If I Waited Just One More Second, I Would Of Died..

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what was your scariest a second later and I would have died moment outside my college dorm my freshman year there was this stoop that was half under the building half out from under it the building was 18 stories tall so I'm sitting out there sitting on the steps not under the building and I get up for no real reason and walk under the building as soon as I get under the building a huge sheet of glass falls right where I was sitting some idiots we're messing around on the 11th floor and knocked a 10 X 9 windowpane out of its mooring your spidey senses started tingling I was walking into a Miller's outpost tells you the time period and the end from the sign above the store fell down and hit me on the shoulder it was a big glass sign one moment sooner and it hits my head because it drew blood the store offered to give me any item I wanted so I wouldn't see you I chose an awful red cardigan I was sixteen and dumb my friend and I were taking an elevator down to the cafeteria now a dorm in college for some reason we were arguing about something when the doors opened so we hung back for a second then the elevator dropped two floors with the doors open I still hate getting an out of elevators and I do a weird running start every time happened in Canada was an old building elevator 1950s we were in the elevator when it dropped more terrified of the getting sliced in half aspect than the drop I passed out at work and came around in the hospital they diagnose delayed on the brain and eventually decided to drill a hole in my skull to drain the fluid just as they were about to put me under the phone rang it was the head of Neurology I actually had a burst aneurysm according to my doctor I would have probably been dead seconds after they started the surgery row you are one lucky sob I cannot confirm whether this would have been death however it would have changed my end my parents life like death I was about six or seven and I went along with my mum to go train the new puppy we had the training ground was quite far away from home and I remember that it was a big field surrounded by a forest and a motorway on the side of it I was told to stay in the car and play on my gameboy back when they were a thing lol after an hour also I got bored and I went to have a look at where my mum was with our puppy the carpark was a little while from the training ground but I decided to walk towards her anyway in the meantime an older man 30-ish starts talking to me and a naive little boy I was I talked back regardless of all the times my mum told me to not talk to strangers he convinced me I was going the wrong way and told me he would take me to my mom and puppy has we ended up by the motorway side and we were about to walk down the bank to the side of the motorway where his car was parked as I am about to disappear down the bank I hear the loudest scream of my name from my mum I look back and feel the grip of the man tighten on my hand but I was just in time to get my hand out of his grip and run towards my mother but my mum runs past me to see where this guy is but he had just got into his car and drove off but to this day I still imagine about the what-if scenario and how close I was to being kidnapped and potentially killed when I was in junior high I was carpooling with another kid and her mom for a reason I can't fathom she decided to race a transit train hoping to get across the tracks before the train stopped traffic she gunned the car I was in the backseat screaming number she hit the train because I was in the backseat I was injured the least I had a pointy piece of metal pierced through my jeans and flesh until it hit bone had she been a second faster the train would have hit us broadside and killed us all this was 1980 she was not charged or sued it was labeled an accident she and her daughter suffered broken bones lacerations and concussions because of the parental acrimony I couldn't be friends with the girl anymore the family moved away before the end of the school year I know at the time her mum was still not working I'm not sure if she ever went back to work clearly she had or had developed some kind of mental or emotional problem which the accident probably made worse I wondered if she was an alcoholic who began day drinking but I never mentioned my suspicions to anyone I needed crutches for a few months my story is a second earlier and I would have died basically I got t-boned by van while riding my bicycle missed me by a couple inches destroyed the back of the bike and threw me into traffic when I was in middle school I called my mom on my cell during lunch because my head hurt so badly I couldn't move she was 1 on speed-dial well the nurse came and brought me to the office for a checkup and some pain pills while I waited for my mom we didn't live close nurse said no fever and to take me home and put me to bed my mom watched me get into the truck and decided that maybe we should go to the hospital to be safe but by the time we reached the hospital it was further than our home my temp was at 104 and I was incapacitated but I had meningitis if we went home and she put me to bed like the nurse suggested I never would have woken up it was viral meningitis the less severe form but it progressed very quickly I had no headache when I arrived at school by lunchtime I couldn't move on my own and I couldn't see because light was too bright the nurse came to get me and I didn't have a fever after waiting for my mom 10 minutes in the 20 minutes drive to the hospital and 10 minute wait at the hospital it was at 104 yes we told the nurse after but there was only some of the symptoms when I left school she never gave me or my mother advice