I Found Rare Fish Of Incredible Value

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how is this for quality we've still got so many fish to catch it i don't even know where to start like i've never even seen a sour fish or a night fish so that means it's time to once again stress myself out playing a casual fishing game my quest for now is to catch one maw and one red skitter and the red skitter is a red version of the skitter that's a little red one you see swimming around in a pack somewhere out here well actually that's it i managed to find it on my first cast oh there's another one but i also lost everything on my first cast while i'm waiting i did catch a puffer fish get in the boat yeah there we go you need to feed it small bait to be able to get it one red skitter and that's actually where 16 000 get in the boat so before i do anything stupid i'm gonna sell all the fish i have for twenty thousand dollars and take a new quest to catch one bleeper these i haven't caught yet we find them in the evening they jump out of the water and since i very much don't have the patience for that right now we're gonna put this grumper with a rocket and a huge hook and send it way down to the depths i'm just hoping i get stupidly lucky on a huge fish right now that's pretty big but not big enough for me i want like a shark or bigger oh that guy would have worked either of you will work actually i'll take one of these felish worth 12 500 we're off to a very good start today so let's do that same thing again hopefully catching the whale though who's known to frequent this area last time he was right about here so we're going to kind of steer the boat around looking for him probably going to lose my bait to the wrong fish right now this is as far out as i can go i can't physically move the boat any further can something bigger come and eat this oh well this one is to wear 6 500 so i did make a little bit of profit off of the giant hook and apparently i just unlocked a new rod upgrade for getting a tank fin which is actually a valuable little fish and also a baby sizzler for about 5 500 so i'm going to cash these fish out we're getting pretty rich this bunch of grade a morons was worth 32 000. we could buy the master rod for 320 000 but i need to save my money for stupider things like attaching rockets to these guys and trying to catch whales with them the whales in the area got them that was alarmingly easy to do so 85 000 for the tiger shark we're going to cash him out real quick to fund my adventures that puts us up to 440 000 now to try and catch a maw and that all starts by hooking one of these and then trying to get a maw to bite it and nothing else which is stupidly hard to do would the moss still be interested in like a quarter glow fish oh he actually bit that but i forgot i needed a huge hook that would have worked in case you've ever wondered it is tough being this stupid made it down to the depths again there's actually a black hat i probably should have grabbed because that's probably pretty good but we're gonna look around for the ma again who's usually in the area somewhere oh that's i think him come on bite it please bite it please bite it no not you okay we were that close you know what that's okay because we caught the ever-prized mustard fish i did however find another hat at the depths the fez makes attract and repels super effective i'm gonna give that a try okay i managed to get a glowfish on the hook i kinda lost my bearings though but i see them all he's right over here this might be good get that one out of your mouth please is he just forever eating that one do i have to catch that one now bite this one it's better put this in your mouth please well at least if i manage to hook that one then i'm pretty sure i'm gonna be able to catch the maw but this is pretty annoying because i finally got it set up again and he's just not interested but by happy coincidence we got the shark out of the way but also caught the shark again and he looks pretty happy about that that sixty four thousand dollars get in the boat didn't find any glowfish at all but found a new hat on the way up so this might also be the benefit clean fish and bones are worth twice as much as live fish don't really understand what it's saying but i'll take it now i look like a pirate cat i've been at this so long it's turning into night time and at five thousand dollars a cast this is really getting fun and since i'm almost level 25 i might as well just catch a few fish and put myself there and i'm going to do that by catching the big red fish because that unlocked is a new upgrade and we're going to take this happy idiot back to shore itself for 7 200 i'm not really sure what the new upgrade is but it might be stealth bait for 36 000 all fish are less attracted to your lure this stacks up the three times i actually want that that's going to help me catch some of the bigger fish because the less regular idiots that are interested the easier it's going to be for me to catch the ones i actually want there is a hat that i'm probably going to take that was a 5 dollar cast but these hats could be more valuable than that depending on what it is they do vote coast faster and you can wait one away