What Obvious Hints Do Girls Give Guys When They Are Interested In Them? (r/AskReddit)

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people of heard it instead of missed hints what hint s did you catch that got you made I was playing Halo with a bunch of people in my dorm and this one otherwise polite girl kept humping my corpse we're married now she asserted Dominus in Halo and got herself a mate the bank teller left her number on my cash envelope I love online banking and mobile check deposit but they've never gotten me laid she saw your balance chaining up by cat restaurant chatty woman said good for you for biking today we enter restaurant at the same time and the hostess asks table for two woman turns to me I don't know will you be joining me smooth off I should get a bike a few years ago I had a girl and a few friends over for a movie none of my friends came but she did I gave her a beer she asked if I was having one but I told her that my driving licence is on probation I need to have a blood-alcohol level of zero even one drink would make me go over and I wouldn't be able to drive her home afterwards she grabs a beer opens it and hands it to me that's just poetic I took a friend of mine as a date to a wedding at some point I made an off-the-cuff remark about how we should play strip poker she said that's not fair you have more clothes on than me after I take off my dress I'd be naked we didn't stay at the wedding long after that then I really hope you suck at poker my level of cluelessness is legendary bent on a first date before we had even ordered dinner I did have a girl once say you can relax by the way I'm totally sleeping with you tonight that was a hint I didn't miss there with my track record it was touch and go when I lost my virginity I was really really stoned me and this girl were hanging out for a while we started making out she got completely naked I was just like oh that's cool it didn't occur to me that we were going to frickin till she started fingering herself on my couch and said you should probably take off your boxers I was one clueless kid I missed her first hint but when I asked her when are you leaving and she said I'm leaving with you message was received and it was a Tuesday and it was a Tuesday good to know was hanging out with a girl one afternoon in college when we both started talking about how it had been so long since each others had freaked we went to a party that night with an agreement that we wouldn't go home alone no matter what but halfway through the party consisting of mostly people we knew pretty well I asked her off she's found anyone she says no and asks me I say no and liquid courage compels me to say well how about we go home together she says sure four and a half years later she's still my girlfriend and I moved to Europe to attend grad school at the same University as her I'd call that a win this is like weirdly wholesome sluttiness first date with a woman off a cupid she just asked wanna come over pretty straightforward some guys have all the luck when he casually mentioned he had no work in the morning green light morning wood is always the best to chop down kudos to you we were with mutual friends at a hotel and everyone was drinking about to go to the bar with my buddies when we walk by the pool drunk hot chick is in the pool saying somebody come swim with me nobody wanted to swim but I thought this might be a sign skipped bar went swimming her naked water time smashed been married 16 years now glad I caught the subtle clue I want to make a joke about that not being the best place to find marriage material but for some reason the story is too cute for that I host a pub trivia night here in town and my current girlfriend was a regular competitor I saw her out one night at a different bar celebrating a friend's birthday we recognized each other and chatted a bit then she hit me with this her so I've got a trivia question for you but if you get it wrong you have to buy me a drink me I'll give it a shot I'm pretty smart her if you're actually smart you'll get it wrong to all my fellow trivia nerds wondering what the question was what US state and respective capital share none of the same letters in their names the correct answer is Pierre SD I legitimately didn't know the answer so I didn't even have to throw the question took me a while to get good one girl girl was smart three years ago we were in a bar with some friends and she said let's go somewhere else more fun and then I said I don't know the last bus to get back home is in 30 minutes and I don't want to pay for a cab and she responded you can sleep at my place after I got laid and she's still my girlfriend aaww I was at her house watching TV she went to her bedroom and came out wearing a robe and panties she then asked how much of a hint I needed a pretty big one apparently I'd still fail to take the hint probably okay Who am I kidding this would never happen to me I emailed to ask my language exchange partner over for dinner and suggested we could work on vocabulary we can do things in a kitchen she replied yes and things in a living room and things in a bedroom too that's like passing the old fallout speech checks you didn't know existed went to a Ren Faire there was a cute girl running a fortune teller booth who offered to tell me her vision of my future she flipped over my hand looked me in the eye and said I see you getting laid tonight she was correct a girl at the table asked her friend why are you so