Dr. Frank E. Ray - When You Are in HIs Favor

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[Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] what god bless you did you know that as a sustain as having the favor of God and when you were in the favor of God the devil himself can't do nothing with you I preached a sermon not long ago and taught entitle a favor of God let's listen as God speak to our [Music] [Music] [Music] someone who care for you when there's tea all in you you heart bleed inside there is someone I tell you who care for you look at somebody someone who care [Music] someone to share all your trouble like no other nor the one I tell you what he will do he will come down [Music] [Applause] [Music] wipe him rich hear from you ah someone wanted a wat you his child I'll tell if he care for you someone to Tara [Applause] someone who share how much all of utrom like no other nor the one will do he will come down from the staff he'll wipe every tear from you you are his I'll tell ya [Music] [Applause] for you hi Lelouch get him out of here nobody cares I'm glad I'm serving a god he cares sometimes it looked like nobody kept out your but God can I tell you when you know he can you got the right personal side [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] bless you bless you the Book of Chronicles 1st chronicles chapter 4 1st chronicles chapter 4 verses 9 and TNN if you have your Bibles keep it keep it open there we want to allow the Holy Spirit to unpack for us what he has impacted too many fresh chronicles chapter 4 verse 9 and 10 when you find it's a man and GPS was more honorable than his brother and his mother called his name Jay banners said because I bear him which sorrow jay-bez called on the God of Israel said all that I would it bless me indeed and in the large my post that thine hand might be with me and that that would keep me from evil that it may not grieve me and God granted him that which he requested I won't talk about when you are in his favor in his favor him I said that when you are in his favor thank you so much would you give me time to walk through this text when you're in his favor I was somewhat concerned what I walked through these passages of scripture when you read 1st chronicles chapter 4 verses 1 through 8 and then pick up verse 11 and read throughout the rest of the chapter it looked like a huge mass of confusion because it is a long lingerie list of names and names on there it says nothing about what these people did what they accomplished it is if though they were just a footnote in history it says nothing about their accolades nothing about their accomplishment the names was just recorded I hope and pray that when I'm going off to sing that my name won't just be a footnote in history that there will be some things that someone will remember that I dared to bless someone else I don't just want to be a person that came lived and died I want to make a difference in the life of somebody I hope that's the prayer of every person in this house that it is not enough just to exist it's not just enough for me to get enough education just to get me a good job so I can provide for me and my family that's it you should want to make a difference in the life of somebody that someone will remember the things you did to impact their lives apparently these people just lived and died but in the midst of all of these people that did nothing the Holy Spirit picked out one person by the name of Jay bass and he's give us two verses on him I hope you won't miss nothing in these verses watch what it says it said and Sheamus was more honourable than his brother and here's what it mean he was not satisfied in just making a passing grade he was not satisfied as being just a regular person he set out to make sure he was at the top of the class I think that whatever you decide that you're gonna do or be give it your best if you're going to be a beautician don't just be a regular beautician make sure that people have to pass other places to get to yours because you have a product that they can't find nowhere else if you're gonna be a liar don't just be a liar be the best liar that you can be I mainly make money off for telling lies if you go whatever you decide you're gonna do do your best get get to the top of the line remember you're the only one that can hold you back stop putting it on other folk and said I would be further than this if it hadn't been for my mama hadn't been for my daddy had been for my sister maybe you can set it when you're in the elementary age of tinder teens but once you get wrong you are the only one holding you back if you think you can't make it you can't make it if you think you are failure you are failure if you think your case succeeds your case succeed but you have to understand that black is an adjective talk to me somebody it's not a subject top also just being black ain't no hold you're bad I mean that has been proven a few years ago that that you can reach the highest office in the nation with the color black top Teresa back so we can't say no more I'm black and I'm limited what I can do you can do whatever you want to do if you make sure that God is in charge this man's a man was more honorable than his brother in other words he didn't just set out to be just like his brothers now for you to see the tanks evidently his brothers knew how to pray but he was at the top of the line with a pram life to the extent that the Holy Spirit picks him out above all of the others and I know sometimes we think that some people have the edge on us because they have more privileges than we have more opportunities than we have can I show you something about Jay bass it's right here in person and Jay bass was more honorable than its brethren it's an