What's the Best Wrong Number Call You Ever Received?

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what's the best wrong number call you ever received when i was 16 years old a woman called my cell and tried to fire me she was very worked up and whatever deadbeat employee she had been trying to call must have been a real piece of work she was going on about how i never showed up to work always gave excuses etc i kept trying to interject to say mom i think you have the wrong number and she was all don't give me that bulls i'm not buying it finally i said mom i don't think you understand i'm a 16 year old high school student sitting in my parents basement i really think you have the wrong number pause oh my god sweetie i'm so sorry to have yelled at you i hope i didn't upset you and all that i just wished her well and told her to give the guy a heck and went back to playing call of duty pretty wild plot twist you were actually hired at that place but didn't realize it she was p because you never came into work got a call from a crying lady about seven years ago saying over and over mom passed away i don't know how do you you were supposed to be there i'm freaking out because she sounded like my sister at least through the hysterical crying and talking after the first two minutes of trying to get a word edgewise to my sister she says she doesn't know how to make it to marion wait who is this come to find out not my sister but some poor lady whose mom passed and hysterically misdialed her brother i was living in cincinnati at the time in the moment family also funeral was in marion a bit north of columbus she apologized and calmed down but by this point i was kind of drawn in based on the emotional roller coaster so i asked her where she lived and found out who she was very sad situation so i told her i'd pick her up from lexington ky and take her to marion the next day saturday i met some of her family and left now for the last seven years i get a christmas card from this sweet lady and she's come to my home a few times for my kids days and my family as well to some of her life events summary got a call from a lady crying about mom passing after realizing it wasn't my sister helped her out by driving her to her hometown to see fam and funeral an initially terrible phone call resulted in a fantastic relationship with a wonderful person i like the use of the word summary versus tl dr this story involves me not receiving a wrong number call but facilitating one when i was a teenager i felt like making a creative prank call so i used my dad's home office phone to make a prank conference call i called one random number and while it started ringing i called another random number on the other line and patched it through the timing was perfect and the first person said hello to which the second friendly person replied oh hello how are you they made small talk for about three minutes before realizing that neither of them had called the other and they hung up very confused i was very proud there was a hostage situation with multiple shootings where i live last year sometime got a random call from some lady in a completely different state shortly after the media grabbed a hold of the situation when i answered she yelled trisha you okay baby i informed her she had the wrong number she apologized then she said are you okay though i heard about the hostage situation going on you're safe right i live about 25 minutes from where the hostage situation took place but it made me smile that she stayed on the phone with the wrong number to make sure this stranger was okay too she actually still calls every couple of months to say hi i pick up the phone and hear what is clearly a child's voice um hello this is um the refrigerator company okay so it's clearly a wrong number because i don't know any children and they're clearly setting me up for and is your refrigerator running joke so i decide to mess with them oh the refrigerator company finally i've been waiting for you to call back for days my fridge still isn't running i've defrosted it i've cleaned the coils i've reset the circuit breaker i've tried plugging it into another outlet it will won't chill it's not making any noise or anything the fans don't spin and yes i cleaned the fans too the light works but that's about it i've lost hundreds of dollars of food and i'm being greatly inconvenienced by having to buy new food every day i have an important dinner party on saturday and i absolutely must have refrigeration i need you to send out an emergency technician immediately because this weight is absolutely unacceptable the poor kid breaks down and fesses up that she's just trying to do a prank phone call and she must have gotten the wrong number so i fess up that i'm just messing with her give her some tips on scripting and delivery and we part amicably staying in a hotel came back to the room one night message on the machine woman with heavy asian accent hello please send cookie of all the stories in this thread somehow this one made me burst out with laughter about 12 years ago i got a phone call from an elderly woman looking to talk to her granddaughter but when i told her it was the wrong number she hung up and then immediately called back again finally asked her what phone number she was calling and it turned out it was mine she seemed really sweet and after a couple minutes of talking it we determined that the new phone number that i had must have been her granddaughter's old phone number she gave me her granddaughter's name in town and within a few minutes of google searching and facebooking and basically cyberstalking i was able to find the woman's new phone number i gave it to her and she was able to contact her granddaughter game 1 2005 nba playoffs i was with my friends watching and rooting for the pistons and someone in san antonio randomly dialed a 313 area code number to talk