happy the other girl said because I'm getting laid the night she was talking about me amazing wing whoa man she was telling me how she hadn't flicked in the months I said are you trying to change that and I got laid : holy Frick I just freakin realized that a girl I met online a few months ago and fricked last week said the exact same thing to me over our late-night chats that was a hint I totally missed luckily I picked up the next and when we met in person which was you have cute ears and started rubbing my ears with both hands I can't say no to that in high school gym class it was raining so we were running laps around the gym cute girl is running next to me and we are sort of chatting a bit her friends run up behind her and begin chanting girl's name is a virgin girls name is a virgin dot she gets mad and yells back I'm working on it even I picked up on that that's how he lost his job as a gym teacher she started with I had a naughty dream about you last night was giving her a back rub while we were watching a movie I went to the kitchen to grab something maybe a drink I don't remember and when I came back she had her top off I ignored it for a few minutes until she started pushing her chest out towards me things escalated pretty fast from there all this happened after about three weeks of missed hints I'm not the best at picking up on them dude how the Frick do you ignore that my wife's hint that would be pretty subtle but she does it so often that it's not anymore at all we're both laying in bed watching TV and she'll stretch her leg out and set it on mine so we cross ankles that's it and I know it's go time it's actually more of a joke by now yet that's actually subtle my wife strips and puts her legs behind her head was in a bar on downtown Florence on leave when I was drinking I noticed these two girls next to me alone started chatting them up and noticed they had an Aussie accent so me being halfway in the bag put on my best oz the accent and asked so how is it down under one of the girls replied buy me a drink and find out it was nice man she must have really liked you because this gets hectic I roles from most Australians I mentioned my collection of around 1200 CDs and she not really into music said she'd love to come and see it there was no way in heck she could be interested in my CDs and she wasn't the other thing that surprised me that night lying in bed after the facts her alarm goes off at 3:00 a.m. she slams it and says I gotta go I have to let a wire aid in an hour she was also one of the brightest people I've ever met and quite vicious too great girl wish had the best my GF the first time we did it it was her birthday I asked her what she wanted and she said she wanted a foot rub she said I would have a pretty nice view and asked what color panties I preferred my GF is not subtle none none is the color preferred it wasn't a very subtle hint was talking to a gal at a bar she said I have a pierced [ __ ] I said let's go take a look at that banged in the parking lot oh crap that's island freakin a while apparently I missed one late night pool party most people were nude at this point girl swims up to me oh crap there's my ex cover me back so butt into my crotch and put my hands over her T lo if only guys could do the same thing I was home from college and hanging out on my front porch with a girl I'd just met she was talking about how it's weird that some people sit around all day and don't even go on walks let alone exercise then complain about being out of shape then somehow that led her into saying take us for example we are both active people in good shape and we might end up frickin I'll be honest I'm not sure what else was said after that but I took the not so subtle hint and I took it again when she showed up at my college up to around midnight looking for a place to crash still trying to figure out whether that makes her socially awesome or socially awkward she took her shirt off I picked up on that clue because of the times I lay awake having missed that she took her pants off Kluwer well before that with someone else funny thing is taking her shirt off wasn't and she was wearing a sweater that pulled the shirt up with it by mistake was embarrassed and hid in the sweater for a moment while taking it off I thought it was a hint and helped her finish removing both she thought I was smooth as heck I thought I was so clued in for finally catching the disrobing hint when her hand is so subtle even she doesn't catch it what a bang guys it worked no I don't want a bank Shepard I asked a girl at the beach if she wanted her picture taken with her friends she politely refused and I backed off but I overheard her loud mouthed friend exclaim um he's totally hitting on you go and get him to take a picture of us good thing she said that because I would have never thought I was in her league otherwise that's a good friend I was in a hospital and a bunch of us had just got in from the bar I said I was going to bed and she said one a snuggle I flicked her on a bathroom sink lawl no bed needed my wife on our very first date as I was trying to get the projector set up so we could watch a movie well if you can't get it working I guess we will have to entertain ourselves in some other way stares blankly fixes projector one of my favorites things I have ever heard on a first date just because I am inviting you back to my house doesn't mean we will freak okay sure maybe it didn't inherently mean that but it is exactly