Things Your Teacher Did To Make The Whole Class Angry (School Stories r/AskReddit)

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students of Reddit what is something your teacher did that rarely P the whole class in GCSE English he taught us the wrong novel for almost the entire term we read this book over and over answered essays and remembered studied every significant narrative meaning apparently none of the faculty heads had checked up on him until about six weeks before our exams when they realized all our work was on a book not even on the syllabus and all our time was effectively wasted suta rectified we lost to allow pay lessons had to stay late after school three days a week and spend three out of five lunch breaks cram learning the actual book with another teacher safe to say our class wasn't happy at all and most parents complained as it could affect our ability to pass the exams head teacher of my high school tried to expel me for having an epileptic seizure in front of him said I was a danger and distraction to others pupils and was disrupting his school I ended up being kept out of school for two months while my parents fought my case in that time almost all of the rest of the teaching staff who were furious with his decision kept me supplied with work and even one-to-one tutoring were needed this was in a rural area where the next nearest school was 40 miles away so we had no other school choice 40-degree weather Celsius in outback Australia and she won't turn on the air cannon class even though it worked her reason was that when she was young she didn't have a neck on and she survived all the students hated her mine was the reverse middle of winter up in the Blue Mountains he wouldn't turn the heater on in the mornings because she grew up without heated classrooms and it's like yeah but you guys also were allowed to wear giant frickin coats were you not at university my professor did not tell us the time of our examination despite numerous emails from 20 odd students as well as the heads professor of the course but this exam could have been anytime from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. and I live 90 minutes from campus and relied on crap public transport to get into uni it got to 9 p.m. the day before the exam no one knew when the exam would be and if we missed it we would fail the whole module so I took the train to the city where my you booked a cheap crappy hotel room for the night just to make sure I was there on time we all took the exam at 12 p.m. after getting an email an hour before the exam was being held so I wouldn't have made it in time if I stayed at home worst part was that no one cared not the professor the course led or the head of our school they all just left 30 students in the lurch allowing them to potentially fail the exam and therefore the module in my second semester of my first year of law school everyone in my class 80 plus people had to take a research class this class was taught by four different law librarians but followed the same syllabus it was also worth one-one credit these librarians ran the class as if it was three credits we had to read conduct legal research and write two memos throughout the semester when we had five other classes all within the two for credit range plus one specific class was notoriously difficult anyway halfway through the semester my class gets peed at the workload to credit ratio and someone starts a petition to reduce the number of assignments and or change the grading for the class from a letter grade to pass fail almost the entire class signs there were a few holdouts the student who started the petition delivers it to the librarians the librarians remove one or two assignments but otherwise disregard the petition those who signed all awkwardly suffered through the rest of the semester forced us to make a donation to a charity when I didn't bring anything and I got a demerit had to argue that not everyone has the ability to give something away she then told me off for back chatting in front of the class everyone was like WTF my work sent me on on three day advanced Adobe Illustrator course last April in London and just before the exam the tutor said oh by the way there may be a few questions on this exam that we haven't talked about just do your best what the actual Frick my work has just paid one thousand pounds for this his response was that he can't be expected to teach everything there was about six students in the class and we were all pretty peed can't be expected to teach every thing yes he is it's his job make everyone come to college from 10 o'clock till 11:30 to hold presentations be 45 minutes late not tell students they aren't allowed to see each of a student's presentations and thus make them be at school at 10 o'clock without reason somehow take up 3xv amount of allocated time per presentation group finish at 1800 hours instead of 11:30 let most of the student fail or just barely pass in that particular order she didn't believe in field trips because she said that kids would have too much fun and learning isn't supposed to be fun however the entire grade would take the trip so she was required to take us so she would make us all sit in a common area of the zoo Museum etc and she would hold classroom lessons it was so upsetting to hear about all the cool things the other kids got to see while we had class the fact that I still remember things I learned on fun field trips compared to the countless times I was in a classroom says a lot he would act like he was enlightened and say crap like video games rot your brain all your free time should be spent on education as that is all that matters but than during the lessons he would go completely off-topic and start talking about random crap apparently he is making a gourd game that could compete with chess because he is just that brilliant screamed at the class because he assumed that an intermittent beeping sound that occurred throughout the lecture was somebody receiving texts it was the projector that he was using alerting him to the fact that it was overheating Dumbo's that's almost as good as the time a substitute tried to confiscate a student's phone when it beeped it was a diabetes thing attached to the students body I had a college professor who was teaching a history course to a bunch of education majors in their junior year she would ask us questions all the time about things she hadn't yet lectured on and then pull the really no one knows the answer to this well I guess we will just wait for someone to answer we were all education majors we knew that trick we waited her out every single time she always broke first our French teacher held a five minute