How to Completely Glitch Spore.

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By Spode man, what are you doing?!

👍︎︎ 5 👤︎︎ u/DracGalus 📅︎︎ Jun 30 2020 🗫︎ replies

So it's just a regular Spore playthrough.

👍︎︎ 3 👤︎︎ u/DinaTheFossilFighter 📅︎︎ Jul 01 2020 🗫︎ replies
spore is an evolution simulation game made by Maxis and published by EA in 2008 many people had very high expectations for this game as they'd be able to essentially play God by creating their own species however the game didn't quite fulfill its potential and was left with just a few glitches today I'm going to be attempting to Schefter Spore fragile resolve by pushing the game's mechanics to its limits so without further ado join me as I break Spore I've decided to use creature stage for this mission as not only is it the best for glitches but it's also actually fun the first port of call was to create a creature and I didn't plan to start slow I wanted to make a creature that would walk as weirdly as possible because I thought this would increase the chance of its legs glitching out when it hit an object I think it's safe to say I succeeded in making it look weird but trust me this creature looks like a supermodel in comparison to what it'll become my initial thought was just to run into anything I possibly could starting with these large rock formations that were all over the place I really wanted to get on top of these but I didn't have the ability to jump high enough yet so I decided to play the actual game for a short bit to get some money oh and I also spent some time phasing through bushes - after saving up enough slinks it was time to mate and evolve my creature I added feet with better jumping and a single wing which somehow it can use to fly arguably this creature walks even less well than the previous version but I eventually found a large rock and tried jumping and flying into it it turns out the rocks in this game have a really weird combination of invisible walls around them meaning when you force your character towards them it'll float weirdly before being absolutely slammed back to the ground I was convinced that if I could force myself to be thrown into the ground hard enough something bad would happen my first few attempts were unsuccessful though I then flew out into the sea and was eaten by a huge green monster as I was playing the game a bit more to save up for even better jumping I found these strange pieces of what I assume is driftwood these are kind of janky and I actually managed to surf on one for a short while but nothing more than that anyway if I was gonna make any progress it wasn't going to be with this guy so it was time to experiment with some even more extreme measures I tried removing my feet completely and placing them above my head hoping I would walk underground or something but it just turned them into arms and what's more my colony decided to migrate to a new nest at this point so it took me ages to slowly slime my way along the floor to our new breeding ground I then tried creating a creature with overlapping features and it produced some strange results such as these weird stretch textures and the fact its legs go through its head when it walks this creature did seem to get slumped more forcefully into the floor by rocks and trees so I figured I would just make the absolute worst abomination I could possibly make a No oh my this creature was such a mess that my computer could not handle it just look at the way his eyes are lodged in between about six massive legs plus this creature was the first creature I'd made with arms so I could now do things like pick up sticks however whenever I threw the stick my game would completely crash so I didn't do much of that honestly this creature is just so fundamentally broken that just trying to pick fruit off a tree turns it into a scene from The Exorcist as a result I couldn't bear to travel around much just because I didn't want to have to buy a new computer but on my short journey I did encounter a flock of cows and after running into the cows my audio just started going mental the best discovery I made though was that I had a setup of a huge boulder next to a geezer right next to my base therefore I could ride the Geezer high into the air and actually sit on top of the boulder resulting in the game trying to force me through it slamming me into the ground so hard my character actually skimmed across the floor before eventually stopping actually all this being slammed into the floors making me kind of hungry alpha for anyway after being brutally murdered by something called an epic which is essentially just a big and powerful version of a random species I was fed up with this absolute mess and decided to strip it back a bit remember this epic for later though because email may not appear again next I tried making the longest and thinnest creature I could which went about as well as you think it would also will someone please explain to me how this thing can pull off a flip but when I try with a little bit of tweaking I found I could make it so I get my head stuck in objects and due to being so low to the ground when I walked over a nest I noticed my face became completely deformed to the point where my eyes weren't even attached to my face anymore this also worked the other