When Did You Mess Up Badly But Didn't Get Caught For It? (r/AskReddit)

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what's your biggest freak up that you were never caught for was a keyholder for a Christmas peek retail job and I somehow left the place unlocked at the end of the night I was first to arrive in the morning tried the door and it just opened in fact I was working for 10 minutes before I registered what had happened and that I hadn't needed to unlock the door nothing was missing that we ever noticed but I was severely shaken ended up volunteering for terrible shifts which the owner thought was due to get up and go attitude but it was mostly because I felt like crap for very nearly ruining a little family stores business yup I did the same my shop was in Oxford Street in London the door just swung open as I pushed it my heart nearly stopped my parents went out of town in high school so about 10 of my friends and I skipped class and took our boat out on a lake for the day we had forgot to put the drain plug in and only realised it once the rear of the boat was completely submerged miraculously we got it back to the boat ramp just as the V engine choked off burned the clutch off my 84 Volvo wagon getting the boat out of the water but we got it out drained it put the plug back in and went back out on the lake it had started right back up two weeks late the clutch completely went out on the car and the motor of the boat burned out a week later after that my parents helped me pay for a new clutch and the only thing I heard about the boat was the mechanic had commented on how clean the engine was I'm sure the mechanic knew exactly what had happened but thought it was my dad who had sunk the boat and my father remained clueless until I fest up 20 years later and even then he didn't believe the story ik now all you have to do is drive the boat fast enough to get it up on a plane and the water will get sucked right out replace plug boat on about two years ago on my way home from the shop someone asked me for directions to a street I had only lived in the town a few months at that point and didn't ever go out so I didn't really know my way around but was too socially inept to tell them that I also hadn't really been listening but didn't want to ask them to repeat themselves so I just pointed in a random direction then said go that way take a left at the end of the road about thirty minutes later they showed up at my door I saw it was them and assumed they had come to insult me or something for giving them bad directions but realized this couldn't be true since they didn't know where I live when my dad answers the door I go hide in the hallway listening to their conversation the first thing he says is sorry we're so late some W gave us crap directions I just hide in my room for the following four hours hoping they didn't come in it's holy crap just say you don't know it's perfectly an awkward way of dealing with that and once mess up someone's day not sure about biggest with a few days ago while pulling on an extension cord under the couch trying to reach the phone charger that was plugged into the end of it I accidentally pulled the Christmas tree over on to my grandmother and uncle one of the legs that holds the tree up broke and everyone just assumed the tree was too heavy on that side heheh whoops haha I love the image of this tree falling on your unsuspecting grandmother unless she was hurt in which case I'm not laughing at all when I was around 12 my mum bought these two round glass side tables with one metal leg in the middle holding up the glass the first one was smashed into a thousand pieces when I fell from a handstand and my legs went straight through the table afterwards I was told off more times than there were shards of glass so imagine my horror when I am advertently break the second a week later luckily for me this break was a little less obvious as when I knocked over the table the glass did not break but just broke off the metal leg I therefore carefully balanced the glass of the leg and various other objects at equal lengths to maintain balance when my mum went home and picked up the table to move it to her chair she only picked up the to this day she still believes that glass snapped off and when she went out to buy the same tables again she would advise our whole family to pick them up from the leg only worked at Wendy's and mistook a $20 for a $50 gave the customer $30 over in change they didn't say anything and took off the thing is we were extremely busy that day electricity was out all over town in people were waiting in line 45 minutes to get their food our restaurant was running on generators the managers were simply too busy to count the registers correctly at the end of our shifts they just shoved the money into the safe 30 dollars doesn't seem like much but anything over $1 short was a write up pretty sure $30 would have gotten me fired that was a dog move by the other person if someone gives you extra change you give it back to them you would not want to the cashier to keep some of your change worked at a grocery store knocked