Gotham Chess Guide Part 6: 2000+ | Defensive Masterclass

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hi everybody and welcome to Gotham guide part  number six where we will be playing folks who   have ratings of 2000 and higher actually this is  my second attempt at recording this video because   the first time I recorded it I was live-streaming  and I encountered a few very very suspiciously   strong 2000 rated players and so I decided to go  again this time hopefully not with an audience and   folks will be playing more legitimately let's  get started so as usual starting out with the   caro-kann here as usual openings are going to be  super important at this level of chess if you're   1,900 1,800 2,000 I'm gonna go for a Bishop a5  advanced caro-kann you need very good openings   here good understanding of how your openings  transition to your middle games and then good   fundamentals even beyond that middle navigation  is going to be important o'clock management's   going to be important so at the moment blacks got  a structure here which is like an advanced French   but you've traded your LightSquared bishop you've  got pressure on d4 white sometimes goes like this   I'm going to probably delay the capture I want to  see what my opponents gonna do this night first so   I'm gonna play 97 which is common if he takes I'm  gonna go night g6 place a 3 you're gonna say 3 a   common idea is to go C 4 and C 4 looks to get down  the light squares on the on the Queen side now H   will going on there h6 this move just prevents  the dark squared Bishop from getting developed   so he goes there but now the bishop immediately  becomes a target and he just blitz us out Knight   d2 fascinating so I can take and immediately go  Queen g5 but I think I'm gonna play Bishop e7 my   knight here is is a thorn in White's position so  he cannot play the very natural looking at 4-4 now   I've castled his best move here is undoubtedly  Knight g3 to ask my Knight what's what are the   intentions but he plays more aggressively so he's  playing very quickly like I said clock management   is super important that was always my idea he  might have some attacking ideas here let's go   Bishop h4 tickling the rook and now he's got an  unpleasant choice does he go here and double his G   pawns or does he move his rook away it's a kind  of a ugly square now I think Queen g5 doesn't   quite work because of rook f4 what a weird move  this looks like a fork but rook have for just   somehow defends everything incredible well how  about a five hmm a 5 you might have night at 4   how about Bishop g5 targeting the light uh the  the dark scored pawn on III yeah this guy is   is quick I need to be fast as well so let's go  f6 chopping away at the center here very common   idea rook f6 I'm looking at this this is this  a big weakness of rook takes and maybe Queen   c7 or Queen which one do I want to play let's  go Queen e7 with the intention to play rook to   f8 so this is three two blitz but my opponent  has barely spent any time any time and against   someone who plays fast you know you do need to  play also pretty quickly otherwise you will get   low on time but he hasn't made any tremendous  progress if he takes I shouldn't take with the   Queen because queen e6 this is still a problem I  predict he plays Knight f4 there it is and swell   am i can I go Queen f6 I mean I might  just have to throw in this movin navigate an endgame which probably does not leave me many winning chances  so let's go Queen f6 see if he see if he goes   for this he does and well how do you win an  endgame where things look seemingly unwinnable   first of all let's play on the side of the board  world were stronger so moves like B 5 and a 5 looking for b4 but not necessarily playing  it right away although if I do get before   I am happy I need to also bring my King into  the game and I'm seeing if he's gonna play b3   himself he does that shuttle a before now try  not play before now play ff5 not good because   he goes g5 so leave everything there let's go b4  take stakes and the other idea could be to just   leave this here so I might not commit anything  here is he looking for this move he might be   also b3 is is interesting and tempting to make  this pawn very weak ah big decision here big   big big decision am I in time to get my Knight to  a4 probably not I know that this could be coming   let's think about it so this is coming as  well right so we move our king here here   takes takes he'll go 95 I can throw  in the capture throw in the capture it is so difficult to decide what to do here let's  go King g7 I'm not convinced about the move but I   have to do something and I don't even know if he's  gonna play g5 he could be he could go f5 for all   I know although I what what what is he what is he  trying to accomplish here this is a big question   what what does he want let's go b3 I'm making  this decision with the fact that the b2 pond   could just be a weak link so sometimes you you  route the night to get here but at the same time   at the same time this is sometimes also possible  so he's playing like this maybe I take take take   take everybody but I don't wanna I don't want to  allow the night to get here so maybe Knight to e7 with the idea to recapture on f6 holding the king there in the center of the  board this is good and I guess he wants this   and we check here we can King f3 take way takes  takes III Opeth NES night oh I can't sacrifice   because he has 93 I really like to sacrifice  but I cannot do it but can i play 97 97 94 I   moved my king okay let's go 97 yes let's go after  this pawn he's gonna go Knight g4 maybe I have to   have King at 5 king of 4 in that position Knight  g4 King f5 he takes with Czech and then I take   his pawn yes I think I can do that I think I can  win both pawns if he plays Knight g4 I think this   is my this is my chance only 20 seconds on the  clock versus a minute 50 this guy's playing so   so fast oh man but he got me and now I can't get  