Parents, Who Was The Worst Boyfriend Your Daughter Brought Home?

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parents of Reddit who was the worst girlfriend or boyfriend your kid brought home what is the story this happened to my friend boyfriend asked her parents for permission to marry her after only a few meetings they are apprehensive but say yes thinnies he's got no money so asks her dad for a 5-pound ke loan to take her on her dream holiday and to buy an engagement ring a year later in the holiday isn't booked family all together for New Year's and dad starts to take the boyfriend to one side for a chat no one knows what was said between them next thing she knows is that her boyfriend is leaving at the car without saying goodbye turns out that boyfriend had gambling debts and no intentions of marriage she broke up with him but her parents never got the money back that's one dumb dad they got there our son 18 and still in school brings home a 26 year old who has a four year old son no decent job no plans after a couple of weeks I asked him what he sees in her he says he loves her after several months they go to a concert she gets invited backstage and tells him she is staying there with the band hmmmmm I have to pick him up at 2 a.m. in the morning he is still defending her even though it is clear she is a groupie and is banging the band it didn't last much longer than that several years later I heard she tried to commit suicide in front of her kid and just when you think the story is over not a parent but when I was 16 I was in my emo phase classic I met this guy go along and he was the worst he would wear chains eyeliner and his hair in pikes when I introduced him to my parents he told them if I had a soul I'd be glad to meet you it lasted six months ouch holy cringe all things considered she wasn't that bad but my eldest son's first girlfriend was the worst of the few boyfriends girlfriends my kids have brought home she was a really sweet girl and very bright but she would always say you get it it's because insert / explanation of a simple joke every single time she told or heard a joke it was really annoying to watch any kind of TV show with her even joke around in our family because she would have to bus in and over explain it I asked my son if she thought we were a bunch of morons or something but he said that she did it at school as well they only dated for two months but it was the longest two months of my life she moved the following school year so we don't know if she is still doing it or not my sister's partner baby daddy she got pregnant with twins within a few weeks of them dating he's super ood thinks he's the smartest person in the world thinks he's an expert on any subject and talks down to my family one of those atheists who thinks anyone who is religious is an idiot on principle my parents are both Christian the kind that would never force their beliefs on anyone but this guy is constantly trying to start fights with them over theology he's also an alcoholic and hasn't had a job in the last nine years the age of their twins because he got a DUI and refused to go to AAA to get his license back was caught drunk driving with my sister in the car luckily their babies went with them what else oh she's caught him cheating on her she's tried to leave a few times but keeps going back to him he spends all the money she makes on booze and weed and DVDs for some reason tries to pick fights with my brother and is just an all-around idiot and I have to go to their house today for Easter wish me luck the worst part of all of this is the DVDs at least booze and weed get you high DVDs are just lighting money on fire my sister he was homeless she was 17 and he was 25 at the time she was living with her ex-boyfriend and his family in an awkward situation where she wouldn't leave and let her homeless boyfriend move in with her her ex her ex's family she ended up getting knocked up and kicked out and announced her pregnancy during her eulogy for our great-grandmother's funeral when my mother a respected scientist met him for the first time she punched him in the face right outside a Secretary of State my sister ended up having to file for a protective order because he was physically abusive to her and their child among other issues he had immediately after that one she got knocked up by another guy who just so happens to so be our cousin's baby daddy making our cousin's daughter her son and her unborn child both cousins and siblings at the same time yes family reunions are awkward that just gets better and better I dated a girl right after high school that was really awesome super fun we liked all the same stuff and the freaking was insane she would do whatever I wanted I thought it was awesome until people started hanging out with me less which was weird I tended to be pretty outgoing and had loads of friends well apparently she was going around threatening them telling them I wanted to be alone in some balls I found this out when my best friend Shawn sent photos of her standing outside his window just staring at him at like 3:00 in the morning this had been going on for about a week when he sent me the photos I broke up with her and she lost it trying to block me from leaving her house and trying to force herself on me begging she'd do anything to keep me a long story short a restraining order and moving to a new place seems to have shaken her but I was still getting texts from her until last year usually nudes or some such sexual nonsense to get me to come back my sister I'm fairly convinced the fiance actually has no soul never smiles never has anything good to say always argues always thinks he is correct endlessly plays video games the last thing wouldn't be so bad except they have two children which he ignores while he plays for hours on end my sister is depressed lonely and above all trapped honestly I wish the guy would