Have You Ever Seen A Mythological Animal? (r/AskReddit)

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serious Harrogate have you ever seen a mythological spirit or ghost animal or a nature spirit or entity or other spooky occurrences with animals what's your experience nothing spooky I suppose but I was walking my dogs once along our usual route and we saw something odd there's a few other people who walk their dogs here but generally it's just you and your dogs the route we go who cut through a forest and then follows the outskirts of the forest in a half loop before it cuts back into the forest to head back to the start one day I'm walking my dogs and way off in the distance on a hill I see two animals come over the hill my eyesight at distance isn't great and I assume it's just someone else walking their dogs so I wish my younger puppy and continued walking towards the animals we get within maybe a 150 feet of the animals and I realized that they are not dogs the ones a red fox and the other was a white-tailed deer that couldn't have been too old maybe just a little elder than a fawn the Fox is sitting casually next to the deer and as we approached they both just stare at us my dogs are both super well behaved and didn't bark just looked back after a few minutes past the Fox gets up and walks into the forest and the deer follows right after at a slow walk they stayed right next to each other as far as I could see the strangest friendship I've ever seen but it was amazing and I didn't believe it at first but I saw the same sort of deal I was biking through a pretty secluded field and saw the biggest turkey I've ever seen chilling with some random deer I stopped and after we did the whole stare at each other thing the turkey and deer just turned and walked side by side across the field and into some trees I felt oddly left out a couple of years ago I slept over at my sister's house in my baby nieces bedroom at 2:38 a.m. I was woken up by a small dog getting on to the bed with me and settling itself down to sleep I reached out to touch it it was really comforting but then I realized my sister's dog was downstairs and definitely not little I reached for the dog again but he had vanished sister told me my niece woke up every night at about 3 a.m. and I've always wondered if it was a little dog with a feeling of it being there was so lovely I spent the rest of my visit hoping it would cone back you have been visited by the popper off when my grandfather passed away we sat on his front porch later that night and three great horned owls flew over our heads my mom busted up crying saying that when her sister passed away a great horned owl flew over like that and when my grandmother passed away two owls flew over I'm very curious if when my mother passed away the same will happen for me owls are frequently regarded as omens in folklore my grandma had a welsh corgi who lived to be 19 the week after they put him down the next-door neighbor came over and was surprised that the dog who was very protective didn't bark when he knocked on the door my grandpa told him that they had put the dog to sleep a week ago the neighbor got really serious and said no way I've seen him every day standing under the big tree in your front yard we took this as a sign that he was still near us love this story when I was living in western NSW I was out exploring the area when I saw a kangaroo with unusual markings it had a white face a while later I mentioned what I'd seen at the local pub and everyone got quiet then quickly changed the subject I find out later what our describe was considered a bad omen in the local dream time and I totally believe it it gets a little order it wasn't a totally white face it was like a white skull marking it still had color on the ears around the eyes mouth etc at the time we were years into a bad drought and it wasn't uncommon to find native animals dead in deep mud presumably after attempting to access water for some reason when I saw the Roo I had a mental picture of it face planting into some mud which had them dried leaving the unusual markings in a split second it makes sense but when I sat and thought about it I knew that it wasn't mud but actual markings our black Chau pad field was hit by a car just before Halloween Halloween night I was listening to her podcast of spooky stories before walking downhill to my studio in the dark the wind was blowing and clouds were skimming across the moon and the trees were tossing wildly I got spooked since we way out in the country plus Halloween plus spooky stories I actually felt then saw Pat field come out of the moving shadows from the place he usually slept and walked me to my studio door I told him thank you then went inside and told my husband that our dog had just walked with me down the hill he said sounds like he was making sure you were okay we missed that sweet dog he was a good boy the loving bond between humans and animals is amazing Thanks one time I was hiking in southern Utah along a sandstone Ridge when I saw a pair of coyotes trotting along an adjacent Ridge maybe a handle yards away this could have been a trick of the