I Forced Evolution To Destroy Itself

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today we're gonna learn so much basically all the ways how not to do evolution and what i've learned since last time is that these guys need a lot of sunlight at least in the way that i build them sunlight is like coffee you need lots of it but for now we need to eat colorful clouds until we're ready to evolve so zooming way way up we just need to find ourselves an orange one otherwise known as ammonia and just like that we've eaten enough to evolve and our species population changed by plus 70 because of reproduction but every time we evolve we're also going to move an area we're basically going over to here now but eventually we're going to work away to the surface where there's more sunlight because sunlight is going to feed us thanks to thylakoids last time i didn't realize how badly they needed sunlight so i'm going to put one of those here and then maybe also give myself just a little more mass that is going to slow me down but i need a little bit of girth and why do we need girth you ask well to be honest i don't really know i just want to be big and in theory the more surface area this thing has the more spikes we can fit on it and spikes are very important to evolution found the ammonia very quick in this area definitely gonna need some glucose though because we're definitely burning glucose and not creating it at this point and that's actually a pretty big problem for me because when my glucose levels get low we actually start to die and we don't want to die that's counterproductive to evolution and thanks to these delicious clouds of stuff we're ready to evolve and move again one step closer to the surface although moving from here to here has an increase of zero percent sunlight but that's okay because we're one step closer i really would like to add a tail uh sooner than later that way we can move quicker but we don't have enough production yet to do that we need to be at the surface before we get those kind of things so for now i'm just gonna add a few more thylakoids in preparation for the surface we're not allowed to have nice things yet and in general i'm just not allowed to have nice things because i ruin everything i touch and i think without a predatory spike i can't put things like this in my mouth i don't really know how it works i just kind of absorb things until they're inside of me which is a lot of fun evolution works in mysterious ways especially when i'm at the helm we can't eat the meteorite yet but thanks to this pink cloud we're ready to evolve one more time which brings us to the pangonian mesopelagic which actually gives us a one percent increase to sunlight minus two percent temperature which i don't think should uh factor too much for us i should probably also be paying attention to what kind of compounds we're going to have in these areas because these are important so let's add a few of these up here to give us some nice gaps in the middle i'm not sure why i just kind of want a few gaps and to be fair if you wanted a creature that made sense you wouldn't be here and now we look like this and we're already dying for some reason we're out of food that's why i had such a good plan yet i'm still not surprised at all that i can't create a basic creature that can just survive that's okay because as a restart it gives me a small store of glucose that we're burning through fairly quickly but we should be able to find a white cloud out here somewhere or maybe just absolutely nothing at all there's an orange cloud i think that's full of iron and it's not very white in color so i'm pretty sure we're gonna get no glucose out of it okay we found what we're looking for there's a few white clouds here so that's gonna top us up on glucose so we can survive that should give us enough time to find the other colors we need being purple and orange that's literally the extent of my scientific knowledge we need purple and orange to evolve i'm just proud i can get the colors right but there we go as we lots of this our storage is almost full at 23 glucose uh while we're at it we're gonna need some extra purple too because that probably can't hurt if we have extra stuff that's probably gonna be to our benefit there should be some orange in here as well so that should hopefully give us what we need to get to the surface where we're really going to thrive and i think we just increased our mass thanks to mitosis because look how big we are look how much storage we have we're just an empty ball consuming clouds in the ocean at least i assume this is the ocean i don't actually know for sure science but we are ready to evolve before i do that i'm gonna eat as much glucose as i can that way we're ready to go for the next area because as i learned being prepared actually helps that's also why i fail continually at life anyways we got about 30 glucose so let's evolve and move up so if we take ourselves from here to move here we're going to have less of all of this stuff but look at all that sunlight move to this patch and then suddenly these thylakoids are gonna be basically everything we need to feed ourselves at least until we mess with things further and probably ruin that entirely but we also have a nice girthy body to work off of we'll be able to cover that whatever we want pretty soon we're probably not going to be super quick but if my theory is correct we should actually be making glucose yes we are so now we don't have to find white clouds anymore we feed ourselves off of