this pawn unbelievable unbelievabl place King f3   in between move defending not blundering this  guy's just focused now I need to get my knight   over there I think it's my only chance of winning  the good thing for me is that everything is super   well protected super super well protected I should  not repeat moves right so let's play King e7 pawn   n game should be winning for me so a knight trade  should mean depends it depends on where the Kings   are I need to get my night to a four so the only  way to do that is be 67 so if 67 be six or cat6   like this that'll work backwards so here here  okay I guess he's looking for a five if he if   he goes for a five I think I'm I think I'm happy  94 and the idea is if takes Knight c3 but that   might not even be winning no but I think it is I  think that position is actually winning Knight c3   yes that's the idea and now be to take some b2 and  the pawns promoting so this is the idea of locking   in this pawn over there I'm so scared here do I  do I let's go here here oh my gosh so C 395 king if he takes he takes on e6 if tonight B  295 okay he's done that and I think I think   taking first taking first should win and then  when he does this I have night here which I might   have not even had to play when he takes c3 and the  pawns are promoting the two pawns versus a knight   should win the knight is not flexible enough to  stop both of them wow that was a stressful first   game I think now the easiest is just to bring the  King around although he might go all-in with the   King here let's go out for he's gonna go here he 7  still a very stressful game though 93 we bring the   knight back Bush King e6 and now he cannot push  the pawn because I'm forking him so those are you   watching that are mm you understand the struggle  of playing folks at this level folks are good and   they are resilient and they give pawns away in the  end game when they're lost I guess I don't know   all this complements all these compliments  from my opponent then he plays like this Wow   I mean that was a struggle you see what I mean  like the opening we made it out we made it out   with a good position in the opening but there's  so many different things to learn like against   this structure c4 might he might be a good  move you know maintaining the pressure on the   bishop this opening of the position and just  understanding that you can't always play for   a win sometimes you just take the game as it  comes to you and here I the best that I could   do was accomplish this position even though I  am and I am in I am this guy played great and   I had to wait until the final phase of the  game the night and pawn endgame to create a   winning position which might have not even been  winning here he could have played it there a   bit differently with his pawns but I decided  that locking in a structure like this another   little lesson here these pawns are weak links  not just attacking b2 but the sacrifice on c3   and if he takes the b-pawn might go so there's  all these different motifs and we just analyze   for 10 minutes we analyze one game so those are  you watching who are not yet this level um just   as brutal at this level bales a 5055 move game  now I got to play Caspi mm I'm gonna play e4 I'm gonna play a two nights French now this is in  my e4 course we'll see what it does d4 Knight f6   okay here we go 97 d4 now c5 ISM is the basically  the only movement now knight c6 as though is that   is the sign of a guy that knows what he's doing  so this guy he plays Bishop c5 it's not a bad move   but he doesn't know theory but the best theory  used to go knight c6 on night c5 but Bishop c5   is a very natural looking move if you don't know  what you're doing now Bishop f4 just defending   the central pawn we've had this throughout the  guide the two knights French and that's already   a blunder and it's a blunder because I think  after castles he can't actually take this the   other thing that I think I have here is some  Knight a four move but I'm just gonna castle   and give him B - and if he doesn't take okay he  does take b2 but but I think this is just lost   I just need to remember why so I think it's might  be five threatening nights c7 so and then after   that there is some way here to trap the Queen  and I think it's Bishop d2 and then Bishop here the idea maybe it's like a four rook  here and it's good to know how to trap   the Queen in the opening in the opening  where you're trying to trap their queen   the screen just basically gets stuck  here there there is no way to avoid it I just need to remember how he  does play King d8 but this is   already probably lost because there's  also Knight g5 rugby 1 he's gonna take   here a for the Queen is a little  bit stuck so if I played Bishop d2 maybe a3 is also interesting let's think about this for a sec   one he's just taking so a four there's also Bishop  d2 with the idea to play Bishop c3 Bishop d2 books very promising we has just got no squares so I'm looking at these   like few moves to stop me from playing  Bishop c3 taking on e5 does not help he does take on e5 but that does  not help his queen is still trapped   there we go so with black in the first game  we saw an example of both players knowing the   opening but us having to go to move 40 to create  any sort of winning chances and here with white   we just see that you know if you're playing  sidelines and you're playing aggressively with   E for courses I have an e4 course by the way  quick plug but this is you know this is one of   my recommendations against efore excuse me with  E for the two Knights French we saw a guy with   black who didn't know what he was doing and he  got a disastrous position he lost his Queen on   12th move of the game so openings are very  important at this level and even in the last   game you see that openings don't get you winning  advantages with black sometimes they just get you   positions that you have to play through  if I play Queen d3 what is he he wants   the