What Were the Odds!?

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what is the least statistically likely thing that has ever happened to you in the early days of the internet 1997 i would go to a chat room called mr showbiz there were about 15 or so of us that were the room regulars they came from all over the world one was a woman whose screen name was rocket scientist 54 321 i was chatting with her one day and she mentioned she lived in the united states midwest i said that's cool i live in the midwest too she said she lived in ohio i said that's awesome i live in ohio too she said she lived in columbus i said that's incredible i live in columbus too she said she was a student at the ohio state university i said that's freaking unbelievable i was too she said she was in a computer lab i was too she was in the student union i was too i asked her to stand up and wave her hand the woman was four hour away from emmy to this day almost 20 years after i still can't believe the coincidence my neighbor in the u.s met a girl in college out of state who was greek and asked me if i knew her i am greek american and i said no i don't know all greek people fast forward to the summer and i travel to my family's village in greece like 150 people turns out she was there as well and we are cousins through marriage two of my four sisters died the same morning one at 1 20 in the morning of cancer one eight hours later of heart failure both had been improving and took sudden down turns sorry to hear that man that's awful hope your family is coping okay went to a casino with 300 lost 295 playing blackjack got up to leave intending to keep that last five dollars chip as a souvenir of my miserable gambling skills on the way out decided frickit put the five dollar chip in a slot machine it paid off three hundred dollars got back to the hotel friends asked how i did at the tables i shrugged and told them i broke even went to las vegas for my 21st birthday on the first night went to red rock casino used a slot machine before i would hit the tables for the first time the very first dollar i put in gave me 753 dollars immediately cashed out and left boom i'm a twin but my parents didn't know until we both came out she was hiding behind me in the ultrasound and our hearts were beating at the same time i popped out and my mom said i still feel pain the doctor said i see another head the nurses all scrambled and my dad was in utter disbelief natural stealth affinity sneak [ __ ] plus 8. sat down on a train guy sits next to me i look at him and he catches my eye and we basically have a mini freak out he looks just like me same hair same eyebrows beard eye color he's also wearing the exact same jacket i was in the same color trousers it was pretty surreal i'm not gay but i probably would have hooked up with that guy just to see what it was like being with myself i hiked the continental divide trail with my gf at the time the cdt is a continuous footpath from the mexican border to the canadian border through nm co wy id mt it's 2 800 miles and takes three six months to walk people walk the entire thing in a year which is what we were doing we ended our five-month hike at the canadian border in glacier national park with the hike over we planned to take an amtrak home the next morning but the night before catching the train we ate dinner at a mexican restaurant while waiting for a table i struck up a conversation with another random cdt hiker and invited him to eat with us throughout dinner we swapped stories about our he's on the trail and he told us about his wife he apparently met her hiking the pacific crest trail another similar trail to the cdt but on the west coast my gf then out of nowhere asks him if he and his wife had their honeymoon four years ago in glacier np where we currently were he looked shocked by the question but said yes they did then she asked him if they had ever picked up a hitchhiker during their honeymoon his memory was foggy but said yes they did she told him four years ago she was visiting glacier np for a week and it was her the hitchhiker they picked up during the hitch he and his wife told her how they met hiking on the pacific crest trail and how amazing of an experience it was for them they inspired my gf to hike the pacific crest trail a couple years later turns out that my gf and i met on the pct just like they did so here we were with this random guy who ultimately started this cascade of events picking up my hitchhiking gf four years ago inspiring my gf to hike the pct me meeting her on the pct us then hiking the cdt together me randomly inviting this guy to eat with us and then finally realizing all of this at a restaurant in glacier national park where it all started it seemed so unlikely that i've never forgotten this experience i had the same desk at school in fifth grade and sixth grade in different classrooms at the opposite ends of the building i recognized it because there was a bit of melted wax in the pencil tray that was still there the following year so somehow the school removed all the desks from presumably all of the classrooms and shuffled them up and redistributed them which doesn't really make sense to me but it happened i broke into my middle school one summer when it was having an addition put on it all of the classrooms floors were completely empty and all the desks and stuff was all crammed into the gyms my guess was that they were a waxing all of the flaws in one big shot no idea otherwise why they would do that my son was born with a birth defect that is one one million one year later my niece was born with it as well it wasn't thought to be genetically caused this is the worst lottery ever not me but my parents they won the lottery twice not millions but tens of thousands