The Making of God's Leaders - Pastor Tolan Morgan

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God is omnipresent he's everywhere at the same time he got all power he knows all things he is eminent among us transcendent above us he knows how to be where he is not and stay where he was he is everywhere at the same time he got all power he is el-shaddai Elohim and Yahweh he is Jehovah he who was is and will be he knows how to be everywhere even when he's not where you think he ain't he'd know how to be in hell and never stop being heaven do I got him it brought him here who passed the fire he got all power in his hand and he's the only one that can handle everything at the same time [Music] [Applause] numbers chapter 11 I want to lift up this word that's in accordance today with our consecration of our leaders but prayerfully because it is the Word of God and it is highly probable that many of you may in the future be in such position this is a word that is applicable to all of us as we hear and receive it in faith numbers chapter 11 I want to read this context for you a little bit of an extensive reading but you get the foundation of the word of the Lord that it may be an aid to understanding what the word of the Lord is today 1 begin reading at verse number 1 of Numbers chapter 11 [Music] numbers chapter 11 verse number 1 the Bible should read and when the people complained it displeased the Lord and the Lord heard it and his anger was kindled in the fire of the Lord burned against them and consumed them that were in the uttermost parts of the camp and the people cried unto Moses and when Moses prayed unto the Lord the fire was quenched and he called the name of the place tabara because the fire of the Lord burned among them and the mixed multitude that was among them fell a lusting and the children of israel also wept again and said who shall give us flesh to eat we remember the fish which with which we did eat in Egypt freely the cucumbers and the melons and the leeks and the onions and the garlic but now our soul has dried away there is nothing at all beside this manna before our eyes and the matter was as coriander see and the colour thereof of the color of bdellium and the people went about and gathered it and grounded in meals and beated in a mortar and baked it in pans and made cakes of it and the taste of it was as the taste of fresh oil and when the dew fell upon the camp in the night the manna fell upon it then Moses heard the people weep throughout their families every man in the door of his tent and the anger of the Lord was kindled greatly Moses also was displeased and Moses said unto the Lord why have you afflicted your servant and why have I not found favor in your sight that you would lay the burden of all this people upon me have I conceived all these people have I begotten them that you should say unto me carry them in your bosom as a nursing father bears the sucking child until the land in which you swear unto their fathers where should I have flesh to give unto all this people for they weep unto me saying give us flesh that we may eat I am NOT able to bear this people alone because it is too heavy for me and if you deal thus with me kill me I pray you out of hand if I have found favor in your sight and let me not see my wretchedness and the Lord said unto Moses gather unto me seventy men of the elders of Israel that you know to be elders of the people and officers over them and bring them unto the tabernacle of the congregation that they may stand there with you and I will come down and talk with you there and I will take up the spirit which is upon you and I will put it upon them and they shall bear the burden of the people with you that you bear it not yourself alone verse 24 and Moses went out and told the people all the words of the Lord and gathered the seventy men of the elders of the people and set them round about the tabernacle and the Lord came down in a cloud and spoke unto them and took of the spirit that was upon him and gave it unto the seventy elders and he came to pass that when the spirit rested upon them they prophesied and did not cease I want to thank this sex the making of God's leaders you may be seated in the Lord's Church the basis of all we believe in Christianity is centered solely and consistently on the character of God and one of the basic attributes of God's character is that God is sovereign that he possesses all power absolute and by him being sovereign he has authority without accountability sovereignty means that God can act without answering to anything or anybody he possesses all power he's omnipresent he's everywhere at the same time he's omniscient he knows all things he is ubiquitous he does not change he is immutable he does not change he is eternal he never dies because he was never born he is imminent means he's among us he's transcendent means he's over us and all of these attributes define him exclusively as the God who doesn't need help he has no equal he has no contemporaries he cannot be vetoed he cannot get a vote he cannot be overturned he never depletes in energy he can release healing without ever losing power he never stops being who he is and because of his attributes he does not submit nor co-operate with a League of other gods he is not a part of a pantheon he is not a member of a board he does not participate in some kind of cosmic council where there are multiple gods who handle various aspects of life in reality this is not our God who is polytheistic in his participation he is monotheistic and whatever he needs he