smack and got my cell we called each other every game after that through game seven when i unfortunately had to congratulate him on the win i remember right where i was for that game seven it was tied with two minutes left a true championship series when i got my first cell phone at the age of 19 i kept getting a lot of calls for the same person whom i'll call joe joe was apparently a bit of a shady character as a lot of the calls were people yelling about him owing their money the location of packages etc joe had apparently changed his number without informing his creditors accomplices it was dang annoying for me because my voicemail kept getting filled up with messages for this guy so one night i was in a hotel room with my family we were all going to visit my grandfather for christmas when my phone started to ring in the middle of the night my family members were all yelling at me to shut off my dang phone i did so and went back to sleep next morning i checked my messages to hear joe i'm really sorry but i had to call the cops you've got like five minutes man cause for joe declined after that plot twist joe is secretly your grandfather who uses that name as a drug dealer my best friend's house phone was one number off from a nearby burger king they got phone calls from irate customers all the time at the first house i lived in our number was one off from a pizza place people were cool though and usually apologized hey i have a good one so i answered a call from an unknown number there is a dude who asks is this random name here i say nope he says he's drunk and walking back home i say i'm not drunk but walking back home too he asks me if we can talk because he's feeling down we end up figuring out we actually have some mutual friends we talk for like six hours with breaks and meet next weekend on a party this was eight years ago and we're still friends crazy coincidence but a good one also got a lure of wrong number calls after i changed my number for about four years afterwards but none of them were good i love this so wholesome a guy called me a year or two back turns out a stripper had given him the wrong number i'm sure he was very disappointed to find out it was a 16 year old boy on the other end so i'm a 16 year old boy oh this is fine too few years ago i had a brief text conversation that went like this texter taking big poopy me who is this texter sorry wrong number me no worries hope you feel better after texter i sure will it's not the craziest or most wild of things but still makes me chuckle a bit i think cr1t cow texted you that or a child i didn't actually answer but a message was left on my voicemail from a very agitated man looking for his pizza the message was something along the lines of i want my pizza i ordered it over an hour ago and it better be here in five minutes or i'm going to call the police you hear me 911 i want my pizza now i really hope he called the police and got a knight in the slammer for miss using 9-1-1 i kept getting calls like this me hello caller psychopath me uh i think you have a wrong number after about nine such calls over a couple of weeks i finally noticed in a newspaper ad that the local bicycle shop cycle path had almost the same phone number as us many many years ago when i was 11 or 12 i'm 43 now my mom tells me my friend is on the phone the girl asked for me and said her name was laurie my best friend so i grab the upstairs extension and we proceed to have a conversation about 10 minutes into it i'm thinking something is off it didn't quite seem like her so i ask i'm sorry my mom never said who this is and she says corey i'm like i i don't know a corey she asked who i am and i'm like this is quick queen she tells me she was indeed calling for quick wit queen but one from another town my mom had misheard her name and she somehow dialed the wrong number but got someone by my name we continued to talk for a few more minutes as we were enjoying the convo but eventually hung up and i never heard from her again it would make me irrationally happy if corey saw this post and you're reconnected after all this time i'll preface it by saying that my number is apparently similar to a drug dealer named dante i have gotten people calling the wrong number at least once a week looking for drugs since i got this number in 2004 i gave up on explaining it intend to just mess with these people when i was home from college for the summer probably 10 years ago watching tv with my dad get a call from a number i don't recognize and the conversation went like this hello hey man what are you up to not much just chilling watching tv at my parents house cool cool you want to hang out at my place yeah dude see you in like 20 minutes cool see you then then i hung up my dad was like who was that and i was all no idea wrong number dang should have set up some drug deals where they leave the money concealed in a public place for you to pick up when the drugs don't materialize dante gets the inferno kicked out of him motivating him to get a real job when i moved into my first apartment landlines were still commonplace cell phones not so much someone for about a month was giving out my phone number as the phone number of the local ambulance company i would regularly get non-emergency calls asking to schedule an ambulance to transport patients between nursing homes and hospitals etc first it turns out people don't really listen to what you say and they would continue to try to make the appointment after i told them it was the wrong number second there was one lady who refused to believe that she had the wrong number this was the number she was given so i had better be ready to transport her patient i wound up explaining i was a college student with a beta and not in a position to transport critically ill people before she finally accepted that i couldn't help her listen you got me i can get you across the