just leave her at this point so the family could be happy again we are Canadian we are very fortunate to have her parents my adoptive they would take her and the kids in very easily if she just said the word and could financially support them as well my aunt had brought home an EMT who later stole expired drugs and drugged a 13 year old girl and violated her she dumped him so fast what the frig my daughter is still too young now to have a story from her so I'll show one from my mom's perspective I had a boyfriend in high school that was a few years older than me he used to hang out at the smoke pit at my high school after he had already dropped out the year before we started dating of course I took him home one day without asking or telling my mom she came home saw him and asked him who the Frick are you why are you in my house he called her a B and told her to shut the Frick up then he left so that was cool buddy of mine had a girlfriend that was super into his dad it got to the point where the mom told him he couldn't have her over anymore but I think they broke up shortly after anyway one of my clients daughters allowed her boyfriend to drive her new car the day before they got it insured and he crashed into someone no one's hurt but my client had his license pulled in has to pay upwards of $10,000 he's taking responsibility but dang I'm not sure how the boys still alive must take a lot of restraint also when I say my client I'm not like his lawyer or anything I just do illustrations for the guy I though you were an escort tbh I've brought home some shockers in my time here are the top three off the top of my head the girl 90% covered in tattoos who told my granny a story about how she shat in a kettle to get revenge on a housemate the girl who drank too much at Christmas lunch and was sick on my little sister the girl who unbeknownst to me had written a slanderous letter to my mum about how I was an abusive boyfriend and then continued to come round for dinner every week I lived with my parents I was 18 and she was 17 she ended up leaving me for a fairly well-known pop star in his mid-forties law we need names role-reversal I came to this girl's house and her dad was casually brandishing a hatchet without saying hi or anything starts almost interviewing me shortly after I'm at the kitchen table with my and resting on it and he comes in and swings down the hatchet stopping inches from my fingers the girl actually found this completely normal and funny trick that I have never got the freak out is somewhere so quickly welcome to the family son it was me and I'm still apologizing for it to this day I was 17 he was 25 he told me three months into the relationship that he had a kid in another town and when I met him he had just come out of rehab for H abuse but he was still abusing take into consideration that this was my first boyfriend and I was ignorant when it came to drugs and drug abuse long story short he was abusive didn't let me leave the house for a few months and ended up breaking up with me for another poor girl I hope she's rid of out [ __ ] my parents didn't know what to do with me and I am so sorry I was such an idiot was he homeless role reversal dad threatened to send the cops if I hurt her showed me his firearm wanted a copy of my driver's license a freak fat in that family he probably read this thread don't take it personally I brought a girl home to meet my mom when I was pretty young mother is chatting trying to get to know her and asks if she has any hobbies she looks my mom in the face and says naps and frickin I was mortified and given as I was like 15-16 I wasn't allowed to see her anymore that's a great college-age girlfriend before my wife and I dated she had a boyfriend that gave her parents an instant B grain when his name was mentioned the worst thing he did was when my wife and her family went on a vacation and asked this guy to watch their place while they were gone Dumbo's looses the family cat she actually was hiding in the closet but the worst of it was he decides to throw a party at her house liquor cabinet was raided guys chewing tobacco spit right into the carpet tile floor was stained with whatever everyone spilled which also left sticky residue house wreaked off smoke of the tobacco and weed variety if that wasn't bad enough he did not bother to clean it up so my wife and her parents walked into a pit when they got home from the so damn bass goes to their house afterwards to return their key he at least apologized for having the party and losing the cat my wife's parents still offered to pay him for watching the house not sure why and instead of refusing it for what happened he took it my wife was super P about it and decided this guy was not worth it dumps him and a couple months later meets me Jimmy Buffett did the song called gypsies in the palace about two guys watching Jimmy's place while he is out on tour they end up trashing his place the narrator of the song never mentions his name but he has a partner named snake my failed renamed dumb boss - snake forever for the stupid thing he did you step on snack my mother told my brother his girlfriend looked like a bill Inez W her parents in Filipino and would not have her in the house but now they are married and just bought their first house child on the way mum now thinks the Sun shines out of her ass quite the turnaround wow that's fricked up I would still be bitter if my mom said that about my wife when they first met also what can I get for $3 I didn't want to do any poop things when she was 18 my daughter took a temporary leave of her senses and started dating this guy who was basically your stereotypical drummer in a band he had no job because his band was about to get signed and go on tour he had tattoos that look like they were done by drunk five-year-old with a nervous twitch during a blackout he didn't have a driver's license because he could