What Is the Worst Thing You've Ever Seen Happen at a Wedding?

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what is the worst thing you've ever seen happen at a wedding divorced father of the groom started up about how much better his new wife was compared to his old wife during his speech on and on and the qualities of asian women versus white women i've never looked at my shoes so hard in my life the sister of the bride who wasn't invited showed up drunk and got in a fight with the bride until the father of the bride broke it up by putting the sister in a chokehold and dragging her out of the venue the bride was surprisingly fine afterwards source i'm a wedding caterer i was at a wedding where the best man got up and explained how important this speech was to him because even though he hasn't stutter and public speaking is very hard for him the groom had picked him it immediately became clear that his stutter was severe but everyone of course looked at each other like isn't this amazing what a touching moment it felt like a movie moment as he struggled forward into what we all assumed would be a poignant speech however it quickly became clear that this was indeed one of the worst best man speeches of all time with him referencing exes freaking stories jokes about the groom's small dong and how hot he thought the bride was but of course it was all coming out in a slow horrible stutter that made everything much much worse at the end everyone was mortified except for him he looked incredibly proud this is freaking hilarious not for those present but god dang one of my wife's co-workers got married this past summer her father passed away from a fatal heart attack the morning of the wedding but her family insisted and convinced her to go in with it so she did it was awkward as huck and nobody in the building made it through without crying even the minister my grandad did that the day before my wedding great way to go all his kids there and a nice meal my mother-in-law handed out an ep of my now sister-in-law to as many guests as she could and threw a fit in the middle of the dance floor later that night because i didn't let her daughter sing with a band or karaoke her exact words were how dare you make today all about you it was my wedding day i worked weddings for a living and once saw the best man get loaded give a speech and profess his love of the bride and how they had slept together two nights before open bar one best man zero that open bar did the groom a favor just prior to my sister's wedding ceremony beginning as everyone was getting in place and last minute things were being done in this big old catholic church my father noticed a woman with a confused look at the back of the church and approached her asking if she needed anything she informed him she was the bride then opened a beat-up suitcase she had which contained something resembling a wedding type dress my father suspecting she had some mental health issues played along suggesting that she may be in the wrong church when that didn't work he slipped off and called the police in the meantime the lady walked up to my soon to be brother-in-law and said your aunt going to leave me this time when the police pulled up to the church the lady spotted them and made a quick exit turns out she had a habit of pulling the stunt my brother-in-law still occasionally reminds my sister that he had a choice on their wedding day but still chose her the bride fainted and hit her head hard enough to go to the hospital in an ambulance no refunds so they amazingly still had the reception pretty subdued we had a few drinks and just left not a bad thing that happened for me just really awkward went to wedding of someone from my church a few years back when it came time to say the vows he pulls out a sheet of paper and read some for like five minutes getting really intimate and pouring his heart out to her it was kind of awkward tbh but the icing on the cake was her response when he was done she just giggled loudly and awkwardly and got out ditto that's it that was a wedding vow so freaking awkward bride never showed up my cousin was the groom and had about 500 people in attendance he got on the mic and said there's no bride so we had the party anyway he married someone else two years later i worked at a wedding venue for four years having to stop a bride's stepdad from hitting her over the head with a chair was a highlight the whole room were just fighting with each other the best man kicked the mother-in-law different wedding some [ __ ] bit the dj because he refused to play a certain song for me the absolute worst one was when the newlyweds were arguing at the end of the night in front of their young son she admitted to cheating on him it all came out there and then in front of his family and he was devastated what is with this thread and people biting each other there was this guy outside of the hotel walking up to groups of people in the smoking area asking how much each person weighed he was very overweight himself and his jeans looked to be on inside out he was severely underdressed for the occasion and no one seemed to know him anyways he would ask a person's weight and then exclaim i can bench that until one guy i think he was a family member of the bride got into an argument with him and started asking around if anyone knew this person figuring that he was a wedding crasher that's when this gentleman decided to cut a deal with everyone if i can pick up that bench with my bare hands can i stay for the party to which everyone agrees because the bench was clearly bolted to the ground so he walks over puts his hands on the bench crouches down and with all of his might shoots his pants in front of everyone he stood up and waddled off through the parking lot to never be seen again i did hear throughout the night people talking about a guy who was on shrooms outside trying to lift a bench so i guess he was also tripping balls i'm so jealous to have not experienced this story firsthand i ruined my cousin's wedding videos and i'll never live it down when i was 13 my cousin got married and my brother was in charge of photography