already has and whatever power he exerts he never loses he never has to seek counts so he does not have to lay on anybody's couch he does not have to have a therapist he is the almighty el shaddai the etymology of el shaddai means the mighty breasted one the one who possesses all power and as old as he is he never gets old these attributes ladies and gentlemen are interesting for us because we're in our finite minds oftentimes trying to understand an infinite God somebody who never started and never has an end if there is a somewhere where God is not then that is a nowhere that does not exist God is everywhere at the same time he is all things in all places he created all things he consists of all things before him was nothing after him there will not be an after him and because of these eternal attributes about God our God does not need help whatever he needs to do he does it on its own he doesn't need anybody to speak for him because when we met him he was talking he doesn't need anybody to create anything for him because he never has to work to create he speaks and it comes into existence and so ladies and gentlemen it introduces to us an intriguing aspect of why God calls anybody to do anything because if he does not need help doing anything he has no point to call anybody to do anything whatever God calls you to do he can do himself and us ladies and gentlemen we need to revisit the whole point and purpose of why God calls anybody to do anything because whatever he calls you to do he can do without you he calls us ladies and gentlemen not because he needs us he calls us because he chooses for us to participate in his plan [Applause] whenever God wants to do something he just picks who he wants to participate in his plan ladies and gentlemen that's the whole purpose as to why you and I are used of God in any capacity because God doesn't need us he is just choosing to use us as participants in his plan it's not your agenda it's God's it's it's not what you want to do it's how God wants to use you and as a result ladies and gentlemen may we revisit the whole purpose of why God uses anybody to do anything this particular passage here in numbers chapter 11 is a historical precedent of what God does and how God uses people to participate in a plan more more specifically to respond to a need would you peek your face at numbers chapter 11 The Book of Numbers is not just about records of census with the children of Israel the theological thread that runs through the Book of Numbers as it is volume number four in the pen or to this theological thread that runs through this book is the constant observance of God's faithfulness in relationship to the unfaithfulness of the people that's really what this book is about it's a it's a diary of a good God to a bad people well you just read in verses 1 through 6 there are two looming issues in this passage you read that the people verse 1 complained verse 2 they cried verse 4 they went a lustin and wept again and they complained look at what they complain who gonna feed us but when we read the context again listen to what they said in verse 6 they said who's gonna give us flesh cuz all we got is this manner I'm gonna try it again because you're slow to respond who's gonna feed us cuz all we got is this man I'm gonna try it one more game who is going to feed us because all we have is this man listen at that church the complaint is not that they don't have something to eat [Applause] the complaint is that they're ungrateful about what they already got I can't get no help in this church complaining people I'm not people who are empty there are people who are ungrateful about being full you know some complaining people there's not that their hands are empty they just don't like what they already have which means you can never satisfy complaining people because the minute they got something they're not grateful for what they already got maybe that's an ungrateful section right there so let me talk to some grateful people who will just thank God that I'm not complaining about what I don't have I'm grateful about what I do have because it could be them I couldn't have nothing would you take 30 seconds just to thank God about what you do have and stop complaining about what you don't have the complaints for the first problem with this texture CH the first problem with this text is that Moses pastors and ungrateful people and he is so frustrated with his church he'd rather be dead then the pastor these people I didn't make that up it's right here in the text he said Lord instead of me giving me these people kill me I'd rather be dead then they have to posture and ungrateful people cuz y'all act like is some grocery stores out here ain't no grocery stores out here you eatin miracle food and you mad about a miracle do I got anybody in here who understands a miracle means that nature couldn't get it and God gave it to me I don't know about you but I can stand another miracle as many miracles as God wanna give me [Applause] would you would you catch this church there in the wilderness for 40 years ain't no grocery stores on him and God makes sure that they got manna the whole time they out there listen to what they said they out there complaining cause God has them on a diet and he took them away from the buffet and put him on a diet listen to what they said they said back in a jiff you know we had cucumbers and melons and leeks and onions and garlic now you mad cuz God shifted you from a buffet to a diet and you would rather eat the food of the enemy then the survive off of God's