Beating Spore Without Evolving (Commentary)

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hey everyone i'm king of valence thanks for watching this speedrun challenge this is spore completed from cell sage to the center of the galaxy without evolving our creature this means we will not be making any cell stage edits no creature stage edits we won't be using the tribal outfitter we won't even be using the civilian outfitter so this cell right here that's all we get throughout the entire run we're not going to be changing or modifying this cell that as it turns into a creature at all throughout the entire run i want to first give a huge shout out to tory dory on youtube it's where i saw this challenge done first torr gets to the beginning of tribal stage but stopped but so i wanted to see if i could give it a give it a shot myself and see if i could complete the whole game there's also a great video by zackdog on youtube where i got some really helpful advice i recommend checking both those videos out as well i think they're really good and definitely worth watching so this final time clocks in an hour 20 minutes and 46 seconds but we'll be skipping around to show some of the key highlights of how it was done but we'll have the timer in the corner so you always know how long this video this run actually took as we're skipping around show and show the best moments i'll be using my standard spore speed running setup for this run so there are no other custom creatures at the start of this run in the sportpedia all other creations in the sport pd were the default 1631 maxis creatures i'll be showing that at the end of the stage as well but something really interesting about the sporopedia that i didn't notice until doing this run since i'm never changing this creature and i'm not making a custom creature there's no new creature file stored anywhere i'm not sure where this particular creature is being stored possibly it's part of the game because it's a maxis default creature but at the end of the game we won't be having any changes to the sporopedia so it's kind of like we're not only not evolving the creature we're also not evolving the game in a certain way sport pedia is not changing and if you just do it in one complete run through and you don't save you just quit out to the main menu it's like you didn't even play the game you're not even changing the game in any way so there's the end of cell and i'm going to show that there's only the maxis and everything in the same shows there's no custom creations throughout the entire game we still got the speed run achievement and nothing to do in the editor so we're moving on out of cell stage soul stage wasn't too bad but creature stage and tribal stage is where the real fun begins and i think it's much more interesting for this challenge so at the start of creature stage no matter what we're doing speed run easy mode hard mode casual runs you always want to ally the first two nests since these early level one creatures they will only they will always only have level one sing so even our unevolved creature can still match the simon says so the alloying the first two nests will give you enough dna to pass the first level one part of creature stage slither on over to the secondness cut forward to the end of this nest so after beating level one we're gonna go back home pick up a packmate and we're gonna find some easy to socialize creatures at these particular creatures they have level two sing now level 2 sing may seem out of our league since we only have level 1 sing but our two creatures abilities my creature and pet creature their abilities stack so together as it's as if we have level 2 sync so us 2 on 1 can actually socialize these creatures and these creatures in level two they won't team up we always do they always have just one creature by themselves so later you know they have the big group they all they'll try to socialize together but here in level two it's just by themselves here the next nest we found that these were really a weak combat creatures they only had level one so i thought yeah two on one that should be pretty easy and just like socializing these creatures also will not team up they'll always be one at a time so let's two on one to make this real easy in level two of creature stage it takes about three nests of either socializing or extincting to make it onto level three so we socialize the firstness we extinct the secondness and now searching around for a third nest we found that there's potentially easy to socialize now these creatures have that charm so i made it a little difficult but give it enough tries they'll ask for sing enough so we can actually ally the nest now that we made it to level three we're gonna have to start fighting level three creatures thankfully we get two creatures in our pack so we're just gonna start throwing our creatures at them until we win remember some of our pack members may die but that is a sacrifice we are willing to make because that keeps us alive and keeps us progressing through the stage so this is just a little bit of tricky combat to slither around to make sure you don't die thankfully this nest was really close near our home nest so i could slither on home recruit some friends and pull them away to help with us the two on one since we're in level three they're actually gonna start teaming up here i like to call the small squad the small road you gotta look out for all these opportunities i saw these guys were fighting and i wanted to get that kill myself so you gotta look out for opportunities when you're doing these crazy challenges when you only have level one