What's The Most Adult Realization You Had As A Young Child?

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what's the most adult realization you had as a young child one day I'm going to have to pay bills I was three or four and didn't realize how far off that was so I started freaking out cause I didn't have any money my parents are people I went to a work party and was amazed that my dad had a life outside of me he has friends he's funny well it I had a similar moment when it suddenly dawned on me that my parents were actually people with flaws and lives and feelings that was a weird moment I was eight and realized my mom's boyfriend of five years was a really mean person that could be violent so I told my mom that she needed to break up with him she got really mad at me and that's when I realized my mother would never be someone that I could look up to or trust completely 21 years later I still have those feelings about her or when I was six I saw my dad cry and realized that he wasn't the strongest man in the world when I was about 10 I learned the truth about why my dad wasn't in my life he was in prison for breaking the law in a serious way it made me realize that parents are just people too and it helped me realize that my mom was basically just a fragile lady breaking her back and stretching her limits to provide for two young boys and give them a youth that didn't feel lacking or poor have an upvote from another kid raised by a mother working three jobs just so she felt that I wasn't missing out on anything I learned at a very young age probably around five or so that being an adult meant working the hardest who can to do the best for yourself and others I was about eight sitting in the backseat of the car while my dad was driving us to the movies we pass a man who was jogging with a slight limp my dad begins to say see that jogger there obvious hamstring injury on the right hand side metatarsal inflicted from velocity increased incline it all sounded very clever and I nodded I thought for a second my dad isn't a doctor nor does he jog and we saw this guy for maybe only three seconds I remember saying wait a minute you don't know that at all that's all trash my dad started laughing and to this day he recounts this story to the family his son found out he is an old-time bullshitter my dad convinced a room of 12 year olds he walked on water the man can tell symbols convincingly that a woman's tea is not located where her bellybutton is I actually mentioned this out loud in front of a bunch of high schoolers when I was like 10 they showed me hustler just learned a great way to get free hustlers i diagnosed my type 1 diabetes when I was 9 from reading the baby-sitters Club books my doctor didn't believe me and asked no follow-up questions a month later after I'd had strep throat four times in a row they hospitalized me and guess what fathom I told you so myself diagnosed my appendicitis when I was 13 I had a panic attack in my room and cried turns out I just had a stomachache and I was a hypochondriac I was 6 years old and my family brother father and mother and I had gone out for dinner and a movie we went home for my mom to change clothes I don't remember why she had to change and she went into our house leaving us in the car it seemed like we had waited forever when my dad said I'll go and find out what's taking so long so my brother and I were outside waiting when my dad came running out of the house I remember the look of panic and fear in his eyes he got us out of the car and told us run don't ask questions just run to the neighbors it was late and dark and our neighbor was almost one stroke to a mile down the road I remember grabbing my little brother's hand and running with tears streaming down my face and just being so scared the next day when I went home we had cardboard and visquine SB on all the windows and the back of our house about four or five windows total my older brother had come home in a drug-fueled rage and shot out the windows in the back of the house and then took my mom hostage the cops came and with the help of my dad calmed him down and took him into custody no one was hurt luckily but I think for the first time I truly knew what fear was terror of the unknown and maybe also hatred came into my life at that moment TL DR at six years old we had to run from house because my brother took my mother hostage we were sitting at a traffic light and I was staring at the cars on the other side of the intersection the epiphany dawned on me that what I would call my left was right to the people on the other side after a minute or so off checking my mental work I realized I was right that opened the door to a whole new world of realizing other people could have a different perspective on something than I could I was about five or six PS it's Ritalin I had the biggest argument with KC in first grade his desk mirror at mine because the classroom had desks set up in clusters he kept insisting that left was right and vice-versa I was tannish and a bit of a shoplifter I would stash things from stores in my pockets for a rush I then went to the library and actually stole a book instead of checking it out I stashed all my stolen goodies in my closets until the guilt started eating me alive I confess to my mom how I could not live with myself anymore I was a bad person etc I look back and think how dramatic I was with my lifted goosebumps book and jelly bracelet the day before my fifth birthday I realized that my parents dad and stepmother didn't know when my birthday was he thought it was the 30th and he just went along with it every year when my 17th birthday was approaching