I Think I Took Evolving Too Far

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all great ideas start with one tiny little egg and then they hatch into a really big stupid idea it is pretty cute though and you think this is gonna conquer the entire world provided i don't get eaten by anything bigger than me but let's figure out what i am supposed to be eating all while also figuring out the things that i should be avoiding which is pretty much everything because i'm tiny meat is edible that was that oh i thought that was gonna eat me that was a really good find so early on i feel like the water is a little bit murky here so it might be a little bit harder than normal to avoid enemies around the shrimp not much experience though so you need to eat a million of them but you know what i've got time i know that's hard to believe for a lot of you but i've got time on my hands we leveled up so our damage is now 0.5 and our size is 27 as today we can keep an eye on our frame rate because i think if i fish gets big enough it might actually start to drop pretty hard but we'll figure that out when we get there i was going to eat that thanks that's okay i don't want to eat food anyway i'm having trouble remembering what my species is so i've got to be careful not to get too close to the wrong thing what are you guys doing get a room look at the size of that thing i want to eat that in one gulp these shallow little pockets can be nice because big fish can't maneuver much in here but i do also trap myself a lot in those it would be great if i could find something a little bit bigger than shrimp to eat while i'm this size he looks kind of funny when you look at him straight on i think i found one of the spawn points for shrimp because if i sit right here there's always a million of them right in front of me i just need to share my little spot with one very annoying crab who i will eat at the first opportunity there is something i can be eating that's like a starfish it's not a huge experience but that's still six instead of the one i get for those little morons and there's a level up for me so i'm a size 42 with damage still of 0.5 look at that tiny little fish you can hardly even see it how do i eat that it's not going to give me an experience i just want to eat it get in my mouth one experience it always tells me i need to eat these big fish and raise babies i really should be the other way around i'd rather raise the big fish and eat the babies pretty sure i just ate a tadpole so i'm kind of excited to see if there's some frogs around there we go i ate the final piece i needed to level up into this thing so now we can celebrate by eating everything else in the ocean our size is 76 our damage is 5.1 so we're doing 10 times as much damage a very long appearance but it's gonna look very good when it is very large as well oh never mind i was admiring my fish and that thing swooped in that's pretty fun now we get to start over again i very much hope you're willing to share that i know that's one of my own species but i'm desperate anything at all oh never mind and i made it back to big size again it was actually less painful than before because i just really put my head down and grinded so now i can eat all sorts of other wonderful fish and whatever this is but i do need to be targeting kind of these medium small size fish because i need bigger experience that probably also means i'm going to be hiding in this cave a lot where i think i'm pretty safe you look medium-sized give me you i'll eat both of you perfect and a very small fish that i can just hoover for for experience so if i could find more of those that would be okay and how much experience do you give leveled up and six experience so i just got a 20 increase in damage and my size is 84. still gonna keep myself fairly close to these little caves and edges because open water is very dangerous as i've learned but there's enough medium-sized fish here for me to really feast on i just can't wait until the fish starts making a big sloshy sound when it swims away it's got to be really big before we get to that point though you look biteable come here it's actually pretty big but it could be pretty good experience i don't think it's gonna fight back very hard it looks like a pretty weak fish it's just big okay that was a bit bigger than i thought 20 experience don't hey don't mind uh yeah this is mine thank you i'll eat you in just a moment i think i just leveled up twice so now i'm 101 size with nine damage so i need to eat more of those and there just so happens to be one in here and now with my extra damage in size i should be able to kill it easier provided i can see it i think i got it my fish once again handles like the titanic because it's very long and very large level up so our damage is 11 our devourer size is 27. does anyone else want to be mulched well i'll eat its food then i'll eat it the ultimate insult one of those two was one of my quest fish so i only need to eat four more of those some of these caves kind of scare me because if i run headfirst into a bigger fish i'm pretty boned ooh look at all the colorful fish over here oh these are some of my quest fish too come here i need to eat you it's important okay time to leave don't know what that was and i'm not going to stick around to find out i clearly need to be bigger