over two tall pallets of Pepsi and Mountain Dew threw some of it into the trash compactor to hide some of it which exploded more soda everywhere it gave up trying to clean it up quickly knocked out and left before anyone saw me how her I can totally imagine your face trying to clean up the damage by throwing it in the compactor in the moment of utter panic when crap starts to spray everywhere and then just giving up I poured two hundred milliliters of liquid nitrogen down the lab drain instead of letting it evaporate I directly realized I flicked up when it made an awful clicking sound while running down the drain I don't know if the guys like the lab had any problem because of that but if they did sorry similarity story I work at Taco Bell and on my second day they had me crying nachos I learned the hard way of the nacho basket is wet big metal basket and you put it in the boil and grease it will 100% make a ton of noise and scare you sober frying nachos not crying but crying nachos sounds funny so I'm leaving it I used to work at a bank and I misplaced $15,000 cash my co-workers state an hour late tearing apart the place and going over my transaction logs to figure out where it went it was under my keyboard the next day we pretended it never happened when I was a kid I drew some cartoons that were totally not appropriate for a kid to be drawing but fearing that my parents would find them I decided to flush them down the toilet a4 paper doesn't flush too good so my parents found all of these filthy cartoons half flushed and blocking the toilet from draining when questioned by them I was so embarrassed that I managed to pin the blame on my friend from across the street a couple of months ago I had a job in a restaurant as a chef I didn't have any previous experience as a chef nor the education for it but some of my friends also worked there so they got me employed there anyways in the kitchen we had deep fryers every time we locked up for the night we could off course turn them off except that one time when I didn't turn them off coming back next morning the place was incredibly hot and it smelled like burned crap the staff that were there at the time could never figure out who left them on I off course said I had no idea to seeing how I almost caused an oil fire I got away with it and never mentioned it to anyone TL DR almost managed to cause an oil fire in a restaurant I worked in but not me but a friend burned down a paint factory the factory was next to a train line so all trains had to be stopped this was all while on his break time at school he was never caught delayed hundreds of people and caused thousands in damaged he still has the newspaper article about it he said it was an accident but he burnt down other building in the past so I'm pretty sure it wasn't a friend when I was in fourth grade along with some other boys in my grade started hammering at the thin bathroom drywall with everything we could sneak into the bathroom the outside was supervised than we had entire class bathroom breaks eventually it got to the point where there was a 2-3 inch hole in the wall the teachers got wind of this through maintenance and started sending us into the bathroom one at a time I went into the bathroom inspected the hole a little bit and bumped it a little too hard causing a section of the wall to fall off and effectively quadrupling the size of the hole a bunch of kids ended up getting punished for it and their parents got small fines but I was never caught I still feel a bit guilty about it today freaked up my exam broke into the teacher's office with a friend and took it with me the teacher thought he lost it and I was able to retake it never got caught when I was in high school I started up my own little internet business and never paid taxes on the income I made which well exceeded what was taxable as a teenager no one teaches you about taxes and it isn't exactly something that is top of mind long story short flooded a bank by over tightening a mains water valve upstairs valve bursts water causes thousands and damages it cascades down through the roof the bank is shut for weeks and the vault floor had begun to sag from the wave of the saturated floors they investigated the cause I kept my mouth shut and they concluded the valve was faulty that's one way to rob a bank if all the breakers tripped because of the flood I let the class hamster die over Thanksgiving break it was fourth grade and I'd volunteered weeks before to take it home over the break to feed it he being what 10 years old I was highly disorganized and didn't think to mention it to my parents or anybody after that oddly nobody mentioned it to me before we left for break I've ER grown up me knows that the teacher must have been at least partly at fault kid me knew beyond a doubt that had doomed that quitter to a slow painful only death by starvation the day after the break we returned and found him dead which the shrieking prompted literally the first time I thought of the poor thing since volunteering I caught a tick as I and she caught mine and looked away a less adult person might have denounced me