light confusing perspective for me being tired did I sway one of those guys suddenly stood up on his hind legs looked around and sauntered down the opposite side of the ridge and out of sight like a guy going for an evening walk I just stood there for a few minutes thinking that was the weirdest fricking thing I've ever seen many Utah tribes traditionally believed that coyote was a trickster maybe he was just fricking with you I might have posted these before but I have to in college my roommate and I were walking around town at like 2:00 a.m. not drinking just weird kids and we passed a dead cat in the gutter it was a calico big brown spot on one side and an orange one on its face rigor mortis had set in and there was the kind of greasy smear coming from under the head we guessed it had been mashed by a car we walked down to a park wander around and come back the same way a car passes us and in its headlights we see a calico cat crossing the road away from us we get back to the spot where the dead cat was and it was gone same storefront same streetlight same greasy smear in the gutter no cat over the rest of the semester that cat showed up all over the place it chased my roommate and his friend down the street one night on the far side of town from where we first saw it we had a note once from our that she wanted to see us we knocked on her door and without a word walked us to our room opened the door took one look it was a [ __ ] and said oh wow there's no way you're keeping a cat in here sorry roomie and I look at each other raaah says one of the grounds people said they saw a cat in your window we asked if they said what it looked like white with brown and orange spots the other one I was walking around a neighborhood with a different friend in a different town also at some dumb bas o'clock down a side street three dogs approached us wagging their tails a white a black and I guess a gray one like husky colored they were all tall more than three feet long low tails with only slight curves and very lanky not like underfed rangy like something not a domestic dog it's really hard to describe why they were so odd but they followed us for about a mile they went to sniff a small hedge that was dark but we could see all sides of they sniffed found a gap and disappeared into the hedge I can accept that the dogs were just odd not necessarily paranormal though they acted really strangely and I can't really explain it but that cat was actively hostile and in my freaking room while I was in class after it was dead in the hours before my dad died he saw his pet dog from 40 years earlier our cat that died four years earlier and even my pet rabbit that died four years ago he sort of marveled at it all even the rabbit is jumping around she probably shouldn't be in here I hope to see all my beloved pets before I die thanks for sharing I used to live up in New Hampshire and for a brief period of time was having semi frequent encounters with shadow people at the time I had a job where I wouldn't leave work until about 1:00 a.m. and I lived in a densely wooded area for a while it was bad enough that when I'd get home that's night I'd be scared to get out of my car and walk to my front door then one night I was driving home and as I came around a big bend I looked up and at the edge of the tree line looking right down at me was a giant silver stag when I say silver I truly mean it not gray not white and it even shimmered ever so slightly he was massive and beautiful and I immediately felt very common safe I closed my eyes for a split second because I knew what I was looking at couldn't be real and when I looked back he was gone I never saw another shadow person after seeing the silver stag and feeling that calmness come over me sometimes I wonder if he was some sort of guard line my girlfriend and I had just had her boxer put down after a lingering illness I had a dream a few nights later of her dog coming into the kitchen and then leaving and of me turning to my girlfriend and saying did you see that in the dream she hadn't I was asleep a few nights later and had a vivid dream of her dog coming into the room and jumping up onto the bed then lying on my chest I could feel his weight and I struggled to come out of sleep so that I could see him I managed to wrench my eyelids open it's very hard for me to surface from this type of vivid dream and I could see his silhouette against the dark of the room before he slowly faded I had five other people with me at the time had happened we were camping in southern Ohio was a private campgrounds it was about 11:00 p.m. and we were walking to pool that was at the front of the site when all of a sudden it looked like a large black cat about the size of a mountain lion was crossing the road about 60 yards in front of us as it gets about half way across the road it stands up and walks like a person into the woods we were all about 16 years old and freaked out but being teenagers we wanted to see if we could spot it so we all run toward the spot with flashlights never going into the woods we never saw anything again and I'd never seen anything like that before my family has been