I'm Catching A Case Of Grace! - Pastor Tolan Morgan

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dynamic passionate an inspiring message from pastor Tolan Morgan now let's go into the sanctuary where today's message is already in progress while you're standing I want to summon your senses and invite your intellect to the gospel that has been recorded by John the gospel that has been recorded by John chapter number 8 John chapter number 8 and I want to begin reading in verse number 1 and it is there that the Holy Spirit has highlighted this familiar context of Scripture beginning with verse number 1 John chapter 8 verse number 1 your Bible should read Jesus went unto the Mount of Olives and early in the morning he came again into the temple and all the people came unto Him and he sat and taught them and the scribes and Pharisees brought unto him a woman taken in adultery and when they had set her in the midst they say unto Him master this woman was taken in adultery in the very act now Moses in the law commanded us that such should be stoned but what do you say this they say a tempting him that they might have to accuse him but Jesus stooped down and with his finger wrote on the ground as though he did not hear them so when they continued asking him he lifted up himself and said unto them he that is without sin among you let him first cast a stone at her and again he stooped down and wrote on the ground and they which heard it being convicted by their own conscious when out one by one beginning at the eldest even unto the last and Jesus was left alone and the woman standing in the midst when Jesus had lifted up himself he saw none but the woman he said unto her woman where are those your accusers has no man condemned you she said no man Lord and Jesus said unto her neither do i condemn you go and sin no more I won't attack this text I'm catching a case of grace you may be seated in the Lord's Church in the nineteenth century there was a well-known artist by the name of Sir Edward C Burns Jones Sir Edward C Burns Jones told of a time when he was invited for tea at his daughter's home during that time when he got to his daughter's home they began to talk and enjoy good family time and his daughter permitted his granddaughter to join him for dinner at the table during her time of interacting with her grandfather she was misbehaving and the daughter decided to punish the granddaughter her punishment was to make her daughter go stand in the corner and face the wall the grandfather did not interrupt his daughter's decision of discipline for his granddaughter shortly after that while his granddaughter is standing facing against the wall he decided to leave the next morning Sir Edward C Burns Jones showed up back at his daughter's house with paint and palette in hand he is a master artist she let her father in and said take me to that wall where you made my granddaughter stand he went to that wall and started painting pictures on that wall and told his daughter the next time you make my granddaughter stand against this wall at least she'll have something beautiful to look at oftentimes brothers and sisters your father does not interrupt your punishment he just goes to the place where you've been punished and turn Beauty into a place of punishment it is the same ladies and gentleman that when we as God's children mess up we do not fall from grace we fall into grace and I know that I'm not the only one in this room that can testify that God may not have stopped your punishment but he at least stepped into your punishment and allowed you to see some beauty in a bad situation ladies and gentlemen might I report today that this account in John's Gospel only documented in John's Gospel was a picture of an artist showing up in a bad situation to put some art on an ugly canvas this event is on the heels of Jesus doing what he does best and that is be a voice of controversy in the time in which he served in his community he shows up and his most controversial claim is John's entire thesis for his whole book John says that Jesus wasn't just the Son of God Jesus wasn't just the son of man that Jesus wasn't just a social activist or a prophet but John says that Jesus was God he opens up this book what his thesis the word was God in the beginning was the word the Word was with God the Word was God and the word became flesh and dwelt among us full of grace and truth he is saying Jesus was both the Son of God and God the Son he's being very clear very definitive and very resolved and very resolute that my whole book includes events in the life of Jesus not captured by those other three synoptic writers moments that speak to his deity and one of the sub currents of John's book is that he records those times in this segment of his book where Jesus honors and visits and pays homage and participates in the Jewish festivals only to show up to tell the people that he is the fulfillment of all of their festivals he he shows up very very resolute to say that all that you have been doing all this long time I am the full manifestation of all you've been doing all these years it got so bad that it calls grounds for the Jewish authorities the Sanhedrin Council to launch a conspiracy and a hit out on Jesus Christ John chapter 5 verse 16 after Jesus attends the feast there of Sabbath he empowered a man who had not walked in 38 years chillin at the Pool of Bethesda he empowered him to get up and walk and John 5 and 16 says from that moment they persecuted Jesus and sought to kill him John chapter 6 it's the feasts of Passover and Jesus shows up to say he is bread John chapter 7 it's the feast of tabernacles and Jesus shows up to say that he in water and lights John chapter 8 he is now leaving the Feast of Tabernacles and this story is inserted as he leaves the Feast of Tabernacles that he goes back to church early one more time in verse