How Did Your Celebrity Friends Change When They Became Famous?

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serious nsw people who were friends with celebrities of any kind including adult films how did they act once they started becoming famous grew up with Andy Samberg he was always pretty funny in the exact same style as he is now he's pretty down-to-earth and treats people well even when they're awkward around him my parents went to his wedding and apparently that was crazy big lavish what you'd expect from a celeb wedding also I owe him a Batman toy you should just randomly hand him a Batman toy just a super cheap one I went to school with taystee from Orange is the new black in middle school she was cool then she is still cool now on Facebook anyway my grandfather was in the same army unit as Elvis Presley since Elvis was the jeep driver for the company commander and my grandfather was a senior Co they would see each other very often my grandfather speaks highly of Elvis he did what he was called up to do with little fanfare and was a hard worker who did right by his fellow soldiers my grandpa was in that same unit I went to school with Josh GAD Alif various curly-haired chubby guys co-star in the comedian's he's always been a warm-hearted excessively energetic guy honestly we still have a lot of mutual friends and he's really stayed the same he's just a lot busier he's one of the few people trying to break in who I really rooted for some people don't go bad thankfully elder Cunningham what an incredible performer Tim Duncan literally the exact same guy at 19 years old as he is this very moment minor exception being that he is slightly more guarded in areas involving these relationships personal life because of messy situation with marriage I love hearing this huge Tim Duncan fan glad he is not on butthole I'm currently friends with Dave Matthews I met him about 10 years ago and we totally clicked I can't stand his music but he's a super rad dude totally down-to-earth not arrogant runs his own errands and raises his own kids if a fan ever approaches him he stops what he's doing and all always takes the time to talk which I really love he also smokes hella weed Molly Holly the WWE wrestler used to babysit me well she used to be a wrestler for WWE I don't know how well-known she is because I don't watch wrestling at all I don't know he's super well because I was really little when she babysat me but when I got older I would run into her occasionally when she was home her mom was also my lunch lady at school Bonnie Greenwald such a nice lady Nora Greenwald is Molly Holly's real name and she is super nice and down-to-earth every time I ran into her when I got older she would tell me this story about when she babysat me we were playing on the trampoline and I was pretending to be a tiger and I guess I bit her finger super hard and made her bleed I don't remember this at all but she always brings it up so basically three year old me took down a WWE wrestler I went to middle school with chance the rapper and he's exactly what his persona gives off a really down-to-earth guy who really just cares about making everyone around him happy and smile this makes me happy as a big chance fan he also strikes me as a little bit of an awkward speaker in interviews which is a shame because if he publicized his stuff more he could be a bigger star he has that much talent I went to high school with Anna Kendrick by the time I met her she had already been on Broadway but she wasn't nearly as recognizable as she is now she was getting major parts in both high school plays and movies like camp while we were friends but unless you specifically asked her about it she never talked about it I'm so happy that Anna has become beloved for her odd funny sweet innocent and yet sarcastic and sharp personality because it's exactly how she was in her day to day life when I knew her her mother comes into the movie theater I work at when one of her movies come out in just Globes and gossip are offended when I didn't know who Anna Kendrick was a friend of mine interned on The Price is Right a little over a decade ago he called me when he went to the restroom after Bob Barker because Bob did and flushes crap just left it floating man I wish picture messaging was a thing back then I'd have a picture of Bob Barker's turd instead I just have a hazy memory of my buddy describing it and the two of us having a good ten minute conversation of what his daily fiber intake must be that's about as close as I ever got to having a famous friend I worked within the stone for a few years granted it was after she'd come into some fame but still she is exactly how you see her on interviews she's humble hilarious and down-to-earth she treats everyone as if they're her equal and she's never met a stranger emma stone crush increasing I know one of the stars from Silicon Valley he is still the same old hilarious dude he always was nice to see him having success I'm gonna say Thomas middle edit because the rest of the cast was already pretty famous from other projects my old co-worker is now a TV director now all I hear from him is when he sends out mass texts asking for money for his next project he still owes me 20 bucks from when he was a nobody and I bought him dinner I went to high school with Michael Phelps I can't claim we were friends but he did sit next to me for a year in US government class he was always nice to me and would make polite conversation before class we were 100% in different social circles I was shy nerdy and as you can guess he was popular and well-liked but this was around the time of his first run at vo limbic I remember our school made a huge deal about it and declared Michael Phelps day he