You're Next! - Pastor Timothy Boone

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today we are blessed of the Lord to have one of the great gifts from this area to bless us with the preached word of the Lord his father served as a pastor and bishop in this area continues to serve in that capacity as a matter of fact he has been here before to bless us in music he is one of the great voices of this area but today he comes as a preacher of the gospel of Jesus Christ he is the very proud pastor of the faith perfecting Life Center here in Warner Robins Georgia and I'm proud to call him a son in the faith when I got here shortly after I got here he and his wife humbly asked me to serve as their pastor and their covering and I'm thankful for the opportunity to serve in that capacity in his life amen and we just praise God that since we've been able to connect and to fellowship that our fellowship with he and his church and his family for that matter have been fruitful and I'm thankful that God has allowed him this destined moment to stand to preach the gospel of Jesus Christ would you help me receive with Jesus joy the proud pastor of the faith perfecting Life Center here in Warner Ana's pastor Timothy Boone come on church he's he's no stranger to our church come on let's receive him at this time [Applause] listen do something for me and I want you to connect us to somebody that's around you beside you grab somebody by the hand and leave no one untouched this is the day the Lord has made and we will rejoice and be glad in it I don't want you to selfishly today pray for yourself I want you to pray for the hand that you hold we do not know the burden the frustration the aggravation nor what these came in here with but we believe God is able to turn everything around he's able to make a way out of no way he's able to open a door that has been closed in our face let us collectively pray together I'm going to pray you pray with me let's do it right now father in the name of Jesus we say thank you Lord we praise you God for this is the time and set day that you've made and we will rejoice and be glad in it thank you God for another opportunity to come into your house thank you God for even waking us up this morning being in our right minds having the activity of our limbs thank you God because it could have been another way but you've blessed us you've covered us you favored us you strengthened us you blessed us to see this day God thank you God for this pastor for this church thank you God for your presence that we feel right now now touch my neighbor Lord do something in my neighbor's life right now in the name of Jesus he'll deliver set free my neighbor God in the name of Jesus and we will forever give your name praise Lord help me one more time Satan you are alive take your hands off of the men and women of God the blood of Jesus is against you right now we claim victory we claim healing reclaim salvation we claim deliverance it is already done it is soul in Jesus matchless name I pray loose that hand and give God the craziest praise you can pump some money around you and say I'm glad to be in the house of the Lord one more time David said I was glad when they said unto me let us go into the house of the Lord you may be seated in the presence of the Lord surely it is a blessing to be here and to be among the living of course it is a blessing to be in fellowship Bible Baptist Church one more time and of course it is a blessing to be here with your amazing pastor with our amazing pastor in the person of Pastor Tolan morgue and I need you one more time to give God praise for him and his lovely wife our first lady to each and every one of you to lady reed god bless you to each and every one of you to my wife who is here thank God amen listen of course I'm going to do what I have been assigned to do for today and I'm going to get out of the way I do not come to impress nobody you have one of the most prettiest prettiest in the world so there's no need for me to try to articulate disect I just come to do what I have been assigned to do First Samuel chapter 23 4 Samuel chapter 23 and I'm going to read verses 15 through 17 for Samuel chapter 23 verses 15 through 17 and of course most of you will probably have the King James Version this morning I want to read from the contemporary English version if you have it just say Amen verse 15 says one time David was that ZIFT desert he was afraid because Saul had come to the area to kill him but Jonathan went to see David and God helped him encourage David don't be afraid Jonathan say it my father Saul will never get his hands on you in fact you're going to be the next king of Israel and I'll be your highest official even my father no it's true thank God for the reading I was wearing and a blessing to our souls on today I need you to look at your neighbor and just say two words say neighbor you're next you may be seated in the presence of the Lord I need a little help on the runway real quick put me an F sharp there is name - here to sing his praise it's a line [Applause] [Music] everybody help me sing this now [Music] [Applause] Wow Oh [Music] [Music] hallelujah [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] you're next for the sake of time I would like to suggest that those of us each and every one of us who have a calling upon our lives God calls us and has already given us a predestined or predetermined in each and every one of us who has a calling upon our lives God has already of course given us a predetermined or predestined in Jeremiah was here Jeremiah would suggest to you in his first beginning stage in Chapter one that God called him and told him before I formed you in your mother's womb I knew you sanctified you and