sacrifice for the rook so his idea here  is that if I take his queen what is his idea I don't know well when a player blunders  a queen very early he's probably going to   make more mistakes than just that so now  I have Queen g5 and it's check and I'm   picking up g7 he can try to stabilize  the position as best as he can but you   know being down a queen is a lot you're  you're probably not going to save the game probably not going to save  the game not at this level   rook t1 lining up the rook with the king I  expect a six just the moves to get me out   of there but he probably should be resigning  because there are there is no way to save this and it's no disrespect I mean he's not  disrespecting me by continuing the game   and I don't think I'm disrespecting him by saying  that he should resign but if you want to create   you know winning chances or just you know trying  to hold this position with black you've got to   find a way to coordinate your pieces and protect  your king the problem is that right now he cannot   do both he just cannot do both of those I can also  just I'm up a lot but it's it never hurts to be up   more alright he is trying to get away let's take  he is he's doing a good job though oh that's not a   good move why would he do that that he was he was  actually doing a pretty good job and now he just let's uh take the rook and you know if  he takes yeah but rugby one this is not   protecting his King I thought Bishop  c6 would just be better but this is range oops by him Queen g7 bring the Queen  back I mean his his pieces just do not leave   a good impression 95 forcing a trade as  well killing off his only active piece and it's over it's kind of a shame that  you know we even have to play through all   these moves but Oh some trick that doesn't  even work if he plays this shoe before I   just take the rook you might think that he's  spinning me is most certainly not doing that yeah biggest point of analysis in this game  know your openings don't get too aggressive   in the beginning in an opening that you do not  know and queen bee two wins wow he cannot stop   queen bee 7mate that is so funny rook c7  queen bee eight mate well never be too shy   to go directly for checkmate I mean I could I was  thinking just to play h4 h5 in that position but   so yep instead of Queen b6 it's a bit better  if he does something else like castles h6 and castles when you castle here you  need to be careful about the Greek gift   rolling I mean he just he just hung a queen there  there was not much you could have done efore again   I'm gonna be playing afore exclusively showing  you actually the power of this opening at this   level I don't have a course on d4 so oh he's  disconnecting alright I'm not gonna I'm not   gonna wait much more games gonna abort in five  seconds here sometimes this does happen right   now unfortunately I probably will be getting  black in the next game so I wasted game ah on an opponent that does not exist and if I can't get a game in three two we will  get a game in three zero but we do have a game   in three two d4 Oh against this I have ecigs  b6 as a recommendation okay he's playing London   ecigs b6 against London this is usually how I  like to play it a lot of London players don't   like to play against a system like this oh just  waiting to see if he's gonna Castle now I like   to go double fianchetto with g6 now he could go  super aggressive and he does go super grass okay   so there's gonna be an interesting game against  h5 you need to kind of know what you're doing   the way I like to play against this position  is usually just take actually if he comes   to h5 take but you don't have to you do not  have to capture what you can also play is d6 and takes takes rooks and you go queenside so he's gonna try  to go Queen side okay interesting he he is just   going directly for the throat but Queen e7 just  defends everything I mean chess is not set up   in such a way like what does that even do what  is the idea of that move I don't understand so   you want Eve what does he want or so this can  be punished I think it can be punished with E   5 already so striking in the center so take  stakes as Bishop has to go like all the way   back and then probably have Knight d5 hitting  this I also just have Knight h5 immediately but   that doesn't create a threat not really ah no  it kind of does takes takes Bishop d4 I mean   I can just go 97 and castle but I want to show  how to punish mistakes in the opening what at I don't what does he did what is he doing  he's like attacking me with all these pieces but unless I'm missing something this doesn't make  sense okay now he wants this if take stakes okay   I get it but what if I go a 5 here 5 there  is maybe Bishop f7 'if I've Bishop f7 eight and then you can take on g6 but I'm taking on  f4 at the end of that variation this should win   if I didn't miscalculate this should win I mean  his coordination is all messed up everything is   hanging his King is directly opposite my queen  and just coming in here I mean it doesn't now   again you can avoid all of this instead of Knight  Age 5 you can go 97 in long castle but I think I   calculated this correctly and he just has three  pieces which have just such poor coordination   here like his knight is defended by the bishop  which is under attack two different ways so he   can't move his Bishop and he can't move his knight  anywhere because it's also defending the bishop   so it's feet Irish shoes together basically  and I don't I don't see a way to untie here   without without losing material so in  some form this will does make sense for but I think I just go here and like even  though the Queen is opening up he has nowhere   he can put it so you know even if he goes Knight  c4 I just take the bishop and now his knight is   hanging and then his bishop will hang also the  bishop g6 takes now the knight is hanging so if   he takes my knight I'm just taking on g5 also his  King is there this is kind of what happens