What's The Stupidest Thing You've Heard An Adult Say? (r/AskReddit)

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what's the stupidest thing you've seen a grown Bart adult get angry over not being allowed to watch pee on the computers in the children's section of the public library the children's computers had a Content filter on them to prevent a sort of thing from happening however this dude brought a flash drive with his favorite videos on it and when the computers in the non children's section were all in use he decided that the best course of action was to go over to where there were a number of young kids working on homework and playing minercraft when a librarian told him he couldn't do that on those computers and asked him to leave he flipped out accused the librarian of being a PR file under our pissed and threatened to both Sue and stab everyone who worked at the library but the cops were called and they ended up having tase him to get him to leave was at the bookstore borders with my family my mom saw a toy car my little brother likes so she broke the door on it and then asked the cashier if she could get a discount on it since it was broken cashier said she wasn't allowed to give discounts so my mom called her a stupid fat B and stormed out of the store this is one of the more mild incidents with my mom needless to say I do not talk to her anymore I used to work as a cashier at a grocery store and would work the express lane fifteen items or less and turning away people with hundreds of items was nerve-racking because it wasn't uncommon for grown adults to throw a fit over it as a senior I am embarrassed at some of my so-called peers with how they act in public I worked in pharmacy and entitled seniors are the worst I vow never to be like them well my dad's new wife totally lost her crap because she was going through my dad's phone and in a group text message between him me my brother and my SIL I sent some pictures I had taken while we were on vacation at Disney we took my mum it was me husband eight-year-old son my mum my mill and my fill so naturally she was in some of the pictures that started a six-month period of her harrassing the over phone text email threatening me and all around losing her crap my dad and I no longer talked so that was fun I work as a barista at a coffee shop one day this dude comes up and wants a filter coffee with almond milk at exactly 47 degrees so I did exactly that few seconds later he loses his crap and complaints that the drink is wrong I asked him what was wrong with it and he replied no he basically shouted and insulted me that the drink was one millimeter too high I was like what he asked if only retards work in the coffee shop as it's very easy to see the line and the cup he brought with him he said this has never happened to him he feels insulted so on and so forth I tried to calm him down but he insisted I get the manager my manager came and banned him from entering the store ever again that's a quality manager right there my grandma is a type two diabetic when she was staying with my family after hurricane Harvey destroyed her trailer she got really peed off that my stepdad was making healthy meals for her instead of her favorites like fries pizza hamburgers pasta etc my stepdad being typed too as well he said he wasn't going to enable her horrible eating habits and let her slowly kill herself I work as a nurse aide on a cardiac unit we have a lot of people with diabetes and with heart failure that act this way over the food the doctors less em have their peed and we're literally trying to save their life literally anything with traffic in multiple places honking can basically mean you want to fight my aunt had a guy get out of the car and start banging her car and screaming because she passed him I've had people throw their car in park because I honked after realizing they wouldn't look up from their phone after sitting at a green light stop being a dong when someone calls you out for being a crap driver a friend once called me fuming mad because the person working the drive-through said welcome to fast food restaurant would you like to try our featured item today he was furious about it your job is not to tell Emmy what I want your job is for Emmy to tell you what I want he yelled this to me as if he was talking to the employee the only reason he called me was to be about the drive-thru employee I was like dude have you never been to a drive-through before they almost always do that and besides it is part of their job to recommend the featured items to everybody that employee was almost definitely instructed to do so by their boss and would have got him in trouble if they didn't I think you should reveal it a to friend choices my grown-ass cousin got angry at her five-year-old niece for liking unicorns because she adult cousin liked them first I wouldn't give him a free refill on his popcorn because we'd closed a stand and thrown it all away already the security guard had to intervene at one point because he thought the guy was actually going to hit me the large chain movie theater I worked at required us to put the end of day popcorn in garbage bags then throw it back into the machine the next morning the crazy old ladies that showed up at 10 a.m. swore that the fresh stuff was best my office wore March of Dimes shirt during the month of November we weren't asking for donations or anything we were just wearing the shirts one man started complaining as soon as he saw them saying that it's ridiculous how much people donate to Children's Cancer Research when so many more adults have cancer he continued being loud about it and even started engaging other customers March of Dimes is not a charity for childhood cancer research but for babies born prematurely not only did he look like an idiot he also looked like an but expired coupons that weren't redeemable because we no longer had the product sure you had the products you were just hiding it in the back I was getting a tire patch which is free at the shop I went to another lady behind me in line flips her live that her oil change was a whopping 80 cents more than the last time she had been in an 80 cent increase and that it had always been that price before she then