Doctors, What Is the Stupidest Misconception a Patient Has Had About the Human Body?

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medical professionals what is the stupidest misconception a patient has had about the human body i still remember reading a ridic comment from a doctor years ago that they were telling the person they were about to lose a finger they said the person seemed way too okay with it so the doctor asked how they were handling it so well and the person genuinely told them that it won't be too bad because at least fingers grow back it began a whole slew of comments from other doctors with patients who had the same misconceptions about limb amputations oh hahaha yes yes of course i know that human limbs don't regenerate because i am a real human i was just making a joke coma mom brought newborn to thee because he keeps making grunting sounds like he can't breathe no sounds like this during the exam they ask mom to try having baby latch nurse she doesn't baby is fine sometime later paige is the nurse because he's making noises they were bowel sounds normal bowel sounds hilarious but she was worried ten stroked and good mom comma patient comes to the ear with an infected foot wound and streaking up the leg turns out they were walking barefoot on their porch and stepped on some metal scraps don't remember what they were from patient tried to remove these but evidently a piece of one broke off in the process and was too deep to see or grasp properly so they left it in there for over a week reasoning was i thought it would fester out come a patient with seafood allergy presents to her with swollen lips hives itchy throat provider takes a history asking if the patient could have been exposed to seafood or cross-contamination have they eaten you food or at a new establishment the whole nine while being treated patient adamantly denies this they keep trying to figure out what the allergen could have been because it's a pretty strong reaction eventually the patient gets frustrated and admits they ate shrimp pasta but it can't be from that because he took two tablespoons of honey first and it coats things in there as in shrimp can somehow not penetrate the magical honey fortress i'm gonna need to bathe in this honey to ward off covered how are you feeling today not great i have a cough that starts from an emotion in my throat and chest that emotion disturbs me a bacterial pneumonia roommate is a neighborhood spiritual guru he had a bacterial new motion nurse here we work with patients with kidney issues our biggest misconception the product no salt is totally safe to eat wrong no salt is a potassium based product to mimic salt texture for food that now puts you into a whole new issue with having high potassium from frequent use leading to cramping ahead and even death not a medical professional but a biology teacher anyone who has seen a picture of the pituitary gland may understand why i had a student who thought the testicles were in the brain there are a few times a year where a teacher may have to try and hide their incredulous astonishment and student misconceptions and i'm ashamed to say i didn't manage it that time [Music] did you have anything this morning for your fasting blood draw no just tea with honey and a glass of orange juice so basically no just yes [Music] i ate a brick of velveeta cheese this morning and i'm having abdominal pain if i massage my prostate using my wife's dildo it makes it easier for me to pee hole up on the second one my mother a doctor volunteered to give a health lecture to high school girls in the south arkansas to be precise during the qa period when she asked if anyone had questions a girl asked her if it was true that lemon juice was a good contraceptive option she didn't understand so the girl explained that after her boyfriend came inside of her she would squeeze lemon juice into her vagina to prevent pregnancy from occurring i wasn't there but can only imagine the look on my mother's face based on the way she reacted to my idiocy throughout my childhood that was an old school birth control technique before we had any pills or modern methods a sponge soaked in something more acidic like vinegar or wine tucked up against the cervix so sperm would be killed by the acidic environment not just lemon juice directly up the haha though that would just cause problems wanting a wheelchair to be made wider but not wanting it to actually be wider client comes to my wheelchair clinic saying the chair got too small they gained weight but want to blame the wheelchair and could i get them a wider one i can actually adjust the current one but just before i get the toolbox i ask about any narrow doors turns out the current setup only just fits through her front door if i make it even one inches wider she won't be able to get in her house took a while to get her to understand that widening the chair does indeed widen the chair and no i can't widen the seat without widening the overall width i've had many others from wheelchair clinic i accidentally told the parents of a six-year-old non-verbal not independently mobile child with global developmental delay that she would never be normal they thought developmental delay meant she'd catch up eventually like the difference between a train being delayed or cancelled i had to clarify and explain their daughter would never live independently because apparently everyone assumed they knew and never explicitly told them clients who haven't walked in years but still don't want a wheelchair that will give them independent mobility because that's giving up they're still determined to walk and in the meantime we'll rely on being pushed everywhere i just feel sorry for them their lives could be so much better if they accept what they have and