when   you only play the game with three pieces yeah  he has this check I know I know I did see it   but maybe even King g8 by the way by the way but  King g7 does attack the bishop and then if there   I have Queen h4 so I don't really like blocking  my bishop but this move forces his bishop to   move and although I can take the knight I even  think I have this which might be even stronger   I also can maybe even take that oh my gosh the  position has so many tactical possibilities here   wait if I take on e3 excuse me what exactly am I  free dove I mean this is hanging that's hanging since this like made somehow check your check here  how do i how am I not meeting him okay check wait   I also can take this with check so he's just  losing all his pieces here that's that's really   really what's happening um quit but is it forced  mate do I have night a six and then room d8 is it   just force mate I think it's just force me I mean  his Kings stuck in the center so sometimes you can   just go even higher danger these three pieces are  doing absolutely nothing I'm threatening rook d8   which first of all wins the Queen and I'm also  threatening there must be some mate right like   there has to be it just doesn't make any sense  so now by the way you guys remember this guy he   can move and it's Discoverer check he can move  in as Discoverer check but do I even want the   King to get there is the question can I just play  Knight c5 here it's not a check but he can't check   me oh my gosh unbelievable but maybe he has King  before maybe I'm getting a little bit carried away let's play you seven check what  an unbelievable game this is and now I guess he has this check so maybe  it makes sense to throw in this check that   we are checking him he's gonna go here and now  we cannot quite get to his King somehow he found   a way to escape so when in doubt you know you  don't want to get hit with counterplay yourself   so try to consolidate your  position to move like for example we in h4 which attacks two different things and also now he's probably looking at stuff near my  king well a queen trade I'm I mean I will   take a queen trade I think I will easily win if  there's a queen trade I just moved my king out of   danger he can take the pawn but I don't know  I mean I had used that attack anything maybe   just Bishop a6 my king is pretty safe I have  a passed pawn he checks me I just play King g7   a little bit stressful you know what made this  game really difficult is that he played at light   speed this guy I mean this guy just played so  fast and when that happens look there sometimes   you end up losing positions where you were  completely winning just because I mean you just   can't keep up with the speed like he should  be losing but somehow he isn't what is this   check here and I'm safe and if he takes I just  take his [ __ ] and that's a rook okay so finally   his poor play caught up to him he lost all of his  pieces he is not going to flag me and he is down   quite a bit of material I can't lie that is a lot  of material he is losing by and I'm making another   Queen so it's gonna be nine more points and he  resigns so what was the lesson here I mean he   played extremely fast but with increments it's  not so great and for a guy that was playing so   well the first 10 moves I mean everything that  he did was logical this early age for attack in   the London is you know is fine right here he just  went a little bit too crazy and we just defended   and when you sometimes have this opportunity to  strike back in the center notice your opponent's   poor coordination but you can also play ninety  seven and long castle that also is completely   fine what he should have done here is he should  have played Queen e2 long castled and brought   something to the h-file that's how he should have  proceeded in this position and he was unable to   find the critical approach and every position  has a critical approach I was able to find the   critical approach this position puts White's  position very much to the test maybe here I   got a bit carried away so here maybe instead of  taking just take the simple approach like this   and one more thing I should say about navigating  the opening when he took a when he when he took on   g6 had he gone here I would have just moved back  and you know this pawn made it all the way here   but he's not really doing anything right I mean  my next move few moves are probably just this   this and castle the side of the board has been  shut down he's not really gonna be invading East   six is not very weak queenie 797 may be pushy five  butts now you know how to play e6b six against uh   against london against a very aggressive opponent  let's see what kind of style we're gonna get now   so I'm gonna go Eve for playing me for every  game I know some of you folks of d4 might be   unhappy okay let's go for a B three Sicilian this  is in the course where's he gonna move his pawn Oh pawns we play Bishop c4 two dark square pawns Bishop  c4 now against Knight f6 I think f4 is a move in this position I think  the immediate f4 is a move you can also just play   very calmly I am just gonna play compositional  chess with Knight c3 a6 is always met with a4   just basically glue in the LightSquared bishop  we play 92 and we are pushing for f4 in the   future the f4 push will open up the F file for  our rook once we castle and we will be able to   essentially attack the black king that is how  this position is played also queenie one queen g3   in each one always getting the king  out of any sort of Armand is diagonal   it plays a six as usual the standard response  to a six is a four he will not be succeeding   excuse me in getting b5 on the board it is almost  impossible to do that and even if he does do it   he's gonna waste a ton of time some people donate  a five some people really want the bishop so they   play a 95 but you know even that trade is not so  bad for us because we replace all the pawns in   the center with