and video for the day at some point in the day my brother gave me the camcorder and told me to shoot and take video longer story shorter i was unknowingly recording when myself and another cousin were talking about girls at the wedding and as one girl walked by i said i would frick that girl in the freaking butt one week later the whole entire family decided to watch the video of the wedding and i have never felt so freaking embarrassed in my life no i never actually freaked that girl in the fricking butt but my family occasionally likes to ask hey you gonna freak that girl in the freaking butt whenever i bring a new girl around usually while she's standing right next to me i'm 25 now and it's been a funny 12 years at my expense suckers and you learned the most important lesson about electronic media the mic is always on the groom was drinking heavily and by the time the cake was supposed to be cut he was passed out at the back of the room the bride was crying hysterically dad stepped in and cut the cake with the bride former matridotl there was like an eight-year-old boy who had loads of confetti in his hand so i didn't think much of it turns out he thought it was sugar paper and ate all of he then proceeded to projectile vomit everywhere through the middle of the ceremony was one of the funniest and most disgusting moments of my life i'm just trying to imagine his thought process well the first one didn't taste like sugar let's try another hum no just paper maybe this yellow bit over here well i'll be done let's try the red after arriving 45 minutes after the ceremony was to begin during the ring exchange the groom gets this blank look and says he didn't know he was supposed to buy her another ring and still slipped off her wedding band and handed it off to the preacher this is probably something they should have discussed beforehand the wedding ring isn't supposed to be a surprise nervous groom stood with his legs straight for too long fell forward and knocked himself out cold hitting the first step to the platform with his head for the bouquet toss a middle-aged guy forced his middle-aged girlfriend out onto the floor then stood by her so she couldn't leave the bouquet was caught by an excited little girl the guy proceeded to yank the bouquet out of the little girl's hands gave it to his middle-aged girlfriend then ran off the floor cheering loudly to high-five one of his buddies the little girl ran away crying just as the bride started walking down the aisle her grandmother had a sudden cardiac event we had to stop the procession and start cpr in the aisle way what's worse is that we were in a large park and people calling 911 couldn't give the address i ran to the rangers station but it was locked i broke a window screen and crawled through to use a landline ms could trace and respond she didn't make it as an added bonus to the horrible situation i later found out the ranger had placed a hidden camera in the women's restroom where the girls got ready dressed for the wedding he served jail time at least the creep ranger didn't get away with it i was at a wedding where one of the bridesmaids had gotten married a month earlier and thought it was a good idea to change out of her dress into her wedding dress for the reception we in the wedding party told her to change back she decided to stand at the head of the buffet line and tell each and every one of us as we came through the line how she felt if you i fed your husband you're a sea it goes on and on booze was involved so you can imagine how it was she refused to change out of her wedding dress until one of the other bridesmaids locked her in the bathroom and told her to change or it was going to get physical she changed and left not long after the rest of the reception was a fantastic time was at a wedding this summer the groom's family absolutely tore their son brother apart during the speeches they didn't say one loving thing and went on to talk about all the mistakes he made during this life the worst thing they brought up was how he was responsible for a car accident that put someone in a coma i was cringing oh and one more travesty dinner wasn't served until 10 p.m having that sort of family would be reason enough to elope if the bride didn't want to elope then offer a destination waiting for her and her closest family if they really really wanted to and you could afford it one of my best friend's weddings the groom got so drunk that he straight disappeared from the reception crap got real awkward when it was time for the wedding to be over the venue was kicking us out and the bride and groom were supposed to take off in their vintage car and drive off to their honeymoon suite the music went off lights went on and it turned into the guest searching for the dang room my husband finally found him in the parking lot basically face down on his lips he helped him back into the wedding which was basically the most awkward walk of shame past the bride's glaring dad and grandfather the groom was too drunk to drive bride's grandfather drove them to the hotel suite which was a 30-minute drive my friend the bride later told me that when they got in the room her new husband passed out cold on the bed and she had to wander the halls in her wedding dress looking for someone to unhook her dress for her so she could get out of it she had to wander the halls in her wedding dress looking for someone to unhook her dress for her so she could get out of it this is the saddest part i went to a wedding in a huge manor house on a cliff overlooking the ocean the house was lit up by big floodlights and the floor pointing up at the house when it got dark some guests ran inside to the bar dance floor and shouted at people to come outside and look a man and a woman who met for the first time at the wedding were freaking below one of the floodlights but didn't realize that their gyrations were being projected 50 feet high onto the side of the house a perfect shadow of two shaggers they were very embarrassed when they found out real life shadow pee on the side of a house isn't exactly what you would expect at a wedding friend's wedding a few years