Don't Ever Sleep With Your Friends Parents!

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serious redditors who have slept with your friend's parents how did that happen how was it like with the parent friend afterwards did your friend ever find out started going out with a best friend's mother when I was younger turned into a two-year relationship my friend got used to it eventually along with the rest of his family my family hated it my mom made me move out e.t.c his parents had just broken up but for some reason she stayed temporarily while her new bfj apartment Saturday night bonfire drank too much stayed up late to am smoking alone and she came out nothing weird b/c she is a smoker and a night owl stood next to me before asking to sit on my lap I made eye contact with her and she just started making out with me ended up freaking her in my friends bed while he slept on the couch I vowed to never speak of it again additional info she was a 7 and the type to wear Abercrombie crap still at 40 years of age additional info she was a 7 had to do a double-take there I missed today when I was 18 but still in high school I had a threesome with a married couple I met online my first threesome we had good fun so I came back over a game soon for more of it after the steamy times had ensued I glanced up at their living room wall and saw school pictures of a girl I knew not exactly friends [ __ ] acquaintances and had been in the school system with since middle school doning realization of horror it did not stop me from hooking up with them more it did eventually come up in conversation that I knew their daughter they weren't too thrown off by it but the mother ran into me at our high school graduation and congratulated me high school was weird times I was high and had been drinking she pretty much took advantage of me fast forward a few months and I'm drunk on my fiends sofa everyone is in bed and my friend's mom comes into the room and starts trying to kiss me I'm pretending to be asleep when my friend comes in and goes ape crap stuff starts to get thrown around and I leave pretty quickly and call a taxi that person still hates me to this day I figured it was easier for me to be the Dongmin for things to get even more complicated for my friend and their mum by me being honest I was about 19 at the time and I was training to go into the military so I would constantly go running in preparation for basic a few of my friends who were also in the program wanted to join me so we would frequently meet up during the week to go and quickly became good friends as a result I met Tiffany at her house one day to help her move some things out of her house because her ship date was getting closer and no one else would help her that's when I met her Tiffany's mom when I first met her I could feel instant attraction to water not only because of her looks but because of her personality she was getting a stripper pole installed in her house for exercise purposes so being 19 at the time and my teenage body vigorously coursing with testosterone I thought that was the hottest thing ever the more I was over there the more I noticed that my constant stares were being returned by her mom this continued on for a couple of weeks with occasional flirting and subtle advances until my friendship date arrived in order for me to move on to the next part of the story I have to explain how the whole process of leaving for the military works so the night before your ship date they put you up in the nearest hotel closest to MEPs and the day after you process swearing and ship out her mom wanted to get a room in the same hotel so she could be there for her in the morning and she invited me to come along with her of course I accepted her invitation we all hung out in Tiffany's mom's room until Tiffany's curfew came and forced her to go and left us alone we bought a locker how well she bought us alcohol and after a few drinks and and some not so subtle advances we freaked it was the best flick I have ever had to date after that night we hooked up a few more times but it ended soon after I don't think Tiffany ever found out but I'm not sure I'm 23 now and haven't really talked to her since , she forced her to go and left us alone she definitely knew when I was 17 years old I started sleeping with my at the time recent ex-girlfriends mom it all started one day when we were hanging out at her house and she asked if I wanted to write over to her mother's my ex-girlfriends grandmother house to feed her dogs seemed she was out of town I agreed so I got into the driver seat of the suburban and started heading to her mother's while on the way everything seemed normal until she put her hand on my leg I was caught a little off guard but we were close so I didn't really think too much of it we continued down the road in avoid loss silence when she slides her heart up to my belt and starts unbuckling it and unbuttoning my pants next thing I know she is out of her seat and on her knees in the floorboard Olivia a pretty fantastic BJ we get to her mom's and she grabs me and pulls me into her mom's room and pushes me on the bed at this point I'm pretty freaked out I'm 17 and this is a loss to take in anyways she goes back with more fellatio this time taking my pants off as she goes after a few minutes she took off her pants and crawled up to where she was straddling as I lay there I am being flooded with the emotions of excitement horror guilt and pleasure I protest briefly but by the time I had a chance to put a sentence together she had already taken me inside of her we finished up admittedly not too long after it began fed the dogs and went back to her house where I smoked a bowl with her daughter we didn't talk about it for about a week but it