always get rides from friends referred to me as dude and my wife is babe and he lived with his singer and his two dogs in a camping trailer behind his uncle's house the first night he met us me and my wife after finding out my wife was an EMT paramedic he asked her how bad he'd have to be hurt to get morphine administered to him in the ambulance he then followed that up by saying that he almost wanted to get in a wreck so my wife would give him CPR my wife politely excused herself and pulled our daughter aside to tell her she was freaking up royally but it was of course blown off as though he's just messing around kind of thing we decided at that point we just stand back watch the chaos and step in only if needed and let our daughter learn a life lesson my daughter was with him about a month and a half and during that time he got busted once for trying to steal about $15 worth of steaks and a bottle of a1 sauce from a Food Lion he pooped in her car twice after drinking too much at gigs he asked her several times to text him topless pics so he could see what he'd eventually be busting a nut on he decided to do a dine and dash and ran out on her when they were eating at Denny's one morning after a gig and and and and and and and and and and and and and and and and and and and and and and and that was the last straw and my daughter kicked his butt to the curb and my wife and I rejoiced not among but my sister brought home this guy who crushed pills for Thanksgiving he also asked our stepdad if he had any weed and drank while taking a lot of crushed up pills which ended up in him having a grand mal seizure and being taken to the hospital my mom thought about leaving him but she compromised by telling him not to drink he still didn't got pain meds from the hospital we were stuck with him for three days I forgot to add that he spent most of the days shirtless and sweaty on the couch in the living room row right after my daughter broke up with her first serious boyfriend his best friend started checking and on her more and more then he meet her at the local park they were 15 strokes 16 to walk around started saying things like first boyfriend didn't respect her etc she insisted his intentions were pure and friendly when I explained that they were not innocence is naive like that eventually he came by to pick her up when he had access to a car and I met him in person if you didn't really speak to him you probably think he was an alright kid but I did speak to him everything was just a little too polite from him overly emphasized yes no mom's shocky smile with unengaged eyes I've dated a few crappy dudes in my time so you just sort of learned to trust the vibe you're picking up even if this guy wasn't going after his best friends girl two weeks after they broke up he would have been a thumbs-down for me I tell daughter as such I'm obviously too dumb to know what I'm talking about because parent fast forward a few weeks later and she tells me she is starting to have feelings for Sharkboy and he has asked her out I told her I did not approve of the relationship or any relationships so soon after having such a serious one so young I didn't like or trust that kid apparently my approval mattered enough for her to tell him as much and suggested they try going on a few dates to take it slow and see if mom comes around kid goes off he's enlisting and the Marines and need someone to fly out to Texas to see him not some girl to go on dates with he's not going to waste his time on some girl who isn't a sure thing he couldn't believe she had been leading him on this whole time he'd put all that time in for nothing etc she came home a little upset but the best part of my briefing on the encounter was a walking in my room saying mom you were right I just dodged a freaking bullet hum guess mom isn't so stupid after all kid ended up enlisting and got in some trouble a few years later sending nudes to his other best friends GF who was 16 at the time says his chance of surviving the Marines is slim to none so he's not going to be bothered by being held back by morals will win over I am meeting the boyfriend's parents for the first time on Sunday well when my older sister brought her boyfriend at the time to our house my dad ended up walking him to his car and punching him in the face he totally deserved it he never gave my sister any personal space and would smirk at us every time he put his arm around my sister he'd also bought commands at her and acted as if she was his servant or something pretty much he sucked as a guest and was pretentious of to did no dad get in trouble for punching him not that he didn't deserve it my mom passed away so she can't answer this question so I'll do it for her two of my sisters ex yes it's the same idiot he was unemployed was in college but dropped out he came down from college and stayed with us for a month in that month he did nothing but play video games eat all the food and drink all of our sodas he didn't bathe the entire month he was with us didn't go out didn't do anything he was disgusting and we had to throw the couch out after he left because his funk stuck to the couch and didn't come out after multiple treatments later on my other sister dated him married him had two kids with him and nothing changed it still disgusts me years later my sister is now divorced from the nasty but for myself my second son's father he was a habitual liar an abusive prick and I later found out at diddler he cheated on me with a 13 year old girl he was 21 at the time I hate him and haven't had any contact with him in eight years your ex didn't cheat on you with a 13 year old he violated a 13 year old they don't have the capacity to consent to Frick with someone so much older than them he must have groomed her Rick the first girl I ever slept with had to be the worst and most stressful because none of my other relationships have caused any real