ago the dj had screens up for slideshows of the bride and groom that were played during some of the songs fine dj screensaver was girls gone wild style videos we saw lots of tea on those screens this isn't a best wedding ever thread we were partying in puerto vallarta and there was a beautiful wedding going on at the hotel next door a friend of a friend of mine was pretty drunk then just sprinted for the wedding he hopped the wall blasted through the seating arrangements then body slammed the like six foot tall wedding cake he spent the next two days in mexican jail and will forever be a freaking prick in my heart i'm guessing this isn't the only story of him making great decisions while drunk ex-boyfriend of the bride got super drunk at the reception and started rambling loudly heard by half the reception hall about how the marriage was wrong and how she was the love of his life he was there with his then new presumably imminently ex-girlfriend frick knows why she invited him if there's one thing that i learned from watching how i met your mother it is that i should never invite my ex to my wedding or crap happens i get it guys this doesn't happen with everyone the replies to this comment prove me wrong pls stop responding i wasn't expecting so many replies for the love of everything that is holy plss tahp my husband's brother having a seaside wedding our almost two-year-old was the ring bearer he passed off the rings to the best man dead then toddled away off the cliff it was probably 60 80 feet dropped to the beach below but he luckily got caught up in the bushes and husband snatched him up he was buckled into his stroller after that kamikaze kid i think my heart stopped for a second until i reached the end of your post glad he was okay at my wedding i'm australian we were getting to the speeches part of the night but we're waiting for me to come back from the toilets the meal had not quite agreed with me and i was dealing with the consequences my buddy who was being mc was currently stalling the 110-ish people and decided it would be funny to come find me wandering mike in hand he enters the toilets and asks how much longer i'll be i didn't know he had a mic and that everyone was waiting for me so replied quickly back with an angry frick off c i'm doing a crap i'll be done when i am freaking done much to the horror of the people in the next room brother and sister-in-law thought it would be fun to have their dogs walk down the aisle after their flower girl spread the flower petals the dogs thought midway down the aisle was the perfect place for a crapping photo op on the white runner my dog was at my wedding at least houzz waited until we were saying our vows before she dropped a deuce nobody caught a photo of it happening crying shame because i would have been on our thank you cards my cousin's mother-in-law told my cousin that her dress was ugly and then called the next day to ask if they had freaked super awkward my cousin is super religious and modest and was waiting for her wedding night to do anything so it was extremely embarrassing for her i was friends with a couple that had split right before my wedding i knew i couldn't invite both of them and i was closer friends with guy but he decided to move out of state after the breakup so i invited the girl let's call her kelly kelly shows up with a new younger knockoff version of her recent ex cool whatever kelly is about 5 feet 11 120 pounds maybe good looking girl long legs she decided to wear a mini pleather skirt which wouldn't have been too bad only there was also a two-inch slit up the back a little much for a wedding but whatever the whole wedding family members friends and co-workers kept asking me who kelly was and if i knew she was basically flashing all her goodies to the whole guest list all night including the children see i was too distracted by my wedding to notice that kelly also decided to not wear underwear so every time she sat down during the ceremony and reception her chance and butt would be visible for all behind her to see thanks kelly now my 90-year-old great-grandma knows all too well what your chance looks like when you're 5 feet 11 sometimes you learn the hard way that clothes are designed for women who are five feet six sorry your wedding was a pete show at my own wedding reception i saw my wife's grandma who was about 98 very slowly and with a terrible sense of inevitability fall sideways off her chair she remained in a sitting position but just slowly tilted sideways till she was on the floor still in the exact same pose it sounds crappy but all i could think was [ __ ] sake don't die at our wedding please don't die at our wedding luckily she was fine and lived for another few years to see her 100th birthday i thought my wife's grandma died at our wedding thx for the karma grammar mary when my brother and new wife got to the hotel the hotel apologized for the rowdy lot in the bar my brother said it's fine as they were our family that's hilarious my friend got married around age 21 neither he nor the bride had much money so the wedding was modest but still very nice they did have a lovely three-tier cake though the ceremony goes fine and the bride will cut the cake music is playing she was a dainty tiny little thing maybe five feet two inches and 100 pounds soaking wet or if she swatted a flight might not even notice she approaches the cake with a knife barely touches it and boom the whole thing immediately collapses all three tears somehow all over someone's elderly grandmother who was seated right by the ill-fated cake that old lady who had barely moved throughout the whole affair shot out of her chair like she was fired from a cannon screeching bloody goddamned murder and sending cake shrapnel all over those nearby another close friend and i watched the whole thing from close range and were paralyzed and purple from hysterical breathless laughter as were many of the other guests i later heard the bakery refunded them for the cake due to its not up to code construction they should have charged them double for generating memories that no one they will ever forget it was the man of honor like