turned into a semi-regular thing for about a year and a half eventually I cut it off because I found a girl that I cared for and she lost her crap on me and we haven't really talked since was just getting on hookup web sites and seeing the vast amount of men out there who also like men ended up fricking my girlfriend's dad never told her there's later she's the type that had find it hysterical burn a story she was a lesbian I was gay both of us used each other as covers without realizing comma bonus story she was a lesbian I was gay both of us used each other as covers without realizing I wouldn't be surprised if this is common even if you'd say you knew it and you were covering for each other I toombs somehow that it happens more often than you think my friend's mom was in an open relationship with her husband they were always the cool parents they were the parents who let us drink at their house when we were all 16-17 they taught us the do's and don'ts of getting drunk they were basically our partying Mentors anyway my friend's mom had always told me how cute she thought I was and would joke about how she couldn't wait until I turned 18 I would flirt back occasionally in one night we did some hand stuff while my friend was sitting three feet away she never found that out law so the day before my senior year in high school I decided I didn't want to be a virgin anymore I text her and asked if she wants to hang out she says sure and picks me up in the family minivan we drive a little ways away put the seats down in the back smoked a bowl listened to kid kudi then we freaked I got the best head I've ever had to this date and there was no awkwardness afterwards we even hooked up a couple more times my friend had always told me if anything happens between you and my mom just please don't tell me which I totally understood I wouldn't want to hear about any of my friends banging my mom so two years later she finds out and luckily it hasn't affected our friendship whatsoever we still joke about it today I flicked one of my best friend's mom for about a year her husband was cool with it and a bit jealous she was doing an 18 year old and he wasn't I'm going to be a bit guarded with details but she ran a business that involved traveling around parts of the country and I was employed by her because I was out of school and an employee her son never put two and two together I was travel with her and stay in hotels with her so it was thr perfect cover I don't really know how it started but she and I hit it off she asked me once if I wanted a [ __ ] or to be made love to she's the only woman that has ever successfully sucked me off to completion it was freaking wonderful most awkward moment was definitely when she said that where Johnny came from as I stuck it in her box it's been almost 20 years now you know the saying about old women really knowing what they're doing totally freaking true me and at least five more of my friends that I am sure of use to bone out our friends mom on the Reg when we were about sixteen it seemed really cool at a time but in hindsight she was a legit predator she supplied our alcohol and a place to drink it waited for her son to pass out then let us basically do all the things every sixteen-years-old wants to do but never get the chance it got really creepy she got angry at our girlfriends and all that stereotypical predatory mom jazz we collectively decided to stop boning her about a year later I'm certain my friend her son knew but he refused to acknowledge it whatsoever we are also no longer friends comma all that stereotypical predatory mom jazz the struggle I was probably 16 or 17 when it happened I'm 42 now so it was a long time ago was good friends with a guy from about 8th grade or so he was being raised by his mom an attractiveness who I would guess was about 35 - 38 years old at the time all the guys would comment about how good-looking his mom was and he would do the typical I'll kick your butt if you look at my mom again crap but we all looked anyway she was not a supermodel or anything but compared to our moms she was Cindy frickin Crawford anyway a few of us would sleep over his house regularly he had a pool table in the basement Nintendo system and a lot of cool crap and his mom was really laid-back so she would let us stay up till all hours of the night she would even let us have a few beers and would drink with us sometimes pretty cool environment for a 16 year old kid I went to his house after school one day to pick him up he was not there but she invited me in to hang out it was like 4:00 in the afternoon I go in and sit in the kitchen she tells me that his dad came to pick him up and he won't be home till later that night she immediately starts coming on to me telling me about how cute I am in that she hoped we'd have some time alone b/c she has wanted to get me into bed for a long time now but says that she has not had a man in a long time and that she's so lonely yeah to Yatta Yatta was in my freakin glory good played it cool as cool as a teenage boy can play by gas I try to play hard to get in that I was afraid and unsure if we should do it she guides me into the living room and sits me down on the couch BJ from heaven ensues I swear I heard angels singing being a teenage boy I am immediately ready to go again and we bang for the next few hours until I have to leave it was amazing and after it was done my head was swimming next time I saw her was maybe three days later she never gave anyone any clue as to what happened but when no one was looking she would shoot me these playful looks and smiles we banged a few more times but no one ever found out that I know of I grew apart from her and her son during college but I will never forget that time in my life it