made you and ordained you a prophet to the nation's then later on in his life he says to Israel through Jeremiah in 29 and 11 for I know thoughts that I think toward you said the Lord thoughts of good and not of evil to give you and expect it in Moses had the opportunity of being here he would suggest to us an exodus I believe it's around chapter three to where Moses chapter three or four to where God tells Moses at the backside of the desert go back to Egypt go tell Pharaoh let my people go because there is a land flowing with milk and honey that I have already predestined for them I believe that because God has called each and every one of us there is a predestined in predetermined in he knows everything he is omnipresent he's everywhere so he's already orchestrated in even before our beginning but the truth of the matter is between the call and the predestined in all of us are in a place called preparation lord help me up these heels all of us are in a place called preparation preparation is a time of transition preparation is a time of transformation which means when God calls you he does not just give you the end without transforming you before you get to the end he always calls and he always gives an ending predetermined in but all of us have to go through preparation all of us have to be made ready for what's next all of us have to be made ready for the predetermined in of course in the text on this morning we're talking and dealing with the man by the name of David everybody knows who David is and while David is called an appointed by God there is a calling on his life in 1st Samuel chapter 16 there is a predetermined in for David's life but he has to deal with preparation and the first understanding that you will discover he has to deal with preparation he first is anointed somebody it's challah and say I'm annoying tip he first deals with being anointed he deals with being anointed around adversity he deals with being anointed even around adversity because in 1st Samuel chapter 16 of course you understand the story God has now rejected Saul and God tells Samuel there has to be another king there is another King and I need you to go to Jesse's house and anoint the next king of course Samuel goes to Jesse's house and of course you all understand the sort of 1st Samuel chapter 16 he goes to Jesse's house and of course they prepare all of these men who looked apart I believe they all look like Willie rains they all prepare those who look the part they had the physique they had the facades they were tall they were they looked like they were prepared for kingship they looked like they had it they looked like the oil should flow on their lives but the oil never flowed the oil never flowed he went down the line of people that was in his house and the oil never flowed but God says to Samuel there is a king in Jesse's house and Samuel looks at Jesse and say I know what the Lord says surely there should be another man in this picture surely there should be another person in this while Jesse says well there here's another one he's tending to sheet sheet that don't even belong to him he's tending to see and of course samuel looks at Jesse and says bring him to me bring him to me and when he brings him I believe and this is just my imagination I believe that David didn't look like he was kingship he didn't look like he had it made he didn't look like he had it together matter of fact if he's tending the Sheep he's dirty he's Steve he's Spanky he don't look the part he's not tall he don't have the biceps and the triceps but that's when the anointing flows on his life and the reason why some of us have already an understanding that we are anointed it's not based on how we look is not based on our lineage it's not based on our generation it has nothing to do with our last name but has all to do with God we are anointed not because we look good we anointed not because we got everything in that matter of fact some of us have been dirty some of us have been nasty some of us have been in a mess some of us have been in a messed up situation but the oil still flows upon our live what you mean pass the ball that means if people don't value you it does not even matter if you don't respect me I don't care if you don't like me if you don't invite me to lunch at the end of the day I know that there's an anointing on my life help me up this here Lord I know that there's an anointing on my life I know that the oil flows on my life I don't have to go to lunch with you I don't have to be your friend on Facebook I don't have to be your friend on Instagram I don't have you don't even have to support me I don't even need an entourage I know that there's oil on my life and God look beyond Who I am and pour the oil I wish you would have had somebody and look at them real good and say I know I'm anointed and it has nothing to do with my perfection it has nothing to do with my living right it has nothing to do with my spotless life but it has all to do with God who look beyond my they're suckers and seeing that I was a miracle seen that I was a testimony for the world there was an anointing on man help me be there's an anointing on my there's an anointing on my life not only does David understand that he's of them he's anointed during the time of preparation but David also understands that God has assigned him to Saul all right God has assigned him to solve God has assigned him to solve it is in 1st Samuel chapter 16 later on in that same chapter an evil spirit came upon Saul the Lord left him and an evil spirit came upon Saul and of course he's saying his servants who who shall I come and get this evil spirit off of me the serpent said there he is a boy by the name of David that you can bring in and