sunlight so here's where we're going to save the game because from here it's only downhill but this creature should be happy that it had some uphill to begin with i made it thrive until now it's gonna get weird logically i think the first thing we should add is gonna be a little bit of speed that way if something comes to kill me i can get away from it because as i found out before if i can't escape things i basically just die but that also makes me think that if i can move very fast then other things can just sit there and die while i eat them basically i'm gonna make a rocket spike and i've even maxed out on glucose already just need to find the ammonia then we're gonna add some legs the loneliest little blob in the world but i finally found my ammonia and there's enough mystery goo to get my evolution going it's just a question now of whether i can afford one of those and i definitely can't we need more food production i think it's time we add some metabolisms because those are going to turn glucose into atp and i guess we're just going to go extra girthy on this one but that did put me far closer to being able to afford one of these and in fact i can now it's beautiful and we're still oh we're actually losing glucose slightly now so i might have to re-tilt that value but you see what i'm getting at this is gonna work out great but now that we've done this and i swam into that we have the enemies arriving they don't have spikes yet so i'm not that worried and i am faster than them look at these idiots they put their spikes on backwards what are they gonna do back there stupid but i definitely need more glucose production because we're at a slight deficit right now shouldn't take more than a few more additions to put it back into a surplus but unfortunately i'm gonna have to sacrifice some of it to atp at times just to add more wigglers might have to add a spike at some point just to be able to fight some of these guys off though as long as they're designed backwards i'm not too worried about it but there might be a lot of them out there as long as i keep my speed up i'll be just fine now they can chase me as long as they want they'll never catch me i just found enough ammonia to get my next level up and we have enough reserves so i think we're gonna go ahead and do that right as my friends come to probably impale themselves on the spikes not a lot of brain cells going on down here i just added another two green lumps to put my glucose production up then next we're going to be able to turn that into atp and that's going to afford us another tail or maybe a spike i don't know yet i am going to be slightly slower now due to my added mass but i'll still be faster than those morons and as long as i'm fairly careful here i should be able to find everything i need because we've got white purple and orange oh good they're about as fast as i am currently so that's not gonna get annoying at all but i just found the mother lode look at all the colors here surely some of this has got to be good for my idiot and we have enough glucose right now that i'm gonna go for a little upgrade i don't know if i'm gonna get away with using cytoplasm because this also turns my glucose into the atp and atp is what i need for more speed basically so let's try putting one of those here and one of those here then seeing if we can afford a tail and i think we probably definitely cannot because these are super expensive not even close so maybe let's try another orange squishy thing that might be enough for a tail and it's not so basically our base movement is costing 14 atp our flagellum is costing 7 atp and our osmo regulation is 15 atp so we're currently producing 36.6 and using 36.5 so we're almost balanced i need to get that way unbalanced to add more legs so let's try a chloroplast it produces glucose but at a very high rate it does have an osmo regulation cost of three which is definitely pretty big oh but i'm not allowed to get that until i get the nucleus which is an osmo regulation cost of 10 and look how big it is if i put that anywhere it's going to completely destroy me so i need to do way better before i get that so i guess we're just going to get a little bit bigger and hope that we can still outrun the things we need to outrun basically i added one green and one red that means i'm producing 46 and using 41 well forever being chased by these guys but i think they are actually slowly dying because if they're chasing me they're not eating anything they're trying to eat me but they can't get me yet i'll turn around and eat them eventually oh i got a second tail though i guess that was due to osmosis so now i'm going faster than them i think for now while i've got this second tail i'm just gonna load up all my stores on as much purple and orange as i can get my hands on and the game might have crashed mostly because of what's going on over here a bunch of my idiots swim into the other idiots and it's just not very happy with that i can only ever break things when i'm not trying to break things i think that since i'm also going through a bunch of iron i'm gonna buy a rest to scion and that's gonna turn iron into atp as well and that's gonna help me because already look at the difference it made we're now producing 51 and using 42. and you know what if i've learned anything it's that things are going to be constantly ramming me from behind so i'm going gonna put a spike facing backwards although that does make me quite a bit slower but this is a risk i'm willing to take see this would be much better