miraculous meal complaining I wish more of y'all would have said amen but if you a complainer I know why you didn't say can't ever be satisfied that's the first issue first issue is they are a people of ingratitude but here's the second issue second district church is that they have a leader who is inadequate I'm in the Bible I'm in verse six here here verse 10 11 and 12 hearing Moses goals and praise to God and says God this pastoring thing looks like affliction and burden I'm in verse 11 that's what he called it he said God why have you afflicted your servant pastor and people is an affliction he called it a bird he's not happy servant in his capacity and he gets down to the real issue of his problem in verse 14 listen what he said he said the real problem is not pastor and ungrateful people the problem is I got to pastor them alone I'm in verse 14 I didn't make that up he says I can't bear these people alone it's too heavy for me so not only is he displeased he's stressed cuz he's one man trying to take on too much y'all missed it so let me give it to you again Moses problem is he's trying to be God y'all miss my introduction so much right again God is omnipresent he's everywhere at the same time he got all power he knows all things he is eminent among us transcendent above us he knows how to be where he is not and stay where he was he is everywhere at the same time he got all power he is el-shaddai Elohim and Yahweh he is Jehovah he who was is and will be he knows how to be everywhere even when he's not where you thank he ain't he'd know how to be inhale and never stop being heaven do I got anybody in here who passed the fire he got all power in his hand and he's the only one that can handle everything at the same time y'all sleep he'd know how to keep the planets in their sockets the stars shining and still heal your body where you at he'd know how to look over people in the Ethiopia and Jerusalem and be here in this church at the same time he's the only God that can handle it all by yourself and when you try to handle everything by yourself you don't find out you ain't God that's why you own pills that's why your hair falling out that's why your blood pressure's up that's why you painted weight that's why you evil as hell because you so busy trying to be called instead of stay in your place that's about it help stay in your place let God become [Applause] God is the only one who can handle it all and don't need no pills God is the only one who can handle it all and can go to sleep my bad he don't sleep he can never be sired he can never be fatigued and still handle it all sometimes leadership doesn't show how powerful you are [Applause] leadership souls how weak you are leadership shows that you ain't got all power you don't know all things you can't be everywhere at the same time and you need help and so what God does look at what God does y'all don't like this out of God God did not remove Moses problem he just gave him some help to deal with it you down there complaining guess what God said I'm mad too I said I understand how you feeling man - I feed these jokers they don't even know how to say thank you I give a miracle every day every day they wake up and eat it's a miracle how dare you complain to me when every day you eat is a miracle I'm sure you mad what cuz I'm mad with him too but guess what this what we gonna do I'm not gonna remove your problem I'm just gonna get you some help to deal with your problem and watch what God says I'm in verse 16 he said I need you to pick seventy elders of the people when you get them bringing the church and they don't have the first thing they gonna have to learn to do is stand with you in my presence when they learn that I'm gonna take some of the spirit that's on you sir and put it on them that they may bear the burden with you I didn't make that up that's in the Bible in walk with me through this process this is this is how God makes leaders number one he says select elders of the children of Israel did y'all see that in the Bible all right stop right there don't read no further the text didn't say select 70 people the text says select 70 elders and because you are y'all like the Bible a little bit at fellowship you you're interested to know who are the elders well in the Jewish community in the Old Testament the elders were not specifically old people specifically in the Jewish community the elders were equivalent to community leaders or arbiters they held government positions and they were local magistrates God Moses didn't go pick them God told Moses to go pick up so what does that mean God told Moses to go pick people who are already demonstrating leadership cuz even God says to Moses you need leaders who you don't have to train to be leaders they need to already be functioning in leadership before they get a title they are not entitled to get a title just cuz they've been serving forever they always show signs of leadership before they get a title just cuz they've been on the ministry for twenty years and graduated with Abraham don't mean that they deserve a title cuz you can be servant and still never leading see just cuz you what well with paper and a computer don't mean you work well with people because people talk back you think you entitled to positions just cuz you've been raised in hell o'night ministry for 30 years that EE is our life you got to learn how to lead people and my processes [Applause] [Music] these are already people who so leadership skills prior to being put in a position he said go get folk who got leadership skills