When I Evolved A Creature So Bad It Broke The Game in Spore

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I guess so maybe just give it some arms in hopes that these make it a little bit faster somehow this is without a doubt the perfect creature it makes it look kind of hairy when it's got all the wiggler's all over it this poor creature is so much better off just never existing but since this is in my hands now it's gonna be a carnivore and we're gonna try to make evolution itself cry today we're gonna name our planet doom because that's the most probable outcome now which is that we've seen a million times before get as many things as possible to get their parts and experience and grow our creature into something disturbing I love it it's got so many eyes it can definitely see what's coming for it you know I'm all for covering my creatures with all sorts of parts but I wouldn't go for eyes where's the fun in that I'm not even really getting experience for eating these I'm just really enjoying it cuz they're so scared that's so happy my creature looks when he's chasing it he said oh yeah I can't wait to put that in my mouth and with one more bite of the eyeball creature we get a little bit bigger so we can find some new things to eat which include some that bite back so we're gonna kill one of them hopefully taking some other parts cuz I like to have options and ramming speed okay well maybe not do that one again you turn around if it's peak to beak nothing happens but if you get to the other side of it yeah that's the side we like we're in the business end of things now nothing nothing happened we weren't getting greedy and what one do these guys I want some of these little feeler things I don't know what they do but I want to cover my creature in them when you see the new part appears swim over and collected well there's a free one I'm not really sure what parts we even can collect but we're gonna work hard to find them all definitely getting bigger now I'm bigger than mostly everything at this size but I think I'm about to grow up one more time and there we go now we're playing with some bigger critters we've still only found one of the six parts we need that one's got a lot of eyes but it's way faster than I am oh never mind we hit a fast spot no new parts so I need the parts I can keep this up all day if you can my friend yeah that's what I thought those eyes are so focused on the target always I love it it's so creepy oh okay I got the big one but that one bit me still no parts so every one of these pink pieces I eat seems to give me one evolution point whatever they're called one though the most basic of creatures but I'm still making a mess of everyone else gonna kill this big guy no I'm too small for this one still I found another part though what is it speed oh we're gonna have a quick creature yeah for a quick we can take over the entire ocean you know what we're gonna get started on that right now oh don't touch that calling a mate because I think we need to make a new generation to be able to evolve this thing to of six parts the rest and naturally I installed a mod to make all the parts cheaper so they're only five evolution points for anything I want though the squiggly thing on the back actually makes me quicker but not as quick as my new water jet so we'll get five points for getting rid of that do we need eyes we need two eyes we probably don't need eyes oh why don't we got here oh we can adjust the size of it we're gonna make it sausage-shaped yeah I think we're just gonna make it as big as possible because the more like outer perimeter we have the more room we have to put parts on it we definitely want to go fast we'll give us some jets out the back but if you also want to put a beak on the back now he thinks in stop touching me from behind melts work best on the front of the creation don't tell me how evolution works you know why because I don't even know what gender front is anymore without eyes it's hard to tell either and could be the business end then maybe some more squigglies for speed oh yeah there's can overlap and everything maybe we should just make it super fast for now and kind of see how that works going for that over the beak yeah that makes sense to me why not and naturally we need more beaks that way nothing can touch us anywhere and you know what let's just go for a little more speed if we can looking at the fastest creature on the ocean let's add more of those and we're out of money for now but you know what I'm pretty happy with what we got so far we don't even need eyes the name of my creature is going to be a Frannie and the description of it is going to be horrible it's just a horrible creation starting to see the benefit of eyes but if I play zoomed in I don't even notice we don't have eyes anyway yeah this is gonna work great I heard an even have to try at this point anything we touch dies look how big we are it already can't get any better than this this is already like the perfect creature look at it nothing can get away from it it's the ultimate predator can't touch me from the front can't touch me from the back super fast and no idea where I'm going I'm just plowing on straight normally you need eyes to find food but when you have mouths all over your body you're just gonna eat stuff anyway oh why does that one get to be so big I'll give me the parts that I get it omnivore proboscis proboscis whatever it is oh look at a spiky one Oh I'm determined eat that one now if mmm might have a flaw in our design what is this oh it's a part spit poison that sounds like fun - I didn't realize there's so many fun parts to this now this guy you can only touch from the back and that's kind of difficult when I'm surrounded with mouths it's very hard to be delicate believe it or not this creature is no surgeon under the speedy creature it's also covered in jets but I'm covered in Morrie so I got to eat it and I think I got the final part electrocute interesting alright well we'll call a mate whoops and we'll see what we can turn this monstrosity into now what can we possibly do to make this thing better very starters let's give it an I just so we can actually see what we're doing then maybe I'm learning the fast turns might be a little bit helpful so we'll put those at the front we'll also give it like the worst