What BS Are You Dealing With At Work Right Now? (Reddit Stories r/AskReddit)

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what BS are you dealing with at work right now my gluten allergy did me dirty boss just told me that she's actually going to take the time I spent in my bathroom out of my paycheck thank god this is my last week that is highly illegal in most states likes you for thousands of dollars and get your boss five levels of illegal bar manager and 20 percent of the staff quit owner hasn't hired anyone it's been three months no one can take unexpected days off or call in sick and inventory is at an all-time low except the kegs so many kegs we keep running out of frickin everything I and others I've offered to help over the summer and nothing has come of it the restaurant is expanding and we need more employees but my boss is too focused on having us dust during construction replacing glassware with crystal and setting up public accessible training courses to bother with actual management oh and communication is non-existent so I regularly show up to work and have no idea where crap is or what the new procedures are sounds like you need to go talk to the bartender circle of your city and find a new place where you'll be appreciated lately whenever the mother of one of my students pisses off the father they divorced four months ago he will send all three of their kids in mismatched clothes with shirts that have some variation of I love my dad or daddy's kid I have not seen the same shirt twice and believe mom throws the shirts out and dad just keeps buying more I'm sorry but that's hilariously petty I do feel sad for the kids though it must be disheartening to be used that way between parents being scheduled on basically every day I was supposed to have off I'm not even supposed to be here today I have a vendor who gives me the same answer every day that I email him let me check and get back to you his shipment has slipped by over two months at this point and it's driving me nuts he's doing the same thing to other people in my office on other projects he's on a quick list to be blacklisted but unfortunately the clients love his stuff unless they're the owner call their boss whenever this happens to me I call their boss and just say I haven't been able to get ahold of so-and-so can you help me with this vendor supply as subcontractors work for you not the other way around a third party keeps insisting that an individual worked for my company they did not we have searched everywhere we have punched in every variation of their name birthday social security number into our system do didn't work here and well this other woman says he did isn't an argument I'm sorry so-and-so doesn't work here and even if they get we are not in the habit of giving out information on employees I manage all the tools parts and materials for a small electrical company we have a ton of little fittings couplings and such that are very small and have multiple parts we recently led one of our journal man go and I'm in the process of clearing out his van turns out he was hoarding tens of thousands of fittings in his van all mixed together with absolutely no organization to top it off at least 60% of them were completely disassembled before being just chucked into drawers boxes and bags along with mixed bolts nuts fasteners etc so it is now my job to take these collections of assorted hardware and dump them out separate them and reassemble as many as I can before restocking them in my already overflowing shop my boss asked if I would be working tomorrow afternoon when I said yes he ominously replied interesting it's my boss's birthday not a lot of folks respect her I'm new to the department and was asked by Don to collect money on Friday to get her flowers he was going to bake a cake and bring it in he was sick yesterday so didn't come to work I collected a measly $19 from others or could have because no one even likes her topped it up with my own ten to get a decent bunch of flowers bought yesterday evening and brought in this a.m. Don is in and says I couldn't find the money you collected do you have it I said I used it yesterday to buy the flowers wasn't that the plan he replies with an attitude a well number I asked wired matters and he says well I couldn't bake the cake because I was sick so I don't know what going to do now if the money's used up we can't get a cake now another girl nicely chimes in that she will run out and grab a cake and don't worry Don it's all fine Don's a snippy guy so I don't bother asking him how I was too no he's too ridiculous to go get a cake himself others are running around asking me if I've seen the money because apparently Don's making it well known that I was supposed to collect money but no one has seen the envelope obviously I took it yesterday then I have to explain that I used all the money so I look stupid I keep throwing in that I was doing exactly as was asked of me but Jesus Christ on would it kill you to communicate your change of plans to people I hate to when someone collects money and you feel obligated to contribute trying to move this freak ass 40 feet fiberglass ladder on my own since everyone called in been there done that crappy-ass came to play I work with a woman who CeCe's her boss on all the emails her boss follows up on all of the emails 5-10 minutes later they looks like this woman hey gang Lebert we are starting this new thing so can you send us x y&z when you have a chance thanks her boss five minutes later gang globbit as per woman's initial request we need these things to move forward in our previous meeting on the 4th of May at 2:00 p.m. you indicated you could send these to us I ask you to please send these along ASAP as our initiative depends on good information please confirm receipt and indicate when we can expect these documents I handed in my notice at work and my boss suddenly stopped talking to me lol ha I handed in mine because they treat me like a punching bag and now they are being nice and chill about everything like they are my best friend should have just been that way to begin with you idiots girlfriend took the time off in advance to see her best friend she hasn't seen in two years for literally one day work is currently telling her that their scheduling a mandatory employee meeting everyone needs to go to or else you get fired keep in mind there is barely anything important that ever gets announced at these I was offered a job at another location I told my boss about it and my current company offered me a raise to stay I took it it's been two months and I haven't seen the raise in my paycheck yet update I emailed my boss and asked for an update they assumed I understood that the raise would begin at our new fiscal year which starts the 1st of July so it will be in my next paycheck Jeff cuts his fingernails every freaking day in his office how do they grow so fast is he a werewolf also he scrapes every last tiny fricking bit out of his yogurt container it's so loud and he does it for like three minutes straight I feel like I can hear this post perfectly boss doesn't understand how time works I'm at an internship I was extremely excited to have and learn from I haven't done any work the past two