was so wrong it's my god it was amazing when I was younger and the myspace days were in mid-swing this gal we will call her Jane in the scene my band played in friended me and started messaging me she was tall tattooed and hot and I found out was lying about her age on MySpace saying she was 18 when she was only 16 you wouldn't have thought it though she had gigantic tea and was covered in tattoos we kept being friends and when she turned 18 she started sending me pictures and although I had moved out of state we kept pretty close online and she felt that I was someone she could talk to about all her life problems with fast-forward to her being 21 she's using her mom's status as a flight attendant to get me buddy passes and stand by tickets so I could come visit her about once a month and freak her brains out myspace turns into Facebook and I get a request from a random hot rocker chick we have one mutual friend and that's Jane I creep a few pictures and it's always orangey NAT shows drinking I find out it's her mom now gene had a few pictures of me framed in our house no couple pics but pics from me at shows being ridiculous and James mom messages me saying she always thought I was hot and she was gonna be in my town that weekend and had a spare ticket to a show would I like to join her so I say yes we drink we party and we head back to her room doing shots of tequila and coke nitin between massive filthy flicks sessions that the only thing was we could never tell Jane well Jane kept using her mom to fly me up to see her and I kept going because she was an incredible freak I saw where she got it from her mom would have overnights in my town and it was always cook and tequila Frick parties this went on for a couple of years both would send me dirty pics when they were out shopping and I would just laugh at the situation but kept it up one time Jane was going through her mom's picks and found a video of her sucking my dong and then me jacking off on her face that was an entire night of screaming and weeping phone calls flashed to seven years later and change and jeans mom has nothing to do with me Jane and I patched it up and I helped her through a few things even worked her stuff out with her boyfriend now husband but other things came up between us that keep us from being friends most notable her husband but dang who knows women frickin suck I didn't know if I should up vote ass or go take a shower after reading it because I felt a little dirty but have an upvote when I was 16 I had this girlfriend in high school her mom would always flirt with me etc when that girl broke up with me I was heartbroken and her mother called me to ask if I was okay and if I wanted to get some coffee a few hangouts later she used me like her boy toy for a few months and her husband never found out I was close with two females sisters when I was younger 17 - 22 and their mother was very attractive and looked like Sheba's of their age one night during a small party at their place the mother asks if I will drive her to the gas station to grab some mixers for our alcohol she was the type who would hang and drink with her children and children's friends ty obliged and on the way back she flat-out asks me if I want a bj I respond I'm sure she proceeds and I make sure to drive extra slow to prolong the experience which is surreal that was that and we acted none - oddly back at the party later that evening as people start falling asleep and whatnot she grabs my hand and pulls me into her bedroom don't lock behind we freaked it was phenomenal at one point one of her daughters knocks on the door one of my friends and my heart nearly explodes from shock fear fortunately she is not too persistent we hear her walk back downstairs and we continue our physical endeavor until the early morning we never spoke of it though a rumor did surface at one point in the future a few months later we admitted that I slept in her room but because there was a particularly forward male at the party who also stayed overnight and the mother was worried he may try to force himself onto her hence my sleeping in the bedroom as a guard my friend and I have known each other since we were both in pre-k we dated a while it didn't work but we stayed close enough to where I would sleep over all the time we would hang out everyday and stuff like that once I turned 18 a couple months ago his dad started treating me completely different he went from the type of parents who just says hi and bye to initiating conversations about a bunch of stuff especially when my friend went out for something or when I showed up and he wasn't there anyways one day I show up and he says my friend won't be there for another hour or so I turn away to go home and he says it's cool if I stay so I do which was pretty dumb I know anyways we're having normal conversation and he randomly springs it on me he doesn't love his wife anymore he's always had a thing for me I didn't know what to say but all of a sudden he's sitting next to me on the couch I didn't know what to do or say that he leans in for a kiss and I kiss him back he starts feeling my chest I reach for his crotch before I knew it we were naked on the floor going at it I would be lying if I said I didn't enjoy it but we haven't done it since I care about my friend much more than a good Frick I never told him his dad still tries and talk to me and I brush him off as enjoyable as it was I probably wouldn't do it again at least not with the dad I did it with her got a job at a restaurant that my friend's mom worked at she would be flirty with me but I ignored it then she started texting me and eventually I ran into at the bar and she asked me to come home with her once we got to her place she turned on Napoleon Dynamite and then