colour scheme ever which is pretty much about that then since I'm not really using this middle area very much I'll see if I can narrow that in a bit just so I haven't you know less surface area for things to touch yeah there we go now we're getting somewhere and maybe just a few defensive spikes to stop things from getting me from this side cuz I think that's my only weak point and after this I am one invincible creature nothing can stop me now all right time to test drive this monstrosity you know what I don't love the color I wanted something maybe a little brighter that way other things know when I'm coming to get them oh is that more of me why they're more of me this teacher would never thrive in the wild but we're getting bigger we can eat that thing one bite I'll remember these easy used to be so much bigger than me oh look at that one Hey get around the back side and we're gonna get that one there's no way it's faster than I am oh no get away from that one I'm getting so many points to spend by the end of this I'm just gonna cover this thing in parts ow it really is nice to get the test drive this thing hey it's one of me I know your weaknesses because then we'd learn what does work and what doesn't work and I can make adjustments as I go oh look how fast that one is I want to be that quick I might have to change yourself a little bit I think if I run me you can run little creature but I'm Way faster than you are at least I thought I was look at that thing go it is actually just about a running me okay turns out little creatures can fit between my spikes and they can be a little bit quicker than me still so my next upgrade is gonna involve some more speed alright mate has been cold let's give ourselves we get enough for three more parts perfect now decided that I need a pretty major overhaul these bikes are really doing it for me what we need are even more jets for speed and if we're gonna be that quick we don't need the mouth on the freer side then we're just gonna put spikes either side - annoying things more than anything and I'm kind of thinking is more jets for more speed doesn't matter which direction they face probably does I don't really know what describe as many as we can right onto the back we're gonna be the fastest creature there ever was and I'm pretty sure these are also speed but not as much so since we get the cheaper price for everything let's just go full-on with those all right I don't really want anything else I just want to be able to ran things at super high speed so we'll go more jets more jets and then still more money for so you know what or jets there we go the perfect creature at least it is know that we've turned it red red means business when you're underwater you see a red fish you know what's coming for you and I've just known for the first time found a complexity meter if this meter is full you can't add any more parts and it's maybe two-thirds full I want more parts so we'll take a little Ferrari here and see if we can gather more points four more parts feel like you could be faster still like I want this thing to be so fast that no one knows what it's running into I just can't get over how gorgeous this magnificent creature is okay what's my brains getting smaller this creature doesn't need much of a brain it is Jets in one direction you're on the path to sentience when you ready to stretch your legs in a big wide-open click the advanced button yeah that's not gonna happen seems that I can't get any more evolution points at this point anyway so I might have to is even eating one of those things yeah I'm still only have five points what about you blue thing do you give me points you're certainly not gonna get away something that slow there is a really big creature over here haven't seen one of these yeah can I you what's the point of adding all these parts if I can't even eat one of these come on we could do this that's got to give me points to go big it is wait did I die where am i oh I'm inside of it that's weird I'm so quick I get right inside these creatures is it dead hello and I eat it I'm not really sure how I managed to I haven't seen one of these yet either but my beak and horn thing combination on the front is actually really good because if things run into me straight our mouths hit so we don't take damage but and it gets spiked by me somehow come here I just want to have a little taste get over here why don't you put some in the eyes any creature I'm curious now more eyes make it better and it's dead well since I've only got five points left to spend and it makes me curious have more eyes do have an effect I think I can maybe zoom help more which is interesting maybe we can see if there's anything out there worth getting all right we need to mate I need to change my creature we need more eyes all right let's just remove pretty much everything I mean they put surround view cameras on cars now there's got to be a reason for that same thing applies to the evolution of creatures I'm sure I just really love the way it looks when it blinks yeah we're gonna put those right up front by the beak that way they can get chewed right off right away this is why I've never been put in charge of anything all right there we go not sure I can see any further but I do have one ridiculous creature this thing would exist just to be food for other creatures it would have no absolutely no practical use whatsoever it's very slow very defenseless but it can see very well so it would be able to see the things coming to eat it which would be numerous all right well I guess that leaves us with only one choice evolve legs and go to land what did I have to touch advanced a creature yep let's do it this timeline shows a history of the actions you have taken during your life as a cell yeah we went from whatever that was to the green thing to the great thing to that thing to that thing to eyeballs number we ended up like the biggest carnivore ever on a creature that's just made of eyes and I loved it I mean great I'm not sure there's anything I'm allowed to do here so moving on the game crashed there were so many eyes on it stupid creature that I think it crashed the game probably should have saved a beautiful creature before moving on but now I've got to rebuild my poor creature piece by piece and I worked so hard on that guy's this