1 Hour Beginner Chess Lesson with TierZoo

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i'm gonna try to give you advice in all the  stages of the game so i'll try to find some   games where things are going very well in the  opening or or poorly in the opening and just kind   of give you uh you know some general pointers  so uh let's let's take this game for example   so you had the white pieces your  opponents rated 748 i can i can do your rating in this game was 808. edit  this and your opponent's rating was   748 okay you started out with e4 and most  commonly you usually get this move right   yeah so i like what you played knight here  knight c6 and then here you you played this move   what is your inspiration for the scotch opening   um well i seem to usually be able to pick up  a pawn with this one because then i can um   either i can take it and then recapture with  with my knight or if i bring this bishop out here   um onto onto b5 then i can take um his knight  and then leave the the e5 pawn undefended and   then capture that with the knight yeah bishop  bishop out uh well we were just doing this uh   this tier list for beginners uh with with hikaru  and we were talking about uh the placement of this   bishop in king's pawn positions so when it's both  sides play king's pawn and i was arguing that the   bishop on c4 actually without a confrontation with  this knight can sometimes be a little bit more   poisonous so if you play bishop to c4 d4 is great  by the way i used to play i mean i played this   up until i got to about maybe 18 or 1900 so uh  highly recommend this so when i when i'm showing   you things it's not me saying hey uh patch don't  don't play d4 ever again it's a terrible opening   you should only play bishop c4 um just options  so oh so you play the bishop before moving the   second pawn yes and let me tell you why so so  play a move for black that you think looks natural   oh okay just a developing move uh that's fine  okay very good have you ever heard of the   fried liver attack uh yeah i had a friend that  used to destroy me with that one all the time   okay so when you play pawn knight and  bishop against pawn night night uh this move   blocks the queen's vision to that square  right because earlier that was covered   right for your night but when the knight  moves there so play the move knight g5   um against knight knight to f6 you can play knight  g5 and if you ever want to draw an arrow it's just   right click and drag so this is your threat  okay sure this is this is a a very big problem   uh and actually just looking at this  black can only defend this in one way   it's pushing this pawn forward that defends this  yes because it blocks the bishop oh i see right   okay and this pawn is supported by which two  pieces for black uh queen and very good yes okay so so so the queen and and i  think you named the recent stream   our horses op so we can go we can go horse   so with white here there's there's kind of a a  famous trap and i'm i'm going to show it to you   because it's i mean it's just good to have this  in your in your toolbox so you don't need to you   know uh recreate too much or or try to re reinvent  the wheel in the beginning um you can just take it   so take the pawn using my pawn yep okay and a lot  of players with the black pieces they will they   will take back natural recapture so you obviously  don't have a dual attack on that square anymore   right now i want to know your thoughts on this  trade so this trade what do you think about it um   well i feel like i i feel like i've heard this  said before where if you bring your queen out   so early you lose tempo so i could play this and  now i'm developing pieces and making the queen   run away at the same time aha knight c3 okay so  there's a there's a few things to learn here yes   um you say something absolutely accurate in  general it's bad to bring the queen out early   because you can play the night move but in chess  sometimes these kind of more general concepts they   they supersede each other so usually that rule  is 100 right but in this particular position that   queen attacks something what is it attacking this  pawn very nice and if you play knight c3 you this   is going to be a very very bad situation because  what what is the queen attacking once it arrives   uh the knight and the rook yes and i there is  no way to guard both you you will unfortunately   have to lose one of them preferably the night  but uh yeah we wanna we wanna avoid this so   the way you can think about this is well okay  i i learned that bringing the queen out early   is bad why is it good in this position um it's  you know general terms are general terms but   material is extremely important and so before  you play a move like this any move you play   right let's say you you say i want to go  knight c3 it hits the queen i'm developing   ask yourself the following question is there  anything my opponent can capture in my position   that will help you a lot just asking that  question so the answer is yes yes yes   but only this one makes any sense yeah because  the other two are bad not a good trade yeah   definitely not a good trade so um so queen takes  you two is a problem so then this trade the way i   can i can get you to think about this is early on  early on in the game unless you get a really huge   benefit from trading a bishop for a knight  i would advise against it bishops generally   are more they're much