what happened we also both skipped work the next day and hung out 11 years later we are both still friends but never did have a real relationship I always tell guys I don't flick on the first date that way they know I'm a liar and less she said when my daughter falls asleep I want to suck your dong your mother-in-law is way more interesting than mine she said want to come over and watch this new show called It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia I said yes we didn't watch the show until the next day we're married now three weeks ago I went on my very first camping trip I'm a huge city boy yuppie or whatever and I'm not outdoorsy at all but I wanted to say I've gone camping before for this reason I had zero camping equipment one girl in our group she also happens to be the maid of honor for an upcoming wedding in which I am the best man brought extra camping gear for me what a sweetheart anyways fast forward to our first night and I had my very own two-person tent to myself it was awesome around 1:00 a.m. she knocks on the tent entrance and tells me to scoot over she can't sleep because everyone in her tent eighth person tent was snoring too loud that's fine I'm super grateful for her because otherwise I would be sleeping on the grass and getting bit by bugs she slides in I noticed she's not wearing any shorts or sweet pants only an oversized shirt from our alma mater this was odd to me initially as it was really chilly but whatever maybe this is how she sleeps normally we talk for a little bit she asks me how work is going and if I like camping so far I told her it was pretty cool it's nice to get away from the city sometimes she then straight up tells me she's never had fricked in a tent before we flicked in a tent she knocks on the tent entrance hum I made up the guest bed before I turned around I heard her say you've got to be freaking kidding me right turned around she was completely naked she was a very nice lady she came up to me at the dance floor at a party and asked me what are you doing later nothing much why wanted to me I did I did good it was an older woman trying to set me up with her daughter and was going on and on how cute I was I told her I was more interested in her was at her place about an hour later I went to an Eagles concert for my 19th birthday my buddy was with me and hitting on this vivacious woman she was giggling and tried introducing him to her daughter and he plain said not interested and invite her back to our place it didn't work that the bulls on that guy holy crap her hair got out of work at the normal time and went to the same bar me and my friends meet up every Friday except this Friday none of my friends showed up and it was rather slow for the typical happy hour crowd I asked the bartender Jamie where everyone is and he pretty much shrugged me off random girl at the bar says boleyn here but and it goes there is your new friend I responded with buying my new friend a drink worked like a charm when they make eye contact and start laughing at my dumb crappy jokes game on I love dumb crappy jokes as an icebreaker it shows you're not afraid of being outwardly silly or making an blob of yourself these are good qualities I told a friend I could solve a Rubik's Cube she said I would be all over you if you did bat went round with Rubik's Cube solved it got laid carried on getting laid for a couple of months afterwards as well tbh I still think I missed a hint could probably have gone round without a cube and just hit on her girl came to one of my birthday parties in her own car when it came time to leave the starting location and go to the bar she said she wanted to ride with me to give me my present Road had ensued why I drove myself it was convenient I wasn't a big drinker at the time so nobody was in danger except maybe my Wang I hope you drove her car I had a long-term girlfriend through most of high school but she broke things off early my freshman year of college not long after that I met up with a female friend from high school who might had always found attractive but due to having a girlfriend had never really been interested in we caught up over dinner and then afterwards I suggested we continue hanging out in watch a movie I had no ulterior motives and hadn't even thought about the possibility of anything happening but when I said that she laughed kind of knowingly and somehow I just knew that she thought I was trying to freak her but she agreed to my plan so I figured if she thinks I'm trying to freak her and she's going along with it I may as well try and freak her so I did she was into it and we had a good Frick sorry mistimed if you are new to the channel you can subscribe I publish new videos every day until then check another video bye for now [Music]
Channel: Updoot Everything
Views: 262,378
Rating: 4.9394264 out of 5
Keywords: missed hints, hints, catched hints, catching hints, women hints, hints to watch, hint, #updootst, updoot, reddit, r/askreddit, askreddit, ask reddit, r/, \r, r\, best of reddit, reddit stories, reddit story, top posts, funniest posts, funny, funny posts, funny reddit stories, funny askreddit, reddit funny, askreddit funny, askreddit stories, reddit stories 2019, people of reddit, sub, reddit cringe, memes, toadfilms, updoot everything, updoot reddit, story, stories, rslash, comedy, fresh
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 17sec (1037 seconds)
Published: Mon May 25 2020
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