going to the same place for over 40 years and has never experienced anything of the sort yes when I was a kid my dog got out one night and we never found him again a couple years later I was playing in the kitchen and all of a sudden he was there with me I got up and he disappeared I remember having a piece about it I went to my mom and told her fifl died I don't know why I just knew he had passed the logical adult I am now thinks I must have been seeing things but really it was so clear I can still see it and the feeling I got seemed so real when I was a teenager I went to a two day music festival and while I was gone my mother decided that was a great time to have the dog I'd had my whole life put down she was really old and I knew he was coming but I wanted to be with her so needless to say I was heartbroken couldn't stop crying and as I'm laying on my bed I feel this big hump just like when she'd decided was bed time I could feel her curled up against my back all the warm and I heard that huff she'd make when she got comfy I put my hand behind me and I could feel her fur and I calmed down and fell asleep when I woke up my dog was gone but there was a big warm dent in the covers like she'd just left a very loving tail thanks one morning my girlfriend and I were laying in her bed on a cold morning we didn't have work or school that day because it had snowed she lived out in the middle of nowhere like no neighbor for a mile nowhere well I hear someone right outside the windows say get down they're going to be able to see you if you don't get down so of course this startled me and I turn around and see a guy and three dogs right outside walking toward the garage door so I grabbed my handgun and go to meet them at the door and find out why they were there so in those 10 seconds I get outside and no one was there right outside our window there were shoe prints and paw prints in the fresh snow I tracked them down the back of the property and after about 100 yards or so there were only paw prints I looked over to my left 10-15 yards there were very similar paw prints that looked like they had come from the forest towards the house so I tracked those up to the house and then shoe prints appeared about 25 yards from the house so I followed them to see if maybe they had gone out the front of the property but they were none to this day I'm not really sure what happened or what was outside our window the narrative I made in my head was the other dogs telling the human to stop being in human form or else he would get spotted and as they ran off he shifted the dog and that's why the human print stopped but the paw prints continued my dad swears that back in the 70s when he was camping in the BC interior he saw Bigfoot that through large rocks at their campsite my dad also did lot of drugs in the 70s friend is Irish her uncle has a sheep farm out in the country one day he was clearing new grazing areas and came across a fairy circle he's not the superstitious type so he didn't think twice about destroying it this is a big no-no in Ireland every single one of his lambs came out stillborn that year every single one he respects the fairies now rule number one don't freak with the Fae rule number two don't freak the Fae a little over a month ago I had to put my cap down because she was suffering from an illness related to old age the next day I was making my bed and I lifted up a blanket fresh out of the dryer nice and warm and my beloved kitty was under there I saw her plain as day blinked and then she was gone I've seen what looked like a bat fly past my head while looking in a mirror I've seen black cat shapes move into rooms or through a doorway multiple times I have casts and have had others before but always black and white these ones would be just pure black when I've investigated there's no cat just empty room hallway while staying with a girlfriend like 11 years ago now due to our young age we were sleeping apart parents didn't trust us off course I slept in the living room on a pullout bed it was middle of summer I have hay fever and there's a window open so I'm in and out of sleep a lot that's night using my inhaler to counter the weazy chest one time I wake up and there's a black cat sitting on my chest so I stroked it it reciprocate then moves to a nearby armchair and beds down for the night I had met one cat earlier and I knew she had two cats and that the second hit from strangers so I took this as a compliment it could tell I'm a cat person next day I'm introduced to the second cat it's not black it's white and ginger mixed I explained my midnight visit to the girlfriend and she's kind of surprised but it's not the first time she's had someone tell her something similar her old cat was black but had passed away years ago hope that's helpful thank you every response is helpful during my sleep paralysis episodes I used to see this cat in my room just doing normal cat stuff like scratching my furniture and laying around I would see him pretty frequently too one day he was scratching my nightstand I tried to yell at him but couldn't I always thought it was weird that I see the same cat every time I