more powerful on the long  range the diagonal and i would not recommend   bishop for nitrate unless you know you're winning  a pawn or two pawns or something like that   interesting so even though the the material  rating they're both rated at three i think   yes exactly it's interesting that that you uh i  think i've heard that before though that that it's   not a good trade so that's interesting to hear it  here too yeah and and this what were you gonna say   oh i said i'll i'll keep that in mind for sure  yeah it's it's and again it's you build this   up with experience um but we want to basically  get you to a point where in the first 10 moves   the game is easy for you you know what i mean  you're not constantly thinking about what's   you kind of already know what to do uh and  then that's where you can really middle game   strategy that's where the chess is beautiful not  necessarily in the in the beginning it's just more   you know um we got to get you from from point a  to the middle game nothing should be happening   in in the opening so in the fried liver again  with the central pawn trade uh there is one   one big problem with black's position and it's the  fact that you can actually still take this pawn   and it's like wait what yeah like wait what  king's gonna take right yeah so i'd like   you to find a fork in forks you're familiar  with you've done puzzles and all these things   or not really um could it be this hey there  we go fantastic queen attacks the king and   it attacks the knight as well right yeah and if  i attack here it's defended with the bishop so   yes you need to trade yes exactly uh let me  ask you this if the king were to go backwards   and i give you the option i say what are you gonna  take this with what what's your first instinct   um the bishop because you don't want your queen to  be taken yeah why risk it i don't know i feel like   i could be i could be missing something and so i  would generally opt to use the less risky piece   right so it's i guess the best way to think  about it queen takes is a completely okay move   like it's because what it is it's just the trait  of the queens right um it's completely fine but   completely fine and not trading the queen is also  completely fine uh because your queen and bishop   work together let's say i play a random move  how does white win the game here same idea as in   skeleton yeah go ahead you could you could play  it very nice so you're already thinking the right   way you're you're not just thinking about your  own position see if i asked the beginner what's   the best move here for white they might say castle  or take the night oh sorry or take the knight and   you know you have defense and i'm not castled  yet but um open king for the opponent it's a   conversation between two players so they haven't  guarded that square so you play queen f7 um   tactical idea right so you how much have  you heard about tactics study tactics what's   your tactical knowledge in chess uh i've  played a few rounds of the the puzzle rush   uh other than that though i can't say i've studied  much other than watching a few videos of yours and   and a few other chess youtubers i gotta tell you  when you said that i was actually a little bit   shocked when you told me um yeah yeah absolutely  man it's i gotta i gotta bless the the algorithm   on that one david pakman told me the same thing  he said a couple weeks ago like i started seeing   some and i was like that's amazing i just put  that out there for folks and it's it's really   cool you guys uh that came up for you as well um  okay yeah you're a big fan of uh of of critical   uh penguin zero and when he started getting into  chess i just decided to kind of check it out again   and then that introduced me to a whole web of  of interesting creators and interesting videos   yeah i i think you i as i told you yesterday um  your you know your jungle cat's video and also uh   critical back in the day when he was playing these  video games i mean hey everybody it's critical i i   would do these um yeah his yeah the the complete  like you know crazy weird graphics games that he   was playing all the time that was like og youtube  so okay i'm gonna put your skills to the test   uh okay king comes forward gets  out of check and defends the night   so wow i don't think i've ever  seen someone bring their king   out yes and for good reason by the way bad this  is not good this is why the fried liver is so   dangerous because of this sacrifice which  we'll review after so queen f3 oh sorry   it comes forward so what's the material count  here that's that's something i want you to start   thinking about more in chess material account  are you up points down points what's the balance   so right now since i'm down my night  this is before i've captured the   at night so i'm down i only have i've only  taken two pawns and they've taken a pawn in a   and a horse perfect yeah so so the the count is  that you have a one pawn for a night which is   generally pretty bad but what is counter balancing  that right now what that the king is really like   yeah like this is bad that that's worth something  right so you're not gonna take this because if you   do and i mean you're not gonna make this  big trade because you're losing right now   right and so i you should not trade pieces  when you are down material for the most part   that's usually not a good thing to do you lose  all your pieces you're going to lose