bite you gotta use the environment to your advantage see other people fighting and try to get snag the win here once you get an attack on one of the creatures they'll start engaging you but since we're so slow you want to casually approach the creature and make it look like you're nice and then you attack them and then they'll start engaging you if you're targeting them and you look like you're about to attack they'll run away and there's no way you're gonna catch up moving on to level four so we're going to migrate to our first migration nest which gives us our 25 point bonus and now in level four you know fighting level three creatures that's one thing fighting against level four that's another so we're actually going to call in some recruits so unfortunately we can't get summoned flock because that's an ability for being omnivore out of cell we get the raging roar because we were carnivore out of cell they say these creatures say they have six attack but one social that's actually perfect for us because we still have level one sing they level one sing and our four total creatures you know a combined effort of four they can't exceed that so we're actually going to able going to be able to ally this nest and then we're going to recruit these creatures in our pack it exclude one of our creatures so we can join this guy to our creature and thankfully when they're adding to a pack they don't team up it's always one at a time when you're adding packmates once they are allied so i'm going to add all three of these guys to our pack and have these guys fight on our behalf because it's gonna it would take way too long to have our really weak creature actually attacking level four creatures so these are level three creatures we're going to use to fight for creatures and it's nice when there are really weak level four creatures so now we're now we're going fast that's much faster than fighting with level one i think they have level two bite pretty sure and that took that creature down nice and fast so that's basically the strategy for level four and we want to keep these pack members alive this time we can't just yeah throw them into the fight have them die they're actually going to be very important for tribal stage as we'll see in a second so the point of the end of this stage is we're just going to look around for weak level 4 creatures and have our stronger level 3 creatures fight them so these are also some pretty weak creatures so you get this get that fight in there and once they're attacked then they will start engaging you we also migrated to our second nest which is along the coastline that's also very important and the same is in my regular speed runs you always want to end creature stage on the coastline because that helps set up the beginning of tribal stage and civilization stage much better so that's the end of creature stage we have three creatures that are not our species in our pack this is gonna be very useful for travel stage so there's no point in the editor so it's gonna move on into travel stage so at the beginning of travel stage here you see that those pack members they're actually in our pen they become domesticated animals this can become our pets and they're going to lay eggs for us and that's going to make travel stage like way easier the egg production of our pack pets is actually kind of interesting there's about a two minute cool down from the beginning of the tribe travel stays before they start making eggs but with three pack pets they will start producing five food worth of eggs every 23 seconds this is interesting because if you gather three animals during tribal stage like normal they will produce you 10 food points every 46 seconds so it's the same rate but for some reason these guys give five in half the time half the amount in half the time and collecting eggs is much faster than killing other random creatures and bringing their food back i tested this in another world and i used the fastest walking creature i could make and it took them 19 seconds to go gather the eggs so if i could make eggs every 23 seconds with our super slow slithering creatures we're gonna send multiple creatures out of time to go collect all the eggs so that will make food production really quick as soon as we're done outlying the first tribe we're going to look around at the rival tribes because sometimes there's an epic nearby and we want to initiate that kind of scripted sequence as soon as possible because those other uh tri members can kill the epic and that will make it easier for us so we don't have to deal with the epic so here i'm gonna have multiple people gathering eggs at a time while recruiting instrument players they can actually produce eggs faster than we can gather them so food supply is never an issue using this strategy and we're going to move on to the next stripes thankfully with all the food we've got we can start gifting green and cyan they are the ones that are angry with us uneasy you get two angry tribes and one neutral one it takes about two or three minutes for the angry tribes to either start raiding you if i start attacking you if they are red angry or rating you for food if they're orange unhappy so it's going to take a really long time for us to slither over to green and ally them so we want to make sure that they're both neutral with us before they start attacking it'll take about six minutes for them to become ambivalent to go back down into upset it would take six minutes for them to lose one layer of happiness with you on our way to pink you're stumbling in by another epic hopefully we can slow it out of the way now the epic looks like