What's The Most Insane Coincidence You've Experienced?

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what's the most insane coincidence you've experienced my family used to take little summer vacations one summer i was about seven eight we stayed at a campground about four hours from home there were a bunch of kids there and one day we all started playing tag i was i.t and was chasing another young boy and when i tagged him i pushed him too hard and he fell and broke his arm i remember the scene vividly fast forward to college i became good friends with my neighbor in the dorm and we ended up getting a place together our sophomore year the following year no longer living together we went out for a few beers and the topic of broken bones came up i've only broken one bone and it was my arm when i was seven some kid at a campground pushed me over while playing tag it was me still can't believe it no tag backs one time i parked without even noticing next to a car with the same license plate as me i had a ma plate she had a nh plate both with the same five digit number did the weirder thing was that both of us had kept the plate as a novelty plate because the state wasn't making five digit plate numbers anymore but a family member wanted to keep it in my case my dad wanted to keep his dad's plate my first semester of college i moved out of state i was first to move into the apartment and had a few days to myself after orientation i found my new roommate sitting on his bed when i introduced myself he asked where i was from when i told him he said i used to have a friend named simon i said i used to have a friend named will we were best friends in first and second grade until his family moved sounds like an in-betweeners moment when i was in high school i was aimlessly playing around our library one day like any large public high school our library had literally thousands of books quietly tucked away in shelves and rarely if ever touched that day i pulled a book at random from a shelf in the back and sat down to read it after opening it a slip of paper fell out and i quickly recognized the dash 10 digits written on it as a phone number i hastily read the number and it was my older sister's number who had graduated my high school years earlier someone wrote a number and tucked it away into a random book in the back until i found it years later maybe your sister's number was well known and located in over 50 percent of the books as a college sophomore i went on a trip to france by myself i was sitting in notre dame cathedral listening to music when a girl i dated in high school sat down near me totally at random we were both speechless when we saw one another there out of the blue in a foreign country within a vast cathedral all while quasimodo looked down sadly knowing his only love forever out of reach this coincidence is straight up sorcery was kayaking with my family along a river when i thought i would pull a fast one on my brother so i yell hey look a bald eagle to my brother so i can do the whole made you look game but to my surprise he goes cool at this point i think he is just messing with me so i can't say the whole made you look thing so then i look up and a bald eagle swoops down catches a fish and flies to the other side of the river one of the most magical coincidences ever i cannot decide which is weirder one did a summer shakespeare thing for teenagers next summer one of the assistant directors puts together a trip to london for a group of us we go to london and while visiting the globe theater we run into another kid who was in the same shakespeare thing we all were except he was in london for separate reasons two go out to dinner to celebrate my wife's birthday sat next to a couple we start talking the wife is also celebrating her birthday and it's on the same day haha crazy we hit it off and exchange information to hang out again two months later i invite them to my birthday party and turns out the husband has the same birthday as me i'm an american who moved to amsterdam some years ago and my first year there on a random saturday i decided to head out for a drink sat down next to a cute german guy who was in town for the first time from six hours away helping a friend move kind of thing and it turns out he's doing a phd in physics i am doing mine in astronomy and have a physics background so we spend maybe 10 minutes discussing our research topics when he mentions offhand how he used to study in new zealand i get a confused look and then get all excited johannes prof wz and m class in auckland first half of 2007 freaked him out until i explained i was a semester abroad student in auckland that year and not were we only in the same class we even did homeworks together and such but lost touch once i left the country with no one having a clue what happened to the other only to randomly run into each other five years later in a random bar in a random city on another continent i don't know if i can ever top that one it was pretty darn cool my aunt died young on the 3rd of october of 2007. on the 2nd of october 2008 i was a senior in high school i was in my art class one morning sitting at a table of four when the teacher tells one person from each table to go and grab a stack of newspapers for us to sculpt on so that the tables don't get all messed up with clay another guy spreads out the newspapers and then i begin to work i noticed that the paper at my seat is the obituary pages i casually begin to read it and realize that the paper is a year old and the obituary listing exactly under my right hand was that of my aunt who had died a full 365 days before i'd like to think it was her way of saying hello and what's up and to make sure i wasn't sculpting anything grossly obscene inappropriate this happened to me a few months ago and it was pretty dang improbable i'm walking through bart bay area rapid transit it's the train station that takes you to and from san francisco and elsewhere where an average of 375 