grief from my parents or I they liked some more than others but this one takes the cake for quite a few reasons so this was in Germany and I was at a house party when I was 16 I had just struck out on the girl I was going for with this moderately slightly like a the fourth of May 2010 girl starts chatting me up I honestly didn't have a lot of interest in her but she was all right I went to the kitchen to grab a drink she followed me whipped out her titties grabbed my dong and searched going freaked me and I was like sure alright so now we understand she crazy she also had depression issue daddy issues like tally eyelet and whatnot I dated her for about six weeks in which she was generally a complete and utter nutcase but she was really awesome in bed holy crap she was a freaking freak but nevertheless we broke up but this isn't where it gets juicy now she lived about 4550 minutes away from us and about two months after we broke up she called my mom to inform my mom that she was pregnant and it was my baby well that evening of dinner was a lot of fun ended up getting a job in fast food to start saving up for my new baby at 16 this was in August by so throughout the school year I worked to save up for my kid my mom was the one who talked to my ex she wanted to make sure her grandbaby was alright my mom wanted to go on the doctor's appointments and my ex was fine with that but always had a story to tell whatever she was a nutcase then she started asking for money which is odd because there's a lot of public assistance for situations like this in Germany finally it came time for the baby and nothing we wait we call we text nothing we are worried sure my kid's mom is a total frickin nut case but I'm going be the best dad I can be we track down my ex we find out she was never pregnant and was just trying to convince to come back to her again holy crap was I so freakin happy my mom was furious yo she had been let on she was excited and wanted a grandbaby even if it wasn't the best of circumstances - best of y'all the rest of my life I wouldn't have to deal with this crazy B so we got in the car and then it hit me summer is around the corner and I've been saving money quite a bit actually for my new baby which well was never a thing I had saved about $7,500 in total I was turning 17 living in Germany with my own car and $7,500 holy Frick that summer was a summer of epic levels had so much fun my god I was so lucky but yeah that was the worst girlfriend that I brought home I know for a fact cause she's the only one that caused real chaos in my family my sister came home from a date saying how generous guy was he took her to a nice restaurant bought her some fancy perfume afterwards et Cie etc turns out when he picked her up from our house he had swiped my mum's credit card from her bag and hallway and used it to fund the date not sure if ballsy or stupid either way cops tracked him down pretty quickly the boy didn't know what a potato was we didn't want a freak out to be rude but even my daughter started to get angry at this impossible situation we had to kick the boy out and luckily my daughter broke up with him god I love this story maybe someone will link to the original thread I was once at worst boyfriend I turned up to a formal dinner to meet a girlfriend's family drunk and wearing shorts and a sleeveless shirt then proceeded to tell my girlfriend's dad he looked like Dave Lee Travis a cheesy disc jockey they hated me my dude my parents still prefer my coke FX over the ex that followed cause he at least made an effort to engage them and be courteous and other ex avoided any interact with my family because they're weird Doug how do you think I ended up this way was waiting for one like this my parents seemed to hate my siblings so on the basis that she just doesn't interact with anyone sits quietly in the corner and doesn't say much coming from a fun-loving family the kind that always hosts the block party this is like a cardinal sin my son is only 18 and has only dated girls his best friend and his girlfriend have set him up with everything goes well on their first date when they double with the other couple she's pretty funny and no immediate red flags they spend the next few days texting and she says she'd like to go for just the two of them while tossing around ideas of where to go my son texts I hear the Holocaust Museum is a great place to take a date to which he replies oh I don't believe in the Holocaust after she gets no response cause he just doesn't know how to she sends him a link to a web site she thinks is really informative yep she's a Nazi my daughter is 16 so I fear it's only just begun but her last boyfriend the day I met him he walked with her home from school she texted me to say she would be out on the porch for a little while I texted back okay cool no visitors in sight today your sister is having a bad day her sister is autistic and a bad day means it's bad and she can't handle new people very well even on good days about 20 minutes later I hear them both coming in with her arguing with him about it he came in any way not just uninvited but specifically not invited and then the first thing he ever says to me you have varied puffy hair I have very thick coarse hair and hadn't had a chance to do anything about it that day that was day one it only got worse until I forced to break up a few weeks later by not allowing her to see or talk to him she didn't even argue so I don't think she liked him much either the puffy hair comment would have been funny from my daughter or someone like that but not from someone I just met who was barging into my house uninvited I didn't force them to break up I think I worded that wrong I didn't allow her to see him or speak to him outside of school there was far more worst stuff that happened in the next couple of weeks he had no respect for her and she and I had a long conversation about that right