border but it'll be ten thousand dollars all cash small bills and if you're taller than five feet four it's going to be tight bring separate bail money not me but my father's phone number is almost identical to a taxi dispatch service based 40 miles away from where we live once in a while someone calls him to order a taxi and he kindly informs them that they have called the wrong number on day though he decided to play with one of the callers for a while it went like this customer hello i would like a taxi from address father pretending to be a taxi dispatcher yes that's all right would you like a black white or asian driver male or female customer sounding confused hum i don't really care father you have to choose the customer choose some specification after my dad pushed her to choose something then he went on for the next 10-15 minutes asking her about the color of the car limousine options for an extra fee and so on he was really amused then finally the customer gets enough and almost cries out to be honest i just want a taxi i have been hospitalized for three weeks and just got released from the hospital minutes ago for cancer treatment i just want to go home that left my father feeling much less amused leaving him apologizing for taking up that much of her time luckily for my dad she did find it very funny herself for not calling bs minutes ago and forgave him this has a heck of an emotional range amused whoa sad happy the first time someone won a million on who wants to be a millionaire was a big deal in the uk we were sat watching it at home and as the final answer flashed up correct the phone rang my dad answered and the voice says did you see that fantastic and my dad and this do chat for a while they then realized that neither had a clue who the other was and the guy had called the wrong number they chatted for a while before hanging up even after realizing dads are awesome we are calling to make sure you are still on for your hysterectomy next tuesday uhh i'm a 17 year old boy and don't have ovaries are you sure this is the number on file yay last time i checked i once had a wrong number call from a debt collection agency asking for someone i'd never heard of i'll call her jindo i explained the situation and they just hung up on me no sorry for wasting your time not even a goodbye a few weeks later i got another call from the same number so picked up and answered good morning jamedo's office they asked to talk to her but i explained that everyone needs an appointment i offered the 19th of february 3 15 pm it was october they insisted that february was unacceptable they carried on calling and texting every few weeks and i carried on playing the part of the most obstructive personal assistant imaginable i mentioned that any money matters should be handled not through me but rather by contacting me those financial advisors but then refuse to give their number as anyone who is really doing business with me doe already has the relevant contact information i carried on being as professional as possible while remaining utterly unhelpful for over five years several times i pointed out that they'd been offered that february meeting but refused it my viewpoint was that if one of them ever treated me with professional courtesy then i'd admit to everything i don't know how much the debt was but over the years they did offer a settlement for less than 300. finally early in 2017 one of them was polite and reasonable so i explained the situation and made a few suggestions for changes to training at their company they haven't called since sometimes i kinda miss them i got a voicemail a couple of years ago that was hilarious unfortunately i lost the vm but i played it for so many people i have it memorized dude was clearly from ny he had a heavy accent here is what it said hey uh [ __ ] face so i bought a smoked from you last thursday and i took it to my guy and he is telling me the gas tank is all freaking rusted out so listen to me right now i don't know what you are trying to pull but let me tell you something pal i'm gonna get that mope money back it's even better if you read it in fact tony's voice i guess my cell phone number belonged to some dude with serious health issues i get a monthly call from a hospital asking for this guy and always tell them it's the wrong number well one day i got a call saying something about them finding a donor i hope he got it plot twist op has dementia and a multiple personality disorder i recently got a call from what i assume is some sort of solar company hello is this sarah nope well my name is i was just dumbfounded by the fact that despite me not being the person they tried to call they still tried to talk to me no no they were just trying to make sure you weren't sarah back when i was in high school i got a text at 8 30 in the morning that said i'm freaking done with you you piece of crap im done you go pick up clary from school and frick off from me i then responded i think you have the wrong number to which this person responded frick off matt frick off my name is not matt she didn't respond to anything else so i have no idea what happened i answered an unknown number hey mom knowing full well it wasn't her and just started talking like it was my mother a very very confused asian man kept telling me he wasn't my mother before he finally hung up when i was younger my voicemail recording said leave your name and number and i'll call you back maybe if i feel like it one day i got a call from the wrong number that i missed it was a random lady who got wildly offended by that if i feel like it remark it was amusing but i didn't feel like it so i didn't call her back i had that message saved for a few years until i lost it when i got a new phone reminds me of the okay soda from the 90s where you could call a number and leave a recorded message why everything was okay some lady left a long message