started polishing my knob we eventually started banging and broke near everything in her kitchen and showers one of the worst parts about it was that she would buy just about as hard as she could and I woke up with bruises that looked like someone had tried to eat me alive for stroke ten would do it again I have a friend that's a few years younger and went to her graduation party while there I hung out with her and her family whom I had know for ages and commented to her mum whom we will call Anne was looking good and had started working out and was looking fit after her last relationship ended anyway and and I had always gotten along once so I was just being courteous and honest but it was true and took Kidwell and we flirted a little bit I was oblivious I was just having fun when I got home and then I started shooting some messages back and forth and quickly I realized what was going on I'm slow I never turned her away because I liked what she was selling so that summer I dropped by a little more frequently and sometimes I happened to come by when my friend was at work or otherwise away and just hung out with Anne it worked out well for a summer so her mom did the old delete Facebook hit the gym Frick your kids friend it was a simple matter of my first girlfriend's mother wanting the best and safest fricking experience for her daughter so she took it upon herself to teach me how to not just rake it to please a woman including giving oral learning to last and some battledore riding I was 16 she must have been in her mid-30s at the time it was a complete secret from her husband and my girlfriend it's been 15 years but I don't think she's told anyone we have Facebook friends now I had a friend growing up whose mom and dad got a divorce she was smoking hot everyone had a crush on her well after the divorce she flicked about ten of his friends me included three of them gang banger how it happened for me as she came to the bar I was at one night and I had a fat sack of C in my pocket and when the bar closed at 2:00 she wasn't ready to go home so I invited her back to place to do some blow and drink well one thing led to another and I banker we met up three or four times after and bang the gang a lot of these stories involve coke when I was about 16 or 17 I had this girlfriend let's say Lauren and I would always be at her house because her mom was always really nice to me and would give us free alcohol and we would just have a great time so one night I was with Lauren and her mom let's say Shelley came to the living room and was pretty crap faced now I had been drunk with both of them before and nothing was ever weird or whatever but this time it seemed different Lauren went to take a shower and like most girls took a 30 45 minute shower during that time Shelley and I got to talking we drank more and I made a comment about how I was tired and she told me to lay down in her lap I was like yeah sure this is pretty cool so I went with it and she immediately took my hands and started feeling up her body she'd make comments like my new husband is only five inches down there and I get really physically aggravated and I just need a hard dong in me for your information she's British if so I turned around and whipped out my six inch dong and we started hooking up for about 15-20 minutes and about three or four minutes into frickin mister stepdad woke up and we saw the light in the kitchen turn on luckily we had enough time for me to get my crap and run into Lauren's room and the Shelly just played it off that she went for some water in the middle of the night and got frisky and started playing with herself lochley mister stepdad never found out but afterwards the mom would call me at work I worked at an ice cream shop at the time and we were never busy so I was able to talk on my phone and she wouldn't stop trying to get me to come over I do think that Shelley told her daughter about it because Lauren broke up with me totally randomly and Shelley would call me 2-3 times a day asking me if I had seen or talked to Lauren because she had moved out with her biological dad Shelley would constantly invite me over but for the sake of not getting caught and just feeling bad for Lauren and her situation I never went back over poor Lauren opinion of in relationship with boyfriend and mom shot to heck all at once this all began ten years ago when I was 21 my friend n was a few years younger than me and we always used to party at her house with her parents her dad died suddenly on his way to work one day another friend and I began to help out around the house to ease their burden while they mourned a few days after the funeral her mom wanted to try to keep on as normal by having a bunch of her daughter's friends over for some drinking and fun but during the party the mom man s the best friend of n began making pretty suggestive comments towards me this wasn't really that far from normal behavior so I just laughed it off about 30 minutes later I was summoned into the house by is under the guise of needing to talk to me about something in private as I walk into the bathroom to find the mom in there I hear s closing the door behind me they asked me if I wanted to have a threesome really flicky yeah I do I pull less clothes and we begin to kiss as the mom starts rubbing my pants Herman's acknowledging the growing tightness in my pants I unzip my pants while switching my attention the more we begin to kiss this lowers herself knock knock mom I know you are in there with it him what are you doing open the door after a very awkward exit from the tiny bathroom for the three of us I begin to feel bad about what was going on since I neither mom was drunk and I have absolutely no sense of self control I told them to just make sure