again just told symptoms and gave pain meds someone I used to be friends with died off meningitis B I think the sad part was how sudden it was because we all thought she had a regular fever you're very lucky a couple months ago I was in a head-on collision with some dude on crack driving down the wrong side of the road with his headlights out I was going probably around 50 before I saw him speed limit was 55 so that my best guess saw him with a second or two of reaction time managed to brake hard and swerve over only bad enough to total my car but I still walked away with nothing more than a sore neck if I hadn't seen the dude I don't doubt that I could have died or been seriously injured about 30 years ago my family and I were driving up to Jasper Alberta in the winter there a slow car in front of us and an impatient one behind us who kept trying to pass eventually the car behind us did pass on a blind corner and hit a logging truck head-on the slow car in front of this was also hit but my dad managed to put us in the shoulder and not in the collision this was way before mobile phones or anything like that so I remember my dad and my older brother getting out and going over the other cars and talking with a truck driver it was this indescribable moment of total silence and freezing cold and disbelief until the authories came quite a bit later I remember sitting in the backseat with my younger brothers wondering what the heck just happened I was freshman in college and came back to my hometown for Fall Break I decided to go to a football game to hang out with some old friends on the way home I stopped at a red light and when it turned green I pulled forward as usual from the left a truck suddenly hit me he was speeding and ran the red light t-boned me right in front of my driver's door I luckily got out with just an injured knee and fractured clavicle and some bruising it haunted me for a while that had I pulled forward just a little faster or he had been just a quarter second slower he wouldn't have gone straight into my driver's door and I likely wouldn't have made it he wasn't even drunk or under the influence it was just a 16 year old kid not paying attention jackass as a kid that about to get his license that is one of my biggest fears is hurting someone my family and I were driving down the highway when we see a stops SUV in the middle of the highway with a family of six inside and the car in front of us didn't get out of the way until the last second same crap has happened to me duck rainy night a car in the right lane was just stopped dead car in front of me changed lanes about 50 yards beforehand I was inches away from rear-ending him at 50 miles per hour I was working on a pipe crew in 1998 we were installing a large concrete vault in a pretty big hole I'm standing in a ditch about six feet deep marking grade while the excavator operator is digging so to the front of me is a large excavator bucket it's self weighing hundreds of pounds and backed by powerful hydraulics and thousands of pounds of steel armature and behind me is a solid concrete wall about a foot thick and the ditch is only a few feet wide and too tall for me to jump or climb out of with any kind of speed suddenly the excavator spins to one side and the arm snaps out a full extension with full force and the operator shuts it down to the bucket missed my head by about a foot he climbs out of the machine visibly shaken and tells me that something has failed on the machine and the arm wasn't supposed to have done that so as he's been digging he's been noticing that ever so slightly there's a bit of a delay between his inputs and the machines actions and at the moment before failure he just felt something wasn't right and tried to pull the bucket in when it didn't seem to want to he turned the excavator just in case and that's when the arm extended had he not I would have been crushed to freaking death there were two other excavator operators on that crew and they were basically idiots had one of them being with us that day I'm sure I'd be dead had a bad hangover and was kind of nervous jittery which in turn made me extra watchful I was driving home like turned green and I started to go car going about 45 in crowded city traffic gives no frisch's and goes right through the red I slammed on the brakes and felt my anti-lock brakes engage for the first time and I don't know how long a guy missed me by inches didn't even slow down had I not been hungover I doubt I would have given the cross traffic that second look to see him barreling toward me he likely would have t-boned me right in the driver's door not necessarily a second later more like a few seconds earlier but whatever I worked at a private gun range for almost a decade and had one encounter where I could have nearly gotten killed I was in what we called a trap house a little bunker that holds a machine that throws clay targets for people to shoot when we go into said bunker we put a giant traffic cone on top of it that basically tells people there's someone in there keep your shotguns at your side unloaded and wait for them to exit one day I was fixing some issues with a machine and was about to exit I realized I left my bowl on the back shell and stepped back and grabbed it the second I did I hear a shell go off in the cone on top of the house gets obliterated and falls in front of me turns out one of our members had his daughter there and was teaching her how to trap shoot he didn't realize she loaded a shell when he was teaching her how to aim irrelevant cause his gun shouldn't have been pointed downrange he lost his membership over that incident TL DR if I didn't forget my Bologna shelf I would have stepped out of a bunker and had my head blown off by a shotgun wielded by an 8-year old girl