hundreds of thousands each time i never even realized how weird that was until i became an adult oddly i don't ever buy lottery tickets i have an aunt that won ten thousand dollars on scratch tickets twice makes me wonder how many she's bought i bought a one pound scratch card and won two pounds i cashed in that and bought a two pound scratch card and won five pounds i cashed in that and bought a five pound scratch card and won 20 pounds i cashed in that and bought another five pound scratch card and 150 pounds i walked away happy with the 64 pound in profit i earned during my lunch break at school a friend of mine did this as well one like five times in a row crazy once when i was super young at a hotel in india i was in a pool with my sister when we met another brother and sister the same age as me my sister was like oh cool what's your birthday and she replies the 11th of september 1997 which is the same as my sister and we were like holy crap no way so i asked the brother and he has the exact same birthday as me so we went back to our parents and we tell them and they were skeptical so we try to point them out but they left pretty sure the chances of that are incredibly low i once met another mom who had two kids with the exact birth dates as my two boys except both were one year later i'm pregnant with my third due in may and i feel i should contact her to tell her to be really careful this august getting a call from my doctor to say that i had cancer at age 19 while the song if i die young by the band perry was playing on the radio i was in the car on my way home from failing my driver's test for the first time and thought that would be the worst news i had to tell my friends that day still can't stand that song hey bro how was your day today i failed my driving test also i have cancer i received a fortune cookie with two fortunes in it the next day my fortune cookie had no fortune so i guess it evened out chinese food two nights in a row i like it i once was shot 13 times in a row playing russian roulette with a nerf maverick revolver only one round was chambered and the revolver was spun each time needless to say my liver was not pleased with the 13 shots i had to chug my brain skipped over the gun name and i was so confused i've posted this before but i was super stoned making a peanut butter and nutella sandwich i had applied spreads to both pieces of bread and they were sitting next to each other on the plate when i accidentally knocked the plate off the table the two pieces of bread someone flipped around and found each other in mid-air and landed on the plate on the ground as a fully formed sandwich on that day i felt truly blessed i bet when you tried telling friends they just told you you were too high dude that never happened i was on a road trip with my parents when i was about 12 we were just passing through the city for the day and we went to this random mall it had never been the plan to go there and was a sort of last minute decision by my parents i had never been to the place before and probably will never be there again now that i think about it anyways i was in the food court watching some lady play on a stacker machine my parents were in line still so it was just me and my older brother there i still remember thinking just how awesome this lady was at the game i had never played one before and she was making it to the major prize on every try just missing on the last block at the time i didn't understand how rigged those machines actually are and thought it was all skill based i remember thinking that i'd never be as good as her at the game so she ends up playing back-to-back games for like 10 minutes straight then leaves disappointed i look down at the change i had after buying lunch at the fast food place there it was enough for one play and i think why not the pspi one that day is next to me right now as i write this 10 years later i've never lost a stacker game i was born with my intestines outside of me that really shouldn't have happened but it did i'm perfectly fine now though what we play a dice game that uses six dice we play this game when visiting it's a good game that really creates a good social environment without going into the rules if you roll six ones in a single role you win automatically 146 656 chance rolling all six dice at once is not often my very large family has been playing this game for 40 plus years and only once before had someone rolled all once we had played three four games the night before and my wife just couldn't catch a break and was just unlucky the whole night of gaming it's annoying to have lady luck constantly pee on you the next day my father my wife and i are playing my wife is dominating the game just walking away with it she's having a blast because she's finally winning and getting lucky then i rolled all ones in a single role wife was annoyed my dad thought it hilarious literally the very next game my wife is dominating again she is on fire everything going her way then my dad rolls all ones in a single roll we stop for a second just shocked then we burst out laughing because of the hilarity of the situation my so over 40 years of playing we'd seen it happen once over a 24-hour span we saw it happen three times went down to london and heard that each night they hold a raffle for three pairs of 20 pounds front row book of mormon tickets where you fill out a form with your name and hometown on it and they announced the results that evening outside the theater so me and my girlfriend decided to both put our names down for a pair then met up with my cousin who had been studying drama there for six months and had entered the raffle countless times without winning so he puts his name in as well and we come back after dinner to a crowd of