Health Inspectors, What's The Biggest Violation You've Seen?

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health inspectors have read it what's the worst violation you've ever seen i had a health inspector tell me the story there was a family in which both the elderly mother and a handicapped sibling used wheelchairs another sibling lived in the house with them and did all the driving etc the health department got a phone call from the local wheelchair company the brother stopped by and picked up a new custom-built wheelchair for his sister and for his mother and returned within about 30 minutes saying that the sisters wheelchair hadn't been made to the right specifications it was too small after he left the staff noticed several roaches on the chair so the guy i met got a call apparently it was summer midwest both hot and humid and the house was all locked up with no open windows for ventilation curtains drawn etc the inspector entered the house and he said it was so stifling hot that he started to get busy and he thought hallucinate he said that there was a sound like leaves rustling in the fall and the walls and floors were kind of vibrating he then realized it was because they were literally covered in roaches he immediately evacuated the three people living there and the next day they tented and sprayed the house he went in in a tyvek suit and knee-high rubber boots and said that the dead roaches were about two and a half feet deep in most parts of the house it's moments like these that make me think that people just straight up sometimes open portal to heck in their homes or something when i went to culinary school one of professors made the statement if you want to know how clean a restaurant's kitchen is go to bathroom first before you are seated if the bathroom is dirty there is a good chance the kitchen is in the same condition this is what i check when i enter dives it's a heck of a lot harder to clean a kitchen than a restroom if you can't do that you can be dang sure they don't give a freak about the difficult stuff not a health inspector but my mom used to work at this restaurant where the owner just did not give a crap it was a mexican restaurant and my mom told me that once a lady came in asking for cold odoraz beef soup but they didn't have any more meat at least not the one used for that dish they were about to let the lady know when the owner stepped up and told the lady that her food would be right out the server and my mom were both confused as to what she was going to do well this lady goes and literally digs through the freaking trash and pulls out some beef some still with bone she then ran it through water cooked it and served it to that poor lady my mom says the lady was even sucking the bone and she almost felt sick watching my mom quit that job soon after asked my mom again about it and here is what she said the bone meat was not raw it was left over from people who had ordered the same thing they had almost ran out of that soup all the meat was gone so they thought they would not serve anymore the owner grabbed the bone meat from the trash rinsed it and threw it back in what was left of the soup heated up for a bit and served it just thought i needed to clarify this some years ago the health inspectors in my city found that a number of the asian food type restaurants in one of the food courts were taking the meat that some customers left on their plates rinsing it and reusing it unfortunately we just have to take on trust what happens behind the kitchen door in restaurants not health inspector but i worked as an assistant cook in a restaurant two weeks into the job i opened a cupboard to get a can of tomato sauce and i see a huge butt tarantula scuttling away behind the cans i told the boss what i had seen so that maybe we should get someone to deal with the huge butt spider living in the kitchen boss turns to me and say i see you've met eduardo just don't put your hand too close to him and you'll be good later another cook proceeded to explain to me the spider been living there for two years and they allowed it because he kept rodents and roaches away this is a true story so know this reddit every time that you think about swatting a spider remember that there is a possibility that a friendly spider is guarding your favorite restaurant's food against nasty critters i love that they named the tarantula eduardo seems like a real bro not a health inspector but witnessed some things at my first job as set up waitress at a banquet hall the head cook had some hairy arms and he always mixed the salad with his hands so you know that hair is getting in here and one day we found a used band-aid in the in the salad i survived the assassination attempt i like how it just cuts it in the like no that's it the memory is too much not a health inspector but i used to manage a well-known sandwich shop one day i discovered a huge colony of black statue trees mold growing behind one of the walls i mentioned it to my assistant manager who told me that everyone knew it was there and that the entire staff assumed that i also knew about it and was just keeping my mouth shut i reported it to the district manager and the owner that day they both told me that they knew for a fact that black mold was harmless and that they weren't going to pay 3 grand to tear out the drywall and replace it i was fired inside of a week i reported them to the local health department but by the time the health department got around to doing the inspection they had already fixed the wall what a load of absolute horse crap i'm sorry you got fired man taking 10 years as an inspector most dangerous is usually not the most disgusting i've seen entire walk-in coolers they were using at 55 60 degrees fahrenheit and the staff didn't even notice anything wrong i've seen piles of mice that died getting stuck in the grease behind the fryer i've seen staff throwing raw burgers within the grill then making a salad right after i've seen squirrels and birds roaming freely inside a bread manufacturer the stereotypes