When Trying to Be Funny Goes Wrong

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what's the most awkward situation you've witnessed where an attempt to be funny just went absolutely wrong my newest boss at the time had accidentally brushed my butt with her hand and said sorry i didn't mean to i didn't have my work filter on so i naturally teased her a little with a wink and ashore she got really flustered and uncomfortable i don't think it had anything to do with me but a week later she quit i don't think it had anything to do with me but a week later she quit says the guy with the deposition woken up at 2 am by the doorbell took a little while to become conscious and actually realize it was the doorbell by which time my wife was awake as well i go down to see who it is it's a neighbor as soon as i open the door he tells me there is a fire next door next door is a building site and a small digger was currently ablaze slightly concerning as gas canisters were stored on the site i rush back upstairs and my wife has looked out the window and could see the fire right outside we decide to evacuate the neighbor offers to let us stay in his house across the road to await the fire brigade neighbor and his wife are lovely and very welcoming fire brigade turns up very quickly and put it out as we are thanking the neighbor he apologizes for waking us up i respond with well at least it wasn't jehovah's witnesses he smiles but doesn't respond and me and my wife head back indoors as the door clicks shut my wife hisses at me they are jehovah's witnesses i then cringe a lot let's just hope it was one of those self-aware kind of ironic jehovah's witnesses i've only tried to use you mama jokingly twice in my entire life both times the person's mother had died unbeknownst to me a girl had what looked like a little spot of bean dip on her upper lip and i jokingly said that she kinda looked like hitler she started crying turns out it was a permanent scar that happened recently another time i saw a girl crying at a party and i just said hey it's okay geyser dongs it was kinda my go-to before this when i saw crying girls at parties and it usually cheered them up turns out her boyfriend just died in a car crash so anyway that's why i never talked to people anymore another time i saw a girl crying at a party and i just said hey it's okay geyser dongs it was kind of my go-to before this when i saw crying girls at parties and it usually cheered them up turns out her boyfriend just died in a car crash hey you're better off without him anyway sobbing increases ro i hope he felt really bad sobbing gets hysterical i was at a party and a girl behind me was talking with a mouth full of food i couldn't understand her so i said i could have sworn i just heard one of the adults from charlie brown a few people laughed and i didn't think much about it later on the host of the party told me that she has a speech impediment i'd have a speech impediment too if i talked with food in my mouth source bad person during my first ever interview for a job my would-be boss asked me have you ever been convicted of a crime at this point all the questions had been straightforward and all my answers had been as well i decided that it was necessary to show off my charismatic side by telling a joke and decided that there was no better time than right there as a response to his question i said well i was once arrested for attempted murder interviewer wait what me yeah i had two crows and was trying to get a third i looked at him expecting him to somehow just get that a group of cruises called a murder of crows i did not get the job this guy i work with showed us a picture of a buff shirtless dude on a motorcycle and said this is what i want to be one day so i said wow it's going to take you a long time to turn yourself into a motorcycle and he gave me the most evil look it was around other co-workers as well and only a few people laughed about it it was so awkward with how offensive he took the joke so a friend was trying to talk to this girl who was asian and it was a complete car crash and was really painful to watch then as a last ditch attempt he goes do you wanna hear a joke so she goes okay then so he goes my japanese peeps i call my geeps oh how is that funny him it's not meant to be and there was then the most awkward cringiest moment you could imagine where was he even going with that it was early in the season and my coach didn't really know everyone's name and background us kids knew each other pretty well however we began practice and he noticed our motivation was low and we kind of moped through the drills even the fun ones halfway through practice he finally said come on guys what's wrong you all look like your mother's just died well turns out a week ago ones of our teammates mother had died of cancer leaving her devastated family behind so yeah that was pretty awkward that is extremely unlucky when we were young kids whenever we asked my mom what was cooking for dinner she'd reply your underwear lol so one day my stepdad is standing in the doorway distracted by something on tv and my sister asks what smells so good and he quickly replies your underwear trying to be funny he still hasn't lived that one down freaking unfortunate one of my close friends as a teenager her older brother had an inoperable tumor in his brain it was bad her family was a bit religious so they held a prayer thing for him at a local church and i was invited i was incredibly socially anxious at the time and her family always intimidated me like her mother was pretty judgmental and hard to please so i was crazy nervous about attending this just so much pressure i show up i pray with everybody i'm not even sure how one prays exactly but i did my best and at one point we're all supposed to write down little notes of encouragement and hope to her brother oh god too much pressure i can't think of anything to write i'm that person who goes for a simple happy birthday on a card instead of a personal message so i jot down hope you don't die and draw kitty next to it dropped it in the box go home a few weeks later my friend calls me yelling why did you write that and i can't even give her a good answer other than some stamina excuse about bringing levity to a heavy situation i did the opposite her mom apparently