before the band as a result of not allowing her to see him out of school they broke up and no not sorry and she's not still seeing him she has a new boyfriend who is great I wasn't worried about that anyway because she's a good kid who talks to me and shares her life with me I trust her forcing a breakup is sure to make her even more interested generally speaking I'm answering this for my father because he has been vocal enough over the years that everyone in my family knows the answer to this question as my eldest sister's husband she was 19 he was 16 he was very much a Knick my desk grows teenage boy spent countless hours playing video games grease spiked his hair never shaved showered or wore deodorant gave himself home piercings and would melt plastic then mold it with his fingers for makeshift jewelry she had a baby and was very pretty she wanted someone she thought could support them was convinced she found a winner he was going to be on lifetime disability for fetal alcohol syndrome our mother told my father that my sister had a crush on him and my dad nearly had a meltdown when he told my sister he wouldn't allow it she broke the news that she was pregnant with her second child and he was the father they got married when he was elder he held one job in his 20s at a target was fired because he had some anger issues and had a meltdown at work now they have four kids and are both in their late 30s he's never had a job he has a two-pack-a-day smoking habit bison takes painkillers with his disability money and showers once ever six months my sister pays all the bills while he stays home he plays video games on his computer all day and doesn't help with the kids lives in a little mountain of trash smokes at his desk Ash and soda cans everywhere now he's showing signs of kidney and liver failure due to his drug abuse and general lack of shoots about taking care of himself my sister is still with him and she's barred from contacting my father or I why because my father confronted her husband and told him he was a lazy piece of crap and needed to stop calling my sister a B and a C in front of her kids I could go on for hours ah family I used to work at a local movie theater and one of the managers had to kick a kid out of his movie for some stupid infraction talking or texting repeated probably instead of just leaving though the kid starts mouthing off and being aggressive so the manager bans him later that night in retaliation the kid comes back and throws a big rock through one of the front windows mind you this window is huge probably like six by ten feet and the whole thing shatters the cops get called and they find him out with a group of friends and he gets charged with vandalism or some crap but the boyfriend part so three issues later the manager stepdaughter gets a new boyfriend they've been dating for a few weeks and she brings him home for the first time and it's the freaking kid from the theater I don't know how he didn't lose his mind but I guess the kid had matured a bit and they dated for almost a year before breaking up I've never had a girlfriend to bring home so I guess that in itself is the worst girlfriend I could bring home so my sister just got married last December and I swear to God her husband is an absolute a-hole but my whole family sees it except for her he's from this super-rich family and gets to be a departments manager of his family's business as such a young age he's successful handsome and all of that but his manners are what get our family on our nerves he would treat us very very nice in front of my sister that just the second she left he becomes this super arrogant and careless man who wouldn't even say hi to my mum at that time was his future mother-in-law he's also manipulative to my sister where he basically owns her since he bought her a house with her name on it because he knows he can get a discount from the seller because my sister worked for them at a time bought her a car told her to quit her old job and worked for him as his assistant my sister always feels like she owes him big time and always tries to please him they are married now and I know my sister is happy with him but tbh I hope she can see how bad of a person he is as soon as possible and leave his but or maybe she'll teach him the error of his ways and the good guys will have another player on their team not a parent but her little brother he cheated on her she found out he came over they got in a shouting match he called her a B and s I accidentally dropped my bat horizontally into his car door really really hard when I brought home a boyfriend we'd spend every weekend making out on the couch like on top of each other moaning hands in clothes making out and my parents hated him and hated seeing it but they allowed it because I had recently come out as gay and they wanted me to be straight so they let it happen I was like 15 and gross in an odd way your parents couldn't complain because you were trying your best to please them I was the son who brought home a girl my parents didn't approve of well girl isn't quite the right word I was 19 and she was 36 the same age as my mom it's so to go from the beginning we worked together and had for a few years and had been getting closer and more friendly well one day I jokingly told her she should give us younger guys a chance in the dating field and she took me up on it we dated for several months before I took her home and yeah my mom cried actually cried I love this girl and all my parents saw was that I was never gonna have a normal marriage kids filled life that's not really a healthy relationship dynamic half your age plus 7 rounded up is generally considered the lower limit for a good reason my Syl brought a guy home once I was married to my wonderful wife and we went to her family's place for Thanksgiving or some such holiday there was a tree in the yard that needed to come down so I