I wasn't left alone with her for the rest of the night everywhere I went she would follow which was always followed by her daughter yelling for her to come back you would think the story would end there but then my choice and usernames would be lame later that night s and I found our way to the master bedroom we knew that no one would be looking for us since all the attention was being occupied by the mom a good 30 minute adventure left s asleep and naked on the bed after drinking for another hour or so at the party dying down I passed out on a couch in the family room I was awakened in a daze about three hours later by the mom pulling at my arm I was still pretty drunk and not grasping the situation as she pulled me towards the bedroom when I finally became aware what was happening I found the mom naked on the bed while I was standing in front of her just going to town less than two feet away from there was s still passed out naked I made sure to grab a boob on both of them at the same time technically making it a threesome after I got done with a mum I immediately left I didn't go over there again for about a year but I have been there close to ten times since each visit culminating with my dong in her mouth the most recently of which was two weeks ago her kids have no idea technically yes several years back I had a buddy whose elder brother I was also friends with the older brother who will call J had a job that kept him on the road for several days at a time his wife was not a bad-looking woman and liked to party with her son and his friends apparently she also liked to do other things with her son's friends as well one day J son woke up in the middle of the night after one of their parties in court his best friend doing his mom obviously he wasn't happy about that and a huge argument ensued the argument ended with a son grabbing his hunting rifle from the closet and shooting his friend in the chest right there in the kitchen kid was only 16 or 17 years old less than five years later Gees son was out of jail since he was a minor when he shot his friend well that was a lot darker than most stories on here he actually shot the guy Wow I was 16 at my friend's house whilst they were outside drinking beer through a hose I was inside my friend's mum's bedroom just chatting don't remember much but I went to kiss her and she pulled back and looked at me got up and lock the dead lock on her bedroom door that's when I knew it was on like Donkey Kong best 30 seconds ever me and a few of my friends went to hang out and drink at this girl's house her mom would always chill with us too we were just chilling on the deck and her mom kept staring at me with these premises so I went up to her and asked if she wanted to go upstairs and do a couple lines of coke with me so we went upstairs did the coke and freaked then a few months later I ended up tricking the daughter too the best part is they're related to one of my best friends so after I banged the daughter I call him and told him I was working my way through his family and asked for his sister's number he hung up on me me and him are still pretty close I haven't seen the mom or daughter in a while you should have told him you were going for him next I had a roommate who was a bartender I was also a bartender in a neighboring town it's at a mall restaurant so I got off work much earlier one day toward the end of my shift I see his mom at my bar we make small talk for a bit and she is staring at me so much so that my co-workers notice she asked if I wanted to smoke a doobie after I get off so I said sure I meet her at her car and we spark up testing the waters I say goodbye with the caveat that I'm gonna go home jerk off and go to bed she tells me you don't have to and reaches for my dong I get a bit of a handy before feeling awkward and leaving a couple weeks later I am off work and I hear a some commotion downstairs it's my buddy's mum and he is still at the bar I came down in my bathrobe and she immediately reaches up from the couch and start stroking my dong at this point I hear my roommate pulling him so I hightail it upstairs I hear them argue a bit she was a bit of a drunk and he goes to bed and I go to sleep I get woken up because she is on the bed crawling under the covers and enveloping my dong in her mouth she sucked me until I came into her mouth and she swallowed every drop and slinked back downstairs it never happened again nor was it ever brought up until she said sorry for everything in front of me and my not yet wife why got quiz bonnet but I played dumb my old room he still doesn't know as far as I'm aware I flicked my ex-girlfriends mum and got her parents divorced I posted this in another thread before okay so this was last year and I was dating this girl for a few months and she was cheating on me for about half for it she had this smoking hot milf father mom and a dad who was a police officer for some reason all of my girlfriend's dads have been cops and would work late allit so I'll start from dinner my ex-girlfriend dad got called in half was through dinner and told my ex and on that he would be home the next day so after dinner we were sitting in the living room watching a scary movie when my ex gets up all of a sudden and says she's going to Walmart turns out she went to hook up with that other guy too so it's me and her mom sitting there watching of the movie when a jump-scare happened and she did her face in my lap yeah I thought it was weird too I had a massive boner at the time and she feels it on her face but doesn't move instead she slowly starts to stroke it seventeen-year-old me now starting to believe the plots in pee one thing leads to another and we're up in the room and I'm just freaking the crap out of her so when the