Edison mother call his name Jay bass saying because I bear him with sorrow now if you're making notes write down the little word pain Pai in pain she called him pain now parents have to be very careful what you name your children before you give a child a name you need to do some investigation on the name because remember that's what folk don't call them the rest of their lives insist that name is gonna be on the forefront watch what you call your child because that's what they go in to answer to if you call your child nothing that's what they go answer to if you call your child stupid that's what they go answer to yo don't let them if you call them a that's what they go in there answer to that's what they're gonna hear that's what they go start believin watch what you call you child parents sometimes we marked our children but what we call our children she called his name pain mm I'm not sure why she named him pain it could be that he interfered with her future it could be by getting pregnant with him caused her to miss a career she had set out to accomplish it could be because of getting pregnant by him she carried so much pain while she was carrying the baby they tell me that when a person is pregnant and get rid of to give birth that they're closer to death in that if I don't know by K I can't test to that I've never been pregnant before I'm not sure but they said pain excruciating pain really worked on you when you get rid of two then I'm not sure why she named him pain but she did it could be that she peeped into the future and saw how the world was changed and knew that she was bringing a child into world that would be how misguided man but guided missiles in a world where people would love grass more than grease in the world what people would love practice more politics than the practice prayer in a world where people wouldn't know more and care more about sivir than salvation maybe she looked in and saw that this world that she was bringing this child in was a world of where man would me and women would love women she looked into this world and saw that everybody was going to be dog-eat-dog maybe she named him pain because she knew where he was he because you didn't know this is a world of pain this is a world where pain and panic shakes the streets like junebugs in the Summer Sun but it cannot tell you pain age so baby I'm looking at somebody here now you have experienced pain most of your life you've had some kind of pain maybe it's physical pain if you ain't hurt us one place you heard in some ways it was not to hear this your foot if it's not your hand it's your knees well y'all looking at me strange maybe I need to get to it there with it if anybody in this house now ever experience any pain anybody in it anybody here ever experience pain you see there is physical pain but that's also mental pain mental pain is a stuff the doctor came fine you can go get your x-ray you can get on an x-ray machine doctor can check you out inside it out can't find nothing but you know is that because sometimes this is hard pain that when your children hurt you when you parents hurt you when you're close friends Richard it's a pain that you can't find medicine over the counter and the doctor show pain describe pain prescribe for you because you don't know what to tell the doctor and he don't know what to look for talk to mr. banner you know what I discovered pain will do pain will make us think if you didn't think before you start having some pain pain to make you think they'll have a winner pain is the body's earthly warning system one in one in one in one in because the pain that means something right about myself when you got some pain if you ain't been going to luck you gonna go check it out you say I don't know what it is but I know it's something pain will have you doing stuff you wouldn't know I'm gonna do you know folk they talk a lot they got pain they up pain will make you better a biller whenever God scented he sends it to make us better but when the devil sinneth he sends it to make us bitter preach revelry he do have a witness here he you see God whispers through pleasure God speak through conscious but God shout through pain I won't be through here the moment it and whenever there's pain you need to find somebody you can go to you don't folk used to sing this song such me love sets me through in through if you find anything he should straighten it out and strengthen me he said because I want to be right I want to be saved talk to me some at it I want to be hope that mean if you have pain don't waste it because God take the shovel of sorrow the deep the will of your will and you got to take advantage of pain now because one day there'll be no money because revelation 21 and 4 and he said and God shall wipe all tears from your eyes and that be no more death no more sorrow and the universe and there be noble pain but why we're here we were experienced hypnotism pain Lucas on my signature of the hunter you heard me in here now are you is there hurt talk to us about it you see every pain has a message behind the baby [Applause] [Music] you know what I discovered all of us like gifts but pain as a gift don't nobody want I know I'm reaching yeah but you know there is no house in Memphis that can hang a sign out the window and said no hurt here you may not be hurting over what I've heard no far but that's unhurt subway that's why you're all not to mess with all the time because you don't know what they going through you don't know what they encountered talk to me something you don't know the pain that they got to suffer and you're trying to make them speak to you you get upset cause they don't go with yourself and I don't feel like speaking on time it'll feel like foolishness all the time out there