in front of the class but as it was nobody ever said anything to me about it I don't think I ever even told my parents about it yet that's the teachers fault this my eldest brothers story when he was in high school he was a bit of a hotshot super popular a bit often but played on varsity all that jazz well there was this mansion being built by the golf course a neighborhood over and when I say mansion I mean mansion this thing was going to be huge it would make the surrounding three-story six bedroom homes look like it's pool houses or slave quarters well my brother and is too-cool-for-school posse decided to throw a raver inside still under construction and a long drive off the road it was easier to remain undetected but one thing led to another and the house caught fire the kids scattered the whole thing burned to the ground I didn't know 50 teenagers were capable of such a secret but they never got caught I used to get detention all the time in junior high school I got it so much that I joined the Chess Club so that I had a reason to stay after school for an hour a couple days a week I then just forged my mom's name on the detention slip and served my detention mom had no idea it ever happened on the off times that I didn't have detention I just played chess well there always was a pretty big overlap between the problem children and the Chess Club when I was in Iraq back in 2008 I was given this little Gator like a 4x4 vehicle to wander around and do my business with well one day I'm aimlessly driving this thing around as I'm pulling up to our housing units we call them shoes not paying any attention to where I'm driving I end up slamming the corner of this Gator into an air-conditioning unit on one of my friends choose and effectively rip the AC unit out of the wall I hear him scream and naturally knowing I'll get in some serious trouble for the damage I take off back to my office about an hour later in comes my friend ready to wage war on some Iraqi idiot who just smashed his a/c off his home while he was in the middle of pleasuring himself I mean this guy apparently was butt naked playing mr. handy with himself it took everything in me to hear the story out and not tell him I was the one who did it our command had to hire a contractor to repair the housing unit and I let it slide all year that an Iraqi smashed that thing TL DR my whack job ruined a whack job best TL DR ever I was doing an internship at one of the biggest media firms in the country as a video technician I did this on a voluntary basis because I had days left between my studies and it would look done diddly good on my CV my main responsibility was loading captured video into the system and prepping it for editing most of what came in was recorded on tapes digital cameras weren't all the way there yet so when loading video into the system the entire length of the tape had to be run you can see why they could use an infant for this most of the material I had to load was for late evening news or shows it were only coming on days later so there never was too much pressure or stress involved but every once in a while material came in that had to be loaded right that instant for example for the news 20 minutes later I had been doing it for some time and was given the trust of also doing the more time-sensitive pieces so every video that came and went by me upon entering my editing cellar some point there was a videotape running that wasn't mine and my tape had been taken out so I stopped it took it out and just restarted my tape that had been stopped but as it turns out this was footage meant for the headline of that evenings news which went on ten minutes after I stopped the loading of the video when they came looking for the images and told me what it was I told them the tape had run its length and they assumed that the guy who started loading it made a mistake as he was known for doing when he was under stress so the evening news never got the footage for its headline that evening and they blamed the other guy sorry Martin this happened when I was 14 and I still can't believe I got away with it I was on the school coach on the way to school when it started snowing the roads became clogged with traffic and slowed to a crawl almost immediately I noticed a cramping pain in my stomach I tried to ignore it the pain built to a crescendo to the point where I couldn't even enjoy the Simpsons episode I had downloaded on my first gen iPod Touch eventually we neared the school and I thought I was going to make it however the coach missed the usual turn adding an extra incalculably painful five minutes to the journey it was at this point I made my fatal error and decided to release a little fart to try to relieve the pressure horrible molten push shot from my anus and bubbled its way along my thighs and down my trousers more and more gushed out like a tidal wave of Man City the smell was horrendous it burned the nostrils someone laughed aaww did you crap yourself or something how I laughed along with them while my dark grey school trousers hid my shame the second we got off the coach i wad 'old to the nearest