What's The Stupidest Reason Someone Has Broken Up With You? (r/AskReddit)

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what's the stupidest reason you've ever been broken up with I dated a girl for one day she broke up with me because in her words I was immortal I'm pretty certain she was going for a moral but hey you take what you can get maybe she was sick of you and your friends constantly sward fighting and trying to behead each other in high school she broke up with me because she saw me kiss another girl on the cheek it was my mom's cheek I kissed I guess your mother was really hot from your girl's perspective she met someone that she immediately saw herself marrying a month after we broke up she moved across the country got married called me to tell me she made a mistake got divorced moved back home got pregnant and then got married again her current age 22 bullet dodged a guy broke up with me that I wasn't aware updating we had dinner once we spoke a handful of times via text but very short messages out of the blue after a few months I get a long message telling me he has to break up with me we were both in our late 30s oh hello I've got the opposite an ex decided we were back together after a decently amicable breakup I only found out we were back together when she called me in tears to confess to cheating on me easiest second breakup ever not me but my best friend's mother she broke up with a boy in high school because he ate an egg salad sandwich and she doesn't like them understandable she was upset that I didn't hit her during an argument after she said some out-of-line crap she thought abusive relationships were hot and would show that I cared most bizarre thing I've ever heard but probably best that relationship ended mine seems pretty mundane after looking through these comments but had a girl break up with me for it's been 53 hours since you said I love you so clearly you are trying to be distant so I break up with you first so you win I was relieved after the initial shock she was apparently batty and I never knew we had dated in high school in 13 years go by and we reconnected moved to a different state had a dog decided that we wanted to travel so purchased in RV I got rid of all of my stuff bedroom furniture washer and dryer more furniture about four months of living there and I have a seizure was told I couldn't drive for 3 months I was able to work from home a couple days a week so he didn't have to drive so much but that didn't help about 2 weeks after my seizure he told me he didn't want to take care of or be responsible for anyone this is why he didn't want to have kids I was flawed in 17 hours from any type of family took me a little bit but I got back on my feet and everything I own will fit in my car so traveling and moving as easier law silver-lining I guess at least you got to end a relationship without wasting more time you guys probably weren't compatible since he won't date a girl who he helps if she gets sick and presumably you won't date a goddamn monster middle school 7th grade to be exact I want dudes to be able to grab my butt and I can't do that when I'm with you i mean--yeah was the right thing to do but come on I like to be the big spoon and he told me I was questioning his manhood marry me a girl once broke up with me because we were going to different schools next year and in her words we would never find the opportunity to see each other onion we lived on the same street like literally 30 seconds away from another that girl watched too many rom-coms I once dated a women from Shenzhen China she was in the States for college I took her out on Christmas Eve for dinner and as I'm driving her back to her dorm we pass a strip club she says she has never been and wants me to take her I told her some other time as I can't imagine spending Christmas Eve in a strip club but she dumps me on the spot it was worth it for the anecdote she was a nut she wanted to be single for her first h experience never took her back I don't freak with age it scares the absolute freak out of me it should I don't ever want to change who you are and I need you to change for me in a constant cycle very accurate depiction of my last relationship was a tough break but better in the long run I feel when I was a teen my expropriate when we were next to my house with her next-door neighbor I decided I was just going to let them walk together and I'll chill for a change but apparently that makes me a bad bf so I got dumped I broke up with my HS girlfriend because she kept using well then maybe we should just break up every time we argued finally she did it when I said I didn't like panic at the disco so I just said okay and hung up the phone good for you it's much better to face these kinds of things with a sense of poise and rationality she broke up with me for something that I did in her dream met on OkCupid chatted a bit we seemed to have a bunch in common we went on one dinner date that was okay but kinda awkward he said some stuff that could either be red flags oh he's a bad sarcastic flirt etc' I was on the fence about another date but when he parted that I wouldn't kiss him in the parking lot I decided more on the no side we didn't talk after that eh it happens I forgot about it and went on with my single life ten months go by I get a message on OkCupid from him I see you're no longer lying about your age anything else you want to come clean about WTF your profile says you're 30 now yet because time passed and now I'm 30 before that it said 29 that's how it is work well I can't entertain dating someone who would lie about something this basic we're done when did we even start he blocked me I'm sure he felt righteous edited to add one this was over eight years ago so I have some further bad news for this guy - this is now my top comment ever yet idk how to say this we're breaking up - not quite a breakup but a girl I was pursuing romantically in high school was rather short like she was maybe 4 minutes and 10 seconds short I asked her to the homecoming dance thinking hey she's cool it doesn't matter that she's so much shorter than me after a couple of days of discussing plans and figuring out logistics she tossed her noted me that said I was a jerk and we would not be going to the dance I was dumbfounded but she refused to answer any questions or explain why I later learned that she thought that I was making fun of her apparently it would be hilarious for me to spend what little money I had on the dance so that a 6 feet one inches guy into 4 minutes and 10 seconds girl could awkwardly attempt dancing and everyone could point and laugh no Carly I just liked you Carly shouldn't listen to her stupid friends who will probably jealous not a breakup but my ex-boyfriend threatened to because I got an offer from a better University than him he insisted it wasn't fair to him and he could have gone to the same one if he hadn't followed his passion for music he didn't like that I used big words in conversation because it made him feel stupid my dad was dying of cancer and I was depressing to be around t hat happened to me - my mom fell into a coma thanks to terminal brain cancer he said I had too much emotional baggage he was going through so much growth and so many changes for example quit his job and moved back in with his parents while I