number one it goes back to church early in the morning and convenes Bible study text says he taught in the temple and people came to hear him and while he's teaching the scribes and the Pharisees bring a woman caught in the act of adultery and asked Jesus Jesus the law says that we should stone her but what do you say Jesus does something that most of us don't believe is in his character to do he ignores them I didn't make that up to sit in Tex Tex says he ignored them so much they kept asking him what do you think we should do Jesus ignored them stooped down on the ground and started writing something that none of us know what he wrote scholars don't know because scripture doesn't tell us there is no insight on what he wrote so if anybody says what Jesus wrote their line there are some things in the Bible that are not known to humanity they're only known to God he Stoops down and wrote something and asked one question you who are without sin cast first stone went back to writing and while he wrote the accusers started dismissing themselves ladies and gentlemen be very clear they did not dismiss themselves on what Jesus wrote they dismissed themselves on what Jesus said and Jesus looks back up and sees the woman and her accusers are going he sees them gone and still asked her where are your accusers she said they're all gone nobody here but me and you and Jesus says lady neither do i condemn you go and sin no more can I just sum this story up for you John chapter 8 verses 1 through 11 is the best case of grace on the worst person it is a case where grace is at its best demonstration on the one person who is undeserving of this matter may we revisit again ladies and gentlemen just when you think you've fallen from grace you fall into grace that's the story may we revisit again the particulars of this matter that will help us improve our walk with God it is clear ladies and gentlemen that there is something fishy going on here because when we read this story we must read this story understanding that the woman caught in the act of adultery is not the focal person of the story this story is not about her because verse 5 6 and/or 7 says they brought her to Jesus that they might accuse him I might ride one more time as you didn't hear me she is not the focal person of the story she is a means to an end she she is a pawn in a larger game she this is not about her at all they brought her to Jesus that they might accuse Jesus and have reason to attack him because they've been trying to silence him for four chapters and it hasn't worked yet they're mad at him because he healed that man at the Pool of Bethesda and He healed him on the Sabbath day and they count that as work so they say that Jesus broke the law because he did a work on the Sabbath day that didn't work it takes two fish and five loaves of bread feeds 5000 people not counting the women and children in John chapter 6 that didn't work John chapter 7 he shows up at the feast of tabernacles and says that he is the water of life and he is the light of the world that didn't work and it got so bad that in John chapter 7 verse 32 they sent officers to arrest Jesus and in John chapter 7 verse 45 the officers came back to the spera season scribes and they said man where is Jesus the officers said never a man spoke like this I'm gonna try to give you didn't hit me they went to go arrest the word and got arrested by the word has that ever happened to you somebody thought that they was coming to do you some harm thought that they had some grounds not to like you until they had an encounter with you and found out you ain't that bad has that ever happened to you where somebody said somebody poisoned you with their dislike for somebody else and when you encounter that person have you found out they're really not that bad of a person they wanted you to not like them and you end up loving the person they don't like it's not just happen some time at church you walk to God's house feeling one way but when the Word of God was declared and preached over your life you left arrested by the very word you said you didn't feel like hearing the very time you don't feel like going to church that's the time God will do something special when you show up to the world as a matter of fact the reason why you ain't happy right now it's because God kept you from some attacks you don't even know about [Applause] the old Saints put it this way he kept me from danger see and Arden see see you shouting about the stuff you know about but the god I serve I stop the devil Oh plenty of times that you never even knew about they went to go arrest the world and got arrested by the word they said never a man spoke like this we had our guns ready had our Swardson shields ready but we showed up the church and he started talking I don't know what he was saying I don't know what he was saying he might have been saying the Lord is my light my salvation whom shall I fear the Lord is the strength of my life whom shall I be afraid when the wick even my enemies come upon me eat a month less they stumble in faith tell hosted round about me this one thing will I do I'm a drag in the house of the law I don't I don't know what he said he might have said bless the Lord O my soul and all that is within me bless His Holiness II but whatever he said they got arrested trying to arrest him and got arrested and it got so bad the Pharisees and the scribes said man that's okay we'll go handle it I say we sent you to go arrest him you came back with nothing we're gonna do this ourselves and they went and grabbed an adulterous woman to try to track Jesus because they know that Jesus has a sensitivity for sinners I can't stand fake Church folk see some of y'all been saved too long cuz so you got amnesia so you try to sit in his church and act like God ain't saved you from something that you don't want to talk about in the Lord's