get this evil spirit off of you the text says in verse 21 of 1st Samuel chapter 16 David comes in Saul likes David makes him an armor bearer it looks great at this point in time until David killed Goliath lord help me in this room it looks amazing at this point in time until David kills Goliath and when David killed Goliath David is being exalted y'all know this story when he kills Goliath David is being lifted up David is being exalted he's killed are you've killed Maki's killed is in the thousands you you've killed a certain group of people but Saul you ain't killed that many David is being exalted but God a sign David to Saul knots all assigned David to him God a sign David - so what do you mean pastor bone heartless looking for Saul to be training camp for David alright alright I'm going somewhere I'm being I'm getting up to here y'all God was looking for sobs to be training camp for David because just because David is exalted just because David is lifted up dust that means he's ready for leadership lord help your boy just because he's lifted up just because he's exalted does not mean he's ready just because he's raised because there's no stars in the kingdom there's only servants in the kingdom good [Applause] around you there's no starving ain't no sauce in the kingdom so I gotta take you through training not to make you better but to make you back because I want you to realize who the real star is a lot of science aim to solve gotta science David Saul pasa this years this city is military foundation it's military we have the base in the city of Warner Robins and of course I've never been in a military I ain't even enlisted in the military I go home I don't want to leave home but I actually my friends among friends who that's way different wanna Robbins yeah all my friends who graduated from one of Robins uh I said how is it in the military they they said oh it's cool it's beneficial it's amazing oh it's awesome you would love it no I don't think I would love it ah you would love it it's amazing but the first thing you got to deal with it's basic training I said hold on man hold on would you what you mean what are you talking about he says you don't get rank you don't get a title you don't get a position you don't get I've been efficient you don't get beneficial you don't get a blessing you don't get impacted until you endure training with the people of God we will quickly hollow we are a soldier in the army but wanna deal with basic training we walk quickly haha let me die in the army of the Lord but we don't want to deal with basic I find somebody that's a neighbor in your lives you gonna have to deal with basic training you will have to be mature and handle what cause it's not provoking violence and endure basic training Jesus I'm he's designed to to so which leads me up I'll just hang out that much time brings me up to my tics leads me up to my teeth First Samuel chapter 23 what you will discover is that prophet dad who was speaking from God tells David to go to Kela and help them fight Philistines the Philistines were headed tequila and and God tells David to help them now what you will discover is Kela is not David's army they are not David's city they are not David's domain he don't have the authority over them Saul has the authority over them Saul is the leader over them Saul is the protector over them but because Saul is so envious of David he neglects his responsibilities lord help me in this room which means there are some people who can be so envious and so jealous of you that they will neglect their responsibilities Lord your God needs some help in this church there are some people and I'm not talking about outside the church I'm talking about in the church can be jealous and envious of you and we'll neglect our responsibilities if you would work you would be worried about me I'm not jealous of you with my own household [Applause] so David check says David inquires David inquires God and says shall I get the victory over the Philistines he inquires which means he prays unto God says shall I get the victory over the Philistines and I liked the whole ticks past Morgan because David understands it is not his gift lord help me in this room david has an understanding get into something it was a victorious education because I keep God first I dare you to sit somebody's hand actually but I keep God first that's why I'm driving when I'm driving and believe me I'm not raising for cause I'm not raise it for a house it still use me but I keep the only way became victorious seek eat first I feel like preaching now the kingdom and his righteousness all of these things touch at least people around you actually just keep God first you don't have to worry about nothing frustrated nothing about nothing just keep God first when you wake up in the morning under God you pray on the car when you go to your job keep him first he he inquires shall I get the victory what if it stands God say yes I'm cutting the call ambassador he inquires Salah the victory and God says yes now throughout David's life if you really read the history of David's life what you will discover Saul tried to kill him 14 times and miss so I'll try to kill him 14 times and miss now Tina he his acts do I get victory over the Philistines God says yes so it looks like God is saying yes to everything it looks like God is pushing him to everything everything is right now easy until he finds out Saul is after him again Oh God until he finds out Saul is after him again and when he finds out Saul is after him again he acts God he inquires under God he says will fall come to Kela and God says yes will Kela give Saul to me will they put me in saws hands and God says yes all right here's my problem in the whole text