are true chinese restaurant kitchens are almost always filthy most common critical violation dish machine not sanitizing properly mom worked for a hospital case after case of food poisoning came in with one thing in common a local restaurant had a lobster dinner special health inspectors went in and found that they were dumping the half used clarified butter back in the pot in the serving area as they cleared the tables i hope people understand that people in restaurants do touch your food there's nothing that you eat in a restaurant that hasn't been directly touched by somebody in the kitchen some of you may be thinking well why don't they all just wear latex gloves actually there's a couple reasons they break far too easily among others that make it impractical but most importantly if you only wear gloves then whatever it is that you think is on their hands is now just on their latex gloves compulsive hand washing hair nets and keeping the place properly cleaned is as much as anybody can reasonably expect incidentally applebee's has to be the cleanest place i ever worked at if you were standing around they'd hand you a toothbrush until you scrubbed the grout between the tiles every day was a good two hours of cleaning after the place closed that's with a good head start it's harder to make big messes when you're just microwaving stuff kind of the opposite but my partner's home daycare was inspected once routine check no big deal a day later the fire marshal returned and informed her that out of all the daycares he had visited the previous day our house was the only one he'd send his kids to the fact that he felt compelled to drive out of his way just to come tell that boggles my mind well i don't know if you should be proud of yourselves or upset at everyone else not a health inspector but my mom told me this story some time ago when she was in her early 20s she had started working as a waitress for the restaurant in this big fancy hotel just a few days after she started working there the hotel was hosting some big event so there were a ton of super rich people staying there and thus the restaurant was super busy so my mom goes into the kitchen at one point and sees that one of the chefs is clearly sick he's coughing and hacking and continually wiping his runny nose on a handkerchief right as he's making food so my mom goes to her boss and is like hey this chef is sick he can't be working right now he's gonna make everyone sick her boss tells her that the guy said he was fine and to not worry about it so my mom goes to the sick guy and tells him that he has to leave to prevent the food from being contaminated he tells her that he tried to call in sick but the boss told him that they were going to be too busy and they needed him and if he didn't show up for work he'd be fired so my mom goes back to the boss and he admits that yeah he knew the guy was really sick but he didn't care if everyone else got sick as long as they got through the event my mom tells her boss that this is wrong and that he needs to send the guy home take back everyone's food refund their money throw out all the food that may have been contaminated close the place down and clean it up he simply laughs at her and tells her she's fired so she went and did the logical thing she walked out into the dining room stood on top of a table and shouted to everyone at the event that the boss forced a sick man to work today and all of their food was probably contaminated there was practically a riot everyone crowded around and screamed at the boss demanding their money back in the end the restaurant was temporarily closed everyone got their money back the boss of the restaurant was fired by the owner of the hotel and mom got to keep her job your mom is the real mvp environmental health inspectors don't only cover restaurants i inspect wells and septic systems i see sewage every day the worst thing i've seen are old men coming up to their door naked and what makes it worse is that they knew what date and time i was stopping by i worked in hotels early in my life there's some subset of dirty old men who always let housekeeping walking on them naked and smiling i really wanted to get the obviously gay desk clerk into a housekeeping uniform and have him walking on one of these guys once but we decided the risks weren't worth it i had to take a sanitation class for culinary school one day the health inspector came in and gave us a presentation he looked up all the citations in town and my personal favorite was improper use of a handsync for the local strip club go on not a health inspector but i was visiting a friend in colorado and his roommate came home from a taco place in denver he unwrapped a napkin to show us a tooth that was in his taco the guy still ate all of his tacos even after nearly swallowing a tooth we tried to tell him he should have made a complaint but he was so nonchalant about it not a health inspector but worked in a restaurant where the managers were good friends with one the coffee ice cream shop next door was shut down out of nowhere and we were all shocked because they were pretty busy health inspector came in one day and manager asked why it was shut down health inspector proceeded to tell my manager that he walked in unannounced early one morning before the shop opened only to find the owner jerking off behind the counter by the ice cream at least you know he was passionate about ice cream my cna instructor once witnessed a mcdonald's employee probably 16 or 17 years old use a rag in the bathroom to clean the sink and anywhere else that needed wiping down she later witnessed the employee later use the same rag to wipe down the counters in front of the cash registers he was fired on the spot not a health inspector but assistant manager at a restaurant for a year between university i once saw my sous chef flicker fill it stake out of the pan kick it back up with his foot and land it back in the pan to continue cooking he did this three stroke four times i was watching on the cctv trying not to laugh every