rented a chainsaw and her dad and I started cutting the thing down my SILS boyfriend let's call him dumb bass was inside being useless mom tells him to go outside and help I don't know if she wanted him to bond with us ought to stop him from being lazy and groping his daughter but he comes out and stands beside us working with a dumb look on his face my Phil takes one look at him at us is one of the cut logs at him he catches it in the stomach turns and drops it in the pile and then goes back inside he never came back to the house later he knocked up my sill and we discover that he is already a registered diddler and his grandpa's as well he abused some other kid and spent the next 15 years in jail my Phil should have aimed higher with the log you can't really fold the guy for not knowing how to cut down a tree mo so I was a bit skeptical until the diddler crap came up my youngest nieces boyfriend hands down she's currently 16 and he's 18 he is a compulsive liar constantly cheats on her 100% confirmed tries to sneak into the house nice dating him enables this has diagnosed personality disorders he refuses to get help for does drugs drinks tells my niece at he is the only one who will ever love her and last year got my niece pregnant he has no job and currently no future any money he gets he spends on himself my niece is in counseling but she's wound around this Predators finger so tightly that she won't leave him and chooses his needs over her own and the babies she does not have custody of the child right now and neither does the sperm donor I begged my sister to get a restraining order to no avail because she was too scared of hurting my nieces feelings before we found out the extent of his twisted personality the kid is also Native American and they live near the reservation so getting tribal police forced to do more than a slap on the wrist for breaking the law is futile I can go into more details if anyone is interested bill yeah I frickin hate that kid and I know that it takes two to tango but he is not a good human being my aunt once brought home a guy she was dating who was a hardcore Holocaust denier we are Jewish my sister she was engaged to a guy who wasn't he all that bad at first he was pretty boring and just played video games he had pretty bad psoriasis so we constantly find stray bits of dead skin around the house for about two years into their engagement they never set a date because he refused to do any planning whatsoever a letter got posted to my parents house with address to my other sister the envelope and 15-page love letter to my other sister were all handwritten in this guy's unmistakable chicken scratch my sister promptly ended the engagement and then I was left to deal with him crying and begging me to fix it also he left her over nine thousand pounds in debt my sister was a true stereotype of the nice girl dates of bad-boy themed we grew up in your typical suburb and my sister four years older was a good kid then a year also to graduating her new boyfriend came to pick her up and dad insisted he come inside out of an old Plymouth Fury III comes a heavily tattooed and rough looking dude wearing a green shirt he was a PPC Li military unit based in town by around 23 it was the most awkward conversation I ever saw as a teenager my dad a civilian who worked on basis of med teacher asking this pixel a nickname of the army unit what his plans were for the night a week later he backed his car into our neighbor's car and a few days after that the guy dumped my sister dad claimed ignorance but told me years later that he told the guys CEO a friend of dads what was going on and while the CEO never said how he did it my sister was single in less than a week my daughter was dating a guy whose best friend was his teddy bear and he would talk to the teddy bear as if it were a real person and hang out with it all the time she eventually left him lived through a series of very emotional events ended up getting back together but it would take me about an hour and a half to type that story out fully I for one would be interested in hearing it role-reversal dating a guy for literally weeks went to his house to pick him up and ended up meeting his mom she then tells me how excited she is if I'm her future daughter-in-law and how the guy had come out of his room with my picture that he clipped from an old yearbook telling her how he was picturing me in a wedding dress I stopped seeing him about a month in because they were both just too weird his mom started going around town telling everyone I was a W I was 16 not a boyfriend/girlfriend but my fifth grade kid wanted a birthday party at a fun restaurant but didn't really have any friends at the new school invited the first kid that was nice on the first day and another kid who overheard and asked to be invited party went okay even though second kid was definitely high-maintenance turns out that that the kid had never been to a birthday party before because he/she was in juvie for some unmentionable crime for over a year fifth grade if you are new to the channel you can subscribe I publish new videos every day until then check another video [Music]
Channel: Updoot Everything
Views: 94,746
Rating: 4.7152953 out of 5
Keywords: worst girlfriend, worst boyfriend, girlfriend, boyfriend, worst, parents, parenting, meeting, #updootst, updoot, reddit, r/askreddit, askreddit, ask reddit, r/, \r, r\, best of reddit, reddit stories, reddit story, top posts, funniest posts, funny, funny posts, funny reddit stories, funny askreddit, reddit funny, askreddit funny, askreddit stories, reddit stories 2019, people of reddit, sub, reddit cringe, memes, toadfilms, updoot everything, updoot reddit, story, stories, rslash, comedy, fresh
Id: oM2OjNtp8hk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 36min 35sec (2195 seconds)
Published: Sun May 10 2020
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