have a sleep paralysis episode I've had a bat or something fly out at me from the wall but my mom has a much more exciting story than that when my mom was young I believe she said 14-16 but I can't remember she and her family my grandparents and two aunts although I believe my grandfather was deployed at a time lived in the country they had several animals goats chickens two dogs and two cats her youngest sister's cat went missing one day they searched everywhere and couldn't find the cat it was grey with long fur and was missing the tip of its tail a week later my mom was doing dishes or something and looked out the kitchen window to see this man carrying her sister's cat missing tail tip and all across the yard he freaked out and yelled for my grandma grandma and my mom run out to confront the dude for trespassing and such and he's gone poof and nowhere for him to be hiding out of sight and as they're standing there the cat walks up he was dropping the cat off after it got lost I was driving down to highway late one night and saw tannish fog approximately the size of a deer run across the road and sort of a bouncing motion I would have thought that I was seeing things but there was one car in front of me and they hit their brakes so that they wouldn't run into it it was very strange but I just thought how a deer ghost and continued on my way home be careful I'm not sure if deer ghosts are covered by your insurance usually have to pay extra for that this might not count since it's a dream but have definitely freaked me out at the time when I was in second grade I had a dream about playing in my front yard with my best friend and a hawk flew overhead she did a pretty imitation of a hawk call back then so I told her she should try calling to it she didn't it flew down and landed on her arm then turned into a man with shoulder-length black hair and a scruffy beard as soon as that happened she disappeared from the dream and another bird flew down and turned into a blonde woman the remaining portion was this man trying to give me these instructions for some kind of ritual as they were leaving I panics about a question I forgot to ask and ran into the street where they were standing with massive wings basically using the street as an airplane as a runway then woke up but I went to school the next day to talk to my best friend same one from the dream and before I could tell her about my dream said I had the weirdest dream and she described the exact same two people I had dreamed about only in hers it was the woman giving her instructions freaks me out to this day dreams are important in ancient cultures and in many modern cultures dreams are regarded as valid I've had a few strange animal related experiences but one that stands out for me was an encounter I had was stayin at an inn the innkeeper made no mention of any pets upon my arrival usually innkeepers will warn you if a pet might be wandering into your room but in the middle of the night I was awoken by the sensation of a dog licking my hand I slept with my hand hanging over the edge of the bed I opened my eyes to see a long-haired black dog standing right beside the bed I love dogs so it was quite heartwarming to me although unexpected and I reached my hand further out to pet him my hand passed right through his face as if he was nothing more than an apparition the figure quickly faded out completely and this startled me out of bed I proceeded to walk around the room in utter confusion unable to figure out what happened I chalked it up to a hypnopompic hallucinations until the next morning when I mentioned the incident over breakfast and was told that numerous guests have had the same encounter with a long-haired black dog in the night it was so common that the owners had given him a name Padfoot and the guest book that I signed before leaving bore repeated references to Padfoot from previous guests the owners had no history of owning a black dog so they had no ready explanation for his presence Padfoot I love it alright something I can contribute to my buddy and I were driving home around 9:00 p.m. in SC clear night so nothing obscuring our sight out the corner of my eye I see a large animal on all fours skinless almost canine like that pounced on a neighborhood cat and disappeared as quickly as he came I continued driving and don't say a word because I didn't believe what I saw after a few minutes my friend says did you see that we still talked about it because there is talk in the southeast offer skinless predator that for lack of better word is a cryptic also there are no wolves or coyotes in our neck of the woods before that speculation begins edit so I'm pretty big into camping in the area but I live in downtown Charleston which is a bigger metropolitan area I've seen coyotes on the outskirts of Charleston but this place isn't known for them it didn't resemble a coyote and how it moved also I tried to type cryptid but autocorrect got the best of me since this has gotten big I recommend looking at another known SC cryptid the lizard man of scape ore swamp I'm really not a superstitious kind of guy but I lived in a house as a child dad my