let me help we now keep a mini plastic skeleton in the clinic room so i can explain what bones look like when sitting it's used regularly with people who just can't understand what the bony parts they can feel under their bum are i had an amputee kid wondering when his leg would grow back but he's a kid and can be forgiven for that fortunately no adults with the same question yet i used to use a cane foot surgery long story i went on vacation with a bunch of people and there was a guy there with severe back pain it really restricted what he could do he told me that using a cane was the sign of a weak spirit i told him that i was using a cane because i didn't want to screw up my back he didn't make the connection i had to explain to a pregnant woman once that the baby is coming out of her vagina she was almost six months pregnant and was horrified i think she thought all babies were just c-sectioned out i overheard a guy talking to another at a pregnancy clinic i just don't get it she was standing up the sperm would have just come out how is she pregnant and both of them seemed very confused one person didn't think the stroke they were having was a big deal because they could get some brain transplanted from donor's right eye just i couldn't even there's so many a load of people on medication and they have no idea what they are taking it for oh do you have any health conditions no 10 minutes later i ray ask no conditions no diabetes or high blood pressure oh yes i have those just o lord welcome to a trij with that last one my pre-med college roommate thought penises retracted inside the abdomen my favorite teenage patient was asking about birth control and thought you could just wear the nuvaring on your wrist instead of having to insert it in your vagina thankfully we got her on something else when i was a young boy i thought clitoris didn't know yet it has a name is basically penis and if you pull it it becomes a normal penis i guess it wouldn't work there was this really sheltered guy guy i knew who used to ask which would you rather have balls that were the size of baseballs or softballs and we thought it was some weird hypothetical turned out no he had won the size of each obviously dude had some serious medical issues going on but when we found out i can only imagine the conversation that guy ended up having with the doctor a dentist and the thing we get all the time that i hate is parents not caring about their child's decay because they're just baby teeth losing baby teeth early causes all sorts of problems aside from the pain and trauma but in addition to that i often have to explain to parents that the adult teeth that erupt at age six are meant to last forever they're always oblivious not the dumbest but most recent i had a patient who needed a tooth extracted young teenage girl obviously very sheltered she was telling me how bad it hurts and i asked her what she takes for pain i apply a little clove oil to it when it keeps me up at night i asked if that works and she goes um not really when i told patient and mom to control post-operative pain with ibuprofen and acetaminophen they looked at me like i had grown a second head usually older generation believes that medicine takes a toll on our internal organs it makes you more sick they say that's why when i have extreme headache i tend to drink medicine in secret because i'll be reprimanded i remember when i was younger i had dinghy but it was more than a week before they got me to a hospital because we went to a faith healer quack doctor first i offered a diabetic a tissue after doing a finger prick to mop with the two drops of blood on his finger he looked at me like i was an absolute idiot said you don't know very much do you and suck the blood off his finger then spend the next five minutes educating me that because he was a diabetic he needed all the blood he had therefore he needed to put it back into his body rather than wasting it by putting it on a tissue he was under the impression that if he just drank his blood it would go straight back into circulation uther blatantly wrong lectures are the worst [Music] my mother asked me once completely serious why brain transplants were not possible she didn't understand why if you had an inoperable brain tumor they couldn't just pop a new one in there like it was a heart or liver i tried to explain to her that it wouldn't be the same person but she just stared at me blankly i love my mother but who fat was probably one of the stupidest conversations i've ever had previous medic here but i don't have any sugar in my house i'm type 1 and trying to lose weight on the keto diet i'm drinking only water and not eating for 30 days to detox my liver and kidneys said the perfectly healthy 25 y o also a medic oh my daughter has croup so i just sliced up some onions and put them in her socks for her to wear to bed oh yeah that'll do it angry son of a copd patient set my mom's oxygen higher if you set it higher she won't have copd i had to explain to a patient's dad that his son's heart was at risk due to fluid inside the pericardial sac we call it a pericardial tamponade that man flat out refused to believe that human hearts have a membrane around them because he had dissected a sheep heart in high school and never saw no sack former emt if i have to tell one more person that nothing will detox you but your liver and kidney is not some dang concoction you drink well i had one girl that really thought if she had sex in the shower she could not get pregnant because all the sperm must fall out and go down the drain her boyfriend had been convinced as well they did indeed end up pregnant there had been a lot of stand-up shower sex i caught a patient drinking his own urine once he thought it would help heal him somehow i have