read it and freaked the heck out the cancer was pretty advanced at that point so talking about death was way too freaking real i did not help make myself more likeable in her family's eyes that's for sure good news is he survived and is fine now obviously your note worked my brother cousins and i used to pretend curse because we weren't allowed to actually curse around our parents we would say things like suck my dick long pause shy honorary our parents would complain and we would say i was just saying dictionary that's not a curse obviously the only way for it to work is to end the sentence with the curse word my cousins were joking around during christmas dinner one of them said shut up and put your dong in my mouth he meant to end his sentence with the curse word so he could expand it into dictionary but got mixed up his face was priceless he just said dictionary dictionary i meant dictionary that was over 20 years ago and we still make fun of him for that a few months after the space shuttle exploded in 1986 we had an assembly at our school from the folks at nasa or some such we knew there was gonna be a queue and a after and we started goading our pal into raising his hand and telling one of the many space shuttle jokes that had been going around for months specifically this one how many astronauts can fit in a volkswagen two in front two in back and seven in the ashtray a q and a comes up and we are needling buddy come on man raise your hand well he finally did but he either chickened out or couldn't tell a joke to save his life he asked how many astronauts can fit in a car we are already laughing the lecturer either has been living under a rock or was unfamiliar with the jokes because he straightforwardly asked how many weird paws seven that's it the rest of the school didn't laugh actually there was this weird deflating feeling that happened the instructor wrapped it up the teacher glared at my pal he got detention this is my favorite in this thread this happened to me yesterday my younger cousin had spent the majority of our beach vacation playing video games in the game room of the house we rented the house was enormous and it was easy to get turned around with several floors and bedrooms we had about 20 people staying in the house after several days of pestering him to come out and enjoy the beach family i had it in my mind to open up the game room door quickly and yell boo well i did and it wasn't the game room it was my mom's friend struggling to get out of her wet bathing suit she screamed and hit her hip on the dresser leaving a nasty bruise i'm mortified to say the least this result is funnier than the intended result i broke my back 12 weeks prior and was still pretty sick and wheelchair-bound so i was out with a group of friends whom i hadn't seen since the accident they asked where do you want to sit i simply deadpanned and went i can sit wherever i thought it was funny but a few of them went white as the wall but that was funny i laughed we were at a church wedding where the minister felt the need to tell what he thought was an amusing story during his sermon he talked about a wedding where everyone else was ready to go except for the groom who didn't show up turns out that he was found on the course with his one true love golf the bride was furious and interrupted his sermon to say that she felt his so-called humor was inappropriate and to please get on with the ceremony choosing the right officiant is an overlooked aspect of wedding planning i'm a criminal defense trial attorney while doing jury selection i was questioning a potential black juror i wanted to keep i asked hypotheticals regarding how she decided which of her kids were telling the truth assessing credibility she said she doesn't she just punishes them all so i jokingly asked so you just punish them both put them in a corner throw them under a bus hang me from a tree i just moved on no idea where that came from this reminds me of my cringiest moment i was working in a daycare and for whatever dumb reason me and the other girl in the room started saying we were going to sell each other down the river later one of the moms came in asked where her baby was and i said we sold her down the river which is not a great thing to say to a black woman went on a ski trip with my class i'm a teacher and three other classes some of the kids got sick so we had to move some of them so they could stay in one room instead of making other kids sick we made some signs for the toilets because you could never see if they were occupied so you could just turn around the sign to occupied and turn it back when you were done we had one kid sitting on the toilet vomiting and one of my students came around the corner and tried to open the door which was locked a teacher from another class asked him pretty loudly if he was too dumb to read the sign my student who is dyslexic btw just started crying and everybody around him just stood there and didn't know what to say that's a crappy thing for a teacher to say to a kid dyslexic or not oh god so i work in broadcasting and this producer thought it'd be hilarious in the middle of a crowded office to stand behind a girl who was working for him and thrust his pelvis into her bottom whilst she was leaning over talking to someone who was sitting down horrifically inappropriate they did not have that sort of relationship and this guy had a terrible reputation in the office a colleague stood up and just went mental at him dave what the frick are you doing he sort of sheepishly realized what he'd done apologized and walked out of the area quickly later he brought his victim aside and apologized she accepted damnit dave my ex-girlfriend had made a new friend at university and wanted to go out to town with her so i called up my mate and we all went out together while we were in the pub i made a joke about incest i can't quite remember what the joke was but it made sense with the story my mate laughed but my ex and her new friend were stone silent my phone vibrates about a minute later i check it to see a text from my then girlfriend the text read her parents are cousins you freaking idiot needless to say it was an awkward night [Music] i told a co-worker i had just picked my wedding dress and that it was white even though i had been looking