What Her Texts Really Mean

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hi I'm coach Corey Wayne and this is my video coaching newsletter and the topic of this newsletter is going to be what her texts really mean I get an email here from the internet from a guy who has been applying my techniques and he's having good results with his girlfriend but she says a few things throughout the process that kind of leave him scratching his head he's not really sure what she means and so he says hey Corey awesome videos dude hey thanks I'm currently seeing a woman we have and we have been on two dates and now everything is going good I don't I guess it's not his girlfriend somebody's been out a couple times with he says I don't text her back right away because I think this particular guy wrote me before what was going on is he had he'd have a date set up and it's obvious this girl really liked him and that's what's so great about all these different videos I do is you see guys that are having problems with their wives guys are having problems with their girlfriends guys that came and get a woman to talk to them guys that are dating and sleeping with women so you get exposure to everything that all kinds of different situations therefore when you listen to these and I gave you the correct advice the correct answer is it reinforces what you learn in the book and so in the future when you find yourself in a similar situation I mean it just clicks and you know right away what to do and how to respond they says I don't and so what was going on as as girls texting him constantly and he's already get a date set up because he followed what I taught and he stopped a definite date but this girl like really really likes him and it sounds like your interest level may be in the 70 to 80 percent range right from the get-go and so she's already chasing him blowing up his phone and it's obvious she doesn't want to wait till the next date to see him and so he says I don't text her back right away as you said and because what's going on is he be to work and she texts him in the middle of day what he was doing before was he would stop what he's doing and start texting her and what I told him to do was to wait until after work was done center quick text say hey got your messages I've been jammed up all day and work I'm definitely looking forward to seeing you Saturday night about to run out to to see some friends I'll see you saturday and then you just end it that way because what it does when you're not talking to her and she knows you have plans with her and she tries to get you to communicate with her before your date it causes her to want you more because you're being mysterious what is he doing where's he at he's so busy I bet he meets all kinds of girls and women think like this and so you think I'll have to get them all to myself and they have to put themselves around you more often so they can be your best option and hopefully you'll choose them it's the best way to be as opposed to chasing after a chick who's really not into you I mean why would you want to [ __ ] with women like that when you got women like this blowing your [ __ ] phone office I mean it's like hello McFly this is great you know good for you he says so I responded to her text a couple hours later just saying I'm at work or I'm just out with friends he said it seems to work with out with her because when we meet there's so much to say exactly because when you set the date up she has to wait to see you to find out what you've been up to but if you're talking to her throughout the week before your date and then you show up it's kind of anti-climactic because you already know what's been going on in each other's lives and a lot of guys make the mistake of just talking and talking and talking and talking on the phone and through facebook chat or instant message and then they end up saying something that makes them look weak or they just because women are always testing they can't help it and so when they sense weakness or or you give a response and the response was kind of weak and they test you more and it's an area that you're really kind of gray on and then you just end up getting yourself into trouble and then instead of going out in the date three or four days later since you've been talking to her every day the day the date comes and then she cancels because you've turned her off because you said something wrong so it's I always like to say is less is more this way it's a lot easier to sell her and I mean if you're in sales I mean you you sell a client face-to-face not over the phone or over the Internet or over email and so any good sales person when he's got prospects he's going to want to get them into his office and give them a sales pitch and sell in person it's the same thing with going out on a date with a woman you can't get her like you more unless you're with her face-to-face or especially what the best part is because women are more attracted to men whose feelings are unclear and this is what's so beautiful about this is that you're busy then she's got to wonder where she stands about you and or with you and so throughout the whole week or the days leading up to your date she's thinking about you and you're focused on your life and your purpose in your career and getting [ __ ] handled as a man and the meanwhile it's like you got this cake baking in the oven which is her interest level and so you have this long hard week and you show up with your date and you're looking forward to seeing her and she's her interest level is a lot higher than it was in beginning of the week because she's been thinking about you and wondering and now I just finally got you all to herself it's a much better date you have a lot more fun and you get laid a lot more often those kinds of dates he says he says what do I do when she texts me stuff like this I'm off and she'll say I'm off to netball training etc don't miss me too much with a little smiley face or she says I bet you wouldn't mind being here right now what sort of responses should I have for stuff like this and well obviously you haven't I don't think you've slept with her yet because you haven't mentioned it but just you know what she says don't miss me too much it's like you wait several hours and it's like you got to have fun with her and you just say something simple back like wow we're really going to have a great time this date because it's obvious you're going to probably attack me shoot as soon as I show up to pick you up as soon as I show up at the restaurant and just have fun with it like that it's like less is more it's like you like you say like a little simple thing like that and it's like you're not really responding to to it but you're like being mysterious or you say something like you're awesome I hope you're not gonna become a stalker lol and you say throws throw something like you know a bad adder he says because it sounds like she's trying to see if I'm needy or weak or saying something like that he's like she says I can't wait to see you I miss you so much cetera he says I've said nothing nor and I normally respond with