mother father and I are all convinced was haunted or at the very least some crazy supernatural crap was going down on multiple occasions each day both of the cats in the household would stop whatever they were doing and watch some invisible object move from one end of the room to the other then returned to doing cat stuff we also caught our cats occasionally in a tense stance thinkI is back first biked up eyes widened ready to fight to the death staring down nothing while being seemingly fixed in place and immovable we would always need to pet them or something to snap them out of it and even then it still took a few moments for them to come around one of the cats also like to go into the basement assume this same tense stance while staring at one of the closets and how as in you could swear the cat was dying the most guttural and bizarre noise I've ever heard come from a cat these cats never exhibited any of these behaviors before we entered the home nor after we left and that just a cat stuff all sorts of other weird crap happened to my cousin was living in a newer apartment and had been having some issues several occurrences of her toddler talking to someone who wasn't there and fighting with them her being attacked by something and waking up with marks and scratches et Cie etc she went to work when all of this was going on and at the time her and my mom worked together in a government building on night shift in the parking lot had cameras that the employees had access to they watched a large black figure that looked vaguely dog like that with no definition just a black silhouette basically creep around the parking lost aying by my cousin's car this happened twice then she's second night they saw it she went back home and stopped having problems my mom and I live out in the middle of the woods in a rural area with my grandparents one stroke for a mile down the road or you could travel through the woods the back way about one stroke to a mile and get to their house from ours you couldn't take a vehicle back there besides a TV s or on foot every time after that day when they saw the figure I saw it in those woods it would chase alongside me if I was on an ATV and I knew with absolute certainty that if it ever caught me I will be dead I don't know why it was trapped in those woods or Wyatt followed my mom home to attack me but it was one of the most horrifying things in my childhood and before you say I imagined it because my mom told me about it I told her about seeing the figure in the woods before she mentioned seeing it on camera when I was a kid I would get sleep paralysis often and I would almost always see the same thing it was like this golem looking creature from Lord of the Rings but with solid black eyes and it was more muscular it would always sit beside my head and make weird sounds with its teeth almost like Hannibal Lecter it would also starts to shake with excitement or Sittler and cry I used to think my mind would make it up but my mom claims to have seen almost the exact same creature kinda what you're asking for but at the same time it's not oh well I had stayed the night at my best friend's house she was knocked out but I was still up messing on my phone when I heard snoring I rolled over to smack her but realized the snoring was coming from the floor on her side of the bed I tried looking in the mirror on the other side of the room but saw nothing the snoring happened the entire night I did not sleep at all when I was telling my friend and her mum about it the next morning they told me it was one of my friend's old dog that still hangs around she even had his ashes in her room - when I was in the third grade a classmate and friend of mine died from meningitis it was pretty sudden and violent one day after diagnosis he was also the son of my mother's very good friend her mother always had interesting stories such as seeing him in the house etc fast forward 60 years I am babysitting his sisters that I have not seen in five years as my family and I moved to France during that time and then later came back to Canada in that same house I put them to sleep go down to watch TV with their dog I was peacefully watching TV then in the corner of my eye I saw silhouette in the stairs on my left the dog notice head - we both turned our heads at the same time there he was standing in the middle of the stairwell looking at me I freaked out and immediately reached for my phone to call my mom once I looked back he was gone when I was 13 one of my best friend's was hit by a car and passed away instantly I was a wreck and was grappling with the meaning of life and why the creator if they did exist would take away someone so young I searched online for any answers and came across a suggestion to write the deceased a letter and burn it in my letter I asked for a sign to let me know if she was okay almost immediately after the paper finished burning I heard a blood-curdling cry outside from what sounded like a young girl it was late at night but much to my surprise none of the other neighbors had awoken to the sound or turned their lights on my brother heard it too and opened the front door he told