the game   so then how do you add pressure to this you  know what this uh tactical term is right   uh yeah tempo pressure i've heard used kind of  interchangeably yeah and also you're pinning   the knights of the king yeah that's what  that's called because then i can't move so   if you're pinning the knights of the king you  using your bishop you're adding pressure with   the queen how can another one of your pieces  see this knight put the knight in its sights   uh the other the other night very  nice now normally this is not   what i say is like you a knight can't  attack a knight because that's like   punching the mirror that doesn't make any  sense but in this case this move is illegal   yes yes great move now you are  actually threatening to win this night   so just for practice uh i want to because you  you said you had some some difficulties with   converting winning positions i want to i want  to practice this a little bit so i'm going to   play a move that's a little confusing i'm going  to play this move so first things first when   your opponent makes a move what should you ask  yourself you should ask what does that move do   okay so this this move scares me  because right now it's it's threatening   the queen and also threatening this pawn which if  it threatens this if it takes this pawn here then   it's checking the king and picks up the rook for  free basically it's very good if it doesn't just   go ahead and take the queen out right you're  you're you're absolutely right and at when   you're first starting out in chess it's difficult  like i know the best move here for white because   all the games that i've played which is  probably close to about half a million is   you know it your your instinct in chess  it pushes you toward a move because you've   seen this a hundred times and when you're seeing  this for the first time you're like oh crap   like this is bad uh i don't i don't like  this however you are familiar with tears   so let's talk about tears of danger your  queen's under attack your pawns under attack   what's what's above the queen on the tier on  the on the list in terms of danger the king yes   so as long as you're you're making a threat on  your opponent you don't need to move the queen so what would that be in this position so saying  if i if i put their king in check then i can   continue my attack without worrying about losing  the queen yes you don't you're not allowed to   move the queen because this is a check that's a  check but you're not allowed to move the queen   so how can you put this king in check yeah um so i  could go for the i could attack finally with this   bishop yes exactly right and you've added a  defender so queen takes d5 is terrible uh just   so you understand which would you take with i just  want to be fully confirmed that you you see that which would i take with uh the lighter queen  um queen to keep up the the attack keep up   the attack what what's the biggest  problem with taking with the knight   uh cause then he can check uh here oh i thought  we okay the knight was attacking something else or oh okay i see what you mean yeah yeah yes  which is exactly why i i i take it all the   way through to the conclusion i just want to  make sure we're completely on the same page so   a lot of beginners i hear this they say i don't  want to bring my queen in i'd rather take with   what's worth less have you heard that before yeah  exactly right but when you're attacking a king   if you can get the queen super close and  it's protected that's very dangerous so   this move hits the king and is defended  which is why it's the best move   and just like you said you continued the attack  and then maybe you want to defend this guy or   maybe you just castle because as long as  this is not a as you said a double attack   does it really matter you know  if if your king is over here and   all he's doing is attacking your rook  it's not the end of the world you just   slide your rook over so bishop takes fantastic  move let's pretend i don't lose my queen   i'm going to play king d6 okay now talk to me  about the position what is still in danger for you   uh so same threat as before with the uh those two  pieces being attacked by the knight here yes so   oh now well i mean if i move the the queen oh no  nevermind i guess the bishop is still protected   by the night nice so we need to guard both we need  to not allow either of these things to be a threat okay so potentially moving here or here  very good you have a another square   just optically it looks like you could go here  because that also guards but in this position   um how should i how should i explain this  so as you start moving from beginner to   intermediate to advanced you're gonna start  seeing why certain moves are very dangerous   for you you're gonna say i cannot play this move  because my opponent has a really strong idea   so this is still not possible but the  knight has vision on the pawn right   yeah is there another piece in black's position  that can join the attack on this pawn while at   the same time maybe attacking your queen so think  about this diagonal yeah this here yes i felt i   feel like you you like saw it pretty fast actually  i feel like you like picked up on this little idea   ed you've got me you got me afraid for my queen's  life here so maybe i'm maybe i'm seeing stuff   no this is this is fantastic and by the  way you notice the night defensive right   right exactly that