something's coming at me all i gotta do is stop and i'm gonna ram it to death probably also could have placed that spike better but we'll make it work okay i just remembered how to engulf things i should have been doing this for a while but i'm stupid but at least now we can stab things and then engulf them so it's really just fair this way and that really boosts me up along look at all the stuff we're getting we've got two spikes now i'm gonna go for something a little bit risky here i'm gonna leave my spike where it is but i'm gonna add another tail adding another metabolism uh seems to have helped because now my atp production is back in the surplus even with the second tail then i'm gonna add another green guy just kind of for fun and there we go we're happy again we're actually making glucose just by being alive no we're actually losing it slightly but you get the point i'm just impressed that we somehow made it this far but i'm definitely definitely gonna need more glucose production because without that we start to die very quickly they're all dying this is perfect this is my ocean now stab stab whirlwind of death this is perfect this kind of way i envisioned happening a while ago it just took me a while to get here look at all the things i have hanging off me now thanks guys i'll remember you forever i mean do we need more spikes already i don't know what to add anymore for now i just added some more green things because i wanted some more glucose production i don't know i think we just need more spikes okay you're very helpful friend but could you not i will stab you you know that idiot stick is out of the way we're gonna absorb some more things we're already ready for the next evolution because i'm just sitting here eating everything that comes at me this time i basically added more glucose and more spikes the only things i need sugar and spikes then i need to remember to constantly zoom out because there's so many dead things around i can consume right now and these make me level up extraordinarily quickly look how big my blob is getting did you just call me no wonder the game is lagging so hard i think it was running around for so long that everything started starving to death because they were chasing me for too long there's just constant stuff to eat no that's mine i don't care if you're the same species i want to get big this is what the ultimate evolution looks like okay so now i've added some more of these guys which is going to turn my glucose into atp so we're doing good atp wise we have a huge surplus there but we're not gonna have as much glucose we're gonna need to probably manually farm that a little bit luckily for me we had a large store of that and we're gonna sit in this that way when we do upgrade again we have everything we need right in front of our face i don't know if i should be concerned or not right now it's getting hard to tell what's my friend or not i guess as long as i impale them and they die then they're probably not my friend they're my food things are definitely starting to get a little bit more dangerous but as long as things are coming at me from behind they've got three spikes currently to deal with like all i gotta do is pump the brakes and things are gonna die oh not good ability four spikes in four tails is too much for the game so let's add a few more better yet we might actually be able to afford having this big thing now no we're not quite there yet but we're getting close okay so after one more thing that turns glucose into atp i should be able to get the big evolution next time and that shouldn't be too hard considering i'm basically already ready to level up again and i've got tons of things to eat in front of me so we're gonna go ahead and do that right away while i have this awesome opportunity so if we slap one of these on uh i don't know probably over here atp production is still too low but not by very much at all so we'll probably just add a few more red things our glucose is slightly in a deficit right now but the atp is so far out now that i should be able to afford it next time i'm actually hesitant to head in this direction because there's so much going on not because i'm afraid of dying but because i'm afraid of the game crashing on me but it seems okay so far and i've got lots of stuff to eat this is why i need to be faster the fastest one always gets the food just like in real life and i'm basically just gonna gorge myself on all this stuff look at all my tails and spikes already and i haven't even eaten all this stuff yet i've still got tons of room for storage too my thing is very glutinous he's just gonna keep eating and eating and eating so now can we have our big thing yes we can we've got a little bit of points left over but no mutation points but that did also unlock some new things these can produce glucose at a huge rate these can turn glucose into atp at a huge rate and they do this all at different rates depending on the conditions around us so for the first time we have a cell that's this big and it's huge now look at all the stuff around us dying though uh i'm a little nervous our spikes get bigger with our size though too okay so next i'm gonna add a thermoplast which simply produces glucose at a large rate i'm gonna throw that probably up front and the next time we are gonna move to somewhere a little warm but not before adding another defensive spike probably out this side apparently i have thrived i've won this version to thrive which is great because definitely my goal throughout all of this was