about 200 people who have all entered their name for two tickets each so the first name gets drawn out and it's none of us and the dream is kind of over as we realize how low the chances then the second name gets drawn out and who you really crap it's my name me and my girlfriend practically sprint to the front of the crowd to pay for our tickets and i completely forget that my cousin has stood in disbelief in the crowd after he's been trying for months and we get it on our first try but only two tickets are not enough for him then they call out the third name and again it's a stranger we are obviously ecstatic but i feel horrendous for my cousin who has probably entered the raffle 50 times with no luck but as the announcer keeps repeating the stranger's name we start to realize that nobody is coming to collect the ticket after about a minute of calling her name the announcer is forced to rip up her raffle ticket and pull a new name and so from chester and this is the stage where i crap my pants my cousins from chester and they call out his name so out of about 200 people entering me and my cousin both win 30 seconds later the woman whose name was called turns up screaming and asking them to give her the tickets but my cousin is already picking them up from the box office that was five years ago and i doubt anything as crazy will ever happen to me again cousin should have taken that lady with him as his date that situation could have been even crazier if they then started going out only for you to tell us now they are married i got delta royal flush and live play then again an online play happened within the course of about three weeks also i had testicular cancer so there's that those are correlated for sure not me but a co-worker lived in a small butt 5k people town in the rural south he went to nyc eight mill residents alone for a work-related trip met a guy on the elevator of his hotel who had an accent so he inquired turns out that guy was not only from the same state but also the same city living a few miles down the road and staying in the same hotel as my co-worker was my mom had a recurring dream for over 20 years about a specific park in paris that had roman columns in 2010 on a trip to paris we found the park and walked over while we were walking around the track of this beautiful park we notice a group of athletes running together in formation as they approach i see that they are all wearing the same uniform and the logo on their shirts with the florida atlantic university owls the college i was attending at the time 4 500 miles away when i shouted to a few people on the team that i knew the look on their faces was of total disbelief it turned out that they were in paris for a tournament and they only ran in that park once the day that my mom and i visited the park that she had been dreaming about for two decades by far one of the craziest most unlikely things that has ever happened to me and yet throughout this entire conversation not one of you spoke the code word and you remain deactivated to this day i was at a party in high school and me and some friends were smoking in a tent my buddy was dressed up as a clown and he was tripping us out while we were smoking well he screamed and threw his clown nose at me and i crap you not to land it on my nose i once threw a slice of an olive at my friend at work about 15 featuring away it landed perfectly in her ear lol this reminded me of that because the chances of that olive fitting perfectly in her ear from a throw was so low it was crazy the first year i taught in korea another guy from canada started working at the school later that year he was from the same province my brother now lives in but a different city one day for whatever reason the conversation turned to weddings and he started talking about one really weird wedding he'd been to way out in the new brunswick woods the description sounded familiar to a wedding my brother had once attended and told me about so i asked that wouldn't happen to be nns wedding by any chance it was that's actually more common than you think i've run into neighbors from ns while hiking in maui sat next to a professor from my school dalhousie while at a restaurant in austria met someone in toronto that knew my sister from a running club in the middle east it's crazy where you run into people when inquiring about insurance to my recently purchased home the insurance agent happened to be the guy who lived in the house a decade prior didn't believe him at first until he started talking about all of the updates he did to it with exact detail small world the lady who worked in payroll at my first job pulled me aside one day she noticed my address in my file and told me she built my parents house within three weeks of getting dental insurance so i could get annual cleaning done i got an extremely painful infected tooth i could see the insurance company being like wait a second july 2017 i ran into my childhood best friend and neighbor in badlands national park in south dakota we're from ohio our backyards were connected families are extremely close and now we go to different universities in different states literally just driving on the scenic byway that runs through the national park parallel to i-90 i saw him just standing outside his car it slammed on the brakes and started geeking out never really stopped geeking out either tbh i attended the university of california santa barbara and in 2010 i was randomly assigned a roommate from england studying abroad for a year we got along well and were friends but we didn't really keep in touch at all when he moved back at the end of the year but didn't think i'd see him again until i was living in san diego last year sometime around may me and a friend decided to head to a