that's what makes  all of this possible this little kind of   trio of uh everybody's kind  of guarding everybody else so   the moves that you suggested are are great uh  let's say queen d3 okay let's say i play bishop f5   i'm attacking your queen anyway uh how  would you defend against this threat my my instinct is is this one that is an  excellent move i don't have anything to say to you   uh that's yeah that's what i would have played  now let's talk about peace dynamics a little bit   so your bishops are interacting yeah um when you  go bishop here what happens with your queen's   line on the d file so there's a the the the  knight there is pinned now you can't move out   the way so now it's now this pawn is extra safe  you're like the strongest 800 i've ever seen   yes yes excellent so if this knight ever moves  you have little ideas to chip away at this defense   excellent okay i want to talk out our  thought process uh for the next few moves   i'm going to try to to coach just a little  bit less let you kind of walk through logic   and and make a decision so i just hear your  thought process in the game i'm gonna go here okay it's my i have a few options i could can capture i  think i think that's well yeah i can i can capture   because if the knight attacks then i can just  bring the queen back it's still defending that   spot okay i could check um because this this piece  can't move out the way because it's it's pinned um   i don't really know where to go from from this  piece being here but this would probably be   oh i don't know because then i'm  leaving my queen in a dangerous spot okay i i feel like this is the move   okay i just wanted to hear kind of your deduction  process like for which movie you think is better   i like that i like exactly what you said there i  think all beginners can i know i mean i feel like   calling you a beginner at this point is somehow  insulting your capabilities because you're you do   not strike me as one i was um i was uh maybe lie  to just a little bit but no you your explanation   is fantastic um queen e4 totally solid did you  notice that the knight can also take with check   oh i did not notice that no it's i think it's i  think they're both okay but i just wanted to did   you not see that the knight could take is that  or or did you see it wasn't a check um i didn't   even consider honestly the move i was looking at  with the night was was to go there so yeah i yeah   i didn't consider it but queen takes is excellent  because you maintain defense of this i wanted to   kind of just hone in on uh on the on the thought  process that that certain like new players might   have and that's okay i can take like this that  is an option i also have this option um and if   you don't see this you don't see this so we won't  even consider this so let's just say this and this   so you said if i take he can't take me i'm still  defending and then you said what if i check him   but then i'm leaving my queen in danger so i don't  really like that that's excellent like anybody who   who listened there could you know could benefit  because some people who would be like oh you know   he can't take this must be good for me what like  just because he can't take doesn't mean it's not   good it's good for you like you're still under  attack here so uh excellent uh i'm going to go queen f6 um okay so first thing you  ask uh what what pieces is he yeah   maybe what's he attacking and if  there's nothing the answer is nothing   i don't really see i mean this one i guess  but that doesn't make much sense to me okay   i guess nothing nothing you're absolutely  right i'm attacking nothing i just moved my   queen out okay so what how are you what are  you gonna play here what what's your plan   i don't know this move confuses me a lot so  uh because you think you're missing the idea   i i don't see where like why my opponent  would play this move like what i i guess   my my question would be okay where  is he gonna go next with this queen um i guess or that he really wants to defend this  pawn but it's already defended with this king   so uh so here's what i'll tell you if you can't  see the idea immediately and it's not a tactical   idea so it's not like can the way you think  about this is the queen going to do any damage   no i mean i i guess not maybe yeah no  well yeah that's the thing i mean maybe   maybe you miss it and the queen does some  damage um so the other thing is you look   around you say can any other piece do  damage now that the queen moved there   you know like now that the queen is there maybe  the rook is coming i don't know yeah um but   you don't need to force an idea onto an opponent's  move if it's not there it's just a free move for   you to maybe do what you want maybe come up  with your own idea because until you're like   grandmaster and i and i dare not speak for them  because i'm not a grandmaster just yet um you're   you're not gonna always have a conversation  about ideas with your opponents sometimes they   just play moves and you just can't explain them  so if you don't see an immediate thing for your   opponent okay the floor is yours so the floor is  yours what what would you play here with white   uh i think i'd probably castle here  outstanding move outstanding move so   here's what i'll say uh a very quick scan  and you'll see that solving puzzles is very   useful uh with with this mechanism is checks  captures and attacks i say this a lot so i'm   