weeks sounds like y'all an engineering student I wasn't able to hit the target goal for the cancer screening program I work for this year basically my head office asked me to increase the number of people we screened for breast cancer this past year I agreed to the increased goal but they then didn't increase my budget enough to actually cover it so come the end of our fiscal year and I'm having to explain to them over and over why'd happened and my boss just called to ask if I can increase my goal more from next year with no additional funds the Peter Principle alive and well two of my co-workers were promoted out of the department and no one was hired to replace them leaving me to do the work of three people minimum upon expressing that my own hours weren't enough time to get the work done even with overtime I was told you have to get it done if you can't get it done it means we will have to find someone else who will robot what you're looking for is a robot willing to work 24 stroked seven for a barely living wage got it glad to know the company values my mental health your resume dust off time if they're not even listening it's never gonna change I do sound for cover band at a hotel that feels like they're better than or at least equal to an act that sells out stadiums every night I deal with five sixty plus year old musicians with expectations that would make Mariah Carey say that's too freakin much I used to play in an indie band I felt so bad for the sound guys because the crappy musicians in the bands would blame everything on him the monitors were too quiet I couldn't hear myself the sound guy sucked it was mudded he turned me down in the mix now you guys are just fricking bad and if you had shown up on time for your sound check I bet it would have been way better plant had a full ten months to review a demo site that we had up they made a couple of nitpicks and claimed they were happy with it the site went into staging a few weeks ago and they immediately came up with a list of 50 plus issues with it and demanded be fixed or they weren't to renew the contract for some reason I thought my contract was up end of August it isn't it's up at the beginning of August I talked to management and it was a total surprise to them and now they are scrambling to possibly get me a salaried position like they promised but also saying idk the budget might not let us so I don't know if I'll have a job by the end of the month or if they'll manage to create something before I leave either way I'm looking for jobs him on my two-week notice right now so I'm being treated like crap and having a bunch of extra work piled on I will do crap sharing an office with OSHA specialist he has literally nothing to do each morning he fills up the three band-aid dispensers that we have and then stares out the window will sits in front of a blank computer screen all day and keeps freaking clicking with his pen and annoying the crap out of me meanwhile I have so much stuff to do shoots falling off my table have tons of emails people constantly asking for help and even he leans over the monitor and comments busy today I swear to god I hear one more pen click or stupid comment we will have our very first work accident and there will be no one to claim it to assistant forwarded me a call from a friend colleague of mine she got one syllable of my friend's name wrong which wasn't a big deal the friend and I are working on a big deal so she's called multiple times since then my assistant has got her name wrong every time and despite me correcting her each time the corruptions are getting further from the mark happened again yesterday the worst butchering of the name yet I wanted to yell at her but I took a breath and I said her name is xxxx when you consistently say her name wrong it sounds like you're insulting her I know you're not trying to insult her but she is a personal friend and she brings us a lot of business so please do try to get it right I don't think I could have handled that better did she flipped out at me then told a bunch of the other staff about what an a-hole I am ugh I worked for a supervisor who deliberately mispronounced my co-workers name so that it sounded like a slur I took it up the ladder multiple times and management never did a thing P me off coworker was a fantastic human being who worked their ass off supervisor was a see some dumb boss AR Clarke who can't match up numbers so they're threatening to put us on hold until we pay for crap we already paid for budget issues we as a management team just waived our annual increase to make sure there was enough for all of our employees as were giving them their annual reviews raises a new salary info they don't know we're not getting anything this year comma we as a management team just waived our annual increase to make sure there was enough for all of our employees respect management is too cheap to pay for another worker so the responsibility is passed to a different person every night it goes against the policy and procedures of the place but they don't care that I hate my job but like the money I make but his good pay worth the depression just saw my Director of Revenue on Facebook while I'm finishing her month end report that we should have finished by the fifth of July I decided freaked around read it the sole developer of an application that electrical engineers for some of the biggest companies Apple Samsung Toshiba etc around the world rely on his on a month-long adventure in Africa I am currently the only person maintaining the application and I was given access to the repository just five days before the creator became unavailable I've been in this situation so many times you do nothing at all that code is frozen off for the next 30 days you don't even let anyone know you're the backup if you can if something happens you Trish and just keep her working restart whatever the Frick you have to damage control and SAR work you'll be fine my last day is Friday so they made me write a guide on how to do my job because no one else knows how we're supposed to do more upselling but it's very hard to do in our department when customers just want to pretty much get in and get out hopefully I'm not fired for it at an old job we were actually told by middle management they expected us to sell a phone contract to people coming to buy printer ink I said I'd do it if he showed me he could do it that topic was dropped quickly lots of people have seamless Bigfoot's that was pretty scary for them hashtag feature me
Channel: Updoot Everything
Views: 41,205
Rating: 4.8823528 out of 5
Keywords: #updootst, updoot, reddit, r/askreddit, askreddit, ask reddit, r/, \r, r\, best of reddit, reddit stories, reddit story, top posts, funniest posts, funny, funny posts, funny reddit stories, funny askreddit, reddit funny, askreddit funny, askreddit stories, reddit stories 2019, people of reddit, sub, reddit cringe, memes, toadfilms, updoot everything, updoot reddit, story, stories, TZ reddit, rslash, comedy, fresh, work, working, job, work bs, bs, work problems, problems, at work
Id: K5fbX1JC06o
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 7sec (847 seconds)
Published: Tue Jul 30 2019
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