and not tenure this y'all call me this week all y'all want to write as many letters as you want I'm not changing this word to make you feel comfortable because one of the cancers of the church is that we want to put willing people in leadership positions when they don't have leadership skills leaders move people and not processes you know I've been on that ministry for two years three years and they keep overlooking me cuz you're a good worker you're not a leader [Applause] go get people who already demonstrate leadership qualities because theologically ladies and gentlemen Lord hold your boy right here God has never called anybody that ain't already working come and let me snatch you off your view them 12 disciples they were fishermen and tax collectors they were already busy because the kingdom don't need lazy people God got you lazy people he calls people who already busy [Applause] Hey I'm preaching good is the robe any good I feel pretty good in this little row here let me taste some God don't want lazy just like your employer don't want lazy I can't get no help on that side of the church that you always want to raise but you ain't doing nothing you want to raise for just being here [Applause] God has never called anybody that wasn't already work God deliver us some people who want to lead just so you can give some medicine to your insecurities God deliver us some people who wanna lead just cuz you won't power that you ain't got at home God deliver us from people who want to position and never want the responsibility that comes with it God told Moses my kind of leader is somebody who's already busy working who already demonstrates leadership qualities that can be transferred into the kingdom work that's eligibility let the church shout eligibility the next thing the text teaches us church is about this issue of unity he said now go get those 70 elders and tell them do one thing come stand before me with you [Applause] I'm in the Bible I didn't make that up he said he said listen before you give them an assignment they got to have an alignment they got to understand that there is no separation between standing before God and standing with the leader standing before God manifests itself in standing with who God stands with ladies and gentlemen you can't be led of God and work against God's man I knew you wasn't gonna say no you can't say you follow in divine leadership and don't follow the man God has put you to lead in his representation they got to stand before you and with him I knew you were gonna say no I don't care [Applause] you can't stand with God and stand against who God calls they are mutually agreeable can I get any help here he said bring him bring him to the congregation the tabernacle the congee and let them stand before me with you secondly that manifestation says leaders also have to participate in worship one of the reason why worship is so important is worship gets your spirit and your attitude ready for service you watch those people who are mean at church more often than not they don't participate in worship it's a common denominator that folk who are evil in church are not worshipers the problem is they come to church to work but they never worship they got to go count money they've got to go span in the parking lot they got to go uh sure but they never come inside and be a part of the worship and thus they got a stank attitude but the worshipers are happy and the workers are evil but when everybody comes together and walks into the house of prayer and worship together there is a joy and a spirit that carries over in the service they got to learn how to come to worship and church is not just a place of work it's a place of worship them stand with you before me because the first thing they've been called to do is stand with Moses that's the unity and the eligibility but here's the empowerment said when they come to church they stand before you here's what I'm gonna do I'm not gonna give them my spirit [Applause] I'm gonna give them yo speed I'm gonna take a degree and portion of your spirit Moses and transfer it onto them because their leadership is an extension of yours there needs to be a union between Moses and these 70 liters that when the people encounter one of them they reflect most I knew you weren't gonna say nothing see if I got the Jordan Lord you ought to have the joy of the Lord if I'm free in God you ought to be free and God if the anointing rest on me you know the flow down to you it is like the oil that ran on Aaron Spears and ran down to the skirts of his garment you can't have ignoring it in the front is not in the back here's the problem here's attention of the text Gary that's where I've been trying to get you I've been talking just get to this one point Jefferson good see let's see I've been talking just get to this one point that people God told Moses to gather comes from the complaining crowd [Applause] [Music] he didn't tell Moses to go get some outside folk them saying people that you would rather be dead than the pastor go pick 70 out of that clock cuz they've got to understand that the best way for them to stop complaining is to put responsibility on see you change your tune when you in the shoes are the very people that you try to criticize your whole message will change because now you get an idea of what it's like to have to lead ungrateful people which means those 70 people those 70 people have been fired from being complainers cuz now you can't contribute to the problem you've got to be a part of the solution you can't lead and complain at the same