dang that would have been a metal way to die instead you'll probably die a boring death like the rest of us in bed surrounded by your loved ones earlier this week I saw a young guy almost get killed by a tram he wasn't listening to music or anything but it was early in the a.m. and he barely caught it out of the corner of his eye the first thing he did was a textbook Wilhelm scream and then he noticed me looking and said well I'm frickin awake now it passed probably two centimeters in front of his nose one second earlier whatever my dad and I were driving down the road after heavy rainfall in Vermont he is driving and I am fiddling with the radio I hear a very loud crack and before I can ask my dad what it was out of the corner of my eye I see movement an entire tree was falling on the road due to the heavy rainfall the dirt was too wet to keep some trees in place my dad stood on his brake cartoon-style and we slid nearly right into the tree I heard a pop before we fully stopped and when we lurched back 2-0 miles per hour we were both breathing hard my dad got out to check the damage and the pop I hear was a branch hitting a headlight out at first time I've ever seen my dad call 9-1-1 it was scary could have been the end of us if he didn't top to chat to the waitress after we left the restaurant to go home when I was five or six we were on holidays in Australia my mother took me to a beach that is known because it's safe thanks to a net system that doesn't let the sharks in well when we arrived the beach was empty what was kind of strange but we continued to have a beach des and we had a bath my mother even swam from one point to another after that we were going to the car and some authority saw us they told us to not enter the beach because a family of alligators had entered in the water and it was really dangerous since this is in Australia these will be saltwater crocodiles which are a lot stronger and bigger don't think I would have died good to change things up from car related incidents I once left a lighter near a fire pit by mistake and I was near at roasting marshmallows I had to go inside to grab chocolate and I came back out and just as I was walking back to the fire pit the lighter exploded my friend lost an eye in a similar incident you are lucky not me but my dad decided to stay for one more drink at a bar after work back in 1989 if he left before that last drink he would have been on the old bay bridge very close if not under the section that collapsed during the 1989 Loma Prieta earthquake I was a little kid when that happened and literally every time I am stopped in traffic on a bridge I tense up until I'm off because of the imagery surrounding that earthquake and bridge collapse never mind that I live on the East Coast and earthquakes rare here I used to work on a farm for a doctor that had antelopes on the property and one of my Jobs was to feed them my third day on the job was my first time actually doing it since my co-workers did it before I went out there with the feet and started to pour it out so that they could eat my supervisor shouts from the other side of the fence not to turn my back to the male antelope and I couldn't hear him so the first thing I did was turn my back on the male antelope to ask my supervisor what he said almost immediately I'd realized what I had done and turned back around to see the antelope about to skewer me I jumped out of the way and he ripped the shirt off my back I was like six or seven when my dad and I were driving to his parents summer cabin suddenly a huge freaking moose runs from the forest from our right and across the road I mean there's no small moose let's get that straight but this sucker was out of this world huge and we avoided hitting it by literally just a second it was so close that I'm sure we would have hit it if either we or the moves gained a second somewhere we would have been dead for sure hitting a moose with car is almost surely a death sentence anyway but that thing was just so extra large that there would have been no chance sometimes I forget how big a moose is look it up and I will be like well be damned that's huge I did some volunteering abroad in a place that had a crap ton of feral Street dogs usually they minded their own business and were easily scared away I tended to carry a piece of rebar in my backpack for this purpose but occasionally they would gang up and mold people generally kids and old people one night I got woken up by the sound of a bunch of them barking and howling I wouldn't have minded except I also heard the sound of a woman screaming I ran out into the street to check it out turned a corner and saw the biggest freaking pack of them I'd ever seen like 30 dogs all circling around this lady I started yelling and throwing rocks thinking they'd scatter which is when the whole pack immediately turned their attention towards me they were coming at me with their teeth bed and their ears back and I remember being really intensely aware of the thought okay I'm going to frickin die right now it was at that moment that a dude and a rickshaw came tearing down the road flashing his lights and honking this made the dogs belt driver saved my life or at the very least prevented a wicked bad mauling it was a really great affirmation about how most people will do what they can to help you when you need it I was swimming with my dad and my younger brother in a lake we had one of those decent-sized blowup rafts that we brought out to play around on I thought it was cool to swim underneath the raft and surface on the other side well the third time I tried this my little brother jumped into the raft and his body slammed into my head while I was swimming underneath completely disorienting me I remember just inhaling tons of water and