What Is Horrifying To Think About When Considering ALIENS?

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what are some horrifying things to consider when thinking about aliens one theory from Stephen Hawking is that if they are sufficiently advanced that aliens may treat us like ants when we build dams we don't worry about whether or not a dam will causin and Hill to be flooded out similarly a species that is advanced as far beyond us as we are beyond ants might seek to alter our planet or even our solar system to their advantage without giving consideration to what may happen to us the speed of light is 186,000 miles per second I think that any aliens that are capable of traveling light years to reach us have no interest in our resources we are so sorry we can't protect you anymore the possibility of them already knowing about us but us not knowing about them we have no idea if they know they could be committing space espionage right now and we wouldn't know about it extremely unlikely I know but if aliens ever come to earth it likely means they are a spacefaring and interstellar capable species with tech at least centuries if not millennia ahead of ours in other words if aliens are even remotely capable of traveling to our planet we are pretty much outgunned hilariously it's possible that they are fat single-cell organisms just loafing around our human concepts of morality and empathy are heavily influenced by our mammalian biology imagine that aliens land and instead of having nice little family units their species lays conscious of thousands of eggs at a time they don't form strong bonds life is essentially expendable for them they see us weeping over a dead child and they have literally no frame of reference for understanding why this would be upsetting I'm not saying all aliens will be like this but some definitely could be for all we know aliens might not be the little green men that fly around in flying saucers and destroy us with laser beams they could be an interstellar pathogen that show up one day and silently and effortless kills us all without warning our immune systems would have no idea what hit them what if there really is valuable information to be gained from an probes they might be sexy and they might be horny that they don't actually exist if there were no advanced civilization that can colonize other planets that would mean that most of them go extinct before they reach that level of technological advancement which means that we are probably doomed to extinction to that they could be massive taller than buildings and eat us like bacon strips aliens could do to us what we did to wolves selectively breeding a once noble species in grotesque ways transforming us into the equivalent of Bulldogs poodles - ants etc my main thing is that they'll bring a virus or something that'll just wipe us out cuz we've never seen anything like it or will be immune cuz it's too alien who knows but until there is actual proof that there are advanced aliens out there I'll stick to the idea that they are bacterial cells on Titan or something the scariest thing to me is thinking that aliens want nothing to do with us I don't get why everyone thinks that aliens would attack us immediately it's one thing if we come into their territory but if they stumble upon us we are most likely safe them finding us would mean they are incredibly advanced anything they could get by attacking earth they could get far easier by harvesting it from a different planet in our solar system unless they feed specifically on brainwaves it isn't worth the hassle to attack a planet teeming with life they may have some weapons however primitive that might be used against you it's far more frightening to believe that aliens of slash will one day discover us and won't be interested they won't want us on their intergalactic councils they won't want to give us meds they won't want to form any bond if they decide to just leave humanity alone that means either they have decided we are not worth saving or that we are too close to destruction to be worth the resources that they cold been here the entire time playing farmville with us the assumption that they come in groups in some flying saucer for all we know they might just appear in hoards of thousands if not millions all across the planet also we like to think that aliens will share the same way of thinking as humans that is weaseling emotions etc but the only reason we think that is because that's the only thing we are familiar with aliens might have completely different emotions or thought processes than us but we won't know because we never encountered them before it's like the fourth dimension at this point it's pretty well-established what it is but most of us if not all have no clue how to visualize or properly explain it maybe they treat us like we treat pigs cows and chickens what if their cheeks aren't clappa bull they might bully you that it's already happened that aliens came to earth destroyed what was already living there and took over that way humans had been the aliens would be scary to imagine a starved desperate race of beings that are trying to keep their world alive by any means necessary the fact that any life-form that advanced that showed up to earth without wanting a peaceful contact would likely just show up vacuum up all the resources and leave us to die without any communication or anything think about it when humans go into nature to get resources they don't kill all the animals they just take what they want and leave for some reason that is more chilling to me than aliens just gassing the planet with lasers I don't think a peaceful alien would contact us we are violent and very territorial things that would be in opposition to any kind of peaceful alien or interplanetary Federation the dark forest theory kind of freaks me out the universe is a dark forest every civilization is an ant hunter stalking through the trees like a ghost gently pushing aside branches that block the path and trying to tread without sound even breathing is done with care the hunter has to be careful because everywhere in the forest are stealthy hunters like him if he finds another life another hunter angel or a demon a delicate infant too tottering old man a fairy or demigod there's only one thing he can do open fire and eliminate them that they found us observe from a distance for the past 10 years or so and have declared the planet a disaster area that nobody