detention for the entire class because we waited outside the classroom for her to let us in you know like polite kids do she claimed we were wasting her time and sent a detention note home to all the parents better still on results day she said wow I didn't expect you to get an A during English controlled assessments she would play whale noises in the background to help us focus we were about ten stroked eleven years old it was the last period of the day and the music teacher was subbing our science class he was sitting on the computer and we were all getting on with work towards the end of the period our homeroom teacher comes into the classroom and exclaims it's the end of the day why are you all not packed up to which the music teacher replied I told them and they refused to UM excuse you he hadn't said a thing to us so we all protested even so our homeroom teacher told us off for being disobedient as the music teacher slithered out of the room and we had to stay 10 minutes late as punishment lying snake spent the entire semester in uni telling us half the material would not be on the semester exam guess what all the material was on the semester exam and it tanked all of our scores because the professor was a dong and hated that people go to uni to get a qualification for a job he hated anyone in his class that didn't aspire towards a career in academia the class was doing a project on criminal justice and held a mock trial my friend got assigned to play the role of a sexual assault victim in real life she had been a victim of an assault that was very similar to that of the character she felt it would be too emotionally draining and tried to get out of the part the teacher wanted an explanation but my friend kept saying it was very personal this went back and forth a few times over the next two days and it was just not clicking in the ditches head finally he lost his patience and yelled out you are holding up this whole project for everyone why the heck is this so difficult for you with the whole class paying attention she admitted she had been sexually assaulted the same way this character had and went to go cry they changed the topic of the project after that the class never really looked at the teacher the same way again not just the whole class but the whole school she got a bunch of teachers fired because of petty office politics and those teachers were older and more beloved than her gave a C to an 85 plus percent test because she gives grades relative to the average performance of a student teacher spent weeks teaching us the Shinda the method of learning about natural science instead of teaching from the book on test day he gave us the test that came with the teachers version of the book so we'd never even covered the info on the test we all scored very poorly but learned to ignore him in class and study the book on our own my German teacher would make you rotate spelling tests until you got 100% once you did you could sit and do whatever you like until the whole class got 100% this caused a lot of pressure on everyone as he used to belittle the students who didn't pass first to the second time if he was the only one left he would stand over you and watch you struggle one test day I decided to bunk off and I got caught I burst into tears and explained how horrible this teacher was and that I'm never going back into his class I was moved into a higher set German class with an amazing teacher and my German improved this was second year in school my teacher unable to manage 20 of these rowdy kids is pretty enraged by the end of the class she has a thing about counting every piece of equipment after class and she begins counting the Newton meters but now if you don't know what these are they are literally a metal spring with plastic around it that measures how much an item weighs this teacher counted 19 when there was definitely 20 so she holds us back from lunch she brings the faculty head in and we get a barking from her cannot steal from the school on just yadda yadda if we were rowdy before we're aging now and she requests the least well behaved kids open their bags of course these kids are protesting but the teacher offers detention if they don't comply so after rummaging through a bunch of pubescent kids bags and finding nothing she finally goes back to her desk to find the Newton meter sitting behind her world's best teacher mug look on her face priceless when I was a sophomore in high school there was a shooting at an elementary school in my town I'm sure you can figure out which one and we went into lockdown my math teacher proceeded to hand out the tests we were supposed to take that day and told us to have it done by the end of the lockdown drill no matter how many students complained or tried to tell her what was going on at the elementary school she remained adamant that it was just a drill even when they started reporting death counts none of us looked at her the same afterwards gave us an important test on the last day of school only to cancel it even though we had wasted all our previous evening revising this maths teacher had a reputation for being a hard-ass and gave a lot of spontaneous tests he played up one specific revision test which was right before midterm or final I think as being a really big deal where the result would reflect whether you have any potential in the subject and the usual dramatic spiel after we did them he went on holiday and took the tests with him to correct sucker forgot to bring them back and nobody ever got their result another bonus this same teacher had a double period before a double period of gym and sometimes ten minutes before the bell goes he's just say we haven't covered enough so instead of gym you'll have another double maths now she ended up leaving for her vacation earlier than she thought so our final projects needed to be done three days early but not a big deal if she hadn't told us with two days notice I don't get how teachers get away with this crap we had our teachers change the exam topic I took graphic design as a GCSE my practice exam was in a grade they then changed the exam to resistant materials with about two weeks notice I ended up with a C grade in my GCSE only one person got to do the exam we studied for because their mother went ballistic numerous times they failed students at an exam then publicly admitting that passing 4050 percent of students that took the exam would be too much and that's considered normal behavior got caught on my phone in class took it away and put it in her drawer and manages to lose it everyone gets searched apart from her and she was a supply teacher still infuriates me to this day I was in year 7 I once got my 3ds