look about right looks right to me just realized how absolutely horrible it's gonna be trying to level this thing up now because even the food seems faster than me and all I have our eyeballs I could probably see that food very well but I just can't quite get to it you know what and this kind of gives me an idea I can buy all the parts for five points I can sell all the parts for five points so if I cover it in what I assume are more some of the more expensive parts something like that wood chips in every direction which makes for an amazingly quick and terrifying creature but then I uninstalled the mod that makes other parts cheap is it possible to sell those parts for more than the five I paid for them sell for 25 it is we're gonna make a ton of points right here bought them all for five selling for 25 there now we're enough to at this creature hopefully it lets me play is this thing nope it needs a mouse at the very least well there you go you can have a mouse we're gonna put it there just make you extra terrible the sad thing is this probably isn't even the worst thing I've ever created in the game now I just got a very painfully slowly swim my way to the nearest mate and then we can evolve again and like I don't even know if I can do this quick enough to make it or the hours later I found the one I needed to find I'm definitely always leaving some kind of speed boost on this creature and now we discover with some of the expensive parts again and I'm gonna use it to grind up a little bit so we're gonna need to peak in some spikes learning to run out of room a little bit forward actually place these things but our complexity thing is still moving up a little bit I can't believe how many of these letting me put on this creature if these actually work this creature is gonna move at light speed and that's it we're at capacity I'm actually gonna remove these spikes but on more jets just to make sure like it is as fast as possible it's all Jets with the exception of the mouth plus we needed a new paint job now let's see how quick it is the Jets make a difference I don't know if they do at that point but I've definitely got as many as I possibly can no eyes though so that's kind of detrimental but I'm enjoying my horrible little creation very much so it's definitely very quick to accelerate it can outrun anything when something turns to get it if I move away I can get away no problem the problem is I just move way too fast and if I move too fast without eyes I run into things that kill me so we need a tweak starting with the eyes those are important turns out you can surround the entire thing in Peaks which is awfully fun and I'm not even halfway done in a competitive skill so let's give this thing a speed boost and we'll be unbeatable and we'll give it a turning radius because it's pretty hard to not be able to turn this while we're at it we might as well give it some horns because we still got room free stuff oh those replace the mouth so I don't want to do that never mind I guess so maybe just give it some arms in the hopes that these make it a little bit faster somehow this is without a doubt the perfect creature it makes it look kind of hairy when it's got all the wiggler's all over it one thing's for sure it will rule the sea all right let's pretend attest hi guys I'm covered in beak so I'm gonna eat everything from every direction all at once doesn't matter if I hit you going forwards backwards side to side inside out hmm I covered the thing in 4,000 beaks and it still gets defeated but it's an interesting design overall I don't know how things are finding a way through my beaks but they sure are like you think that this creature wouldn't be able to hurt me because there's nothing but beaks everywhere but it can get me from there maybe I missed some beaks on the back it's kinda hard to see everything now because my creatures so covered in parts at least I'm nice and fast so I can get away from most other creatures so for this one it really seems to want me learning know that spikes are probably the way to go melts are fun for eating spikes are way better for defense and hurting things but I'm gonna commit to my delusion this is the best creature there ever was in the ocean oh he's having so much fun I kinda lost track of things I guess I'm getting legs now provided the game can handle it it didn't like my eyeball creation I doubt it's gonna like this one yep so as soon as I try and evolve it the game crashes it's just got too many parts for it to handle which is a shame because I really want to see this beauty with some legs though it's not too much to ask could we just make it work this time it's not looking good all right I've uninstalled the mod to see if that makes a difference and it does interesting to many parts a co expensive the parts get though that means we've got to sell some stuff before we get here why can't I control how big the eyes are yeah that is exactly what I wanted when I think of a creature anyways if legs cuts up to 50 points each we're gonna need a lot of points we have 155 points currently after selling everything 605 friends oh you can have a maximum of 999 evolution' points and I didn't know this whole time I could have been adjusting the size of everything but missed out on half the fun so you want some legs I'll give you some legs I don't know how many there are they all face together but that's as many as we could possibly fit we stopped 950 evolution points left over this is why you don't tell me you need something if you do you're gonna get a thousand of them and that's on an early day I mean I just figured it told me that we needed likes to move on to land I figured the more the better and I wasn't wrong this is one beautiful creation it's kind of like an octopus they grow too many legs and then made it onto land and it makes me wish we could have put more on there but that's maybe a project for next time
Channel: DangerouslyFunny
Views: 2,020,314
Rating: 4.8913045 out of 5
Keywords: df, dangerously, funny, spore, pc, dangerouslyfunny, spore mod, spore gameplay, When I Evolved A Creature So Bad It Broke The Game, spore maxiumum points, spore max parts
Id: LK7Pz6TJ1fs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 23sec (863 seconds)
Published: Sun Feb 09 2020
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