act was done I get a text with a picture attached of my ex making out with some other dude I already knew about her cheating on me and this infuriates me so wall my ex is mom was in the bathroom I put my used condom in her husband's bedside drawer along with a note reading sorry man she didn't tell me her husband was a fellow officer and this has been going on for a while I am NOT an officer I wrote that to stop any suspicion of me fast-forward a week and my ex texted me that her parents go in a huge fight and her dad left fast forward three months and they get divorced my ex is crying to me on the phone about how they she has to move and how her family is ruined I stopped her because at this point I realize this is when I can deliver my final blow and tell her how I know she was cheating on me and how I don't care for her and her cheating flicked up family and I'm breaking up with her turns out when all of that stuff happens to someone all at once it really freaks them up last I heard of her she dropped out of HS and was dating the guy she cheated on me for who abuses her and was pregnant and I couldn't give one flick about her I left my parents home when I was 15 came back a couple years later to visit for Christmas and noticed my friend's mom was a lot hotter than I had remembered ended up texting her late into the night for a few days then we sealed the deal and went to a hotel for a night nelq witness ensued and when I went back to visit again we had another fling friends probably know but I haven't seen any of those guys in almost five years now when I was 19 I was working at a golf club in the Pro Shop and connected to it was a bar the bartender was this elder woman 40 who looked like Pocahontas long story short we end up having a physical relationship for a couple months until I find out that she's the mother of this girl I've been seeing and sleeping with as well I knew she had kids but I never really put it together shortly after I figured all this out I moved but that was definitely the most interesting and unexpected experience I've ever had neither of them know to this day was staying with a good friend while I was going through a very tough time in my life his mom was going through a divorce just kind of happened a few times never told him she and I acted normal when we were in proximity just fizzled out when we began to regain normality in our lives wasn't a big deal to either of us we were both in need of affection and both found temporary solace in each other doubt my friend would be that upset if we told him I was out getting coffee with a friend and he looks at his phone and say something along the lines of ugh my mom keeps texting me this continued throughout our little hangout and he ended it with God I think she just needs to get laid to which I jokingly replied I'll do it he thought it was funny and told his mom I said it and before I know it she's following me on Instagram and liking commenting my photos got her number did the deed he thought I was joking awkward moment ensued when he walked into the house when he was supposed to be gone for a few more hours and saw me on the couch with his mother luckily he didn't blow up or anything he just kind of gave us the wide WTF eyes and nope the frick into his room needless to say he and I aren't that great off friends even though I think he's gotten used to the fact I boned his mom but his mom still hits me up from time to time had a foursome with my best friend and his wife and I were given sleep cuddle with my best friend I'm 23 he's 47 his son is 20 he doesn't know I've watched my friend freak his wife a couple of times too it's not awkward at all but it would be if my friend that's 20 slash their son would find out I started drinking with my best mates mum and her friends when I was around 16 strokes 17 there was one woman that I got close to end it all just kinda started and continued for three-stroke for years when I started at my second college she asked if I could drive her son as we were going to the same place I had gone to school with this kid since primary school he was the year below me and I never really took the time to get to know him well we became good friends in college in - he was cool with me sleeping with his mum until it all came out at college as it would just drive him nuts when people would ask him how he felt about it etc what his possibly worse is it it came out cause we were at a house party he was in the bathroom praying to the porcelain God so I called his mother to drive him home as I had intended to stay when his mother got a he wasn't quite ready so we decided to just go for a quickie while we waited well when people made the connection that she wasn't just my didi it went downhill for him and it was maybe a year after that we decided to call it off for her son's sanity our college friends still kind of teased him about it if you are new to the channel you can subscribe I publish new videos every day until then check another video [Music] bye for now [Music]
Channel: Updoot Everything
Views: 192,171
Rating: 4.822021 out of 5
Keywords: friends, friends parents, friends parents scene, friends vs parents, kissing friends parents, #updootst, updoot, reddit, r/askreddit, askreddit, ask reddit, \r, r\, best of reddit, reddit stories, reddit story, top posts, funniest posts, funny, funny posts, funny reddit stories, funny askreddit, reddit funny, askreddit funny, askreddit stories, reddit stories 2019, people of reddit, sub, reddit cringe, memes, toadfilms, updoot everything, updoot reddit, story, stories, rslash, comedy, fresh
Id: b3V13jPWr-Y
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 34min 40sec (2080 seconds)
Published: Sat May 09 2020
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