on why things were not okay and the company used it in their ad campaign when i first got my google voice number i guess it used to belong to a doctor's office after a convo with a nice old timer i realized they hadn't updated some of their office literature i was able to track it down and ask them to change it and they were super rude said it's expensive and their website is up to date the problem is they got a lot of calls and i was doing a job search so i had to keep the line clear i tried telling people they had the wrong number but these boomers would just curse me out or demand i call the office for them but finally i got fed up and ended up spending a weekend giving anyone who called the same appointment time 4 30 p.m on the upcoming friday the calls slowed down drastically and within a week had stopped stuff like this is so stupid if you're advertising some random guy's number as your own that random guy holds all the power feig were lucky it wasn't someone who went right to the appointment stampede an especially insidious person could have collected people for two weeks for double the stampede my phone number is really simple if you dial a one instead of a nine in my area code you will get a hospice in california i'm in texas i get a few depressed crying people call me so i give them the correct number and send them on their way now if you put an extra seven in front of the number for the cattle feed store in town my number is 777 x xxx the feed store is 778 xxx you get my business line i fix pools i get people calling about feed pricing all the time in college i got a call at like 2 a.m from some guy yelling at me and threatening to beat my butt if i didn't stay away from his girl i had just started sorta casually seeing a new lady friend a couple days before but it became clear when he said a name that wasn't hers that the guy had the wrong number i told him as much and went back to bed when i casually mentioned it to the girl the next day before getting to the whole wrong number part of the story she got a shock look on her face and said how the heck did dude's name get your number turns out she had a boyfriend that she was cheating on with me i politely told her we weren't going to work out and neglected to mention that it was a wrong number bullet dodged thanks random angry guy if i knew who you were i'd buy you a special darling one so you can threaten the right dude next time to obtain a special darling wand please mash the keypad with your palm now a friend of mine was checking his answering machine tim do not keep looking for your dog i have found it i have it at home my friend's name wasn't tim and he hadn't a dog this was about 1995. sometimes i think if tim is still looking for his dog this sweet little old lady would call and leave me a voicemail about twice a month for about five months explaining that she dialed the wrong number and that she was trying to reach her friend she'd go on saying how terribly sorry she was who leaves a voicemail apologizing for darling the wrong number cute old lady i miss her i received a call one saturday afternoon where the guy started with andy where and when's the party bro i got the booze my irl name is in fact andy but i did not recognize this fellow at all and i was not hosting any kind of party that night either i lived in a small apartment at the time with my mom i told him he must have had a wrong number and told him to have a good time i then started to think about how how there is an andy out there who must have a phone number similar to mine so i decided to try changing out one number from mine and calling in hopes to find this andy within a few attempts i'm in luck and i ask a gentleman is this andy yeah that's me oh cool my name is andy and your friend x guy who called me earlier said he has a booze and wants to know when and where your party is i then proceeded to explain the situation and we laughed about it and then i wished him a good time at his party dang i really wanted the story to end with you joining them and being the life of the party once answered an unknown number and the voice on the end of the phone hurriedly said i'm on my way to the shop do you want anything love i had no idea who it was but i said i wanted a snickers bar they said okay i'll see you in a bit i like to think they turned up to their partner's house with the snickers and had an x-files moment also want to share a memory of my friend that died a few days ago about 20 years ago his landline was a digit off of what the local bank's number was he would get phone calls all the time from old people inquiring about their accounts if he had been a very immoral person he could have totally exploited them but he would always answer them as though he worked there and told them to come into the bank to sort out whatever they needed it was a more innocent time in a sweet little town it would be very different now r.i.p paul thank you for sharing your memory i am sorry for your loss if you are new to the channel you can subscribe i publish new videos every day until then check another video [Music] bye for now
Channel: Updoot Everything
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Keywords: best wrong number texts, best wrong number prank, best wrong number stories, best wrong number, #updootst, updoot, reddit, r/askreddit, askreddit, ask reddit, r\, best of reddit, reddit stories, reddit story, top posts, funniest posts, funny, funny posts, funny reddit stories, funny askreddit, reddit funny, askreddit funny, askreddit stories, reddit stories 2021, people of reddit, sub, reddit cringe, memes, toadfilms, updoot everything, updoot reddit, story, stories, rslash, comedy, fresh
Id: _pKUtiSnwlY
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Length: 24min 35sec (1475 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 16 2021
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