LightSquared pawns and he loses a  pretty good night so he gets our Bishop but with   eight pawns versus eight pawns he's not going to  feel the power of having two bishops and another   question that comes up here is oftentimes do we  push her do we take and both have merit if we push   Wheelock out his LightSquared Bishop but we don't  really get an open file for the rook if we take complete opposite his LightSquared bishop does  have a diagonal to move on and we don't this   looks like he's going to try to shut me out with  with with this move so against this I can play the   prophylactic King ish one but I think I'm just  gonna commit to a five so I am gonna take the   route this game where we keep the center closed  and I'm doing that because I'm anticipating that   he will play like Knight d4 and maybe b5 he's  gonna go directly after my light squared Bishop   and since I'm gonna lose my light squared Bishop  I want to keep the center closed I did predict   his plan I can take but then I kind of give  him what he wants he wants to capture one way   to prevent this is to go f5 and the idea there  is that if he plays b5 I just take on Poisson   so my bishop lives the problem is that I think he  can go back and take my pawn and I I'm not super   thrilled about that I can still go my typical  King ish won but but b5 is menacing plans so   how do we put everything together here are we  going to do this and we have to do it in a in a   timely manner and and you know not not blunder  anything so in h-1b 594 with 96 ideas maybe takes cooking each one let's go king h1 b5 takes takes I can throw in Knight d4  because I have knight c6 l recapture and   I will maybe take on b5 Oh this was  my plan takes takes now if I take   him to be fine with the night he does  have 94 he does have Knight takes e4 but I think it's okay but again just is all about  decision-making I could be completely incorrect that's where you just don't know and if  this I think I'm just coming in with 96   so he Oh what okay so he must  have just blundered it happens yeah oh I have to be careful I  can't take this because of my bishop as Queen somehow but I do not see that so now I  guess how do we do this he's gonna take me what's   the best thing I can do for my structure maybe  d3 and if takes takes okay but positions good   for me but it's very difficult to win this  actually it's really not so not so simple I know that some stuff is gonna be coming on the  queenside desperate players will always look for   counter play so I'm gonna play Queen c2 and  now I'm gonna anticipate that counter play   is coming the easiest thing to do is probably  to trade there it is there there is the the   aforementioned counter play let's route this guy  to g5 and trade off the bishop for the night so   that he no longer has any central pressure  d4 I'm not worried about d4 is keeping the   position closed then I can forever maneuver my  pieces and now if he takes that is annoying and   he does take because not an idiot so it takes  tanks I guess I could have also played Knight   takes and now my idea is just this move now  there mmm he stops it he stops my idea okay should be three then we put some pressure  here he luckily he does not have Queenie eight   this movie on Knight is not a simple position he is  not making this win easy I really wish   you would about rookie one and dropped  the bishop back so I'm over protecting   this so I can move my knight that's the plan  again time is important thirty second time   advantage don't let that disappear I don't  think this works c4 I think maybe Knight b5   okay that is a logical move Bishop f2 so now I  still have this remember I would I would love that   trade I would love it I feel like that would that  would allow me to put the knight in the center on   d5 there might be some tactics with the bishop or  there actually are some tactics with that bishop   this but I can just take on e720 seconds so he's  running out of time at this point he will look for   desperate tactics I highly doubt that a player was  15 seconds on the clock at this point we'll just   solidly sit there and wait for me to do something  he's looking he's looking I expect him to lash out   soon maybe not g4 there is Knight g4 but this  allows Knight d5 so he has surrendered control   of this square he probably will take or move his  bishop here he does take but that was not I wanted   that trade right I wanted that trade now rooks  he wants to get c5 and it's probably just lost   I'm going to allow him to blunder so I'm gonna let  him fall into this trap and let me play rugby 1 I   think he sees that and he backs away and now just  b4 b5 b6 I closed the position offer his bishops   and oh he also hung that but I was very locked  in there but yeah I just take the rook and there   you go so time and pressure so he was in time  pressure but we we kept the play you know we   kept the position under you know we can't we kept  the pressure on him from this initial blunder now   he could have played better here he could have  played like for this position and this might be   perfectly fine for black this might have not even  been a good plan at all because if Bishop e7 and   pressure on this diagonal but I was thinking maybe  to destroy the center here with something like   c3 d5 is very strong indeed e5 would have been  problematic but I could have played the opening   better myself for example here maybe I could have  I could have taken and started mobilizing here a   little bit faster so rugby a what what should I  have played oh no it likes this Knight d4 Oh King   each one was a mistake so it likes d3 protecting  efore and then it likes this yeah so instead of   allowing him to take hear the engine likes this  position defending e4 instead of King h1 so I   should have defended my central pawn with d3 but I  was a little suspicious about leaving the King on   this diagonal but chess has played that way for a  reason and and I think honestly as I was doing the   commentary it