I've Come Too Far To Quit! - Pastor Tolan Morgan

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ladies and gentlemen some people are not attacking you because you're succeeding they're attacking you because your success points out their failure and they can't stand the fact that God is keep raising you up and every time that they try to knock you down here you come again [Applause] I want to summon your senses and invite your intellect to the book of Acts chapter number four Acts chapter four and it is there at the Holy Spirit is highlighted for us this context of Scripture beginning with verse number thirteen Acts chapter four verse number thirteen your Bible should read now when they saw the boldness of Peter and John and perceived that they were unlearned and ignorant men they marveled and they took knowledge of them that they had been with Jesus and beholding the man which was healed standing with them they could say nothing against it but when they had commanded them to go aside out of the council they conferred among themselves saying what shall we do to these men for they indeed for that indeed a notable miracle has been done by them is manifest to all them that dwell in Jerusalem and we cannot deny it but that it spread no further among the people let us straightly threaten them that they speak henceforth to no man in this name and they called them and commanded them not to speak at all nor teach in the name of Jesus but Peter and John answered and said unto them where they'd be right in the sight of God to hearken unto you more than unto God you judge for we cannot but Speak the things which we have seen and heard so when they had further threatened them they let them go finding nothing how they might punish them because of the people for all men glorifying God for that which was done for the man was above 40 years old on whom this miracle of healing was shown I won't attack this text I've come too far to quit you may be seated in the Lord's church would you look at somebody and tell them I've come too far to quit now ladies and gentlemen let me announce that the onset and introduction of this sermon one simple truth which serves both as the introduction and the thesis for this sermon and that is simply this you cannot keep a person down who won't stay down it's one thing to be knocked down but the problem is you won't stay down there already witnesses in this room who would testify it's not that I haven't been knocked down but God keeps giving me the strength the energy the wherewithal the anointing the power to not stay down that every time something or somebody knocks me down God keeps raising me back might I suggest to you ladies and gentlemen that that's the real doctrine of the Resurrection it's not that Jesus wasn't knocked down the problem is he wouldn't stay down such as the discipline discovered in the discourse of Acts chapter 4 in which there is a problem between the current religious system and the new order that Jesus had established what we discover in Acts chapter 4 ladies and gentlemen is that Jesus Christ wasn't just affecting the world but Jesus Christ was affecting religion since Jesus Christ was the final sacrifice for sin then there was no more sacrifices to be made after him and therefore certain aspects if not all aspects of the historical temple service was no longer needed as a matter of fact the priests after Christ really had no presence in the New Testament because there was nothing left to sacrifice after Christ we didn't have to come and go into these private closets to tell clergy hours intimate business we can now go to God our selves as a matter of fact a sign of your maturity is not how much you call your pastor is how much you call God might I suggest to you ladies and gentlemen that as we shift as Jesus Christ shifted the landscape he was also affecting the traditional religious system as a matter of fact the New Testament teaches us about the doctrine of the priesthood of all believers but you are a royal priesthood and therefore this whole work of the priests was no longer necessary and even in the New Testament the language of the kingdom changed from profits to apostles and pastors from priests to preachers from priests to evangelist whose job it was to not necessarily stay in one locale but to go across the world and spread the gospel of Jesus Christ and the current religious system in the book of Acts came against Peter and John as a matter of fact chapter 3 opens up with the first post Pentecostal miracle that being this crippled man who laid at the gate called beautiful in Acts chapter 3 he was lame from his birth he was above 40 years old he had never walked in his life Peter and John went up at the hour of Prayer noticed this man laying by the gate and said in the name of Jesus rise up and walk and the aftermath of the miracle is that Peter and John were arrested and spent one night in jail but but the charges were not clear at the time of arrest when you read Acts chapter 4 as a matter of fact you came to Fellowship Bible Baptist Church with a Bible you discover in Acts chapter 4 verse 2 says that they they were apprehending Peter and John because they were grieved at their preaching of the resurrection of Jesus that's X 4 and 2 but by the time we get to acts 4 and 10 when they actually interrogated Peter and John the question was by what authority do you have to give this crippled man the ability to walk you will notice Church that the interrogation and the incarceration were two different reasons they incarcerated them for what they preached but they interrogated them for what they did it's unclear of why they actually arrested them we're not clear because