seemed a bit embarrassed by at all he was a nice kid a bit fidgety and bored in class though but who wouldn't be Phelps has ADHD attention deficit hyperactivity disorder so that explains why he was always so fidgety and also seemed abhorred he totally wanted not to be there sitting still played baseball with two guys growing up that ended up in the majors I haven't heard from or seen the one since he got signed but the other one actually comes in all the time he's a relief pitcher for the Nationals now he has been with about six teams now he's not a big-name guy but makes money doing what a lot of people dream of he doesn't have a and figure Dilbert makes around $500 K a year and hasn't changed a bit he just recently bought a house because he got married and is expecting a kid last time I saw him was at a local bar and he was still living out of his parents house when he was in town and paid everyone's bar tab off before leaving he was always and as far as I know is still a real stand-up dude my friend is Chris Pratt's nephew he grew up in my hometown which the media likes to pretend is some quaint redneck town stuck in the past and it's not from what he's told me Chris is pretty much the same exact guy he as in interviews as he is in real life a genuinely nice guy sometimes he just stops by his nephews house to say hi in between movies maybe I'll meet him someday also my sister used to live next to his mom until my sister moved small world new Buster Posey in college he was a great guy back then super chill Beleza focused on baseball and confident but not cocky haven't talked to him in quite a while but I remember seeing him after he had basically realized he was going to make it which is very far from a given in baseball regardless of being drafted fifth overall and he was excited more than anything really good dude deserves what he has because he works his butt off I played high school football with Aaron Hernandez he completely changed when he got famous never killed anyone when we were young that you know of went to middle school work Selena Gomez she was actually a real good friend of mine she was very sweet and was just doing small gigs back then like a Joe's Crab Shack commercial I tried once to write her to congratulate her on get success back when she was on the Disney Channel no response was a great friend and awesome lunch buddy to be fair she probably never saw the letter went to high school with and was bullied by a girl who went on to be a model on Project Runway she was an entitled B in high school continued to be an entitled B while hiding behind a public persona once she was on the show and as far as I know might still be an entitled B I heard she was some millionaires trophy wife but hey she put me within three degrees of Kevin Bacon so I can be grateful for that ho three degrees I'm good friends with Lord Ella and she hasn't changed at all she still wants to be treated like a normal kid I saw her at my friend's house party and she was treated as was one of the kids on the block my family is good friends with Caroll Spinney the ordinal actor who played Big Bird and Oscar he has always been super nice to everyone I've seen him talk to including me he is an older gentleman who enjoys traveling outdoors and collecting items from around the world I used to do landscaping jobs on his property for him when I was younger he has a nice chunk of property with eight ponds items from across the world and even a recreation of Stonehenge on it too he is retired now but still throws friend and family parties every year during the parties kids will beg to hear his big bird voice and he gives every kid a free toy in his toy shop a collection of toys from around the world he also always throws a puppet show which includes Oscar if he can borrow it from the studio and a few other puppets he owns when Oscar is brought into the puppet show he says hi to all of the little kids at the party Oscar still says my name every year even though I am 21 now the way you say items from around the world makes me think that's in his free time Big Bird is Indiana jonesing around the world collecting artifacts went to high school with sasha grey porn star she was a mellow girl smoked a lot of weed she was super cool about me messaging her on MySpace when she became famous I was friends with the kid who played Rico in Hannah Montana Moises arias in elementary school he was one of the chillest kids in school back then but now he's a complete douche that kid looks like a goblin of some sort I went to high school with Larry Nance Jr now he got drafted to the Lakers pretty much the same guy can be okay can be a douche I just remember his mom yelling at him in elementary school for not helping clean up after class party fine you a kid that was a popsicle model for Bluebell he was 5 years old at the time and didn't seem to enjoy the work I remember sending Ludacris an email he had his email address on his website shortly after hearing what's your fantasy on a local NC hip-hop radio station for the first time telling him how much I loved the track and how I couldn't wait for a whole album he responded with a very grateful email talking about how much the praise meant and how cool it was that the single was starting to get some traction this was in the summer of 1999 I'm pretty sure now that's a cool story Tommy Chong babysat me once when I was a kid I have two pictures of me sitting in his lap one is a 10 year old and one is a 28 year old he's a super cool very nice guy please find the pictures Taylor Lautner was my friend through middle school and into high school he was already in the movies and such when he came to our school but he was always super nice he added me on Facebook after I moved