brewery in the afternoon to grab some beer we were sitting outside in the patio area an uber pulls up and outsteps my roommate from santa barbara i was just staring at him thinking there's no way that him he looks back at me and stares for a couple seconds and then he says my name in disbelief we chatted for a minute and he said he was visiting california and was only in town for day before heading up the coast kind of blew my mind went to school on the east coast of the us i ran into my freshman hall ra in a uniqlo store in tokyo a few years later that was a weird escalator ride got off at the bottom and we chatted a bit before heading off in our own directions i once bought a padlock and the combination was my mom's birthday day month year oddly enough today is my mom's birthday getting clean after nearly two decades of age addiction numerous rehab detox attempts halfway houses countless attempts at home detox etc less than 10 percent of h addicts maintain a year h free with much less making it to five consecutive years i am six years age free as of the 21st of january 2018. almost 10 years here keep it up bro sir matched five out of six numbers in the texas lottery the sixth number was one digit off from the winning sixth number i won two thousand two hundred dollars which is great but also bittersweet one digit from seven million i hit five out of six two i won 1 800 ish i was 25 with my first child on the way and a very pregnant wife the doctor sat me down and said you have melanoma i was stupid at that age and perhaps in general and i said oh okay at least it's not cancer she looked at me and said melanoma is a form of skin cancer i said oh well at least it's only skin cancer no one dies from that she said 98 of skin cancer deaths are melanoma cases you're the youngest patient i've ever diagnosed with melanoma breaking records mother sucker i was walking along the street with my sister and i saw a guy who had been walking along perfectly casually up until this point backflip over a low fence rather than just stepping over it my sister was looking the other way and accused me of lying when i told her what happened so frustrating when i was around 10 i had my bike stolen and won a raffle for a new bike at my orthodontist within the same week my mom still thinks it was rigged but they had no idea what my ticket numbers were so it was legit still didn't make up for the pain of the dang palette expander i had to wear for a year i got pregnant on a contraceptive with a less than one percent failure rate i have had spinal tumors less than one percent chance in my first two weeks playing kingdom of loathing i fought an ultra rare monster no idea what the odds of that are and i have worked and lived in several of the same places as my partner all but one before we ever met at one point i vocated a room in a shared house and he moved into it a few weeks later at another we were working for the same boss in the same building at the same time that's pretty serendipity when i was in the fifth grade my family took a summer trip to hawaii we visited the dol plantation and there they have the proclaimed largest hedge maze in the world not sure if this is true of course my brother and i wanted to run the maze so we enter and they give you a little card that has slots for a hole punch machine the goal is to find the stations and punch out the word pineapple on the card well we get a few stations and we're punching another station when a family comes up behind us to punch their cards i happen to be wearing a shirt that has my hometown on the back of it and i hear oh look they're from flower mound maybe we know them i turn around and one of my classmates is standing there with her family in the largest outdoor maze in the world in hawaii i'm from texas i awkwardly mumbled hey before continuing on definitely the craziest coincidence i've ever experienced i once traveled to near literally the other side of the planet to a less than touristy place only to overhear some people behind me at a cafe complaining in a dialect that was very similar to mine about the quality of the local water i was so close to answer back in the same salty way just to mess with them moves to slc several years ago went four-wheeling with my family on a mountain trail and dropped my phone wallet phone cards dl and stupidly enough around 400 in cash but my debit card was damaged and i just withdrew a bunch for the weekend i was shattered when i realized it wasn't in the secure place i left it went back over the trail with no luck a day later my aunt back home and thousands of miles away reaches out to my grandma on fb to let us know her friend was visiting slc found my dang phone in the mountains recognized me from miad and contacted her when i got in touch with her friend he was staying right down the road from my house 45 mins from the trail so i just ran over and got all of my things back crazy if you are new to the channel you can subscribe i publish new videos every day until then check another video [Music] bye for now
Channel: Updoot Everything
Views: 56,496
Rating: 4.9474287 out of 5
Keywords: unlikely things to hear, unlikely heroes, what were the odds, slim chance, statistically speaking, #updootst, updoot, reddit, r/askreddit, askreddit, ask reddit, r/, \r, r\, best of reddit, reddit stories, reddit story, top posts, funniest posts, funny, funny posts, funny reddit stories, funny askreddit, reddit funny, askreddit funny, askreddit stories, reddit stories 2021, people of reddit, sub, reddit cringe, memes, updoot everything, updoot reddit, story, stories, rslash, comedy, fresh
Id: 6dzTpR7rB1c
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 50sec (1490 seconds)
Published: Sat Apr 17 2021
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