me he saw a large black figure like a huge bear built across our front yard it scared if so badly that he frantically shut the door this was in the suburbs far from any large creature so it never made sense I feel like I got an answer but it wasn't the one I was hoping for shortly after a family pet died I saw her walking down the hall in our house I had a feeling of peace wash over me I just discovered my sibling had a similar experience around the same time we hadn't told anyone that was 20 plus years ago lighter story probably coincidence but I like to believe it was a spirit the heat went out in my parents apartment when they were first married old house that was sectioned into two living spaces it was a really cold day and nobody could come out and fix the heater so my parents were sitting around and trying to keep warm my dad opened the back door to get some more wood for their fireplace and a coke he just waltzes in the moment my parents gave it food water and some attention the heat magically came back on as soon as the heat was working the Corgi left my parents still talked about the magical Corgi every now and again I'm not sure if this is what you meant but I think I saw spirit animal once while mediating I was going through hard times and decided to listen to a guided sleep mediation to try and help me relax and fall asleep the voice recording took you through a garden over a bridge into a forest through a pool of water and then on the other side was a clearing in the forest the recording then says that there's a light moving through the trees towards you it's the spirit of the forest and you can ask them one thing I'm fully relaxed but still awake I'm imagining all this as best I can but not really buying into any of it I'm getting ready to picture a human figure as the spirit of the forest and just waiting for the recording to say that they step out into the clearing so I can picture some golden glowing human figure the recording finally says it a huge stag steps out I'm shocked because I was expecting to imagine something totally different and it felt like something was hijacking my imagination it walks up to me and I can see it so vividly it's kind eyes and face the thick mane like fur around its neck the recording reminds me I can ask one thing I say in my mind to this thing that I just want to be happy again it steps closer to me and presses its forit against my chest I can feel its antlers torch my shoulders but I know I'm I wake because I can also feel the tears running down my face I roll and the bed pressing against my back I thank it and it leaves in the recording wraps everything up I'm wide awake and just lay in bed for a while crying I'm on the fence about a lot of spiritual things but I'm open minded it was just a cool thing to experience it happened around five months ago and I'm a lot happier now edit meditating dang you autocorrect my dog passed away about ten years ago she was twenty year old American Eskimo she was my heart everywhere I went she went after she died my young kids would say I had a white fluff by me they would see flashes I didn't really pay much attention till one day walking down our hallway I was upset and having one of the worst days of my life I just happened to look down and I saw her needless to say I know she was there to comfort me I can't wait to seal my babies on the rainbow bridge one day she will led them across so this one is weird and not really scary my family and I were moving from a house we deemed haunted we would hear banging on doors and no one there hear things see things all kinds of crap we had moved everything to the new house including the pets and my dad and I went to the old house to do some minor repairs finish cleaning and look up at the old house the house was completely empty and we were trying to put a door back on the hinges when I heard my dogs bark echoing through the house it wasn't coming from outside and it was death the sound of my dog's bark my dog was at the new house my dad and I looked at each other and just left the door on the floor and left freaked that place was drinking at the beach with family and a few locals I saw a big black dog walking and looking at us and I joked wow that dog is big what do you feed it apparently I was the only one who can see it because they all looked at me looked around and then back to me and asked what the heck am I talking about the locals told me not to look at it so it won't follow me home when I was in high school I dropped my friend off at her house on a country road and continued on my way home in my rear view mirror I could swear I saw very pale white man with burns on his body in a split second he was gone I mentioned it to my friend's sister it turns out this guy had been lurking about recently and they'd tried to respectfully exorcise him from their house a month later my friend's house burned to the ground when I was a teenager I had something weird happened to me it started when a friend was looking at me strangely and blurted that there was a woman following me I looked all around and he was like no she's here but she's not here I asked him to explain but then