time he celebrated each catch i saw one of the guys at my local pizza place air deal to the kitchen accidentally toss a whole 18-inch pie halfway across the kitchen landed squarely on the salad prep bench where it was supposed to be going next for some greens cheers erupted health inspectors do you ever fear being attacked by someone when you are writing up a bad report particularly a really bad one that would shut them down you are essentially destroying their livelihood and i am sure some would take it a little far i'm well aware that the problems a restaurant has is the owner's fault and it's not the big bad health inspector i suppose i was trying to put myself in the owner's shoes as an irrational owner i'd likely see it as an attack on my livelihood reminds me of a spongebob episode where they tried to freaking kill the health inspector i've been a chef for 17 years and haven't ever seen anything overly gross at a restaurant i've worked at i've mostly done fine dining and high-end chains though although traveling to other countries is a different matter you may resume eating i am very aware of what the term chef actually means that being said i'm a chef at a rather large restaurant and i have 60 cooks working for me who refer to me as chef without me asking them to i've worked in a few kitchens and have to say that chipotle is without to doubt the cleanest place i've ever worked at bar none i'm not a health inspector but i've been waiting tables since i turned 16 some of the things i've witnessed have really turned me off to going out to eat the worst thing i can think of right now is when i saw the manager blow his nose into the salad dressing and mix it up i wish i was lying didn't realize salad dressing was so absorbent i used to work next to a chinese place that tenderized 20 pound roasts by repeatedly slamming it on the floor the pizzeria i was working at the time was so dirty the wife changed the baby inside your pizza box at another pizzeria i worked at i was washing dishes and the manager came to me with a block of swiss cheese it was covered in mold and he wanted me to scrub it out of the holes not a health inspector but there's one story in vegas my mom told me about there's this one bar brilliantly named the bar and it has been shut down multiple times one time it was shut down for being infested with roaches and trying to hide it one time it was shut down for simply never cleaning anything and having horrible hygiene overall and more than once it's been shut down for the bartenders doing weird stuff with the drinks she never elaborated on that part but from the tone of voice it sounded physical then again none of this is exactly too awful right thing is that isn't the crazy part the crazy part is that it keep freaking reopening because of popular demand this place has had huge crowds for years even though it sucks and whenever it shuts down everyone throws a huge frick a huge freaking huge freaking huge freaking huge freaking huge freaking huge freaking huge freaking huge freaking huge freaking huge freaking huge freaking huge freaking huge pretty sure that place is still open here i'll just stick to good springs for my bars not me my cousin she was a health inspector for the city of melbourne australia many years ago her advice never eat at chinatown dead fish floating in the tanks of seafood restaurants with barely a live fish in the same tanks slime and mold and said tanks rusty surfaces used as chopping boards and mold covered wooden chopping boards raw meats prepared together with raw vegetables the lady washing the dishes at the cash register was the same lady that cleaned the toilets and made the dumplings she never washed her hands it doesn't matter how much you pay whether you spent 200 on your meal or 20 they are all as filthy as each other the most expensive and well known were actually the worst offenders cockroaches cockroaches everywhere there is no such thing as an expiry date sources mask everything there is a saying here though that many people are aware of the nastier the place the better the dumplings taste best dumplings i ever ate were in a relatively poor area of shanghai with a barely passing health inspection grade on the wall full meal cost 10 yuan less than two dollars u.s when my dad was a teenager he would go to a beach half an hour away with his mates and on the way home they would stop at a great pie place it was well known and dad says they served the greatest pies ever they got shut down after it got out their pies were full of tinned dog food my vote is that your dad is just a yanking year i wish my wife was a redditer she would own this thread here are a couple i remember from her days as a restaurant inspector for the state health department one a complaint from a grocery store that the chinese restaurant next door was raiding their dumpster each night and taking all the produce they could find two walking into another chinese restaurant and seeing pigeons in a cage in the back room just regular city pigeons asking you're not serving these to the customers are you and being told no no those are just for us i don't mean to disparage chinese people by citing two incidents about chinese restaurants but the truth is that many chinese people come to the us on a shoestring budget and cut corners as much as they can plus the standards of healthy food service are often very strange to them telling someone that they can't cut the letters for the salad bar with the same knife they just used to cut a raw chicken is like telling them they have to stand on their head before cooking something they just don't get it they always did it this way at home your body gets used to fighting off the bacteria you grow up with people from the other side of the planet have bodies that can handle bacteria we aren't used to in the midwest part of the us but that's a very hard point to get across here's one more from another side of the economic spectrum i have a friend who plays in a band which is some national recognition i won't say any more but they've had a few