something and they don't don't show up all the pressure cause they didn't speak to you today if you follow them home you might find out why they didn't speak you think they actin bad put yourself in their shoes and so if I had to go through what they're going through I probably would speak I'd probably shoot somebody he was named pain but when you know what a person has to favor God it's when they can function with pain and you don't know that hurt talk to Marissa back you see so they won't tell their batter how bad - hurting I'm hurting so bad I'm going through this I'm going through that but some folk can have pain and keep the hitter some folks and hair pain and keep moving and keep functioning and keep enjoying life and your acts are how you doing what you do it hi you're so happy you got to tell them there's something within that whole it terrain that's something within that vanish is all pain so I can't spend it all I know I've got something on the inside I see pain but I see how he happened is in the text I see prayer it's the NJ bag called on the Lord you know sometime we go to the wrong person for pain relief sometimes person we go too far pain relief they just might be rejoicing over your pain I'll have to witness it is how because some people they in so much pain themself they feel good when they know somebody else going through it because misery loves company so sometime you know even nectar not let other folk know how you're hurt let them keep eating one debris and go straight to the world that can do something about it am I here by myself we talk too much we tell to minute other folk about our hurts about our sorrows about our pains and they rejoice over what you're going through when there's one that named Jesus that when you tell him he won't tell nobody else he can keep it to himself mmm now watch the prayer it was urgent let me tell how you can tell an urgent prayer an urgent prayer is a short prayer these are long trams now as I bow and God of Abraham the god of Isaac God of Jacob the god of my granddaddy the God of my Grandmamma that ain't no Injuns right here it is prayer something like this [Music] [Applause] Masek that's a nerds in prayer you got to spend a lot of time you ain't got to spend a long time print if it's urgent you ain't got time to do that if you hit it for hit on collision you ain't got time to our Father which art in heaven hallowed be thy name thy kingdom come thy will be done in earth as it is in heaven or you get says messy you know better no mercy we'll step right in take control of that situation and navigates you all around and bring you out save some time when a pray is urgent it ain't long [Applause] when Peter wanted to waffles the water he used 13 words but when it started to sink him he took ten of those back and yes you use three words lord save me everybody ever created urgent prayer oh you can tell him his urgent it ain't gonna be long because God know how to hear he know how tense our prayer he was not only urgent it was personal it's in your Bible what's first air jay-bez called on the card of Israel said oh that I would bless me that's personal it's alright to pray for your family it's alright to pray for your coworkers it's alright to pray for the folk down the street pray for your children but ever now in there you got said it's not my mother it's not my father it's not my sister it's not my brother but isn't me standing in the need of prayer talk to me somebody anybody ever pray some personal prayers I mean long as you in public you need to mention somebody else but when you get in your own closet get by yourself you can talk to God you got to worry about breaking no verbs and putting every word and his punctuation in the right place you can send this here in our heart that that don't matter God he know your heart talked to me became that he said this prayer gets a personal prayer and every nine then you got to get personal with the Lord talk to me somehow that every nine then you got to be like David listen to David in Psalm 23 he said the Lord is not sure then I shall not walk he maketh me to lie down in green pastures he leadeth me beside still waters he restores my soul he leadeth me in the paths of righteousness for his name's sake yea though I walk through the valley of the shadows of death I will fear no evil for I'm a witch meet my rock thy staff they comfort me that were paired a table before me in the presence of my enemies that murdered man hit with all mad cup runneth over surely goodness and mercy shall follow me all the days of my life and I shall dwell in the house of the love forever sometimes you gotta just help you sell the heart salon that I need you to blast me the prayer was personal but not only was the prep herself it was a dare in prayer y'all see it here it is Christine again she let's call on the God of Israel said old did that would bless me but he went through indeed he's listen I'm not just acting for something little he said I wanted yet I won't do something spectacular let me see them drop it in his spirit so you know what Jay Baer said Jay Baer said I'm not just praying for job he's I want the company [Applause] talk to me sir man I'm not just praying this to be NBA player I want all the team sometimes when we go to God we ask for two-nil from God but if you get asks for something lil you go get some little in return but if you ask for something greater it's a great guy am i doing all right in this house stop wearing God but Lupita's stuff when you can move up a little higher look at some anisette neighbor accorded God and axis upgrades from my god because god is able do I have a witness I'm still in the verse yo you see number one she's pain second you see is prayer but then you see his passion it's right in