house but for all the rest of us save sanctified and real people when somebody say he saved me from something young man go back to what it brought you out of cuz you know you were stuck in something that could nobody get you out of but the Lord Jesus thank God [Applause] this ain't gonna come out right they know that Jesus has a weakness for sinners so they're trying to use his ministry against him lord have mercy today so they go bring an adulterous woman to him since y'all couldn't go arrest him we gonna go traffic and they went and brought an adulterous woman to him and they say to him hey Jesus Moses told us in the law listen to their language that such should be stoned such should be stoned translated a woman like her should be stoned but what do you say but what do you say now ladies and gentlemen I'm not that smart so I just need y'all to indulge with me and help me look intelligent you're women the text says in verse 1 that Jesus went to church early in the morning okay let me talk to these people here if it's already morning what's the point of it saying it's early he didn't just go in the morning he went early in the morning to church they showed up with an adulterous woman early in the mall now I'm slow so y'all got to help me how did you get your hands on an adulterous woman in the mall [Applause] I'll just ask y'all a question it's early in the morning and we at church and you prayed an adulterous woman not at the second service at the urna morning sir [Applause] [Music] [Applause] this is some kind of surly Murdoch ministry [Applause] see y'all acting funny so let me talk to the real people who got that as we Leia Norton don't y'all play me like you've been saved all your life cause that's the only way you got hatred archers woman [Applause] it's too early for this [Applause] unless [Applause] my bad I'm sorry I'm gonna tell on all y'all [Applause] I'm just trying to suggest it's too early in the morning when she come from don't look at your neighbor everybody look this way don't do that look this way where she come from early in the morn we're Church that's my first question y'all gotta make me look intelligent that's all I'm asking to do today I need y'all to cooperate with your boy num2 if she was caught in the very act [Applause] if you call her in the very act [Applause] what was you doing [Applause] early [Applause] I got one more plus I need y'all to help me look intelligent now if you caught this woman in the very act why I see the only one present you didn't see how the partner [Applause] cause the truth of the matter is Church you can't do adultery by yourself touch your neighbor tell your neighbor that math don't add up [Applause] and number finally why are y'all lying about what the law said Leviticus chapter 20 verse 10 says the man who commits adultery with the woman of another husband is the adulterer and the adulteress and the adults arrests must be put to death Deuteronomy 22 and 22 says the man that is found in adultery with another man's wife both he and the woman must be put to death we got the woman but well is the main and once again we are using religion to justify discrimination once again we are using the law to justify all means some of y'all may not remember this but in my time of matriculating in church the old Saints when a girl got pregnant out of wedlock they bring her before the whole church but I ain't never seen them bring the man you know like she got pregnant by herself you know I ain't never seen them bring the man and you want her to apologize for doing something she did at the house this one done at the church [Applause] y'all got to be careful cuz that times it's the church that struggles with grace see we preach it but we don't practice it I'll tell you the one needed now you want everybody to be gracious to you but when somebody else that's messed up you want the law to fall on them touch your neighbor until you Nev I need grease just like everybody else so you have you have lied about the law you have fixed this for your own convenience and watch the enemy the beauty of this whole thing y'all I'm gonna do the best I can not to run around this church and I say this the best thing that ever happened in this whole text is that God used her enemies to bring her to Jesus cuz the weapon that you formed against me didn't prosper and when you thought you were trying to trap me you only set me up to be free from you and they brought her to Jesus can I tell you God got so much power here use folk who can't stand you to change your whole life and get you closer to Jesus he'll make your enemies your footstool and the very people who are trying to kill you God will turn around and use and to give your life the enemies brought onto Jesus and Jesus look what they did y'all they brought it a church an attempt it did to make a spectacle of her at church Jesus is at church they bring her to church to turn the church in the court so they can raise judgment against the judge I got it in my mind I said they brought her to church to turn the church into a court only so that they can raise judgment against a judge and while they were calling for judge he became a lawyer and I wish I had somebody in here who is remotely like the Bible a little bit anybody here know and God gets on your case they were getting ready to sentence you but God I turn it around and give your life you want me to be a judge I'm gonna be a lawyer and the only thing I'm gonna say he that is without sin among you let him first cast a stone at her okay chat I'm a travel more time he that it was is out sin among you let him cast the first stone still missed it he that is without sin among you let him cast the first stone steel slow he gonna suck out sin among you let him cast the first stone okay ain't got time for y'all y'all acted funny ladies and gentlemen when Jesus made that statement he was not