he was laughing it off saying he must just be crazy it's soon after things started moving in my room on their own the little metal ornamental pieces on my daybed would randomly launch into the air scrunchies would be thrown at my head it was the 90s don't judge nothing that ever hurt it was just annoying it happened so often that I would be in it when it was messing with me it also did this to two of my friends one of my friends it didn't like though she was more of a friend enemy anyway but I'll get to that in a minute one night I was in bed with the lights off ready to sleep my bedroom door was closed and I could hear the TV that my aunt was watching in the living room I felt someone sit down on the end of my bed and heard a woman's voice say my name i sat up all happy thinking that my mom got off early from work and snuck into my room to say good night it wasn't my mom I remember being scared shitless but I don't remember anything else my next memory is waking up that next morning a few days later one of my good friends and my other friend were at my house after school we were watching TV in the living room then decided to go to my room to hang out my friend said she was thirsty and went to the kitchen to get some juice while my other friend and I went to my room a minute later we heard my friend scream from the kitchen we ran in there to find her cowering on the floor crying with three scratch marks on her cheek one of the scratches even broke the skin and there was a tiny bit of blood my other friend was asking her what happened did she just stayed on the floor all freaked out but I knew I don't know what came over me but I lost my crap I started yelling at my invisible houseguest I don't remember everything I said but it boiled down to this is my house and you're not welcome here my friends were on the floor looking up at me yelling at nothing and what's really weird is they didn't look at me like I was crazy they were scared later they told me that they saw some sort of big shadow behind me while I was yelling then it just sort of turned around and left I lived in that house for years after that and never had anything else happened I was walking down the hallway one night at home as I passed a rumor saw what I thought was my mom's small dog I even heard small rummaging noises like he was sniffing the carpet the dog looked slightly smaller and had longer hair than my mom's dog but I figured I was seeing things since it was dark anyway I walk into the living room and saw my mom's dog on her lap my jaw hit the floor turns out when my dad was a team the house on the property burned down into my grandmother's dog died in the fire and I described what I saw and my dad said that sounded just like my grandmother's dog my dog died six years ago when I was in China I never had a chance to say goodbye as my mother called from CA and said he had stopped eating she put me on speakerphone and he perched his head up she was going to take him to the vet the next morning but he never woke up I remember coming home and my mother and I embraced and cried we're agents are not very affectionate but at that moment just sadness and love for our dog took over that night I went to sleep and saw my dog in my dreams I played with him for a minute and told in to wait as I went into my room to retrieve his toy as I walked back out he was gone I think that was way of saying goodbye exactly a year later I saw him again in my dream he let me pet him for a bit and the dream was over I never saw him again after that not my experience but it happened to my husband shortly before we got together he loves history and was visiting Gettysburg it was dusk on the battlefield and he was near the angle admiring a really cool old barn that was part of a small farm on the roadside he saw horse nothing special about it just a regular dark brown or black horse except that it had materialized out of nowhere right before his eyes and had kind of green eyes it was running around the farmyard and he could hear the hoofs as it galloped he felt a breeze as it ran by and could see the nostrils flare it ran around for a minute or two and just disappeared there were a lot of horses killed there so it kind of makes sense that horse spirits could be restless there my daughter asked me today if I'd ever seen a ghost I told her about the time when I was 13 I saw my grandparents cat float down the stairs as if some unseen entity was carrying him she's seven so when she said she couldn't sleep because I had scared her I told her it was a story I like to tell but I swear I saw it seen Bigfoot before I was with my cousin at the time of it happening he lived in the country timber area near a small town on the reservation we were out exploring the woods and were on our way back to his house we came out of the woods father from the house then we normally do it just an open cornfield we'll be walked out into so we walked to the other side cause it was more downhill anyways as we were walking in this was before I got my glasses so my eyesight was terrible I seen a tall black figure walking along the tree line towards what we came out of I thought it was