at blush dresses she is 60ish why oh and i am 27. she then told me i could get a blush dress for my second wedding i thought it was a joke and laughed and told her i plan on staying married to my fiance she looked me straight in the eyes with pain in them and said my first husband died a few years after we got married and that was it i didn't know how to respond or how to move forward with the conversation so we just went different ways awkward what a weird rude thing to say well you can wear pink when the person you love most in the world is one food i was at a suicide awareness function where there was a local band playing music the lead singer almost dropped his guitar and said oh my guitar just tried to commit suicide yep not many people laughed that's freaking hilariously bad timing it's about 2012 to 2013 i was at the bar with some buddies smoking outside older dude has a wheezing cough and it's really rough takes a second to recover he kind of announces sorry haven't been the same since 9 11 my friends and i awkwardly and politely laugh as his 9 11 joke thinking he coughed because he was a smoker he turns to us and with all seriousness says i guess y'all are too young to remember we weren't too young i thought it was a crap joke that he dropped on us and we reacted i quickly realized dude has a new york accent we were in tx and was wearing a firefighter shirt tldr we laughed at him 911 first responder thinking it was a regular guy making a crappy joke we were all embarrassed to say the least i work in a small very close-knit office last week we received a phone call at my firm for an advisor who suddenly passed away a couple of years ago i said no i'm sorry he's no longer here he passed away the caller a wholesaler said oh he's busy i'll call back later i replied thinking he wasn't listening or paying attention and repeated my previous statement the wholesaler then replies sorry that was my dry attempts at humor definitely cringed after that and made the call extremely awkward my pregnant wife and i were at a wedding reception and were talking to a friend of ours we hadn't seen in a few years but she was complimenting my wife on her baby bump and i jump in trying to be funny you can have it if you want i don't really want another one to deal with too much work she awkwardly smiled and kept on talking to my wife little did i know that she had a miscarriage less than a month prior egg on my face an ex-girlfriend played pink fluffy unicorns on her phone while we sat outside with her mom and her mom's new boyfriend at full blast nobody laughed they just had this annoyed look at their faces she continued playing it for at least one minute and sang along she was 19 at the time i just wanted to die i can see why she's an ex guy at school told me a year mama joke i told him my mum was dead my mom was not dead it was a hilarious joke the guy thought i was for real told his mum and that evening his mum calls my house to offer condolences my mum answers in college i took greek myth as a gen ed probably about 400 people in it the professor asked the class why we thought women were depicted the way they were by the ancient greeks couple people offered their perspectives and the kid directly behind me stands up and quote south park because they didn't trust something that bleeds for seven days and doesn't die you could hear a pin drop as the professor berated him for saying the single most defensive thing he had heard in his 20-plus year career the kid sat down saying to his friend guess he didn't find that funny awful douche chills didn't witness it i caused it walked out of middle school one day and over to two friends who were waiting for the buses to arrive they both were standing there not talking which was odd for the two usually over talkative teenage girls me trying to lighten up the mood asked geez who died turns out the one girl's grandfather had passed away the look on both of their faces as soon as the words left my mouth will forever be seared into my brain co-worker of mine started talking about his wife we thought it was all positive which that's how it began but he turned it around started talking about how if a bus would hit her he would start laughing first then help or how he wishes she'd move back to houston where they used to live and go get another degree and let him live in louisiana where he lives it just got worse and worse by the second i was a cashier at walgreens and an older gentleman comes to my register with two cases of bush light the woman behind him tries to strike up a conversation with him here's how it went lady wow you must be having a party man i'm going fishing lady that sounds fun just let me know where you're docked at and i'll make my way over there man completely ignores her lady tries to awkwardly play it off by laughing and asks me are you even old enough to sell alcohol me yes so your total is gonna be xxxx oh man i cringed hard at the aware my five-year-old cousin had previously passed away my whole family was there crying about her sudden death after a few hours my grandma announces we can all go to her house for sloppy joes that was my favorite thing my grandma cooked and without thinking i screamed yes with a huge smile on my face it was really uncomfortable after i realized what i had just done after my grandpa's funeral earlier this year we all went back to the church to get some food it was all laid out my cousin and i ran to the front of the line to load up our plates and my cousin lets out oh my god this is the best day of my life to be fair it did break a little of the tension of the day and gave me a much needed laugh well i had a barbecue a week ago where i got naked while in the hot tub apparently drunk me thought it would be funny i also invited co-workers to this event haven't been back to work yet as i took last week off as planned pto tuesday should be interesting i think i am just going to open with so how many people saw my dong classic robert california told on a different thread i had a friend who'd been kidnapped and tortured by an ex-boyfriend he sliced up her arms legs and stomach pretty bad but she'd gotten over it for the most part as much as one would expect still when i jokingly yelled b i will cut you at her at a party she was not amused i immediately realized what i'd done