toilets bin my trousers and changed into my gym kit we had a little shop on campus so I was able to buy some more trousers i stank of pool day and ten years later no one realized I shat myself on school property in secondary school I always quite enjoyed drama class except for the fact we had a few complete degenerate kids who always did their best to ruin it one class we were in the main hall and the stage had these detachable wooden steps leading up to it from the floor a couple of these degenerate kids were running up and down these steps and hiding behind the stage curtains and the teacher was telling them to stop or else she'd go get the head principal for the rest of you they ignored her and so she went marching out of the hall to get some help so I decided with the urging of my friends to get these kids good while the teacher was gone in the degeneres were still hiding i undid the clasps that held the wooden stage steps in place in anticipation of the hilarity that would ensure when one of these kids would come flying down them instead the teacher came back into the Malone and finding that they were still on the stage decided to march up the steps after them as soon as her foot touched down on the first step the whole thing collapsed beneath her with a sickening snap coming from her leg she was crutches for almost a year after that no one in that class of 30 odd kids ever grasped me up even though they all knew I did it high school New Year's Eve before we left for a party a couple friends and I decided it would be fine to smoke a quick bowl before we leave my house we did it in my brother's room in the basement and blew the smoke out the window well then we left for the party while at the party my brother called me freaking out saying the house reeks of pot my parents would be getting home soon and I was basically screwed then my brother had this genius idea I'm gonna burn a bag of popcorn well it worked too well he burned the popcorn so bad that we had to get a new microwave in my parents eyes this was third kitchen appliance we had to replace because of him but really he was covering my butt best brother ever I promised him I would come clean when I graduated high school but I chickened out because I was on bad terms with my mom at that time then I promised I would tell them when I graduated college chickened out again now I'm just going with I'll tell them when I have a pot smoking teenager my brother is the coolest guy ever one time I was working at a gas station and slept-in ended up coming in like two hours late to open by myself I'd had a hard time sleeping the night before because some crap had gone down with my roommate long story short he tried to beat the crap out of me with an acoustic guitar my boss having realized I was late went and opened for me and was waiting there when I got in I saw him and just started crying because I was pretty positive he was gonna fire my butt for being so late when he saw me crying he said don't worry about it take the rest of the day off whatever it was you must have had a good reason after that I worked my butt off even harder at that job I felt so bad that I had slept in and he had just let me off the hook like that but I think he thought something was really wrong by the way I was crying but I was just really freaking sky that I was losing my job he tried to beat the crap out of me with an acoustic guitar he thought something was really wrong I'd bloody agree with him there caused all the horses to get loose at this ranch I was working at I had accidentally left the gate open took the Wranglers most of the day to get them back about ten years ago I slept with my boss's son at work after hours on my boss's desk on the waiting room couch and on the conference table the following morning a conference was called between office staff there was dried stuff on the table law anyway someone yelled out somebody has been eating cookies and milk in here again and spilled the freaking milk again I couldn't keep a straight face had to excuse myself outside for a cigarette so I could laugh my blood off oh wow that was a dark time in my life and a mistake but at the time I thought it was a good idea I'm hiring I work at a supermarket and was stacking shelves at the time this particular day I was restocking the eggs picked up a big bus box full of them the bottom of the box gave way and I was left frantically trying to clear up around 30 boxes of broken eggs I put them all on the waste table and walked away I worked at a golf course when I was younger on the driving range we had this big caged quad bike that we used to use with an attachments to pick up the balls anyway one day I'm driving and it's running low on petrol so I asked if I can fill it up boss said yeah no worries and left me to it as a sheltered 14 year old I didn't know much so I filled up the petrol tank with oil like litres of oil took it back out and was all good next day went into work and got told the range bike is busted so I'm just cleaning carts today I worked out later what I'd done when I overheard the bosses talking and saying they had to drain the fuel tank