insisted since I wasn't being charged she shouldn't be either even though there were two very different services and my never had a charge to begin with they offered her an ITC discount to match her previous price because I'm not going to argue with you over 80 cents she took the discount but was ranting the entire time about preferential treatment et Cie etc I used to work in a PT clinic as an aide not a clinician not certified in anything just there to guide patients through exercises and get them a heat pad ice pack later voyage busy place so reusable ice packs not always absolutely 100% frozen for the next person but definitely cold had a lady insist that her ice pack was not turned on told her I just took it out of the freezer give it a minutes to get through the pillowcase around it 30 seconds later this woman is screaming that I am wasting her money because I refused to turn her ice pack on and she hopes I get hit by a car after work okay lady whatever helps you sleep at night had a mother stalk me on University campus when I reported her son for plagiarizing on three essays in a row after he refused to admit he had purposefully done so we are talking full paragraphs linked by Turnitin to specific web pages she finally confronted me after a few days I had noticed her because she suddenly was everywhere I was and lost her crap when I said that I could not discuss any student in any class with her stomped her foot went into a dramatic monologue in the Athletic Center FOIA about how she would do anything for her son questioned my ethics credentials belief in God and was yelling at me about heck when security dragged her out the moral of the story always gets then monologuing went with some friends to Nick in the first couple of weeks of December to do Christmas why things in the city one of those things was to go to FAO Schwartz but because there were so many other people trying to do the same thing we had to wait in line but it was a 15-minute wait and line and we were queued up line wrapped around the block and in that time we got to yuk it up with the people in line with us I turned around to say something to friends then turned back around to move forward and noticed two strange woman ahead of me that were not in line a moment before I turned back around to give my friends are you seeing this crap look at the women that cut when a guy with a stroller tried to brush past me I stopped him dead in his tracks by standing in front of the stroller I told him that the back of the line was down the block and about a 40-minute weight from our current spot he just looked at me I was the butthole and said thanks for the information but I am trying to get to the rest of my group while nodding to the women that cut the line when I wasn't looking the people ahead of us that we had been joking with heard the commotion that I was making and started in on the women that cut the line the guy was looking angrier and angrier as he kept trying to get past me and finally the line as a whole managed to get the line cutters to shove off as the group of line cutters were leaving the guy looked back and shot me some colorful comments about the quality of my character and left yeah I don't care that you are upset that I wouldn't let you you're in front and two women in tow cut the line friend of mine got seriously hurt off a 50-plus foot ski jump trying to avoid this six year old girl hanging out in the blind landing my friend is on the ground crying with his broken leg and ribs and the father of this girl had the audacity to go stand over him and start screaming at him about how he could have killed his daughter the six-year-old hanging out in a blind spot where professional athletes were training the mass of the park surrounded this guy quickly and told him they better never see him in a terrain park teaching his daughter how to ski on the landings of massive jumps and proceeded to escort him and his daughter down the mountain freaking idiot almost got his daughter killed permanently injured my friend and then decided to come scream at an injured person who just hurt themselves to save his daughter's life the worst part he didn't learn his lesson and blames everyone else for being jerks a parent at my childcare center was peed I wouldn't let her take another child's boots she swore up and down there were her son's even though they were too big for him and clearly labeled with someone else's name I lost count of how many times someone has screamed in my face when I asked for it for a rated R movie or explained to a customer we have reserved seating so they had to choose their seat when buying a ticket I'm a flight attendant so I see adults get angry over stupid things pretty much every time I go to work it's usually when they are asleep and get angry because we skip them during the beverage service also had a guy get furious and scream at me because we didn't have meals to serve in Maine in on a two-hour flight I calmly explained to him that we don't have meals on that length of a flight he just kept going on and on about how ridiculous it was as if I should simply produce a meal for him out of nowhere while we were in the air my mum got so mad she was red in the face it was about biscuits at a restaurant not being perfect a lot of the movie theatres in my area have converted to a chooser seat when purchasing a ticket model guy was trying to buy tickets with his daughter and having an absolute fit because there weren't many good seats left for that time slot and that this process doesn't allow for spontaneity anymore he's not wrong about that but he was raging at the poor highschool kid just doing her job worked customer service at a grocery store woman brings in frickin boxes of canned goods and cereal boxes no receipt she says she bought them for a donation but forgot just for giggles I scan the item to return and it's not in our system I take a look at the cans expiration date 2005 it was 2008 look at the cereal boxes expiration date 2007 I explained that we can't return her goods because they were purchased a long long time ago and even if I wanted to they don't scan into the system and she throws a fit straight screaming about terrible customer service getting the attention of everyone