talking about that me and he was talking to he was talking about himself because he's the only one among them that's what I was saying I touch a David tell your baby you can't stone me cuz Jesus ain't stoning me he the only one without seeing he ain't gonna stone you a disqualified he that is without sin the only he that's without seeing in this whole group is me and if crazy throwing no stone that disqualifies you lady in spasm try to be cool when I say this it's purple sweet today so I'm trying to keep it [Applause] thank you I appreciate it thank you and their response to what Jesus said means that they not only heard him they interpreted him cuz if they would have stayed they wouldn't have felt guilty but the fact that they walked off when Jesus didn't even say walk off jesus said if you qualify to throw a stone you got to be me they walked off which means they interpreted what he said here's one statement revealed that she is not the only one here that deserves the punishment if there's gonna be any y'all mr. text I'm just giving scatter remarks read that's all I'm doing the text says and when they were convicted in their conscience they [Applause] walked away lenient oligarch conscience con science con meaning with science meaning knowledge and when they were convicted in their call knowledge of her sin y'all missed it see ladies and gentlemen whenever your conscience convicts you it is because you are familiar on the inside of what somebody's talking about on the outside y'all still slow the log didn't convicted it conscious did because it's possible you are involved in her sin and if you ain't involved in her sin you have some familiarity with her sin ladies and gentlemen you got to watch people in this next season of your life you wanna highlight your sin so they can hide there's bridge pastor Morgan you got to watch people when they doing the exact same thing cuz if you're conscious identified it means you're familiar with it yourself and they walked away one by one they kept walking away from the oldest to the last they walked away they were trying to trap Jesus because if Jesus would have said stoner then he would have had some kind of claim against him being the Savior if he would have said don't stoner then he wouldn't have been honoring the law so in the genius of Jesus Jesus takes their own and turns it against them y'all missed it and the folk who set up the trap got trapped is tallit Margot preached at a tiara life you better be clever when you trying to take somebody else out cause the Vera track you sex for somebody else can be the traffic tranquila why are you trying to convict somebody else you're gonna end up getting convicted the track they laid for Jesus they got caught in it themselves y'all don't believe that it happened don't you I got witnesses I got witnesses they called me they couldn't be here today but they called me it was the three Hebrew boys they couldn't make Church today but they called me so I know what that feels like cuz I had some men to throw me in a fiery furnace and when we got through in we didn't get burned but the fire burned the people who threw us in you got to be careful Church would you call yourself trying to take somebody else are you gonna get taken out do you know I ain't got time to be trying to take somebody else out I got too much life to live I got too much business to take care of I got too much family to take care of I got money to make I wish I had some help in here I got a car to glorify I got business on my mind vision on my mind I gotta go have some fun I ain't got time to stop my lives to try to kill yours as a matter of fact that you go touch three people tell them get a life [Applause] you ain't got time to be seen with folk Post get a life you ain't got time to be standing other folks business get a life [Applause] when you've got a life you don't have time to try to hurt somebody else I quit elder Widow already laughed at me when I said that does he know I'm lying I'll just say I'll attempt to quit this is best thing you ever did bring me to Jesus [Applause] because when that when you brought me to Jesus he released me listen to what Jesus said watch it loud and listen to what Jesus said Jesus said lady where are your accusers after they had already left I'm gonna try it again you missed it they already left jesus said not where your accusers hey Jesus duh they gone I knew that but I asked you coz home cuz I'm waiting on you to recognize that your life is now empty of people who believe you don't deserve a future because they're familiar with your pass you missus are out again she was caught in the act of adultery and they want a STONER because they're familiar with her past and I wanna argue they really want to stone her because they try to get rid of evidence [Applause] y'all gonna get that on Thursday [Applause] they really trying to stone cuz they trying to get rid of evidence and Jesus asked her I need you to acknowledge that I'm getting ready to start your life all over again by emptying it cuz there's nobody here but me and you [Applause] saddle up preaching too but when you leave sites today you need a touch an evaluation of your life and it ain't nobody but you and Jesus peak and ready to start your life all over again cuz he's a life of people who believe you don't deserve a future cuz they know your past before there can be elevation there has to be elimination and I'm empty in your life of people who think you don't deserve a future just because they're familiar with your pays I'm releasing you I don't know whose word that is but the Lord says I'm releasing you I'm releasing you not only am i releasing you I'm rescuing you hey rain watch this huh my soul getting happy I'm releasing you this is one of those stories Church that doesn't end when it ends it ends in verse 11 but doesn't stop until the last verse of chapter 8 y'all