a maid of honor except a guy there was also still a best man during the man of honour speech the guy repeatedly said the name of the bride's ex instead of her new husband three times when i first saw bride and brides ex i knew they were perfect for each other stuff like that and he caught himself two every time he was insanely embarrassed but he still did it three times throughout the speech it was so awkward watching it happen probably the biggest social train wreck i've ever seen plot twist man of honor was the bride's ex friend's wedding the bride's nephew about seven i think was the ring bearer instead of sitting at the front after he made it down the aisle he decided to do karate moves in front of and sometimes behind the couple during the entire ceremony he's in almost all their photos an alarming number of you are worried that this was you the boy is still too young to really be on reddit i think so you're probably safe from anonymous internet judgment lol now he's part owner of a bar in philadelphia not that bad but the maid of honor wife's sister speech at my wedding holy crap this was hands down the worst most cringy speech i have ever heard right before my best man's speech was great touching and only took about five minutes first thing she says well i'm not gonna get all fake and sappy like that last speech no one laughed he and i looked at each other like wtf she had two pages of typed up words in her hand shaking and still managed to ramble on for 20 minutes 20 you could tell she never actually practiced the whole thing she lost her place a few times started crying a few times her family kept telling her she was doing great and she told them quite audibly to shut up she said she was a spicy meatball said that like 10 plus times referenced how she almost slept with me and that her sister is lucky she did until we wouldn't be together talked about all these negative experiences with my wife and the one nice thing she said was but you're my sister and i love you which made her cry again god i just wanted it to end that 20 minutes was a freaking eternity the wedding ceremony for lunch and vicki was ending when the priest said i now introduce you to vance and licky husband and wife my dad's friend's son got married when i was a teenager he's a really cool guy and we played nintendo a lot whenever we visited anyway the embarrassing story is about his bride she decided that she wanted to sing to him at one point during the ceremony so she chose the song wind beneath my wings by bette midler midler is an alto the bride was a high soprano unfortunately she couldn't sing very well either so for several minutes she squeaks this song out while he's standing there with the most awkward look on his face i think everyone felt embarrassed i know i did the good thing is that they're still happily married and have a daughter why people think singing to their soul on their wedding day is not cringy is beyond me at the reception the bride received a tip to go out to the parking lot where she found her new husband making out with his ex-gf the ensuing fight came inside the hall and the party screeched to a halt both families were displeased and stuck him with a lot of bills we kept our gift good on whoever gave her the tip that's freaking bulls i was an attendant in my best friend's wedding her father walked her down the island while he was not visibly drunk he had a hard time walking behind her to sit in the pew he stepped on her dress ripping it from her back down to her butt her thong was red they had to stop the wedding so that she could find safety pins comma her thong was red details like these makes reading stories worthwhile went to my cousin's wedding and the groom and men wore tuxedo shirts and when they got to the idoozy said aww crap i guess shortly after eating they proceeded to light the trash on fire and shoot clay pigeons behind the house after heavy drinking good times my friend got married and apparently the bride's best friend had some past issues with the groom's cousins it was tense all night until a fight broke out between them the groom's cousin started throwing punches and the bride's friend brought out a knife he ended up cutting his hand after three guys had to pry them apart pretty interesting but got super awkward once the bride started hysterically crying after screaming for about three minutes grandmother broke her ankle dancing didn't want to bother anyone so sat down for the rest of the night a and e at 11 pm three hours later welsh grannies are hard i once worked a wedding where one of the guests thought it would be perfectly reasonable to change her baby's crappy diaper on a table where other guests were eating i offered to show her the restroom where we had a baby changing station or even an empty banquet room but the disgusting bee said she was finished and had the audacity to shove the dirty diaper at me and tell me to throw it away for her the other guests looked both disgusted and mortified ack witnessed almost the exact same thing while working a wedding except it was the table that the actual wedding cake was on even worse the whole thing appeared to be done for a bizarre photo op we tried to stop it before it began but people with this little common sense generally cannot be reasoned with if you are new to the channel you can subscribe i publish new videos every day until then check another video [Music] bye for now
Channel: On Tap Studios
Views: 64,034
Rating: 4.8987656 out of 5
Keywords: worst wedding dresses, worst wedding ever, worst wedding, worst wedding fails, worst wedding of all time, worst wedding moments, #updootst, updoot, reddit, r/askreddit, askreddit, ask reddit, r/, \r, r\, best of reddit, reddit stories, reddit story, top posts, funniest posts, funny, funny posts, funny askreddit, reddit funny, askreddit funny, askreddit stories, reddit cringe, memes, comment awards, dankify, toadfilms, updoot everything, updoot reddit, chill, story, stories, reddit on tap
Id: ctJoSRf_2qc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 59sec (1499 seconds)
Published: Sun Sep 13 2020
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