wasn't changing at all his examples of my stagnancy were that I had the same job and same cat after 1.5 years my first girlfriend who I was with for two years broke up with me because I went to see a movie with a group of people and never told her about it I saw the movie in our first month together she probably had underlying issues if something like that results in a breakup then she's a bit strange I change my picture on a dating site before we started dating we met on an online dating site started talking casually and ended up exchanging phone numbers at some point during this first week of communicating I uploaded a picture to the site that a friend had taken of me about a week or so later we started dating I never logged into the site again which you can see as last online times are displayed on profiles we dated for about three months then one day she starts texting me and becomes accusatory because I had changed my picture and not deleted my account when I pointed out the last login thing and that the picture was from before we started dating it seemed to go in one ear and out the other she was uncomfortable with my responses and decided we should stop seeing each other didn't really argue with that I was too white for her mother that's believable my parents are both racist and I'd probably hate dating a black woman if I still lived with them I'd have to listen to all the racist things they say about her and her family all the time while she's gone and possibly while she's in the room because my dad doesn't think things like you're nice for a black is a stupid thing to say that dating me was on a bet for $10 I was upset and cried to my friend she told her twin brother kid didn't come to school the next day when he came back he fallen and broken his pitching arm there was an apology note in my locker a few days later I hope you're still friends with those two wins they seem like good friends to have I have sooo many stories but I'll only bore you with the main one went out with a girl in school puppy love type stuff in year 7 anyway about four months into going out I kissed her she broke up with me via text and it was terrible I was given the excuse that she thought the relationship was moving too fast alright fair enough okay then move on anyway about two years later we start going out again yay me but whenever we hang out one of her friends is with us and is way way too into the ideal of us so I couldn't flirt or compliment or kiss without this little drama queen being all kiss kiss kiss she eventually breaks up with me via text again and what's the reason the relationship is moving too slow a Sonova I used to buy my underwear wholesale like a dozen of the same size and color for a discount I met this girl and we would get frisky quite regularly however after a week or two she started to notice something and she assumed I was wearing the same pair of Underpants for weeks on end which she understandably found rather off-putting fortunately for me she accidentally looked in my hand for one day later she confessed that she was about to break up with me with some lame excuse or other I'm happy she didn't because we've been together for almost 12 years now and we have a beautiful daughter and I've added some variety to my underwear she said that God came to her in a dream and told her that to follow his path she could not walk it with me she then started going to church and became an assistant minister or something then she started dating a local junk head wife beater because he had reformed himself and come to God and then he cheated on her and now she works at Walgreens just your friendly neighborhood dumpster fire he got bored his words two years it destroyed me I've had bad really freaks you up spent seemingly forever doubting yourself worth and constantly anxious about whether you're just a boring person or chose to date someone with a short attention span he told me he was not ready to commit but truth is his mom doesn't like me due to some unknown reason mother's instinct they said my ex was allergic to cats my roommates had cats she dealt with it for a while until one day she blew up about them and gave me an ultimatum I get rid of my roommates cats or she walks we now have another cat because he loved me too much and knew I would be leaving the area in five months he wanted to break it off right then so he wouldn't get hurt later I was so peed I showed up at his apartment and made him take me back that was twenty-one years ago we are still together I had someone break up with me because I showed her too many memes is this a problem I think it's a problem I broke up with a guy in ninth grade because he cut my name into his arm and misspelled it to boot I cared too much about his well-being and then had the audacity to tell him that I was uncomfortable watching him do coke which I had no clue he was even into I had a buddy who once told us he had a girlfriend who broke up with because he would give her too many orgasms in in another story we used to play a game he was oblivious to where we'd bet on how men in outrageous comments stories this guy would make Anna night out we were terrible friends I took my ex-girlfriend to the science museum for her birthday which is coincidentally on Valentine's Day turns out she's not that big a fan of science as I thought broke up the next day he became intimidated because I got better at League than he was from what I gather everyone who plays a MOBA sucks it doesn't matter how good you are you always suck getting better just means you suck less and some men just don't want to suck his GF stung more than she sucks his I wanted to sit with at lunch she said that I was too clearly a few weeks later I found out she was hooking up with someone else to be fair it must be really hard to have an affair if your boyfriend is always around my ex broke up with his then girlfriend one of my friends because she didn't wear enough makeup I had a heart attack reading this dude was sad we didn't spend any time together wasn't working out should have let me know we were together in the first place I could have tried to salvage the relationship I was just hearing about thanks weird teen years third grade bestie we had a huge fight over whether a tomato was a fruit or a vegetable he told me I was too fat for him or anyone to date I weighed 130 pounds at the time I broke up with a girl who pronounced ketchup as catsup my friends refer to it as my Seinfeld breakup if you are new to the channel you can subscribe I publish new videos every day until then check another video [Music] bye for now [Music]
Channel: Internet Is Fun
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Keywords: #updootst, updoot, updoot reddit, updoot everything, reddit on tap, toadfilms, pewdiepie, reddit, askreddit, funny reddit, reddit stories, top posts, reddit top posts, reddit cringe, comedy, reddit compilation, r/askreddit, top posts of r/, askreddit reading, best reddit posts, top posts of all time, people of reddit, askreddit question, ask reddit, subreddit, sub, askreddit school, r/askreddit how to, reddit breakup stories, reddit saddest breakup, redddit breakups, breakup regret
Id: m5aUhuFgU0o
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 42sec (942 seconds)
Published: Wed Dec 18 2019
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