top 10 hits he told me once that his band was booked to play a very expensive corporate new year's party for a very rich corporation the party took place at a very swanky hotel in a big city he and the band had to load in through the hotel restaurant kitchen unfortunately the sewage had backed up and the entire kitchen of this swanky hotel restaurant was ankle deep in raw sewage but there was no way the hotel manager was going to go out into the party room and explained to a host of one thousand dollars are played diners that the kitchen was closed on new year's eve so the kitchen staff kept cooking and the waiters kept serving they put on rubber boots before entering the sewer kitchen to grab the next plate the moral of the story is that food service is all about the money first understandable because if there's no money there's no food service but you are just as likely to get food poisoning at the most expensive restaurant in town as you are at some local hole in the wall sometimes marisa because there's more money at stake i'm chinese and i gotta say health regulations are literally a joke in china and everything is about maximizing profits also people do eat pigeons it's a dim sum dish it's actually pretty good but i worry about sanitation i had it in china two years ago a colleague in my department under food safety went to inspect a chinese in a local town everything was going okay as okay as food hygiene inspections go for a better than average chinese until she went to inspect the space upstairs above the kitchen our policy is that where employees stay if it's in the same building that is part of the premises when she went up she found a large number of illegal immigrants staying there the police were alerted and the chinese was closed down before reopening under another name i think registered under the owner's wife's name another quick new premises inspection followed and it got a hygiene rating of four out of five which for the type of premises is about as good as you'd expect and it was left alone for two years fast forward to last week another college went to inspect the premises for their bi annual routine inspection you'll never guess what the police were called for again a chinese lol a friend of mine who is a health inspector was telling me he awarded his first zero recently we have a five-star rating here the violation the place didn't have a sink not even a lack of washing hands just straight up didn't have a sink received complaint about chinese restaurant that served a lady a fully cooked mouse in her takeout container i was pretty skeptical at first after she told me over the phone she froze the container and brought it into the our office somehow they did not notice that a mouse fell into the fryer while they were cooking and proceeded to box it up obligatory not a health inspector but you know how sometimes gas stations will also have chain restaurants attached well i stopped at one during a road trip because i needed gas so this was a pretty small station that had somehow managed to fit a subway and a pizza station inside i had decided to pay inside so i could use cash and while i was waiting in line i smelled that fresh subway bread and thought i might have to grab a sandwich too then i looked down there right by my foot was an enormous cockroach just doing its little cockroach things like hanging out then flitting away then peeking its gross head out from under the shelf this was in the middle of the day broad daylight with a bunch of people around they say if you see a cockroach out during the day the infestation is bad the fact that it was acting so casual around a bunch of huge humans was also super concerning i did not get the sandwich not a health inspector but i repair cooking equipment walk into a job at chinese restaurant the cook is sitting on the toilet taking a dump in full view of the world whilst shelling peas in nsw australia we have this website called name and shame it's official and it lists the restaurants and takeaway shops that have been issued fines and what they got in trouble for it's pretty great i wish every state and country would do this as well not a health inspector surprise surprise but there used to be a chinese restaurant in the same area where i worked about once a week they would leave dead fish in the alley behind the store with flies crawling all over them they weren't throwing the fish away they were storing them back there until they could prep them not me but i remember seeing a news outlet hopefully someone can find and link it tl dr a girl was working at this mexican restaurant that gave complementary chips and salsa which weren't always finished so the owner had the workers reuse the uneaten chips and served them to other customers girl tells parents who confronts the owner about it hopefully not having to go to the media legal owner pretty much tells them to shove it and that it's none of their business the girl's parents go to the media and the place is shortly shut down there used to be a restaurant here called the motoront which was literally a restaurant built around an rv trailer that doubled as part of the dining room built around it so that every winter they could just drive away and return in spring so while there was quite a few ways we knew from the start the place was failing health codes the biggest one was the three fat happy pairing cats that had the run of the dining room including cat beds and towers huge violation of health code but clearly they gave no shoots so i and two friends show up order burgers sit down and the cats all wander into our laps and begin purring up a storm while we talk to nate we tipped extra if you are new to the channel you can subscribe i publish new videos every day until then check another video [Music] bye for now
Channel: Updoot Everything
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Id: fuLAIU5vw-U
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Length: 24min 42sec (1482 seconds)
Published: Sat Aug 08 2020
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