apologize to my chat if i sound repetitive  um but you gotta always look check check   just scan them just make sure that you're  looking at them obviously this is bad is this   bad or good it's hard to tell because the king  just moves away you know what it's tough to tell   nice having his gang out in the open so mm-hmm so  it's straight off maybe not it's it's difficult to   say and sometimes you just have to say all right  it's too hard i don't know is that a free pawn um well he's still threatening this  here good oh if i do that yeah   yeah queen b7 be careful so this kind of a thing  you used to guard a pawn so it might not be you   know might not be good to jump in there you  say well i'm then i'm going to win his rook so   that's very complicated i would recommend getting  your king safe a lot i did notice in a few games   sometimes you go hunting before your king is  castled so you check out my games yeah maybe   um but yeah once i cancel then then this is  theoretically a free pawn right yes that then then   this becomes an issue then your king is safe  this is not a problem um i like it now okay   i'm going to go here what's the idea of this  move uh this pawn's not free no more exactly   and i can't check here anymore with the with the  horse yes with the knight yes okay so wait to move   oh boy floor is mine again um okay oh now i also can't uh can't do this one anymore  either so this is this is this makes a lot of   sense uh i i think at this point i would i would  want to bring these up so that i could free up the   diagonals for my dark bishop that is outstanding  i you should coach me we should do this in reverse you don't get this far usually things go awry  much quicker so um but yeah i think i would start   with this one since it's adding a little bit of  protection to this queen just in case he wants to   i don't know go here or something i don't know  okay so i'm gonna be annoying i'm gonna make you   think that you did something wrong all right um  i lose the pawn and i can i can slide this over save him yep and i'm just gonna go back   okay and it seems like a good play from from  black you got away got away with that one for   free we're still even now i i took this i took  the pawn that was oh no i didn't because you   blocked it you took a pawn earlier so actually  yeah we're still even on material yeah   okay hmm all right so i'm right now i'm like most  worried about about getting some surprise uh fork   with the knife so i'm looking at okay what  what can this knight do here it can check but   that's a take i've seen quite a few times where  i've uh i've been attacked with a knight and then   someone has had like a rook or a queen oh on the  pawn so that i couldn't it was pinning the pawn i   i fall too i fall to that that strategy  a lot that gets me quite a few times   i i know exactly what you're talking about  actually wow that and it's good that you've   picked up on that like as a pattern that's  that's important because if you if you lose   the same way or get hit with the same tactic over  and over that that's that's an issue but if you   if you if you don't that's um that obviously  is is a sign of improvement so i'm going to   show you two things in this position  okay the first is if you're playing   against the king in the center of the board  i mean this is like a super drastic example   but if you're playing against the king in the  center you want to shred open the position so   you want to open up all the lines the way  to do that is to usually trade the pawns okay so how can you offer a pawn trade here uh  this one excellent so this move is crushing this   is this is undoubtedly the best move in the  position and frankly speaking probably wins   by force and you say how's that possible okay wow  so that's a lot i know first things first when you   when you when you think about this i want to know  your thoughts are you thinking pawn takes pawn   um i would think that that's that would what  that would be what uh well queen or or pawn   because if if not if they do nothing then next  turn that's like game over uh check with the   um check with the pawn yes and the queen at the  same time yes so so you you would be taking on e5   and you would be there there's a there's a  little trick there you don't quite win the   queen right away but but because there is  the queen and the king there's another pin   which which the bishop will replace  this guy okay so let me just say i take   so should you take with  the bishop or with the rook i'm not even including queen or the queen  okay so not agree that one okay that's that's   not that's not the answer for sure right  as i said earlier when you're attacking   the king you don't want a queen trade  right we do not want to trade the queen   queen is too op uh it's uh i'll stop but in in  in reality the queen is just way too strong i   mean it's an attacking piece right now so  bishop or rook which one do you like more   uh i like the bishop because that keeps up the  uh the check very good okay um i have this this   go back here all right remember  when i said checks captures attacks   yeah so if you just think about that concept  right now you will find the winning move for white   so it's a it's a it's a small  uh you know kind of structure   to follow just to scan for the most  aggressive moves in the position first so what does that mean look at do you have  any possible checks like checks that aren't   completely