away but when I went to show someone after Twilight had come out he had deleted his facebook at that age I felt slighted but now I realize he likely had to keep his personal info a little safer ashley tisdale graduated from my high school as well but she was a few years ahead of our grade there's probably a few more people I'm missing but those two are pretty notable the younger son from the George Lopez show went to high school with me as well used to skate with him a bunch down-to-earth guy Sharkboy I grew up with Maddy Bowman halfpipe skiing Olympic gold medalist she is considered the best female health pipe skier in the world fame has not changed her at all she is still the quiet nice down-to-earth girl she has always been I still ride with her when she comes home for me the change is what made her famous I went to high school with Lauren drain for those who don't know Lauren was a member of the Westboro Baptist Church and became famous when she broke off and wrote a book called all of the Phelps children the Westboro Baptist churches pastors grandchildren went to my high school in Topeka Kansas interestingly enough all of the children were incredibly nice I was heavily involved in debate and forensics they were not and had gotten a very early impression that their beliefs were infused via a form of brainwashing when they would post anti-gay sentiments in the school newspaper Lauren was very quiet I attempted to talk to her a few times but nothing beyond hellos she didn't wear makeup and wore clothes that were either hand-me-downs or homemade none of which I cared one way or another about but after writing banished she very clearly changed in fact she's huge into working out and is incredibly attractive I sent her a message congratulating her on breaking free and also on the success of her book she wrote back which was cool but she's definitely changed from the meek quiet girl who didn't say anything in high school well she does modeling and such ultimately no matter what I'm very glad she was able to break free of WBC in such a negative mentality a lot of the other children who were going they have as well grew up family friends with win and will Butler Ravi Arcade Fire they are great guys we used to sneak the boozy eggnog at our parents holiday parties when we were kids they still send invites to shows just don't see them much anymore I knew McLemore as a teenager we had lots of mutual friends and hung out quite a few times but were never particularly close I spent enough time with him to have a few embarrassing stories to share I didn't pay him much attention because he bullied my brother at school he was a run-of-the-mill not super popular but not unpopular average semi dalchi cocky teenager didn't stand out much it seems like he did the normal thing doubt she teens do and grew out of it into a decent guy anyway I'm glad he's become so successful you and your brother should start a group called Mac llamas to show him a thing or two I know peel a boy bunny Chloe Chloe Terry Thompson from high school she had transferred into the school and was immediately given the name pawns to girl and she looked the part she got a boob job after a few months and weeks after that dropped out she's just as obsessed with money makeup and famous she was in grade 10 frankly she's as artificial as she looks my uncle has become a solid C+ maybe even a B in Hollywood he still gets his kicks rummaging through and finding clothes in vintage shops but he has all his money now so instead of bumming around town he bought a mansion in another country and spends his time jet-setting around the world also his dog travels first class with him and he got the dogs from the pound in another country e what the hell every other person answering the question just up and names their relative on reddit am I too paranoid or something tickle the guy from moonshiners and had his own spin-off for a bit isn't really a friend but we've hung out at parties and bars a couple of times I can say with all honesty he's the same piece of crap in person that he is on television I was best friends with magic card ass crack kid in high school not surprised in the slightest he's probably the same freakin dude not a real celebrity [ __ ] my girlfriend was good friends with Todd had saag the winner of Survivor China apparently after he won he became a huge tool and alienated every friend he had before going on the show probably because of all the alcohol he drinks I hope he gets better though one of my favorite winners I spent a few years in college photographing a lot of members of the NYC hip-hop scene and saw a few friends and a few people I didn't know as well climb into relative notoriety the biggest factor from my opinion was agent how long they spent working to get where they got I had a friend that took almost a decade to get a major record deal and while yay things changed for him he didn't become some different person or anything some of his peers that became more successful rather quickly really became buttholes though there were a few people that I was cool enough with to have a conversation and chill while Dad functions but just a few months later now that people knew who they were on a national stage they were too cool for me mostly because I wasn't a musician myself I think and generally the younger they were when they had that break the more it got to their heads the difference between an 18 year old seeing success and a 25 year old seeing success was really significant I also got to hear all kinds of insider dirt about a ton of celebrities mostly from managers publicists since I guess they all know each other I went to high school with Dave Franco he was a dong also he's like five foot nothing also I went