000 people pass through daily i walk up the escalator to my train and pass by an envelope lying on the ground at first i didn't think much of it but i took a couple steps back to pick it up anyways the next part freaked me out i looked at the address and it was addressed to emmy i instantly look around to see if it was a practical joke or if i'm about to get assassinated or something neither of those were the case the sender was a family friend we'll call them the johnsons i knew that mister johnson took the bart daily but i had never personally ran into him after work i call him up and ask him about the letter turns out he had about 300 letters with him on the bart and was going to send them out for his daughter's graduation party what in the world are the chances of him dropping the one-letter address to me out of the 300 combined with the chances of me being the one out of 375 000 people to pick it up pretty wild for those wondering i've posted this in a similar thread this deserves to be higher up when i was a little kid my parents would take my sister and i to visit my great grandmother in the nursing home that she was mid-90s blind and to young me basically terrifying i hated going to see her to be honest every time we went she would touch our faces you know because blind and talk to us a little meanwhile her roommate somehow knew my name and would always try and grab me even though my parents never said more to her than pleasantries always freaked me out fast forward to my mid-twenties my dad mentions just casually as anything that the roommate was his grandmother and my other great-grandmother she didn't know my name i am a junior and look like my dad so she thought i was my father she was senile after all apparently there was a falling out when my dad was a kid and he had no relationship with much of his extended family she didn't recognize my dad because she never seen him as an adult the fricked up thing is they lived in a city nursing home pretty big city too and just by sheer freaking coincidence my parents grandparents were roommates i met my now husband at work turns out there are enough coincidences that my mom is seriously wondering whether we are distantly related we were born in the same hospital two weeks apart we then both moved about 500 miles away and ended up in the same university together we moved from there another 100 miles away and worked in the same company we both have relatives in the same area in dublin we both have a relative that worked in the same hotel in dublin at about the same time back in the 1930s my mom and his grandmother have the exact same combination of unusual first and middle names i have the same birthday as his mom we don't live in ireland when i say birthday i mean month and day i am not old enough to be his mom also i'm pretty sure i would have remembered giving when i was about 12 it was the late 90s and i was really big into pokemon cards my mom took me to a card shop and i really wanted a dragonite but it was like 12 bucks or whatever my mom said why don't you just get two card packs for that money you get way more cards obviously she didn't understand what the fricker dragonite was but she only ended up buying me a pack first card freaking dragonite it was crazy the trick was that every third pack has a foil i tried asking someone to let me buy one third pack from a new box and he refused i haven't collected any since sigh when i was 11 i was in the park like half a mile from my house and i was flying a winnie the pooh kite i was the only kid around with a kite at the time and i was pretty zoned into it and didn't notice when the string came loose 100 feet of twine zoomed away and out of reach and pooh bear was gone later that night my family and i went out to eat and when we came home there was a string dangling from the gutter above our front door my dad grabbed it and started pulling the string seemed to go all the way up into the night sky we couldn't see the end of it a hundred feet of pulling later there was my pooh back height it came back to me my parents were dongs so i didn't tell them i'd lost the kite because they would have bitched me out over it when i was already upset i highly doubt either of them were involved in its return the kite wasn't tied in place it was just barely stuck against the rough edges of the gutter a strong wind could have easily blown it away this is just so cute had a dream where i one wake up and go to work on a friday two boss isn't there but five other co-workers are three two stroke five leave at lunch and won't be back four at three p.m another leaves due to an emergency five at four p.m the last two leave because they aren't getting any work done six i work till five alone and drive home seven i die in a car accident on the way home i woke up from dying in the accident i thought it was a bit freaky on the way to work i feel like the dream is happening i get to work and the boss isn't there for some reason so i'll laugh and tell one of the co-workers about my dream lunch comes around and two stroke five say they are heading out to lunch then home for a longer weekend my co-worker instantly tells the other two the dream and i'm starting to get a bit worried out i ask the others if they are leaving early and all three say they are staying to five so crisis averted dream can't come true at three one gets a call and their wife's car broke down so he needs to pick up his son from school huh okay this is funny guys please stay till five the other two are also starting to get freaked out but you know we are all staying to five then at 3 30 the company server goes down we sit around for a half hour and the other two say dude we don't want to make your dream come true but we are just sitting here doing nothing they leave it for awesome i am in charge of getting the server back up so i'm still working till five and it goes back online at five right at five at this point i'm sitting in my chair questioning everything i figure frick it