time you can't lead and cry at the same time which means your leadership maybe one day calls for you to stand against some other people you know did y'all see how quiet that guy these seventy people are not a part of the continued complaint they have to partner with Moses to respond to the complaints did y'all hear that well no clapping on that one cuz in a church when you've been called a lead it may call for you to stand to get some other people in the church you love cuz when you've been called a lead you've been called to stand with Moses we can't complain no mo no you can't you got to be a part of the solution now you've been fired from being complainers you've been hired to be a part of the solution here it is here it is their whole point of God called them says and they will bear the burden with you so that you will not have to bear it alone I want to pour some more things out this passage then will consecrate did y'all notice that when chapter 11 started God released fire and killed some of these people and my time we get to verse 16 robbing Melbourne the same God that killed people called people from the same group of folk he killed y'all so sleep you apparently didn't come to church to think today when the chapter started he killings some Israelites by time we get to verse 16 he called in some Israelites and the folk he called was a part of complainers well y'all don't know wouldn't get happy saw shot myself he is making clear to us first of all that the call is his choice I told Moses to go call you and I told him to go call you knowing I should have killed you ladies and gentlemen to be called by God to do anything is a gift and not an entitlement it is an act of God's grace that he uses you to do anything for him cause he knows reasons why he should have killed you already anybody here got Grace on your life somewhere between the wrath of God and the call of God is the grace of God call those same people tell him I want to use them doesn't come before me I'm gonna place your spirit on them I'm gonna make them part of the solution even though they were once the problem ladies and gentlemen when God uses you for anything it is God's Way of actualizing a perfect purpose through an imperfect person [Applause] nobody is perfect I'm not perfect I'm just who God called I don't get it right all the time I'm just a one god call and I'm gonna make some mistakes in the process of doing what God called me to do but guess what whether you like it or not he still called these leaders go make some mistakes in the process but guess what they have been appointed with the responsibility to actualize God's purpose in their lives for their ministry in light of their imperfections the world don't struggle with grace the church does we preach it but we don't practice it because we're so busy trying to be judges of other people we're so busy trying to penalize folk so that the light never shines on us if God's been gracious to you you ought to be the first one to exercise grace on somebody else now you know Dana didn't she don't even deserve to be up there [Applause] look at him he he he don't even know they need to get somebody he ain't no good I'm sorry I just can't inform y'all god knows how to make straight lines with crooked sticks I thought I had some crooked sticks in here that would just thank God that God can take the wrong thing and do the right thing with it this is an act of grace I want to use the same people I got grounds to kill I'm done there's the eligibility and the unity and the empowerment I'm gonna take some of my spirit and put it on you so that you are an extension of Moses's ministry and that when people encounter you you don't just reflect God you reflect Moses here's the final part of a church here's the evidence that it happened I'm in verse 25 evidence says that when God Moses went and told them people what God said he selected those twenty elders brought them into the tabernacle verse 25 says and when he put some of Moses spirit on them they prophesied and did not cease that word prophesied church means to speak under the influence it means to sing under the influence it means that these seventy elders when they opened their mouth to lead they were not leading out of the flesh they were leading as the Holy Ghost led them and they were led by God's inspired power so that when they lead their ministries knew that they were being led by people who are sensitive to God god help us to understand that when we lead in the Lord's church we need to be inspired by God's Spirit to lead so that the ministry accomplishes God's purposes and not our purposes all of these some evidence that as you leave your being inspired by God's power I'm done when I tell you this this assignment on your life and there's Simon on the lines of all of us in here it's only cause of grace the reason why grace does not show up in the Old Testament cause Jesus had not come yet we seek God demonstrating grace but the actual doctrine of grace doesn't show up to the New Testament after Jesus Christ gives his life here is God's declaration for God so loved the world he gave His only begotten Son whoever believes in Him will not perish but have everlasting life grace starts what God's purpose will finish I said grace will start with God's purpose will finish everyone standing [Music]
Channel: SHIP TV
Views: 21,887
Rating: 4.7954545 out of 5
Id: 5F5xWuCcpp8
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Length: 50min 52sec (3052 seconds)
Published: Sat Feb 08 2020
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