from shore no thank you i honestly should have kept the fez somehow a game about a cat going fishing makes my blood pressure go way high that's another hat that i'm tempted to take i think i'm going to just because there's no glow fish anyways fish are much less aggressive and bomb explosions are smaller well i like the less aggressive fish thing okay i actually managed to get this one on the hook now i just need did they aim for that i'm starting to think the swordfish intentionally aim for that because that's like the third time in five minutes that's happened and the mod just ate the glowfish i was going for he literally plucked it before my eyes that's okay because i've caught the big orange worth 8 500 or approximately one and a half casts 11 700 for the bunch this time never mind i was gonna say i'm gonna move a lot quicker that way the swordfish doesn't eat my little fish but this time uh same the swordfish obviously aims for that i get it that's obviously just to make it more fun for everyone okay the swordfish is hopefully not anywhere near this right now let's see if we can find the maw somewhere out here so what do we do about the swordfish so i guess for now i will settle for a cow fish and all i'm gonna do for now is just catch everything catch every fish i can to try and level up for more upgrades i cut another red skitter whatever it's called that's a really good experience and 12 grand the pufferfish are back so now once the swordfish comes near i'm going to stab it and remove it from the ecosystem forever that actually happened quicker than i thought i think the swordfish are maybe a track to certain things so there's another 180 000 plus experience somehow despite my stupid choices so far we're actually making money overall there's 212 000. i just unlocked the new rod upgrade so i'm going to remove retract then i'm going to add syncer for 36 000 the lure sinks at the bottom of your cast so i think that means that if i cast anywhere once the cast settles directly below my boat it will actually sink down further so we're going to give that a test if i can navigate through all the fish so once it comes to a rest yep we can actually just lower it down basically anywhere we want and it goes quite quickly this is going to be good for the deep fish because now i can basically sink this right down to wherever i want it and it's going to keep sinking until we can actually see the bottom that's kind of interesting i want the maw though not really the bottom so let's see if we can find that big idiot these days is that him i don't even know what that is over there i don't know how deep i am at least this way i do have a strange amount of control over uh where i am in the water and i can actually avoid fish pretty good now as long as that swordfish doesn't show up again i should be able to find herself the maw i saw the bottom and thought that was an enormous fish and got really excited i'm pretty sure it's just gone right now i don't know why it's been here basically every cast when i wanted to find it until i'm actually available to catch it wait wait i think i hooked it i think it bit it it was just hiding way over to the right for some reason we finally caught the maw the biggest of all the fish i've caught so far and boy was it playing hard to get but this should be far and away the most valuable fish we've ever caught so far and the most experienced 450 thousand i'm not gonna risk it i'm gonna take this back to shore and sell it immediately 450 thousand dollars and i hit level 30 which probably means some kind of new upgrade now i have three active quests and i've made over a million dollars so far but i want to see what that is down at the bottom so provided i can get this all the way to the bottom without screwing it up i'm gonna catch whatever it is that was right on the bottom eventually i'll either hook something or i won't i got something apparently never mind something snapped the line off but that did unlock as flick hold ctrl to flick the line toward the mouse if it is snagged this may break the line not really that interested but i am going to try and get back to the bottom and catch a glow fish that way we can see what we're doing and then we're going to hook one of those bottom fish so carefully get the glowfish and then we're going to go sneak along the bottom yeah these are the ones i wanted you bite my thing and we're going to pull it up this is a caven cavend worth 60 000 i should just catch all of those things right now there's actually a hat resting right on the bottom there's a few hats right on the bottom there's so much good stuff down here but i'll take the sixty thousand dollar fish for now being able to control my lure like this feels almost unfair well for now i'm going to sell the two that i have then we're going to try and find another light fish and explore the bottom a little bit and the best part is now that i can drop my lures straight down like this i can use bombs to scare fish away and make myself a little route straight to the bottom okay i found the light fish there's the big uh other valuable one can't remember what he's called but we're gonna take a look way down here oh this is interesting look at those we've never