and clean out the pipes they thought it was one of the other staff who worked the morning before I came in but no one got trouble for so it was smooth sailing for young me I studied engines after that so I didn't destroy my first car I told you we don't know who did it it wasn't us go on NSA I accidentally went on a date with a 14 year old when I was 20 I found out her age four years after the date nothing happened besides making out so I dodged a bullet there and she didn't look 14 at all and was pretty smart and witty I check IDs now I was working overtime in a shopping and receiving warehouse for a large pharmaceutical company put a bunch of packaging labels on products to be shipped to an area that was recently hit by a tsunami however I wasn't paying attention and instead of sending them to that area I got my orders mixed up I was new to the job and young and stupid talked out of overtime and went home when I put them on the truck week later there is heck being raised because $4 million worth of product got shipped to California instead of that tsunami zone they never figured out who did it because they have terrible processed tracking to all the people who needed medicine from that tsunami I apologize I was arrested at 21 for possession of marijuana and narcotics on federal land I had about two ounces of weed and one stroke 4 lb of mushrooms sure I was arrested but I managed to get out of jail after 10 hours paid my fees off $3,200 clocked in to work on time that day my friend picked up my car no impound family never found out and I was deferred from judgment that could have seriously flicked up my life but once I walked out GF the courtroom it was over I consider myself getting away with it how the Frick did you get away with that also you know what's up shrooms and weed are the best mix not me but a friend got a girl pregnant when we were 15 and his girlfriend ended up having miscarriage so nobody knew except them and me I only knew because he told me I accidentally set fire to a supermarket me and a few friends were like 12 and had just discovered fire so we bought boxes of matches and were just doing tricks with it if you can believe that one of them is putting the match top down on the side of the box hold it down with your left hand and with the right hand flick it away while igniting it great fun until one day one of those matches fell in a big container park behind the supermarket this was at the loading dock with a big sliding hatch into the building we thought nothing of it and went to get some candy when we returned we saw smoke coming out of the container we panicked and threw open the container this allowed for air to get to the flames and now the fire started to roar pretty good we tried to extinguish it with big plastic crates that also stood behind the store but they too started burning and melting and finally the sliding hatch started to catch on fire as well scared out of our minds we realized we couldn't contain this fire and ran like heck I live 10 minutes away and watched the smoke from my bedroom window and heard the sirens of the fire trucks no one got hurt but they had to rebuild a section of the building they expanded at the same time so I like to think I just sped up a decision that was already made I didn't play with fire anymore after that not a huge freak up but about three years ago I complete he ran through one of those Tollway lowering gates I was accustomed to the tolls of just had you stroll through at a lower speed with no gate ran right through it and snapped that crap in half at the time I was pretty flustered and just decided to keep on driving and I figured they would just sent me a bill ticket in the mail since there's no doubt a camera would have cost me nope waited for the ticket for months and nothing ever came I was in high school and tired of exams I find out that I somehow missed one of the big physics assignments during the year and it is crucially important for my final grade i phi happened to draw a question about it at the exam being 17 and stupid I decide to bluff my way through and arrive at the exam knowing that drawing the wrong question would result in a failing grade I am also underprepared for most other questions but I would at least pass somehow I draw my best topic and proceeds to ace the exam impressing my teacher to a point where he laments me not picking physics for my final year a plus or the danish equivalent 13 for you i used to ride my scooter to school and one day I ended up having a half-day ie I got to go home by noon so I took my scooter out and ended up meeting one of my friends from another class near the bike lot but so this guy wanted to have a spin in my scooter and so I let him he goes around the block and comes back to me he gets off and I like Adam Bass held the right handle aka the accelerator my scooter zooms off into a line of bikes and the Shelf falling on shelf chain thing happens but with a crap ton of bikes I did a quick nod to my friend implying we weren't here and we both made a run for it the next couple of days in school attempts and I was hoping nobody came looking for me