one reason does not necessarily associate with the other are you mad at what I said or what I did [Music] I'm not really clear on why you arrested me because your reasons keep changing the interrogation and the incarceration were not consistent you mad at what I said but you're interrogating me by what authority I'm operating in because the authority I'm operating me and didn't come by your permission so I'm not really sure what you upset about and so that there is some confusion here there's some confusion here are you mad about the power of God or the fact that I didn't ask you for permission to operate in gaad's there rest in Peter and John and something is interesting here because when we take another look at these two seemingly unconnected causes here if you're mad about what I was preaching about the resurrection of Jesus Christ I understand that because you're mad at the resilience of the person of Christ cuz if he's resurrected he got up but if you're mad about the authority by which I operate in I can understand that too because on one hand you're wrestling with the person of Christ but on the other hand you're wrestling with the power of Christ and here's the problem here's the problem Church if you're wrestling with the person of Christ because the resurrection says the person is back and you're wrestling with the power of Christ because his name gave this man the ability to walk I understand why you're mad I get why you're mad because if he's back and his power is still operating then I understand why you man because less than two months ago y'all killed him and put him on a cross putting tails in his head and in his feet and a crown of thorns on his head and two months later his person is back his power is back so now I understand why you mad because you fail I'll shout myself [Applause] [Applause] so the reason why you are under attack is because your success reveals somebody's failure reach in here token more you are under attack cause every time God raised you up somebody sees your success as a reflection of how they failed because if any of this is true the fact that y'all killed them and still operate in the power of his name says he won't stay down see ladies and gentlemen life is not about not getting knocked down life is about not staying down I thought I had about 50 of y'all who tell the truth you haven't always been where you are you are where you are every weapon against you is not going to possible the problem is you won't stay down [Applause] and the people who knocked you down keep attacking you cuz the fact that you up says that they failed I can't get no help in here so might I suggest to you ladies and gentlemen that there are some insights in the passage that give us revelation on the strategy of folks attack get your Bible let's walk through this text together when you are under attack the first thing people will try to do is to diminish your credibility [Applause] I'm in verse 13 so you won't know I'm lying because I'm not lying verse 13 says and when they saw the boldness of Peter and John and let me help you they arrested them at the beginning of the chapter kept them in jail for one night the next day they're getting ready to interrogate Peter and John so they're at the interrogation between verses 10 through 13 Peter stands up and says y'all asked me about the authority that I did this miracle it went in my name it was in the name of Christ the one y'all killed who was raised from the dead and the verse 13 says and when they saw the boldness of Peter and John and perceived that they were unlearned and ignorant men they marveled i'ma try to give you mister and when they saw the boldness of Peter and John and perceived that they were unlearned and ignorant men they marveled ok y'all still missing one action was they saw the other one was they perceive come on come on no no no no no come on you're gonna get this when they saw them be bold but look at him and say it they don't look like they that's smart lord have mercy inhibited when they saw they heard them speak and try to figure out that the gift and the package don't look like they belong together somebody's gonna get this in a minute see people think one thing of you until you open your mouth and they start to figure out you may be something different than how you look cuz you can't judge a book by it's cover you can't assume I look ignorant to you touch the my antennae be careful what you say about me be careful how you look at me because if you have an encounter with me you might discover that there's a difference between the exterior they couldn't put it together of what they heard versus what they perceive the text says they marveled pick your face in here y'all that word marveled in the Greek is the Greek word found match so it means to wonder or admire [Music] let me try one more time when they heard him speak saw how outspoken they were and perceived that they were ignorant and unlearned men they marveled they were admiring like wow to hear them speak and to see them are two different things since y'all still won't get the text let me help you they are trying to discredit them by projecting ignorance [Applause] onto intelligent people because they're trying to make them to be what they wanted to be so that they can look superior to Peter and John now don't blame me like you ain't got people in your life who are trying to project something on you that really is natural reality just to make themselves look comfortable and feel good with you the text says they marveled wait John hold on you just arrested me and you're not even sure why you arrested me you don't like what I say you don't like what I've done you've arrested me