the text he said here's what I want you to do I want you to enlarge my costs now I mean it's throw in for free you see many times we always look at one side of the picture he said listen when you enlarge MCOs that mean I'm action for more responsibility because you can't have a company with two fold and respect you can function like heaven accompany with 200 I own this house you got to change everything the more you get the more you got a deal with you know when I was at Salem and we didn't have but 30 or 40 members what nobody telling no real big lies on me y'all don't hear man I mean there's cute little teenager lied what no big stuff but can I tell you the more God give you the more you gotta get ready for fiery darts if you can't stand the fire and you better get out of there as soon as you can because you ain't gonna have all of God's blessings without going through some of the burdens I don't think y'all Hitman is huh I know you're saying that I want God to bless me but you can't be blessed with tender skin if you won't be blessed your skin gotta be tougher you gotta be able to account for some stuff you gotta be able to be willingness to be lied on your name hung out on the wings in the morning you gotta say whatever way you bless me what be alright with me am I here by myself that you gotta be willing to say or have some bad days at all but I'm not gonna throw in the towel at all and I don't give up the ship I'm not gonna quit the Razr huh because it cry bless me I know he got something that they don't leave me out there by myself I [Applause] gotta quit yo you got a hell pass him he said watch what it says he's saying large MCOs he said give me a little more influence some of y'all won't admit it but many of you have been blessed that listen what the Lord said to me he said in Mecca 3 verse 12 he shall make your name great it's in Mecca I got that because I trusted God with a dime out of every dollar he saw make your name great now you know what that does and not only did it make my name great many of you have been blessed by my name y'all don't like that some of y'all gone visiting other churches or whatever and you get up instead I remember a room Franky research and they take you out to dinner you know it going up again they do something special for you because you are dignified with me you didn't get none of the licks it is a little pirate dock section they just kinda like man named talk to me somebody and you've been blessed by the benefits are your brain with me yes but when you ask for something great from God get ready he's gonna bless you but you gotta be willing to go through the fire come along with the blessings is something else in the text I see it let me give you a bit of it you see is passion but you can't miss this you also see his presence here it is jay-bez called on the card of Israel sent oh that that would bless me indeed enlarge my quotes and that thy hand might be with me is that it Obama that means don't just bless me with this I need you to keep your hand out there [Applause] because blessings make some folk start acting a fool listen makes some folk forget the blesser and star just focus on the blessing you don't want to ever be blessed and God take his hand off from you talk to me some matter because what you had will turn them nothing but suck but when God bless you make sure you sit here whatever you do you come along with my blessing because of you with me even don't see them try to take me out he can't get to me because I got your presence hip masseur got your friend your prayers are with me everywhere do have a witness thank God for his presence here about Noah's presence Wilshire when you got his presence you don't need no security you don't have to have no armor barrows when you got in presence because people try to come up from behind to take you out but I got got the fog behind me some will set of M was just ahead of you but they worry about because I've got got the Sun a hit of it some will try to come on either side to get to you but I've got goodness on one side I've gotten rest there on the other side the devil sometime will try to ease in you to mess up your mind when they worry about that because I've got gone up the Holy Ghost on the inside anybody here can you testify that I've got God's presence the summer said he walks swimming yet Hitchcock's swimming that he turned to me that I am as all and the joy we share as we tarry there none other has ever known that I have come o little pieces in verse 10 I know you didn't see it but i'ma show it to you not only do I see his presence but I also see his protection it's right here it says that our hand might be with me you this and that I would keep me from evil that's protection shout protection yes separate X in one more time because did you know you stumble into stuff that you don't even know what's out there you stumble into situations that can mess you up and take your life forever but thank god I've got God's protection yep mr. got his protection thank God for his minor yeah but y'all give it oh yeah one of the Protection Agency is called Merced yeah there was one day know I'm Quinn when they time justice and mercy decided that they was going to call a conference meeting yeah they said well let's meet tomorrow at high noon yes and no time was there yeah justice was there but Merced was late arrive they waited until 12:30 a.m. where injustice a little restless since the time what time that we tell Merced to be here time said the Justice we agreed they will be here to handle just a sec I don't believe it somebody's saying one thing and don't keep the word so let's go on and leave and we schedule the meeting but time said no tell you what justice is always busy Mercer is always trying to do art and