was self explanatory right the 2100  let's go ecigs v6 last time I played caro-kann and we need to so here I like d5 this is chapter one  of the e-cigs basics course I hear c5 and 97 seven   oftentimes we look for the LightSquared bishop  trade or something like queen c8 bush may six also h6 always useful to take away g5 um he's  playing strange it's linked very quickly again   we have a guy in the opening who's he's about  three minutes like the guy is playing really   quickly but is he playing well maybe not that's  kind of walking directly into that plan also   knight c6 so this is kind of the idea bring the  seven Knight to c6 this night stays guarding this what if I take and offer this trade of Queens  this is completely fine this is positional   chess you're expanding on the Queen side you  don't need to worry about Knight b5 I mean   if he plays it right now threatening this  even this really stupid-looking move is is   okay but but Knight d5 can just be met with  Queen b7 and then I kick the night out okay   so I'm getting to d6 is not like the biggest  headache maybe I shouldn't have allowed it   but actually 95 is c4 possible that was a  kind of a cool tactical trick our queen d1 I can just play Knight d7 actually or do I just  play c4 I mean let me play c4 take space on the   queenside we see the idea here with the bishop  of Kay but should be 7b 5 lot of logical looking   moves let's maybe be five runs into some  a4 stuff but 97 see what he wants to do H   for showing that he's very aggressive b5 now we  are ready to continue Wow this this gentleman is   completely disregarding my intentions which is  kind of disrespectful considering I'm very much   closer to him attacking him than he is attacking  me let's not forget I have not casuls oh my god   what he is just he's just letting me in I can also  play Bishop b4 by the way let's let's let's stick   with a knight okay this is what is he does he  want now it is a bit dangerous to castle here   because he does have the H pawn the sacrifice  on h6 does does loom but not if you play like   that man not if you play like that okay I don't  even have to take necessarily I can just play   something like you know Queen b6 and if he takes  I'm taking oh that that's that's a clever move I   guess that's that's a clever move maybe castles  now or rook b8 Ruby it is pretty logical a5 is   pretty logical lets castle it's been it's been  a while haven't cancelled yet takes and now what   why does he again it's okay it takes like this  rugby a so it's gonna be a gonna be a battle   on the Queen side I mean he's not gonna make me  he is not mating me and I don't think rugby one   is a smart move I'll just tell you right now I  don't think that's a smart move either Queen I   five with this idea so he's gonna rook b1 now does  just just loses a pawn so I have my queen on the   optimal square for maximum pressure and he's  giving me the a4 pawn but do I have to take it well why not I mean I had this dramatic pause  just because I didn't know you know maybe giving   him control the files not good but he gave me  the pawn I gotta I don't know um pawns a pawn   right can I try this rook I'd be six we nice six  here Knight a8 rook 87 I'm how he's surviving   somehow he's surviving now what is  the next step so if I play rugby eight   he goes like Queen somewhere over there this is a little bit tricky a little bit can't lie I need to find a way to perfectly coordinate the  pieces so let's start with this now he's gonna   go here or or he'll do that death that is also  an option just go all-in on the kingside which   honestly doesn't look that stupid I thought it  was stupid I'm not gonna lie I thought it was   a pretty stupid plan but okay I need I need to  trade I need to trade the rook I think that's   what I have to do he's gonna go here ah but that  I feel like he can't decide what to do way for   I mean g5 I'm threatening a 300 a 3 is a deadly  move a 3 and he's losing because his Queen needs   to guard the rook he's not fast enough with the  Kings I play now I could have taken and played   a3 as well but is why he he forgot that a3 was  possible he scanned it briefly he was like he   can't go there but he forgot that I actually can  that is a smart move that is a smart move but I'm   just going to take and then I'm just gonna play  here and he needs to scatter back try to defend why get in I think I get in just very simply like this  this is the easiest way into the position a   to and capturing and I probably will not  even take that with the rook if I don't   have to and I play rook c3 here three and back  maybe yeah I think that's it I don't even have   to take this because this guy's hanging very  important if he had moved the night I couldn't   I couldn't take because I would lose 82 I  mean I could have taken I could have taken that's tricky if here than 95 it's no Knight g5 in this position I'm just  gonna go back and if takes King age seven and   he's stuck he's completely stuck I have to pass  pawns on the Queen side and even though even   though he can get a little bit here he really  can he can get a bit of counter play by taking   this pawn I think I am too fast C 3 C 2 C 1 I  promote the keeper has to go Knight f4 C to 92 something mm somehow it's like not as easy as  I thought it would be b1r okay to see 292 rugby   one takes rook there and goodness these guys are  like somehow like ingenious guards of the position let's go here let's not flag flag in with me  we'll go check make a queen but I still have   to win I mean this is somehow not simple but a  key one should do it unless he plays rookie to   as rookie - I have to I'm  back like this or take h5 it h5 okay let's come back put this guy  here take this pawn rook e5 is annoying   somehow there are just not a rookie 5 is not  annoying because I take he can't take as a check check and now it should be easier rook I set one trap rookie five I'm gonna go g6  pretending like I blundered this there is this   move judging by his speed