When Texting, Wait For Her Response

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[Music] hi I'm coach Corey Wayne and this is my video coaching newsletter and topic of this newsletter is going to be when texting a woman you have to be patient and wait for her to get back to you because if you become impatient and you send four or five texts over the course of several days you're going to completely come off as being totally needy and totally insecure and she's going to reject you because you're basically acting like a stalker at that point and I've got an email here from a guy who looks like he did everything [ __ ] right met this girl had an amazing connection with her took her back to his place and [ __ ] the hell out of her and then he started blowing up her phone and just totally caused a train wreck so he said hey coach Corey I have a scenario that a friend suggested that I run by you as it's quite a story I met a woman who is Asian she's actually Korean and she's about to turn 40 and I met her on match.com a few weeks ago she's very attractive woman who works as a nurse three days a week and she travels in the weekend back to her hometown because she has roommates in both states we met on a Sunday night in Starbucks on our first meeting we had a great conversation for several hours and I suggested we go back to my place if she felt comfortable since it was getting late and there was nowhere else to go that's awesome so obviously you had a really good connection talking to this gal and you were having a good time the chemistry was there and she felt really comfortable so great job for doing that and I was obvious there was a strong mutual attraction there between the two of you he says she agreed and we had another hour of great conversation which led to heavy kissing good way to having a good job again he says we had no alcohol and she was a very passionate woman she's 40 years old and she's Pro I wanted to get [ __ ] that's probably you're just horny and was hoping some guy knew what he was doing and you came along and knew how to do it he says but she said she was surprised at herself for being so open this fast well if you've been following my Terra material for a while you shouldn't be surprised at all because it pretty much if a girl likes you that's how it always goes we ended up having fantastic sex for almost 24 hours straight before she had to go back to her home state it was certainly the best date and best sex I've ever had and I'm 53 but I don't look it I text her a few days later and she texted right back that she was on her period and had to work a long shift I waited til the weekend and here's where you started to go sideways I would you know when she said hey I'm on my period I having a long shift to just say hey when you gonna be back in town I'd love to get together I'd love to see you again I'd love to take you to dinner when are you free question mark could send it and let her tell you when she's free and then make definite plans so that was a mistake right there in your part he says I waited till after the weekend to call her which is about four days and I left her a message she didn't call back so I sent her a text was still no response the next day I sent her one text and again no response I then emailed her through the dating site simply asking her just to tell me what happened whatever it was so already you're assuming that you're getting rejected men who are successful with women don't expect that they're getting rejected even though if it happens it it happens sometimes sometimes you don't have chemistry or you like a girl more than she likes you it's just the way it is it's a numbers game and it's like so I'd move on no big deal but when you start texting you're constantly you communicate neediness you communicate insecurity and you also communicate that you're not very successful with women and you also start you're acting like a stalker what act and that scares his [ __ ] out of women because that's how if a lot of guys act on match.com he says and I got no response then I left one last phone message a few days later saying I would not contact her anymore but she should at least let me know what happened no response at all Cory what the hell happened you happened your neediness happened when you reach out to a woman leave a text or leave him at the center of text or a reliever a phone message and you got to wait for her to get back to you she'll get back to you when she gets back to you and if she doesn't she doesn't but at the end of the day where you started to go wrong was when she says hey I'm on my period I got to work a long shift just say awesome when are you gonna be back in my neck of the woods so we can get together again question mark and send that let her tell you then make definite plans the definite day in a definite time to get together he says I just found out today she's no longer on the site yeah cuz usually what especially if she's attractive women get [ __ ] bombarded and went on this with this Russian girl God when was it probably three or four years ago girls [ __ ] gorgeous and I never when I'm on when I do online dating I never reached out to him I put on there when I'm looking for and if a chick's got the confidence and she thinks she fulfills what it is that I want she'll reach out to me and I made a date with this girl and because she reached out to me first and you know I always just say hey when are you free to meet up for a drink and I said that she said well can we talk in the phone first I was like sure I sent her my number and then I want to get day or two later she called me and we talked for probably like 10 minutes and after we talked for about 10 minutes I think was a trip somewhere I was driving on the road I remember that and so I made a definite date with a different day and time to meet up for a date and so I things like dunno two or three days later we went on a date and I remember we were talking and she she took her profile off match.com and she said within two I think was like within 24 hours she had over 180 emails and so you just imagine how many dudes are out there and she said some of these guys when she didn't respond right away we're sending three four or five emails you're so stuck up how come you don't respond you think you're all that you think you're so hot you're so much better than me and I'm not good enough for you man I mean just totally communicating neediness and weakness it's like she's got 180 emails I mean because she was that [ __ ] hot and she was that beautiful and she's home and she's like she said I took my profile she said I was so overwhelmed with it with with with emails that I just I took my profile off and so that's probably happened what happened with this particular girl but you acted just like all the other stalkers on match.com acted he said did she have a boyfriend all along and just tried to get back to him it's possible was she ashamed about having sex so quickly I don't think it was that big a deal but the problem is you just acted weak and needy and insecure because you wouldn't wait for her to get back to you and it could be that there is a boyfriend came back into the picture I mean who knows or maybe there was another guy that she was dating that she didn't think I was going to go anywhere and all of a sudden it got serious some women are like that and if you'd had just been patient and waited for her to get back to you I mean you'll never know so chalk it up to experience and from now on don't act like a [ __ ] stalker when you send a text or you leave a message or you send an email you've got to wait for her to get back to you and if she doesn't get back to you move on to the next girl so if you have a question you want to ask me or there's a topic you want me to cover in a future video newsletter go to my website click the contact me tab send me one to two paragraphs max and give me sir ladies get back to the response if you want to talk to me right away the quickest way to get my help is to book a paid phone coaching session you can do that by going to my website click the products tab which can be at the top of your screen if you want to download the digital version of my Amazon Kindle eBook on my website underneath the email signup box is a link to the Amazon Kindle download page once you get to the download page and the right-hand side is a button that once you click it it'll open up a window so you can download a free email app for your smartphone your tablet device or your computer only takes a matter of seconds to download and install the app and only a few more seconds after that to complete the purchase my book and we were reading at no time and I will talk to you soon you
Channel: Coach Corey Wayne
Views: 202,183
Rating: 4.8921571 out of 5
Keywords: When, Texting, Wait, For, Her, Response
Id: 4Y-AVTsW9Qo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 6sec (486 seconds)
Published: Wed Sep 05 2012
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