i get in my car and drive home because i don't believe in the cosmic owl craziest coincidence especially given i told three people about it and nobody diverged from the dream free will be damned back when i was in the army i was sent to fort gordon ga to learn a new mos i was running around base one day with a friend and noticed a female private with a hoodie that said patch on the back i commented on it to my buddy and didn't think anything more of it fast forward about nine months after graduation my next duty station was the pentagon i meet a girl there we talk end up hooking up turns into dating one day she puts on her army hoodie and when she turns around it says patch on the back we have been married for 19 years yesterday the power of the signal core what do you know i lived exactly a mile away from my now husband throughout our entire childhoods teenager years and early adulthood before we'd even heard of each other and met what's even stranger is when he was running he'd know he'd ran one mile exactly when he got outside my house and would regularly stop and time himself for people asking if the freaking was good i married him didn't i the freaking is still good i have a similar story actually two years before starting university my parents moved and when on my bike i would take a path that led up to a roundabout in a new area before heading back home when i started university i met and briefly dated a girl while dating i went back to her parents house one day and lo and behold it was on my 20 kilometers mark around about on that quiet little street every year there is a salmon bake at a lighthouse across the water from where i grew up when i was 12 my parents drugged me along this was the only year i ever went i was bored and walked away from my family and spent the next while skipping stones on the beach when this girl with curly hair about 10 walks up to me and asks me how i do it so i teach her to skip stones and flirt the day away at the end of the day she gets called away suddenly and i'm bummed out my mom asks me what i was doing and i tell her i met the girl i want to marry life happens i meet girls i get engaged it falls through eventually i meet this girl and we date for five years before getting married married for two years when we are talking about our childhood love interests i tell her about this girl i met at this salmon bake my wife gives me a weird look she asks me when this was and what the girl looked like so i described this girl with curly hair my wife has curly hair that had to leave early to perform my wife was in theater when she was younger and then i said and i remember she had this yellow shirt with a butterfly on the front my wife thought i was making this up why would i she calls her mom and 20 minutes later her mom texts us this childhood picture of my wife at 10 years old wearing a yellow shirt with a butterfly on the front my wife was two years younger than me and performed at the salmon bake that year and she remembered this boy that taught her how to skip stones one day my family and i went base fishing on the lake at our camp i had just bought a new lure that day and it seemed to be working better than anything else i had ever used i had caught my biggest base ever that day with this lure just as we were about to go in for the night a huge northern pike comes crashing on my lure and breaks the line instantly the next morning i drove into the local walmart and bought myself a new one identical to the last the next night we go out again and things had calmed down a ton i hadn't caught anything and things just seemed off so i make my one final cast before we head in for the night and hook onto a massive pile of weeds this was the type of weeds that are so thick that the entire plant comes out with it so here i am dragging multiple pounds of weeds through the water i finally get it all up into the boat to take it off my hook when i see my lure from the day before wrapped around the bottom i've never been so surprised in my life but i took it off and i still use that lio today and nothing else has happened to it tl dr cast snap sleep cast snag luck a woman in my hometown won the lottery which was around 200.000 or 300.000 euros two years later she won five million we had a local guy who had this happen to him just not as extreme he won ten thousand dollars on a scratch ticket and then ended up winning one million dollars on another using the winnings from the first found a 1972 car plate at a dump took it home already had the matching plate hanging in my basement to the end a few years ago i was sitting enjoying some pints of beer outside on a corner of a pub i saw two people man and woman arriving with their mobile at their ear and stopping on each side of the corner they were talking on their mobile and could clearly see each other the conversation went something like this m so where are you no w let me see at the corner of pub such and so m i see i try to make it in a half an hour or so w that would be great i keep a chair for you after this the conversation went apart these two people were not talking to each other and probably did not even know each other it was a weird sensation as if they were playing a joke or something i'm from quebec where our french has a very distinctive accent it's very rare to hear it outside of the province and my ears are super sensitive to it and pick it up quickly i now work in taiwan and one day i hear someone behind me speak with the quebecois accent so i immediately turn around i turned out to be someone i went to high school with i managed to bump into friends in a foreign country twice once it was in london in front of saint paul's cathedral the other time in palermo at night in front of a bar both times both of us were oblivious of the fact the other one was there too and while it's probably not too weird to walk into somebody in palermo it's really not that big freaking london we were pretty flabbergasted oh man this reminds me of a bloke i