way around where my legs got raised into the instead I wasn't stopping there though my next creation was equally estranged with its quick being that as it Sprint's its front ends slowly takes off into the air I also tried the Geezer onto rock technique a few more times with this creature and actually managed to get fully submerged for a second but still nothing quite forceful enough to ruin the game while I was doing this a spaceship appeared over my head but when I flew up to it it turned out it was actually the ghost of a spaceship which had the magical power to make the game crash but no extraterrestrial life-form is gonna stop me I said as I added as many likes as possible to my creature this didn't really do anything for me but after messing around with its spine for a bit I discovered that my eyes had completely disappeared where could they be oh there they are floating in the middle of space I don't know what to tell you about this glitch apart from the fact it's a bit unnerving to be honest at this point I've done long and thin but I hadn't yet tried tall and thin the consequence of this was a very wobbly neck that rapidly fades in and out of existence but not much more so I took the opportunity to nearly complete the rest of the stage and earn enough money to experiment even further and because of this I removed everything to give myself a clean slate then it struck me I haven't gone full blob yet yes I'll make a creature with no arms or legs at all and then my game crashed so I tried again and my game crashed so I tried having two stubby legs but that was just strange and if I raise them in the air I was just in slug mode again nothing quite seemed to be working as I had intended it to but that wasn't necessarily a bad thing because when I next tried to get my creature to walk on these two great big sights he was born hovering in midair looking as if he was some sort of Zen being living on a different plane of reality I pushed this further to the point where the safes now detached from his arms and then even further to the point he could no longer glide normally but sawed-off hopped along and he thought the way this creature walks is strange you just wait till it tries flying after a few flaps it just completely takes off and then dips back again and then goes off to the side and the camera just cannot keep up with this thing at all Plus look how it dances to make things even worse the epic is back and he's brought along a friend okay at this point I'm not gonna lie I went on a bit of a tangent I heard a theory that if I could get these two epics to fly something would happen so with a clear vision of what I wanted to achieve I made slightly more conventional character and tried to kite one epic to another unfortunately I wasn't looking where I was going and he managed to grab me and literally send me into orbit man is so peaceful up here maybe I could just stay forever oh wow not only have I just unlocked an achievement but I'm now upside down up oh no I'm fine I think I'm okay i recollected myself and tried again to kite one epic to another and this time it was a great success look at this battle of epic proportions oh he's just one shot him No what have I done I can't believe he's actually dead mmm-hmm you my mission had now changed I was going to take revenge if it was the last thing I did so I created a more aggressive species and assembled a team of mercenaries to take him down we turned up intending to kill on sight but he absolutely wiped the floor with me and then again a second time so I gave up and realized I'd spent about an hour doing pretty much nothing and I needed to break this game once and for all this was it I made the biggest possible creature I could and headed back to the Geezer sure that eventually this rock technique would come through and I'm pleased to say that after about five or so tries I hit the ground so hard my game crashed then when I reloaded the game it looked like this words cannot even describe my feelings at this point part of me was elated that I'd finally broken Spore part of me was worried that it was going to be permanent and I would never be able to play the game again thankfully though the game crashed at about 20 seconds later my computer actually shut itself down and when I turned it back on that I managed to recover my screen recording and the game was ok again so there we have it I finally did it and now that I've broken spore a game about life simulation I intend to go even further English my real life so I'm gonna go do that now please subscribe to fix my day in computer and thank you very much for watching goodbye [Music] you [Music]
Channel: BogBoy
Views: 872,097
Rating: 4.9398055 out of 5
Keywords: how, to, break, spore, glitch, glitchy, broken, maxis, ea, games, video, gamer, synth, wave, chill, lo, fi, evolution, creature, cell, tribal, space, stage, bog, boy, bogboy, jude, wedgwood, epic, rogue, physics, origin, pc, mating, herbivore, carnivore, cow, sound, jump, fly, wings, charm, sing, charge, army, battle, essay, lesson, legs, float, ship, rocks, trees, dark, creator, mod, mods, screen, graphics
Id: BWNjaqsv0eo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 55sec (535 seconds)
Published: Sun Jan 26 2020
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