and put me in jail for a night but when you hear me talk you're marvelling ladies and gentlemen sometimes your public adversaries are actually your secret admirers [Music] the reason why they attacking you is because on the download they actually like you but they don't know how to express it because if they express it they don't feel inferior to themselves everybody attacking you don't like you some people attacking you a secret admirer but they can't show it because they too insecure I'm preaching in here today you can sit on me if you want to but the truth of the matter is apologizing to insecure people who can't stand the fact that God got a grace on you baby stop apologizing to insecurity I'm not arrogant you just insecure I Know Who I am you don't know who you are [Applause] everybody who's coming against you I'm not your enemy they just secret lovers who don't know how to express it rate stolen target so what they do they discredit and they try to diminish your credibility to bring you to a level that they can handle cuz the only way you can handle me is if you project me to be ignorant and unlearned I'm talking so good in here today I will set somebody free cuz you so busy trying to please people who are study trying to bring you down instead of lifting them up they gonna try to diminish your credibility that's not all they're gonna try to do they won't just diminish your credibility they won't acknowledge your positive changes get the Bible they stand in there talking to Peter and John and Peter won't back down the very thing they arrested him for is the very thing he said in interrogation the name of Jesus the guy y'all killed and was raised he did this and the man who was the beneficiary of the miracle is standing right there [Applause] come here the man who they worked a miracle on showed up the next day to the court just to be evidence on behalf of the defendant he didn't say nothing he just stood there and verse 14 says that the Sanhedrin Council did not say a word they saw him standing there but didn't say nothing verse 15 and 16 says they called an impromptu closed-door meeting and told Peter and John y'all step outside for a minute while we have a closed-door impromptu meeting and look at verse 16 and 15 listen what they said in the meeting they said in the meeting man that is a miracle out there [Applause] [Applause] you know when you do something right they don't want to say nothing when you do something wrong they the first to say something they diminish your credibility and then their downplay your positive changes here's the question King John I'm gonna talk to you since you looking at I got a question history says that Luke wrote the book of Acts which is an addition and an addendum to his own gospel the Gospel of Luke x4 says that they Paul Peter aside and John aside they had a closed-door impromptu meeting my question is if it was a closed-door impromptu meeting how did Luke get the minutes [Applause] [Music] Luke is not a member of the Sanhedrin County he just a physician working for Jesus to get the gospel out if you wanting to me how did you get the minutes I want to suggest that you can call secret meetings against God's people but you can't call secret meetings against God thus God has a way of sneaking somebody in the meeting that you didn't even know was Oh God [Applause] he's not a member the council how'd you get the minutes from a closed-door I want to suggest sometimes God got snitches that when you trying to plot against God's people God got some barbecue that will step in and [Applause] I'm a Prudie you God God snitches it was some people plotting against you but God had somebody in a meeting they said no you ain't don't do that to that sister no you're not gonna do that to that brother you've got to understand that God got somebody working for you even when you don't see that working for you they'll try to discredit your credibility and they'll try to downplay your positive changes but the final thing they'll do y'all they'll try to depress your capabilities [Music] [Applause] hey REM Dix [Applause] they had a meeting a closed-door meeting Mike and in the meeting just between the council listen what they say I said man that is a miracle the whole city know I'm in verse 15 16 and 17 they said hold all of the rules and no way it's a man what we got to do we got to do something to stop the spread we can't do nothing about this John Jackson is gonna bless your life but what we got to do is do something to stop the spread that there be no more preaching and no more miracles so what we gonna do we gonna threaten them cuz we can't stop what was done we got to stop what might happen y'all so sleep i'ma talk to this ad ladies and gentlemen your enemy is attacking you cuz your enemy then had a glimpse of your potential imma talk back to y'all in a minute cuz this side acted funny the reason why some folks attack you because they've already imagined that you got potential to be better than what you are so they gotta stop what's gonna happen even though some stuff you ain't even talked about yet y'all see like the friend sling your head in it is strange how sometimes your enemy got more faith in your future than your friends do [Applause] cuz your friends are sick I can be silent why your enemies working overtime to try to stop but they believe is gonna happen so what I'm trying to tell y'all ladies and gentlemen is that sometimes what the enemy is doing in your life is a compliment they're actually acknowledging the fact that they got no faith in your future there's some people who walk with you because they're busy trying to stop it [Applause] so everything they try to do is what up is what is