stupid um you have a lot of checks but  that they're all they're all pretty terrible yeah   i don't think so yes so correct chex captures  attacks does not mean i play the check when i   see it it just means let me scan it okay captures  do you have any captures that makes sense um this one loses uh bishop can't capture  anything just can't capture anything   uh nope none of my pawns can capture anything  uh so i don't think i can capture anything   that i'd want to you can't so that means the  tax what does the tax mean if we have checks   reserved for attacking the king and captures for  capturing whatever uh attacks is everything else   starting with the queen is there any move  in this position that attacks his queen   um so the bishop if i move the bishop at all it  attacks with my rook yes literally any square   just don't go here because then it'll take that's  the only um so where else what's the best move um maybe this one that is great because that  move also attacks what the the knight   it attacks the the queen and the knight yes yeah  very nice my entire chat has been screaming for   bishop e5 uh guys allowed please allow the protege  to have a moment and think thank you yes bishop b5   um and at the same time if you want to be  cheeky you have this one as well because   you attack the knight two different ways okay  so uh and yes those of you asking whether or   not it's possible yes that's i'm i'm impressed  that you saw this you didn't forget that the   you know the the rook is is here bishop five is  crushing so now you see chex captures attacks it   will automatically make you think of a move like  this first because when you're first starting out   you might go in this position well my rook's  not doing anything let me bring it over here   i i did consider that move yeah i yeah because  again it's the only piece that's not playing and   just having that little system just knowing that  okay let me just look at this move maybe it's good   oh wow it's actually good yeah oops it attacks  everything so um so bishop v5 actually in this   position is is crushing okay i'm gonna take  a step back you're gonna have to beat me now you are crushing here with white oh okay um  i'll do my best check yes that's a that's a   wonderful move i'm going to go king to ca so  good practice here in finishing off the game   uh i don't want you to i what i what i do for back  when i was running scholastic programs is if a   person had such a winning position i would say you  have to win in the next 10 moves or you lose it's   just over auto loss we're not gonna do that uh but  try to put maximum pressure here um two strategies   when you're completely winning number one trade  some pieces and get it into an end game does that   make sense yeah so okay you know strategy two more  fun use your peace advantage to just you know find   a way to attack my king like find a way to get  to my king destroy the position and win the game alrighty let's let's let's use your method  here checks captures attacks let me look for   for checks first i don't i don't think any of  these any of these spaces look good with the   queen this is the only one that's protected  and that's the only one that's not a check   um my knight can't approach really  um because you have the pawn this one protecting okay uh  one thing i see is this here   because i can recapture if you take with  the bishop so that's my that's my play i   like that one pick up a pawn get get  closer also you're forcing a trade   yeah you're forcing a trade that is a i was really  man my own methods are being used against me um   yes this is a a great move uh okay i'm  going to take okay and then i take there   okay so i'm going to play this  move all right now what hm   okay so checks captures attacks i see a check here  with my rook um but we we talked before about how   leaving the queen there is potentially dangerous  okay but but okay talk to me about this potential   danger so rook f8 what is he what what is black  what am i going to do black is going to play   so if i go rook f8 uh you either take or run away  can i run away oh you can't run away so because   i have this this here okay um so you you'd take  and then i would take and then it's a check again   after that i don't know now i can run away  and then what's the final move there for white is it that simple final move oh boy okay  not not checkmate not checkmate but in the   combination so the queen is here king  is gonna move up so let's not forget   the queen is now on this square the king  has moved up so what would you play there oh boy i already lost i lost my train of  thought now i know i know it's hard but   this yeah this is good it's a good  thing to practice so rook down okay so takes this this might be easier takes  takes hang up what does your queen take oh the the other rook yes   yes very nice so simplifying there just won  you the game literally five moves you took   rook here yeah you like that's it and you see  like maybe an hour ago you wouldn't consider   a move like rook f8 you would consider just  move the queen like because it's under attack   so there you go like you you you acquired that  skill maybe in another game rook f8 will be the   worst move in the world so you don't play it but  in this particular position it forces black to   not just trade pieces but just straight  up lose right it's completely lost um   okay but this is still an important  skill uh i want you to win this