before i'm going to spend any time over there but you this is important i need to eat you suddenly it's like they're all playing hard to get and i can only find the really big fish so i might have to start taking more risks but this was a pretty lucky find good news you're going to be my dinner this is going to top up my hunger and my experience in a big way still can't need a piece that's this big though but once it's down a size i will eat you two little fish and another tasty fish this is a good little corner and there's another level up so my size is 118 my damage is 13.1 and it's starting to make more of that sound when i take off so that means i'm getting big here is i think that's the same as me but it's eating something i could be eating so i'm gonna help out a little bit and then eat some of this too because teamwork makes the dream work or something and then i'll take all of that just saw a pretty big shadow while i was mulching on this and i'm not really sure what it was but thanks to whatever that was i just ate i leveled up again so i'm now size 126 with 15 damage okay that was the big shadow i saw we're gonna go ahead and go this way he ate my friend and i'd feel really bad about that but it's better my friend gets eaten than me no matter where i go that big catfish is never super far away but i'm pretty sure he left me this which gave me another level up where 135 with 18.5 damage and 33 devour size damage is going quickly now this looks like a new fish to eat what are you come here get in my mouth you know you want to okay that's not a good sound what's going to eat me right now oh it was probably him the giant catfish it's stalking me endlessly yup look at him back there he's slowly coming my way every opportunity he gets what are you i'm gonna eat you you saw him right into me actually i think this is one of the things that ate me earlier there's an extra 60 experience and i guess that means that yeah i'm just big enough to eat whatever these things are this is another one that's about the same size as me so he probably doesn't expect me to attack 246 experience or something and i really hope that warning came off him and not the catfish there's another level up we are 143 with 21.7 damage which means these guys are just getting easier and easier to kill i'll go ahead and eat that for you oh oh oh it's a bite off i think i can win a bite off yeah we're good uh this guy just took a bite out of me who does he think he is i've got way more teeth than he does but he exploded into a bunch of pieces and there's another level up so we are now 160 size with 30 damage and why stop there we're just going to let the good times roll i'm pretty sure by this point there's not many things that can conceivably eat me but that's not good enough for me i want to devour catfish's whole there's another level up so we're 168 with a damage of 34 and a devour size of 42 which is getting pretty big because i'm eating all the right things look at the size of him come here i can't help myself there's another level wow we ate him quick so we're now 186 with a damage of 45 and we're definitely making that big boy fish sound when i swim around so now it's just a matter of finding enough to eat to level up without running into anything bigger than me which there shouldn't be a lot of and we can eat those things whole probably still not these though nope they're still gonna take a few bites just got another level up so we're size 200 with 50 damage we started at 0.5 damage so we're literally doing 100 times more damage than when we started how does it feel to be smaller than me once i get into like the nest of these guys they're so easy to eat this one down here is just begging to be eaten by me and somewhere in that little frenzy we leveled up again to 207 size look at all these guys down here they're all fighting over that now i'm just gonna eat all of them also just found something pretty big over this way that i haven't seen yet it's definitely bigger than me which makes me nervous this little fish just bit me he was trying to bite a piece of meat but he bit me so i had to eat him my devourer size is up to 50 now so we can definitely devour fish at a one quarter my size and i'm a pretty girthy fish i bet we can hoover up crabs we sure can i finally found a frog they're on this side of the map and they give you more experience and they're very delicious but i think these guys are going to be my main source of food for now but also these chunky fish because when i bite them into one big bite i get a hundred three experience just for that i cannot hoover them up yet which would be even better but i think they only take one or two bites to really turn them into that piece and with that level up i'm 217 size with 70 damage there's another quick level up thanks to these idiots so 230 size with 81 damage and 57 of our size turns look pretty big something keeps locking on to me and i don't know what it is and that's kind of terrifying who for some reason really really wants to eat me i don't know where it is because the water is murky but it's right back there there it is somewhere he's very determined to eat me but i'm also very determined to eat him so we'll see who wins ultimately okay since i still need to obviously be a little bit bigger i'm going to sit here and feast on these guys