I decided that I wouldn't say anything to anybody about it I had decided that the anguish of knowing they didn't care was worse than being ignored the day of my stepmothers mother called her to remind her that it was my birthday the only good side to it was their guilt got me good presents I'd rather have had a heartfelt hug though in first grade I had the realization that I have only this one life to live in that no one else could live it for me everyone else had their own lives and we were just going through this world together I don't know if that is such an adult realisation interred that moment I felt like all the walls around me had fallen down I still remember that feeling it is a dolt and you can confirm it with your own sentence I felt like all the walls are around me had fallen down that's not a common feeling in first grade I asked my first-grade teacher if South America and Africa were ever together because they looked like they'd fit perfectly she told me no and laughed at me a few years later when I learned about pan G I wanted to smack a bee since I could remember I always realized that school k12 and college with temporary and that any goal I had needed to transcend those institutions I think some of the greatest frustrations in life must come from people walking out of their graduation ceremonies and thinking okay now what I yeah I'm glad it was a childhood realization for you since for most people it's a 18 or 22 year old realization this redditor included when I was around 6 and I found a childhood picture of my grandmother it hit me that all old people used to be young once they aren't just saying that to annoy you flipped my world lemme tell ya after I lost my first tooth the whole Tooth Fairy thing didn't add up so I pulled my second tooth out in bed and put it under my pillow I did not get a shiny quarter the next day I told my parents I lost my tooth pull it under my pillow and jackpot I never told my parents I just collected the quarters happily after I worked out the fakery of Santa tooth fairies and Easter bunnies I actually felt guilty I didn't want to tell my mom I knew in case it upset her since she loved being all enthusiastic about them at 7 years old I shattered my femur playing peewee football during the six months I had to spend laying down in mobile this was before the fancy surgeries we have now I came to the realization that no I couldn't be anything I wanted to be due to both my poor eyesight and worthless white leg I would never be a pro athlete or astronaut I would never be a big strong man I figured I probably wasn't as smart as most kids and couldn't be a scientist either and I had myself a little seven-year-old depression that mentality stayed with me until I was in my senior year of high school when I did screw this I might not make it but I'm gonna do whatever I can to be whatever I want even if it kills me and now you wouldn't even recognize me I have no doubt that I wouldn't recognize you when I was in second grade my grandfather died I found a book laying around my grandma's house that was something like how to talk to your kids about death at the time not really grasping I was being a troll I read the section that had frequently asked questions by kids and how parents should address them I then proceeded to ask my mom a battery of these questions at which point she realized what I was doing and got visibly upset I guess at that moment I realized I totally didn't understand the gravity of what was going on and there are some questions no one not even your parents have the answers for on a full weekend my mother's drinking had escalated to full-blown alcoholic and my father traveled a lot on business and had no idea I woke up on Monday mom passed out drunk dad who knows where knowing I had to get to school somehow I didn't have anyone to help me get ready or drive me to school I cried knowing that I was utterly alone I realized at that moment that nobody is there for me with me and that if I needed something I had to do it myself I was five and in kindergarten I showered dressed put cheese and crackers in a bag for lunch and walked to school I made it just in time I was about six or seven when I asked my mom if I had a flashlight and I was traveling at the speed of light would I be able to see the light from the flashlight she said yes of course light is the fastest thing in the world I then told her if I was going the speed of light then light would not be able to go faster than the fastest speed this just tripped me out and I didn't even realize until much later that this concept sees something Einstein used as inspiration for his theory of relativity I would have pursued this further but I think Super Mario Kart came out that same year I hate it when I'm discovering the inspiration for the theory of relativity and get sidetracked by Mario Kart all the time in about fifth grade I thought about death for the first time I wasn't really religious but our teacher was and she started talking about death for whatever reason mentioned eternal life in heaven or something and all I imagined was blackness forever scared the crap out of me at that age it still scares the crap out of me I think when I was 10 I broke my favorite vows and I tried to turn back time by closing my eyes and thinking really hard I don't know what I was thinking back then anyways after that ordeal I learned that regretting would only waste my time since I can never turn back time and that instead I should work on improving myself rather than grieving from my past mistakes I wouldn't call it a realization so much as an idea when I was about five or six I was for a short while