should ever visit we won't know about their existence until they attack us since life on this planet is one big cycle of eating other living things plants and animals to survive they might be so horrified that they press the big nut button and end it all that one day they will just wipe out our planet without us ever knowing why and that it will be so fast we don't even realize it they can also come in different forms than we expect you could have an alien made of sound waves or a microscopic alien we are only an intelligent species because we defined ourselves that way think of it there is only a 1% difference in DNA between chimps and us meanwhile the difference in intelligence is huge we are exploring the cosmos with our advanced telescopes meanwhile the smartest chimp is stacking up rocks now think of an alien species that has a 1% DNA difference with us lining the other way their simplest thoughts would be too complicated for us the smartest person on earth would be like a chimp stacking up rocks for them now think of a species with another 1% difference we wouldn't even be like ants walking on the floor to them we would be less than that and you could go on like that 10% 20% 30% etc what would we be so insignificant that no one in the cosmos would consider making contact with us is the truth of a cosmos and reality actually really simple but we are just too like expecting ants walking on a football field to understand what's going on on the field do we not know what we don't know you know those tribes that live on islands in the Pacific that haven't had technological progress in thousands of years that's just you know those international logging companies that would love a chance to just come play over the island and take what's there somewhere there's an alien Greenpeace that's just barely getting by on a shoestring budget what if it ends up the other way around what if we end up being able to travel between the stars and we find some aliens that aren't as technologically advanced as we are I could easily see us being imperialist invaders committing the atrocities we've committed against each other on an entire species so we could have a second planet with an oxygen atmosphere and easily attainable natural resources that would be truly horrifying that they are from the future time flows differently in space and a falen's are real then they could be from the future what if they were like really really big the fact that they could pretty much see us as inferior life-forms thus they could make us slaves their food or test subjects it wouldn't be something personal they just would look down on us like we would do with some apps not even worth it changing the direction of a step to avoid killing number one there is absolutely nothing on planet Earth that the aliens can't find in more abundance elsewhere precious metals gases for fuel assuming they don't have zero-point energy or some crap that lets them get power from Vecchia and even water are all available in space and you can get this resources with zero resistance so I don't think they would come here for any resources unless they want our biosphere which for all we know could be abundant in the galaxy number two if aliens do show up one day but turn out to be hostile there is absolutely nothing we can do to stop them if they have been coming here if you believe in that sort of thing they have been doing so for a very long time they know everything about us including our weaknesses and how to exploit them meanwhile they are a species capable of FTL travel wiping us out would be as simple for them as flipping on a light switch no jet to ship dogfights no magical weak point in it no third-act secret weapon to save us just one press of that button and everything turns white and then black so if they do come to earth they would need a damn good reason to if our luck is truly awful and they actually want something from us we'd better pray that it's something that we don't have to fight over because we wouldn't stand a chance the other day I looked at pictures of the universe and thought what if earth is the size of a marble ball to an alien I think it's called an theory that we are so small we can't possible comprehend the space we live in and see or acknowledge other beings that we are no more interesting or important to them than the anthill in your yard they won't be like us there'll be thousands of years beyond having a DNA based substrate the bodies they use will be consciously designed and used as needed most existence will be virtual that they might not exist if there are aliens they could undoubtedly pose a threat to humanity but I think most people want alien life to exist elsewhere that way we aren't alone in the universe I think that the most horrifying thing to think about is that despite how incredibly huge the universes we might be the only ones in it edit reread my comment alien life wouldn't undoubtedly pose a threat to humanity it may pose a threat and that's assuming that it's intelligent life the most horrifying thing about discovering aliens would be that the human race would have no idea how to process the aliens we will be absolutely terrified of them because they would probably be beyond human comprehension alien discovery would be one of the scariest things to ever happen to mankind they might have all the unobtanium either we are alone in the universe or we are not both scenarios are scary just look at what happened to Native Americans when white people showed up the same will happen to all of us why they are here I'm not afraid of aliens even if they are out there which I certainly won't rule out then they are too far away to ever interact with us that they aren't from another planet merely another time a post Sun time where humans have adapted to an environment with no light large eyes gray skin humanoid features they aren't visiting us to learn anything new they are analyzing their ancestors past mistakes that if they are advanced enough to find and reach us without detection if they think like humans they'll have about as much empathy for us as we do cattle given our vastly inferior intellects we struggle enough with terrestrial diseases and infections if extraterrestrial beings came to this daft little planet we live on without a will the diseases they would bring similar to what could happen with non contact tribes like the Sentinelese they've had no exposure to some of the modern-day diseases and