground that is blessing no more stress in why I've gotta see where is it here the ground and is growing and now I know it this is this is [Music] if people even get your hands up and clap it's good it's good it's good say it's flying in it's good it's good it's good I said it's marking it didn't look it's good you say it's true I said it's working it's my season for grace for favor this is mine to do what you say come on let's get an agreement and make this confession say failure means the superior one intentionally leans in the direction of the inferior one y'all got it now that's prophesied one more time without body language now watch this you say go ahead throw your hands up and declare this is my season for you say it for favor everybody this is my season to do what you said let me ask you this question how do you know that I've got a seed in the ground when your haters actually how did you get that what you don't tell me I gotta see listen listen on your way out to your car tonight I want you to walk out there sideways when you walk by your haters just leave you gotta live with it when you say you got a prophesy over your old house says God is me yes he is if my direction say it one more time when you get in your house at night walk in there sideways like welcome to house side way throw your hands up say this is messy but gracious favor this is how do you know there [Music] come on saving it I gotta see somehow - clap your hands if you thought about to leave in your direction believe God's and I can do one of these to your enemies Pizza laughter what's away I must say this and then I'm gone don't miss the miracle get up right now [Music] and listen I know he watched this he gives you more on the way then he does before you get started scripture says has Noah obeyed God and built the arm watch this what he needed he didn't have to go looking for it it came looking for him don't miss the shop the Bible says two of everything you need is gonna come to you y'all better hear me in the Holy Ghost look at somebody say two of everything you need is go you're not gonna have to go looking for it it's gonna go looking for you you know what that sound like to me you know what that sound like to me like garbage [Applause] [Music] so in my direction I want you to say it cuz you're gonna handle music at your house a gobby's thing when you get to your job tomorrow when you get to your job tomorrow walking in my dish God is me woke up in there sideways and let the devil know I have to run all of this [Music] I mean I gotta say this one last thing one last thing if you go and read Genesis chapter 8 the Bible says that after the water receded that the ark was sitting on top that's that's my last word to you tonight if you will get up right now and do it when this storm is over you and your whole family and everything connected to you is gonna be sitting on time god bless you tonight fellowship [Music] happy Anniversary oh listen back to you sue would a gangster lean back turn [Music] and actually you see what a gangster live [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] this is my scene where is everybody saying for favor everybody saying this is my C to rate one song said again this is my C but grace for favor this is mercy to read what I saw this is this is mercy to read so again they save my seat [Music] this [Music] Joran so somebody give God praise you [Applause]
Channel: SHIP TV
Views: 23,851
Rating: 4.8827586 out of 5
Keywords: William Murphy, Tolan Morgan, William Murphy Preaching, William Murphy 2020, Warner Robins GA, dReam Center, Fellowship Bible Baptist Church
Id: 4XQ5I3sqViA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 56min 56sec (3416 seconds)
Published: Thu Feb 27 2020
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