in jobs less we don't Mercer and one o'clock justice said all right we're wait to learn but not a minute after one had one o'clock time injustice was walking the flow when mrs. steel had made this arrival yes and justice I've had enough let's go time agree so well we gave mr. enough time but missing has none made its arrival so they started to walk off but justice look down the road and saw dust flying in the air yeah justice at the time someone is coming let's wait and see if that's really mercy yeah after a while mr. got in a shot of time and justice and said that that is mercy coming but look like Mercer has been in less an accident mr. Kipp come in that this saw that one of his sleeves had been torn off his home hmm the saw that one leg was wet with water the saw the other leg had been burned by fire yes and finally when missing made us arrival missus said to them that man I know that's oh yeah I was gonna get here at Honda I left home in time to get here as soon as I left home I was going through a little town called Babylon Shadrach Meshach and Abednego he got in trouble found that with the king and the king was in the furnace i condition them in the stand of flame that's why one of my legs have been burned I left that running because I knew I was running a little late it started good Amberson don't have a witness here I went down in the deer Rock the Lambs asleep one egg my sleeve that's why my sleeve has been torn off on my way trying to get here in time I decided to take a match another show cut that hole I went down by the Red Sea and spamming at the banks of the river was Moses and all of Israel they was trapped here rocks and mountains although sign Jerell service coming on behind the Red Sea standing right before them that's Alice's do have a witness here that I went down in the water I heard the water back for Israel and all the Moses players how to get across on the other side I'm late but I finally made it that that really mattered a half slow there hold that that's one easy this Congress ever got a witness here that all that when you can get through there anybody know Messi will hit me Sandra so we are messy we love summer say one more time we are here I see one more thing of the texture not only do I see pain not only do I see prayer not only do I see passion don't have a witness here not only do I see presence men only do I see protection that's all but I see Power Shot Palmer one time because the universe and God granted him his request I sick somebody else's because already [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] I'll have two or three witnesses in disaster you're all in an accident or something did he answer you didn't see ya he may not come when you want him but he's always hit miss always [Applause] right on time hallelujah hallelujah my souls on fire he been so good to me you don't matter but testify moment I can't complain I can't grumble I can't walk my head down if he was any better I wouldn't be able to stand it yes hallelujah look at somebody can y'all justify with me look at somebody catch about a head up in and leave you alone so honey you don't know like I'd know what the Lord has done for me and look at some of the other side and say listen can I shake your hand so you don't know like I know what the Lord has done for me and then look up at heaven so he picked me up [Applause] please my feet on solid ground thank you sir [Applause] hallelujah hallelujah I don't like to quit before 11:30 I got 14 momentous but I must stop I'm gonna stop my mama how much stop ha ha ha it's about as it flows if the Lord has done anything for you take about 30 seconds and tell him thank you for who he is what he has done how he did it he don't owe us nothing but he should have been good to us hallelujah [Music] [Applause] wishes God our Father we thank you again for another wonderful day thank you for your presence and for your spirit we thank you for showing up thank you for speaking to us we thank you for your word touching this house now to those that you have sent here to be a part of this family and fellowship give them courage and boldness to say yes to you in the wonderful name of Jesus we pray amen the doors open invitation is extended you here this morning then maybe you don't have a church home maybe it's straight away and maybe it was the pain and frustration shuttle thing is the cost you to back up with God but you know you need him now this invitation that's for you maybe you've never accepted Christ as your Savior you don't want to leave like you came God is a savior he's a hero he's a deliverer I wouldn't take a chance on living another day without having it right with the Lord because others the help is temporarily to help you for a while they get mad at you you're silly they get wrong well god bless you we're out of time again you see but certainly not out of message I want you to have a copy of this message that you can listen to it over and over and over again I think it will bless your home your family your friends and well-wishes love for you to have it call 1-800 three seventy five four zero zero seven a right to God is good minister twenty to thirty seven southpaw pray East Memphis Tennessee zip three eight one one four or you can come back that's right come by Salem every Sunday morning at 9:30 a.m. you will be glad you did have a great day [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] you
Channel: God Is Good Ministries
Views: 212,103
Rating: 4.6311178 out of 5
Keywords: Frank Ray, Frank Ray preaching, god is good, god is good ministries, New Salem, Dr. Frank Ray
Id: f8bsX-4fdkI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 60min 14sec (3614 seconds)
Published: Mon Dec 17 2018
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