When You Have Too Many DNA Points in Spore

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wow that's a big creature where did that come from epic crickets guys go get it I'm not gonna do it myself we'll get it it's fine I'll throw myself then I could take this thing that was in hitpoints there's four of us really good news everyone a parity we can still add more garbage to this thing I'm just really not sure that it has enough place no because this living dumpster fire is a carnivore we need to find something to eat like the neighbors they've only got two legs so they actually have no chance okay ready come here just want to take a little bite nobody's tried to do that you've met a new species make them friend or foe they don't have enough legs they've got to die I wanted to die just so I can stop making that sound how do I hurt things why does it sound like a rusty donkey don't worry it'll all be over soon and just like that the universe is a better place you're on your way to a bigger brain and a smarter you we're not gonna have any brains to this thing we need more legs that would see alpha so we fought back pretty hard but we got a part off of it now that we've almost killed Maggie let's go mate and make this thing better oops I think I starve to death but it's really hard because with all those legs that's a lot of metabolism so what I've learned from this experience is as long as I kill one thing before I starve to death I'm making progress I remember me I'm just here for your parts what is that gorgeous creature let's get a look at that thing that looks like what my other thing would have evolved into how'd I let it keep going seeing a lot of potential here but we're maybe gonna not touch that one too much because it's level 18 we need to find some stir my weaker things first shiny thing what do we got hello give me that give me that whatever it was it was called Chomper Soros I can't wait to throw that on this creature I'm gonna cover this thing in so many parts it's not even gonna have a body anymore I'm sorry but you're called nookie there's no way I'm gonna let something called milky be my neighbors and I got parts Burnie graspers that's a term I hear all the time what's really annoying me about my creature is it turns slightly to the right as I run forward nice of you to leave me an egg idiot and baby idiot either actually been parts lying around this entire time I haven't been picking up waste Cuccia Claire I don't know if I should put that on the front of the back of my creature all right time to make some changes we've got all sorts of new parts and 1,000 DNA points to work with first and we're gonna do get rid of his eyes because why would we have two eyes pointed in the same direction like they're both looking in the same thing obviously you want to put one on the front and on the back that way it's just more efficient and then we need to make that eye as big as possible that way nothing sneaks up on us on either side there we go and that's just gonna confuse the life out of every creature around me they're not gonna know which end to approach this thing from and we can make it bigger here we go we're just gonna round it out of it I'm sorry I am the way that I am well we're at it let's address some of these legs so it feels a little more balanced well get rid of a few extras cuz I didn't realize we had new parts to play with okay no the more I play with it the worse it gets I didn't know you could do all these things uh-huh that's a balance creature you're not gonna knock this one over um you know what maybe like that we're kind of like a spider but much much worse then we're just gonna add some extra legs over here for no let's replace those feet with better ones these are gonna give it extra damage and we found a few extra pieces that can do some attacking like uh uh I think these are moronic eyebrows anyway I don't think they actually do anything really so we're just gonna go ahead and fill this up there may be a few on the underside too cuz you never know what's down there and there we have the perfect creature and give it a new coat of paint off we go the best part is I don't even know what gender is the front this is exactly what I had in mind when I wanted to design a creature these guys don't even have legs there's no way they're gonna be my neighbor we got new parts or lump that would actually a pretty fitting name for this majestic beast yeah I'd be back new tube this was approaching me but I'm gonna have to kill you because I want your parts okay don't worry you don't have any Parts I want but oh yeah I've got a physically attack sorry my bad there you go and then I'm gonna eat its corpse in front of its family because that's what I do yeah they know it's coming now they saw what happened it's really nothing personal I just want to wear your parts I still feel like for how fast his legs are moving I'm not moving very fast all the other creatures have two or less legs on this island because I used up the rest of them I killed it and I get rewarded oh I killed that creature and it makes my brain bigger because this thing's true skill is critical thinking oh it's a volcano that makes that sound I bet you didn't think this creature could fly turns out again and amusing as this thing is we need more speed a few parts later upgrade complete we're faster and stronger than ever before us more beautiful and this is gonna sound strange considering what we evolved from but turns out those big things I've been walking on are actually arms and not legs so they didn't make me faster now I've got some legs I got the tripod at the back and I even get to convince this idiot to follow me they're basically just here to take some damage for me you we're gonna fight to the death I like your big eyes though there's a kind of fun there we go good helper I already had to do a thing I decided start the fight and I got a sprinkle no for now I'm just gonna take my helpful little partner and go around and steal all the parts I could possibly find now before I get too far away from my nest let's do an overhaul I need more speed again and just a little more I don't know what we need more something and I think this is gonna be the base from which we work this'll work more compact and faster than ever why does it want me to migrate I haven't killed all the neighbors yet what are these things that's even better than my creature chirp-chirp level 32 okay maybe but let's pick up some of your crap and be on my way I guess I could make friends with them too and again I did bring reinforcements for a reason I think I could take them only 32 health to go that's not a very good start okay didn't realize you're all gonna come in never had these species do that before can't get the Alpha to run away if he dies did I get it okay I got the Alpha I got the Parts I need sorry guys I'll be on my way this came for that thing I didn't really realize you could make upright creatures okay made a bit enough more did we catch you with that one I lost my little helper his sacrifice will always be remembered I don't know if it's a good thing or a bad thing that every time I come into this menu I find something new to play with because I'm pretty sure I just made a really mean hotdog and let's put it to the test you let's fight to the death this thing's good so far I don't even have a helper with me I should be able to just take this thing right down then you know the hot dog that eats you these guys are the ones that are hoarding all the parts no my guys I'm just here for your garbage I'll get to you in just a bit this is basically what