it wants they want some tribe members for dinner and i'm just trying to get them out of the way and nope my guy got flattened still at 10 health and he's slithering away look at him go if only they could slither that fast all the time that guy would panic so he's he's running away really quickly thankfully the epic loses interest and we can move on to pink we're just going across limiting the amount of movement you have to do with your tribe members is very important especially when they're so slow so we're going across the map from green to cyan thankfully we got cyan in between our nest and pink so we got cyan quick ally and then we have lavender the last last tribe we have to deal with unfortunately they are kind of far away and i want to make sure i feed my tri members because it looks like a lot of them are starving when they gather normally when i'm doing this a typical run they eat as they're gathering but since we're you know gathering eggs they actually don't eat eggs as they're gathering so i'm gonna have them eat before we make the final trek to lavender and it looks like i missed one because this tribe member is actually starving to death it has 10 health left but hopefully he can finish the performance before he dies looks like with his final breath he's going to do with didgeridoo what a champ he's he's the show must go on this guy definitely knows how to put on a show can we make it before he dies i i think we i think we did i think we finished the stage he's part of the performance you know i think he's dead now but he made it in the the end credit scene of that performance and of course now we're moving on to sieve stage and that's kind of the challenge done everything after this is not really dependent on the creature but we're gonna add one more honor rule we're not going to create any custom vehicles or buildings or spaceship just to stick with the no evolution of the sporepedia now we're in civilization stage my favorite stage we're still trying to get to the center of the galaxy so i'll show you how to do this super quickly get to the center then we got about 10 minutes left it's about five minutes per stage it's not easy we're just going to try to capture all the spice geysers and as soon as we get all the spice gazers we should have enough money to then buy more tanks to take on these small cities there's going to be two small cities and one additional large city on this continent and then we're going to move on to the other continents and continue taking over the world and we will go on into space so here's now we're done with this continent and we're going to send our boats over to the far far continents this particular planet has a pretty nice configuration where those water nations are pretty close together so that after the first take over by the boats they can just quickly move on to the next continent that way they don't have the truck very far this is pretty standard just going to switch our fast vehicles for powerful vehicles since we can switch them without having to sell them that way we can actually travel very quickly and take over very quickly we just have to switch them out save us pretty fast and we're done with civ and we're going to build our spaceship by taking one of max's and you can see there we also didn't have any custom vehicles yet in space we just declined the mission and we're in space head on over to the our moon so we can scan the spaceship there's galactic gods they show we got one continuous game no evolving the creature no creating cuts to vehicles and we're going to scan the spaceship and then we're going to of course farm frequent fire to get to freaking fire 2. we get this city and then we get trade route and we're going to buy interstellar drive too because we got the frequent flyer too and then we're going to make our one pit stop where we pick up one rare this rare will be all the money we need to make it to the center of the galaxy by buying energy packs and refuel along the way we pick up a rare and we're going to our last pit stop where we going to buy energy packs thanks with the rare and then that should be everything we need to make it to the side of the galaxy we're almost there just the quick on drive through the crocs remember the rocks are too slow they can't catch up and they're super easy to pass like this should never be a stressful time so just make sure you keep your energy filled and just keep clicking this isn't that not too bad not a stressful time you just keep going clicking ignore the the war hit escape so you don't have to move your mouse too far and you reach to the center of the galaxy before we go into the final galactic core cut scene i'm going to show one more time in the sport pedia in the everything in maxis there's nothing was created still 1631 nothing changed in this workpedia and there we go center of the galaxy without evolving the creature without creating anything in the spur pedia without even evolving the game itself so thanks so much for watching i had such a fun time routing this this game hope you had a good time watching let me know what you thought of this type of video this is my first type of video with the cuts and edits and voice over on top let me know if you want to see more challenges like this leave your suggestions in the comments thanks so much for watching i'm king of valence and i hope to see you next level of time existence
Channel: KinglyValence
Views: 1,870,629
Rating: 4.9465542 out of 5
Id: -ktdnk6rHMc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 42sec (942 seconds)
Published: Sun Dec 06 2020
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