position   you might say well this is a waste of time  black should just resign yes but you have   to have this skill of converting the game  fully so all right win it um oh boy you   know aren't these positions the worst i mean i'm  actually a little nervous because this is still   if you go here that's if if for whatever reason  this is undefended mm-hmm so moving my rook out   of there is is scaring me so i feel like i have to  do it with with my knight and um and my queen okay well i could i could check with my night  um but it's free i feel like it doesn't   get me anywhere this is a position where  yeah just nothing there for you so um yeah the queen is kind of kind of stuck back there   all right well you have yeah so  get it get it back uh your side okay how about that yeah you have a lot of good moves  queen h8 is a perfectly reasonable movie and   you're trying to go like somewhere here right yeah  or you know take the most diagonals to go or yeah   just pick up the pawn and check again i'm gonna  go i can't do much i don't have a lot of pieces   so i want you in this game to to to mess around  with a completely winning position just so you   can kind of pick up this skill for good of just  converting easily okay well this one's at least safe now outstanding not to mention that you're  going to need this rook i mean you're up a rook   in a night so you got oh sorry rook in the night  so you got to use the rook take yeah okay um   my instinct was to take and then i would lose  but okay i mean you you you caught that like   that's good um and by the way queen h7 queen  h7 is is still not so cr so easy for black   because you have enough material so but yeah  let's not let's not no no no let's not do it   yeah okay well um so you you took the  pawn there my my horse is still safe   queen or king is safe rick is finally on the  attack so my unsafe pieces are this one um but do i go for a sec a second  queen or do i just check well i think i would try this one just because  now i have the double attack on the pawn   okay i like it uh i'm gonna go here okay i'm gonna  go take the pawn okay now you are defended so what   i i have a question for you what is the only thing  in this position that you need to be afraid of um in this position uh i don't want  to like leave my queen hanging   and even more important than the queen   well like a check here so checks you're kicking  all right both of those are defended with   here and here but something's not defended  it's not it's not over but it's tricky yeah   this one could do something yes both of these so  if i check you how can you get out of this check um i could block or run away run away  in which direction if i run away here   i just die right because you can do it nice back  rank yes or as uh it was you know determined in   pogchamps one uh the ice skater checkmate okay  yes backrank mate very nice i was i was kind   of luring you through this because it's very  counter-intuitive to walk toward the queen   but you have to actually i mean you can also very  nice you can block yeah i didn't even think about   yeah i didn't even consider this one but yeah  this this was what i was gonna play yes that's   a great move so normally it's not a great idea to  like if you're in check to pin yourself to like   yeah put in my own rock but you have to i mean  this is a different position so okay check okay oh wait okay this is this is this where i  could theoretically get uh stalemate here if uh   if you run back here oh you're saying repeat  like we would repeat moves yeah loss but   lost a winning position to a tie because of that  yes well what you would do is you would just go to   the corner because that would be okay now because  your rook is covering oh fair enough yeah yeah   okay so that's the difference but i'm actually i'm  gonna play this move okay and now now my knight's   undefended but now i just win i think because i  can do this one oh check and you uh yeah you pick   up you pick up the a4 uh sorry you pick up the  the queen on b2 very nice also you have rook b1   oh that also pins the i see okay very nice uh i i  i don't want to quite throw the game away yet so   this was the i'm gonna i'm gonna i'm gonna do what  teachers inside was a test um it was it was a bit   of a test knight a4 is a very nice find so great  great find not not panicking that this knight is   in danger okay but let me be annoying let me try  to i want you to convert this position to the best   of your ability so uh let's do this let's keep  the game going just a little bit how would you   win this sure okay so your your king is on a dark  square i can't check with my queen right now um   if i move my rook i could get checkmated um so  which because of that because i'm nervous about   like completely throwing the game my instinct is  to just start pushing my pawns up so that i'm not   not about to get not leaving this back  row just undefended or not undefended but   vulnerable to getting getting my king single  piece checkmated if that's even a term yep   yep h4 yeah we're not going to see you in the next  pog champs we're going to see you in the next like   freaking candidates tournament or something i  mean like it's uh you know to compete for the   world championship yes very nice h4 excellent  move um oh this is a good move okay yes it's a   great move now it's great in this position because  everything that you said is correct like you have   a good thought process and you