because this is basically their spawn point and they're very good food and experience these guys aren't spawning fast enough for me to eat them and keep my hunger up so i might have to get a little more aggressive and go out and find bigger other fish so by now our size is 250 with our devourer size of 63 110 damage so we're over 200 times more damage than when we started this is definitely right in the danger zone so i got to be very careful as soon as i hear that danger sound i gotta get away very quick can i devour these yet got to be close though look at them all though this is a whole nother spawn point for them this is going to be great experience so after eating all of these morons uh with the exclusion of this one apparently that's two levels up 280 size 70 devour size with apparently another surprise level up so we're 291 with 166 damage 72 devour size these guys usually seem like the biggest fish in the world now look at them babies that leveled me up again so we're 304 with 76 devour size 190 damage yeah so these caves aren't really going to be my friend anymore uh in fact i might not actually get out of this one luckily this model comes equipped with reverse circled entire map again so i'm back to here pretty sure this is one of my kind so i can't really eat it there's level 29 so my size is 316 damage is 212 devour size 79. a pretty massive fish at this point i think i'm about big enough the next time i see that catfish uh i'm gonna go for it because it's starting to get hard to find enough food just to keep this guy going because he's very big i just heard the warning for it but i'm not really sure where it is that's a little bit alarming because i want to get the drop on it oh found him oh that's not good he got the drop on me we're gonna go this way a little bit and try and get a wave and not maneuver him then we'll come back for him oh he's still so big look at the big chunk he just took out on me i can finally hoover up these guys though so that's big easy experience and food i just got the warning sound again the catfish is close my health is back so i'm gonna see if i can get the drop on him this time pretty nervous right now though cause he knows where i am i don't know where he is look who decided to show up yeah you're mine now with 300 damage at a time he hit me for a little bit of damage from his side but i think i got him still much bigger than me but i am very persistent and i got him by the side so i think this will go just fine look how big he is though i think he's dead i think i'm just chewing him apart now couple more wow look at all that that's gonna be a feeding frenzy for everyone around that's a really big fish alright well that was fun now i have a lot of food to enjoy but this is like more fruit than exists in the entire game so far definitely leveled up a few times thanks to all this and that's not really a big surprise i also just got the warning sound as if something was ready to attack me and i'd be very surprised because i ate the catfish i don't know what's left out there that could even hurt me at this point i think this is the last piece of the catfish there's another level up we're level 36 now and we're a lot bigger than when we killed the catfish even size 405 devour size 101 damage 441 i'm pretty sure i could devour basically anything else here oh it's a catfish i guess they respawn but look how much bigger than the catfish i am now i win i didn't realize they respawned but that blindsided me and then i absolutely just obliterated it because i'm really big there's level 38 and look at the size of this i'm happy the catfish respawns 430 528 damage 107 devour size it's actually getting hard to see past this fish it's so big that might be the other fish i'd seen wandering around well i have no idea where that fish went so i'm going to cruise around and try and find another catfish oh hey speaking of which don't mind if i do then i'm going to explode your body everywhere cover myself with your meat that was another level up and i'm pretty sure i physically felt myself get bigger with that level 40 and i just heard the attack indicator where's the next catfish found him again one bites two bites that's all it takes to defeat the catfish now two single bites and that pushed me up to level 41 which means my size is 468 my damage is almost 700 devourer size 117 and i even just devoured one of the other big fish so i'm pretty sure i can devour everything but a catfish now yeah probably can't devour him yet but i am bigger than him and he used to be the biggest most terrifying fish in existence so he still does lots of damage though well you know what we bite back this is what a regular sized fisherman type looks like and this is me for comparison quite a bit bigger starting to think the game might have actually broken because i keep getting the catfish warning sound but don't see any catfish but i'm also starving to death mostly because when i'm this big i'm not really going to bother to eat a lot of smell fish and i starve to death but i had a lot of fun doing it we were real big
Channel: DangerouslyFunny
Views: 1,366,832
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: _ZilxRhHUzI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 15sec (855 seconds)
Published: Mon Apr 19 2021
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