and apologized profusely i assumed the other thread was tifu had just got seated for dinner with my wife when the teenage waiter stopped at the table next to us to ask the older couple if they needed anything else the woman asked for a to-go box and then got up to go to the bathroom when the waiter came back he said something along the lines of here is your box the husband says no her box is so much tighter and tastier than this one it was like time stood still the waiter had no idea what to do the old man thought it was funny the waiter kind of awkwardly left and the wife soon came back to the table the husband told her what he said she got really upset and then made the husband apologize to the waiter the whole thing was just horrible felt so bad for that kid i was in an antique store and they were moving a statue of a greek warrior made from cast iron i put on my cheese east smiles and say to the owner let me give you hand before these things cripples you he proceeds to hold up his amputated arm and says about two years late that doesn't actually sound that bad depending on how he responded one time two of my friends were playfully hitting each other and i jokingly called it domestic violence found out later that another girl in the room had been a survivor of domestic abuse i felt awful but i sure learned my lesson to not make jokes about that again you know how sometimes in class when everyone is talking everyone finishes their sentence at about the same time and the whole class just goes quiet and basks in the weirdness of what just happened that happened to my friend and i but my friend kept talking the teacher wasn't in the room and people were talking about how a student was going to beat up a teacher for being racist to the student another fun tale people were talking about how she'd take out the teacher say all kinds of things scare and assault her however they could dream up lots of little group conversations then everyone stopped but my friend has a knack for talking too much to describe a joke and comes up with this gem the chattering grows to a halt everyone stops talking and all you hear is student name is gonna walk up and slap her with a big fish he followed with a little giggle from himself and his trademark grin to encourage some supporting laughter but it was too far gone no one could mistake his words nor could he deny he said them the silence that filled the room was deafening i think he's gotten over it now i think i'll go remind him of it like every good friend should my friend before we were properly friends looked rather down at a party naturally i told her she looked like her dog had died turns out it did pro tip don't insult someone who looks sad regardless of why they're sad some army recruiters were talking to my high school class about enlisting they were describing how they don't take anyone and when coming up with examples of inappropriate tattoos one of them pointed to our foreign exchange student and said so if you go out and get a face tattoo of a swastika you won't be able to join the army well the recruiter didn't know that this kid was from germany the whole class went quiet and then burst out laughing while our teacher informed the recruiter that this student was german the student took it pretty well but the other recruiter did most of the talking after the first apologized first day of a new high school class teacher is showing a slideshow of ancient artifacts or something of the sort and then asks the class what kinds of skills do you think the crafters of these pieces show with the pottery they made autistic one smartest kid says loudly my son has autism so let's not say things like that the teacher responds curtly room went silent i worked mcdonald's drive through back in high school had that let me love you song stuck in my head when a customer pulled up i answered the headset by saying welcome to mcdonald's how may i love you it was me in high school marching band one of the drum majors colin was quite handsome and i had a bit of a crush on him at first after our big marching competition we were on the buses and the drum majors were taking turns giving their congrats pep talks or whatnot the first girl started tearing up so a couple people shouted stuff like we love you to help break up the silence so colin is giving his little speech and during a pause i decided it would be a great time to shout colin as my idol because i'll lack charisma it just sounded really cringy and creepy i also said this as my boyfriend was sitting next to me nobody laughed and i wanted to curl up and disappear calmer as my boyfriend was sitting next to me bro very recently i was at a wedding in park slopes utah after the reception we were all setting up to a sparkler send off they had a big ol red classic truck with a hay barrel in the back to drive them off to their hotel to get busy well i am walking outside to get my spot in the sparklers and offline and i jokingly say to my buddy and short breaks in between words what are we sending them off to do to be funny and he says what do people do after their wedding and as i start laughing about our sex joke my buddy is moving away from me and points behind me where the bride's dad is right behind us but just bottom lip in the upper lip saying nothing pretty sure the bride's dad knows what is going to be happening and has probably been happening already maybe it is utah after all hum utah maybe he's upset he has to share if you are new to the channel you can subscribe i publish new videos every day until then check another video [Music] bye for now
Channel: Internet Is Fun
Views: 6,969
Rating: 4.9304347 out of 5
Keywords: trying to be funny, trying to be funny cringe, goes wrong, going wrong, #updootst, updoot, updoot reddit, updoot everything, reddit on tap, toadfilms, pewdiepie, emkay, reddit, askreddit, funny reddit, reddit stories, top posts, reddit top posts, reddit cringe, comedy, reddit compilation, /r, r/askreddit, top posts of r/, askreddit reading, best reddit posts, top posts of all time, people of reddit, askreddit question, ask reddit, subreddit, sub, askreddit school, r/askreddit how to
Id: YpzHlhx6NCE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 27sec (1587 seconds)
Published: Fri Feb 26 2021
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