taken and when I got it back the admin at the front desk said that they played it and ruined whatever I was doing I was rightly peed but I didn't want to get into any more trouble turned off the a/c to punish the people passing notes man we had a teacher for our lab who when the class started talking even a little would turn off all the for fans except for the fifth one which was right above him she yelled at my friend for missing so much class he was obviously at chemo he looked like it the whole school knew including faculty and he said I have cancer and walked out he died three months later on leukemia he wouldn't let the class go until everyone rolled some dice and if you got six on any other two you could leave I got so many tardy slips and call homes because of him I had one of those teachers that just put a bunch of activities on the board and browsed something on their laptops or lesson worst part was it was a maths teacher the only thing she do was maybe tell us to shut up once or twice a parked from one time possibly after one of us had had a word with someone about how little she did she suddenly snapped and sent the entire class outside until we were ready to do work we all just laughed our asses off in browser our phones the ones who actually cared about algebra went back in until the teacher decided to come and check on us she just stood there we were all completely silent until I decided to break the silence nice of you to join us oh boy basically after that we compiled endo cough once she'd been doing so we could have a talk with a Dean or something about what had been going on but not before someone accidentally shared it with the teacher and so for the last term she was with us she improved math teacher class it's test time but Professor you said yesterday that today we wouldn't have to take a test correct you will not take a test you will take two one-hour tests in a single hour for this one's a favorite post English class break starts I remain at my desk can do the homework the teacher assigned break ends teacher comes back sees I've done the homework already she waits for all the class to come back then she shouts in several 1391 has already done their homework you will get two extra pages needless to say that didn't improve my bullying situation the teachers who would spend half of the class time getting people to wear their uniforms correctly in the UK bTW and then not have enough time to cover all the topic for the day usually leaving us severely behind or backed up with homework no one cares that someone hasn't got that either right err fine length or their shirt tucked in what makes it more of a joke as they say not having uniform will cause distractions yet not once on an on school uniform day did we have anything like that happen not a teacher but the administration had all of us in middle school where student IDs on a lanyard color-coded by what hallway your classes were in every single day sparked massive actual protests from the students because even though my town is pretty low on crime rates that administration middle school and above essentially treated every kid like there were either already a criminal or had the strong potential to be there were so many protests on the lanyard bs they stopped doing it after winter break because it had be bad publicity if they kept giving out detentions for insubordination the way they were they also did things like assigned seating at lunch and forced the middle schoolers who wanted to go see the high school football games to be fenced in so as not to cause trouble told as the other class was better the other class was told the same thing maths teacher GCSE year teacher gave us a piece of coursework that we had a month to do we weren't the brightest bunnies at math in that particular class just under average but somehow every single student in that class decided we were going to go above and beyond to try and up our grade we collectively pulled together and worked our asses off some of us going without sleep at times so we could work on it and provide help to the others myself included when we handed in our coursework there was a pretty good feeling in the class we thought we had done well and were pleased with ourselves when we got to our papers back we all got higher grades than usual and in many cases did even better than we hoped myself included then teacher informed us that the coursework was only mock and didn't count for anything we now had to do the real coursework in the span of two weeks there wasn't a riot everyone just went quiet we were collectively stunned and disbelief no one said anything at all we simply couldn't believe it over the next two weeks I was pretty much crying every night I'd burned myself out over the mock and was just too tired I had also been recently diagnosed with CFS which didn't help my concentration or mood at all I wasn't the only one either everyone else was having issues and all the Camerata we had built up over the month previous just dissolved handed in my course work after the fortnight was up and then went and cried in the girls toilets because I knew it was awful especially compared to the mock I had been so proud of the results from that were nearly all below our usual grades I just about scrapped my old average teacher then rubbed salt in the wound by saying she was disappointed in all of us no one had the energy to argue we just took it I think one person tried complaining to the head teacher afterwards but nothing came of it it for extra injury that teacher had several maths classes but we were the only one she pulled that stunt on you have been visited by the rare garlic dog Oh if you subscribe to the updo trend it you will have good luck for 69 years I hope you enjoyed the video if you are new to the channel you can subscribe I publish new videos every day until then check another video or either way have a great day you magnificent people [Music]
Channel: Updoot Everything
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Keywords: #updootst, updoot, reddit, r/askreddit, askreddit, ask reddit, r/, \r, r\, best of reddit, reddit stories, reddit story, top posts, funniest posts, funny, funny posts, funny reddit stories, funny askreddit, reddit funny, askreddit funny, askreddit stories, reddit stories 2019, people of reddit, sub, reddit cringe, memes, toadfilms, updoot everything, updoot reddit, story, stories, rslash, comedy, fresh, teachers share, teacher, student, students react, school stories, high school, detention
Id: WX41ZP1qoXQ
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Length: 19min 27sec (1167 seconds)
Published: Sun Oct 06 2019
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