he saw it ah man still  a fight a fight a fight a fight not easy I mean   rook and Knight versus rook is a draw we need  to keep that in mind so maybe I play Knight g7 I'm gonna give him the e pawn for the D pawn and  then that should be a winning endgame that'd be   actually more straightforward than this one  yeah so takes of course wait man the trait of   the rooks is so tempting but I'm gonna go  here and the night of five let's not flag okay but this is lost this is  you cannot this is impossible yes King e7 he can't push the pawns yeah   okay well that was that was silly I mean  hehe ended up giving in to the pressure wow what a fight first things first as always the  opening a success I think I think we got a very   promising position in this ecigs b6 system we  created queenside pressure but he played well I   mean he fought he blundered but this is actually  one of these moments where taking the rook might   not even be the best move I've talked about  this before throughout this series you have   these rooks on the same file staring at each  other might not even be smart to take you know   you might have something for example like rugby  3 where you you bring the rook forward and then   if he takes you know then you get rugby 8 with  the past pawn maybe you play night night here   and Knight c4 with a really strong outpost  I wonder what the computer says about rugby   let's see let's see what the computer  it thinks that you should take and then here at things that you should lock in  the rook with Knight here and of g4 but there's   no way to trap I think it's it's all night a4 so  here I had you know you guys heard me I calculated   98 but the rook is just safe you can't trap  the rook but what the computer suggests is   just going night a for g5 and Queen b6 and now  the rook is really stuck because rookie 7 Queen   B 1 in G 2 Queen I mean this is why again  analyzing even at the 2000 level with the   engine the engine spurts out this variation and  says minus 2 it's minus 2 because pressure here   pressure here and Queen g4 check is threatened  winning the night but you can't see all of that   seconds on the clock so you know we played us  practically as we could we honestly did just   absorbing the pressure maybe there was a way to  play this better this a3 deflection is critical   though the queenside breakthrough all right  one or two more games one or two more games Russian player another e six b6 coming with black  seeing how to navigate these positions last time   we had Bishop d3 Queen e2 okay so far so good the  same what is he gonna play place f4 okay so f4 is   an interesting system but it's way too committal  to the light squares excuse me through the dark   squares so he's gonna put a bunch of dark squared  pawns we actually already know what our strategy   here is the same maybe we throw in h6 but h6 could  be slow with f5 coming so let's play Bishop a6 a   lot of people think here that that this is just  winning for white it's a blunder by black but Oh uh-oh whoops I did not play Queen CA I'm meant to play queen c8 before I played   oh I meant to have the Queen here my  mouth move faster than my brain okay well we got it we're gonna I don't  know we're just gonna have to   go through this I guess I mean what can you do all righty ah down a piece let's go knight c6 man I I really like  this position when I have three pieces ah there should be seven okay is there any  threats now we need to be very vigilant we've   already blundered once we don't want a blunder  a second time so night b8 is some tricky idea   to maybe make him move his queen so if castles  castles I really don't like where this queen is   positioned and I feel like if he if he just plays  a couple lazy moves we can actually already punish   him let's see let's see if it if it's about  this Queen a night in the could this night   is planned by white is uh-uh-uh-uh-uh I'm already  threatening this this a6 winning back to peace by   the way I couldn't do it before all right he he  he he leaves yeah leaving might be the smartest   leading might be the smartest thing for him  and I couldn't play it here because night b8   wean a 4 a 6 yes check that's the problem  mmm see for now he's going to come back so what do we do do we take in the center let's play CFR let's try  to keep the position closed might as well right might as well give it a shot  first of all queen a4 I can win back a pond I can   play ninety five should we do it let's do it I  mean winning back it's a pond 95 he can't take   my night because the Queen's hanging but he's  gonna take my queen he's gonna be very happy to   trade the Queens when you're winning you should  be you know you should be trading I'm gonna play   Knight f6 looking for the e4 square place that  five very aggressive I'm going to play Knight   e4 so takes takes now he's gonna try to trade the  rooks because again he wants to now who wants to   trade all the material that he can backs up to  see to a logical move b5 there might be a four 96 is also possible let's just see what he wants let's see what he  wants does he want maybe a Bishop d6 let's put   some pressure I also should I should speed up  it should read it really helps that in a losing   position when you play fast your opponent  ends up obviously getting into time trouble   plays Bishop III no immediate threat that I see  I'm just gonna play a quick move a six-mile gonna   think know he can take take and go for rook  trades and stuff and there it is oh I know   the idea here for sure I did not know the idea  there for sure I did not think that that was the   idea well I'm losing right so I should keep her  books on the board I should not be trading no   trade he's probably gonna try to double or make a  trade like this it takes rook is gonna night take   unexpected be 5a 5b for need to do  something I have to do something a   for I have some tricks what is this he  wants night here a 596 and should I let   him get there I don't know I might not really  have