even seen those before they're like a vampire fish there's like a whole cave system down here i had no idea i don't know what that is but i can not catch it i think i broke the line i don't know how to catch that but there's a very interesting fish way down that deep i got scared and went for a hat instead of catching a stupid fish you can sneak past aggressive fish but some are harder to hook i mean these things kind of do the same thing but i guess i'll probably try sneaky just for the new appearance okay so there's the other big fish he's over here harassing the other one so i'm going to see if i can use a medium fish to catch him we're not really going to be able to see what's happening i can kind of see the outline of him so if he wants to bite this come on he wanted to bite it before i couldn't get him away from me now he's like running away from it that big idiot didn't want to bite so maybe go for also not him he's not hungry oh yeah he is does this give off any light nope it sure doesn't okay for a little bit i'm just gonna go back to catching everything i can because i need more experience clearly to get better lures fourteen thousand dollars and plenty of experience so for now let's sell our fish for forty thousand dollars and then maybe look at getting a better boat maybe the luxury boat travels quite far but isn't very fast i think that means we're gonna find some new fish way out there it's not very fast but it doesn't have to be i've got nothing but time and four hundred thousand dollars to wreck pretty sure by now we're into new water that i've never seen before so we're just gonna take a cast here to see what we can find along the way like that's already new and i'm definitely gonna see if i can catch that come on bite it this is a bullfish only sixteen hundred dollars that is also very new fish i want you to bite my hook sir there's many new fish out here interesting so let's see if i can get big boy here to bite yep got him i'll catch that one next this one is chompy worth ten thousand dollars so get in the boat and i'm seeing these are new as well and so are these we're going to catch one of these for now i didn't realize there was this many new fish to be found this is a taffy with 2800 which sounds like bait to me but i did also catch a little uh baby whatever and i think these ones are pretty valuable that's with 8 400 so that's not bait this time i'm gonna go as far out as i possibly can then cast with large bait that's also a new fish uh that's also a new fish and that's also a new fish but i'll settle for this one apparently there's so many things to catch july barely know where to start so this is called a yellow jack and it's hardly worth anything at all so we're gonna attach a big hook and a rocket to see what's way out there because there's definitely a whole bunch of weird looking fish oh give me this thing i have no idea what this is but i'm sure it's valuable too and there's a huge shark as well could i catch a shark do you want a bite i want that shark look at the size of it bite my thing well we'll figure out how to get that we probably just need maybe large live bait not huge and then the big hook so this is a dragon fish worth a hundred and twenty thousand dollars to get in the boat and there's a whole bunch of different things down here where there's apparently like a reef and there's even some spike fish i have no idea what i want to be catching right now i'm like overwhelmed with it all this green eyed weirdo is worth thirteen thousand dollars by himself one of the problems about being out this far though is it actually does take quite a while to get the boat in and out the shark might have something in particular he likes to eat i'm maybe gonna try nope none of these really want to bite bait this big i'm going to need a pretty big fish i did find more of these guys oh these green ones are new give me these well this is also green fish so we'll settle for this one the rest of the others are very happy about that so let's hopefully get him in before they eat him kirby 5600 well you know what kirby good news i'm gonna feed you to other fish now mostly simply as a reward for wasting my time but if you manage to catch me a shark i will forgive you or maybe whatever one of these things are a big pink fish looks kind of like a watermelon i don't know why i said that that doesn't look anything like a watermelon unless there are pink watermelons out there that are worth sixteen thousand dollars and this little guy who desperately wants to be caught he's hanging out underneath my boat annoying the life out of me so we're going to see if we can entice him into biting because he's worth 8 400 dollars and it's turning into night time which means we can catch different fish but i also want to take one more cast way out here to try and catch a shark or something of equal or greater value like maybe one of those i don't know what these are but i'm gonna take it this might also be an opportunity for me to catch a bleeper but this is a tick tick worth 8500 which isn't a lot but get in the boat finally made it into shore so we're gonna sell everything for 254 thousand dollars a quarter of a million and then these fish below the boat are the