but the topic never even came up in class so I guess not many knew about it it's unlikely the bikes would break they would just have to be set up standing again so I was a scientifically inclined high school student and I wanted to drink I scoffed at getting a fake or buying secondhand because I knew that I could make booze at home between the bread machine and pantry I had yeast sugar and juice what else does an inquisitive teenager need to make some sweet sweet booze while everyone was away I launched my plot I filled water bottles from the recycling bin with grape juice brown sugar bread machine yeast and stowed them in my desk sometime later a week I go back to my bottles to my disgust the drawl that I hid them in is filled with gross half of my bottles have literally exploded the corners of the drawer is pregnant with a spongy dank mass all is not lost however it seems like two of my bottles merely distended parcel recognition they were shaped like footballs and quivered slightly at my touch I knew then that I had to taste the contents of one of the still intact plastic bottles before they too broke I thought I was ready to open the first intact one in a sink but I was wrong I grabbed the neck of the beast with one hand the other I place carefully over the cap I start to rotate the cap when balland the contents explode in my face the angle of the sink meant that a concoction drenched my person the counters to my sides the floor behind me and the window blinds in front of me the other bottle I opened much more carefully letting pressure off just a little bit at a time I am really glad that there wasn't that much liquid for me to drink though I ended up choking down the semi solid mass that the yeast had become which was a huge mistake my butthole thoroughly regretted the explosive results that followed I cleaned up the mess I had made in the sink the floor and the countertops but totally forgot about the window blinds when she asked I just told my mom oh that was a coke that i sholde and have tried to open a tldr teenage me tried to make booze at home and might or might not have fermented anything other than a mess in the window a scientifically inclined student would do enough research to realize you need an airlock in high school chemistry we were doing some experiment where you get solution from a giant glass VAT must have been 80 litres at least put some reagent into it and watch the clear liquid turn blue somehow when I was cleaning up I got free-agent into the giant vat immediately the blueness began to spread I internally freaked out then looked around and realized no one had noticed I casually walked away not 30 seconds later the teacher screamed oh no and ran to the VAT she was intensely staring trying to figure out how to stop the reaction but with an inevitable tempo it slowly spread and turned the entire VAT blue she turned glad it is like a wounded animal screamed the whole day is ruined and stormed out of the room no one ever figured out it was me that is an excellent example of a chemical reaction though I'd consider the day saved I used to work as a valet driver I was working a restaurant one night on a busy divided highway and basically we had to drive a customer's car up to the next red light then make a u-turn so we could drive back down and park him the lot on the other side of the street a guy pulled out with a new Ford f-250 twenty five thousand miles I got in and drove up to the light where I would need to make the u-turn because I didn't get there before the light turned red I didn't get the Green Arrow that allows me to turn left before the oncoming traffic gets to go live in America instead I got to a green light and not wanting to let a line of traffic go by before I could make my turn I decided to go for it I didn't quite take into account how wide a turn radius a Ford f-250 hairs and I nicked the sidewalk with the front right tire when I parked it and got out there was an obvious scratch and dent in the rim where I had hid the curb basically telling would have meant that I got fired and not telling would have meant that get far only if they found out I chose not to tell and the guy didn't notice when he got back out I don't know if this would be the biggest but it sure is up there when I was 16 or 17 I was walking down the street late at night with two of my friends one of us had acquired a handful of m-80s illegal in the state we were in we began lighting them and throwing them in the street anybody who has ever been near one while it explodes knows they sound like a cannon after a couple of explosions a spotlight hits us and a man yells freeze we broke fast toward a dirt road that led up a mountain the spotlight was gaining on us fast much faster than we could run the whole time this man was ordering us to stop him he was at the point of near exhaustion that the light suddenly went out and the yelling turned to silence at this point I believe we were speed walking in the pitch-black while trying to catch our breath we cut off the road and walked through the woods home one of my friends that was with me that night was a camp counselor