met in china we hung out for a few days then parted company six months later i walked into a pub in london and met him at the bar at a school dance in ninth grade i spotted this insanely hot guy across the dance floor my friend happened to know him and talk to him for me she pointed me out to him asked if he wanted to dance with me and he did we're slow dancing to some 90s song and get to talking about how we were kind and new to the school it turns out we're both army brats turns out that we both lived in upstate new york when we were little kids turns out we went to the same school turns out we were best friends in kindergarten fast forward i shared my first kiss with him unfortunately at my going away party a few weeks later since i was moving again and will never forget it best coincidence ever when i was a dumbass teenager in the 80s we would drive around town at night in my friend's blue 66 mustang and spray people with an old water fire extinguisher fast forward 10 years and i'm selling a house our primary buyer an older retired lady backs out last minute our realtor drops by to tell my wife and i why she explains that while waiting our hourgates to be buzzed and some teenagers drove by and shot the old lady with a rare soft gun dang she then continues yeah i don't know what's wrong with kids when i first came to america 10 years ago we were sitting at a bus stop when a group of boys in a nice blue car drove up smiling when they got closer they drenched us with some water spray second offer was for 20k more karma i lived in eastern pa at the time and was visiting my sister in seattle we were at the alibi room having drinks and two dudes sitting near us kept trying to engage us we were kind of having none of it sisters before misters that day we left fast forward nine years i now live in central pa like 20 minutes from where my mom lives i'm at a bar recurring theme here it seems talking to a friend about going to visit my sister in seattle the random dude next to us chimes in and starts talking about where i should go and what i should do i used to live there he said it takes us a while to put together but of course it's that dude from the alibi room of course and of course we learned five or six months later he is the son of one of my mom's best friends my mom has known him since he was a teenager we're old now and of course we're seeing each other now i mean it was practically woven into the fabric of the universe you know i have a name common to both genders let's say it's ashley anyway i was at a nightclub and was talking to this girl i asked her her name and she said it was ash and i said haha whereid i'm ash too but what is your last name she says green i just stare at her for like 10 seconds then reach into my wallet and pull out my head we have the same first and last name currently engaged the novelist evelyn war married a woman called evelyn friends called them hevlin and shevlin so a few years ago when i just became a bartender and was getting into the hole oh my god is it really that easy to get women's numbers phase i ended up getting a girl's number on one night and another girl's number the next night so go right ahead and start texting away with the both of them blatantly using the same phrases just changing out the names however come monday morning the bomb drops turns out not do they go to the same university but they're in the same year level same class and were currently partners on some sort of assignment they were not as amused as i was this is how the conversation went me text to both girls so want to get some ice cream later girl a i don't know why don't you ask chloe placeholder name can't remember for the life of me girl b i don't know why don't you ask blah blah creativity is not my strong suit me still texting both bring her along we can make it a party and then a couple of messages from both about how i'm disgusting a loser etc etc but the story doesn't end there fast forward a couple years later i'm at some restaurant with some friends and we bump into a mutual friend of ours and he's with a couple girls we invite him to sit down with us and we're all chatting away and happily making friends i cozy up to one girl and we start talking and flirting a bit tell her i'm a bartender and she laughs and says i'll never date a bartender because of this one guy that and she just stops and freezes and looks at me turns out it was girl a and not enough time had passed to heal this particular wound and she got up and stormed off never to be seen again but wait there's more fast forward about a year later i go out clubbing drunk off my face meet a girl we hit it off wake up next morning and lo and behold it's girly and she was still not as amused as i was about the situation it's so girly and i talked for a few days afterwards after the third time we met but then she just abruptly ended contact with me i think more on principle than anything else haven't spoken or seen her in the last i think near two years to all those who say that girl a and i should get together you should totally run that by my amazing girlfriend and see what happens if you are new to the channel you can subscribe i publish new videos every day until then check another video bye for now
Channel: Updoot Everything
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Keywords: coincidence, most insane coincidences in history, most insane coincidences, crazy coincidences, #updootst, updoot, reddit, r/askreddit, askreddit, ask reddit, r/, \r, r\, best of reddit, reddit stories, reddit story, top posts, funniest posts, funny, funny posts, funny reddit stories, funny askreddit, reddit funny, askreddit funny, askreddit stories, reddit stories 2020, people of reddit, reddit cringe, memes, toadfilms, updoot everything, updoot reddit, story, stories, rslash, comedy, fresh
Id: gLD5OF5iOrM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 11sec (1511 seconds)
Published: Sun Aug 09 2020
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