ones that uh try and grab my lure out of the air as soon as i figure out how to do that we're going to catch one because that's a quest last there seems to just be new fish in general at night so there are small fish but they're very hard to get a hold of light bulb blue or unlocked that sounds like something i'm gonna want is that all i had to do was unlock the light bulb lure was to actually catch a bulb fish i've hooked a million of them i just never railed one to the surface so i'm gonna take off diving lure and replace that hopefully with a light okay i now have a mustard fish attached i don't know if i need to buy a light bulb every cast but i assume i do i'm gonna attach a huge hook then we're gonna try and catch some of these big fish that are lurking around here at the night time because there is a really big fish i think it's actually the no yeah one of those it was very close so i'm just gonna hang out here until he shows up again or we could catch one of these this is probably good too 12 500 isn't bad okay as it's turning into daytime we finally got what we needed to catch that big guy so if he wants to swim past again i wouldn't you know say no to that pretty sure we're back to the daytime fish they're all swimming in right now wow i wish i had a nut although while i'm down here does this big idiot over here want to take a bite when he's done having a seizure and not appearing on my screen all right well you know what i'm not gonna chase him forever he's valuable but he's not you know that valuable probably gonna stay away from the wheat i don't even know if i can snag trees so i'm gonna avoid things like that as well there's so many hats and stuff down here and i've already caught one of those it was valuable but i don't want it now we're gonna keep on doing lower and lower until we find something amazing like that thing that looks amazing get over here fight my thing perfect you're coming with me lucky for me it's only gonna take about 45 minutes to get this back to the surface so for this particular 24 000 that's not nearly as much as i thought but get in the boat apparently i just unlocked deep sonar well i mean after 60 more quests i've unlocked it not really sure what this big fish is i think that's too side by side actually i think it's two of those probably also valuable but i still want to see what's deeper down it's actually so dark now that even my light bulb apparently can't light up what's here which is interesting maybe i just need more light bulbs so i might have to settle for one of those gold idiots or whatever that is i don't know what this is but i want it we got apparently nothing the light bulbs are definitely only effective to a certain depth the deeper you go even they get darkened out and there's some shrimp things which are probably valuable but too boring for me right now i wish i knew what these hats did more because i could be picking up a lot of hats super easily right now but here's another cave so let's oh very carefully drop down i don't want one of those we're just kind of gonna go by feel down here this is really stupid i'm probably just gonna snap this off and i don't even know what's around me right now so i'm probably gonna settle for whatever this guy is because he's the only thing i can find in the darkness oh i wish i saw that one sooner i wanted the kissy fish but this one's worth an easy eighteen thousand two hundred good enough for me so now we're gonna cast this big bait with a big hook as far out as we can at the very end of our range and see if there's anything out here worth catching maybe one of those maybe the pink fish i don't know what's the most valuable yet there's a lot of weird things out here and that's a new one for sure but we're gonna go deep out here too to see what's out here uh there seems to be a cliff's edge like just out past where i can't quite sink down i'm gonna need a better boat for that there is also a bit of a cave on this side or a drop off so we're gonna hopefully find a rare fish down here like this thing you wanna bite my thing sir yeah you sure do i don't know what this is but i bet it's valuable anything with a paint job like that has to be valuable for the ray 15 000 not nearly as much as i thought considering how hard it is to catch one of those well here's the shrimp again so i'll take one of those i feel like these are probably used as bait for something better later but for now i'll settle for the shrimp that's worth one hundred dollars it's a scrimp which i basically turned into this guy for ten thousand chompy get in the boat and just nearby i caught nemo the ultimate catch which is worth actually forty thousand dollars that's way higher than i thought getting the boat four hours later we made it back into shore where we're gonna sell our fish for two hundred thousand dollars which puts us up to seven hundred and fifty thousand dollars which is half the money we need for the 1.5 million dollar boat which we're going to explore next time
Channel: DangerouslyFunny
Views: 1,911,013
Rating: undefined out of 5
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Length: 18min 16sec (1096 seconds)
Published: Sun Apr 25 2021
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