in the store my manager comes over and she screams he won't return my goods my manager says to just do it I tell him to look at the expiration date and he says to the lady I'm sorry but you can't just clean out your pantry and expect to return expired goods she yelled some more before storming off and leaving all the stuff sitting on the counter to this day I don't understand how a 40-something adult thought they would get away with that I worked at an auto parts store for a while we'd get middle-aged dudes who'd get mad at us for not looking for parts that don't exist for their cars or for simply asking them to clarify what they're working on it's incredibly disheartening to see a grown-ass man throw a hissy fit all because he doesn't know what kind of car he has I need pads and rotors for a 2004 you okay sir Hill you are two hours later you gave me the wrong parts these don't fit my 2005 Malibu I saw a woman lose her crap because borders wouldn't accept her Barnes and Nobles gift card during the yelling it became clear that she was aware Barnes and Nobles had clothes but borders was obligated to accept the gift card because it was Christmas and it would be unfair if her Barnes & Noble card was useless I worked at a bookstore in high school and every winter we have a book drive and ask customers if they'd like to donate a children's book when they are checking out usually people say no sorry but one guy would not stop going on and on about how if he wanted to buy our book he'd just keep it not donated so I replied okay you don't have to donate and proceeded to move on in the process and tell him his total and he just kept circling back to how ridiculous it was that I asked him to donate a $4 book to kids and schools who couldn't afford them up until the moment he left he's the only person I ever thought was in butthole for not donating my nephew is a gymnast and he is very skilled I was at one of his compilations award ceremonies to watch his receive a medal and saw mother red-faced screaming from the crowd at me nephew saying he has won too many times you should be kicked out to give the other kids a chance she then went on to scream and sweat till she was escorted out by security I was later told by my nephew that her son came up to him not long after and apologized for his mum's behavior I feel bad for both of the boys especially the one with the psycho mother you know she's thrown enough fits for him to immediately apologize for her a guy with his kids inside a McDonald's which was inside a Walmart he brought his order back to the counter and asked the pregnant cashier who doesn't get paid enough to deal with this crap what he ordered his attitude started out calm enough but anybody who has worked food service long enough could tell he was going to be one of those customers that just blows up in a rage after they've made their point he explained that he had ordered a different sandwich and she replied that no he ordered what they had given him he was shouting and swearing a manager got involved and told him they would give him the money back so he took his money back aggressively of course and said to his kids and allowed himself righteous tone come on kids let's go to a real McDonald's bro needed to get over himself this is exactly how I imagined McD's inside Walmart's a longtime parishioner made a scene before the morning service when she spotted a family sitting in her pew as I noted some time ago she insisted that the family move or that she leave the church and take her substantial pledge with her to their credit the family newcomers to the church didn't move in the woman left in a huff much like a child having a tantrum who off Wow substantial pledge that is some little holier-than-thou BS I answer 9-1-1 calls one day we had a fatal car crash happen and had to reroute traffic from the main road down a side road then back up to the main road a woman who lives on the side road called 9-1-1 asking why there was commercial traffic passing through her residentially zoned home I explained there was a serious car accident on the main route and that as soon as that was resolved the detour would be removed she continued to complain very and rly that the trucks going by her house were kicking up dust and pebbles into her driveway and demanded we send someone to clean it for her I said no we don't do that she demanded to speak to her supervisor I got all her information then I told her he'd be along to speak to her in person after he was finished informing the family of the person who died in the car accident that their family member was dead then I hung up the phone when the sergeant got there she refused to come to the door and refused to answer the phone when we called her back had a boss who took a trip to the college football championship game his tickets were like $1500 each when he got back we asked him how his trip went in a high-pitched whine he said everything sucked because his nachos were cold an old boss of mine couldn't open his KitKat wrapper and so he had blotted a wall in anger my mother is currently angry as Frick at my wife and I for following her advice and getting a dog to help with my anxiety why is she angry because we got her big lab why is this idiotic because she wanted us to get a tiny lap dog even though her dog hates anything that's of its size or smaller dog is doing wonders for my anxiety mother not so much if you are new to the channel you can subscribe I 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Channel: Internet Is Fun
Views: 63,860
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Keywords: #updootst, updoot, updoot reddit, updoot everything, reddit on tap, toadfilms, pewdiepie, emkay, reddit, askreddit, funny reddit, reddit stories, top posts, reddit top posts, reddit cringe, comedy, reddit compilation, /r, r/, r/askreddit, top posts of r/, askreddit reading, best reddit posts, top posts of all time, people of reddit, askreddit question, ask reddit, subreddit, sub, askreddit school, r/askreddit how to, reddit stupid, reddit stupid stories, reddit stupidest
Id: peA-iYTbfhg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 45sec (1125 seconds)
Published: Thu Dec 26 2019
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