convinced that the whole universe existed in someone's dreams and that when he woke up the universe would cease to exist I'm 95% sure that I came up with this all by myself shortly after that I realized that trying to reason about the universe itself or anything beyond the universe is an endless task that can never go further than speculation along these same lines I clearly remember at around age five I asked my mother how we knew that we were not all just part of a dream how do I know that I won't just wake up at one moment and start another real day the dream hasn't stopped yet so either sleeping takes a really long time or I'm in a coma and have a particularly detailed imagination my parents were old in their 40s when I was a kid I recognized that the other kids parents were amazingly immature the younger they were the stupider less reliable and consistent and more likely to get angry over little things they were my dad was 40 when I was born my mom close to that I always noticed how much younger the other kids parents were and how they would actually go out and do interesting things with more energy I used to agonize myself over the fact that my parents would die a decade earlier than other parents I guess my parents were more stable in a job sense but their age has always worried me I remember in fifth grade standing in the science lab looking at a moving model of the solar system while the teacher explained to the class the movement of all the heavenly bodies when he explained that the moon always showed us the same face and said it just happened to spin right at that speed I had a sudden epiphany I raised my hand and asked if the moon was heavier on that side he very quickly told me no that it just happened to spin that way I was crushed I still remember the way my brain made the connection it was a feeling of clarity that I got for an extended period only one time during a game of chess that I earned how can I get my brain to do that more when I was about 11 also it dawned on me that teachers don't know everything I learned this when a bunch of my teachers solutions or a test were horribly incorrect after about a year of trying in elementary school I decided that it didn't matter what other people thought of me I've stuck to that philosophy ever since I wish I learned that as early as you did five years old coloring realization mom is there a Santa Claus mom making dinner number coloring some more I guess then there is no Easter Bunny either mom nope I remember sitting at math age six or so wondering why everyone came to church when no one believed it my logic being that as I wasn't convinced by it there is no way all those grown-ups could have been this was not all all Christians are dumb exclamation point one moment I learned that people can believe different things when presented with the same information and that I as a reasonable being could disagree with an authority figure priests parents et Cie on logical grounds one time when I was about four or five years old I asked my mother how many communion wafers I'd have to have in order to eat a whole Jesus she smacked me my dad always made a point of speaking calmly even in tense argumentative situations as a kid I tried applying this technique in situations where I was trying to get something such as a new toy from my mom I was surprised how much easier it was to get something across or get my way by just controlling the tone not my voice as an adult I still try my best to speak calmly during heated debates because it is truly surprising to me how much easier it is to communicate your point needs to another person when you try not to raise your voice I remember being six years old and asking my mom where Barbies came from she told me little kids in China made them and I promptly threw out all of them I had a similar situation except it was my parents who stood up for me not myself as you did all of my teachers told my parents that I should be put on Ritalin but they refused to do so I eventually grew out of it and became a great student got my bachelor's and have had a great job for over five years now I was six when I laughed at a dinner guest roughly 25 or 30 years old who asked my dad applied math major and VP of some tech company why people don't just pump water back up into hydroelectric dams to get more electricity after I laughed my dad looked at me and asked why did you laugh and I said well you can't make energy like that just like when I put a marbles track in a you form at the marble slows down because of all the sound that is giving off I didn't realize air resistance and all that but I had the right idea nobody had taught that to me except for my toys then my dad opened up the Encyclopedia to the second law of thermodynamics it was hilarious the reaction the guests had he swore I'd grow up to be an engineer or scientist which I did I began having existential questions pop up at around 12 started when I was staring at a gap in between a doorframe and trying to comprehend that a nothingness of that gap was a thing but it also wasn't a thing but at the same time it was a nothing that was necessary to exist in order for there to be as something the door then I made that gap into my imaginary friend and started telling his things then in a way I was praying to that gap then I kind of replace the concept of God with a gap and then finally one day I realized how stupid it was to talk to a gap the God of the gaps one day after sixth grade I was in the truck with my dad waiting to get my sister from elementary school I remember thinking very hard about it and being scared to ask but I went ahead and asked my dad do I have to