just one person could kill them all without meaning to all-knowing simply because they carry an infection virus or disease our immunity has evolved and adapted to common diseases an as the human race with work to help people become immune to not so common diseases as proven by South scub - all it takes if something novel how can you previously unknown to wreak havoc on the human race we may not be able to mobilize our collective medical knowledge with speed if we can even identify and work towards a cure with current terrestrial technology before it infects and possibly kills the human race all just because some crazy little or large it just wanted to say hi we don't know what life looks like our theory of life strictly applies to earth-based organisms in the moment we actually discover any form of extraterrestrial life that theory is going to fly out the window for all we know we could be surrounded by alien life and not even know it maybe the stars are actually a plasma based species that conquered the universe long ago or there are sentient rocks that colonized all of the terrestrial planets maybe every hydrogen atom is actually capable of advanced communication art and curiosity but we can't recognize it because we don't know what to look for I'm not saying any of those are true or that you should believe them you shouldn't but it just barely opens up the idea of how ignorant our thought processes for us if it doesn't walk and talk I'll send radio signals in it isn't an alien maybe finding extraterrestrial life is easy and we've already come across it a million times over just in this century but we wouldn't know because we aren't looking for life we are looking for humans from space that to my understanding what we define as life is based on life on this planet needs water oxygen closeness to a star all those a criteria for human animal and plant life but what if there are life forms that don't need those specific criteria could we even recognize it as an alien life form by all means correct me if I'm wrong but that's something that you settles me we taste like pork not horrifying but every picture of an alien real or fake they are naked humans have had clothes for thousands of years so why don't they I invite you to contemplate how insignificant you are to me seriously what exactly does Earth how about any alien might want water there are trillions upon trillions of cubic miles of it floating around in space you're likely to find water around nearly every star in the galaxy it would be far easier to get it elsewhere than it is to halt laws out of the gravity well minerals element chemical compounds again trillions of trillions of tons of much more easily accessed elsewhere or easily mass-produced using the near-infinite raw materials and energy found all around the galaxy how about human labour Kirt easily killed has to be fed watered needs to rest at least a third of its life intractable stupid devious rebellious monk slow process to cultivate and educate certainly any race that can span the distance between stars can find better alternatives our technology don't make me laugh the only thing this planet has that is unique to it is the fauna and flora itself our only value is as a nature preserve which means we are wrecking the only value our planet has to the universe if anything at all the only reason why aliens would come here would be to stop the destruction probably by wiping out 99% of the species doing the most damage I mean what if they are just like us but with super technology and weapons the way that we tend to treat other forms of life that aren't quite like us and also how we treat forms of life that are exactly like us but which we manage to convince ourselves are somehow different and a bit less human than we are they would know what I've searched in incognito mode that they've been and other sole reason humans exist here at all I point here we honor that they already found us but concluded that there is no intelligent life on earth that they won't be bangable 99% of aliens in meteor are just pretty slightly alter humans with a few exceptions the others are horror movie monsters so they are less about sentient life and more about ending yours what if they decide to colonize but they don't like oxygen very much so that won't be as prominent anymore honestly if they have the tak we are freaked peers hoping they are nice and bangable that they are going to treat us just like we treat animals the idea it just might not be possible to ever interact with them even if we can detect them what if there is no magical technology that sidesteps the speed of light what if the hard factors that it will take over 500 years of travel to pass a single message along they could be very friendly and may take us aboard their ship and even feed us only to realize we are their main course if there are aliens which they're almost definitely are we have no idea what they would look like or how they would act we always portray aliens as little humanoid things with big-ass heads but how do we know they wouldn't look more like a xenomorph from the alien movies or some sort of weird creepy look an insectoid thing there could be all sorts of crap out there that humans can't even begin to comprehend or prepare for the dark forest theory it is one of the possible answers to the Fermi paradox it states that the reason the universe isn't filled out extraterrestrial signals like we would expect is that the universe is like a dark forest you are not supposed to make noise lest you catch the attention of a nocturnal predator other alien civilizations know this and do not allow communication signals to escape their planet but earth was not fortunate enough to learn this before gaining sufficient technology to create high-powered radio transmissions the first high powered radio transmissions were made in the 20th century which means they still have yet to travel much significant distance Mirth but when someone hears them we may discover precisely why the universe isn't filled with noise we all know the Fermi paradox why if interstellar life is at all possible why we haven't found them yet if we assume that there is life on other planets we have one very simple and very terrifying answer to the question the reason we don't see other alien species is because every time one reaches a certain point it is unfailingly eliminated there is no evidence of other interstellar life because there is a force that