my cousin's elder brother so I yelled out junior were you going the tall figure looked at me when I yelled but kept walking then my cousin tapped and said that's not junior that's when I noticed he was panicking and just looking down and was I like what do you mean who is that man he just said let's just keep walking once we got to his house that's when he told it was a Bigfoot I yelled that your story is way cooler than my Bigfoot story at least you got to see it mine involves my dad and his buddy flying on whatever the Frick kinda drugs they had in taking me out into a really foggy woods and trying to sacrifice me to Bigfoot suckers drove us out there plopped me in the middle of a clearing while they backed away and started chanting crap I was 5 at the time normally I don't buy into this crap but the other day I stepped outside of my parents house while visiting in northern Maryland to call the dogs in the Sun was just starting to go down and I just happen to look up and this giant frickin bat was flying over the house and into the tree line but now I like bats they're awesome creatures and they get a bad reputation when one gets into my house I catch it and let it go outside so he can eat bugs and go in his merry way but this sucker was huge I first thought that it was a buzzard and had to do a double take because it was the wrong color and it didn't have a tail like a normal bird the buzzards here can get pretty dang big 3-4 foot wingspan or more and this bat had to have had a 4-foot wingspan he wasn't that high up and just flapping away to clear the trees another time I was driving home up the mountain and it was pretty late really dark out in my headlights I saw the silhouette or the deer walking out into the road and I swerved to give it roam as I went past Hill it was staring into my driver's side window and have had no face just a deer skull staring right back at me I swear to whatever I almost had a heart attack it was the freakiest thing that I have ever seen I'm super late to this so this comment will get buried but I guess I'll have post it anyway when I was 7 or so my parents watched movies like Ringu the 1998 version rose-red pet cemetery and the Exorcist with me I loved watching scary movies and I felt safe knowing my dog was there with me one day my father was mad at me for whatever reason so he locked me in a dark closet to let me think about what I did there was a lot more screaming and or punching them self reflection going on when I was let out like 30 minutes later I think something changed in me even if only just a little bit I was shaken up and couldn't sleep alone so I slept in my parents bedroom for a while anyway one summer day I was watching case closed at like 4:00 a.m. when the episode ended I was exhausted and wanted nothing more than some beauty sleep before I could go bed though I had to turn off the lights like a responsible kid but the problem was that the light switch for the living room was like 30 featuring away from my parents bedroom turning off the lights was always my least favorite late-night routine but I knew it had to be done so on this particular night I shuffled over to the light switch before I could make my 30 featuring sprint to the bedroom just as I reached up for the switch I heard the [ __ ] clacking of my dog walking down a hardwood hallway on the opposite side of the house I looked over and there he was he just stood there looking at me so I called for him to come to bed no reaction whatever I guess I thought nothing of it turned off the lights and booked it to the bedroom when I got there I quickly shut the door too so I could jump into bed the feeling of relief was short-lived though because on the bed was my dog he was curled up and sleeping comfortably I looked back at the door but it was closed I did not think of going outside to check what was back there for one second I crawled under the covers and didn't sleep that night I never saw that dog again but that memory stuck with me I get goose ah bumps and tear up every time I think about it and this time is no different a part of me wants an explanation for what happened it's at the same time I really don't want to know I honestly wish I could just completely forget it ever happened edit a word or two if you are new to the channel you can subscribe I publish new videos every day until then check another video [Music]
Channel: Internet Is Fun
Views: 6,667
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Keywords: mythological creatures, mythological, fantastic, fantasy, myths, supernatural, #updootst, updoot, updoot reddit, updoot everything, reddit on tap, toadfilms, pewdiepie, emkay, reddit, askreddit, funny reddit, reddit stories, top posts, reddit top posts, reddit cringe, comedy, reddit compilation, /r, r/, r/askreddit, top posts of r/, askreddit reading, best reddit posts, top posts of all time, people of reddit, askreddit question, ask reddit, subreddit, sub, askreddit school, r/askreddit how to
Id: 9c-GGkjwhKU
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Length: 41min 38sec (2498 seconds)
Published: Fri Feb 07 2020
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