trying to figure out which way was up and every time I tried surfacing I'd hit the bottom of the raft and become disoriented again I could feel myself starting to black out before I pulled myself up around the side of the raft no one even knew anything was wrong until I started heaving up water and coughing similar to this when I was around eight I didn't know how to swim very well and was at my grandmother's neighbor's home playing in Fed your pool with a friend my age accidentally stepped out of the shallow end and slid into the deep end and remember just sitting at the bottom staring up at the surface and starting to black out friend's mother dove in and saved me still loved water though ten stroke ten would swim under blow-up raft again yikes this gave me goose bumps as someone who has worked as a lifeguard I'm always just a bit paranoid when it comes to water also I don't know much about various ways of dying but judging by the look people get in their eyes when they are drowning that crap is terrifying and probably not the best way to go not me but my brother no really he had a hard time in college didn't like his major but didn't have any other ideas had a hard time being motivated to attend class etc the final straw was when he ended a semester and was trying to get ready for the next semester he was dropped by the scholarship that was paying his tuition from not making above a 3.5 he tried to hang himself in his closet one day he told me right after in hysterics he said he started blacking out in his head was fuzzy when his dog half pit half Australian Cattle Dog positioned herself under him barking and released the tension on his neck he got out of it and called me he doesn't like to talk about it because it was really traumatic and he said embarrassing because of the stigma in our community but he told me a few times that the instant he started blacking out he regretted it and didn't want to die when he called me I had a grown man crying and saying it was so scary I was so scared needless to say the dog is highly regarded now lol if you're in a hopeless situation get help seriously make a call Frick what people say or think I freaking love you D live butthole I have Australian Cattle Dogs they are some of the smartest and most attentive dogs out there I am glad she was there to save his life I hope he is doing much better now my AC D stopped me from stepping on a very venomous snake once I'm convinced hey CDs are lifesavers now I have a Staffie too but he's a doofus a second doesn't really apply to my story but about an hour does when I was in second grade my appendix swell up and burst I had severe pain for weeks while the doctors tried to figure out what was wrong after staying at the hospital for some time they suddenly said they needed to operate they had finally figured out what was wrong and had to basically clean out my insides since it had burst quite some time ago I was in a pretty critical state if they hadn't realized soon after they did I wouldn't be here once I almost stepped on a scorpion fish that was a close call believe me it was in no more than three feet of water and claims and so be careful everyone I was about nine or ten and riding a horse for the first time on a trail ride my horse suddenly pricked its is and went a little faster and a tree fell across the trail directly behind us on the 16th of December 2004 I was with a friend having a beer in a bar on the Carson Road in Bangkok Thailand it was the last week of my bumming round the world and we had a decision to make do we go home for Christmas or spend it on the beach in Phuket neither of us had been to Phuket and we thought it would be an awesome end to living out of a backpack for the last 18 months but on the other hand Christmas at home with the family was also appealing so we flipped a coin and went home to the UK flipping that coin a second earlier or later could have sent us into the path of the 2004 Boxing Day tsunami how crazy is it to think someone's entire life at that moment rested in a coin toss checking tire pressure on the drive tires of a semi I was between the two rear axles and the front was raised on ramps the brakes failed I felt it shift and I slid out before it completely rolled off the ramp my husband tells me the day we met he planned to kill himself on the way home we met while both working at a theme park near our hometowns they were just about to open a new roller coaster and opened it just for employees for a day and the train had two seats on each side and my husband and I were both there alone and were matched up to ride together it's a little scary to think that if I had been only a single person father behind him we would have never met he said I saved his life because he had planned to wrap his car around a tree on the way home but after we met and exchanged phone numbers he was too excited to talk to me when he got home that he forgot all about it if you are new to the channel you can subscribe I publish new videos every day until then check another video [Music] bye for now
Channel: Updoot Everything
Views: 76,428
Rating: 4.9121113 out of 5
Keywords: scary, scariest, that was close, that moment, close calls and near misses, close calls, #updootst, updoot, reddit, r/askreddit, askreddit, ask reddit, r/, \r, r\, best of reddit, reddit stories, reddit story, top posts, funniest posts, funny, funny posts, funny reddit stories, funny askreddit, reddit funny, askreddit funny, askreddit stories, reddit stories 2019, people of reddit, sub, reddit cringe, memes, toadfilms, updoot everything, updoot reddit, story, stories, rslash, comedy, fresh
Id: 9NhBE3nh3Ok
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 11sec (1391 seconds)
Published: Wed Jul 15 2020
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