come up with a  logical move and it's working um so in another   position this might not be good because you're  weakening the squares in front of your king so   this is the thing about pawn moves is that like  that square has no guard anymore right yeah so like a knight on this square would be really  good but your opponent doesn't have one of those   true so great okay uh i'm gonna oh  i hate my position i'm gonna go here yeah i wouldn't want to be in that position  either all right well so now that now that   i'm uh safe to move this rook now i would um now  probably do this one okay i'm gonna go check okay   and then i run away um now i'm gonna take um oh i see okay and now is this a good move  no because now it's defended right with the   with the queen i mean okay like i guess  you would still lose your queen and i'd   be able to run this pawn i suppose so does  that make the position a lot easier for you   uh yeah i think so so do it yeah when you have  a huge advantage like huge rook knight i mean   sometimes it's okay to just sacrifice  everything just let's go and is this   king in time to stop this pawn definitely  not have you learned about the square um say what now okay square yes so pawn  king race very easy way to remember it is   the pawn has how many squares to promotion four  four uh my board is blue on my end so let's make   it green four so you count four squares this way  four squares this way oops that is the square   and as long as the black king is not  in that little spot you win the race so   if black's next move was here then you  would yeah but no you were just winning okay   i'm not letting you promote a second queen  even though that would be the easiest way to   do this you're not allowed you have to just  beat me from this material balance go ahead   i want to see how clinical you are okay but oh one  more rule sorry i'm going to be annoying but this   is actually going to be the much easier way to  win when you have the queen you are not allowed to   check me until checkmate so the  only check you can play is checkmate oh boy but you'll you'll notice  actually that this is a lot this   will make things a lot easier a queen  controls the king's getaway squares   you don't have to check me a million times  you can just use the queen as a barrier okay um how do i not check you here is the  question barrier square could be uh this one yeah and the knight knights are  tricky with queens because they they   obviously this is the most the strongest  combination in the game so king c7 let's go um see i'm trying to escape yeah so if you're  trying to escape there i can i can uh go here   but only because i saw you doing this i know  i know but that's that's all right i mean   the thing is little arrows whether  invisible or visible in your brain   they do have to kind of take that  into account all right king here okay i can't check you my instinct is is  this one i know you're not allowed okay okay uh someone in my chat said you can promote to a  rook he never said you can't promote to a rook   i'll get all the knights  show how op horses truly are okay um okay uh i still can't checkmate you darn  it or check me yeah well actually   checking here would be bad because i would  just take your knight so yeah it's true   you you said something before but you're not  you're not quite utilizing it the king yeah a lot   easier with the king because the knight is weird  you know it like doesn't see the king laterally   yeah i figured there was some like two or three  move checkmate that i was missing but yeah i could   bring him out oh because i i have enough squares  in this position to do some stuff okay king here okay um let's see keep going okay i could have done a little bit  better than going back but it's okay um man that that no check rule  is really a pain here because   you can make your process easier but it's okay nice okay you have a you have a very useful move  in this position that will that you have made into   basically meaning you make a move i make a move  you checkmate me on the next move but this is   not a check oh oh my goodness okay checkmate yeah  very nice so you know i could i could have been a   real pain in the ass and played this and i i  told you you can't check me but i would have   probably rescinded that rule because that just  that just that just wins right because queen here   king here and then um so yeah we went through  like the three phases uh you know of of the game   starting from the opening uh we used the fried  liver got the king out and then there was a lot   of different stuff in in that game uh to  think about and the thing about chess is   that if you have a lesson i tell you seven or  eight concepts and two stick like that's normal   don't think i'm not i'm not a good player i  can't fully remember uh plus you know you'll   you'll have a you'll have a vod you'll have some  sort of video that you can always refer back to   everybody's different with the way they you know  they approach the learning process for chess but
Channel: GothamChess
Views: 1,677,576
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Gotham Chess gives lessons, Gothamchess lessons, Pogchamps, Hikaru's friend Levy, tierzoo, beginner chess, beginner chess strategy, chess openings, chess fried liver
Id: rUTYH3v3HiQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 54min 37sec (3277 seconds)
Published: Wed Jul 29 2020
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