just add as many spikes as possible to these things definitely gonna need a warmer spot though to produce more glucose the level is dropping it's slow but it's dropping we need to be producing get out of my way my spikes are bigger than yours so until we get some spikes that are like on all sides of us i do need to be fairly careful of everything like my spikes are bigger but if they do still hit me with theirs i still die and dying is not conducive to thriving but i'm pretty happy with the amount of spikes and stuff i have so far so now we're going to move from here over to here where we get plus 17 degrees celsius that's gonna help us produce more and i think we've earned ourselves another spike you can barely see it over there on the edge because our creature is getting big but that's one more spike you know what let's add two just because we can now i'm feeling extra safe look at these little guys i do need some forward-facing spikes so it's a little hard to try and turn into them all the time i don't even know what killed me there maybe i should focus on some speed again because i'm not feeling particularly quick these days we are producing glucose at a pretty good rate though so i'm pretty happy about that but i definitely do also need more speed and some forward-facing spikes and i can add extra speed and one spike without having to change anything so far so that's pretty fun and so far i'm really liking what this creature looks like we're also losing glucose at this point probably because of what i just added but that's perfectly okay for now we've got lots of stories of that plus we can defeat pretty much anything that comes at us at this point and we're so massively big that we eat a lot of stuff as we swim through it and i think i see now because i'm so big in so many tails as i move my energy level drops so i need to stop and rest for that to go back up it doesn't take very long but i do need to stop once in a while i also need to be watching for when creatures like mine die because they drop all that good stuff look at all those beautiful spikes and appendages look at this species population was getting better and better better now it's definitely the dominant species so i've added another thing that converts glucose into atp and then next time i'm gonna add atp boost and then we're gonna add more spikes again this guy's weak i can tell he's weak so i'm just gonna wait for him to die then take all of his stuff oh i can actually stab him didn't know i could do that to my own uh type i move very slow to do this but i'm definitely gonna take this stuff and i gotta watch out for that other guy who's trying to stab me also uh-oh defensive maneuvers everyone spin everyone die i don't know if the other creatures are scared of me but they're keeping more distance than they used to but that's probably also because my spikes are so big so i managed to survive and i'm just trying to scoop up all the body parts i can i particularly want this egg thing because i know what that is i think it's gonna feed me the best out of anything look at all the parts around that's probably because i just filled the ocean with spikes let's just go ahead and add a little bit more stabby goodness and here's what we look like by default now before osmosis the game's still not loving this not a big surprise there there's a lot going on maybe i should try turning myself into silica i'll be slower but i can't really get much slower but i have minus 40 osmo regulation cost 80 plus health and 60 physical resistance i'll be much tougher let's just go for that and see what happens that's how evolution works right no problem throughout history could ever not be solved with spikes see like this guy over here he wants to come and fight he's dead now without cannibalizing other creatures it takes me a long time to get the points i need to evolve in case you're wondering what this thing looks like zoomed in on that's it finally can evolve again i see it says they're right at the bottom cannot engulf well i'm going back to normal then because if i cannot engulf i cannot thrive and the ocean at this point is basically made of body parts so i'm going to help myself to most of those this gentleman down below is trying to take my food he doesn't realize he's gonna ram his face into my spikes he is of course damage resistant but my spikes have all day i popped one of them now i just gotta pop this other gentleman and we're just gonna wiggle back and forth on him until whoopsie pops there we go and then i just added one more wiggler for extra speed pretty close to satisfied just need a little more speed my atp definitely drops my energy definitely drops very quickly like this but that's okay that just means i have to stop to take a break once in a while and then wait for other things to die and then consume them and just like that i'm already ready to evolve again i'm just gonna need a little bit more before i do and with one little piece i put my atp production back into the positive i just need to remember to eat lots of glucose because i currently have zero of it and i need that to survive and i died alright i think we found the tipping point but i'm pretty happy with my success today we basically made a horrible ball of spikes that doesn't do much of anything at all but it thrives
Channel: DangerouslyFunny
Views: 629,140
Rating: 4.9487267 out of 5
Id: LYaCfuZUyJw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 49sec (1069 seconds)
Published: Sat Mar 20 2021
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