what's going to happen we got to make sure that nobody else gets healed that make sure and nobody else gets fed we got to make sure that they do nothing else to affect positive change I don't know who I'm talking to in here but the enemy is not attacking you for your past he's attacking you for your future [Applause] I got good news for you if you just endure this latest attack come here here's where it's gonna turn the corner watch this if you just endure this latest attack your future is going to happen because some good you've done in the past is gonna catch up with you okay y'all slept through all of that [Applause] they healed the guy in Acts chapter three the next day was the court date he shows up at court which means the blessing that they had put on his life had caught up with him on the next day and the evidence of how he blessed somebody else was so strong that he they could do nothing but accept the fact that that is the truth that God did work this mirror his God's news ladies and gentlemen it is not always the case that what you do bad catches up with you but sometimes what you do King is go catch up with you and what you thought was blessing you it's gonna turn around and bless you that's why you got to spend most of your time doing good because that which a man souls that said he also reap here's a good news you got to hang in there and don't quit why sure Peter says you got to hang in there and don't quit because your experiences from your past will catch up with you in a good way he said secondly you got to hang in there and don't quit because you got to remember that when they requested Peter and John to stop talking in Jesus name Peter says I can't help it I didn't make that up he says we cannot but help to speak the things that we've seen and heard okay watch this the requests presumes John Jackson that God has done something worth being quiet about [Applause] and God has never done anything that you can be quiet about Genesis chapter 8 nor has been on this storm in this boat for a year in ten days by the time he lands it's a stinking boat cuz animals have been on there humans have been on there nowhere to release their waste the ship stinks but it's still keeping them alive [Applause] you'll catch that probably Thursday and when they get off this boat the first thing Noah does is build an altar in Genesis chapter 8 verse 20 oh nothing because everything is wiped out but it glorifies God that God spared me through a storm and I can't be quiet about it Exodus chapter 15 the children of Israel have just come through the Red Sea they have been been through a wall of water and they saw Pharaoh's army drown in the Red Sea xsf 2:15 says after God caused the water and Pharaohs army drowned it says Moses and the children of Israel sang a song of glory to God because when God has done something like that I can't be quiet First Samuel Chapter 17 and 18 David has to stand the focal life he takes David out with a stone and a slingshot and when he comes back from the bath the battle the Bible says the women came out with their tambourines and their instruments and they were praising God because the victory we just saw we can't be quiet about Joshua chapter 4 verse 24 the Jews of Israel are going into Canaan God splits the Jordan River close is the Jordan River back up and the last verse of Joshua chapter 4 says and they glorified God because they had not seen this before because what they just saw they can't be quiet about 2nd chronicles chapter 20 Israel is under attack by Moab and Ammon and the Bible says they said God said listen y'all stand still and see the salvation of the Lord when they got to the battleground it was dead bodies everywhere and second chronicles 20 verse 26 and 28 says they started praising God in the ballad of Barak and then they move to the house of the Lord because what they just saw you can't be quiet about well can he be quiet about seeing money in the mouth of a fish about seeing crying people get shy about seeing people when God does it you can't be quiet catch somebody tell them neighbor God has done so much in my life I can't be quiet about it so they say so from the hand of a He healed me I got to say something he saved me I got to say something he gave me a blessing I got to say something okay y'all still acting funny these days at the airport when you go through security it's a little TV screen there chatlin when you're stand-in securely lying there's a lady talking on the street she says if you see any suspicious behavior if you see something say see still acting slow if you see anything that's out of the normal if you see something say something y'all still acting funny maybe you haven't seen a miracle lately but if God steps in your life and does something out of the normal if you see something say something be quiet about buddy shut you up Georgia baby if you see something say something [Applause] crazy the Lord praise him in his sanctuary praise it for his excellent goodness praise him for his loving-kindness touch to people till he'd been too good to me for me to be quiet I will not shut up because if I do rocks don't cry out and rocks ain't been through what I've been through I've got to open my mouth I quit [Applause] they say no no no no threatening with jail if you want to I'll just preach in jail all right here's the clothes this is I really got someone to say but I got it I got I got it shut it down I gotta quit y'all supposed to say pastor you can't quit [Applause] I don't come too far to quit now everybody grab your Bible this is this it this it tap your neighbor tell your neighbors excuse me I might run on this point I'm in verse 21 here it is here it is they was