a choice so let's go here 96 Roque 695 and before I have to play where I'm stronger right  and and and I am stronger on the queenside I'm   really doing my best my knight is very well placed  a problem for me is this pawn and if I lose this   point I might lose this pawn and if I lose this  point I might lose this one so just going for this   might not quite work and he he's a three which  gives me some weird hope you know like that beats   who pawned in the endgame could be a liability my  queen side pawns could be could be strong but now   actually trading the rooks could help and some  counter counterproductive way you know like c3   again we're getting low on time I would love of my  King to teleport to d6 but somehow walking through   this Ring of Fire with the rook here would be  very difficult c3 and b2 c3 b2 III see three here   B - here here here here here here here 92 that's  winning but if I play c3b - Ruby one rookie three one like mmm okay let's do it I mean I I don't  see anything else I don't see anything else I   also have this immediate move wait a second I can  play this immediately and if rook F - I have b2   attacking the rook so the Queen side breakthrough  is actually working incredible against two nights   Wow the power of these pawns in this ecigs  basic system still losing down a piece is uh   is really quite something I mean we are just  threatening to go b2 and the dual threat so   he stops me and gives me this do I take it  or do I just play rugby and try to play b2 oh man big decision I can take and  also go here but then I don't know   it feels like I'm forfeiting my  winning chances if I do that rook but there's there was also he could just plain I'd  be to that actually is a problem keep it simple I   already blundered one piece in this game by mixing  up the move order in the opening now I'm gonna   play rook a8 Wow but we have come all the way back  way back this pawn will hopefully serve us very   well in the end game I think a rook trade now will  help a lot as if just how strong this pawn is but   if he puts two nights like this I'm gonna have  to use my King I'm gonna have to bring in a ray 30 seconds per player right he's deep in thought he  is now less time than we have Rassman of his stressful he's given me the pawn 95  I have a nice little trick   I still have oh wait I can't go here we check him and then Roque - so now there is this  trick of course taking is lost takes   and I'm not even gonna go Roque - because I  know his next move I'm going okay one and bring   the rook around to try to win the other pawn if I  lose this pawn it's fine I just can't lose any of   these pawns or allow a passer maybe King f7 cuz  I sense Knight c5 is coming oh wait no no it's   not so bad let's play rook h1 I'm tricking him I'm  tricking him into winning this pawn for this pawn Hey I don't want to let him make a pass pawn I  just said that now I will take on h2 there we go   my losing chances are significantly decreasing  now I just want to put my king on f6 I do need   to be careful Knights are very annoying very  tricky pieces Brooksie to attacking the knight   his Knights need to stay glued to that Square  over there what if I just like use this pawn as   a decoy I'm not even gonna push it I'm just  gonna walk my King to the other side of the   board like that and now when his King gets  far away that's when I will come back with   this one maybe g5 was better to prevent being  f4 was now his King can come back but I have   King de 5 king D 4 so I'm using my H pawn  as a decoy I even play like I have an idea I have an idea I'm gonna cut his King off those  King can't come back to the game it's now stuck   on the H file we have King c3 the sacrifice  is coming here on b2 to get his king of yep   and it's game over and the b3 pawned the hero the  advance Queen side pawn gets us a nice victory Wow   so after doing something so stupid in the opening  I mean you you need to you need to play queen c8   in Bishop a6 that's that's like the whole idea and  I just I didn't like Magee blitz talking too fast   like wow I mean just a lesson and how to fight  back keep the pieces on the board fine chances   were there there one back a pawn keep the pieces  on the board keep the pieces on the board and look   for counter play here I couldn't I had no choice  if I move my bishop somewhere he's gonna play   Bishop here with just a monster bishop so but  I kept the pieces on the board created counter   play didn't trade too quickly and then found the  chance when it was there so we end the 2000 plus   section with a pretty nice and pretty funny win  don't blunder a piece in the opening like an idiot   but at the same time there are opportunities to  fight back opening blunders though they're there   you know they're there and opportunities can be  taken now I just want to quickly say before I   end this if you're enjoying the content you've  enjoyed this series however many parts you've   watched just know that this is part 6 we started  at a thousand favorite if you haven't already   liked the video if you liked it just write a quick  comment in the comments if there's something you   didn't like write a comment and write a comment  in the comment section the biggest thing for these   for these videos is if you could share them share  them with a friend who plays chess retweet them on   Twitter put them on social media if you have them  I would really really appreciate it obviously all   this content is free but you know getting the  views and getting the clicks and building the   YouTube channel is ultimately the goal so thanks  so much for watching if you did make it this far   and let's all hope to see you in part 7 or the  other parts if you're going to watch those next
Channel: GothamChess
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Id: wWkL_40ZPa4
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Length: 57min 9sec (3429 seconds)
Published: Mon May 18 2020
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