happens when you have more DNA points and brain cells those things might have been a bit stronger than I thought my hot dogs brain is getting bigger now we're really going places you always look so pumped when he runs look at his arms go just wanted to make a few small improvements before we ventured out again stronger than ever look at the size of this skeleton and there's a spaceship another new creature what are you are you strong whatever you are we're gonna bite you okay that's pretty strong is that 241 health I get it now don't touch that one everything up here is so strong and everything's standing under hind legs I think what I want now is simply a creature that stands on two legs it's stronger than this one which means I'm gonna need to find a way to D hotdog this thing I mean it's not really what I had in mind but I never really know what I have in mind the more I touch the worse it gets mine's probably don't really need to be straight anyway do you they will it actually let me use something like this that's not good this is a creature that's not gonna survive long in the wild its head literally drags on the ground with a giant eyeball and it has a one leg top around on that little hop though is pretty adorable I would actually really like the frame we've got to work with here I just need to add the rest of the parts it's gonna need it already has a mouth so it doesn't need much we're gonna give it a spike to attack with of course as big as possible and you know while we're at it bring that eye back here it knows what's coming give that back we're gonna make that bigger Hey there we go one big eye and that fits nicely and you know what sometimes less is more I like it now to see how it's gonna work let's go find something to eat you think you can swim given that it doesn't really have like a spine or anything oh it makes that work that's not bad better than I thought always alright well that's fine if they all ran but can I at least have their egg I can write that go I don't wanna I just wanna kick it around for a bit you guys probably don't need this anymore anyway everything's so scared of me I can understand why or are they scared of that thing well either way I'm gonna kill this one cuz it's small haven't given this creature a proper test run yet and I suspect it might not be that great so far though it's out you're doing really good do you mind I'm trying to eat your brother that's fine alphas tastes better anyway now which one of these annoying things is the Alpha I want to get rid of these this screeching is driving me nuts go get that one why doing your explosions oh volcano meteor shower whatever the case I'm not done into feasting stop you think a meteor shower is bad wait till I get into their nest and there we go they're gone no more squealing and then we just gracefully hop over to the next genocide good news no it hasn't even bigger brain which clearly it relies on so much its realized I probably need some kind of functional arms to help me do a little bit extra damage and I've recruited three very helpful helpers well hopefully Gilley's give me enough time as they're being eaten to escape if I pick a fight with anything I shouldn't all right I happen to find my way back to the alien so we're gonna see how this goes there's four of us one of him I'm mostly gonna let them do the work apparently I can impress him to gain an ally that true cuz I would recruit him for a while there like a killer okay cool I think I got it and considering how bad that thing destroyed me I'm gonna like having that on my side considering I evolved this I need all the help I can get all right which one of you weirdos wants to die first no no the other one attack I don't to dance with it I want to murder it that is so much easier when I have all these helpers with me I should have done this a long time ago except for Edie here who can't get his face out of the tree but that's probably not his fault his eyes on the back and dragging along the ground although at the same time I'm honestly not sure I can get any better than this look at this thing perfect why is there a spaceship why is it on the trees what is that thing you're adorable it's definitely gonna die I liquids got such big eyes you can really see the fear and there as you're murdering it the good spaceship really seems to like me and she's following me around and don't get to that thing in just a second because these pink things are still alive that's not gonna happen on my island so if I walk in to visit this thing's me into the air which is no place for this creature at all even the ground is quite a struggle wow that's a big creature where did that come from epic crickets guys go get it I'm not gonna do it myself we'll get it it's mine I'll throw myself then I could take this thing that was in the NIP point there's four of us my mindmap that should be easy I can even hide buying the tree and do it never mind I don't make one that big I gotta work with all these little sizes strains I gotta be this thick I wanna be that big and when stuck up right behind me look at that thing it's just two big eyes I want to make one that big is what I needed more brain power Orma tribe what have I been doing this entire time I guess it's probably more of a cult really I definitely want some more parts and I definitely want to be that big are there any more giant creatures out there I need to know about the crickets over there oh the big brain things right here I think I lost one of my cult members to the big brain basically what I really want is this thing 100 feet tall this thing seems pretty strong but I do have 108 health now myself so it might be able to take this I'm just going to touch you once enough my idiots deal with it hey you there we go now we just back up a little bit and idiot take over yeah they'll take the damage will I do all their attacking and the neighbors are even coming in to help itself is going down but so is mine we're gonna back up a little bit there we go let him take some of the damage perfect strategy I don't know if there's any point at all to killing this thing I did - come on you guys I know you can do it if you need me I'll be over here gathering parts did he do it 51 health we were so close I should have brought a fourth one of these guys in wait is it running away all right you do your thing I think I wouldn't leave there i just goes completely under the water does give me an interesting opportunity everything's already fighting a strong thing they've already not 50 health off so as soon as they're done fighting I'll go in for the cleanup you guys take your time no rush wait now it's our turn 186 Health instead of 250 and I got three helpers this time one of them is a baby so they'll be the first to die but that's a sacrifice I'm willing to make I mean Wyeth's what I would have brought a baby with me almost got it dead and see the hell think it's eight health now five health F yeah we're actually gonna beat this thing nice 250 health whatever was he was strong didn't give me anything so I'm just gonna enjoy eating it out of my mouth that is on the front of my stomach these eggs are getting bigger and bigger every time I see them so where do you suppose we go from here
Channel: DangerouslyFunny
Views: 515,245
Rating: 4.9324679 out of 5
Keywords: df, spore, dangerously, funny, pc, dangerouslyfunny, spore gameplay, spore max parts, When You Have Too Many DNA Points, spore dna points
Id: 3EZL5a5FaiY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 34sec (694 seconds)
Published: Mon Feb 17 2020
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