going to punish Peter and John Texas they didn't punish him because of the people y'all missed it God didn't get him out of this one God just sent some people to stand with him so y'all don't know how to act appreciative cuz many of you want to walk around time is just me and the Lord no it ain't just you and the Lord God got some people in your life that if it wasn't for them you would be dead already but God sent some people to help you stand under stand with you so the enemy wouldn't take you out that ain't it here it is that's it that's it the Bible says in verse 21 and all the men glorified God for what was done did y'all see in verse 21 you saw it but you don't know how to appreciate it I swear y'all getting on my nerves it I swear and all the men then appreciated and glorified God come here they were intending to arrest Peter and John so that Jesus would not get the glory but [Music] by the time we get to verse 21 they figured out that even going to jail will still bring God the glory cause the glory you tried to stop but every time you throw down on me I'm just packing under my feet so I rise higher to the situation tap your neighbor tell your neighbor what they favor but they found out the very thing they trying to stop they actually keeping it going therefore I reckoned that this light affliction is only working for a moment to bring us into a greater weight of glory eternal in the heavens grab somebody to tell them neighbor is no neither you being mad about the attack the attack is getting ready to bring God some glory what they think they trying to stop they're actually gonna continue that's why you can't quit you can't quit you come too far to quit now and if you quit now God won't get the glory God just doesn't get the glory out of your successes God gets the glory even in your struggles never gotta be helped in here [Applause] he takes you out you grab somebody by the hand and just sell them neighbor it's not that you get knocked down just make up in your mind I ain't stand there I said make up in your mind I'm not staying down everyone's standing I refuse to stay down I might get knocked down but I refuse to stay down God's word to somebody in here is quit quit [Applause] god never promised you you wouldn't get knocked down but he did promise you he'll raise you up and when he raises you up you have the testimony I refuse to quit I don't know who I'm talking to but God done brought you through too much God has brought you through too much you were depressed he raised you back up you were broke he raised you back up you went through divorce he raised you back up you had a bad relationship he raised you back up you got fired he raised you back up to something on the inside won't let you stay down and no matter what they say about you no matter how they view you no matter how they ignore your accomplishments it's always interesting people are silent about your accomplishments and loud about your failures [Applause] next time you run into somebody like that just tell yourself oh that person like me that's all they just don't know how to tell me they like me those often times your public adversaries are actually secret admirers hey hey hey Foreman if you so busy trying to attack me you apparently ain't got a life [Applause] because if you was busy minding your own business and tending to your own life you wouldn't have time you got too much time on your hands go get you a boo obeying something go to the movies do something with yourself you got too much time on your hands go learn how to cook do something you got a lot of time on your hands cause my life busy and if you got time to keep up with me you ain't got a life here's a good news for every one person that will raise up against you God got somebody that will stand with you I want to challenge somebody in this place stop magnifying your haters and celebration lovers stop giving so much attention to people who are against you and start recognizing the people who are standing right there with you because if God be for you he's more than the whole world against you grab hands with the person next to you father I just have one request for the hand that I hold and that is Lord I pray that you will give my brother or sister pop backup power [Music] I don't even care what knocked them down I'm asking right now God that she would give them back up [Music] whatever broke their heart whatever bothered their spirit give them pop back up power as a matter of fact God while I'm praying I pray that your joy will overtake them right now in the name of the Lord Jesus give them joy unspeakable and full of glory you prove to us through Christ that we can be bad and get back would you press into the hands of the person you hold papa power to tell them neighbor you can't stay down you Gus got God's brought you through too much II you can't stay down he keep bringing you out so you can get back up he keep raising you until you can get back up you plant weak [Music] [Music] [Music] and may you discover the power of God the power not to quit in the name of the Lord Jesus and the people of God said Amen somebody give him praise like y'all I said give it raise like you up [Applause] I said give it back [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music]
Channel: SHIP TV
Views: 44,390
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Tolan Morgan, Tolan Morgan 2020, Tolan Morgan Preaching, Fellowship Bible Baptist Church, Warner Robins GA, dr. tolan morgan, pastor tolan morgan, rev. tolan morgan
Id: yQ0xFTL8ZGc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 55min 59sec (3359 seconds)
Published: Tue Mar 03 2020
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