never looked at a water pitcher the same way and i always check to make sure it's water the one is about a nurse i had to help another nurse put a foley catheter in a sterile tube that drains urine from the bladder she knew a nurse had been trying to put the catheter into the patient's [ __ ] needless to say the nurse was confused and the patient was confused as well when i put the catheter into her urethra obviously not her [ __ ] it felt much worse for the patient than what had previously been going on that last one i'm a woman and up until high school i honestly thought that women peed out of their clitoris because in my mind the clitoris was just a smaller version of a penis i once administered a certain type of breathing test to a 58 yo female patient who worked at a manufacturing plant on eight hour shifts in self reporting her smoking history she told me she smoked up to eight packs of cigarettes a day i think her misconception was that she was going to live forever how the frick do you even do that i'm a veterinarian and i can't tell you how many nipples i have diagnosed p.s sorry that's not humane body but thought it was fun to share my favorite vet story along this line is from a friend who owned rats she took her rat in one time for abdominal tumors it was his balls male rats as i'm sure you've seen have massive balls my favorite was a patient calling my department three times with concerns about having to abstain from taking her blood pressure medication prior to an exercise treadmill stress test she's afraid one missed dose of her metoprolol would give her a heart attack she is very concerned because her blood pressure is so high these days so i asked her if she's taking all her prescribed doses she said she's supposed to take it twice a day but often she only takes it in the morning and only half of what her doctor ordered so effectively this lady was taking one stroke four of her bp med and couldn't figure out why her pressure isn't under control i've had a few good ones but the funniest actually happened during my first year of college studying pt someone raised their hand in a and p early on in learning about muscles their attachments actions and innervations she asked why humans don't have meat like cows pigs and other edible animals prof stalled for a second holding it together then asked if anyone else was wondering about this roughly a third of the class perhaps 20 people raised their hands she spent the next few minutes explaining convincing people that muscles are in fact the meat it was hilarious i honestly think that most people subconsciously prefer not to bridge that mental gap it's simpler to see meat as an industrial product than as an organ coming from a living thing not me but my sister currently in residency she was with a patient who had a severe pain in her thigh they screamed her ran thousands of tests and nothing came out of it they later found out she had a bullet in her arm but that it had hit her from behind so it couldn't be seen when she laid down on her back she thought her thigh was in her arm i seriously do not get how they didn't find it since this is more common in the situations but i guess mistakes slip through sometimes this is why i always ask patients to point to the pain with one finger patients call body parts all kinds of crazy non-anatomical names i had breast reduction surgery my husband went to the pre-op at with me the doctor was explaining the surgery and mentioned they would remove my nipples my husband asked where they were going to get new ones from 12 years later and we joke about wondering where the nipple locker is i've had male patients in my audiology clinic tell me they have fallopian tube issues perhaps i shouldn't assume they mean eustachian tube issues but i do i'm in the mental health field but i met with a client who was worried that if their relative had a heart transplant would the relative still love and remember them the logic being that the feeling of love lives in the heart hallmark cards from heck not a medical professional but i have a major medical condition that can damage the lungs if one is having a flare of sad disease a great big warning sign is coughing up blood so every single doctor i see no matter the speciality asks if i've coughed up blood i finally asked one time who in their right mind doesn't call the doctor or 9-1-1 if they are coughing up blood the doctor looks at me and says a whole lot of people i did work in care management for medical insurance one day i was doing paperwork and the care coordinator next to me busted out laughing when i asked why she said that the man who was on the phone with had just had quadruple bypass and was on his way home from a month-long stay he was calling to coordinate his cardiac rehab while on the phone with her he was ordering his 20 piece from kfc she said you have to laugh or you will just hate the world i'm training to be a midwife and once met an expectant father who panicked when he heard that his daughter was breached because he thought this meant that she was going to come out of his wife's arse actually took a chunk out of the inside of my cheek trying not to laugh i explained to several women over my medical career that they do not pee out of their vaginal canal a few did not believe me i knew a guy who legitimately thought that he could tell how loose a woman was never mind that statement even by how loudly she peed because women pee from the vagina he was married and in his 30s with kids not a medical professional but i was at the hospital after an injury and another patient who just had his left leg amputated asked the doctor how long it would take for it to grow back i thought he was joking and chuckled he shot an angry look at me and i realized he was serious omg i am so sorry