believe in God he looks at me and smiled and said no not if you don't want to twice a wonderful moment basically sums up the awesomeness of my dad a bunch of my art was destroyed when our basement flooded I remember thinking no matter how much we try to hold on to things everything is temporary it was one of my first big realizations that if I were to accept the values that my parents and family were trying to pass on to me I would be just as despicable as them that there are people in the world that are just plain bad stepdad pushed my mum down a flight of stairs then into the wall and started beating her in one of many angry outbursts II had he is now in jail for making and dealing em before that I thought everyone was good and just had bad days I was eight I am now 21 and I'm glad I now have the power to stop something like that ever happening again most adult realization was that Disney movies told countless generations of children and that many marriages do not in fact result in living happily ever after although granted most fairy tales were told in a time when divorce was rare if not impossible a point taken I know Disney families were usually single parent but when you were a kid is that what you remember when you watched the movie or was it that when you kiss your one true love sparkles fly all over and animals gain the powers of speech and that's how it finishes in kindergarten learning about mammals for the first time I asked my teacher so if humans are mammals and so are other animals then aren't humans animals no of course we aren't animals she replied kindergarten me thinking to myself yes we fricking are I have a very good memory to my childhood when I was three years old and watching TV I still remember thinking I am currently three years old in three years I will be six years old I wonder what that will look like how will it feel to look back and realize I am three years ahead of me now weird thoughts right and when I was six I of course thought back to being three lol it's not very significant but it is a pretty deep thought for a three-year-old in my opinion when I was eight or nine and Terminator 2 was on TV I figured out that the movie would only be possible if there were multiple timelines and therefore several different realities Terminator 2 led me to discover parallel universes as an adolescent a week before my eighth birthday I was kidnapped and physically shamed the following two years I worked with police attorneys court counselors was in and out of courtrooms and finally took the stand against him I put a diddler behind bars for life at that age I realized that I did not have to be afraid that I did not have to be a victim and that I have the power to change my world not so much an adult realization that hits one I've always remembered walking to assembly one day in infant school kindergarten counting to myself and it clicking in my brain that everything after the team's number-wise repeats itself a sudden realization that I can potentially count to infinity while all these other toddlers are counting to ten on their fingers I felt like a god when I was a kid my grandfather was really really nice to my brother and I more to my brother because he's a boy and that's how the Europeans like em but still he loved me a lot and had pet names for me and everything everything was pretty great for a long time until I started to see how he treated my grandmother he was mean and degrading and demanding and intentionally hurtful and my grandma was just sweet and caring in return I stopped being able to connect with my grandfather and completely cut him out of my life for being so crappy to Grandma when I was about eight after he hit her I told her that she needs to get a divorce she said that she'd been with him for too long to be able to do that that she didn't mind when he got that way and that God wouldn't like her anymore if she divorced him I learned never to depend on someone so much that you can't live without them that people will accept really bad things even though they don't have to and that my grandmother's God who she always said was full of love was a mean prick who would rather someone get hurt than find a way to be happy as a young kid no lie before I knew what astrophysics was I thought to myself there must be an equation for everything some formula that if used correctly can explain anything an absolute equation of the universe something that can explain why cornflakes are crunchy as well as electron motion once I was ahead of my peers and realizing fundamental rules about the universe one option I had before me was to continue on that course enter academia and maybe solve some piece of the grand puzzle instead I decided to make sure other people's computers or documents in the correct order if you are new to the channel you can subscribe I publish new videos every day until then check another video [Music] bye for now
Channel: Updoot Everything
Views: 94,551
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Keywords: adult realization, revelation, realization, realization scene, realization 2020, realize, #updootst, updoot, reddit, r/askreddit, askreddit, ask reddit, r/, \r, r\, best of reddit, reddit stories, reddit story, top posts, funniest posts, funny, funny posts, funny reddit stories, funny askreddit, reddit funny, askreddit funny, askreddit stories, reddit stories 2019, people of reddit, sub, reddit cringe, memes, toadfilms, updoot everything, updoot reddit, story, stories, rslash, comedy, fresh
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 32sec (1412 seconds)
Published: Sat Jul 11 2020
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