the first day of camp the children were to receive a lecture from a police officer on bicycle safety he said the officer showed up in all of his cycling gear and stressed that the most important part of bicycle safety is always wearing your helmet he then took his helmet off revealing a giant incision with several stitches I want to show you what can happen when you don't wear a helmet he said not too long ago some kids were lighting off firecrackers at the end of my lawn I didn't have time to put on my helmet and I chased after them on this bike they ran up a very sandy road and I lost control of my bike in the dark I hit a very soft area of sand and was thrown over my handlebars headfirst into a giant rock but my friend said he froze up as the cop explained how he had to find his way back to his house bleeding profusely in the dark we never got caught but we were so thankful he sustained his injuries and everything turned out okay 20 years later and we still get a good laugh out of it whenever the three of us get together when I was 15 before I had a driver's license I would wait for my dad to go to work at 5:00 a.m. and then take my mom's car out for a joyride on back roads she was a bus driver so she had the summer off and would sleep in one day I lost control of the car and drove off the road and mr. tree by a matter of inches while almost flipping the car I immediately drove back home in a full-on panic attack and never took the car out again looking back I don't know what the Frick I was thinking I'm 33 now and I've still never told them what I did I'm sure I will one day but I'm really fortunate nothing bad came out of it I was a security guard for six months or so and one day a guy asked for a spare key for his locker because he forgot his I signed out the key and gave him one only to realize that I had given him the last key on the hook which turned out to be a master key for all the lockers I figured he would unlock his stuff and bring the key back to me but he never came back and just started his 12-hour shift so I had to go track him down and get it back which I did me and my buddy ran a theft ring out of the electronics section of the big-box store we worked at over the course of two years we probably moved about forty five thousand dollars of iPods gaming gear games CDs speakers you name it one day we slipped up and almost got caught and they had us on watch because they noticed how much stuff had been disappearing then some dumb weed that fondled our sleeping friend at her party once got wind of it he worked in receiving and decided he wanted some of the action the idiot swiped an entire shipment of ten ps3's and two TVs in one shift and went down for the whole thing my buddy got promoted to customer service and I became the garden center supervisor the 2009 was hilarious it's not something I would advise doing nor would I do it again I really didn't care though and honestly still don't the other guy didn't get in trouble for what we did because they didn't quite know the extent of what was going on we weren't the only ones the front end was going bonkers he just took all the suspicion off us he also didn't get arrested or anything I guess they couldn't prove anything so they found another reason to fire the guy which he already had coming so I didn't feel all that bad for him it's a huge international retailer and no one was really the wiser I view it as essentially victimless I would never do it to anything like a mom-and-pop shop or an owner franchise chain or whatever or even a specialty place like a Best Buy it was more off a stick in the butt of the corporation it wasn't even for again well over 75 percent the time we weren't selling anything we were just giving it away I got my friend's mom a new cell phone when she couldn't afford one I once saw a kid drop an old Bart iPad and break it and just gave him the one I was using because I knew I could get a new one I owned nothing of what we took and neither does my buddy I think I made about 150 bucks and got like an ounce of pot over the two years it's not something I'm gonna tell my kids about but it was fun to play Robin Hood no one got hurt in any way and I can't change a thing about it I've never felt any sort of regret for it and at this point I doubt I ever will if you are new to the channel you can subscribe I publish new videos every day until then check another video [Music]
Channel: AskReddit Is Fun
Views: 38,463
Rating: 4.9037976 out of 5
Keywords: #updootst, updoot, updoot reddit, updoot everything, reddit on tap, toadfilms, pewdiepie, emkay, reddit, askreddit, funny reddit, reddit stories, top posts, reddit top posts, reddit cringe, comedy, reddit compilation, /r, r/, r/askreddit, top posts of r/, askreddit reading, best reddit posts, top posts of all time, people of reddit, askreddit question, ask reddit, subreddit, sub, askreddit school, r/askreddit how to, never caught, never caught criminals, getting away with it, got away
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 36min 33sec (2193 seconds)
Published: Sun May 31 2020
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