something like okay I'll see you later she's just testing me and or am I just reading too much into this and I would say the reason she's blowing up your phone is because she really likes you she started out with a really high level of interest and you're responding like most men do not respond because when a guy meets a girl and she acts his way with them he responds and reciprocate and he starts chasing her more and after a few days it is she's kind of lukewarm she gets bored and she stops texting and when I when that happens usually the guy starts pursuing even more then she starts to think on this guy's needy and secure and you basically start acting like she was acting and when she does it you want or more but when you do it it actually turns her off and so I'd say you're doing a good job with your responses and just keep it up because when you go out and your dates this is what makes it so easy to get laid in the first or second date because she already liked you to start out with and you're acting exactly the opposite of the way most men she encounters meets and so that causes her to want you more he said also she wants to go to the movies this Saturday to me this seems pointless because I want to talk to her and get to know her and make her laugh not watch some shitty movie do you think I should take charge and say we're going to go somewhere else it's not going to be a control freak or a dick about it just say something like hey I really I'd really rather spend time talking to you not sitting at them you know watching a movie because we can't get to know each other if we're sitting watching a movie if I want to sit by myself I mean I'll watch a movie at home by myself just say something simple like that it's like I want to go I have something fun where we can interact and chat it's like you know I love movies but we just met and we can't really get to know each other for sitting or watching a movie and you just say something like that it's a bit cool so just go you're bowling or go play pool with or throw darts or go to an arcade or someplace we can do the skee-ball right here that's the little ball you roll up the ramp and has all these rings and these are great fun games that you can interact with the adults and you can compete against each other and you can tease each other and it gets her since you're both standing and interacting this helps you be able to watch her as far as her contacting when she touches you as she bumps into you and so when she does something like that you just say oh I didn't just need to kiss me passionately right now because it's obvious that you've been torturing yourself by staying away from me all this time this week and she'll giggle and shall laugh and you grab her kiss her and make out he says he says I was going to arrange a date in the first place but after I bumped into her at work she instantly said you want to go to the movie Saturday am I in the friend zone here I would say absolutely not it just she just asked you out on a date why because she likes you because she doesn't want to wait the three or four days that you got set up for your date and so see this is like we're your mind in your limiting beliefs like oh I don't deserve she like this and this is what I see all the time of guys that I'm coaching or guys that are starting to use my stuff and it starts to work and it's confusing to them because they're like this is really [ __ ] easy I'm like I'm not doing anything and it's and she's wants me more that's a beautiful thing about what I teach is that when you apply this stuff women will chase you and they'll pursue you and they'll make it really easy that's all she's doing and so she says hey why don't we get together for them go to the movies on Saturday you say I don't want to go to movies I want to go someplace where we can talk and have some drinks has the fun it's like how about Sam's place over on one two three Oak Street how about we meet there at five o'clock you know even though maybe you got a date set up where or maybe you can if you don't have a date set up and she asked something like this because you were waiting to call her on Monday or Tuesday if she says how about Saturday you know when can we get together and this is a girl that's reaching out to you and she's trying to make it easy she's putting herself in your orbit and she's just basically saying please do something with me please let me spend time around you and she throws it out there like that but like said movies suck that you know are they're terrible for her first date we're going to a loud concert or a bar or nightclub where it's loud you got to scream at each other [ __ ] that [ __ ] go someplace cool where you could talk and you can have a few drinks and just enjoy a nice atmosphere and get to know each other and then you can just say hey why don't we get out of here we'll go back to my place and one of those champagne party because you have a nice little refrigerator about yay high that stocked with four glasses champagne flutes because maybe you got several women that you have coming or I mean you get you got to get prepared so you have a couple bottles of champagne in there you have maybe a pint of orange juice so mmm OSA is a drink that women love so that is 3/4 champagne and 1/4 part mimosa you have strawberries in there maybe a little body chocolate that you can lick off each other and I'll leave that to your imagination whipped cream have fun things like candy chocolate women love chocolate especially like dark chocolate have stuff like that in there so you why you guys are screwing around in bed together you can be feeding her pieces of chocolate or you can be painting chocolate on her body or painting it on or letting our painting on your body and lick it off and you can use your imagination but when a girl's asking you to do things then you invite her to meet you out someplace makes it really easy to get laid and have fun so if you got a question you want to ask me you can go to my website understanding relationships calm click the contact me link and send me one to two paragraphs detailing your questions your situation your challenges and you just got to give me several days to get back to you with a response if you want to download my my e-book my Kindle version of my ebook go to my website on the right hand side right underneath the email signup box you can either read it for free on my website or you can download the Kindle version to your smartphone you can have it with you anyplace you go that only takes 60 seconds if you want to book a paid phone coaching session with me that the easiest and quickest way to get my help is a book a pay phone coaching session you can do that by clicking the products tab which is at the top of your screen on any page of my website and just follow the instructions and I will talk to you soon you
Channel: Coach Corey Wayne
Views: 304,856
Rating: 4.8789644 out of 5
Keywords: What, Her, Texts, Really, Mean
Id: zMun-9bHilI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 7sec (787 seconds)
Published: Mon Jun 25 2012
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