missed it the rest of chapter 8 y'all Jesus is in the temple teaching and he's teaching stuff that is aggravating the scribes and Pharisees they finally get mad at Jesus because Jesus says in verse 58 of chapter 8 before Abraham was I am and the very last verse of chapter 8 says and they picked up stones and threw them at Jesus still missing Jesus is teaching in the protractor verse 58 he says before Abraham was I am the last verse of the chapter says and they picked up stones and threw them at Jesus says y'all acted funny they were supposed to stone the woman Jesus took the punishment that she was supposed to get Ghazni was transgress [Applause] my twenties you live it cuz he took your punishment [Applause] the stones she was supposed to get Jesus got the cross you were supposed to be on and I was supposed to be on Jesus got it [Applause] they didn't stone her because they end up stoning him she got rescued from stones she got released from her accusers but finally y'all ain't nobody happier off this point he released her he rescued her and he restricted her [Applause] he said hey lady go and sin no more grace is not a license for you to do whatever you wanna do just cuz you're been rescued and release grace is the power to not walk in the sea and he's delivered you from on mow translates live holy seeing normalcy you ain't saying I'm not seeing no more translates don't do it again saying no more translates live right because I did just give you life I got to give you some restrictions so you can stay alive I didn't set you free so you can do what you want to do I didn't set you free so you can live in the kind of way I didn't set you free so you could come up in the Lord's house in a kind of way I didn't set you free so you can walk around like you got a license to live in sin just cuz grace is on your life Jesus says since I've set you free now walk in that freedom and don't do it again because when I restrict you I'm still working to keep you alive [Applause] that's why your children get mad at you because they don't understand when you restrict them you trying to keep them alive I can't get no help around here alright let me put you this way and I'm done if you gonna take a trip to the depths of the sea I think the deepest sea point is seven miles down you can't go down there on your own cuz you ain't gonna make it back you got to get in this small little capsule that's pressurized to try to go as deep as you can nobody's been down seven miles but they're estimated it's about seven miles down you get down there get scared guess what can't get out because if you get out you're gonna die so either get out cause of fear or accept the restriction because the restriction is working to keep you alive have I got anything up here God wants you to live holy cuz he still wants you to be able to live because the wages of sin is death but the gift of God is eternal life the less seeing you do is the better life you go live have somebody accept the restrictions and live holy okay James Spicer real this my third time said I'm done I promise I'm done for real this is this is I'm not for real this is Jesus did something that was major they said this is it for real antwuan Bible says he he stooped down with his finger and wrote on the ground I'm done that's it stooped down with his finger wrote on the ground we all know what he wrote we know he was writing in the process of ignoring Pharisees inscribed no know what he wrote but Texas specific he took his finger wrote on the ground hey strong if he took his finger Oscar and wrote on the ground he wrote on something that could be washed away he's if he will on the ground he wrote on something that can be whacked away y'all missed it that same finger is the same finger that wrote the Ten Commandments they said do not commit adultery and that was written on stone but in John chapter 8 the same finger that wrote on stone is now right known dirt cuz I know you was gonna mess up anyway so now write it on dirt and wash it away so let me ask you a question what could [Applause] [Music] [Applause] tell somebody he says what he wrote on so he could wash my sins away it was one soul stone but now his own dirt and he can wash it away that's how you called a case of grace because what was once stuck on stone has now washed away wiped away and God's Word to you is after the day you can no longer walk with people who want to keep you hostage to your pants [Applause] cause if Jesus washed it away I'm not gonna let you keep bringing it up what he's wash away would you encourage one person and tell him neighbor whom the Sun sets free is free indeed [Music] and after today I'm walking in my freedom do I got it right in this place that knows how to make the sound of freedom [Applause] [Music] [Applause] freak [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] listen to me Church everyone standing listen to this just think about this with me for one second if God killed you every time or killed us every time we mess up we never live right cuz we wouldn't be alive to even have a chance to live so when I wrote on the ground I'm giving you a signal that I'm giving you another chance because I care more about your life than I do your death the devil comes to steal kill and destroy I come that you may have life and have it more abundantly [Applause] thank you for watching the encouraging word broadcast with Pastor Tolan Morgan fellowship Bible Baptist Church is located at 450 Dunbar Road in Warner Robins Georgia we invite you to join us at one about worship experiences if you would like information about our church visit our web site at F BBC home dot o word
Channel: SHIP TV
Views: 31,619
Rating: 4.787529 out of 5
Id: DpaDJ3FxTvs
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Length: 62min 9sec (3729 seconds)
Published: Fri May 03 2019
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