wipes them all out one particular alien species of unmatchable power and unflinching purpose which has the technology required to prevent the rise of any other race to a point where it might pose any kind of threat for all we know they could be infinitely physically stronger than us someone else has probably already said this but the theory that aliens have observed the slow growth and evolution of humanity for a long time caveman era that they have come to the conclusion that we are not even remotely a threat to them nor would we be much use as an ally so they've decided to ignore us and not bother wasting their time with humans that to them are much too primitive no one's going to see this after twenty eight hundred comments but here goes just to add on to the concept that aliens would be at least millennia ahead of us and the kind technology we'd accept them to have wormholes in the Alcubierre drive are the best ideas humanity have for realistic FTL not every species is going to need FTL but humans would rather not spend decades getting from star to star exactly what form an FTL Drive might take is beyond me but both worked by exploiting loopholes in space itself to avoid breaking the speed of light and causality a wormhole would be a hopefully permanent folding of space so that they are connected by a throat of energy connecting two mouths large enough that a ship could pass through without touching the sides the Alcubierre drive is basically a Star Trek warp sorter space contracts in front and expands behind thereby moving a bubble of motionless space of FTL speeds they both have their positives and negatives both of these things require control of the hypothetical substance called exotic matter which has negative mass / negative energy that means it would be repelled by gravity it would also be nice if it was stable and nonreactive with most regular matter but who knows for the purposes of FTL we need to be able to make a lot of it many tons at least a small planetoid Zante mass at most we'd also need to have fine control over exotic matter and its properties it would need to be built into some sort of a shape or matrix that would let a control a focus or manipulate space itself whatever was doing the controlling would also need to be practically infallible because mistakes could wipe out human life in a star system so what do we need to do to get there humans have only just started being able to produce antimatter possibly the most destructive substance we know about so first we need to work out an experiment to test exotic matter is even possible then experimenting to find a stable variety that will work for our purposes this requires even larger more energetic particle accelerator labs I've read ideas in science fiction for exploiting the magnetic fields of Jupiter or the Sun to conduct experiments if it requires antimatter we'd absolutely want to do those experiments far away from Earth's surface second we need to find out a way of reliably synthesizing more of it imagine industrial sized particle accelerators or networks of automated space stations built in orbit of Jupiter manipulating intense magnetic fields third we need to have as much fine control over exotic matter and gravity as we currently do for magnetism fission and fusion power and then some essentially masters of matter on both a macro and macroscopic scale or nearly so we need the technology to be able to turn on / off gravity / anti-gravity focus it adjust the intensity the shape and gradient of the field space industry construction and habitation would have to be an everyday reality for tens of millions of people and robots to support the large-scale production of exotic matter spacecraft fabrication space mining and other related industries it will take generations of people living and dying in space or other bodies in the solar system longer considering how well we get along with one another so if they showed up here to say hello their ships would probably appear to defy physics as we commonly understand it nearly shape would be possible barely aerodynamic but able to turn on a dime without loss of momentum movement and hovering with no exhaust if not that then using materials with unbreakable tensile strengths perfect radiation protection against anything we'd have anyway gravity wave weapons that could rip apart molecules with no way to block it near perfection medical technology or biotechnology the list goes on so the real question is why don't we find any evidence of either sort of FTL method being used not even experimentally astronomers have seen some very energetic events out there but nothing that wasn't explainable naturalistically then again perhaps we aren't looking in the right place at the right time if they used wormholes they'd need to use conventional drives through normal space to send the other end of the wormhole there it would take a long time sure but it's easier to stay at home making more stargates than having to be the one traveling the whole way there if they use the Alcubierre drive surely there would be spikes of gamma radiation without a conventional source from what I've read the radiation is released as a result of shutting down the drive ideally the blast of deadly radiation would be pointed out into empty space where it can spread out naturally even if the alc drive wasn't clean humans might have trouble picking it out from the light of the star so my thinking is that we might pick up a signal from us of experimenting with the alc drive before they find a way to prevent a radiation spike or they could simply arrive before we saw them leave because they literally beat the light of the event as for communication that's a whole other kettle of fish they could be more attractive than humans you could get aroused by aliens looks like someone doesn't feel like sleeping tonight a jungle is normally very loud there are few things that can make a jungle go silent space seems to be silent in terms of radio broadcast except for us the one thing sending out a freight load of noise that can be heard at farther and farther distances every day if they come to us then they are automatically thousand or thousands of years more advanced than us [Music] [Music]
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Id: Bp_YIS7vu3g
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Length: 27min 51sec (1671 seconds)
Published: Wed May 06 2020
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