show a problem in the whole text is sometimes the fault you got the victory for will not fight for you you had somebody to help me in this room some people that you stood in the gap for some people that you interceded for some people that you gave everything to some people that's you you went through in your house to protect them and ants will not be the same people that use the same energy I wish you would look at somebody and say neighbor you got to have a discernment of spirits to know that you can't expect everybody you top the victory for to fight for you [Applause] you can't expect for and I think that is problem really we expect the people we fought for fight for us but that real ain't my problem every day I'm a problem to professor that real ain't my problem my problem is he inquires to God and it looked like God and even fighting for him all right I know I got some deep here who ain't gonna be real for the next ten minutes but I need somebody that's gonna not be right here that would tell the truth every time I pray to God I was looking what's ahead somebody that was something out his hand around you Sydney my ideas the way things were I did fast neighbor I did go to church name but I did what God first but it was not the answer I was looking what the answer I was looking for heart tells him yeah they gonna give you the song David left kela three points I'm done y'all David left and went into the wilderness called zip-zip was a difficult place zip was a place of challenges it was a place of loneliness and dave was around people and was still lonely sometimes when you're gifted it causes challenges not only to the outside but it caused challenges to people who are [Music] but David had to understand the number one thing he had to understand what's the proper did he understand was Providence was God's protection God's nature to protect him even when he didn't feel protected I wish my mama was up here to help me preach because she would sing right about now a song that says the end just keep watching I know [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] he had understand goblets 17 cuz he had to understand was purpose Jonathan goes to him and strengthens him because without the sculpt a sir everybody ain't jealousy you everybody hating on you everybody ain't your enemy to your life to give you somebody around you if you say you know what the devil says what your enemy say Jonathan had to tell him and here to fight again she ain't here ain't here to hate on your gift I'm here to strengthen you cuz right now your gift is not helping you your gift is that being a blessing to you you are still a man lord help me cuz some for think because they're gifted they exist some stuff so I came to strengthen you I came to encourage you that the season of runnin and hidin is about to be over I feel the Holy Ghost that's not that's not in my missus that's prophecy I wish you would look at somebody right now say neighbor the season you in it's not your ending the season your life you still have me purpose 13 I'm done pastor thank you for the invitation third thing is that only Providence put me in c-sharp you go home not only did he have to understand Providence not only did he have to understand his purpose but the third thing he had understand from Jonathan what's the prospering end all right the prospering in what do you mean possible Jonathan says you don't be the next king of Israel he says and I'm gonna be the highest-ranked mean I'm gonna work up under you don't help me in here he says and my knows it's true now hold on yo you have to understand the takes ain't got time to go through all this you had understand tits because Saul was put in position by people [Applause] [Applause] that's why [Applause] Oh [Applause] [Music] [Music] here [Applause] [Music] [Music] actually which team let me give you a word yeah [Music] [Music] which all hit me dr. Peter preached repent Ellen over your next Ella your next people as not sitting next to you [Music] [Applause] [Music] maybe you're next [Music] if they don't want to get happen find your third cup sir you're next [Music] put the place to God right there [Music] [Applause] hallelujah everyone's hands lifted let's just send up a worship however way you want to worship God come on do it right there everybody put a praise on your lips [Music] thank him for sending this word in your life don't clap your hands lift your hands and open your mouth everybody let's send up the incense of worship for this word we had heard in this place [Music] [Applause] what a mighty word we've heard today [Applause] [Music] here's what we heard from God today through this man of God there are some people who are ahead of you because people put them there but the move that is going to come in your life is because God will put you hand and when people put you in certain places you are removable [Applause] but when God put you there [Applause] people can try to remove you and it still won't work hallelujah one last time when you thank God for the message [Applause] now thank God for the messenger pastor Timothy going come on church we can be better than that we heard some region in Italy you [Applause]
Channel: SHIP TV
Views: 45,560
Rating: 4.8250375 out of 5
Keywords: You're Next, Pastor Timothy Boone, Pastor TC Boone, Dr. TC Boone, Dr. Timothy Boone, FBBC, Fellowship Bible Baptist Church, Warner Robins GA, Houston County, David, Jonathan, Holy Bible, Contemporary English Version, Baptist Preachers, Preachers in Georgia, Preachers in Warner Robins, Black Preachers, Black Whoopers
Id: rt3tg0HCmTg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 50min 29sec (3029 seconds)
Published: Wed Nov 20 2019
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