to art school with Heather from America's Next Top Model at first she was just this really tall really attractive girl who walked everywhere kind of fast and had a bit of a cold attitude about her it turns out she has Asperger's after she came back from doing the show she seemed a lot friendlier whatever about it last time I saw her she was making the motorcycle from Akira in the Maya I made her laugh with some lame game design jokes so that was cool TLDR I am a man of average height well dave franco does look like a douchebag went to high school with someone who became a WWE wrestler in the last eight years you can come up with any cliche tired line about how nice funny and great he was and it would actually all apply to him the dude was freaking awesome hilarious and genuinely great to be around even dang near ever teacher loved him crap I can't actually remember anyone who didn't like him I live near Nicholas Sparks I go to school with some of his kids and I've talked with people who've known him before he went back he was the image of a starving artist now he has his thumb in every pie he helped build up a local private school then when he no longer liked the headmaster he rallied the board and got rid of him he introduced a new guy which ended up backfiring because after the school didn't like him mostly because he was completely inadequate for the job the guy sued the school on the grounds of discrimination he was Jewish but not really he identified as a Quaker Jew still don't know how that works Nick's not the nicest guy his wife left about half a year ago she bought a house about three months before people around town knew the magazines knew about four months after that his kids are okay miles is nice I play soccer with Landon Savannah and Lexi I don't know anything about but I haven't heard nice things yet he puts tons of money into anything around town sure he's pompous but at least he's still charitable even let the fire department torture his houseful training when he was remodeling you can tell from the crap he writes that he's a giant douche my eldest friend's little brother is the star of a pretty popular TV show on truTV not hugely famous but he's on his way still the same cool wacky funny guy that I've known forever it was kind of strange seeing his face on a billboard in Times Square knowing I beat him up and like 1984 or something I went to high school with two dudes who are now insanely popular on YouTube they are super down-to-earth nice humble and hard-working they don't act like they're better than anyone else I never would have picked these two for such great success in what they do but it couldn't have happened to two nicer people proud to call them friends I kind of forget how popular these guys are sometimes all I came here to do was let the internet know that they're really kind of people who haven't let an ayat of their fame go to their heads out of respect for them and their privacy I'm not disclosing anything else about them besides I'm sure you can find whatever you want to know about them online somewhere else Justin Bieber my younger brother went to high school with him and he came over to our house once flashback to grade 9 Justin and my brother decided it would be a good idea to play in a puddle that was right beside a house that was being built my brother told me that he stripped down into his boxers and jumped in this puddle and stepped on a nail he went home and my mom got a nasty phone call from his mother saying that he wouldn't be coming over again he was a bad kid before he got famous was very cocky and bragged about a lot of things a lot of people in our town didn't like him and created a bad reputation for himself I remember he was on the city bus with me and the kid beside him said this guy is going to be famous one day good for him for doing what he does he is obviously very successful but to me he will always be the same person he was back in the day I went to high school with Kanye it was a quasi gifted School in a middle-class suburb he was just a normal kid like the rest of us part if the admissions process for this school was demonstrating a skill in one of the humanities both mine and Kenai's were art but that in gym were the only classes we shared he was talented and creative in a lot of things in that class as was I actually but he was kind of a schlep and gym class though it's not super fair of me to say that since I was among the few who played sports for my home school where after I graduated Dwayne Wade went actually I met Commons mom once and she said Kanye used to come over all the time and hang in their basement she said Kanye could really eat but common wouldn't feed him until he focused on music first and not sure if it's true don't think you could verify it just thought this was an appropriate spot for my random knowledge if you are new to the channel you can subscribe I publish new videos every day until then check another video bye for now
Channel: Updoot Everything
Views: 81,721
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Keywords: being famous, famous, famous people, famous friends, famous friendship, people change, #updootst, updoot, reddit, r/askreddit, askreddit, ask reddit, r/, \r, r\, best of reddit, reddit stories, reddit story, top posts, funniest posts, funny, funny posts, funny reddit stories, funny askreddit, reddit funny, askreddit funny, askreddit stories, reddit stories 2019, people of reddit, sub, reddit cringe, memes, toadfilms, updoot everything, updoot reddit, story, stories, rslash, comedy, fresh
Id: fUSOiWZ6poo
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Length: 23min 45sec (1425 seconds)
Published: Mon Jul 13 2020
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