When She Starts Texting You Again

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hi I'm coach Corey Wayne and this is my video coaching newsletter and the topic of this newsletter is going to be when she starts texting you again I've got an email here from a viewer he says hi Corey I was dumped by my ex a few months ago and I did everything a guy should do by begging and pleading for her to come back and she pretty much told me to [ __ ] off and that she will never want or need me in her life and that she had a boyfriend he said I was completely heartbroken so after three weeks of no contact I texted her my address and asked her to mail me my stuff and she said okay so then she starts to text me random ass [ __ ] so then we start texting back and forth and a week later she asked me to meet up for a late-night coffee so I accepted her invitation and we met up and everything was great she was staring at me she was tickling touching my hair and just being very flirtatious anyways I asked her to go to the LA Phil concert with me and she said yes if I were you I'd have made a move on her right on the spot and just taking her back to your place or had her follow you back to your place she's totally ripe and your job as a man is to create a fun-filled romantic opportunity for sex to happen I say it over and over way you're taking the girl to dinner or your meeting around for drinks are you having a picnic out by the lake are you going bowling the idea is to do something in the evening it's fun maybe you can interact with one one another don't go to a movie don't go to lunch during the day the idea is that you have fun maybe you have a couple drinks or a glass of wine or whatever you just have a good time doing something together that's fun so she can feel frisky and once she starts touching you and getting really close to you you just move in for the kiss and make your move as you start making it making out with her and fooling around with her and touching her you say hey why don't we grab all wine and go back to my place all you got to say but you're like setting you're like kind of on a date and you're setting up a date and a few you're with her and that's just a bad way to go because it's like you go right from hanging out for a hook-up potentially over a cup of coffee hey hey let's go to a concert it's like jumping right back in a relationship kind of stuff but it's a little too much too soon cuz she dumped you and said she had another dude and that's the kind of thing you Ward your reward your girlfriend with but she's not your girlfriend this point he says so I asked her a week later come over to my place for a movie and dinner and she asked on what terms and I just said to come on over and she said let's just be friends and then I said let's just forget about it as he says so she texted me and she was sorry and to have a good night next day she texted hey I did and I didn't respond all day so just now she texted so are you still upset if you can help me out of this situation I would greatly appreciate it well I say this all the time it's like when women reach out to you it's your job to create an opportunity for SEC staff and so she reached out and then you go and you meet up for a cup of coffee she's all flirty and he did nothing physical you like playing a date a week in the future and it's almost like in essence you expect to jump right back into relationship mode it's like you can't do that just keep it simple focus on on hooking up when she reaches out to you you say hey munch munch grab all wine come on my place we'll make dinner together that's all you got to do keep it really simple but I mean this girl was served up on a silver platter you ready to hook back up and it's like she showed up and then it's like you started doing throwing the jig the Irish jig I don't you ever there was a movie his like in the 90s I think it was Bruce Willis and I think Damon Wayans called The Last Boy Scout and he was saying Bruce Willis kept saying hey if we get out us alive or if we succeed I'll dance dance the jig and so at the end of the movie after he kills the bad guy he's all bloody he's all beat up and they're like this football game and a stadium and then so the camera zooms up and so he's kind of behind all the lights and he's up there and he's like he's like dancing the jig up on top of this this light pole and so it is it's pretty funny a really cool scene because he's you know up there barefoot bloody and dripping blood and always you know those football games going on below them and he's you know he's dancing around and it's kind of like what you're doing the girl puts herself in her orbit and she's playing with her hair she's touching your arm she's being really flirty hoping you'll seduce her basically and it's like you get up you start dancing the jig around hey let's go to a concert that's meet up later on and he's like yo you start acting like a friend and then you read it's like a week later it's like you're texting her so now you start pursuing hey watch come over for movie dinner like what I say to do is you walk away from a girl when she puts you in friendzone and say give me coffee change your mind and so when she calls you just gotta assume that she's changed her mind and so you act accordingly schedule a date to get together for a drink or a cup of coffee or whatever and the reason that she started doing this because you're like hey I want my stuff back I'm out of here and so she realized wow if I don't do something I'm gonna lose this guy forever and then so she starts interacting with you feel like I got to chase this guy and get a back or I'm gonna lose them and then you go right back to pursuing mode and now you're you're calling her and now you're texting her it's it's almost as if it's like it's not an incubation period when you walk away and then it's like thing the roast is done and you take it out the oven you're right back where you were it's like you still in essence are starting over and when you first start dating her what do you do you hang out you go to dinner maybe or you meet up for drinks so you go bowling or you do you meet at a sports bar or you take your sports bar and you throw some darts or play some pool whatever it happens to be you get a little frisky with one another and then either going to come back to our place at your place one thing leads to another and then a couple days later you get together and you go out again the same thing leads to sex at the end of night just hooking up and having a really great time together then eventually you just do that over and over after a couple of months she basically tells you that she wants you all to herself because you've done anything properly but you're doing things out of sequence here and so you should just assume just act like James Bond acts all as well you just assume when she reaches out to you is because she wants your body and she won - to arrange a time for the two of you to get together because she wants your body that's all you do set a definite date have her just like you did here meet up someplace for a drink when she gets all frisky take her back to your place or just say hey watch grab on why come on my place someone make dinner together she says I want terms let's just see let's not complicate things let's just have a good time together and I won't complain when you have your hands all over me later on tonight or I won't complain when you're naked in my bed later you just you just joke about it that way and she says well I'm not coming great gonna be calling you change your mind I'd love to see you I want you that's all you gotta say and one of two things will happen it's like every time she contacts you you're trying to arrange a date and she either agrees to do it or she bails on you and the girl was totally she was ready to do it and you fumbled the football brother so just clean up your act and do better next time so if you have a question you want to ask me go to my website click the contact me tab which will be the left hand side of your screen and send me one to two paragraphs max and just give me surveys to get back to you with response if you want to talk to me right away the quickest way to get my help is to book a paid phone coaching session you can do that by going on my website click the products tab which will be the top of your screen and just follow the instructions if you want to get a digital version of my Kindle eBook on my website underneath the email signup box is a box that has a link that will take you right to the Amazon Kindle download page once you get there if you don't have a Kindle device already you can download one of their free reader apps for your smart phone tablet device or your computer and if you appreciate the value of the information I offer in these video newsletters the articles on my website and my ebook you can show your appreciation right now by going on my website and on the web via toolbar click the PayPal donate button and donate any amount that you feel 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Channel: Coach Corey Wayne
Views: 511,927
Rating: 4.8062034 out of 5
Keywords: When, She, Starts, Texting, You, Again
Id: 7hwawFYKQCE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 39sec (519 seconds)
Published: Fri Nov 16 2012
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