for the doctor who had to tell him can't imagine that i was getting dressed for a hunt with my emt friend and he goes dude you've got to hernia i was like no i'm just growing an audi he then proceeded to tell me how dumb i am a few months later i had hernia surgery smh this isn't so much a misconception about the human body but when i was in a nurse a common misconception from patients was that i was testing their urine for drugs and that i would call the police or report to their employer that they popped positive for something if this has ever been you know that it is illegal for us to disclose a drug test performed for medical purposes to anyone without your permission including the police aside from litigious situations when it's required if the police brought someone in in handcuffs and wanted a drug and alcohol test it was a whole lot of paperwork and if i remember correctly they needed a court order also i do not give a crap if you do drugs just tell me the truth so i can help you and so i don't accidentally give you something that could interact with what you've taken and make things worse the conversation stays between us and the doctor and i can assure you we don't give a freak and we would be fired for disclosing that information to anyone without your permission here is the fastest way to suss that out i'm not your mom a judge a cop or a priest i don't care the only reason i need to know is so that i don't accidentally kill you by giving you something that doesn't jive with whatever you took i had to explain to a couple 45 plus that treating the wife's yeast infection only but continuing to have sex without treating the husband would result in them both having a yeast infection a young talking maybe 17 years old that feeding their neonate powdered milk was not the same as formula and that they were starving the baby so many so so so many i had a family feeding their newborn only chamomile tea because the baby had a cold and they thought the tea would heal them baby ended up in the hospital from severe malnutrition had a mother ask if it was true that the soft spot of her baby's head was like a whale blow hole that he could breathe out of apparently her own mother had told her that [Music] shoulder rehab after surgery on recurrent instability range of motion was not improving so i ask if the patient is in pain oh no but i can't move my arm past 90 degrees because i feel the screws the surgeon put in and i don't want to break them by forcing the movement it was the acromion bone after a visual explanation flexion magically went up to 120 degrees maybe the surgeon could have explained the procedure better but sometimes i spend entire sessions repeating the same thing only to have patients ask me the same question over and over again health-related beliefs and fears hold tight in our brains working in inner as a nurse practitioner i had a patient's granddaughter who was pregnant asked me if she dyed her hair would it also die her baby's hair made my day there are people who legit believe that using hair dye during your period or otherwise versions vary will alter the color of your blood among other things it's a bit painful how common this type of thinking is can you email me my medications sure i can send them electronically to any pharmacy you want number skip the pharmacy ain't there some fancy schmincy way now you can send an email of some kind and i just print it out and eat it or i scan it with my phone and listen to it with headphones or seminar other i'm afraid not sir you know one day we will look back on this comment and laugh as we print out our daily vitamins [Music] obligatory not a medical student but for years my periods or right before them were downright awful for me not necessarily in the pain sense though that hurt too but because the week beforehand i'd completely change from my normal mood to extreme suicidal depression and would self-harm due to the absolute distress my body felt like it was almost like i could physically feel myself turn gray i would bang my head against walls hit things etc if only to break the feeling of this extreme distress like the only thing i can liken it to is that one scene in the green inferno where the guy is tied up drenched in honey and thousands of and seat him alive i would feel it under my skin to the point where i wanted to rip my skin off and turn it inside out to get the ants out anyway after i turned 18 i brought it up with a doctor who immediately paused looked at me why died as i rationality did was probably nothing because everyone has period troubles and he was like no no that's not anywhere near how that's supposed to happen i was diagnosed with pmdd premenstrual dysphoric disorder i used to take retinal photos to look for diabetic retinopathy when i would call to make appointments more than once a patient said well i just saw the proctologist no sir these are retinal photos not rectal photos if you are new to the channel you can subscribe i publish new videos every day until then check another video [Music] bye for now
Channel: Internet Is Fun
Views: 23,728
Rating: 4.9084792 out of 5
Keywords: medical, doctors, doctor stories, patients, dumbest patients, emergency, surgery, #updootst, updoot, updoot reddit, updoot everything, reddit on tap, toadfilms, pewdiepie, emkay, reddit, askreddit, funny reddit, reddit stories, top posts, reddit top posts, reddit cringe, comedy, reddit compilation, /r, r/, r/askreddit, top posts of r/, askreddit reading, best reddit posts, top posts of all time, people of reddit, askreddit question, ask reddit, subreddit, askreddit school, r/askreddit how to
Id: kNEkPP20Mrg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 37sec (1417 seconds)
Published: Thu Feb 25 2021
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